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Flesherton Advance, 1 Dec 1921, p. 1

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\ 42, N. 25 Flestierton, Ont., IDecerriber 1 1921 ROCK MILLS James Park of Owen Sound spent fair days the past week with his daughter Mrs Dick Clark, and called on other frifiiiiH while here. We extend our daepest sympathy to Mrs Piili.iuirii' and family in their recent ead bereavement Walter Russell has bcn iuid up with a bad cold. We hope for spuedy recovery. Mr. and Mr* Charles Novell spent Sunday with Iwood Purvis, wihi and fiimily. Quite a crowd attended the shooting match at Lewis Pdlur a Friday I* -i . The Rock Mill- I.ui , Aid will huld iv bazaar in the church on WednwuUy avoning, Nov. 30. Mr and Mrs Sara Croft and children visited with (jordon \\':irln <_, wife and family Mrs A. liy .in returned to ha'r home at Homines Mills aftur spending a furtiiixht with Mrs John riarj/rave. Nelrtf)i\O.iI)orne vmiti d wilh hia sinter, Mrs W. Huisell. Doa't forget to votuon Tii'es., Dec. 6. Miss McPhail at Maxwell KilitoT Advance : Tho Mnxwcll cor- responUunt must be u Tory, too. as we nw n-> iicununt f Uia 17 F A nifoting un 'th nisjht cif N. ll;h. It heiiif? Armis- tice d ij\ (here asi u >h<>rt service appropriate tu tho OOCMIOD, eonduoted by the ri'M ii ut ministt-rx, ufttr li !i e^'' Miss McPbail, gavo a grand tuliiruis on our Nit'.icmnl P.>liuy and the I' V O platform. Al'houh thu hull ws packed and eome I -i I t un awny, tin 10 wa* iliu best of uvder mul i feeling uf inteiiRe iutcrcRt prevailed a 1 ilia paoplo listened tu the plain mull in i I-I'.T uiiderntood even by tint " crudo nud inexperienced fiiriiu-rs. ' Thu teluctious by the local oreheHtru allowed that they wore guiuv the rinht w^y and their V F O (.'horiiH brought dijwn ill.' IIIMI .-. At the cloie uf ih OiteliiiK an invitation waHgm>i)tu COUIH forward. M^DV ruHponded and I lid their all, in mmie caae>, on I lie table and went home happy. Wi,u to the fw who hikrdefivd tbuir heart* and MiH'.iifJ their oucks. Jut a wnrd to tlie women. Are y. 11 |{"' n K tu '' iU '' '^a honor uf putting ooe from th County of Grey in a,i Member of Parliameut, the first in the Dominion of Canada ? So you didn't see anything in the calf atory, Pricctille ! Neither dul nuybndy a'.-"-. I'u you * anything in thiH : The O'her Hveairu as w lintened to A political speaker we were remiudad of n calf fiiinn 1 htd, one li.ul Urnnk tou much niilk for thu exercise it took, oonsei|uen y it w a poor dliape. The fanner uftcin wondurvd whether u would piy to winter it or not, hut liimlljr decided not, aud alonj; about the tiisfc week in Dtceniber he dealt that unit nuoh a blow that it never bawlu.l auniu. Neither did thu firmer. - Kl'IlALITE CEYLON visited R. P. Mr Coleridge of Owen Sound lat week with in-, sister, Mrs. Legate. Mrs A Sinclair spent' Saturday in Toronto. Mr and MM Wilfred Fawoett. have returned t>> their homo here. Mr and Mrs D MoPhail and daughter, Mis* \.jiu-.--, attended the funeral of Miss MjPhail's mother, Mrs Campbell, wh" was laid to rest in the Swiutou Park cemetery on, Sunday afiernuon at the ripe ago cf 91 years. Sympathy. -- extanded to Mrs McPhiil and fnmily. ||Mr Daniel A. 1'ouug, ituUent atJMc- Master, s'.ippliad the pulpit hero o S.-tbb;ith in ubsunce of the pattor, Buv Mr Ma. Us. Mrs Strniu is vibitinx her sister, Mis. II. Stone. Held Over La.t \Vek Mr John Kennedy *pent a day last week in^Toionto. Charles Holman, who visited with hit iunt, Mis^l Stuiie, l.iii vviei,, leturned to his nome in Toronto. Win Js-ely of Owvn .Sound visit I'tl at R C.iok's last week. Mm Ed Snriiont visited the pit w.