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Flesherton Advance, 24 Nov 1921, p. 4

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November 21 11)21 THE FIESHMWON ADVANCE ABLISHED 1873 Proton Office opi'll Tues., Thurs. and Sat HOURS Yi o'clock noon to 4 o'clock p.m. BANK OF HAMILTON DUNDALK BRANCH-A. M. Carthew, Manager SIB-BRvNCIi PROTON C. J. Forsler, Sub-Manager W. A. HAWKEN dealer for MENDELSSOHN PIANOS and PLAYER PIANOS, PHONO- GRAPHS and RECORDS, and SHEET MUSIC. Call and S.T lie.-i' high grade instruments Hawkcn'a Photo Gallery and Music Store FLESHERTON THE\ Flesherton Advance An independent newspiper published every Thursday nt the cilliei-, Collini;wood Street, FKslierton. Sulucripiimi price 51 .Ml pi'i Hiinuia when [nil in adVAIWM ; 8200 wln-ii not K.I pii'l. 82.01) to I'niti'd Suites. Adverting rates on apl'lii'Minii Circulniinn nver 1100 weekly. W. II. TIH'KSTON ^^^^^^Z^-^^*^^~~~~r~r~*~''j~*~'~r*''-*''~~.''^!* Flesherton Tin Shop- Is Acquitted of Poisoning (Mail and Empire) Orangevllle. Out., Nov. 16-- Mrs Mnbel Lee. of Kosemont, charged with murdering her husband, Robert Lei', liy administering strychnine, was to-night acquitted by a Jury at the DulTerin Fall Assizes. The jury re- tired at 9; 30 and at 11:30 p.m., two hours later, returned their verdict. The verdict was heard In silence by a densely crowded court room. The silence was broken by a half-hysteric- al exclamation from the accused, who grasped her counsel's arm and ex- rlaimed excitedly. "Charlie, Charlie, God bless you." Mr. Justice Latch- ford's comment on the finding was brief: "Gentlemen," said ills Lord- ship, addressing the jurors, "It was difficult. In the absence of the medi- cine bottle, to arrive at any other verdict." Mr. McKeown asked for the dls- i hargo of the prisoner, and Mrs. Lee left the court room at once, Ueins escorted outside by her counsel and the friends, who hastened to con- Krutulatu her upon her acquittal. The line of examination followed by Mr. C. It. .McKoon. counsel for the prisoner, was for the purpose of | ii'.v. in! 1 that the prisoner's husband committed suicide. Nearly every de- fence witness was examined respect- ing statements that Lee had made in conversation. The tenor of these statements was to the effect that the unfortunate man ws tired of life and in the mood to end it. SI ,.' 1 have just placed on the shelves a full line of j|-' Tinware, Nicketware and Agatettare for domestic ur use. a on me and <r-t your suppies. K;i vet roughing, Stovepipes and Stove Furnish- ings. Impairing of a kinds promptly attended to. Pipelining, including pump work. Furnaces installed. Agent for lure Hros. II Furnaces HI Mr. Ball's Meetings I'liceville, Tliuts , Nov. L'4 at '1 p.m. Kleshert Thurs , Xuv. L'4 at H p tn. Maxwell, Friday, Nov. -_T at 7 :* p.m. Snii;li;iiii|>'oi', St. Nov. 'Ji! i1 ~.'M Mr. V'eomani nf Toronto will spetik at the Inut two |.in . . Mr. U. C. Hciidern ux-M.I' , t-x-I'rei. of thn Mumlobn (iriiin (irowers, (if '.Vinni (><;(;, will itddicfls the former Iwu meeting*, naaisled by Mr. C. H McKtown, nt Orin<!evilla. D. WcKILLOP CHRISTOE BLOCK FLESHERTON & ONTARIO. !, i EXECUTORS' SALE Of tin ' Hi , i of the Lite .lobii Mules' IKIDAV HI I Ml.l i; Ji.. I. I >.: I The following iirllele.s from the es- tate of the lute John Hales will be of- fered for salr at his lati' rcsidenre. us follow.