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Flesherton Advance, 24 Nov 1921, p. 8

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November 24 1921 THE FLESHBMfON AUVANGE Up-to-date Clothing Perfect in workmanship and style. Clothing mac'e to orde. Serges, Worsteds anl Tweatis on hand also a good lino of Men's and Boys' stylish Ready-to-wear Suits & Overcoats All at lowest possible prices. Cleaning, Repairing and Pressing " H. ALEXANDER Merchant Tailor Feversham, - Ontario Laddies Fra' Grey Ha' Their Ain Lodge _^____ New Masonic Organization Comee Into living In Toronto Insurance Is Good, But Insurance will, in a measure, repay you for loss from fire due to lightning. But if will not prevent the fire. It takes the DODD System of Lightning Pro- tection to do that. In the past thirty years over 300,000 buildings have been roddcd by the DODD System and in not a single instance is there a record of the DODD System properly installed, having fail- ed to prevent damage by lightning. The. fact that you haven't yet suffered loss by lightning only means that you are fortunate, not that you are proof against it. Ask us today what it will cost you to have DODD protection. S. HEMPHILL Another new Masonic lodge has been Instituted In Toronto. It is to be known as "Grey Lorlge," all the charter members being former resi- dents of the county of Grey. Right Wor. Dro. John II. Dunlop, District Deputy Grand Master, ac- companied by an Imposing array of Grand Lodge officers, conducted the impressive ceremony in the Cen- tral Masonic Temple on Friday even- ing, at which a large number of mem- bers and visitors were present. After the ceremony a splendid ban- quet was held. Bro. Joseph T. Clark proposed the toast to "Grey County," which was responded to by Bro. the Hon. David Jamieson, of Durham, former Speaker of the Ontario Legis- lature, and Bro. his Honor Judge Sutherland, of Owen Sound. Right Wor. Bro. Sir William Hearst and Bro. Col. G. F. McFarland propos- ed the toast to the "Visiting Breth- ren," which was fittingly replied to by Bro. Hov. Tliurburn-Conn, of Markdale, and other visiting brethren from Grey County. The following are the officers of "Grey Lodge": Wor. Bro. Dr. G. H. Armstrong, W.M.; Wor. Hro. W. L. Me Karland. I. P.M.; Wor. Bro. J. W. Armstrong. S.W. ; Wor. Bro. H. J. Ciinillan, J.W.; Bro. Uev. T. A. Rod- ger, Chaplain; Wor. Bro. J. W. Tuck- r, Secretary; Bro. James Craig, Treasurer; Bro. C. II. Trelford, Or- ganist ; Bro. Col. G. F. McFarland. S.D.; Bro. J. F. Van Kvery, J.D.; IU. \Vor. Bri). Sir William Hearst, D. of ('.; Bro. HiiroUl R. Frost, S.S.: Bro. W. N. Hempliill, J.S.; Bro. J. E. Rit- chie, I.G.; Bro. Hiram I'ritrhard, Tyler.- Globe, Nov. 14, 1921. Ceylon U.F.O. Club Had Successful Year Ceylon, Ontario. Boar For Service Pure bied KogmU-rcu V"ikRjir" Hn- r tut aervlcii Maxwi-ll .l.n-k i>$;t;r.! <>n lot 1C7. 8. W. T. <k S. K , AtftemeiM. j lerinB tl.B" Si'"" 1 n 't rriinsi6d nil! be charged mine r'nn-c ,i, |,i ; ;. HL- IftJUlL, - '!' J- STINS'IN BOAR for SERVICE Purcbn-u 'I .I'KW'.i li liu'ir for .- -nr oo lot 107, S W T n.'i 8 K . \ . .n. .. 2Vrm II. W). SCIWH not returned will to charged same thu-.a in pm. Ftb 16 -T. J.KT1NSON, Prop Fleslierton Tonsorial Parlors We Ann to Olve Entire :itisf*'tfr-n LAUNDRY Banket cbmes MonU.-.y ii/.i:'. delivery Kuuny cv CLKANING and DYK1NC,- We are agents fnr Parker's Dye \Vrk Clothe* la in id arid dyed, feathers rejuvenated T FWURR- -PROPRIF-TOK The siiiniial meeting of thr Ci-ylun raniu-rs' Club was held in the Orange Hall, Ceylon, on Friday evening. No- vember 18th, when a large number \\ei-r- present, with I lie President in I ho chhir. The Treasurer'H Report JBhOwed a f-ood surplus on hanTk. The Secretary showed where there had bren $5.70P worth of siiKar. flour and ; -all and binder twine purchas- I during the year, also $93,794 ""Mil of stock shipped, namely fif.l c.,ule. i-icii hogs. 147 Bheep and 143 i .. this beiiiK about equal to tho n u m IIP r shipped the previous year. l)iti uwiiiK to the decline in prices it .ill.