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Flesherton Advance, 24 Nov 1921, p. 2

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sloping green before it and a tangle I immediately underwent a change cf' onion. 6 tablespoons crumbs, 2 beaten' IN FOR MA ON ,.r ....,, ....i ...... ,.-iu r. ,*..,..* K, .;,;, ;t I* k^-* tM,..; u ...,** ,. ,- *k,. fi**.+ +,, .,^-^r, i i/ *..n,...^.^,^^, ..!+ ii frAAQivwwm . .^^ SON OF^OURAGE BY ARCHIE P. McKISHNIE Copyrighted by Thomas Allen. of second growth forest behind it. It was not an old building, but hn<l the appearance of senile old age. Its coat of cheap terra-cotta paint had cracked into many wrinkles; its windows look- ed dully out like the lustreless eyes of an- old, old man. The ante-room roof had been blown off by a winter's gale and replaced inaccurately, so that it set awry, jaunty and defiant, challeng- ing the world. Its door hung on one hinge, leaning sleepily against a knvfo-scarred wall. A rail fence ran about the yard which was filled to choking with a rank growth of smart - weed. In one corner of the yard was a well with a faded blue pump holding the faded red arm of a handle toward heart. Elgin Scraff was the first to egg*, 1 >/4 teaspoon* slide down and approach the new boy in ft spirit of fellowship. "Hello," he mid genially. "I've got a crackin' good geat. You kin set with me if you like." Jam shook his head. "Promised fierchanto, manufacturers or any p ,n interest- Mix the squash, milk, rice, egg, and ed in bonds or stocks is ;.r;ven in our together. Place In a btrt- ; special Norember letter, t'-opy will be tered baking dish, sprinkle bread ver th * and bake in a Billy Wilson I'd sit -with him," he said:. "Kin you tell me where he's goin' to sit?" Elgin was about to answer when he caught a gasp from the -watchers on the road. "Teacher's coniin'l" went forth the cry. Down the hill came a thin, rangy bay horse, astride which, an open book in his hand, sat Mr. G. G. Johns- ton. As he drew up in front of the the skies, as though evoking high gate he closed the book and turned , heaven to bear witness that it was his frowning eyes on the building. i never intended to lead such a lonely Utterly ignoring the awed, watching j and useless existence. I faces, he shook his head grimly and, i The boys approached the building' looking to neither right nor left, rode i slowly and as they rwared its sombre in through the open gate. Not until 1 portals silence fell upon them. They ' he hnd unbridled his horse and t'-rned | opened the creaking gate and entered him loose to seek a breakfast as best ! the building much nfter the manner! he knew how, while he investigated 'of heroes who must stand blindfolded , the school's interior, did the boys and against a wall and wait the word girls outside gave way to their feel- "Fire!" They had to go through with Ings. medium oven forty minutes. Potato and Onion Escallop. 