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Flesherton Advance, 13 Oct 1921, p. 7

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Canada From Coast to Coast Dftwsorn, Y.T. The gold yield in I sources. The number of pelts of the Yukon Valley, including Cana- dian and the United States territory, for the season of 1921, aggregated approximately $4,000,000, aasorc'ling to V. Richards, superintendent oif tlie Northern Comn-.iM-cial posts of Al- aska. Of th!ts am-ounit $2,675,000 caime fur-beiariti'g animals tiaken in Oarnda in the season 1919-20 was 3,000,000. Fur markets have been esta.brii:hd at Winnipeg and Montreal. The last fur sale held in Montreal, during the early part of September, was a complete success, more than from Interior Alaska, 11,250,000 from one million dollars worth of furs be- the Yukon Torrl'tory, amd $75,000 ing sold, and buyers from all parts of from Atlin, B.C. HydraoiMc opera- 'the globe attending. tibns around Dawson are shutting Toronto, Ont. The creation of a down for the season's ger-aral clean- up. Victoria, B.C. The first modern de- reigular four year course in journalism proceeding to the Bachelor's Degree is regarded as a practical certaiinty vice for directing steamers by wire- . in Toronto University circles, as a re- lews en this coast 'has been erected ' suit cf the success which has attended 6* Tatoosh, and is n>w in operation, j the s^' 1 ' 1 experimental course of one It is claimed that this contrivance will | week which conduded recently. The dsre:t t teuimers in a fog on easily as : new coiu-se would involve the foundia- they could find their way in broad ; tion of a chair of journalism, but daylight. All shipping masters are ! apart from the addition of this one invite-.! to make full us>2 of the ap- professor, it is mt believed that any paratua. considerable staff would be required. Edmonton, Alteu-A large tract of . Qf b f ' Q ue 'T^ "*?.* tha ? *,?* efcove its junction with Great Slave ^*** . French-Canadian fanulun Lake, has been taken up under oil bave m the P" 1 mne monthls returned **" England States to the &a en behalf cf an Anglo-American *" "*!T r '' * ndieate. Geologists who accom-i P rov '.' Tee * Quebec, according to _the ayndiieate. Geologists paai'ied tha exploring party ffeL. pcsa- ttve that oil wilfl be found in the cfe- trSct. Poaca Rver, Afeu Tho Northland's bid for fame is not based on oil alone. Provincial Department of Colonriaa- !tion, which has circulated active pro- paganda to this end. Speaking of color.iiaati'on in Quebec the Minister t]vat thia had b(?en t . hc year in the history of the province. The grain yicd this year is excep- Facm , ands in - the province are tional. Tomatoes and cucumbers hive ^rf^y aoW by the Department. grown m profusion and to excessive! Halifax, N.S. Preparations w> be- iproportiona. Cabbages four and * ing ma d e for the resumption of their alf feet in circumference are not A SEQUEL TO THE BELFAST RIOTS The funeral of Mrs. Blair, who was shot during the recent Belfast riots. Note the armoured cars In the procession. PROTECTING CANADA'S PARKS Forest Fires Are a Constant Danger to the National Play- grounds. Canada's national parks are her need for cmreifutesss has been provided Poppy Day on November llth BALFOUR TO HEAD BRITISH DELEGATION Premier Finds it Impossible to Attend Arms Conference * at Washington. A despaitch from London sayu: Mr. Lloyd Gewrge stated dfefirtibely that it would l>e impossible for Ism to attend the YVoishltneton conference, in a telegram he sent to the Ambas.