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Flesherton Advance, 6 Oct 1921, p. 1

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<#i VoU2, No. 18 Flesherton, Out., October O 1921 * " PORTLAW A sad gloom has been cast over this community by the death of Mrs Nelson Tempest, who passed away on Sunday last after a week's illness. Shu wi.i a woman in the prime of life and previous to her last illness appeared to enjoy v.giiruua health, and it IH hard to realm* that her life ha= been eo alnuptly termi- nated. The little son of Mr and Mrs Thomas Blair met with a painful accident some days ago. He wan opening a gste for lii.t lather to drive through when his hard was caught between the wagon tongue and the gate, with the result that the middle finger was burn open. The little fellow was hurried 10 a doctor, and Ihe injured member appears to be hea'- iuK. Mrs Lewis Sheardowu WIH called last week to Bolton to help wait on her father, who is ill following an operation. Mrs jeorge McDonald of Mclntyre pent some days at the pnrental home here. Toronto Line North Threshing is the order f the day. Mr. George Wickens. who has ipent the past eight years in Colorado and California, Is visiting his brother here. A : l are pleased to see George again. Albert Stewart and wife spent ilia week end with Owen Snund friends. K Wickens aud wif*, accompanied by Geo Wickeua, spent a day with Kimber- 1 > friends. Mr. Anurew Wiekeus and wifa are W siting their son here. Charles Stewart and Robert Smanton ware debates at the U.F.O. convention k1d in Durham last week. CEYLON Mr kfcmphill of Kleiuburg spent th f>Mt week visiting his couain.S Uemphill. Win Kadley and Miss MoMacrop of Thornbury were visitors at H. Piper's last week. Mrs Archie McMullen nod two chil- dren, who have been visiting Toronto friends for the pait fortnight, returned home Saturday. Albert Arrowsmilh of Niagara Falls i* visiting his brother, Geo Arrowsunth. Mr and Mrs Alfred Biyant and t children of Toroutn are visiting t N. Archibald's. Mr Aulph has returned to his du''as t the bank after a two weeks' h<;li<!ay. Mi Marks, a university student, took eharge of (lie seivice here Sunday nf'tr- ooon and ,_ ive a splendid sermon. WalaoD Uun<;erford, who biukc his neck in an auto accident near Chaltworth i still living. New Perfection Oil Cook Stove IS THE BEST Simple Al- ways Ready Satisfies every Requirement. It has the high- est ranire of efficiency, with low, medium and high flame providua any degree of heat required: When the N.I', oven is u;d all other means of baking wilt b glren up in preference to this device. Jutt the thing for tbeae hut days. Get one at once- The best all around ' 'il S:, \ - that has ever appeired. Frank W. Duncan Hardware, Etc. FLESHERTON Phone 24 FEVERSHAM The .Jameson Bros, of the 3rd line have for the third time had their sawmill burned mi Tuesday night, Sept 7th, with a loss of about four or live thousand dollars, with uo insurance. These enterprising young men have for the third time to start over again aud rebuild their mill, which they had recently put into first class shape, and we were told it wan one of the best mills in the country. The young men re sympa- thized with in their great loss We are told that they intend to rebuild, and now would be a good time for the people if this vicinity 60 put their hands down into thair puck eta and help the boys our. Only the otforta <>f the men who saw the iro and made their tin lizzies travel fast saved the stock of lumber and .shingles in the uiiil yard. If thi had gone up in oke the loss -would have bean f 50,000, wsides the mill. Those interested in hydro eluctrio ight and power should ccine to i public nesting in the Orange h-ill, Fevershani, in Moi.ilay evening, October 10, 7.30 Jne of the hydro engineers will address he meeting, give estimates and any nfornmtion a*kod for Mr Ferguson ami .Mi Stewart of Duuedia apont Sunday with Mr and Mrs IT red Spnffurd and family. Mr and Mrs James Henderiuu of Weiiford spent the week end wi'h Mrs K HtrndiT - r in this village. Ensign Holloway, coinumuding the Colling wood corps of the S A, visited