6 me- dium sized potatoes, 3 smalt onions, 2 teaspoons salt, V* teaspoon pepper, 1V4 cups hot milk, 6 thin slices bacon. Butter a casserole, put in a layer of thinly sliced potatoes, then add a thin layer of sliced onions, and season with salt and pepper. Add another layer of potatoes and onions with season- ings, and repeat until all are used. Then pour on milk, and cover the top with the slices of bacon. Bake in a moderate oven at least one hour. Re- move cover a few minutes to brown. Mlnard's Liniment for Colds, etc. A bachelor's button is the one he lost. Synopsis of Preceding Chanter*. Bilij Wilson, wbo lives with bb father ;.nd stepmother and her son A LSI. P., ii the leader among the boy* of Scotia, a lioneer settlement neat Lake Erie. Cfobin Keelev, one of th* trustees, tells the new teacher, Mr. Johnston, about his predecessor Frank Staihopo, .'ho was blind:*) while trying to sav,_ Iiorses from a Then Maurice Keeler whistled. "Whew! Ain't he the old human 1 Icicle?" he asked. Billy looked gravely down at his' sme!1 of . chalk dust, mouldy bread) "You bet!" came the spontaneous it, that was all. The building held all the unmistak- 'J i able odors of a school room. The accuser, then apprehenfdvely at hi* judge As no immediate sentence mice, dirty slates and muaty, answer. rose up to smite tho arrivals. "Gosh," cried Elgin Scraff, "there with ink -daubs and deeply scarred by let's get our medicine.' seemed forthcoming he turned toward Fou , r . r .^ 8 ? f P' 8 **}*. blackened goes the belli Come on everybody; jB . 1 1 i f h T 1 1 L . I 01 1 Ho -. i . , I > I i.i, > .1 i - .,..( ->.,,( Vtir . I at a i ri-il ,1:11- 1 1 <\/J i , i i . . the door. "Stop!" Mrs. Wilson had risen sud>- denly from her chair and stooJ point-' -knives, ran the entire length j Just as the boys and girl* were get- building. A big box stove stood, tling down in their seats and Jim ing an accusing finger at Billy. in the centre of the room, its wavering Scroggie was glancing anxiously door- " You'll ketch it fer this an' don't ' pi P,9 8U PP r ted by wires from the ward Billy strode in. He was retplen-, you ferget it" she stormed "an 1 if i, 4 * 111 "^- ent n his Sunday beat and wore a Walter Watland looked about for a wild thorn blossom in his button hole. iekly about tho room Scfoggie's namesake and PP a J' c " t 1 m 'onth"' w {thout a*nv lunclTa'tall "" * in ^ e em P tv *tove he had discovered which he hungered a smile from the heir takes possession. Twin Oaks | n] trn! "T Hwln'f atr 'T /> the place of all places. So, while An- lips of Lou Scroggie. Then he seized tore is robbed. Harry O'Dule finds ' ^ * * I didn _ say ate gon alH , Eljfin ^^ investi ti the Jack LaRose by t ft BCruff of the neck, tVio cfnlan rr,.. '- in n]A Rrrniytrie S ~1 m * a I * nonlio.'. .1.. .1. ~-J _:_!.:__ 4 it_I_ >auiv t3u iuuin3, 'iv i ou 11 K^i/cn it ier tnis an uont M~ - \ J --.--..-... while trying to sa\v horses from a ferget it " she stormed "an 1 if I c* 1 ' 1 "?- dent In his Sunday burning stable. A will . made by a cver hear of ' bblin> ' Angon . gi Walter Watland looked about for a wild thorn bloMom i wealthy hermit, Scroggie, in Stan- share o , the ]unch >in u VOUTie i Rood place in which to conceal his 'He glanced quickly hope's favor, could not be found. , _ !utton vou .n 7 school fnr a. i P acka *?e of sulphur and decided that! and caught tho glint X ffi itTrrm'o n n n\nr-n\fn 'i r.i\ HT>TV*lT"Pnl r. * - ^~ __. 1 W 4 It a , i .>i i , l i ,. t ,.,.,. I I, ., A ! ' . . .