- sador at Wash 'n? ton, wMiJh "13 quoted by the Melbouirr.i? (Austosi'Oi) cor- respondent of the Lciwicyn Tiir.e* ea having been IT*! by Premfier Hug'hs in tihe House of Repre^snf'iatavps. The Prime Miimilster's view, r.s funlhcT sat forth in the telegram., V.TI that tha Biiiitish delegation sborfi conssft of Mr. Balfour and two others. The corresipondieT.t addis that Pre- mier Hughes saikl ewe of the cthwa was the First Lord cf the Admiralty, but tihe third man had net been named because he had nvl yet cwnszn'.ed to SO. According to the Prime Miinfuter'a telegram to the Aiwbrasisadair, :vya the comrospondent, it was at tihe naoonrt. Invfcfteiii that His Majesty's Government shoulid repinser.t the who-'.e Empire at tha Wp.rih'm^ton conference, but the Gov- p iTj.ne7! l i now would profer to ln?lu<ia the dr.ntiriY.'M pci'mfc cif v'iow. Mr. A despatch from London says : j L: ' t >" i Ge orgra adJwd: "It wll be im- Col. John McCrae'a poem, "In ' P' s:i)le t - r ine to attend, as the con- Flander's Fields," suggested to k rd the organization of tln in " * ' i i; liiiwiv lui wit? i ' > ii i : i }! i : ' ; i \}i Ulcir v>iaii'a T> T"\ XT i half feet in circumference are not evaporatang and canning factories in beauty spots, ra'.scted from cur great for through almost every p,csisii'bte| L pPPY JJay on Noember llth, in | .> uncommon- and potatoes twenty inches t:lv9 Annapolis Valley by the Graham's 1 area of lar.d owing to posscs'in-g fea- channel. There da an old saying that aid of various schemes for the SeDtember Busv Month long nd welching more than, two ( Limited, Belleville, Ont., and opera- 1 tures which will supply the needed re^lrag the pocket of a man is the benefit of ex-service men of all "" " . y r . ^ pound. 1 ! encountered. tionis are expiected to commence very reatfulness to the tired 1 urban resident, quicktsst way to secure results. This ranks. Lord Haig 13 President 9a.s4c. On a seeded acre- shortly. They propose, in addition to while at the same time providing op- has been accomplished by means of of the British Legion, which in Grain Market age cf 10,363,000 acres, the wheat evaporating apples, to make at An-| portunitiies for fasrfr.mliinig outdncr re- a youvenix pocket charm. Notice's of helps both officers and men and A _^ des P atch fTOm Winnipeg w.ys: yield of Saskatchewan this year ia napolia Royal and Windsor, apple creatbn. To fulfil thb qualification admost every concei'vable kind attract y.^ 1]IMH 1 thi Canadian r>'f' a per cnl more Western estimated by A. E. Wilawn, Dominion syrup, apple butter, apple cider, and one of the chief crapin'.feda aw the attonJtin. The motori* is *up P ;il 2L*T . , I mt^L nf i ,K, Oanmfe gram crop waa miarketeJ tto Gnaiiin Commissioner, to he fourteen a.ppfa jelly, in aiid'ition to their can-! foresto, consr'stenig of al-most every with a wimlshkilrf notice. The smoker H,m t^ if " 'P". 3 ' , yar durtog September than an 1 >2Q, bushels to the acre, making 145,082,- rang opcratkuns at Berwick. variety of tree known in Oa^da. ftr.Ua a fin wammg on his rmutc-hbox, 000 buiheli. Foliowing an uvves'tiga- 1 Ch'Sifcttetown, P.EJ. A'Jtfhough! That these for&s-tisd areas may re- and ho ia supplied witih a spark ar- . workers in the | accardtajr to flffaru issued- by tte to be launched next Canadian Pacific Railway. Duringr tion of tho cropa in Alberta made 'the smallest province in Canada,' tain their attractiveness constitutes restor for his pi^pe. Tne"h"^n.ter re- month and will be signalized by SeTrtember 20.776 oaw of grafe wefle within the past two weeks at tha re- Prince Edward Is'lind, with one school one of the chief worries of the Domin- ceives fire warning by a notice on the placing of a gigantic wreath ; il ?