-i k wilh liti'iid-, iiiur Murkdnlo . Mrs Royden Gibion uirl dsu^bter, Helen, lire visiting witii frundH in Turout". Mr Henry celebritled his H-Jnd b'r'hdayon W-jJnesdiiy, Nov IU Wg wilh him many h.tppy returns. 1-il* i 1 ^urgent spent the past week nt Owen S nnd. Inspector Beckett was ir. town Frid-iy. H. Gibson is enftaged painting '.he church. Letter to The Editor To whom it may ouncern : I do uot knuw who your Pevershain CJrrefpondeiit is, nor need 1 cure. 1 Imvy never written a letter to miy piper to which I did not sign my name for publi- cation. Perhaps llm thli g in none nf my b ISHHMM ; but Iho name Herb is not plentiful about here, nor need one he ashamed to be classed with any one own- ing that name, in this pint I lint T can think of jut nuw. Tho fct that this, unJ other such letters, are written t this and former times .such as this, is on endeavor to hurt iho cause of tho u, nun, n people nd the fact thut I luivu been actively idcutilied wilh thut movement for years makes mo think that possibly fclu-- 1 1, 1 1 means mo. If it doss I nin in distinguished company, fur lies and lying insinuation* aro the treatment ucc >rdeoV lo some of the best ineu nnd wonii-u in thu PrOgriiivo ihovement just now. Mormon, expensive furniluro for Unt- brio's premier, $185 for two chairs for tl.i Deputations for Goods Roads at Co. Council Wednondiiy is set apart by the County Council us " Deputation Day," 4 yubteiday aftornoon ilium wen* two deputations present. One consisted ,t>( Mebrs Peter Munvhawand Mr. Carruth- ois, from Eugenia, asking the Cunty Council to construct a rnad south from Kimberlcy to h)ui<i'nia. They spoke briefly uf the advantages of thntrond as a county road .is compared with a road proposed down :ho vallsy. Moie people would be beneriilad, they claimed, by buildinir the road on tup of the hill I bun hi- ii:'.h thu valley. Mr Muiuluw -mi tbul thounaliils of visited Eu- gonia I'ark, and many more would come when the phvas-iutii arrived, for it was proponed to experiment wiDh thu ntising of golden pheasants there. It was probably nn hour later whin the contra depuuciori fnnu Mirkdale arrived. It wus introduced by ihn Keev of Arteiiiesia aiid consifted of Mi-Hir". John Weber, Tern Mu'cer, Frank HiP, Dr K" and Dr iSbepherdson. Each of these gentlmen cxprenso'l theiiifiulTtH very strongly iu f,ivur uf llio valluy road as not only nerving tho uub'ic best, but being the cheapest to build, thu other would eventually have to be built, us it w.i BU actual neccisily. Thu roitdi lexding from the vtilley ; the proposed road on the hill would bo very long and Tory Mii-p, while theru WIIH very In 'Is graole on tho fond that tlu>y advocated. Iheie waa also Io:i of road making material handy to the load. Mr. Mi-ioer h:id appeared before tho Council on H waa one ol EUGENIA Mr Jncnb Parliament passed away at his home here on Tuesday oveiiinu "f lust wek after nn illuet<8 of Boine months. Mr and Mr* P.iilimnenl retired from tli i >i in some : in i vc..,. Ago nud settled in their comfortable homo iu EuKC'tiia Alihout;h not of a very robust nature h li nl woudeiful vitality and was 1 L-vf r btic over uny woik that was uf a bent-tit either to the community or thu church, mill always did a big share to jo!