** 1 im-K- , . I , T n I. i , ., yM>n J the stolen goods in old cabin, known as the haunted houro. Hinter, middle-aped and we 1-tc-do, goes woo ng Kric Landon, loyal sweet- ficart of Stanhope, and daughter of !.hc invalid luhthoUBe keeper. TAVO search of Dai1 tkei 'ausl J and seats, he proceeded to hide his sulphur 'a know?" ...... , it ,. , .in the stove's black depths. Then he jou taKe it a tall, I , nlltBi( , B wifll ,,. '; * jerked him from the seat near thc door and motioned Jim Scroggie over. "We'll set here," he whispered. "It's went outside with his companions to! close to the outside in case we have it 'cause I thought it was awil th of the new Scarcely had the three seated them-] the top rail o? the yard : make a quick get-away." (To be continued.) CHAPTER XVII. The Uread Day Oawns. It waa broad daylight when Anson, Toronto Fat Stock Show Will Be Held Affain at Union Stock Yards. By rauon of the inability of Uia Royal AurtcultunU Win- ter Fair to pot on a show this year the regular show of commercial lire tock win be hoU *t UNION STOCK YARDS TORONTO DECEMBER 8TH AND 9TH Premium list* ready for dis- tribution October list. Write Secretary, e/o Union Stock Yairds. sent free on request. R. G. BLACK & CO. 610 C.P.R. Bnilding, Toronto Nova Scotia's Salt Bed*. Salt beds covering an area of forty square miles exist in Nova Scotia. One bed alone Is said to be 900 feet wide by 80 feet deep acd to have a purity of 98 per cent. Mina rd' Liniment Used by Veterlnariee Tea is gathered from the plant four times a year. NEW LAMP BURNS 94% AIR Beats Electric or Ga* A new oil lamp that gives an am Ingly brilliant, soft, white light, even better than gM or electricity, ha* bea tested by the U. 8. Government and 3S leading universities and found to b superior to 10 ordinary oil lamps. II burns without odor, smoke or notee - BO pumping up, la simple, clean, safe. Barn* 94% air and 6% common hero Mne (coal-oil). The Inventor, F. T. Johnson, 249 Craig St.- W., Montreal, is offering to trad * lamp on 10 days' FREE trial, or eveo to give one FREE to the first V*e;r la each locality who will help him introduce It. Write him to-day for full particulars. Also ask him to explain how you can get the agency, and without experience or money make }250 to $600 per month an' 'he has the most 'n'w'ful dreams ^tE^St now don't you Anse?" ho asked, turn- , came in one in;r to his brother. Jim Scroggie entered the school yard with his sister by his side. He or Run Huy "Diamond Dyes" no other kind then perfect home dyeing Is guaran- teed. Even if yon have never dyed be- paused a moment to let his eyes stray! for. you can put a new, rich, fadeless - -- - .. A won started to whimper. i no i * , - . ' i In response to an angry call from the nave j, ad <] reams n( , COI1 f SSO( ] m j s _ ;to tnc faces of tho three hopefuls on [color Into your worn, shabby dresses,] -bottom of the stairway, sat up in toi. ar*Hy "but pie' an' tarts ain't to- e S**^. 8 ??**!??* 1 ? wllh a ***'* skirts, waists, stockings, coata, sweat- 1 Vaguely he realized that in some dire j blame 'fer it." '" " * '" *"'" u intuition that in this trio he saw some way this glad morning proclaimed aj "Silence vou!" Mrs Wilson reached ' f the rin K |(>a(ler s of th school. Jim day of doom, but hi drowsy senses f or tho dj nnor _ pa j] am j procc edcd to! wor K a smart twee !l coat and knicker- tasomr.g and Unit r i E ht " she said trrimlv "If th-,tv waa on "W daintily in white, with abandon of f S?!?.y#u ^^^^ h2 soft blue collar that m.trte.1 the What boy has not you off pastl . v fe > a whi f t . Now ihen Honous depths of her eyes. She IM-ru-nrc, even al-j Kra(l that pai , an( , (;ff , (ichoo , wUh smiled now, and the three on the fence .._......