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Flesherton Advance, 23 Mar 1922, p. 1

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* $' n A Vol 42, Xo. 4 1 Flestierton, Out., \Iareli 23 I9i PORTLAW Mrs Taylor 8r. had the misfortune to fall on us ice near her door last week. Fortunately no bones were broken nut. although suffering a great deal, ahe believes that she will soon be all right again and we all hope so. Suiie, the daughter of Mr and Mrs Geo MoMaster, was taken suddenly and criti- cally ill last Friday. Some improvement i reported, but her condition is still causing si-rimi* concern. Mrs J W Bates of Toronto visited \vi*h her mother, Mrs Taylor, last week. Mr and Mis Ernest Watson of Dauphin M:n) , who have been on their wedding tour in Ontario, visited lately at the home of the former's uncle, J H Watson. A very instructive und interesting Itc- ture accompanied by lantern slides w.-is given re'.-eut'y under the auspices of the Epworth League at Mount Zion. It was much enjoyed by all present. The pro- ceeds will be applied to missions. R Me Master of Flesherton and DJ Jainiesou of Toronto visi-ed with friends here last Friday . Mr and Mrs Yates have removed to their new home, 3rd line, Osprey. Charles McCutchecn has sold liis hun di'ed and fifty acre farm on the South Line and intends to remove to Dundalk shortly. We notice that Flesherton Vil'agc Fathers have their minds and ci nscience troubled over a pile of filthy lucre that IPIO mygtefiously coiim into their possession. This led your scribe to look over his little change with the result that a shortage appears of one thousand dol'ar>. We cannot point to the exact time when our jj-.rsc was lightened In this extent, although it might have Ifnppened some night when jostled n the street How- ever if a check on any chartered l.n.k is forwarded at once no ((uestions will l>e a>-ked. Take Notice I hereby state that I never stle any- thing noi' neither did I see anything stolen in iSin^lianiptou on Feb.lO.h, over which a Ti.i! tuuk pla;c in Ma'kdale on March 18th, and anyone who says t did will have to prove it. -BASIL Si >KNBEKGEU. Notice Fiohioi; nd trefpafRinn on li'ts :!", 38, 3!), 40, Artemcsia, mid lot 1, Osprey, is strictly prohibitid -SEMI-COLE FISHING CLUB, 3.n Gait, Oot. Does A 5 T u b Washing in 1 Hr. The White Cap Electric Wash- er will do an average family washing in one hour. It washes faster and wrings faster than any other machine washes the clothes more thor- oughly and to a better color. It is easier to operate than any other electric washer and gives much more lasting satisfaction. Sold on easy payments, at low price. Sec it at our store or have us take one to your hoe for free demonstration. Sold by Frank Duncan Flesherton PHONE 24rll EUGENIA The social under the auspices of the Methodist church, which was held at the home of Gavnie Magee on Thursday eve. < f last week, was well attended and ijuite a neat sum was realized financially. Mr Eph Rhobottom has moved his household etfecti to Owen Sound, where he has secured a good position. Quite a number from here attended the funeral of Walter Thompson, Friday last. Walter spent the greater part of his boyhood days near Eugenia, and lived here again after being married some riv years ago. Always of a very kindly dis- position, he had many waim friends, and the sympathy of the coumiunityjjo out to the young wife and bereaved family iti their sorrow. Prayer meeting this week will beheld it the home of Mis Parliament. Chas Park visited friends at Ceylon recently. Mrs WilliiiMi Hyslop has returned home after visiting her sis'er and brother at Ceylon. Rae Genoe lias been assisting his broth er, Tom, cutting wood with tha machine n and around Flesherton. '1 he lake is still in fairly good condition fin- travelling