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Flesherton Advance, 1 Dec 1921, p. 2

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varans down at Billy, his bony fingers caressing the long, supple pointer. i "G!'ad you like it," said Billy. "Eh? What's that?" Mr. Johnston fairly recctiled in surprise and in:lig- nntion at the affront to his dignity. "Silence! boys and girls," he shouted, as a titter ran through the school- room. "Now, young man," he akl grimly, grasping one of Billy's hands and I pulling it forward' and out, "I'm g-oing to drive that happy smile from your; face." j I "You're a'g.-rin' to find that some 'job," suid Billy quietly. young ~....^.. . .... -, "Well, we'll fee, young Mr. Impu- ent doctor for the fact that one per- night. -- - - ^ - , dveine 'dence." The long pointer rose and gon out of evcry six is not phys ically uninterrupted rest until six o clock >>.,k of cleaning or .vemj! ,1 r,!i L,. ^C- _!__!.. ...ii iu- __;. when feedings again think of PARKER S. I hour intervals arc now more generally Cleaning THE postman and expressman will bring Parker service right to youi home. We pay carriage one way.* Whatever you send whether it be fell, his Feeding the Baby. " V' ,T K hlhl has ! household draperies or the most deli- Improper feeding cf infants and followed and the new-born bate has \ hMa _^ ^ dj , retumed! -ung children is blamed by an emin- jU , last *jdtoJ* "^J^*^ i to their original fiSs! When y<W SffSttWtawSC S^SfcfcSMfes^*-; fl^ A SON OFCODRAGE BY ARCHIE P. McKISHNIE Copyrighted by Thomas Allem. Billy caught the stroke full on ab)e to do th|} amount O f <i a ii y WO rk , the morning, ^^"LlKLrtttlrtft '^ a normal, healthy human being begin pa/j>, but the smile did not leave his snou j c i i lips. "Your other hand," commanded Mr. ^ charge i Johnston. every one with children to learn the narnn x - , He bSi't forward to grsp the hand proper thing in feeding, and having all things the ., ... i ' iu_. j :* i _u-- :i. !_ >v,_ bv the reacti Occasionally, in the case of small,! Paflcer's Dye Works delicate infants, smaller and more' frequent feedings are necessary. In I which Billy raised slowly, thereby learned it to practice it. Many moth- j dodging a stone ink-tattle, hurled by ers who know what is right in child Maurice Keeler. As it was the bottle allow themselves to be coaxed by the reaction of the infant to its food. Common sense in feeding babies is as valuable as in everything else B.I y Synopsis of Preceding Chanter*. Bill> Wilson, who lives with hi* father ^nd stepmother nd her son Anson, it the leader among the boys All to Fattv w n ' fmm th* FMtv MMMPB*W iv-cici. ^-e *i* *, iee<nin'j4 now Lncmseive.s to LC cuaA;u i * w , , struck the blackboard and broke, dt-. or bullie(1 into ivin the child im . in life, and it must be remembered f the teacher's face with i-proy.' foo(1 or allow it to form bad I that even with infant feeding one .I y turned quickly. ' No more > of d that , ma n's meat is another man s poison , thefea ie r', Ev^-bodvtlse ^ is as wickH f, feed a child im-'The main point is to find out what ut of it '' Ever > bod y else i properly as it is to administer slow best for your baby and having found ' - Limited Cleaners and Dyer* 791 Yonge St. Toronto. OP OUt of It, I pii/yciiy HS it ui uu aum " pw Y j l 'fU f *-" *- WI He squared' his shoulders and held 'poison, a large per cent, of the mal- it, stick to your schedule without n ^^ ^.^ poulticeg , ay , B ,1 out his hand.' The pointer came down nutrition we see about us would dis- Erd to what some other motner mm. t boiling water to keen ..< .... i TfAl__:ilrMi<i .nl tr ira l n L;i l f fl f 1 C-Ti TIT tain the heat longer than flannel.' E. L. C. When using with a11 thc very r ry aso, ere 1 ' i the frowning Mr. Johnston. cf Scotia, a pioneer settlement near j "What is your name, boy?" asked Lake Erie. Cobin Kecler, one of the i the teacher, trustees, tells the new teacher,) "Walter Wiitland." that the man appear. J h - ton Of course, the ideal food for the If the milk supply is insufficient it may be necessary to supplement > _ M L L quinsy, put boiling wate* Mr. Johnston, about his predecessor, Frank Stanhope, ^ho was blinded while trying to savu horses from burning stable. A will made by wealthy hermit, Scroggie, in Stan- hope's favor, could not be found. ^^ Scroggie's namesake and apparent * heir takes possession. Twin ^-v.iixuk seat. Oaks "Walter Watland what?' tafa qU ' Vermg , ^ infant is the natural food ' and lucky with some other food But continue are the babies whose mothers have led nursing so long as the supply lasts, pepper- vi vcui<ra VTIIUOC uiv/mcio jiM.v *.