* ...... it one tart, one douirh- droam and striving to slip from the nut . ,., ^^ ^ brother's 1 control of swier reasoning and drift riK ht," she said grimly. "" "-"- was away with a happy ** r*f /fir ., resuks to follow. had the same cxpe though he knew tlva>t a raxor-strop, both o' vou!" wielded by a vigorous hand would in m] was ' teid first d Hj ' all probab.l.ty aoconlith quick y f(xr A * nsor , at , he ron( , , c wh g what his drowsy will had failed to c accomplish? .-V. ping off into tho lulling phrus when that extra ed by all boys in a measure an-l by r- Hls , L U ' ers, draperies, hangings, everything, by following the simple directions in every package of Diamond Dyes. Just tell your druggist whether the ma- terial you wish to dye is wool or silk, or whether it is linen, cotton, or mixed poods. Diamond Dyes never streak, spot, fade, or run. Christmas Cheer PRETTY PRESENTS IN PROFUSION SEE OUR SAMPLES Torcan Fancy Goods Co., Ltd. 7 Wellington St. East M6700 TORONTO WHOLESALE ONLY Don't Work All Your Life A wise investment in Mexia, the world's greatest Oil Field, should mean independence. Information free. ;You can invest from ten dollars, up. I Write MEXIA PETROLEUM TRUST' 704 W. T. Waggoner Building, Fort Worth. . . Texas t """ fur Anson at. the rond pate when hi will had failed to ,. an , c (lown the th j ejct . tf . tMy win I on was just ,lrop. ., his l>vp , d vowj j in 4, iib!p l ,,ng arms f M-r- thrrats , t the aRcnt of hjs ^ DW wo( , ise, p. -Now, then," said Billy as he oamei back to of his d<angei . and u realization ., ,. p ,.. Bi|] . -, , . , was ilirty of you," miffled Anson. "You ki.ow how much I like CM* an' tails; an' her- I am bavin" to braces over his shoulders by the time Itl urn an - uin . f ,, f the heavy footatopa of HM _nu:thcr F( . r two Pcnts r<| chu , k () , is JgJJ sounded at the top of the stairs. n jn thc ,...;,.,. You i. AIIM-! came Mr*. Wilsons A , f t t rj , fc voice. "Ilave I gotta hmber you up Pronkflr| ()| - ,, s ra ht/ . % CORNS Lift Off with Fingers J .. Baby s Own so fragrant the strap, after all Conun, Ma, responded ""w'el'l vou'd &n , YiuMl be iettin- ei o/Jh hi Hn's to lav Sf tat n ^X any good- * Health and Heuuty Hinls. Suporfliioiis is one of the most ., Biliv, his tcmicr risinjr. "You'd bost^ an "> inK fiu ' ial '"Icmishcs and one , . o Anse, t . log| . yollr m ; )Uth whj](1 thc f | osin . s i which careful handling, for KOfxl, an* if anythin' happens to that; so often the destruction of one root, lil you're goin' to hear from me." ' (or follicle) stimulates the growth of pr "P tlons _ They parsed on in .silence until the others, thereby increasing the trouble.' wear my arm out witl.out me hav i ou 'fore teiakfast." Anson stftoa still, fumbling the but- tons. So that was it! School! He knew it was some awful catastrophe. as possible during the day and the last thing at night. .The so-called "fever sores" which appear on the lips and nostrils are both painful ami disfiguring. These are Dome/what allied to when thy are ii grove came in si . tJillv paused. You iro on. Artsp he said./"!',,, K oin' o'er to the'n,- Here There is no occasion io be concerned *L. "' * rth af hair. It fer a look over things. An'i is rnther sofu> ' li "R '" it" < lffe ' it . " a an expression of a nervous condition. The eruptions are also cause:! by con- stipation, and in that case can be here." He brotheiV rul - Iikp thp (l <> w ^^h, and is a A voidod b - v *!