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Flesherton Advance, 29 Sep 1921, p. 1

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VoU2, No. 17 Fleshertcwa, Ont., September JO 1921 t i FEVERSHAiM Mf McLean ol Suuris, Maaitubs, is visiting his sister. Mrs Geo Whiteoalt. Sadie [.-ml, eldest daughter of John I/.ircl, Jr, waa another claimed by the grim reaper, Death, a few days ag", after only a few hours' illness at th< as>e of IT yean. Death came aa .t great shock to the neighborhood a girl Uooming into womanhood and baloved by i'l who knew her. The remains were laid to rest in the Methodist cemetery at Max- well on Saturday, the Rav Albert Mills officiating. The sorrowing pareuU bar* the sympathy of the whole oomruianity. Misa May Whiteoak of Toronto is viaiting her ptruntal home here. Junes Speer ig visiting Toronto friends Mrs James Plch find niece, Edith Ottewell, of Collingwood, are visiting the former's sister, M. . Geo Ellis. Henry Pelch of Collingwood is via;: KIR in this vivinily. Robert Whiteoak has his new butcher hop on flburch street completed. James Sayers haa mounted uu i cement ("idem, il the German nuch'ne ;jun whioh our Clerk, and returned soldier. Win. Karnahau, has presented to the village. It ia mounted on the squire in from of the mill. J E i 'in..', tinsmith and plumber <>l Clarksburg, has rebuilt the furnace in the Methodist parsonage at Maxwell and his workmanship is a oredit to him. Still another of our old residents haa pissed to the !$rtt beyond, Mrs Richard Brackeubury, Sr, at the ripe old age oi 83 years, Mrs Brackenbury came to Osprey frum Inland with her husband nd family about 35 y-r< ago ami settled uu iliu 10th line, where she lived until about fifteen yean ago. Her ueighborly kindness and nuie'. 'disposition won for her the love and respect . al who knew her. About fifteen years xgo they moved into this village, where her husband died twelve years ago. Since then her daughter, Mrs Geo Ellis, hai taken care of her in her declining > e ir, and surely if ever a mother waa loved and cared for Mis Bruckenbury waa Ukea care c f by Mr and Mrs Geo Ellis. Sh is survived by three sons Chas, Wm and Fred ; anil three U tughters Mrs Geo Ellis, Mrs Jamei Pulch and Mrs Wingfield. CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Thomas Julian and dau*titera wish to thank their many friends and. neighbors for their kind is.-i-t 4:;,-.- while Mr. Julian was ill And also for 'heir miny expressions of aympatliy o tiring their recent bereavement. A St. V iiceut agriculturist while in Meaford picked up a don t>elori;inu to A. J. Tuohy, formerly of Eu^enn, nnd battered its bruins out on a cement tloor. Mr. Tuohy will seek legal redress. New Perfection Oil Cook Stove IS THE BEST- Simple - - Al- ways Ready -- Satisfies every Requirement. It has the high- est range uf efficiency, with low-, medium and high flame provides any degree of heat required. When the N,P. oven Is ued all other means of baking will be given up in preference to this device. -lust the thing for these hut days. Get one it once. Tbt best all around . ' ':; Slova that has ever appeared. Frank W. Duncan Hardware, Etc. FLESHERTON Phone 24 Miss Agnes MePhail Is U. F. O. Candidate At the U F. O. Convention held in Durham on Monday ; this week Mias A^ne-1 MePhail was chosen ;is the I". F. O. candidate 'or Southeast Grey at the coming federal election. There wire some '26 aspiring candidates present, but every one of them fell before the charms of the lady frum Ceylon. Mr Harry Shaw waa Uu last man to aucincub, after the ethers had dropped out ona by one on v iri. us ballots. Mias McPhitil has been preuy well heard thruughodt the riding during th<* past summer and la recognized as a whirlwind to talk. Thia, no doubt, ahe inherits from her esteemed father, Mr. Dougald lloPli.ii! the auctioneer, and the gift poasessed by her may land her in Parliament the first thing