our inounUin village and held meetings n the S A barracks here u Saturday evening and on Sunday evening spokn to a i-i-owiled house which listened to hi.i e irnest dit>couie with wrapt attention, nic >.'], Ensign, is (he wish of all who heurd him. Killed At Markdale Wednesday morning nf last week abou 1 o'clock Mr. James S'aples, a termer esiilenc (.f Glmielg, was killed instantly at Markdale, where h has resided for he past number uf yeais. Ho was pged Inadinir ties on a (J.P.R. ear, and as tho load ranched considerable might tha ties slipped and several of them f.'il from the car and pinned the unfortunate man to the ground. Whan the tini hers were removed his was 'o-inil ID bo badly unashid and hia hip aud leg broki n. Ho was GSJ years of age. He served m my years in the Glonelii C.miicil, holding the Reevvship and Dep. Reeveship a number of terms. Besides widow he leari'H two brothers. Dr. Stiples in Hanover and George in the West ; twn sisters, Mrs Jts Whitmoie in GL-ne'g and Mrs Crowe at Alland<!e. Hi! altm leaves three tontt, Fred on the hoinusteiid, Georne in .Vancouver and Clarence in Smith's Falls ; and two ughtors, Mrs Cecil Alton and Mrs. Barimide in MnikJale. Durham Ohrnn' i:le. i .': i in -ii lock place at Markdale' The Coroner's inquest will bn bald thie Wednesday morning at 10.45. KIMBERLEY Mr and Mr Robert Chard of F leaner- ,n * >! i-J on Suu.liiy with Ihe Utter's parents here. Mrs Raruld Ellis and l.tlldsonof Parry S .iiini visited recently at \V . T. Eilis s. Mrs G A Hulchinsnn spent Sunday with friends at !:..M ., D I. Weber's new house is piogressiug rapidly. Mr And Mis Andrew Wallace of Oraniteville visited ' recently at Alex Kswcett's . (Intended fer Lint Week) Mr ! I Quaife of Ileatbcute occupied the pulpit hers last Sunday in '.hu Melho- t church and gave via an etcelleut discourse. Sorry wera we indeed when we heard Fridiy \fternoon that JameB Ltwreuo* wai not expected to live. Afl had hoen mentioned in a previous correspondence tie had , !. to tha . , i ,. fur an opera- tion and entertained fair hopes that he ould come all riht, but such it seems wan not to be, ,ia he passed away ahurtly after nine o'clock. When the word came that he was nat exptc'ed tn live, his '.uinly, with the exception of his wife and dU|jhtar, Mrs John Taylor, who weie already with him, hastened to his bed- aide and arrived in time to sea him before le pdBsed away. D L Weber took them n Ilia C'ir. Mr Lnwrence was a good leiuhbor, kind fattier and a loving hus- vi. .J He will be much misted in ibis co m ui unity. DUNDALK Stewart-Moore A wiypruliy wtdilitif; was foleinnizct at the h-jine of Mr. und Mm. Charlui K. Moore, b'lesherton, on Wednesday, Supt. JS'li, when their eldur daughter, M nil- line, bucrtuio the bride of Mr. Gu.Tge J Sltiwar', also of b'lesheilun. Tho bride, wlu> W:IM Mivt-ii awny l>y her futhur, wuiu a suit of brown bnmdcluth with a h.ii i< milc'.i. $lie entered the druwinu room while ihe wedding march was beini( pUyed by MI.HS Amnnda Stert, ud wn8 conduc'.ed by her father to the beautiful arch of autumn leave* banked by tluwi-rn. Littla MIBS Nmicy Fowler utiul aa rinx- beaiei. Rev. IT. G. Fowler i)llii'.i:itril. During the siymii.; of the r'ni'r Mrs. Fowler *\ig very benuti- fully, "1 LIIVU k'ouTiuly" Aftor the ceremony n dainty three course dinner WAS aervtd, after which ihe buppy couple left for 'I' n muid showers of cuufelti. Ou their return they will reside on tbeir f-tnn nvnr Flt-sliuitun, aud will be at home iifu-r October loLh. They were the recipients i tunny bssuiilul and useful gifts. 