** "-BIa- 'MU. [>IOmerS| A ri.ti..^; r\( r\n*\'n*m '.., i ,...,..,,: F himself, and fast. Billy wa.s not there. His father' was just getting up from the tablu. "Whores Bill?" An.nn asked him. not nearly so notu-eable as it, o-ner will temperament ! " (io wh l th 'y to remove every hart! corn, soft corn, or corn between the toes, and the cal- of i will obtain relief by ind, K nerve tonic whic .... inimhe'r "of" fairs'" and 1 1 nMl>'. Dative. One tablet , them so that the condition be- 1 m * ht . " usu "!'y ^fnc.ent. Spirits of to you; see , camphor applie,! to the eruption, es- sh i.ldered. "Aw, who's goin' . ..,.,. .,...,,. hnira ..,.,.. ; pecially in its first stages, has a dry- "I)own feelin' hi ikplv " "' l ' w|1 : "' "''uruod. , . some relief hiit hrtly you lift It right off with nugers. ,s. most likely, "All riht then Now litpn TI,U ' times appear on the chin or on a mole >, renei, nut answered his father a.s he went out' .' . ,' , a , V, nre. i.-illv HUflmiriiu ,,n^ <h,M l, wlth fevpr "o'^ 8 - * ln >v other lrul y- A morr.cnt or two kiter Billy came in. 1 '""'TV" T V'"' my , Sundft y. e \"^** "P ar f "..:'"- V , (lls 7 url '^ ' nd shoul<1 .. b j in .. -prevention I 8 better than cure" Your dru *glBt " * tiny bottle of The boya Beatwl themselves in their * rMred Vm ollt " llr winder. Then fut off, close to the skin, or pulled; lrc - ii~..^ . ,. _ ...-,. pl ; s an<l ate tho'r" breakfas*. in' 1 Koi up . an> J| lei ' k( 'd them over to the i out by means of tweezers as oftien as; r an j il>a t~ u. i, iilence. menagerie. Im goin' to wear 'em to may be necessary. They will grow in l.andies for the 1 arty. "Is our dinner up, Ma?" Billy naked, 8cno "'- **^ V" mil Ji|. w ' 1Vl .' t>s , again, perhaps increased in number,! Bittersweet* An attractive variety luses, without soreness or Irritation. a* he pushed back his chair. P ont ' "I yol ! l j' . lll " i """ ! . !l - When I blow but this doe not. always occur. The! * <'ndies may be made by dipping ' -^ Mrs. Wilson nodded. "It is. Two , n !' ^J 11001 IIHS ""ri>"i <ln>so(l to kill i la j rg w hi en a p ppal - on the lips can be sweet fruits in bitter chocolate. Use pieces of bread an' but tor an' a, iough-' 1 ^ that'^ all Novv'if vou'M '"">'!> treated. Sometimes it is! 'or this purpose datea. citron, candie.1 nut an a tart fer t ,a,-h of you. Is ,t gg^l mouth shut tightal^iUhat! only necessary to cut out one or twojorango peel, or cry.tallized fruit. Melt I promise not to let my witch-coon' f tnl ' darke.U or longest hairs; in , unsweeitened chocolate in H double an' witch-flrow eat you while you j cases showing a more vigorous | bo>' r - Keep the chocolate just warm sleep; am" I'll tell you what else- 'I'll growth, applications of peroxide o f! enou &h to Prwent solidifying. With _.. . ... ...>.. . ..,. v ,,.., y ou "'>' ""'t an> my i hydrogen will blench the hairs and i * silver fork drop pieces of fruit into do our dinner* up separate. Ma," he ' lo "R'i nljt - ' >| bargain ? makp (nem i )ritt ] c ^ that tnpv w jn j the chocolate. See that each piece is whined. A'Y"" nodded eagerly. . rf ()ff j t . om pl ete ly Boated, then remove to "Why?" asked Mrs. Wilson in SOT- .^ nul ' k -V- Now you move along, j ; waxed paper to harden priae ian lf vu happen to njeet Fatty Wat- v r "">' '>eav.v gmwth, where a da- Jr, * p l .,", na "V?" "Well Bill hogs it that's 1 Ianil> er Miiurioo, er any other boys, ! cideit mustache or hoaivl is in evidence,! ... ~, . one cup corn why," complained Anson. "Ust time I ''".