- :i little over $100.000 difference 1 !' i urns to the farmers. It was un- ; .linioiisly decided to hold an oyster upjier iii HIM near future for the nil-ill li"i r. and their wives. Tllf following olliri r ; v . r. i U-, ied for the PimuliiK year: 1'res., T. Sled; \'K e-l'res., K. Chard; Secretary. H. W. Piper; Treasurer, T. A. Cilrhrlst; Diroctors. \V. Plant. H. Allen, H. Thistle-walto. J. Hogarth, j. Meads. A. S .Mulr. G. Campbell. G. Clark and I. Smith. A hearty vote of thanks was ten- <li red the rutirlng President, J. S. McMillan, for his untiring services ilnrliiK the past four years. Better Rvibber Footwear at the Regular Price If Atnes Holden Rubber Footwear wasn't better if it didn't wear longer we would not support the iron-clad uar^n(cv that ROCS with every pair. These facts hold good with Ames Leather Tops. The finest chromo upper is sewn over, not inside the pure rubber bottom, sheds water and dirt and gives longer wear with greater comfort. There's an Ames Holden Rubber Shoe or Boot exactly suited to the work you do, backed by the unusual guarantee an j so ld by us. -v KUBEBR FCKWWEAR "F.vry pair of ATIOS Holden Rubber Footwear 13 guaranteed to ' outwear an; PHI, oi Mii.ilur shoes of any other niuke, t,oiU ut lha v. .n: _nU:r Jh w"ino conditions.' 1 re Extension of tho Municipal Fran- Corners Thursday evening lust . I'hise 10 \Vnineii was dis<-usscd, but action was taken. Forming Good Reading Habiti Council the adjourned to re-as- 1 If ^^U wish I lieir children to fuim at Maxwell at 10 a.m. on tho gt , o j rj ,diiiH hubit," they must Brst form slaliilary date of December 15th. II. \V. KIOUNAHAN, Clerk l.nfk tor Ihf Am-i /,..,,; on '* 4 FOI; SALK r,v W. Flesherton, Ont \ II L III Oarclully Corrected Wheat 1 35 lo 1 1 Sift n 45 U 75 to 78 1 BO to i no 1 m itf 1 06 1 30 t l :tO 4 oo to -t on Bull For Pino 1 1<>! Dnrhm huUi ,m '.ot 1(52. S \V T rfnus f2 fur ur;ilt! fit ilwirniufhbreds. G. AKtSS, IIIHVl "The Bill will not 1st in Canadian wheat, but will save to the American farmer the right to raise a bushel of wheat instead of transferring that right to Canada." Mr. Fordney, in introducing the Fordney Emergency Tariff Bill which has shut millions of dollars worth of Canadian foodstuffs out of the United States market. "If we are to build up a self-sustaining agriculture here at home, the farmtr, must be protected from unfair com- petition from those countries where agriculture is still being exploited." Pre* : dent Harding. The very spot chosen to deliver this speech Minnesota shows that Harding had the Canadian North" West in mind. WHILE ties of friendship unite Canada and the United States, the attitude of Uncle Sara is that of "Business First", and Canada cannot and should not hope for any considera- tion from the United States where the interests of the farmers and business people Of that country are involved. ^ Uncle Sam has built the Fordney Tariff directly against Canadian agriculture, and new additional Tariff proposals are now under consideration to shut out from the United States Canadian goods of every kind. These measures are due to the insistence of the American farmer that the United States mar* ket shall be retained exclusively for him and that the influx of Canadian farm products into that country must cease. They are also due to a like insistence of United States manufactu- rers and workers, who have seen their country develop tremendously and grow rich under a Protective Tariff, and who believe that a still further increase in Tariff is the only means of assuring continued prosperity. CONTRAST THE ATTITUDE OF THE UNITED STATES LEADERS WITH THAT OF CANADA'S WOULD-BE LEADERS, CRERAR AND KING <r(.