on. The three deer which wre brought in from Fleshenuu station ,at -week and the bear which arrived today (Monday) tro safely linded on Pheasant Island by way af the lake. The yien are busy digging post holes for the fence which, we believe, is being p'aced Hi' around the island which includes ioiiK- oO acres It s,. ( . m!j rather too bad hut oin- park here could not have been utilized in the way it might have been, as there is an ideal .spot on the mountain side for deer, and at the base of which night have been used very .succent>fully is .111 accommodation for any other s|ii-fii:s of wild animals. It would liavei irnved "f ^reat interest and at 'east some Mant In th- 1 community at large Jas Wa ker and Thos. Genoe both hid successful wood bees the p.ut week. Mr and Mrs Donaldson und soiiuf nonio are visiliug at the h"inu of Mr Jenry \\ i liams at present. Mrs S \V Sloan and Mrs Xtoba, of L'uriiiilii have returned home after spend ng the past two weeks with their mother Mis Elior'ey. FEVERSHAM A C'lld wave for a d;iy or two has eased up lh rl >w of sap, though it promises to pe a record breaker this year fur the syrup makers. Emerson Osborne spent a few days lat week with his father and brother. James S;cers ws M Surnii last week as delegate to tin U!ck Gran.1 L idg-i iroin FL-versham Black Precep'ory So 43, and James Conn attended the Grand range L >dge in the sam- city a delvgalu from LOL 1085. . Mrs J J Kutliiiji ha< roiurned home Tom Thorn bury, whei she has boon fir the past three wei-ks with her daughter, ,>ueenie, who has been ill. Joseph Kerton of Forest visited with rienda in this neighborhood last'wuek. Burn (>n Tuesday, J'a-ch 14, to Mr and Mrs Fred Half, a daughter. A sjreat numbpr r >uiid here are com- plaining of colds. Mrs Harold Usbuinn visited with her sister, Mrs Ed Croft. t IW-k Mills last week May Hold Trial IN May There is a probability that the murder trial of Mr. and Mrs Dan McMillan .<f Owen Sound, will up again for hearing ueU M,iy. There is to be a non- jury sitting of the Suprcmu Court at Owen Sound on May 22,id when Mr- Justice Orde will be there to try all tho ones which aro re<dy t> crime up.f,.r trial. Wuh Mr. Justice'a consent it is possible tliaO Attorney General ill order tha'. ill-, non jury sitting in RJ,,y j bj charged to an siz-j- [ il,i, C ,, 8P) set of forty-eigh jurymen will be sum- ' mooed nud the trml be S one ahead wilh . in the same m.innrr as it w^is last week- j Mr. R L. Bnickiti will cjiitmuo the act , fur D-in ;ind in this ha will be *Sii'ed by Mr J. K. P. Birnie of Wri^lu, Ti'ut.ird and Birnie. Mr. H. G. Tucki-r , w.:i couiiuue to act for Mrs. McM.lluu. CEYLON Mrs R P Legate visited recently with friends at Ovren Sound. Messrs M bVrguson, Dun Muir, John Muir and Peter Muir attended the fun- eral of Archie Muir, Red Wing T Dai-gavel of Wiarton is visiting his sister, Mr.s < J Collinson Miss V Lewis, who has !>eei) ill for some time, resumed her duties at her school here on Monday. Clark McMillan, win visited his par- ents here a few days, has returned to Toronto . Burn-- On Wed , Marah 15th, to Mr and Mrs John Kennedy, a sun. Con- gratulations. Miss Jean Collinaon spent the [ week in Toronto, returning Saturday. On Wednesday (veiling of las: week a number of Fleshei ton young people were entertained at J McDonalds. A very enjoyable evening was spent in games and music. Miss L Brakman of Duudalk is spend- ing a few weeks at J Kennedy's. Mrs Archie Sinclair spent tiie week end with Owen Sound friiuU> Fred Wright visited last week at the home of R Sneers, Union Hill. ROCK MILLS W T Pedlar gave a birthday party to hit friends last FiiJay night, when about thirty were present and all enjoyed themselves immer sely Uu r ing the uv- ening Mr Pedlar sang a couple of his tavurite old song* which eAerybody ei.