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Flesherton Advance, 29 Sep 1921, p. 5

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- . September 2d 1921 THE FLESHEKTON ADVANCE Now and Then "THERE will be an added zest to your enjoyment to-day if at the same time you are estabfia financial backing for to-morrow by gradually ac- cumulating savings. Youth can spare what old age will need. Open a savings account with this Bank now. THE STANDARD BANK or CANADA. TOTAL ASSETS OVER NINETY MILLIONS Presherton Branch: - - - Geo. Mitchell, Manager. CANADIAN PACIFIC C. P. R. Time Table. Irtint leitre Klesherwn Station aa allows : Going South Going North 7.55 a. m 11.52 p.m. 4.80 p.m. .30p. m. The nuiU are oseu at Flesherton 11 tollanra : For the north at 10.40 3 p.m. ; and the vt-_errjopc mail south tt > The Oaiario Motor League bars betn erecting naw signs in this ieoUon. Grand concert in the high school thia Friday night. Wilfred and Pearl M Hi- j- and Mrs. Jvniesoa spent the wek end in Owtn Sund. The Grey County Children* Aid Society will put on another tag day at tta fall fair here. James Hemphill uf Regina, Mr Fred Good bors* race* t Ftesherton fair! on Friday. Mies Alice Castle spent the weekend! with her friend, Mrs. L Bowles, near ' !)J Markdale. The E.s- Grey Teacher*' Institute will' -, ( hold theii annual convention st Elesher-JM con on October <th and 7ch. Rally Day services wer* hold by thai Methodise Sunday School on Sunday, morning and took the place of trie reg uUr morning servied. A number from here attended the St. Marys-Durham lacrosse fuaa at , Durham on Wednesday ...f Isst week and I were treated t . a great, g*me. Durham won the game 54. but wre beaten on the round. FALL MILLINERY Come and visit the Show Room whether you wish to purchase or nor. You will be interested in one of the best displays we have ever offered for year selec- tion. Our prices are reasonable. FALL OVERCOATS Our range of Fall Overcoats is specially attractive this season. The styles are from the latest acoepted designs. Every garment is made up from dependable wool fabrice, well tailored and finished. Full assortment of sires in fall and winter weights. Some snappy yonng men's styles are worthy ot special mention Price* from 9 18. 50 to $32.50 Came Atray VICINITY CHIPS 3.40 o clock. For morning train south ' iJemphili and Mrs. Will Hemphill %cd ail close at 9 p. m. the previous evg. .jaughter, E.len, ef Toronto, spent the week end with relatives hers. Mr. and Mrs. *'. Andersen. Miae Anderson, Master Chester Anderson and Mi id Watson cf Sdgelty spent the week ' end with Mr and Mrs. Hctlsnd Flesherton fair Friday of this w*k. Mrs. Phillips, Mrs. McDonald. Mrs- Potato digging now -and t hey re not j amitfs , a , nd Mrs. HcMa^r attended luth a bad crop, after all. y,, f unera i O f t ^ e t a , e J m e8 Liwrence Feversham fair Tuesday and \Vsdnes- at Kimberley on Monday. day of next week. Flesherton fall f*ir t> day aod tomorrow Messrs. Ferriee and Clark of tie Thuradsy aud f,^y c ,, me to tne Merchant*' Bank, and Jennett of t e . show ^ Frld|iy , nd 3t:lv for the bu Suiidwd l>ank,s|nt Sunday at Mesfurd . ^^ u uijjht Reeve McTavish left (or Detroit on , .. Mi-s JUrguente Run-staair, George j Mitohoh Jr. and Kendall B..yd left on , M udiy to resume their studies at Dr. ud Mr-t. Charles O'.tewell Came to the premised of the under- signed about >,pi. 12, two spring steet oalvea. The owner is requested to prove H property, pay szoae8 and take ihe'ikS same wy. WALTKR RUSSELL Lot 82, CJQ. 0, Artemesia. Fleh*ron P. 0. Came Astray Two year old heifer came to my prem- , ises abcuc August Isr. iwner can have [ same by proving property %ad paying i expenses. W. PHILLIPS. j Lot 1, Con. t>, Artemesia Flesherton P.O HEN'S FALL CAPS New saap5 and striking design:? in all wool tweeds, all good colorings, with or without inside bands. Sizes 6^ to 7| . Price* from $1 25 to $2.50 STRAYED fru r the p^l^misrt^ of '.he itnder- igntd u or a'lcu: Sep:euiler 19, r-.d yearlinf ke.tVr A. CAMERAS. Eu*ena MEN FELT HATS FOR FALL \V are fortunate in getting early delivery of our Fall Hats and can give you a good selection ot colors in the latest shapes in soft Felts green, browns ,ind greys are all represented in different shades, also blacks. Pricea $3 to $4.50. Scantield's Unskriakable Underwear. Watson's Ladies' Underwear, Penman's Fall Hosiery, Lang Shirt and Arrow Collars, Storey's Kid Gloves and Mitts King Neckwear and Suspenders, Snag Proof Overall and Smocks. F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON - ONTARIO Came Astray Sa-.urihj to attend the funeral i husbtuiJ on Monday. and son. Jack, Miss Shipley tnd Mr. r'ooley of Toronto, vi-i-ed in town iver Sunday L>r. ud Mrs. -Murray. 