^ Voulet on a word about this." | a depilatory should be used, but it j ^ yrulp u t crackle-^ in cold water. we had tans I didn't. gt none. An' I won t, Dromised Anson. "(>os must l>e renii A i . i m ir linn *t I ' " YOt' will be astonished at t'.ie re- sults \ve get by our modern system of dyeing and cleaning. Kibrica that pro shabby, dirty or spottH are made like new. \Ve can restore the most djlkale articles. Send one article or a parcel of Rood* by pest or express. We will pay car- nage one way, and our charycs are most reasonable. * \Vhen you think of clean-: itig and dyeing, tlijnk of; PARKER'S. Parker's Dye Works Limited Cleaners and Dyers 791 Yonge St. 92 Toronto "-ntly. so." Hilly replied imlifft-r- An'son cved liim suspi.-iously, then 7 e<! P, ; ,,. alir .' " ' turned to his other. "I wish't you'd 1.'.J L***5 ^ in' cake." , mv hi'nrt. Bill." it's the same with uie Mrs ' "Willium nd p "Yes, ma'am. an ptomptly. "There now!" exulted ., B . ...- - - -- - ing triumphantly at bis mother, who ral j- l<>kil? dejectedly into th* water, at staring tm.l ii.i'Teduloua. ntJ.lie.un. ' "ll<ill<'." Anson acoosted, "Goin' to bashed offender. Wf' school?" =y > =| Elgin lifte<l his head slowly. "Yep, you ?" ' y C7IIVUIK4 W U.-.IT.1. IPUL ! I n , ,m ,,e,nberl that a depilatory! "" "!; 1 '' 1 1 lf ! _ c " i) ^ ke '\ wal , is a makeshift, as tihe hair returns and . be used again and remove the hair, how- "* place! in a greased tin. ' When cold break into pieces. ! Honey Pecan Rolls 1 cup strained TI-II j i j i ,1 in a iiiaarzu I j i , ua I'll Irs. Wilson gazed sternly at Billy. ' Blll - v <lucke . (l ' ntf> the P ath through : tho depilatory must illium. do you lake Avon's tarts ^ h<? Ki'ove and Anson resume,! his re- ! .' e| ,*". '* '""^ pie?" she asked ominously. \uctwl pace toward the Valley School. > agnln ' . doe8 pcmovc " " alr - n " w ' , honey, H cup butter % CUD boiling swewdl Brllv On th<> hrid K'' ' 1| ' l '- ss '^ee creek he ever - without scarring the skin. De- " '*' ff , c ' ll " er ' ^ , C "P ^"'"K ' U>> came up with Kfein Scraff. Klgin was pilatorie. are on sale in drug stores Wat * r ' > teas Pn *<** Vi teaspoon Anson irlanc- standing with Ms arms on tho bridge ' nd wherever toilet goods are sol<l. cr " m , /, ta i' tai%1 1 f up ch PP e<1 P*can. . ' !!! !.:__. i_i_^i_. 1,1 ___.! i , rfni I t n A ffiAnav KiirrAw r I.LI- ...;.. 1.1 i. i . i . . nee,lh, should .be apphed by an expert Boil the honey, butter, water, soda, when dropped in cold water. Boil the mixture ten minutes before testing i I .1 . rri , . i'i'^v*.wc i,*-ii 111111111/1;:% tn.iuir L(*StinT [Or dennatoog.s.. The needle , niserted j the ball . Add the meat" an 1 n the munpriom m \vhinli ilm hur^ U "~!_r 1 " Anson nodded and gt the dinner- ' n the direction in which the hair is pail down on the bridge. "Where's Bill?' pour on a buttered platter. When ' He'll he along soon. Here lie comes the destruction of one root'usw miw; no taint neither, it's F ' ty Wat- stimulates the growth of others . i f * i \V on tier wncrp he s "leeii up I >\ u, i*^j ' -Watland <^.ne nuffine un. ' 'i rnniul a ' 8r * in ' U1 ) til f-omp'fte de-structioi , , I'-vn i vii ( iu t i/t i r ,i MFctt t l rrhT'il? ST2 U *?"?* " c o1 ' vo11 U P l ^ ht : * slicp <ro.s' I !? , l A he J oot '! *?