September 8 1921 THK FLESHEKTON ABVANCE Your Seed Grain T*O obtain maximum yields you need to sow Test* ed Seed Grain. To purchase good seed you may require financial assistance Extending accommodation for such purposes is an important phase of Standard Service. Ctmtmlt Mr // Mtmmgtr THE STANDARD BANK Or CANADA. ** TOTAL ASSETS OVER NINETY MILLIONS Flesherton Branch: > Geo. Mitchell, Manager. CANADIAN P/VCIFIC C. P. R. Time Table. leave Flesherton Station 1 ollowa : Going South Going North 7.66 a. m. 11.52 p.m. 4.80 p.m. 9.30p. m. The uiaila are .,-.! at Fleaherton n follows : For the north at 10.40 a.ra.and T p.m. ; snd the afternoon mail south at S.40 o'clock. For morning train south , Flesherton fall fair Raaea on Friday Sept . 30th, good purses. Mils Ptarl MoMaalar holidayed for a week at Duncan and Thornbury. Mr aod Mrt. D. Gordon and thrae daughter* of Wareham iptnt the week nd at R. MeMailer'i. Born On Monday, 8ep. 4, u Mi and Mrs. Will Buehanan.a son Horman Raid. Mis Marguerite Runstadler has re- south 1 turned home after (pending a few Mr. John Halm, an old and respected eaident of Flesherton, ws found dead >f heaaf. failure in hi* bed al Brnmptou a Monday morning. He had been working on the Provincial highway at bat point during the manner. The remains were brought up un Tusvlay and nlervent toon place fiom the home of his daughter, Mrs. A . SintUir, Ceylon, .o Flesherton oemotery, on Wodaeaday afteraeon. The deaeased gantlemao eaves a family of three sons and two daughters Will and Charley of Wigton and Harmon in the West : Mrs. P. Norris of Drummer, Sask., and Mrs Arabia Sinclair at Caylou. Mr. Hales waa 72 years of age. Hi* wife prede- eeased him aareral yoars age. mail close at 9 p. m. the previous evg. VICINITY CHIPS Don't miss the Hawaiian concert in the high school, Flesherton, Sept. 15. Miaa Colrer has again taken up htr -milliner/ duties al F.H.W. Hiekling'a. weeks with frienda in Kitohener and Detroit. Miaa Mabel Swift, who haa spent her ' holidays here, returned Monday to her I home in Toronto. | Baseball tournament at Flesherton on I Thursday, Sept. 15th. Get your ticket. The Canadian National Beibibition this year haa broken all prerioua records (or attendance the drat week. Hear the Thomas Hawaiian trio aud school, FleahertoD, Honeywood Ba.d will wpply the j Pcy David, high male at Bleeherton (air, Sept. 30th, j Sept. 15. Mis. Ehtabeth Benth.m .pent the A very aucces.ful dance was held in r..k end in Toronto. < hi 8 h ' cho01 Mond y even ' Dg ' f The CernBeld four piece orchestra Toronto supplied the music. Church of England Divine service will (D.V.) be held every Sunday evening in the town hall at 7 p.m. Rev. George Vrooman, B.A. L Th , Rector. Uy Mr. Jacob Holley, fuimerly ot thin part, c tiled on fritnds here last week Mr. and Mra. A. Gilchrist ipenl the week end with their daughter, Mrs. Edgar Patterson, Fairfiald Farm. Mrs Herbert Faweett and little dauhter, of Collingwood, spent a few days list week wi h Mrs. II. Down. Miia Mabel Thibaudetu returned to her home in Markdale after spending holidays with her cousin, Annie Gil- cbriit. Jimniio Fax, comedian ; J H Cameron, i entertainer ; Maud Bu*chlon, violitmr, i For Home moniha he lias been viiting at ihe S.iuir with a son, and talks af going back there to live permanently. Fleaherton W. 1. have engaged the , Thomas Hawaiian tn and Percy David Ada Davia Oldheld. soprano, are engag . _ . _ . ., comcdiitn, fur a coccert in the high d for Fl<>shetton Ftir Concert Sept. .50 |_ u , ^' Insurance n pare*! postage in C!