ahe knows. Then tbe big interesta ,ind profiteers may look out '. In any event, we congratulate M> MePhail on the slaughter -.h* made among th innoceuts at Durham on Monday . MAXWELL Miss Besaie Wright of Toronto U viaiting at her parental home. Dr and Mrs Kosiell of Caledonia are si'ini with the latter s parents. Mr and :- Sam Oitborne. Mrs \VelUr \i spending a few d i.v< at.Frvd Spoflord *. Mra Leslie Poole apent the week ena\ with her sister. Mis J L Morrixon. Rav Vroomau held harvest home service in St. Mary's church lunday and n Monday evening a harvest home festival was held in the Methodist hall and was a yrs.i: success. Mrs Ed lit*--, ii and daughter of Ed nionton are visiting &t Dr Guy'a and other relative*. We are glad to report that Mrs Wilbett Poole, who underwent a critical operation in Coliingwood bospitsl ia improving nicely. Mable McMu'len his returned after two weeks' holidays with her sistur in .'hesley. Mpnd Mrs Hill of Markdale visited recently at Geo Law'or's. Mesheiton H. S. FORM 1 Alyebra- -R Hutton IfO, H Inksier '.'1, E Ferris H(J, R Aches on 7S, O Fisher 74, B Arnott ->, P White 70, E Beuhni 70, T Wilson 117, 1 McDonald (37, H Gibson f.rt, P Dvw 62, E Thompson 67, M Stew- art 54, S BlHckburn 42, M Scott 4."), B Stewart 45, I Stw;trt, 45, U McLachUn 21. FORM 2 Arithmetic P Latimer 82, C Loucks I Lever ti-i, A Little 61, E Sprott til), L Cai-goe 59, H McLeod ."v, A Dow 48, F Mathewson 43, E \\ utters 4<S, G Akin* 43, P Me Master 46, J Lewis 4i>, I Hmcks 44, E Moore US, W Martin 30, A Pedlat 20. FORM 3 Algebra S Ludlnw 83, R Boyd SO, Arnutt 79, A Buchanan (>.">. K Orr t>4, R 8:evcus 5'J, M Acheson 51, M Nuhu Ci t M McLachlan 35, S Aclieson 21), M Pal" slow 28, H McGirr 28, G Lever 2tt, J White 25, J Karstedt 23, M Muir 2. E Wilson 20, M WhiUaker 18, R Whitta- her 10, J McLeorl 1U. Came Astray Came to the premise* of the under- si^ued, lot 201, Con. 3, Proton, about August 28, two oilves. The owner is requested to prove property, pay ex- penses and take the sanu away. N. McCANNEL, Proton Station P.O. Tonsorial Parlors i We Aim to Give Kutlre NttUifautum LAUNDRY Basket closes. Monday night, delivery Fi'iuAy ev CLEANING ud DYEING- vv e are ngouts for Parker's Dye Works Clothe* cleaned aod dyed, fcntlu'i-s rejuvenated T FISHER - -PROPRIETOR CEYLON Mr and Mrs Fred Kadley and child of New Ontario visited Mrs Boltoo week. J Cummins spent the p*-t wtek with Priceville friends. Mr Spcurs of Thornbury vicited with S Heinphill and family Uat week.. Born Sept 23, to Mr and Mrs Allie Muir, a son. Congratulations. "Mrs Trethewuy, daughter and aon, of British Columbia, are visitors at H. Stone's. Mrs S Muir of Toronto is visiting her son, A Muir. Mr and Mrs N Archibald aiid two children and Mra Archibald Sr took in the Hanover fair and visited fiiends at Maple Hili last Friday. James Hemphill of the Weat i." visiting his brother here Hi* many friends ne pleased to see him . Mr nJ Mrs A Sinclair .pent the first of i he week at Orangeviile. At H meeting h.-la in iha hail Saturday evening Uoy r';pjr nd Joseph Oliver weru appointed deleu^itea t.. the conven- tion held in Durham "n Monday. \\ understand Miss Agnea McPhkil was chosen as the candidate. Allie Muir leaves this week for Muskoka aa a government judge. Mist Melia of Toronto is visiting with her brother, here. Miss Maggie Feruu.-on hag leturned 'r in Toronto, where she ipent a tor'.night Mirt E Stewart returned Saturday to her home in Owen Sound, Mr Oliver and wife of Toronto visited the former'* parents here Uct week. Mr George Banks, wife and babe spent the week end in Durham. Two Shelburne Items A two year old C'llt, tbe property of John Mowat,, sustained injuries which aeccsaiuted 1's dspaich fo tha happy bunting (rounds via the ride route. Its injuries were ciUJteU in a peculiar manner. Having gained eutrance i > the highway unknown to its owner, it attempted to defy the movemnts uf a Kurd car. When within a. shcrt dialauce of the car it wheeled arouud and k'.ckttd viciously at the vehicle, its hind foot emaHkmg right through both windshields. In trying to ex'ricate it*elf from 'h. 1 mixup one of the hind legs uf the itniuia! was stripped to ih<! i) ne of both hi.l and :' -'i. It got up and walked further along the highway, then l.