- joyedandlhe co.iiptny deyaiud wiih the best wishes that he may be spared to unj.:y many more happy buthdiys. R Hoy visited last week with relatives ia Duihaui. Miis Alio Mi'Iutyri) visited ever the week end with Mrs Levi Belts. Mrs JuliiMi ha- returned to her home in Kleshertou after spending a monlli In- 1 daughter. e extend our deepest sympithy tt Mrs Waher Thompson ami family in their and Leieavi'iii-.-i.t by the death nf the husband and fiher. Mr and Mrs b'rank Taylor and babe visitel over Sunday with Mr and Mrs Isaac Smith. Mrs Taylr remained for few dajs. Muite a number from around here attended the Ornnnf men's dnce at Ray 'i labt Friday irglit and ' good time. es Reid and Delmnerj) held their last meeting here on Sunday afternoon. Miss Roid is Ukint; a rut owing to .her health tuliuu Had Hair Torn Out - Mias M*y young, the 17 ytar old diushter if Mr. and Mrs. Richard Yuung met with a p .mini and disti'eSRMg aeei- deht on her father's farm a ehrrt distance south of the station at < >ranevil!e, tnys ihu H inner. The youni! !..dy wai oper- ating a cream separator in the basemen' of the bum after (ho morning milking The belt cainv < If and she wrap in the act of replacing it when her hair caught in the rapidly isvolvinf- shaft. When ihe gill resized what was happening she threw her whole weight on the shaft, causiue it to bind the coupling. The extra Itmd blew nut the sp.rk p'u and brought tht) machinery to a standstill, bu*. not until nbout lime fourths i,f Mies Your.g'a hair had been literally torn from the scalp by the root*. The muscles of the ccalp were badly wrenched, but the ocalp itself was not tun. Her si-<ler, Maggie, was upstaus in the bum at the time, and hearing her .^ihtei- scream hastened tti her id. Tfaa shaft., however, had CDIIIB to a standsiiil when she reiiuh>-d thu Imdly iiijun-d girl. Dr. T. M. Henry wis im- mediately summoned and upon ainviug did -..I he could for thu sutr.-rer. Tha injury is vtry painful nml M:ss Young is also 8urt'rnj< fii'in the rtfter ell' cts of the suddan sh(u:k tu her yjs.ein. There is cousidcnible blond bunealh tha iculj., bat the doctor does not, I hink tho scalp 1ms sntfertd any periimneir- injiuy. He la a'si hoprfuTtliat I he hnir ni:l 1.1 '1:11111 in tun . Clover Seeds Wanted Highest inaiket prices for sweet clover, red clover and a'sikc. Send sample^ -A. G. MUIR, Ceylon Mrs. Robt. Little On Sunday Marsh oth, Mrs. Holt, little, a pioneer of Proton Townt-hip, pasi'jd away at her home near Bethel at ths aye of 87 years. Suphia M. Sheppard (maiden name) WHS bo;n at Paraous- towu, King s County, Ireland, and carue to Canada at the ae of LS years, residing ilh h-r parents near Roche's Poin^ North Gwillimliury, and later for six years with a widowed aunt, Mr*. Dudley, at St. Catharines. In 1S4 she wa, married to Robt. Little and they came to Proton in the game year, by stage from C illmywood to Flesherton, thence to the homestead, lot 28, Con. 16. Here they nude a comfortable home, bravely eu> during the hardships icd privations, which are a necessary pail of pioneer life. In 18Hii she sustained the loss of her hus'iand by deati). Mrs Little was well kurwn in the couimuni'.y as a devote-1 wife and molhtr, and a generous- hearleU neiuhbor. hhe was a sUunch Westlt-yau Metluuli.-t ficm early -.,'iilhood and a nn-nil er at Bethel from the time that church w.4 rii^t orunn- iz.-d. Those lift to mouru her . s* are: two xisters, Mrs Win. Trtylouru, Satin;;. Mrs. Win. Wood-, R >che s I' mil, .n.i tlnee suns, R.ibt. J , .John A. and \\"m R. Little, all of wli. in wvre with her when she passed away The funeral was held on March 7ih Rev. Mr, Andrews conducted -i slifiit serin Jh at the home snd preached a ap- Dropriate sermon at Bethel Church. Burial was in Bethel Cemetery. I'h pall-bearers were: Jon. Goodfellow, Thos. Robinson, Fred Greer, -f liii Moody, Andrew Dow, and Fnuk Todd. Friends from a dis'ance wlio ntteudvd the funeral : Ed. Woods and This Sheppard, Ruche's Point: Mr. an. I Mis \. E. Cn'uaii, Markdale: Miati K.MH-IIA M. Little (only grandchild), Tor ir > Dut.Ulk Htrald. Tree Planting Mtny ipplicitions have bi- i reo.