--: l.igbt Wagoii ami Kark; Set Light Bobsleighs: I'uir Iron Harrows; Quantity nf loose Oats and Hay; llotl- I'.uiii Suites; B(dn; MattressOH; Tab- les; KockiiiK Chairs; l.ouiiKe: Cook Siove; Hinall Heater; Sewing Mu- him-; Small Oil Sluve; Carpenter's Tools and Tool liox; r, Hollw Single ply JUioflnt; Paper; Kidhen si,|, board ami other articles too iiiiuu-r ons to menlion. The hou-e anil lots will be ofh i. <l "*for bale Milijert to a rc-ncrve bid ; lilso |),K K iot-.-fuirl of lot 4. -\ ItASKIl.AIJ, <j.AMK Street. comprlfllngTyug arre. more in 1C3B. Suit' < (Illllllelli e . lit 1 o'clock |l III W. A. ArrastroiiK. \V. J. c.iswell, Kx- ecutors. 1). MrPIIAII,, Auotloneor. A small hoy's coinposilon of n bnwe ball game, as handed into Ihe teach- er ol a public school: "One Saliuluy night Cordon and I were at a baseball game between I'roton ami Dumlalk. but Proton had b.'cn pr-ietNIni; for the game, so they sturti'il lo play and Oiimlalk tboiinhl ill. 1 1 they could beal them ami Trolon got ahead of them at the score of Ii 1 and 'In n ini'ni ill, gut mail anil they wouldn't play. They said il was too dark to play and then they ull cheen-il them ami i hey said they \\nulil play Ihem i : .ll- oiher nighl and they all cheered LIIMIII ;uid they were mail and went home .in, I they have never played il yet and I guess they are a scared to. ROCK MILLS Tho Inin'iMi relumed home !inl wetk with tlieii full niinibi'r of dur. Tho OraiiL'einen of this ptit held a d.uiro 1 1!-' * i k at tilt) li'iniu of Alf I'ult ridge mid :in ruj .lyible evening was spent by all pri'M lit. MM \\ l>iii j ^.i\ul .it Duriiiifh spout " couple of weeki with Mrs Daijjavt'l. NVo i'\innd our dfli'|u'<t sympathy tn the Cliiiid tamily in their bereavi'inunt in the hi*- of a kind ami loving mother. Miss \l .. Nowell luiiitned to her home in Durham, after ipoudiog nc>ni|ilo of week" with lid lnotlu'i, (' Newell nnd wife, here. Mr and MIH Kii'd Ku^bell and family arrived hero last week from Idaho, atit'i a coiiplu yearn there. We lire ft! to se them buck ai;ain. Mix. ,1 1 1 1] . !,:n - n uf tlie Went arrived in tune to attt'iid the funeral of hur mother, Mn. \V. Oliurd, who was buried on Sunihtv last. Tin ' Mill* Ladies' Aid will hold a \i\y. inr iii tho I'liur.'h "ii \Vi'diiBKlay even- ir.H Nov. IlOih. Tea will lie Bt-rvcd. Mi ,u, d Mis Unlit ('lurk muvod 'o tha'r in-w home in Fii-slierton thi.s week. \\ 'D are soriy to Mirth uood DBigbburi &* I they will be much missed hern. A DENIAL !_, the owner of ihe Rawiiiill at Ceylon, ! uiub-rgtand there ha be^n report going ,r i iha*. the barn owned by Mr Wiilr.'d Fawcett catubt lire from the: MM i i,!. I want it under^iood (hat there ' Wis no lire in ihe mill for lliree days nnd ; llirec nijjlits before tlie fire, nor f,,r two days ,,i.l nijli ., attur. The mill has I . i-ii lunninu all sun.mor nnd has not Ret Hoy Die around my ini.l. Tlie dis- uric.- is about 20 rods from the mill to the 1'iin. As Iain inxured in the R.mie CMii|.iny, this is my obj-ct in not allow- ] in^ a f.ilse report to spread. Sinned- Edward Svrgent. Ceylon, Out. 'I lie Owi-n Sound Sun Tim. .