5I:ss /ilia Iriuible, Miss Holmes and C. Bichirdsun motored to Gu-Iph ou Sunday. youn.; |.e- p'.e held : .successful in the U U school oit r'nJi.v last. Corntield's orchestra of Toronto supplied the music. Mr. R chrd Brickenbury died at ; k'evcrtham on Sunday list it the ^e of to yeats. Her husbtud prevleces^eu her ; twelve years ago. Mrs. A. Thistieth fite returned last week after ipecdin^ ^hop'ist t*vo oiCDths with her dnujhu;. Mrs. Uickin^, at Hope, T C. ^rfif One A \ las'- week .1 horse belonging to Fred \\ ri|[ht found entry to Dr. Oltewell'* farm uorth of the villtg* and kicked the Utter horse so badly that the injured aairoal bad tj be shot. Ejgs Friday and Saturday of this *ek 4L 1 .- a dozen or better . nice freb butter lu tubs iSc It)., tub relurnable. Phone us regarding live fowl. We ship up to Thursday each week. Backer's. Pn'ton. Jsuies l.twreuce t K niuerley died in the hospital at Owen Sound on Friday af'..-i an p.-r.i H f r apendicitis. The funeral took place ou .Vlanday from his home to M ir'.d i cemetery. Her. Oke tvo a plsasmt address to the youoi; people in the Me.lhodnt church on Monday seuiug on his exper- i iu hid drst mission IB Northern was eiijoysd by all. i >V I will give a chicken p'* concert in the Methodist church "ti Thursday, October Oth, also a lecture by Geo. M. Jones, B. IX, i> T^ront,', cu Euiop.-, before aud sf'er.' 1 Supper 6 to S. Adurssion ~M. Before purchasing any bonds or in- Vesting securities consult THE MKKOII VM - I'.AXN OK Cvsu'\. This B.iuk h<a ^ -U'u.'irtuieiit org^uized tn otiiaiu {>r you free "f chaigj iRt"oruitiou on Ttie present uniettled Toronto Uuiversny. Mr. C:re Oke, who is ^uJyu f for the ministry m Toiooto. was home met tie week end. and took the aerrve in the Methodist church "n iacd.ty eveam;. A spes:\l mec-tirg .' the Bu^enia I* F. i '. elul> will be '.eld en Saturday, October 1 at 8 o clock. All member* wishing to purchase seed please attend- Edtfsr Lint t'. Sec. ** Grocery Specials Some r*isins aud currants to clear at 2.b for -Oe : auy Uundiy soap 12 hirs l>Tj, lib tin baking pow Jer i4c ; uatuieai, 20lbs for S'.'c ; fsncy cakes, 2lbs 3V; : rice special at lib f-T 4.">o ; 2 CIBS preserved pluuu 2">c : J ctus pork aud benni -Tic B<;kers,Pro!on 1'i'er Irwin of tae Uurhaui Chronicle thinks he In* the world beaten for bit sunflowers. 11 inches in diameter. We hale awfully to spoil his dream cf sup remacy, but ui'poe we mv:st. Tne Advauoe man cut one ou Monday in his own girdeii that measured 1.'!;' iuche acro-fj, and another that me isuted over l 1 ^ inches. Now, Mr. Chronicle, will you try to "buck" expert*: TI.UI..S shoe up to s.'-. 1 - &' "'.'- : hoivy ' overalls at fl.i'J : a good work shir: f r ?l .'' : a benuuful line of uieu s V oeck sweaters*. Uncyxolort. last year's price 9<> 50, today 93 50-. Udiee black cashmere h"se 09c. black cotteu 24a, uiiises heavy- all wool (trey socks at .">0c a pair : boys' pu'.I oters, ail colors and pure wool. Big prices for produce this week. Brim your cream, tested aud paid for at the store. Becker's, Proton. U.'T. S D Oaudiu nid M.i. ("uudiu, uu.ijiouaries at Cross Lake. Mauito- t. paid a flynik- visit to the former s sist^i- Mrs. \Y. H Thurston, over Friday niv;ht. They had to take the boM from > -Ik ik on the ii^.h and could not stay longer. I; is 31 years ILCO Mr. Oaai went to Ubor a.'iout; the ludarus at INelsou House, about t>CU miles north of W.nwipex. Fifteen year* ago he wm moved to Cross Like, sou<e 400 miles north of Winnipeg, lie is supported times warrant every precaution in inskuin his mission by the Kjiworth iuvestnien'8. S:. Catherines. 1'iaie t-> my prsmi.w-: the tor* : arT ui 'he summer. c>ne yeariioi: st-^r. l^wner is rciiues'fd to pri-ve property, expenses aiia t ik ; tlie <i:ne iw:ty. ^ Lot '-'!<, Con . 7. Usprey y~- HORDES FOR SALE o y-.3'j liriviiis; inro- . i w.'.l be sold !:J live work Apply DOUGALD McDOUGALL PR1CEVILLE ; . . . -. - t - eijuip- raeot ir.-i re*ul- it >'. v: ih - mt:na. the only Bus.uess C. 