->- proposes to allow American goods to enter the Canadian market free of duty. King proposes that the present reasonable Tariff on the products of the American factory and farm shall he greatly reduced, and (h.: i the home market of the Canadian farmer and manufacturer alike shall be thrown open to our Southern neighbour, _ in the face of the United States Emergency tariff, which practically shuts out Canadian farm products from these markets, and also in the face of the permanent tariff now under consideration at Washington, which gives every promise of being even more drastic than the Emergency Tariff so far as our products nre concerned. In view of the attitude of the United States, what folly it is for Crerar and King to propose throwing open the Canadian market to a flood of both agricultural and manufactured pro- ducts of the United States when there is not the slightest possibility of any compensative advantage to Canada. Does a n > sane Canadian believe that Crerar or King, hat in hand, could persuade the United States Government to completely reverse its Tariff policies and agree to reci- procal trade in face of American public de- mand for a high protective Tariff? The people of the United States conduct their affairs und protect themselves by the prin- ciple that "Business is business." Why should Canada do otherwise? Unlike Crerar or King, MEIGHEN stands firm for a reasonable Tariff to protect all our industries those of the farm, the sea, the mine, the forest, the factory, and for the building up of a bigger and better Canada through the full development of the home market. FRIENDSHIP WITH THE UNITED STATES ? YES, BY ALL MEANS! BUT let us defend our home market, our industries, our farms, our work- men, our homes b> the same methods as are used so effectively against us. Let us work out our own destiny that of a strong, self-contained nation within the British Empire jjroup of Nations, courageous, masterful, self-reliant. Canada The National Liberal and Conservative Party Publicity Committee Osprey Council All the members of Osprey Coun- cil were present ut a regular meet- ing held in thu Orange Hall at Sing- hamnton on Saturday. November ".Hi The Miiiiite.s of the next proceeding meeting were adopted and the follow- ing accounts passed: Municipal World $3.61. supplies to Clerk; H. W. KernalMii, stamps $20. envelopes $1; H. \V. Kernuhau, mak- speedy tecuvery. SPRINGHILL Mis.s M,ibel Ciikluist is spending a frfw weeks with her sister lioro, Mrs \\'m Johnson. Mi I; . !, ii-1 Strain of Lioissorain, .\! in ' ii' K: a few days with Mrs F i .. : I and Mi - C Akius. We ririj -i.rry to report Mis George Best on the sick list but hupe fur bur ing out and mailing tax notices, $10; \V. I,. Taylor, letting drain on 40th Sideroad. $3.0(1; I{. II. Kdwards. wire fence bonus, $9.80; Edw. Seeley, for tile supplied to Township to date. $105.95; W. L. Taylor. Thos. Realty and 11. W. Kernahan. $5.00 each, se- lecting Jurors. Gravel accounts: Jas. Ottewell, $20.87: Nell Thompson. $10.00; \V. J. Thompson, $4.00; Mrs. N. Snyres, $1.62 :. Duncan McMillan. $5.00; Nap. Crevier. $4.37; Win. Mc- Cutohecm, $2.87. lly-Law No. (197 to pay School Hates, School Debentures, Telephone and Drainage Debentures and County Unto for 1921 was Introduced, read tho required number of times, and passed. UOHS I'oolo ..... That the Clerk be iii.'.rniclfil In send for repairs for grudor' at once and charge, same to the County. M< Ken/.le -- I'oole That this Coun- cil Imy 1 drug for Division No. 2."" Letter from -Provincial Secretary Miss Si. 8'.