-n.i down, where it was later sh<l with a ririe to put m end to its nunr*. '['lid riutiini; of the hrti alnrin shortly before dinntr on Tueaiiay brought ihe tire brigade nut tc the first real fire in tinny moons. TIM conflagration ootiurred in the stable at ! !K< roar of the residence of Tlio*. Gteer, Wellington street . When the brigade arrived the whole upstairs iuteri<M was a ma of Mtuios, but the m.ii n [virt of the building :i- s.-ivtil after the u>e uf a liberal quantity of water, Mr. Grear wan engaged burning the vermin and cobwebs fruin !:: poultry h.'ini' beneath, when some - : - > i took tire at i he cuiliuK >"'' made great hHad- way to the loft above free Press. Sale of Brick House In The Village Of Flesherton Sealed Tenders addressed to Thomas Clayton, Esi|., Fleliei(on, Ontario, will be received up tn Saturday, October fifteenth, 1!I21, *t twelvn o'clock noon, foi the purchase of the following property belonging to the es'.a'e of the l.tte Peter 11 Mm M, deceased, namely : Lots three, four, five, eight, nine nd icn in Block " H " in Beecliel's Survey in the Village of Flesherton in the County cf Grey. Upon theae premises .- a brick house in good repair with frame kitchen and woodshed attached. There is alao a frame stable n the premi***. Term* A HiariU'a cheque for Ten per cent, of each tender ia ti accompany same, and the balance uf the purchase price to be paid within thirty days after the acceptance of the tender, wilhi ut interest. Conditiona of Sale The property wiil l> sold subject to a reserve bid. Tho highest or any ether ten kr not necessarily accepted. For further particulsrs, and conditions of sale apply to Thomas Clayton, Esq. Flesherton, Gntario, br to WRIGHT, TELFORD A BIRN1E Owen Sound. Ontario Solicitors (or VenKrs Dated Sept. l;h, 1921 Car Turned Over Man Broke Neck Walter Hungerford of Meaford is In Owen Sound hospital in very serious condition as a lesult ot a mulor accident near Chataworth laat Wednesday niyht, says the Advertiser. The lowest cervical vertebrae ia broken and the spinal cord pinched, and Hungerfurd is tutally paralyzed from the waist down. The doctors state that bis chances uf recovery arn very slight. Tbe accident happened on the Garafraza road about three qUHttera of a mile seuth of Cht> rh near !,> farms of A Shun- and William Ciiiiuoe.l. Uungerfurd. with fuur uthrr men wis returning at niijlit from Durhm to Mefo'd. At this puint in the read there is long, gentle grade, with a bsd turn at the bottom for one who dues no k'low die road. Cliei G.bhuns w-is driv- ing. Ihe car was unable 10 make the ;urn and went right i'ii. craahiny thi u a telephone post and brmirii;: ;iji a^:iin a pi'e uf boulders it the. fence. Al, the occuuan's uf the car were thrown uut with terrific force. A. Kindle wen' I ght through the '.op acd fi.und himself f'er tbe crash in the remains of it ibout fifteen feet away from the car. Hunger ford had been Hilling on the nuht li:md side of the rear seat uf the car ami was found thrown out on the left hand side ne.r Randall. None of the o'her men IB the car were senouxly injured. The car wna almost completely demolUhed, with three wheels amatthed, the left fender and footboard stripped, the ules bent and the t:>p torn off Hungerford is 30 years of age. a tailor nd unmarried. PRICEVILLE Tha unveiling of the soldiers memoiial will take place on Tuosd.ty ,tfternt>on xt, October 4. The concert in conneolion with the Preabyterin church, on Friilay erening of Uut week was ^uite lucuearful, cvnr 1200 semg realized. Three of tbe best enterta in lh e city of Toronto have been -.cured at couaidentble oxpenae for thj fall fai r soncert on the eveninn of Oc:olier 7. Miss Jones of :orn, formerly f LJltn- t townsh'p, wa tahen to thu hospital some days ago to take some tn itment. John McKeohuie, west of tho villagr, was .seriously ill ihe fore part uf last week, but is said M 1> improving. EAST MOUNTAIN A number fioni heie ai tainted the Collii)|(woi .1 exhibition and thin* r -i, uot as good its that uf List year Miss CUrk of K-icklyn i.