- li;i - piirrlinst'd the property fiirniorly n. 1 - i-npied by Tlio Tiiiit's. imnioilliilclv : uolll III till' fill Nil I ,i|||, . I'll,' pl'op- i'1'ty was owned by the eslute of Hie late John Huthorford. Tenders Wanted Tenders will 1m ncoiviul tiiitil I! p,m.. Saluidny, Nov. L'liih, for the haulmi; l\v e,,ntiai'l, nf 7l',IK)l) ft. innrn or le, exact ,.ii, ILI, i yiven mi |iplication, of soft elm loi<s fr <iu [nitMoga , Markdale. M. Anni-tronK, Markdale. having 11 22 rifle In hia and tiring off cartridges, Ihe 12- .Vpar-oW son of ,V. I). Connor, of inn bam. "van flneil $8.10 and hud ttu* xun confiscated until nailing <'otild he obtained from Toronto. CHOICE FARM FOR SALE "in.; nn,l hulf mileH from n'ho I and village on 1'iovincial higlnrny, l.Ml OIL- farm, heiug lots i:,i and I.'I6, I N K T and H 11, H|HO I i i:t'>, I S \V T aful S U On theto premium . i modern iirick flight loiuiicd IMUI.II! with furntne and <n.-.t. in liiul (.' on.! wonrthud ; a 1. ,1.,, li.un with lraw (.be I iVtxil-j ith stune fonii \Ution J a ill IM' hlic.l :.' I ill' nnd good well at hoURD and hum : lnn a good frame b.irn "Os.'iO on lot I>t4; twnQood or. 1, ..i.|., and t never f'lilmf! rrook . lilU acres cleared and in u lirst ( lim stulo of cult i- vation, remaiodtr puaune. Apply "i. the pininiiics to Ocl27if WM. HAVIS FOWL WANTED We am in the market for all kinds of fowl Chicken*, Ducks and Geese Cash or trade;. Highest prices paid. CARLOAD OF SALT just arrived. jjjy.23 per hhl., 2 sacks to the liarrel. J A M E S , M c L E A N, Paulson's Old Stfcnd. CEYLON Small Ads. Try Fi.-verslin.Ti 1'mtry flour, the best j /r your coolc, All Oncvrio wheic Chopping done MI Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Guham lirus. Kii_'uiit. for Sale 2(100 l>u. old oats ad one c ir <>f corn. W. C. White, Ceylon. For S.le- (iixid Bjokunse for sule Dr. Bibhy, Flesherl >n. For Salts A cm of corn in itnck at Fieaherion. K. (J. Kistcdt. Produce You can get the best prices in town from us for your butter and eggs. Call or phone and bo convinced. % Poultry We will pay you the best prices lor your Poultry, either alive or dressed and pay either cash or tiade for produce or fowl. Floiir & Feed Have yeu ever tried our Hour? If not do so at once. It's guaranteed. Groceries A fresh line of Groceries always on hand. Confectionery We have a large display of chocolates, also bars and fancy boxes. W. E. CARGOE Groceries, Fruits and Confectionery FLESHERTON, Phone 30 J . ONT. For Site Leicester ram, also 6 pig". Harold Lover, Klesheit-m. For Sle Birds pure wool Mackinaw* in Uncle, brown and '.Try, lo knit stockings. H Alexander. fc\vershtn. Fur Sale r Kent The 'l I vn'i factory in VlaihertoD, on i/i-y t>-i m-. Apply tn K. J. SpruiiK Fleshurt.ui. Humus Ti> Rent A !,'v rooms to rent Miiulile smtll family Mrs McDonald FlMhertoo. Hy For Sale Uetwet-u 15 and L'O t'lim of hay by bulk or ton Apply to R. Otborn*, Eugenia i'() 'Phone. Heifer Lost 1 yenr old. two pig rings in !.;!. i ir. Kinder please coinmuui- i cute with R O.iboriie, Kugenn I'.O,, nr teliphone. Flesherton Garage FORD and GPAY-DORT Sales A full line of Tires and Anto Accessories on hand. C'anii- to (he premm-H i>f R 1'ark, hlu/ein.1. on or about Nov ~1. black iiii'l white collie bitch. Owner can have fame by pajini; pipenseg.- R. Park, Eugenia. For Sle- 1 tvt liijht l"(;h, will r^rry a loii, with HlntftM, pole and whiWetn-i ; iils.i net single alvi^h horness. S Sample Kletherton. ()c: 27 4io -i Lumb E.stray ^;nni5 pt limh, lonv tail, from lot 1, (.' 