- Ch ird spaiit n few days with h i s..-u-i, Mr- ti Johnnon, Kok MlllN. Vune H nii'iiber from Ijere attended I lit- bard times social in the i . li.-.'nn osbyleiian church i>u Tuead>y Imt. Mrs VV T i'.. ;i of Kiuil trley, dulci(te lo the W 1 coin gulion in T"i . .-, -j.i-nt the end of the wuolc with lier diu^htet, Mrs U VVCh .id. M -slllmli Kent, Toronto, spent a [w d;iys with her siier, Mri Talbit. Mifs Susie Chard eutoi tamed a :.-* of liei ynuiii; ; i i on \Vednt'nd;iy evenint! last, and an u- y i!.].- tinif WHH spent by all | ii-~. ir in music uid ^anns. BU3INESSCARDS SOCIETIES PK1NCB AHTHUU I.OtKiK. No. *I3,A.F.A A M. meets in the Mnbonic lia 1 !. Arm froiK's Block Klebertou. .%. Krida; on or before the lull moon. IVtcr Vuir. W. II H. it. Holland, DENTISTRY \i'l-. C MURRAY I. ,'. - . ' iitnl -ui.;.-. r. 1 hi nor Kfadutte of Toronto Uuivertity nij v-> College af Dentft] Hurq.'oiiB of Outario ! idmUtlllltoNd for teeth extraction Q.CB M juliin Toronto btrcet. FlerirUui. LEGAL . UC'AS. A hKNKY KarriKtan. roiicitort *-< eic.-I. 11. Luou, K. C. ; W. D. Henry? B. A. OlUcuB, Markdale Luc*n Hlouk, Pbou* JA. drmocu Offlctl at Duutlalk cd Durban. V U10HT * TKLFOKD, Harriter, Boliei, torn, Ac. OUiceB, Urey K Hruou Block. OwouKoniid. Staudard Hank . . .Klenbor- tou. (Saturdays). W. H. Wright. SV. P". i'elforfl ' BUSINESS CARDS HTM. KA1TT1NO, ii-niiHuii Auctlcnaer lot *' tbe oouptlea of Urey aod Siuico*. HI in aad stock Bales a specialty. TeroM moderate. Batistactiou gnarkUtted. Arrlkuge- iieoti) for datGB way be made st tho Prentice 'Hicc. or Cuptral telorlioue ofiSee rVrersbam ir by addruoeinl! ma at Kevei bain, I) \Vere.Miriytc> report that Mr John 7 Beit ii on thn sick lint. M-ss-'s Florence Keo Mid Irons Shaip hive returned after spundin;,' Tlunki^iv- in^ with the fui'uiei'a purenta, Mr mid Mrs NK --Hi Koe .: ISiaiupton. Mi .nd Mi- Alfiul Harrison visited Mol'll.Ml, l.ii Kimuil Auutionue for tbe Coiiaty of Uroy. Tcruja uioJorate and 4l action nuariiiteeil. The arraiisemente ind aatua of salee cui bn made at Tint ADVAN oIHoe. Resilience" i.ud P.O., Ceylon, TelcphWJ* - jjll. A. TUJNUULU H.A.. M.M. K radiiaM ^ with Mr and Mrs It'iniioii at Victoiii . . ... .. K aii froiy tlie hat-nlty of Modiuino, 1-nivenH* of Toronto. Office Rtobartl ion liluok, Flciili- l\'U'|i|ione :(.". liabits thetotrlvtl And there is no bettor wny to d-i tliiH ilmn to liiing into the huutehold a purindical th>kt will lie, of inteiest to every member "f it ; tint will - u| |-'\ i Im I c-i i, MII": for old and young. Amoni;tho periodickla of this deseriplion The Youths' Companion in ' unl(|u6. Not only does it aim to enter- VVeck I 14 '" "''' i'lfoni) hoys and '.;nls in their u I-M-, as its iruii.j MIL;. 'i'il .. tint Ihrro is not a eve in ir that parents cn over with indifference. The 52 issues of I'-i-- will bo crowded with serial sturiea, short stories, editoii- it >''. poetry, facts and fuo. Subscribe , jnow and receive 1 The Youth's Companion 58 issues iu 1(^2. 2 All the remaining isiue* of IC'Jl. Jl The Companion Hume Cuteiidar fof 19-2 J. All for 2 60. "j4 Or include MeCall's MK.I/.:IIO, the Imonth'y aathority m Ushions, boll) ! omy V3 00. lUHOl.'H rj THK Vul TU'S COMPANION '"-* '> A vc. A: St. r.iu', s'rcd .1.1,111, Mas*. 'New iiibscriptions received al t!,i- Hi e PARK HOUSE FLESHERTON We ar now open for business iu the Village of Flcpheiion and solicit the pakrouage of the peo- ple of this district, ur aim is to give satisfaction to every- one. First class meala served at prices to suit. The next time you a-e iu Flcshertou give ua a call and wo will satisfy you. A.B.FERRIS Prop. At Burks Kails the Council take over the Skating Rink.

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