1' he tsroom's gift to the br do wn.s a liaiiduoine wrist watch, to his s ster a beautiful bar pin and lo tU* ring biare-r a daioty rinf. Jruieon's sawmill on the thiid line, -|. :,. waa burned early \Vednebday i.'cii" u Origin of tire unknown. Aichiu McEmnon of I'M 14, Proton, las quite H cn<p uf sunHowers this sexsun :K- sent one xt ilk tu town the other day ahurint; thirteen feet above the ground L'hu head WSH thirteen inches across. J. D. WiUon of thin place has a sunflower lead measuring liz'een inches aero n. * Mi Monday morning Ifte fruit and general merehaudise bumneM c inducted u Uuudalk by Joe Sumco wak takt-n luHsessiou <>f on behalf uf the crodit.oi* )y Major G D Flcinmu, of Owen Sound. The Kan of Surace, in aperation here n rear, did not have smooth going for some time, and h;id to make an assignment. Tin- more IH closed and the ainets will be soU en bloc. A pioneer in this district in the poison of Thunias Talhur, an old resident of ialioge, passed away on Wednesday of last >-i-i. at the home of lux nephew, U. J. T.tlbot, South Line, Otprry. Tha deceased had been ill since June. Ue wiis 81 yearn old and wan born in the township of Cartwright . With his pareiilslu-, as a v.-i /ounu lid, came t<i this (liHtnct when all was wilderness. He knew all Ihe hardships of pioneer life Hu w;is a i; i . - i and far.ner. Some years ao he nd h s wife ie;iiei fron thu farm and settled in Dundalk. MIB TaMiut p.ished awny in April, I 1 '_'", anc latletly Mr Tnlbot h ,.-. heen living will hi< nephew in Osprey. Hu i curvivei by one sister, Mrs Uobert Irwin, Proton I A runaffuy horse at Stayner jutnptd ovur the lights und thiuugh the wind- shield of a car and nobody was seriausly irjiired. R. J. Ball, Hanover Again the Candidate At thii Liberal-Conseivaiive convention held in Durham n Tuesday tt. J. 1U1I, who hue represented South (Jrey in the Federal house bince 1011, was again nominated to contest thu riding at the coming election. Sale of Brick House In The Village Of Flesherton Sealed Tenders addressed to Thomas Clayton, EKJ., Fleahertoll, Ontario, wil be received up to Saturday, October lil i-iiil.i. 1'.'21, at Iwelvn o'clock ituon fo; i lie purcliane of the Mlowinv property belonging to the estate of the la'e 1'etoi Holman, deceased, namely : Lots three four, five, night, nine and tun in Block " H " in But'diel's Survey in the Vil!agi of Fleshcrinn in tho County of Grey. I IICPH theae prernist-s ie a brick houae in good repair with frame kitchen am woodsht'il attached. There is alto a frame stable on Ih premi*s. TeruiF A mariced clieijuo for Ten pu ceut. uf each tender is i aceoinpan; same, and the balance of the purchase priCB to be paid within thirty ditys afle tho acceptance of the tender, with>.u interest. Conditions of Sale The property wil be sold subject to a reaerre bid. Tho hitihest or any ether tender no necessarily accepted. For further particulars and condition nf sale apply to Thomas Clayton, Esq FlesherUm, Ontario, or to WRIGHT, TELFORD A BIRME Owen Sound, Ontario Solicitors for Vendors Dated Sept. 19ih, 1H21 Fall Fair Postponed Monday of Next Week is the Diiy Offing to a continued downpour of rvn on I-. li-iV last ihe aecuud day's judging ;inil limse racing had of m-ci ..u y to be postponed and Mouiiay of next week, Oct. 10. has been chosen for a completion of these events. Theie were fifteen horses here i n Friday last and thu .iay izavc promise of teing the heft racing competiii ju ever pulled off heie. All the iiwneii of !.i .-- hmxee havo promised lo return on Monday '"'xr. Cat'le, sheep, horsi-s, poultry, itc-., will I e judged. We were not alone in our sorrow as M.-ii .1 i Chesley, Durhair, Harrinton and Caledon also had to pustpnnu their xhibitions. The jn.^:p / in the hull was doiin ou Thurscay and ihe exhibition as one < f the best we have ever had. Grain, roots and ladies' work were well lilted. Fruit aloi.e was a little short of former year*, although some tine samples were shown. The concert at night wan a recoid ireaker, receipts amounting to SvKiU The talent was the best piocurahle real artists. Cameron aud FUJI aie the besi entertainers we have and hate lent mine of their old time charm. Mi- -. lluichlen, ho has been hero buf.irc, is also a wonderfully gifted artist on the violin. There will be ano'ru-r c- ncert ou Monday evening next. 3im Your Auto Lights It comes r*ther Utu in thu se IMIII aud ot be'uiu it is nuedud. Fru" thu On- ario Department of II 1,11 , mms a warning to motorists to regu'nte their i.'ii ni:;iii - so as not to have them con- tituto a nuisanci- to other lui.tnrista on ho highwayii. Proeecutnu. fnr violation if the l,iw in this rurpect it - pointed out at thu department, cones