-| . .. in.;.: un, invert a r.i.: "i uver the ''all, "Tike your seat." commanded the * * ane - well-ordered, restful lives ^ s j lness ^ J e ^L^^*^* the mouth over the funnel and teacher. "Next boy forward!" One 'that they can supply mother's milk er prevents or milk fiamly du , Mmf ^^ ^ jn thro , t _ Mn>> by one the hoys walked up to receive for their young. Nothing else, no mat- agrees *& b * b ?; A 8ma11 aro ' .._. . i U > VI 1C KU0 lJ> W SBMHOU "M t-vr I Wtl v <r - .-^-. ...,.*,. _.-.- "That's all. Jest Walter Watland." their punishment. All took it bravely.! ter how carefully prepared, will take 1 ount of mothers milk often means Mr. Johnston frowned darkly. when, at last, the boys had all been 1 the place of mother's milk, nor so well | the difference between life and dea-n Walter Watland' what? he repeat- attended to, Mr. Johnston paused for insures health and life. Out of fifty to a baby. ;. Rir .. T . <,. . r i>st - "I shall now begin on the girls," thousand babies studied those who Do not gi oir, prompted a voice from the i,,, <-., \A "\ t \<t hfr>r<> juimEni<4trir ., j j *,) > .!, hsii'W + , ' .1 w aamsnisieriiiK j died un <], r one year of age showed a food at tno Store is robbed. Harry O'Dule finds ' ' old Scrogpies the stolen goods in cabin, known as the haunted house. "Walter Wntland, sir," panted Fat- ty, glimpsing the light in the nick of time. give the baby "tastes" of ,e table. For the first six * t I T ~ ' 1W* UI1VB1 1 UHV l 1 VI, lit' .- 1 I' I ' 1 . si'Zy o' r A*#p% era: of r to ru-T n 16 ; 1 or - 8even months at least> m to confess Will the one who put the. 51i^f'^i^j2 1 t! ) lrte i n . { ? T sulphur in the stove stand up?" As before, nobody moved. L. L. G. only requirement. breast-fed. Mothers' milk for the in- fant contains a promise of longer life, Hfa&;Hl "a** ST^SS,L "Very well Walter, you may go _ .... goes wooing Fric Landon loyal sweet- 1 home and get a pail of wator. My| Mr. Johnston smiled. "Very well. ; too, if one may trust statistics. In a Eeart of Stanhope, and daughter of oxpenem-e with M-hool weHs ' glanc- ; The K ' irl with thf halx , k , invalid lii-hthouse keeper. IN o '"K ut of the window to the blue . , _Jigers make fruitless search of Pump, 'has been that during the holi-;i,i ue five iw^.. O'Dule's hut. Billy meets Heir Scrog- ^X 8 they become a veritable death , wan i f or punishment.' and Hinter with the drivers of wagon loads of timbers and pipes trap for frogs, mice and other ver- min." Ikerchief to her group studied, eighty-five children, ' in white and ( breast-fed, were all alive at eleven j down, wll come for-. years O f age( whi ) e ,, ne hundred and! i nine bottle-fed did not reach eleventh year. Home Remedies. When pouring medicine from bot- s, be sure to turn on the side op- j^ For an obstinate case of hiccoughs. 1 the following will stop the worsi cases: Give a taBlespoonful of vinegar in which a half teaspoonful of salt has been dissolved. Mrs. L. M. T. Minnrd's Liniment for Colds, etc. Boy: "Granny, do your specs mag- nify much?" Granny: "Yes, quite a wouW you mind a mussy appearance Bi'.ly felt has blood run cold. could not believe his ears. The girl T*^l*li IUUU9 Ifl L1IIIU110 ... . . WnUU WW* M Ilia <T*H .-* . All* K 111 T 1 I 1.1 f 1 1. Billy falls in love with Lou ScroggieJ Walter moved quickly to execute dressed in white and blue! Why, lo " e able to feed ner babv 1ne If the weight of a hot water bottle the n ] so leaves the directions plain. Mrs. E. G. W. my piece of 'punkin' pie?" 