|i ajong any >/ood ciuse. Beiny of a very kindly dis|io-ition he htd m -nv warm friends. Ho was i r'nular uttcud- nil i.f tho Meth'idiht ehuroli, as lunp as health would permit, 'in. I will leniently in llieehuicli work. The tunural, winch took place on Fridny it(ti'r:nn>ti to Mt. /ion cemetery, '.vris larai-ly ;itti j ndeil. Servio- WHS held in the Methodist chtn-ch which w:i.s cr wilh Hy.npath Y.\\\U. fi-iands mil neighbor--, wlui y.-i'.lii'ifi lo pay their lust ru^|iui:ts to it kiu.i nei^hbcr H i friend. The flunil ti itiuti'.i w.-:e 'n:itif!. Tha roramonf Taa cuiuKu-Uil by thu pastor, Kw. Ki|>|)en, iini the wits taken oharuu of liy The s of Maxwell. Thi-ri; mi! left to Uioiiin tlie i -- of -i kiihi i vn.t- Hlhrr, it widow. liv.< d;iu^lri-is, .Mrs A Hoy, ICii^enia ; Mis A Timhy, Muafonl ; Mrs Emertou, Dray I on ; .vln (i,un,-t . Kugenia, uui .MrsL Lyfllis, I'.ut l.f.\ ; one KOI>, .lohiiih, 1.1' - t n T>vo joy, St^iiiii-y in i K nl. made tliu supreme BHcnlico in tin; utiiit w ir in 11117. The deepest sympathy goe" out lu the fiimily 11 their sore berwiVfinout. Mr N.i Wiiliumti h i i. 'Mn in. 1 boine fthr vis'l 11114 'rmnjs in Toronto for th* m8t mouth BdxtrSproU ol Fl -!HT|IPH spent the week Olid with his fueiid, K> i Lari;u. Mrs. blurry 'I\te 'iml two children of ocliwcinl li;iv r.'lurntd hooio nf'er einliiiK :i week with her fmlier and ter heie. A i 'inn 1 In i- nnd I'. Munxhnw wind d i this County Council TJiuid*y u( last woek and preM-ntud iluir petit lun te the :-\\\vy toad bylaw Uicig p,h*ed in favor of thu Kind oeing oonntruoted ;m souii .in a from IJoy's corner on th gravel to the 14 h coo. Mrs Lumari nud balia of Toionlo nr itingthe f.-rmer'a pBrents, Mr nnd Mrs Jacob Williams. P. Munsliaw and T Burry have ru- m-lied from their iinnual hunt it d report a yood -ime. The toachur and pnpila .f tho inib'ie school ire busy pieparing for n concert. A. lloy is erecting a neat burn ut the back of his lot. Little MIns Ferris of Fcvarsliam U visiting her aunt, Mrs Albert Williams. Mrs JaniiK Ueuoc IIH huen Uld up wilh poiboning, but is on thu mend again. During the yeir undiut! Nuveni- ber 1st I'.tjil, Mr Beckett, licence inipec- tor, laid 9!) informations in Grey County, nnd necurod 70 conviction*. gV710 van eol'ucted in films, mul three ilcieiulunt s went to Knol. In the K vcloral Districi of WelliiiKti'il he Iuid .'ill .:, >i Minions, secured '29 convicitions and collected 2i8.'i in riiieH. Tins maUrn a lotnl $li),.l4f> collected in Miles by Mr. Uickott during iho year. A'l c^e, warn prose- cute Ihy Iho inHpeutnr himself, til us savu very oni.siduial>!u amount in lawyer." fees. EXECUTORS' SALE Of I In- i-irVi-i- of tho liili- John il;ili- - Estate KKIDAV, I)K( KMI5KK 2nil, 1021 the liF.tviea'- taxpayers in tno county ,it)d to see the money spant n roads, placiiig it where it would d< tho iiiost guo.l. Mr. Weber said during tho winter the valley road woulii have t:i be used anyway, as lllo tip|mi would be blocked with snow. Dr. K.!" save a remarkably Anu addiesa in auvocntiiii4 the improved vnllny road. Warihn -Sins promibud that, tl.o CUUBOI! would lake the milter into ita ser'ous congidt istion and complimented so. no of thu spoakcr-. cu the excellent PRICE VILLE The sleet covered sidewulks during tlie last sevural days rendered walking some- what dinijerous. Mrs I' A Ferguson fell t the Standard B.tnk corner an Tlmi'sduy afternoon of last neck iuid has IJK-II sutt'erlDH for several dys trom thu shock and brumes. Mrs Mary McArllmr, who hut oeeu lutli-riui; from paralysis for a number of weeks, papsed aw/iy on Tutsday night, Nov 