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Flesherton Advance, 1 Dec 1921, p. 5

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THE FLESHEBTON ABVAKCE Your Financial "Paper" HO you get prompt acceptances and quick re- turns on your notes, drafts and other paper"? A network of branches and agencies covering the whole Dominion enables this Bank to offer you a highly efficient and specialized collection service L,l STANDARD SERVICE ,pd up fo r Tnuti "Fmpir" THE STANDARD BANK or CANADA >** TOTAL ASSETS OVER NINETY MILLIONS Ffesherton Branch : - > . Geo. Mitchell, Manager. CANADIAN PACIFIC C. P. R. Time Table. leave Fleaherton Station as \ Some excitement wai caused in town Sunday afternoon in an effort co catch wessul that had invaded W. Stewart's yard. The fight was short but fierce and I tha liiii,- animal was finally captured. Trains lea?e Flenherton Station as ! olktws " e Ladies Aid of the Maxwell Meth- Qtttag South Going North , d ' 8t "roh will hold a bazaar in the 7.86 a. m. 11.52 p.m. I Methodist church hall on Sat., Dec. 17. 4.HO p. m. 'l.:iOp. m. ' Fancy and useful articles, baking, candy. The mails are osoa at Fioaberton 88 ! etc., in both afternoon and evening. follows : For (he north at 10.A) ' Don ' t forget thd date tnd com8i aa you will be welcome. Lunch will be served. sod th0 afternoon mail south at VWJ o'olodt Per morning tftin aoirth mad dose at 9 p. m. the previous evg. VICINITY CHIPS Dominion Eleationi Deo. <th. Do your Xmas shopping early. Inspector Houiton visited the high ebool here en Friday last. Skating will saon be in full swing on the pond. Mies Kuthvan > New York ia visiting fcer uncU, Mr. Go. Mitchell. Mi. Thoa. Benlham wired MM. B. Thompson's house fur electricity last week. Miss Matilda Thompson of 6-aape Fen. S>ue . visiting her friend, Mm Maybae, at Mrs. Bulmer'a. Mr. W. J. Waduworth. Jr., Toronto, impending a few days with hii cousin, W. C. Hanley, 8th Line, Artemesia. An vuctien sale o( lha efl*eta of tha la'e John Balei will be htld in FlMharton en Friday afteinooa of this week. See dv in tl.ih i<-.'- Rev. Mr. McOatteo of OneU.K.O. man ID Southeast Orey | say* ha cannot rote for Aggie MaPhail because she is a member of the Latter Day Saints' Church. If Aggie aan keap that bonehead writing Utters afloat he, on ithat score her majority ihould be "vaster than das been." We got thil quotation [from one of Sir William Mrnl- ock's old2 ecu! postage itaonpa. Orange- rille Sun. At County Council laat week tha following resolution waa passed : Moved by Mr. Meads, seconded by Mr. Mather- son,* "That the Provincial Government be memorialized to change the area of game reserve at Eugenia to release the lands adjacent to the Hydra property to high wa'.ai matk, lso town plot of Eugenia. " Municipal matters here appear to be attracting a little more attention than usual this year. The Advance in informed that there ate likely to be tbran aspirants in the field for the Reevohip, the preient inoumbent, Mr. Meads, all* T. i. Mcttenzie and Harry Shaw. The mare the merrier. Thra will be no Deputy Reeve fur Artitmeaia next year. With ice on the roads Sunday, ato- tbeir , T . .... _ PricaviUa will v D a . .. u ,| t iste pntaticallr took taeiv UTS in live a talk at tl.e Y.P.9. in the Methodist i u . aii Id. Several near scoidants ar re- chatch en Monday evaning nat. An ..... ! ported and loniv thak ireru issl. The loUreMiing evening <i anticipated . wortt we have aeard of oucarrad oanaay The Ladies Guild of the Anglican sbuieh at Maxwell will hold a tale of fancy and useful prticleo, aUo honemada bak night south of the village, when cat driven by Bert McMillan of Dindalk and ' ; another with R. Acheson as driver, col- Mr. Ball's Meeting > Mr. 11. J. Bull, Liberal Conservative candidate in South -E-tst Grey, he-Id a meeting In the high school on Friday] evening last. The muetintf waa attended by a large number of iatepyero. Mr. Jos. Blakely occupied the chair. C. R. McKeown of Orangeville and R. C. Henders of Wmnipfg woie advertised to be present but faiUd tr put in an appear- ttuee. Mr. A|>new. . Inwyer from Toronto and Mr. Ball, himnelf ; wrr present and dulivered two good addresses. Mr. Aj.iir-. is a native of this district and is an eloquent and convincing speaker. Mr. Bull reviewed the ads of ihe union \ government and .said it had passed'', through very trying times <mh honor and ! ! its financial measures had been satiefao* ' 1J tory. Ha believed the country needed j ' adequate protection and the farmer*' ,. themselves needed U as muoh na anybody. 