-nej fo. trees f rum the (iorerniut:i.: !'. )foie- t^iion F.irm, at St. Williwm :, N.i:fo:k Oouiity. We luve fu-w.t:dvd the ap- plicttiunt to Toronto, so thjt in due coune they will reoeivu their consiKH- in.'ii'i. U may be however ilieir up plication will bj too late in'i case t lie (pi^icttion will be held ovtr till :u \' spring 'I'll' 1 ii!.int:iiK of trees is a veiy ittiJablo enterprise. Every farmer umler"tkinti this work sliou'd be cncimragod to 'he Creates' ixieiit. Much as it may surprise the .lersoua who have never planted any tre here toforj, it is an undouttd fact t i: ilu-y will live to see the benefits of the foieiht and wisdom i f tho; now planting. The ( tticials of ihe D^part- uiriit of Agriculture, wero discusM 'j. the problem with a -.nun who planted A num- ber of crees seven years ago. Althounh they werti less ihtn 15 inches lnuii th^ii, they are now 7 feet hiidi. He will sue the day when that aiea will le worth moie a considerably lary ['rt o hij frm. Last year ilia IVtvinciai Gox-fi-nm-nt ull'drtd to plant a ~> acre demi,. -Million plot, freB of charge, in every Townihip in Ontario, providid ihe municipal Councils would purchase the ploi. Thus far no townships in Oiey County have availed themte.ves uf that opportunity. W hope that they may in the iiem future Any laiiiiL'i's desiring iufurin itiou fur H< f iiealalion cm secure the samo by writing the Depaitmtii' of Aunoultiiif, MarlUalF, Mai.y rough, hi. ly, lull sides could be very probfably planted. A New Razor Bates Burial Co. Victoria Corners Talk about the R-.oky R.>*d to Dublin, we don't think it could be ei|U<l to ihe Rocky Hoad t<i Flcsliertou last ek, bin tlu roads are much imprnvud n,!>v so tlmt the cirs can run on I hem Ojr mail iinii lud tin misfortune to break a \vtieololV his c-rt last frmit ot Mr. Liidlaw's. Mr. W Gallaijliei relurncd fr-im Tor- onto on Friday evening, lunvini; Mis. Giillaghcr impioving nicely f'fr a veiy SL'rioui operation. Mis Liiil:w of Shell .unit?, is visiting her brother, Mr. Jas LiidKw. The liish Social at the chuich was Dot very Urgi-ly aUondod "n Ktiday evoninj;, uii nccouut uf bad ruads. The Auto Strop Valet Safety Razor For a quick clean smooth shave this is ail that's required The Model "C" outfit eonsists of : Valet Auto Strop ra/or, :J Auto Strop blades, V'llet strop in velvet lined case. PRICE $1-00 AT W. A. ARMSTRONG'S FLES KERTCN, - ONT BUSINESS AS USUAL Funeral Directors and Embalmers Phone Hillcrest 268 124 Avenue Road, Toronto, Ont. MOTOR EQUIPMENT J. W. Bates, R Maddocks, President. Manager. Now is the time to re- new your subscription to The Advance. ESTABLISHED 1872 ... u " .HEAD OF,-; ; HAMILTON Proton Office "N Tues., Thurs. and Sat. HOURS 12 o'clock noon to 4 o'clock p.m. BANK OF HAMILTON DUNDALK BRA.NCH-A. M. Carthew, Manager SLB-BR4.NCH PRQTQN-C. J. Forster, Sub-Manager House of Quality Groceries, Candy, Fish GROCERIES A full line of Groceries strictly fresh. CANDY Neilson's bulk, package and bars, good assortment. FISH Qualla and Herring! GRAIN & FEED CORN Cracked, ground and whole. Oats, Oat Chop, Buckwheat, Wheat and Shorts. W. J. STEWART & SONS Flour, Feed, Seeds, Groceries and Confectionery Flesherton, - Ontario ;] r'' f 1 I > y Sale Still Going Everything Must Go At A Big Reduction Many lines at less than halt' price No Reserve. EVERYTHING MUST BE SOLD Don't miss those bargains while they are goiuj. W. L. WRIGHT, Corner Store, Flesherton

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