'itijr*mtoi - _ j .iit>ov 11 itc km i WWWi TIJJ Arriving early at school on the first, the order. Mr. Johnston addressed the that was she his angel his light : '"other m day of the term, Walter Watland de-j r ? st . of tne pupils- "School is now .his everythang. And she was crying self- She must first take care of her- j g oppressive for an invalid, use hot cides that the empty stove is a good I dismissed until we raise the windows now . .:j: 1 f .v- 1 _. i ' and air the room. hiding-place for the package of sul- phur his mother had told him to buy for her. CHAPTER XVII. (Cont'd.) The new teacher paid no attention to the little scrimmage between Rose and Billy. He stood on the plat form. tall, spare, hard-featured and <U*rn. and let bin black eyes bore into the souls of the pupils, one after the other. Not until the y-ilerx-e of sus- pense was almoFt unltearable did he peak; then clearing his throat he fpavc forth in stern tones thc follow- CHAPTER XVIII. The Metal of the Breed. Immediately thirty boys an:l girls , , mu st see to it that she has cloths, preferably cotton, as they re- She was standing up, moving plenty of fresh air and exercise, but forward. Like a flash Hilly was on h/is feet. "Stop!" he cried, his voice ringing out like a challenge. "You don't whip her if I know it." For the .second time that morning on the other hand, she must avoid ex- 1 SALESMEN posure and over-work. Her food must We pay week iy and offer steady em- be plentiful and easily digested. For; ployment selling our complete and ex- this reason she must avoid foods ! elusive lines of whole-root fresh-dug- PRETTY PRESENTS IN PROFUSION SEE OUR SAMPLES waiciy uiirty boys and girls For the .second time that morning!" = , IC uu ! and service We teac ttention lca P' J their feet and windows went 'Mr. Johnston received a violent shock i stomach aml those llke wets which a "^ ,;!, n ,!J wn Lal u P T Witha,,\an,g. to his dignity. Such rank insubord^ | cl y tne appetite and keep her from ''". B r th e rB- Nurse he plat- , .* think, Mr. Johnston s voice was jnatiion he had never experienced be- i eating enough plain, nourishing food. heard above the din, "it would be a f or e. experienced The eyes turne<l on Billy! Nurseries Montreal "Boys and girls. I urn your teacher. I shall expect you to obey me impliciU good plan to start a fire in fiat big fairl'y darting sparks. "Take your and vegetables, green vegetables to be i mi * . -1*4 " -jwwri* ^ IS^ 7 iot/*rj| . i ex II ' i stove. This place is positively vault- SPa t. you impudent boy!" he thunder- 1 preferred, cereals meat hke with dampness." i ed "j ,, ee T hlivo been U)O lenient with 1 mi |k ami fat either A number of the boys ran out to 'you When I am through with the , ' i gather kindling and wood and soon ^'i, I Mil fl^ ^ "until vou CTV i " S met '" n * which she knows always "upset her, to-order trees and plants. Best stock We teach and equip you kin* opportunity torcan Fancy Goods Co., Ltd, 7 Wellington St. East M6700 TORONTO WHOLESALE ONLY Her daily diet should include fruit; or fish or egg?, milk, and fat, either cream, but- a fire was crackling in the stove. "Pupils will now t.-tke their seats," threw that bottle. vou CTV f or mcri . y , an ,l with you the boy who A rommar.ded the teacher, tinkling the' be!l on his desk. There was a hurried , Billy was running u; the "Please, sir, don't whip aisle, her," ly. If >x)j do not. I shall punish you. scramble as each boy and girl found said, pleadingly. "I'll own up. I am here to tesch you; you are hepc: n;i! arv " ner P' a ce. > was me that put the sulphur in to learn and profit from my teaching- " V e Wl1 IHnv hiu ' " reromed the stove." I have heard bad reports of most of I toarher, then paused to glare angrily you. but for the present I shall re- * the i tove. hrom every crack frai:i from mentioning in th:' any names. you Will IH I "You?" gasped Mr. Johnston. "You in coward! to let your companions be its rusty sides was pouring forth a punished for your despicable uct. Oh," whitih-yc!!ow smoke that gripped the l u > exulte;? removing his coat and of gruel or milk or egg-nog j i just before the mid-morning and mid- j afternoon nursing is helpful, he Above all, she must avoid excite- It ment and danger. the' In feeding anything, animal or hu- man, regular hours is a prime factor in success. Schedules vary according to the physician, but having a schedule which promises success , " VAUB*Wi I *. Iliu v inj; l l Ifl/Wl .11, l * f * to ad.he.xs nw as 'Sir.' Out-l thrcal : " ' f "neKed like a breath from rolling up bis sleeves, "won't I make' herp !t ' " B " four "ours apart side the s<-hool-romn you will not ad- ' the VOI >' P' 1 of oartaiess. Mr. Johns- Jou pay for play -ig the sneak?" Wlth tht> last oru ' al midnight up to drcis me in any manner whatsoever."