22, aged 70 years. She and her son. Joints, who is CPR employee, lived at the old home on Elgiu street. Her husband, Alex McArthur, prerlr- aeuaed her several yenra ayo. When she btcanie helping her only duUL'hter, Mrs DobnOi of Toronto, uamu up nnd carefully caicd for the mother. The three Eons, A rein , Jiinioa anil .lull were ;i!eo kind MUmlimU .1 thu nick Hrd. The Kim i.i t ..k placu on Fiidi.y, Nov. 25 Uuv C .S Jni. m c, ii(lin-i(l HIM s.ivr.'s ut (In- Ilium- nnd ,it llit* l!r.i\o, itHiiitid liy U' v H .J Mct'.r.n .Mr UolnT' Firther, :m nld u ^i .mi ' Juuth Gleuelg, IKKMM away mi We'l. Xuv -W, Hiiuii 77 yi-.iif. Hu WHS iiMiiin- il uiiil lio ivtiii'ii in. 111 liiniiini; I..-.; feiir, uiui on llio Nattudity IIIIMIHII- '< tK-utli IIB wont to htiip Mr.U<\ McDonald of Dimnoie with Ins barn Woik. Ho t,">k ill on Suiuiuy ;\(''., ryiipelu in tbo lu.ui uii'l died \Vnl. nnht. Tlio fulieul u S.ilurTTay hi'*! <iok pldCf fn 111 tin; 1 VMllolleu ><i Ills- sister mid lirntluiiiiUw, Mr 1) ilil UcDoual.-l, Ullh c 11 1'iotoii, lei the ne* lutilio otinuifiy him 1 . U. > (' S Junes onndnoted service at tliu nnlilt'iicn ,nnt ctmctery. \Vo hi pe nil uur re:idirs inlho vicinity vill keep in i.i.i il the I'rual'yterun Nin ' y -I'll."'! i-uii'i' .iiiini'iii in the H.-..I utuiu, .il.-n '.ho cuiKcrt in connection with tho Moihodist church in W.;-.n.. lill, D.-c 11), in these nlt'tn.s will )ir ntc: i-siini; thin yer. Was McPhail Audience Bates Burial Co. BUS1NKSS AS USUAL What shall I give for Funeral Directors and . Embalmen Phone HiUcrest 268 124 Avenue Road, Toronto, Ont. MOTOR EQUIPMENT Christmas ? VISIT US You will find your Outario Minister of Agriculture, routor iruokH, etc., etc. It would' seem way they had presented their cne--Sun hard that these mongers of misreprisciit- | Times ation have so liitlo grog on hand this; The council huld the matter over an- time that they havo none^ii) pit uder the . |j| January sissiod EJ. AJvtincf. .him! sents of U.F.O candidates' curs lo gut them pinclud, ANH KAII,. My character my friends know. My; repu':itiuii umonir a cerium la8 d->. s no' muter. My past and precent :u>- opin t, invostigHtion. GteyOi>./ s Herbert J. NeHl ' IN MEMORIAM In loving nienvjry of Mr. W. J. Hojd, who died Dec 2nd, J20. Wife nd Family. The (ullowing articlos from tho es- tate of the late John Hnles will he of- fered for sale at liiH late residnnoo. I'MeHhertoii. us follows: Horse; Light Wagon and Hack: S<>! Light Hobsleighs; Pair Iron Harrows; Quantity of looae Oats and Hay; liocl- rooin Suites; Beds; Mattresses; Tab- les; Rocking Chairs; Lounge; Cook Stove; Small Heater; Sewing Ma- chine; Small Oil Stove; Carpenter's Tools and Tool Box; 5 Rolls Slnglfi ply Roofing Paper; Kitchen Side- board anil other articles too numer- ous to mention. The house and lots will bo offered for sale, subject to a reserve bid : also back lot, part of lot 4. Campbell Stroet, comprising one acre, more or less. Sale commences at 1 o'clock p.m. W. A. Armstrong, W. J. CnsWell, Ex- ecutors. I). McPHAIL,, Atiction<vr. In it rupnri nf Hie nomination i- 1 ho Duihtni Ueviuw, H supi'uer nf Mr. Instie, uivus i:ne the inipr -mi thai it mliiivos hi onco is ti forloiu : pe. It ayii in 1 couvontion nns largoly n.vorAhln u tho lady mu ,i ,i. . and winds ii|, :m excellent re|H)it with the follow in emu nent : "All three speakct.s ^i>t ak[m,il luvirini', audit was most icurcllatile I his attitude was not .