-- visiting her cousin, Eva Allen. Carroll HuuiberMone has erect J a new slaughter house nod is now pn ; ire-1 to supply meit to the public. V, j with him success. Mr E Thompson and lady frinid visit eU Uocklyu friends. J K n .^ of DUUCAD h.ia be. -i thresh- In.; in thin vicinity. Mr .'.IT". , new house .ll soon be completed. The bj 'y of Herbert Kuuilej viiowuud while ti.-hing, has not yet been ii'covered BUSH LOT FOR SALE Sealed Tenders addressed in K J Sproule.K'n., Flesherton, will lie received up to Saturday, the Sih day of October. 1921, at the hour of twelve o'oluck.noon, for the purchase o> th followim; property belonging t<> the estate of the Ute John J. Martin, deceased, nnmely, the north half of Loi number Thirty-tire in the fourteenth ouiicession of the Towuship of Artemevia in the County of Grey. I , i n these lands re said to lie some spruce, oedar, tamarao and whitewuod timber. Terms A marked cheque for ten per cent, of ech tender inuat nccuinpany amne, tbe balance of the purchase price to be paid within thirty dtys after the acceptance of the tender, without interest. Conditions of Sale- -The property will be sold subject to a reserve bid. The highest or any teuder nut neces- sarily accepted. For further particulars and condltinis of sale apply to K. J . Sproule, Ks'iuirc, FlesherioD, or Charles Martin, Ei'|., Eugenia, Executors of J. J. Martin, deceased, or to WRIGHT, TE1.ITORD& ISIRNIE, Owen Sound, Out, Solicitors for Execu'..T. D.i-.od t Owcu Sound Sept. lS)tb, 19-'l EYES STRAINED? Bates Burial Co. If your eyes are work-.strain- ed or tinjil : if your vision i.< dim or blurred: if it b< it hers you to lead : it vour eyes burn or itch or ache. I'omein and aee us. Perhaps we can ^ive you that relief you wi<li for. All stylos of glasses in stock. W. A. ARMSTRONG Jeweler, FLESHERTON, - ONT t BUSINESS .AS USUAL Funeral Directors and Embaimerv Phone Hillcrest 268 124 Avenue Road, Toronto, Ont. MOTOR EQUIPMENT J. W. Bates, R Maddocks, President. Manager, Now is the tia\i to re- new your subscription to The Advance. WE Sell Foreign Drafts and Money ! Orders payable in all parts of / the world. issue Letters of Credit. m :ke Remittances by Tek-.graph. IMC AVeFCHANTS BANK Head Office: Montreal. O. 7 CANADA Estabiished 1 864. FLESHERTCN & CEYLON BRANCHES H. P. FERR1ER Manager. House of Quality SPECIAL IN TEA With every pound of Gold Medal Tea purchased in this store we will give free a handsome cup and saucer. Get into this offer at once and you can soon save a set of these dishes. Price of I Ib. package 65c. FLOUR Sovereign, Ladies' Favorite, Perfect and Pastry Flour milled by F. T. Hill & Co. We also handle Royal Household. W. J. STEWART & SONS Flour, Feed, Seeds, Groceries and Confectionery Flesherton, - Ontario - < New Fall Coats Just Arrived Our new Fall costs, they come m L'uvelyne wiih fur all wool Voh'ur and Puliiire cK'tl) with collar, which ein bo buttoned if desired. Shows nove'y twist >'ieh:n. ' Also the lateat in plaidv, sttipe and all wool knitted skirt* ' ami pullovers. DRESSES Dreasra in all the latent shad. s. SUITINGS Suitings in Tricotine, Br >a<lcloth<, al! wool Llama olulh .11.'' 44 inch serges. MILLINERY We hare just opened up a stuck of the most up to date hats shown oufside the city. We "ill be pleased to hav you call ami see them before buying, Priors right. W. L. WRIGHT, Corner Store, Flesherton

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