*l*Mti hut as with a sharp knife . , face rod and perspiring. "( ee!' 1 fie panted, "I've been all the way to the store. Had to get some sulphur fer Ma. She found a wood-tick that old Sport si-ratched off him on the floor, an' she .swears it's a bed-bug; an' now fh<>' poinf ( | mrn )bi s sulphur in all tho rooms." A tfrin ripp'ed across his face and ftrew into a clui.'kle. "I bet I sleop in the barn fer a week. I sure hate I Ii smell of sulphur." Come on," said Klgin. ''kM's move down ta the schoolhousc." Side by siile Hie chre.- passed on up the hill nsue NO. 40 '21. and il-.wii into the valley. The si'h(i,>lhouse ftooii wit | f'a wide iisuaJly the and | complete destruction is ! Dishes for Cool Days. Delicia Squash 2 cu..j loiketl nvashoil squash, I Vi cu'iis hoilp;! rice, chopped atv)m,plishe-l. The process is both painful and expensive. The brown spots often referred to as "liver spota" are usually due to a sluggislh liver and can sometimes be prevented by drinking water in large quantities. Indeed, there is no better j cosmetic than water, taken internally. I We would appreciate it more if it were ! , not so free. The color of the brown ! Con.pleto Water Pumping Oiitfll In, vnvy ui \.r Tn it rM*/l i \r\ n A I* * Fr, ..!,. ..A . l_ For Sale ELECTRIC WATER PUMPING OUTFIT spots can be greatly lightened and sometimes eradbated by means of , good condition, for wale at a burguln. h.p. Wagner c'cvtric motor, sinj'o wcMiwH i'.v lUWUM Ul i. or i t t\s\ ,- P eroxi<le of hy,lrt>gen. applied with a ffc^ v * 1 ^J,"*^ j t '' medicine drop.per or a bit of absorbent cotton. Use the peroxide as often Lultweiler t/states doe.p well rump. .t!on. To V.'c.t A Toronto. Announcing the GREATEST Phonograph venue In Canada TUI aoo BRUNSWICK PHONOGBAPH ,.. All-Wood Oval Horn i.;i.-,..,i ( your horn* Immediuiely bv your r\enr- os t Grimawlok dealer, for Only $1O. wllh an entire yaar In which to pay th* balance. Bar In mind thl ts not a "app:.liU" or a model made to sell at a price. It Is a r*nlr HUndard model of the Brunswfck Phonograph, maae In I he In Canada Features of This Model Sf.t.ii 42 Inches high. Mude of Keniiine inuhogany or oak. Bdulpped with the wonderful T'l.TONA (that piays all makes of rtvords iiroporly). Hits thr I'iunuUN all-wood. Oval Hr.rn of UK-llow-toiH"] s-'tu-e. Mas the (, iiiriinico ' Br-jnawlok ITHltlTv. lias the Hriinswlc-k Automatic Sio|.. Fittnl with lhn:il tnie iTintrol. OuurnnleC(l fully. liu'luilln.: springs. Full price is rnl\ SltO. and otilv , Brunswick Canadian factory accord- Ing to Bru:iswlok Htandards. which for KeheraMonB has piai'Ofl perfaL-Con before production. Oder Now for Xmas Mall ua (he coupon printed hnl<! uuJ we will send you ut once :\\\ 111u- tratad folder dMcrthini thH tnir':- ment In doiall. We will also :^)1 ',,,1 the name of vom nem-Hst Bruns^H'X dcalar an,l K r. e yon rll parUcula:* of how you can rasei-vo one of Ihfff for Xmai delivery t>v |. ,:._, n?,< the 110.00 cash pa>mpnt over all- Hie weeks between now anil ( 'hrlatin.i. Mull us the coupon TO-XUJHT Ti >t Muvli-al M8rch.jiuli.-e Snlem'i... P Without uny I'ept. \\'.t... St. W.. Toronio \vhate\ei. . send me frvt and't, S'O'ir Illuslratert folder of Mtdcl 20(1 UfllllRWU'k HIHl fllll ,1..!.,!U :.; H-oclal J10.0H cash offur. $IO. fir n vMir n;iri-st Brunswli'k S:K!( or K.I!.. I'r-- \

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