>inada will CDBIX into eff-cr on October lit, kccoirfinit to notice utficully gazetted this week. 1'arcels will be accepted for insurance .i/tin-i ; -.a up to $100. Th" (Quarterly Joiuaunrm service will be he'd in the Presbyterian church, | Fleshei' n, on Sunday, September 18:h. t Th Prtpiratory Service) on Thursday. ' September 15th will be taken by tlio ' Rev. J. H. Oka. We beg to draw attention of the village' fathers to the conditiop of the BiJewalk : near the cemetery. It ia positively j dangerous. Butter to fix it than to pay ' .rrulr.n spoilsman i monthly nnc-./,ii . damages for broken lex*. ' appears in a new and luiuroveil form wi<h Died At Brampton " " "V f. ' .' ^\ SCHOOL AGAIN ! Only a few days now, and the boys and girls will be getting ready for school again. In all probability they will need something to replace what they hava worn out durng the strenuous holiday time, 9s some extra clothing for the cooler d*ya that are sure to oome Porhaps you can spare time to come in and see what we hare to offer in JMVdtilea. Our priees have nil been revised and are based on to-day's market valoaa. Butter By New Method The Durham Chronicle says: "AJ nearby faraaer haa a novel method of ' doing the family churning. That waa I one of the hated chare* of lung ago, and ! it had to be done before breakfast Timea have changed, the drudgery haa !>eeu eliminated, and the hated monotony has now become a labor of lave. The aame old churn will do, Imt it must be more than half full of cream. Daring the operation the lid must be icrewed down and the whole contraption tulted to the bottom of a car ; a Furd will do.! Now everything ia roady and after' running four miles and back over any j part of the new toanty road between here and Hanover the woik will be dune and thn dairymaid may skim olf the butter. We can't vouch for the aucoeaa of the work, but paaa it en to those who have the ahurn, the aream, the car and the couraue co try out the experiment. We are tnld that the cur ahould not travel at the race of more tbtn aU aiilus on hour, ...i the agitation will be exces- sive and ihe butter ia liable to be too soft and laeking in libra." BOYS' SUITS With bloomers or trousers, good dur- able fcweeds, neat patterns, newest Ktytas. Sieea 28 to 35. Prices from -$7.50 tO $18. CHILDREN'S HOSIERY Brown or Black, heavy, medium and fine rib in cotton, cashmere or worsted. Special Prices. CHILDREN'S JERSEYS Cotton or worsted, high neck, o buttoned on shoulder, plain colors er in pleasing color combinations. AH siits. Priceai 40c. tO $2.75. BOYS' CAPS New styles, well made, goed range of patterns. Prises from 75c. to $2 We MILLINERY DEPARTMENT are pleased to announce Miss Collver has resumed charge of this I.) -'parr ai nr. for the season. Adrance ordtrs will h&ve her gpeeial attMtion. R H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON - ONTARIO Small Ads. ********* ........ 4A * * . . . . . u ......... ......... .................*.*.. ( j i *** *** *.....*. .4 *** trrf fliil *** Try Ku't'nihwvn Pastry Klour, the 'et ^5! ' or your aoc*. All Oowio >v u ::: i ;j* Chnpptng done on Saturdays only | ::" '>r.luui Bros. Eugenta Ocllfl Reduced prices ou all suits und auitini** !Z!S H. AleianJer. Fevmham 20 I 21 ' ! luhi'ol Thursday, Sept. 15. Admission 1 00 c^iils, rt'Hi'rvi- stati 75 cents. The folio iving teachers have left fo their respective schools : Miss Rub; C*8weH to Clarke neir Poir Hope, Miss Elsiu Caswell lo Portlaw, D!i Thurati n to Cook*Tille, LilHim Bunt to Toronto u.u Ada Wriifht to Lloydtowu. Died At her home, Victoria Corners, on Monday, September 5th, Eva May, beloved wife of Wm. Moore. The funeral will take place this Thursday afternoon. Service at the house at 1 o'clock p m. R' J and Gun in Canada, the popular Married- An Windsor, on Tuesday. ., s Scptember issut> . at the Methudiat parsonage, ' August 30, a te eoa paiaonage. iDC , u| j 9 by R*v. K. D. F*ar, Isabella May liar- j wjth row, U. N., daughter of Mr. anU Mrs. D. Harrow, Ceylon, to William Beaton of Standby. The Advance was wumgiy advised last The improvement , arger gj/e flf pige t , geth8r papef th , t ttdd8 aon . ider . ab , y to (he a p peBranoe of tha , tori( . s and illultrl ,,i on8 . The oumbe r is rich with itories, article* and anecdotes dealing w ; t i, w ,id |jf e in the various parts of the Dominion. Published monthly by W. j_ Taylor, Limited, Woodstock, On . The Shelbarne motor bandit episode, Uubli8oed in this , 8aU8 as laken fronl the Fr(J8 p^^ h(w much intereat for , OBe Flesnertou auto i 8 ts who were coming up from Erin on the Suodny uiuht in ques- t j on . When this side of Melancthon Olir ,,(.,, pp e( j j u tne rott( j J D f ron t O f them Cream Terting Work week as to the age of Mra. Gcorge Rtledge, whose a*e wu stated in an item referring to her as 7t5. Mrs. Hut- ledge is HO years of age and is iiuite smart nough to travel between th* homes of her .iii.'.."- here and at Mont Clair, New Jersey. Mrs. Erneit Comely of Uherry Grove. Virginia, and Mrs. John Bulmei of Crceroi r are guests of MM Bulmer here. a ,,j ^^d. them to halt. Mr. Charles The foimer waa \ ftliss M.ggie Campbell Rmhanlson, who was driving, as did Mr. and the latter Miss Aon Campbell. Both , Berry, instead of complying took to the ladies lived in Fleaherton some 36 years j ditch and shoved on the juice, making go, Mrs. Comely haa not been back ; his getaway. Pity theie human vermin since her removal 33 years ago, and was cannot be exterminated. But then all much delighted to return unce more to | nature, animate and the tcenes of her girlhood. parasites. The iien- regulation* governing Ihe ahooting < i partridge makes it illogtl to J .hoot these bird, except between Nov. 9 DQ ^ ^^ J ^^ know .nd Nov. 20. and not more than tan may ^ ^ ^ doBe m |fc- ^^ Q fc|)- bo killed in any one year There .} m ^ mk ^^^ ^ ? AB .any who do not realize the eh.nge ... | .^^ ^ ^^ ^ waek ^ the law regarding the aheotiog of pait- ; ^^ ^ fMow{ infornlillon oo th , ridge and that it i. absolutely Illegal to D(jp . r|ment , Agti9alture> M.rkd.le. wll the a. me or other game bird.. Kp , , f ^ IiBuUtioni which , re th , motfc Ihe law regarding thw. important are : Erery parson purohaain-, Ihe Advance had a mueh appreciated | cream or Uli , k on tb , DMis j of it DBtler oall one day laat week from Mr. Doimld ] f , t c , nUllt ,h,n k Bep or caule to b . (,, pt Bell of Bellingham, Algoa. Mr. Bell until 10 o'clock of the followiog day on waa visiting ld fnaudi here and taking wn j c h the tta are made a sufficient in the Toronto exhibition. A few years , 4uant j| y O f lne original unchanged aam go we had the pleaaure of enjoying ihe ^ a O f 8UC [j ^^ or oraam Hl ls re ,j U ji. i( l hoapitality of Mr, Bell and his estimable j for the p urpog8 o f re tel. If the family when on a hunting excursion, and p Urc |, Mer UIH composite lamples suttic- it was semethiug lo remember. We were j ont must ^ ^ 9 ^ f or t , n ,j ays ( or re t 8t ( t very much pleased to hke his hand Records mU8 t be kept of the reading of unce more. nil ti. Toe purchaser shall at the Both the schools in town opened (ot , time of settlement be required to furnish the term work on Tuesday of this week each patron with a statement as to weight with good staff* ot" teachers. Mr Holland and test ; and when payment is based in and Miss Nelson are ia the public school, weight and te.t of each cm or slngls the latter on her second year. In the ' delivery a detailed stutemenc as to tests high school thu board hava Hi-curod two ' und weights of the various lots of creum new taacliers, Mr. I'pshall and Miss being uaiil for shall be furnished at the King, and together with Miss Holmes lime of settlement. If the seal on n can should IMVO a v.'iy successful year, has boen broken in liansit. the receiver About 70 pupils arc in attendance in the ' aiiall at oucc iiotity the seller or farmer higri school. i of the same. Sale of Shorthorn Bull J. J. Buahauan, CUrksburg, recently purchaied from F. J. Cuiry hia white Shorthorn bull. Mntohless Duke, sired