^ e f 1 *" J WtJlln ;P8. compared quest cif the governn-jsnt Mr. Wilson ' to every 4.0 square miiles, has pi-ob- j ion Parks Branch of the Department ammnmitnton cartons, and the camper of poppies at the foot of the i 1'"" m Septom'bar, 1920. placed the aggregate wheat yicCd for ably more schools in relation to its of the Interior at Ottawa. Tourists finds a fire prevention notice sewn cenotaph in Whitehall. that province at 45,000,000 bush-eta, j sn&e than any other province im the and caimp>ers are p.roverbiaiKy caire- into has tent., and on his axe is pasted Winnipeg, Man. The Provirasa of Dominion. The island is cohered with lasa; it takes little to start a firs dur- will be repreEar.ted t the snmll vidJa4res, in each of which ia' ingr dry E' , as, in fact, almiast at a fire warning label. If the tourist wishes to iride. or "The better part of every man's The first womian preat'dent in th* world is Lzdy Suirma MOT Simoom, an Assyrian, with a Western Educa- tion, who lhaa been chosen by her fel- Boyal Agricultural arj Dairy Show, found' a school with two or more' any time, to the debtr.s cf dead) drive he will find a metal notice at- education is that which he gives him- 1 low^countxvmw 03 che sader of tha to be bsUd in England, dux- r ( x:ms. At the last survey, conducted leaves _amd_ falling bnan-hes; flreaj tached to the reina , ^o ti dMUbowd se ]f > an d j t ) 8 for thls th . at ., ff0 od ' AsDyrian ration. ' ing October. Entries have been made by tho educational statistics branch mut, thwrefcrp, be prevented. Dur- Uur.d to the back of the seat. lajrary shou ,i d f urnish ^ e opportunity! chiristian.1 and are am^? bhe m<* tor butter exhibits from Shoal Lake of the Dominion Bureau of Statfatka, ing the paet season 47 fires ciccurred Recognuzing tho value cf forest pro- ^3 the means/'-James Russell ' "advanced" of Orienta's woman liav nd Crcs-ent creameries. The t*,a number of sthcob on the is'.'ar.d in the National Parks, of which 28 j tiecrtion from a purely financial stand- Lowell. re-t vodce btteb councils Canadian Pacific Railway will took , aft.v the transiportfijtioii and diaphayj t 1 -* 476, with 593 depairtments. St. Jchna, Nfd. Lord Northcliffe, otf the provincial shipmaata, and' at ! the English pubM.her, bought were <i'a to tourL;ts and campers aond 19 to raMways. These fires cost the Parks Branch $8,107 to extinguish ooradu-sion of the show wi!d exhibit bhroa hundirol acre's ;f chic '.^ timber-' The railways generally are required at their London office. Ottawa, Ont. Over twenty miiMion doi'lars worth of peks were taken dur- tog 1919-20, Acwi&g ttet the Tiiy iVQ.'p ITlff r'TJUtiSii iff OWC OT tnO ntor* xmpontlairt of Oanadla'fl r- liands in the Co.n-.*Eption Bay distrtetl to protect the forests along theftr of Newfoundland^ from Jcscph Sewardj rights-of-way. This is effected Largely of Gliace Bu.y, N^. Th purchas*' by patrolmen, who, either by means Germany Re-establishing Mercantile Marine A despatch from Berlin says: Germany to date has bought back from England fifty of the vessels that were surrendered originally under the treaty of Versailles, according to an of- ficial announcement. These ships are from 20,000 to 1,000 tons displacement. About forty German steamship lines are in- j in(f kttna ^ the volved in the purchases. The $2,600,000. price was $50,000. Lotrd Northcliffe J of velocipedes, power speeders or on requires the timber for wood pulp foot, cover their districts twice a day. ' for his paper mills at Grand Pulls. A representative of the Parks Branch acts as fire inspector in each park. Education of park visitors to the EXTEND RURAL CREDIT TILL FALL OF 1922 point Canadian manufacturers ha/ye co-operated heartily with the Do- minion Pairka Branch in their educa- tional campaigns. The people of Canada have an as- set of incalculable value in the foreota wrtthin tjheir naUioniaJ parka, amd, ! Weekly Market Report while the officials in chargw of the $1-26, nominail; No. 2 Northern, work of protection are doing evwy- $1-24%, nomdnel; No. 3, $1.21Mi, Toronto. I perdia.1 gnl., $2.50; per 5 imperial gala, Manitoba wheat No. 1 Northern^ $2.35, Maple sugar, lb., 19 to 22c. thing in their power, if the parks are to be a continuou, source of onjoy- , ment the pubhc must do their part. fj o . 