15) He believed the Liberal leader inaornp- etent and a wobbler, blowing hot and cold in different parts of tb Dcminion. Owing to the Fordney Bill ha thought it madness to talk free tride. He thought Mr. Creiar wag making progress backward and that Wood, who was born n Missouri, "ran Crerar aud tha wholj bunch." Three cheeis wera given for Mr. Ball ' and PremiacMeigheii, aud the meeting' atoned with the National Anthem. One or two gentlemen in the hall attempted to heckle the speakers, but tha diitiriii:in ended thin in a very nice and gantlemanly way, when he eulogized the) ordor maintained, nying it was bettet J than at tome of our prayer meetings, where they sometimes had two or three babies crying. Millinery Special 25 Ladies' Fall Hats in a variety of sfcylee and colors all perfect goodi new this season, ranging in price from .$5.50 to $7.50, all placed in one assortment. Special at : .95 each. Ladies' Heather Cashmere Hose A god selection of new 3hades just received. Blue, Green and Brown Heatkar mixtures. Very popular for present wear Prices 75c., $1, $1.35 $1.50 STANFIELD'S UNSHRINKABLE UNDERWEAR In Shirts, Drawers and Combination Suits. All sizes from 36 to 44. Ames Holden Rubbers to fit all popular lasts in Men's, Women's, By' and Child- ren's boots all sizes. Men's $1.25 pair Women'* $1-00 Boys' $1.00 Misses 85c. Special Prices on Gum Rubbers for heavy wear. Honor Rolls F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON -- ONTARIO I FLE8HBRTON' PUBLIC' SCHOOL ( For November 4 R Smith, T McDonald, L I3oyd, V Thistlethwaite, U Riohardaon, F McFttdden, M Pttou, (.} Pindar, Belts, J Meads, L Lever. JSr 3 E McCallum. J Nulm, M Ink- si er, M Sled. Jr 3 U Stuart, H Chapman, J Cargo, C McFadden, H Heard, .1 Stuart, F White, K MaKar, H Weltuo, E Fenwick. 8r i L Ferri, L Carrington, H Thompsau, B Patton, O Cassidy. Deaths MuAtlhur At her home, Pricevllle, on Tuesday, Nov. 2!i, Mary McAithur, relict of the late Alex. McArthnr, aged 06 years. Interment at Priceville. Parliament A, his residunce.lueenia, on Tuesday, Nov. 22, Jacob Parliament, agid fi2 years Intermout at Mr. Zion eemntery. ' I BOOTS & SHOES * :: The sad news has reached tha Herald of the death uf Lincoln Smith, a former well known reiiident of Oaprey townsnip. He was found dead in his room in Tor- looto with the RUS jot turned on. If hn Jr 2 T ThoiupsoB, G Fenwick, A j deliberately took his own lifo, the mo Heard, U MtFadJen, B Phillips, O Vied ; tivejfor the raah act is not kuown. After absent. leaving Osprey, three or four years aijo, In Ladies' Wear we have Kid, Dongola, Gun Metal and Box Calf. For Men's Wear we have a nice assortment of Mahogany and some good lines in Black. . Also very serviceable Work Boots. Repairing promptly attended to. x - * 1 a Stuart, A Chapman, W Colgan, i n e "tarted a detective agency in Toronto 135; T Lewis, M Fenwiok, A Lever, M Bibby.JM 'atterly he had been in the building ing. Lunch will be served, aftsrnoi.i', Dec. 6th. A joint meeting nf the lugeaia and Teversham Faraaeis' Clubi will a>a held ID the Orange Hall, Eugenia, Saturday, ' December 10 at 2 p.m. Every member,' should attend. Edgar Lintoa, See, Carpenters have bgu> remodelling the front of W . L. Wright's store to tit j U t , tbtt Merofcanti, Bank. Tha now j .front will conform to the cultomary ' t)auk faont. A shooting uiatchfor ducks and turkeys j will be held on Thursday. December 1st, ( at Thos. Feowick's, Bth line, Artomesia. Shotgun for ducks, rifles (01 turkeys. Ko. i shot will be provided. The sacrament of the Lord'* Tuesday | :,,;..,j ae ad on owing to the slippery ooa rlitinn of the ruad. The lattit's car did nut sntfaa mush injury, but MoMillan was thrown through the windshield and i lui was otherwise Injured. In the impact McMillan had three of hi* front taeth broken off, whieh he deplores trore than the injary to the car. P Welton, G MoMaster, d Patton. tJ 8 Djndalk Horuld- Not Sacrifice Registered ' R A letter from tha Ontario Sheep Breeders' Association has been recelr- cd by the Department of Agriculture, Markdale, which should be heeded by our Breeders of Registered Sheep. It says, in part,: "It appears that dur- will bu administered at the Presbyterian j i n g the past (ew years considerable vhuirh on Sunday, December 4th, at the ! u umbers of pure-bred rams have been on Cupper usual hour. Prepurntory lurvioa Thursday evening at 8 o'clock. The W. 1. will mnet at the homa of Mrs. H. Down on Wed., Die. 7th at 2 p.m. Subject "What ia the truo spirit of, by Mrs. L. A. Fioher. Ltmh aim., Mrs. D. McTavinh. Mr.. Mitcholl, Mrs. Wilcox. Mrs. R. Best. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Laird and Mia Doris Boy d of Matltdnle give Ihe .VI- vancti a pleasant call on Saturday. Mr. Laird has for some tinisi been employed wilh the Hydro|development at Nepigon but his work there Is throogh. The Women's Institute will hold a sals of homemade hakina in the oflice o' Down's Garage, Saturday afternoon, Dec 3rd. Oysters and lunch will be served In the afternoon. sold by Field men of. the Sheep divis- ion of the Live Stock Branch, Ottawa, to Quebec farmers, and this has been followed up with demonstrations In proper care and management and co- operative marketing of lambs. The results have been very satisfactory, as proven by the fact that these Field men sold, in 1920, between 300 and 400 pure-bred rams to Quebec farm- ers. In 1921 they have placed be- tween 400 and 500 pure-bred rams. Naturally, the first sourc eof supply o rams is from the Breeders of pure- bred sheep In Quebec. This supply | has failed to meet the demand and In the fall of 1922, it is expected that | Ontario Breeders will be called upon i to supply between three and four- hundred pure-bred rams, for the Que- Will those bringing ! bee trade. The breeds most largely TOWN HALL, FLBSHERTON Moving Pictures Thursday, December 1 CHARLES RAY "The Village Sleuth" Paramount Comedy and Magazine Monday, December 5 MABEL NORMAND IN "What Happened to Rosa" Educational Comedy ADMISSION Adall* 10., Children loo., inoludtug Gter. tax Show To Commence at 8.15 p.m. C. E. WALDEN, - Manager THOS. CLAYTON FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO baking please leave at Mrs. Down's heuse. Just seven more d*yt> until the big avint comes oft that will decide which party will have the destiny of the Dom. inion in Its hands. This is one of the most decisive elect ioua thai haa been fougbb in the last fifty years or 60 Nebody can tell just will be in power now which party but whoever Is, we hepe the coustay will be noverned by a force 8hou id De kept, as this Quebec trade that will give Canada yars of prosperity. ] ls becoming more discriminating." in demand in Quebec province are, Oxfords, Shropshire and Hampshire. Shearling rams are required for this trade, and as many good ram lambs of the above mentioned breeds will be going to market this Fall, wo take this opportunity of passing the in- formation along to you, in order that you may select out your best ram lambs, and keep them over until the Fall of 1922. Only the best lambs Mr W H Bunt attended the funml I This is advice which is' worthy of of his aunt, Fannie M. Bunt, whi e h took j weighty consideration. place t Woodbridge en Wednesday of | ____ hit week. Tha circnmstanaes surround- 1 A n ues j an 8 j Collingwcod wai antunc- ing the daath ol Miss Bunt are tragic, s ej to ,. montns at Burwash lor vagrancy. she was found daael in bed asphyxiated by |s. She was last seen im Saturday evening and when there wan no sign of 4ifn around the place the neighbors bo- oanfj alarmed and so*rched the housa with the above result. Tho late Misa Bunt was in h-r 71st yar and is the last , | the. lino of th Bunt family abound Woodbndn. Dr. Herahoy of Owen Sound died suddenly Ust week. Lome Smith of Qurham had the skin ou the back of- his hand, stripped oft' down to the sinews when an enino back fired. No bones were broken but U required twenty stitches to pn> it ID shape. 95 Flesherton Tailor Shop Reduction in Price Genuine His Masters Voice Victor Records 10 iaeh Double Siled, Formerly Stld for $1.00 NOW Q|- REDUCID TO OOC. Lu Ihan Pre- War Priae Columbia Records . . . 75c. Come in ,trul make sure of a good selection for Christmas. Thf abore Hecords are considered tbo bast on the market, W. A. ARMSTRONG 'Phone 13 - FLESHERTON What are you going to do about that new suit you are going to get tnii fell? There is nothing nicer than a made-to-order *mit. Call in and see of suitings aud overcoatings. my Suits and Overcoats Turned to look like new. Our prices are rignt, and fit, style and workmanship the best. Pressing and Cleaning done on shortest notice. T. C. BLAKELY, Armstrong Block, Flesherton FARH IMPLEMENTS CUT PRICES on - MANURE SPREADER, WAGON 4 WALKING PLOWS, MOWER IMPUPM6NT AGtNT. FLESHERTOH.

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