! ton attempted to prucei 1 and failed BiHjr WHS trivii.,' no attention to three months of age, were for a time Hi' |.:nise;l to mirvpy the row? of ' ne was choking, as was the teacher. He was edging townard-3 followed. After three months the uplifted faces an. I let his w,.rds sink , pv ^'- v "y a '"', pirl '" lne '^ l 'n'- Lou Scroggie. who looking at midnight feeding was dropped. Three- home. Then lifting a long hickory! - was <*V ikon who acted him from dumb, pleading eyes. : pointer from his dc.-k. :ir.<\ hoi. ling it : P r "'";>'!.v. Running to the stove he "Go outside," he whispered. "Plca*e much as n con inn. r might hold his opened the door and lifted out the d o; I kin stand anythin', but I don't wand, he gripped th- ed'gp of the desk * n wo "d and, at the risk cf want you to see it." with one bony 1 :.ivl leaning for- *c''i'<-hmg himself badly, ran with it She turned slawly away, then on me ward, s.V.d: , from the room. hack and put her hands on his shoul- "Boys and girls, from what has l was nearly half,, an hour before | cr s. She did not spik but the look been tol<l me I surniiso that my pre- Mr - J"hn.-ton summone:! the boys ami she gave him was enough. His heart d-eccssor has spoiled you. I do not * r>rs riom the o P cn wndows to their laughed. He turned toward the teach- censure him; undoubtedly he worked seatc rllt ' ro " m - Qtl ' smelli'<l strongly, M - w jth so glad a light in his grey according to hi.- lights. 'l ha\ie been ""'.phur, but one might still breathe Pyc s that th<- .-chooled moulder of twenty years a tiacher. I am your '"":' ' 1Vfl - young souls guzc-d l>ack at h'im in be- suTo-rior in strength, wisdom and in-' In tm> '"terval of waiting for the wilderment. tdk-ct; .n<l I hi.< I want you always to n ' lr to clca ' T tht ' ncw '"'K'her's face had Was this the brand of lx>y thus keep in mind. I sh:i!l tolerate neither turne-1 a ghastly white. His black Shag-land Settlement bred, he won-! femiHariiy nor disc .b.-dii nrc. You will eve 3 1; his thin Km were drawn derrd. If so, Go<l help him and his do w.-'I ;.,, ,,Vy me without question lw< ' k fr " m h s 'r<>T!g, irie^utar teeth, precept*, and .In. worthily, thc tasks I sot for Ga 5*5 l 'P OT1 lllrt1 ' llu ' toy* and girls From the bottom of his heart he Su. I l.clieve in :.<iTnin'sterin<r pun- , <|uK-'d in apprehension. Their fears wished that he had never seen the uv,< nt to wrong-d -rs. severe pun- wp re well founded. Never before bit piece, never encountered the spirit of iihine::'. It is not my purpos:- 6tfd-!*" hls lon ^ career in administering its woods-born. He knew his capabil- ' ceiv.- eith-r you or the ratoaavers of knowle.lgc > grubby ani inferior ities and for om-e in his life, he con- i this school; therefore. I will" admit nimds ha-l Mr. G. G. Johnston been f.-ssc.i to hiself, he had over-estimated , that I like ncahoT this district nor its subject to such deadly insult as had them. He wanted to give this boyi people. That, however, will not prv- 5>PW1 oni-roil him here. It was fully n ,.w staiwi'.ng so fearlessly before him vent n. r fr..m fulfilling my duty to a minuU- before he ooudd command , a whipping such as he would remeim- his voice sufficiently to speak and ber to his dying .lav, but to save his _1 .1 J;J A l. __ , i.,, j,.. . .". 7^^ - _ '(1 AYERS Every hen ihouM lay. Mike yours pay in cggi for thc feed you give them. Tone them up. Keep them healthy aod vig- orous, Get eggs by adding to their feed Nature's egg-making tonic found in Pratts Poultry Regulator ADVICK FHKK. Tell us your trouble. 