liy Gaiufi rd Ma.ahless, ^: n;l aird Guin- ford Marquis from n Marr M-auty cow bred by Gerrie Broa., E'oni. 8h is prize winner at the Canadian Nation*! exhibition. Mr. Buctuaan u lo be cdBiiati-.lrttod on liii f..riiulit in purch- asing an animal of -u -!i excellent breed- inn- H e bus k"p'. in firvy c unty one of the beat aires tvor owned in K. .1 Curry's herd. Mr. Curry is ihe president A number ol choice U I KuJ Niinle of fhe Groy CminLv shorthorn Breeder a ' , , , , . , ... .. i comb oookerela fur sale, $1 and II i|! if Association. _,, . taken 'it once This offce . I'mna A^tr'ty One ewe and two Inmbs John Pnole, lot 4, ci>n: 10, t >.sproy, Eugenia P:O Fire and wind tniurance in the brst ci inpaui'-s for tarn, and town property W. 0. Fawcett, a^ent, Ceylon Owen Sound Fair Sept- 13th, 14th and 15th Don't forget Owen Sound Vair, Tues- day, Weduesi'ay and Thursday of nexl week. Exhhibite better thiin over. l"p t date Midway, Basebnll and Football Tournament! and other attractions. BRICK "AND TILE \Ve luve Red Brick and .'!. 4. u and C nch tile roady for the market. J.C.WRIGHT, Proton Brick ,md Tile Works A litter of young pijjs for al Afjply i " " to Edmund Ptlliter, Maxwell. : : | .... Four new Oliver plows for sale. Prices j ;; right. Call and see them -II, Down A jjjj Sous, Fleihertoil. '& H: .* Youge and Chai-Ies btreets, Toronto Is a school with i splendid tecord. When superiority of training is cnus'd- ered this ccllesjs rnnks amonij; the bent on the continent. Write today for catalogue. Enter at tny time. W. J. ELLIOTT, JH . > . .. BOOTS & SHOES In Ladies' Wear we have Kid, Dongola, Gun Metal and Box Calf. For Men's Wear we have a nice assortment of Mahogany and some good lines in Black. Also very serviceable Work Boots. Repairing promptly attended to. THOS. CLAYTON FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO %* * .... For Sa>le Fonr nond sale, also gooil ocO'h'irH W B Welton, Flosherton. work horses fr ! heavy v< Lost Lineman's pule and boJy belc on 8th lino, Attamesia or Ospivy Finder please leave at telephone ottice, Fover- shaai, or Advance ottice. Young pigs tiv Beii McKenzie, weeks nld for 8<Ie Honse aod Lot For Sale The prop- erty known as the Aalidown residence at I Ctiylon, an ei|<ht roomed dwelling, gond celUr, atahl, etc. : about n acre of' laud, would make a good home fur a ratirod atenblemnn. For terms and fur- ther Dartlculnrs pply (o W. J. Bellaiiy, Flenherton. 1 May t f For Sale Brood sn*i. also some) inanimate, haa iti j y un P'" Al quantity of seed rye, ' this year's crop, and a Bell threshing separator in pood repair ; will sel: cheap at 1300-W. J. Alcox, Markdale P.O' Phone 33r2l. H. mo and Lot For Snlo at Ceylon ! One acre of land, a large frame house, !) rooms, 5 bedrooms, iin: u.; runm, parlor, goed halls, kitchen, pantry aiul collar, aU well furnished and in (rood condition. | Woodshad attached. Also gond stable ' and well. Near the C. P. K. station. Apply to Mrs. R P. Legate, Ceylon. FLESHERTON BASEBALL Tournament A benefit for "Pat" Beatty, who sustained a brokea leg while playing for Flesherton on May 20th Jasft. A good afternoon ot Baseball is assured and you are asked to give your support to this eflbrt, Keep September 15th Open Further announcements later 55 U^ Flesherton Tailor Shop F. MATHEWSON, President. S. E. deCUDMORE, Sec. - Treas. fl^sy^gsgsgagsgsffjg^^ I What are you going to do about that new suit you are going to get this fall? There is nothing nicer than a made- to- order suit. Call in and see my samples of suitings and overcoatings. Suits and Overcoats Turned to look like new. Our prices are rignt, and fit, style and workmanship the best. Pressing and Cleaning done on shortest notice. 'ARM IMPLEMENTS CUT PRICES 1 on T. C. BLAKELY, Armstrong Block, Flesherton 1 1 MANURE SPREADER, 4 WALKING PLOWS, WAGON MOWER HEARD, IMPLEMENT AGENT. FLESHERTON.