'liege iu t'u'.ir;.- approved f-.'i Adolescents. Get rhe Iwjpt. it psys '-'' rae free, en:.: try tims. C. A. FLEMIVO. F.C.A . * > i i ..'... jaajr <<)<<< t>jJ I ! ijSimmijj >< 1 BOOTS & 5HOES 1 - (.;. D. KLK1UX-, ^or. .ry. Insurance Is Good, But Insurance will, in a measure, repay you tor loss from fire due to lightning. But it will not prevent the fire. It takes the DODD System of Lightning Pro- tectiot; to uo that. In the past thirty years over 300. 000 buildings have been rodded by the DODD System and in not a single instance is there a record of the DODD System properly installed, having fail- ed to prevent damage by lightning. The fact that you haven't yet suffered loss by lightning only means that you are fortunate, not th^vt you are proof against it. Ask us todav what it will cost you to have DODD protection. S. HEMPHILL Ontario. :: In Ladies' \\ ear we have Kid. Dongola, Gun Metal and Box Calt. For Men's \\ ear we have a nice assortment of Mahogany and some good lines in Black. Also very serviceable Work Boots. Repairing promptly attended to. THOS. CLAYTON FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO XZ KT Hr ::: ... u: HT *" ' ' " Hr * :r r : L Mis HiTtha Smith, daughter of Mr aud Mis. Herb. Smith of Owen SoauJ, met with a painful accident ono dy 1'ist week while ruuuiug an eleolric washer. In some manner her front h:ur caught in tht> wrinaer iud wst.)rn out from forw- het to the top of hr head. The injury was a very ...-.:' one. It will be remembered that last spring Mr. Harmon Radley sued the British Kmpiro I'nderwriters Agency to recover $700 insurance on a frame residence owned by him in Fleahertou snd hich w n burned Ust fall. The ewe s tried t the York Count./ Court in Toronto Ust May aud resulted . a verdict for plaintiff for $*>.M) and costs Ths insur ance people appealed the case. I'liU appeal ciiuie up at U*i!''ode llll 'he liih nisi , when it was dismiissd ' with costs. The Advance that such ' The brickwork ju McTavish A .Son's wiw otfered a drink and A truck lH)lougiug to Mr Kun>d*d'wr | h*.%i curious htbii vt -itui^ ..iff wiihou; . a driver, like some homes we htve I known. Twice it has surprised its owner with its late-'digeuce in this manner. Tho oilier day r. wts standing iu fi in* of tUe hotel with the engine runuiui;- All at once it pricked up its ear*, as it wer<\ and started orf on it> own with wear '<u lii^ii It described - half circle and started oil' towards th# station. It had rioue some '-00 feet before it s boarded and s'epped. Some ist> tiuck, that * A liquor case wits heard at Ceylon ou Saturday alterin>oi', when a youug man wa-< chtr^ed with drinking liquor in au illegal uUce aud fined 3100 and cos's Itio youui( man swore that he du-i not know what he wa* drinking when < rt'<rcd the drink from a s>aler, and l.o uifoia'S as a fact. Re :>k<d what it . - - ..Vt,0 - - . Flesherton Tailor Shop I WL;it are you goin^ to i'o about rliat new suit you jj^ are iroing to get this fall? There is nothing nicer jt. than" a made-to-order suit. Call in and see my . samples of .suitings And overcoatings. ^ Suits and Overcoats Turned ik lik LOOK BACK TO PRE WAR PRICES All our machines including the two best known makes. \ ictrolas and Columbia Grar- onolas have been reduced. The prices will convince you they are extraordinary values and we advise quick action. Terms arranged it desired. W. A. ARMSTRONG ^UAbVNOLAS YICTUO1.AS M "jlO Sl'PPLIKS FLESHERTON, - ONT. WE SELL to now garage i now completed ud intkoa wa. The donor told Kim to drink ir and mi imposing ttc'ure t5ox85 (et, ftil 1iud out. Nuw, ii thU wore 'ho ort'u-o. I 'mi- ht uilt vuld K- tt i>-l. >! t work is still u'Muired to tiul wlu-n NuishW tl'i< >vitl m^ke i-ue of the finest s;*rjo in Oi\trio, with eve: in.-tloni convouio;' - f't i!o:n< tho crk ol first olxs.-s i?*r <.'. now. Our prices aiv ri^nf . ;iml fir. style and workmanship tlu> Kst. g and Cleaning done on shortest notice. FARM IMPLEMENTS CUT PRICES I ho i-i<<- , the act :' i V Uprnt:y IM...: Ml ' ' ''i 1 *i'kcU for ' ,ui u:i". 'i-u'.i.'!: il ini-id.-ii^'ivr i-f thi* kinJ. if what tho yrx. ; . ivs is true, ,\nJ wou d ssvor i" 'un uhan T. C. &LAKELY, Armstrong Block, Flesherton g uii^i.uMiR^ JOHN on - ff MANl'KE SPREADER. I 4 WALKING PLOWS. WAGON MOWER IMPLEMENT AGENT FLESHtRTON.

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