'ii. ti, Osprey, ubout Oct. '2'<>. Finder please connnunicitte with Tucker Phillip*, Klesherton P.O. FORDSON AND INTERNATIONAL TRACTORS, GASOLINE ENGINES and Agent fr all Deering and McCormick Implements and full Iiii9 of repairs. H. DOWN & SONS, PHONE 36 FLESHERTON NOW IS THE TIME. We fel aura id it when the puhlic rotlix-! ilmt after *\\ ___>__^_^^___^_^____^____ ! yetiis (if lii^li prices wnll papers ;ire I le.illydown and much ..f the long pott ' APPKOVKD BY THE fiOV EUNM KNT i pDiiod Biid neconsury decorating will be done. Secwmples t Eiiiipirt> n -ilic i|i. i< tt II. V u i inn 1 . in , KUgherton. WINTER TERM OPENS JAN. 3 ELLIOTT nci Lot For Hale -The prop- ertf known * the Aalulown rutidonco at (.Vylun, itn i'i.;li' roamed dwelling, good r*IUr, Ktlih, etc. ; about an acre of I m't. would mul:c a cood homo for a retired I'-nt 1 , m <u For terms i..! fur- ther pur iiUrs m'j'ly ' W. J. :'.-..! in. . IMny t f , . of it unt.|iialled courH3s,tff, ' methods of instruction, building, equip- meiii .i.i.l 1 1 .nl > it in, m ihis willing, the only UuameHs College in Ootano approved fot Adolescents. t!et tile biwt It pays C4taloguu,frc, enter my time. Homo and Lot For S.-le at Ceylon One acT" ot land, a Iniiie frame liouse, !) rooms, ." bedrooniH, ilinniki room, pirlor, gofid b'. Hi, kiteli ' pantry n>l cellar, nil fnrnUb*d iul in uood c> iKlition, WoodHl eJ Htlaclied. AUo jjoo.l (tftbla and well. Near the C.P.It, station. Apply I Mr*. H P. Lcgnte, Ceylon. C. A. FLEMING, K.C.A , Principal since Ifi81 . U. D. KI.KMINO, Secretary. iVougeand Ciiarles Streets, Toronto .U noted throughout Canada for Hum ! GitAi'K Hi sist:s* KUUCATIUM. Graduates irendilv obtain employment . Writ* for 'handsome u^t:dogue. Knter aoy time. W. J. ELLIOTT, PRINCIPAL T her? was a leak in the offering of a church at Fergus and two youths were caught and were later let oft on suspended sentence. Boar For Service Pure bred Yorkshire Boar for service on lot . "7 1 con. ti, AiUmieaia. Terms 81.00. -JOHN HAHG HAVE, Prop. I FALL DRIVING With the approach of the cool days of winter you should look carefully over your car and see that everything it ship-shape. Examine your tires, your cooling system and your clutch and brakes. You do not want to have road trouble at this time of the year. Wa,tcln. Yoxir Battery. If it is not kept well charged, it is liable to free/ii when old JacK. Frost comes tor a visit. It would be well to test it oncB a. week and add distilled water. When you lay your car np for winter, remove your Battery and let us store it for you. II it is'in good shape., we keep it so : if it is not, we make ife so. Drain Yovtr Radiator- each night. It sometimes happen* that ft Biulilen cold snap finds us unprepared and such unpreparedness will cost) money. A SUGGESTION j Allow us to go over your car for you, find out any little troubles and fix them now. Maybe there are some bigger troubles developing now which uiay lay you up later if not attended to. "We can advise yon as to these aud tak yor car in later when it will not iacou- venionce you D. McTAVISH & SON FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO

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