2 feed " S\ i Manitoba Fanners' Notes To- talling Million Dollars to be Held. A dtespaitch from Winnipeg says: Runail 'erctoTjt sDif: !'.i' of Manitoba will be forced to extend time for pay- j mer.'t of $1,000,000 of farm.'eTi' notes; until rcext fall, acccnlimig to informa- tion cbticjimed here. Tctul outsfcsnd- amnur.t to It is expe.-tid $1,500,000 of thej wffil bo coMected -tibia fa!!, and! total tonnage bought back so far Is 150,000. The German newspapers greet j new notes payable in 1922 wil b ac- this news and the announcement , ccptd for the balance. that further purchases are ex- 1 . Excessive mte, which held up the pected as the most important i tirare ' Jh 'f operations and lowered factor in the recreation of Ger- pTCCe3 of **** a l llve stt>ck - are many's future mercantile ma- rine. Thirty-five Volunteer For Blood Transfusion A despatch from Ottawa says: A Btory of "greater love" was told at a meotmig heTe of the miinagenremt of the Howe for Friend/ess Wonran. proees the 1ihe are unable' to make full col>ctionu this fall. University Standards. s ^\ MJonitoba barley No. 3 C.W., 64c. Honey 00 and 80-pound tin* to 15c per lb.; 5 and 2%-Ib. ttw, 16 to 17c per lb.; Ontario comb honey, per doz., $11.75 to $4.50. Potaitoes Per 90-lb. bag, $1.75 to $1.90. Smoked meats Hams, mtxUnm. 33 __ r. i , I nom-itiial, Bay ports. The Provincial Unwersaty has conn- 1 c^ta,^, wt -No. 2 white, 41 to menced the session of 1921-1922 with a record enrolment In the First Year . AJ1 the above track. Bay ports, i < 35c; hevT, 24 to 26cj cooked, SO American corn No. 2 yellow, GOc, t 52e; rolls, 27 to 28c; cotttog* rolla, 30 to 31c; hreakfa*t bacon, 33 to 37c; brand trpak/aat baeon, 4'_' to 45c; backa, Ontario wheat No. 2 Winter, par i Oursd 42 to 47c, and this in spite of the flact that ear lot, $1.15 to $1.20; No. 3 winter, ' to 21 ^; cliter bellies, 18Mj to 20V4c. higher entrance requirements are $1.12 to $1.17; No, 1 commercial,: Laird Pure, tiercaa, 18 to 19'/ 2 c; now in force. Indeed, the raising of fl-OB to $1.10; No. 2 Spring, $1.08 to tubs, 18% to 19c; j>ails, 19 to asa^imulual* 1 -! 3 ;,^- -ISprmg, standards seams to act as to OCc, ac 21 to 1!U:\ Shortening, t::ercei, 13% to 14%c; tubss 14'4 to 15c; paila. to toteodtaK todnte. Occ^ion.aJlyl^^-^^-^^--^-- 14% ^ 1514c . p,-^ ^^ to j--^. some people get the ulea that the | Buclc\vheit No. 2, 85 to 90c. Choi'oe hnaa-y st.aaro, $i> to $7.25; raising cif co '..ranee 9tand'ard makes! 'R.yo No. 2, $1.00. : butcher steers, choice, $5.7.") to $6.50; for excluiavcnwa in a university hut, | Mlalnitoba flour First patent* i 2?" f go ^' f 5 to ?5 - 75 : '}; . nredium. unless the eadwbWMi of brain $8.50; second patents, $8.00, Torcwho. , rV-^J 5 .' U ?V co " n "' J ." . to $4; power ia meant, such camwt be tha Ontario flour $5.60, bulk, s;?>aboard. !SSS n * fltera - C" 010 "' M to * fi : MllWeed Ddl-h-aied, Montreal I ^h"^' <*, chcuce. case. By keeping its fees ait the freight, bags included; bran. Towed Vessel 1,200 Miles in Rough Seas A (I'tispetch from Boston says: What shipping men aand was tihe longest tow on recent rejord came to an end here llaita c-n Thursday when the steamer Monroe brought to port many of rough weather. Botlh One of those laving in the home be- i the steamer Osfcaloosa. after _ came seriously O amd was sent to ai T,x>yiage of 1,200 mikis, nuairked by local hospiitaH. The only hope for her! recovery was by traniifusaon cif Wood. Every one of th? 36 women liv- ing in the 'home volunteered, and the first tiwiG-fusdon has been made. New Postmaster General Hon. I. G. Belley, K.C., of Quebec, who is the Poetmaater General in the new Meighen Cubinet. Severe Storm Sweeps Over Ancient