under the uriadiclion uf the municipalities Kro. jiiBiicy of complaints and thu Minding offec s uf soniB of the headlighix on the public li.;''inys may make necuisary a series of prosecutions in uidt-r to elimi- nate Mm nuisance. When the Ontario Ldi-islMu 9 last sesaion paired its ,m: i glare li> viliht legislation it was Imped thut m Mri would oimfurin to thu light rur; anil strength specifications JH sui forth therein. By no aivuim all of ttu'in however, Dave donu so. Even M me <> the new anli gUre ixttfctors d i no eradicate the blinding efl'ent nf tome the hendhghts, and it is pointnl out (ha the faet that a man hni putchised a supposedly effectivt device d.m-4 no c indoiie an (i e in tho eyes i tb law Business Changes Hands II. O. !:,,. of Proton S at in Ims sold hiH o'li-itl <>t<ori) lo Dinni )'-. it I<rnii6ler took place Tued<y. BUSH LOT FOR SALE Tenders addret>sed !> H .1 Sproulp,K-i|.,Fleshert(in, will he r.-ceivec up lo Saturday, Ihe S:h day of i ) t -lober. 19.J1, at iho hour of twelve o'olnck.nooM, for the puiohNe of lh>' followini: pn'pprl bfloni;ina to the i-Mate of the late Join -I. Martin, deceased, namely, thi> nortl half of Loi nunil>er Tliirty-Kru in th( fourteenth Coiicesnion nf the Tnwiibhip ut Arteinutiia in the County of Ori-j. Upon ihose lands aio said lo be some spruce, iv. MI , taniarac and whitewuoc timber. Terms- -A markid cln i|iie for ten per cent, of eucli tenser inunt acconi]>it(iy same, the balance of the purohaae piict to be paid within thirty d iy. after the acceptance of tho tender, without interrat Conditions of Sale- The properly wil bn sold uhjnet to a reserve bid. The highest or any tender not aec>-a sarily accepted. Fur further particular!! and condition of sale apply to R. J. Sprmile, Ki|iiu. Fleshorion, or "Chnrles Martin, F, , Eugenia, Executors of J. J. Marlii', deceased, or to WRIGHT. TELFORD & BIRNIK, Owen Sound, Out, Solicitors for HxRCuUir*. Dated at Owen Sound Sept. I'.Mh, I'.'L'l EYES STRAINED? Bates BurialCo, BUSINESS AS USUAL It' your eyes are work-st ruin- ed or tireil : if yoiir vision is dim or hluiicd; it' it lidthers you to lead : i! yuiir ryes hum or itch or ache 1 . ( !ome in and see us. Perhaps l .'e <:;m fiive you that, relief you \\ish for. All styles of passes in stock. .-: siff - - .- ' ,--. .-> . W. A. ARMSTRONG Jeweler, FLESHERTON, - ONT Funeral Directors and Embalmrt v ; J - Phone Hillcrest 268 124 Avenue Road, a'* * Toronto, Ont , ^ MOTOR EQUIPMENT ; r J. W. Bates, R. Maddocks, President. Manager. N ,w is - new your subscriptioato The Advance. No Man Ever Retired on the Money He Spent If you continue to spend all that you earn, what will your financial position be when you are fifty? Build a pros- perous future by saving regularly while you -ire young. The advancing years are v 'owed complacently by the man who h: < a comfortable sum in a Savings Account. TH MKHANTS BANK Head Office: Montreal. O-" CA.NA.DA FLESHERTON & CEYLON BRANCHES H. P. FERR1ER Established 1364. Marrager- House of Quality SPECIAL IN TEA With every pound of Gold Medal Tea purchased in this store we will give free a handsome cup and saucer. Get into this offer at once and you can soon save a set of these dishes. Price of I Ib. package 65c. FLOUR Sovereign, Ladies' Favorite, Perfect and Pastry Flour milled by F. T. Hill & Co. We also handle Royal Household. W. J. STEWART & SONS Flour, Feed, Seeds, Groceries and Confectionery Flcshcrton, - Ontario &X&Z^eK&&^^ - >:? New Fall Coats Just Arrived Our new Fall coats, thoy come in Duvelync with fur cnlU'S, all wool Volniir and P.ilairc cloth wilh c'lllur, which an be buttoned ,f debited. Shows novo'y twist elichiii". A!xo the latest in plaids stripes and all wool knitted skirtR and pn DRESSES i>u--.-. in all the lalust s'mdi . SUITINGS Su iinjis in I'n.. I'm-. Hi. in-. T:-, all wool Llama cloth nlid 44-inch Bcrges. MILLINERY We have just opened up a ntock i>[ the most up to date hats shown i uiMiii- the oity. We will be pleaneil to have you call and ML. thi 111 before buyii)):. Prlc>R right. W. L. WRIGHT, Corner Store, Flesherton f s-

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