- M.MIII, .1 to Mr. B.ill in his ten iiuiiit. .. for reply. Sonic of the .uiiience ilorally had "odd feel" with tin- IOIIK stand on the clay tluor and it w K m>iilf eranou to hear morn nithitr than intcniiuii tu iuto'iu|)t, thut prevented Mr. Bull from getting a good reply. Hie imrlinp hhot way "if you want a reducli. u of Ufic nr, your whuat, 2ri: on your p inni'e on your ui;t Ie and other volo fur MIH Mul'hail," and '.his tho majiiiily < f that l>< Mldisnotiwni likely to do. "Three clmers for thu Riogantl thfti moro for M; Mol'luil closed il.r meet [tag. "TIit Miss Mcl'liail has ca.tjlit tin iniiKiniitiuii of tho tlectorato in a high di'greo WUH uvi.lenl from her ii'i'.'ption u Hull m,l Kink. IK O. fmces >vi if in ' majority in thu audience -mil l.n . it. "The sprech of Miss Mcl'hail was boll oundeiiined ;ui I CMiinnciidrd we ,nlinn ti tho J.oint of vu w. I 1 cm ;tt Ira-t he svt that sho knew her .milienru ui.d ur&liliei it by crtii-iiii- -\nd .uostly doierved con- dii)iiitln;n ,'f the powers that IK-. "Mr. Uiill shoulil linvi) kii,)-,vn i k MclMui! aud!i:iii: by the time !u i siny- ed his li) mill, reply. .\ ,|ui ; , ,, r li^ht hea.tiui juke fioin him xvoii'd liave won him lioih .iiieniinii and \ot08, I )f course no ono justifies the ili.-cout'e-y of tho ut<DffllptioiU< It ww the lirsi lime in tlio hi.ti)i) of Durliiin that aJC ite nan tin neil don n. "Friends of ihu Maid of (Ji'ylmi ^ mi n lour li^ui'e. in,jiiiiiy a the alosa 'if procoediiiLN '. ! " answer here. Headquarters for Gifts W. Jeweler, FLESHERTON, J. W. Bates, R. Maddocks, President. Manager. A. ARMSTRONG Now is the time to re- new your subscription to OiNT The Advance. War Bond Coupons Cashed Free The Merchants Bank will cash all War Loan coupons or interest cheques when due, on presentation, without making any charge whatever for the service. If yon have not a Savings Account, why not use your interest B mongr to o;ennHM with this Bank? THe M&CHANTS BANK Head Office : Montreal. O' CAi x <ADA EsiablisiieU ICO'** FLESHERTON & CEYLON BRANCHES - House of Quality FRESH FRUIT We now have in our fresh fruit consisting of Dates, Prunes, Figs. Raisins and Currants. Prices right. We carry a good stock of Oyster Shell, Oil Cake Meal, Growfast Calf Meal. Herbageum and International Stock Food,, best on the market., F LOUR Sovereign, Ladies' Favorite, Perfect and Pastry Flour milled by F. T. Hill & Co. We also handle Royal Household. W. J. STEWART & SONS Flour, Feed, Seeds, Groceries and Confectionery Flcshcrton, * Ontario jCjjC^c^&aia^i^^ ^ . v - CHOICE FARM FOR SALE One iind n luilf miles from ccluiol mid village u l':oviin:iiil higliwny, l.'il) '.cio far m. beiny luls l:>4 anil l.'iy, I N K '[ and K R, nisi- lot 1M5, 1 S W T and S H. (liilhot>e pii'iiiiseH is 't modern ci^ht i loiiu'il liutiso with furnace nil cmtcrn nnd ){ijo>i wooilshod ; i hank l TII with straw she. J 50MVJ with stone foiin datii'ii ; a dnvo shod '^4x40 andijuod well at liousu Mid bam : also a ; iod franm burn 36x.'iO i.n lot 134; two ijouil urchat'.l': and novor fnilin({ crock ; 1'JO acr. 1 cleared niid in first class tnte of i'ulii valion, leiiniudiT pialurc. Apply 0:1 tliu i t !!.: i'.. to oa27tf -WM. DAVIS CLEARANCE Having leasoil our stortr tc tho Meri-hants Bank fur a touu of years, wo aie goiny; out of business. We are clearing out our entire stock At A Big Reduction Many lines at less than hall' price No Reserve. EVERYTHING MUST BE SOLD Don't miss these bargains while they are goin^. W. L. WRIGHT, Corner Store, Flesherton

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