1'KAIT FOOD CO., OF LIMITED, TORONTO CORNS Lift Off with Fingers THE WONDER TOY OF THE YEAR! DEALERS: Write for prices. Mar- vellous sell- er all year round. The Great Canadian Toy Dirigible Balloon Just like the big ones! Size 24" long by B" diameter. Interesting and Instructive for both children and grown-ups. Send for one to-day! THE CANADIAN TOYAIRSHIP CO. 247A ST. PAUL 8T. W. MONTREAL - Doesn't hurt a bit! Drop a little "Freezone" on an aching corn, in- Btantly that corn stops hurting, then shortly you lift It right off with lingers. Truly! Your druggist sells a tiny bottie of "Freezone" for a few cents, sufficient to remove every hard corn, soft corn. or com between the toes, and the cal- luses, without soreness or irritation. th- l*s ,,f my ability." He .'i.-is^l sneakir:g imi drew him- w ' hen , h did the words trickl elf up -!"wly, purging his sU-rn lips, through h'.s stiff hps thinly. "That is all I h-itvr '.<> .-ay fur the time Hfp he couldn't enter into thc task with his old-time /.esU-not with those, Bflyi and girls," he said at length, dear eyes looking so contemptuously being," *:. i;ai<l. "W<- shall endeavor , "V n f, or more of vou ha , v r tomgoutf\ into his very soul. to air ihis buildin". after whii-h u^- of th( ' unpardonabk' will forn: Will the fat boy nor thilt *'>' pver "' UI with the rumpled hair anil dirty neck, servation as a teacher. I realize that mOatfemea-j The ror.m h:ul grown still a grave- r my ob- yard hush, broken only by a sob from [ .li/e I hut the temleresl-hearted of the girls, who, the one who is whispering to the boy lne Ottty trick has been dpviberate.% knew that Billy had lied to puive one behind him, be good enough to step Pneo, the motive being perhaps to of their sox. forward?" test me. You may believe me when Johnston had turned to his desk r -. ; I inform vou that the one who placed and Rei'uroJ a shorter, stronger point- that sulphur in the stove will have er . The veins between, his shaggy plenty of reason to regret having done eyebrows stood out clearly defined as it. I Intend to flog Un or her-- he motJione\j Billy u* on the platform, until he or she cannot stand. (T\o be coAtinuod.) shall now ask the one who is guilty , ^ of the offense tr> stand irp." ... EuiH . nt Nobody stood. Anson was ,,n the t-Evident. point of jumping to his feet and tell- WHITEST. LIGHTEST ing who had brought the sulphur into i the room but, on second thought, sat Little Eva (In the country) "Oh, manimu, look at those Leghorn chtek- ! still. The teacher had risked who had | put it in the stove. Certainly it had ^ ui not been Fatty Watland, because he i {^rue'f had gone on an errand for the teacher i long before the fire was started. Mr. Johnston smiled darkly and nodded. "As I thought. Thc one who ('.id it is too much of a co-vard to confess it," he grated, his voi sh:ik- : ui^'. "Well, thwe remains I * one thing to do. If the guilty pui is to be punished^ I must punish >v i one , ami all." There was the sound of the .S3UE To. 47 '21. intuking of breath, and an audible loirg-drawn "Oh!" from the girls. "I must punish em-h and every one ,of you," Mr. Johnston reiterated, : picking up the pointer. "1 shall l>egin on the boy who is .-moling so defi- | antly in the back seat, if ne will be good enough to step up here." "J g'uess that's me," said Billy. ljuir,.ping to his feet and starting for I the platform. . i "ThHt's a nice smile you wear," Isaid Mr. Jtihn>ton spaUMngly as he Mamma "Yes, 1 see them, dear. Ull , how d() vou know they are Little Kva- "Why don't you see the little horns on their legs?" To the Point. Teacher- -"You don't appear to be up in history." Tommy "No, Miss, I'm down on It." Women cannot gland physical strain as well as men, according to a Lon- don specialist, who lays the blame on weaker nerve centres. Wluik's have a thick layer of fat beneath the skin to keep them warm. Germar.',v is the only country which has formally abolished tipping. Mlnard'i Liniment Used by Veterinariu EN who work outdoor* need the comfortable warmth of STANFIELD'S Red Label" underwear It i* made of the beet wool and is cut to fit perfectly, giving ease and freedom with the warmth needed to protect against bitter cold. We make underwear in heavy weights for men, women and children. Stands Strenuous \M?ar Writ* for free tample book. STANHELD'S LIMITED Truro. N. S.

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