Colony A despatch from -St. John's, Nfldi, nays: The severest storm in nuany years swept the inland on Thursday moderate figure and by gradually in-j$ 2<i - 00 ; shorts, par turn, croasinw Lta aoademric requirements < pLi | U u . -iL.r'i, the University of Toi-onto la exhibit-! j^"*^ 6 ^o[T ^f ing thu true spMt of dwrvocpacy. To $ig'oo' demand Honour Matriculation for erv- trance, aa will, no doubt, soon be done, will mean that IT^Hl i j ... bon I do " medllum ' ' S1 Sbraw Gar lot, $11.00, track, Tor- iciice. |4-60 to 5(5.50; to ?4; :--.r.D TS ar.vl butcher ' hulls, (rood, scxmmon, SJ t> $2.75; ! feeder*, good, 900 pour-is. $5 t.a $5.75; do, fair, $3.75 to $4; m::k.'.-5. S0 to '$100; gpringeTW, $90 !T SKK); ralvivj, i, $11.50 to $13; dx, n o V,um, $9 onto. Cheese New, are Urjitad States Shiipping Board ve9e's ami hove been a mon'lh at stud'ents will remain ore year longer at the local collegiiate institute, that they will be for one more year under parental supervision, and that they will come to the University more mature and bettor equipped to take advantage of the benefits of higher education. These are the motives that actuated the authorities in miakimg tha change. Higher standards resoilt in night, causing great damage on 1'amd, ia better type of student and, as this and destroying muoh fishery property I year's experience would indicate, in large, 20 to 21c; Hon.. Jcihn Storey, Premiier of New South Wailteis if.nao April, 1920, is die-aid. He was for many yeans Labor in Australia. The Alternative. He (making poor headway) "Will nothing Induce you to change your mind and marry?" She "Another man might." along tihe coast. A hea<vy toll aimomg | a greater number of students. The the fisihioig vessels on the sioaiboiaird and the Labrador coast was feared. One wonraai was electrocuted here by falTing light wires, and three olhelr prestige of th<> degrees of Ontario's Provinciail University is absolutely unexcelled on this continent. ptM SOfDS S'C'I lOUS'i j o I ' GT l-NVW, irUTgV, ,\J l ^AUi 1 *r- rrt twiws, 20% to 21>4c; triplets. 22^ toi*';:V > to $10; do., oomimnicm, JH 10 $5; lambs, good, 27% to 29c; triplets^ 29 Stalitons, new, 23 to 24c. Buttr Fresh dairy, choice, 38 bo 36c; creamiery, pirintis, fnerfi, No. 1, 42 to 43c; No. 2, 39 to 40c; cooking, 22 to 24c 28c. Old, large, 27 to 28e; twta^|P"fe S^^SSl rr fe*2 onu. . '. i bucks, $1 to $2; hga, M and '.vt |C> $9.50; do., off caws, 10.76; <!o.. 'f.o.b., $8.75; dx>., ooTinto' T' -. SH.fiO. Montreal. / Osts, Canndiaai weste:-;;, '.<:>. 2. 55 / to 55^c: do., No, 3, .. '.^Hkt- . "" Flour, Mian. Spr8nig whii:-rt patiiitsv poultry Sprang dnckn, fi,^ $g^ . HoWad cats, bag !)0 Ibs. - 20c ;_ fowl, ^^Sc^dttck-^ to $8.20. Brain. $24.25. Shorts, 30c; I!ing. 3) 30 to 36c; bark^-s, 50 to fiOc. i $ 2 6. 2 5. Hay, No, 2, pr t^nj <ar' Live pouil-bry Spmnir chickens, 20 $37 tx> <a8 % _^ ; ^ a tt *\ *2L*?*4; - to 27c: Che<. rtnest easterns. 16H to 17c. I Biittior, cholcast cnaaimery, 37 to 37%c. ' Egga, seJorted. 46c. 25c; turkev*. 50c. Margarijie 22 to 24c. Eggs No. 1 storage, 44 to 15c; Ccvmrnon; and light bijtchsrs' oabtle, sefeet storage, 50 to 52c; new laiM,$3 to $4 per owt.; gix>d caitt'.e, $7; .sttraiight, 56 to 57c; new !l<i, in car- oacinens, $1.25 ti,-> $1.5(1; Bo-l'^jmia, buJl. tons, 58 to 60c. | $2.25 1x> $,'!. OaJvea, gnatr-ors, $2.50 B'am? Oaimaitfcm, liaivd-picked. | to $3; hiaarvy veal cah-ws, $5 to $7; Skating with bonea tied to the feet bushel, $4.25 to $4.50; priinos,, $3. 75, good miiflk-fed ^eaO, 9 to S10- lambs Mrs. Jean Baptfcih Povicr OM ait, is mentioned us far back aa the to, $4.00. | $7 to $8. Hogs, selected, $9.50 to the of 103 at Sherbrooke, Que. j twelfth century. Maple products Syrup, per im- $9.75. REGLAR FELLERS By Gene Byrnes

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