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Flesherton Advance, 8 Sep 1921, p. 4

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September s IU'21 THE FIESHBRTON ADVANCE el J \ Sporting News of the district. lUSKBALL Km.MKii OK I'K.II,::. I;HKY LKA<H'K Ofticial nUnliii.; it ill') rutiiit, Am. .'i I W,.i I, .st P.O. <-> ........... ! 2 K18 ............. !) a .S18 VandeUur .......... 7 :t .700 FUahertoa ......... 7 . ,rH3 Rocklyn .......... :< i .MS Euic*ni ....... ...... 2 7 .'.'*-' DamUtli I.,;-'.:- (I lu u exi, In' i.. HIIHH >'f bM t h C f <> picnic in K i4'-i.i n Tuesday of IM! werk Hun Ink UnuiiitJ Bu^enia by be cor of 12 it. The lulur* *ta (o hi . i'.'ii a loigu- . .'j . but Eugenia g-,ii defaulted tiy In. .>, .; -\ couple out. j id* plajrtri -ii 'In' hoe up. ---- ! Dundalk are now tied wi'h (/<iyluii f.jr the League ..:'... Vandnleur are oir Moond. The "Ceylnii V*ii']eleur itaiiif, which >. to have heon pUycd at Oeylnri mi Monday, haa boea . ! <ni y . 4eleur'a account, the second tiie. The rnt>, hewur-, will be played ''. s Thunday afternumi at Ceylon. (i-tiim tailed ; 3 o'clock. I ,n|ni" Arthur WlUon of Owen S'lunil will htuillo tli fame. There iid lie n l>u crowd present to * thit game. Jack DJW, F - -r'on, Ah Itauhtonn. Vaudaleur. Jack mi I L> >n M !..<! and Mlnatr Muir of Cyl<m hi- ' -n playing all Durham junior! in the North Wll iagton L'^'i tliin yr. Duihiui lusl on jp the tint!* U .Stralf.ird . Dirhaui lacroiae team ir K rii<ht ' ', . in ttit Ki'iiu-ntnU 'lii year. n Labor U*y thi-y drfeved O,i!li H-l on the I> irti'ini ground', winning the found by srvcn " . il. Til > ti >' jin-' r'lnlln w~ <i lie, .'t 'I. _____ Kttvtrtlittii lci*t 'lit in Hi" f'uitbatl tournament ''A.II S Mind mi M n.l ijr. They wnn thf r ynii'- fmn \\-\\* Uv, b'i - :-: in 'I tnii! i" Stratiitroii 10. HONEY FOR SALE Clarksburg Camp Meeting Tb.Go'pel Workeri(U.V.) will hold their inim tl camp mooting at C'Urksbmg from 'I'.ii'i l.f , Sept. 9, to Sunday, Sepl. 18, inclusive. Uav. David Andersen will be with us. We are expecting spec 1*1 help with the tinging. Four s*rvicei will be eao!i day at '.< and lO.ltl) nd at 2 HU and 7 p.m. A hearty we'- cuma is extended tu all. Ti> tind a crock of hiue brew by the mad s de and to piok it up and then lie ti'ixd | : i iid coats i 11' fur kaep'nu it 8*fn wan the fate of a young ui*n liy the uainu uf Mutton in the <>#en .s m.d police court I -t week. Came Astray Ctuie In my premiss the fur pirl of the summer, one ydirlniK st-HT. On<tr in IwqMC'vd t.o i i v .; )' |>"'v, piy .>" an I tVe I lit) situs ;i;iy. A. MoINNKS, Lit 2, Con. 7, M*prey Sin^h%nipi'in Any amoiiijt of hoiii-y for le in an 1 mull amounts, 20 cent per pound. Re'-lucti"ii Bujh\Dn, K New Perfection Oil Cook Stove IS TflK BUST Simpl.) Al- wayi It ,lv Sitishei every RtqaiMOMOt, It In- the high- est I'tnyo of effioiaooy, with low, iii'iliuiu and h't(h Htnix provider nv duijree of hunt rn|iiiid. Wh'.-ii tha N,P. oven is uad n'! other iiieaBS of baking will )> yivnn up in piffi-rciice to this device, .Juit the tiling fur these h it dtyg Get one t mice The til-it ll ar.iunl Oil Slov-j tine Ins ever appeared. Frank W, Duncan Hardware, Etc. FLESHERTON Phone 24 m II M ESTABLISHED 167a i:i '.- i 1 ul' c Ill} ill ,' lin pl'oct <-.|" fiijiu tiiain 'I ic!i' : j , .Sa'c of C'.tti". I'rotinec, etc., in jiiur pock'' 1 , il. |> ; :it tin-in iii tlie Bank of Hamilton, wlien they will b" -i iff. You Riiitlien io-sne cli('i|uis to pay uccouuK and your pass book will aflfuril you a complete KT ir.l of all your transactions. BANK OF HAMILTON UUM).\|.K;BRANCII-A. M. Carthew, Manager SLB-BRvSCH PROTON C. J. I orster, Sub-Manager REAM TESTING DAYS Tuesdays n J ri.-lays We have dpciiod to hav.- il,-<snl-'l to luv,> tW) iliys n week for teating oretm Tneidajl and I'Yi.luy* . Brins,' your cream to t'ne storo. \Vn ami piy at oiise the hi^hext in nkot price. . Tliu EARLY CLOSING will bo elrni.'l uvnry Tiinr.sJiy evmiin ' at, ii p.m. until lli<j en I of tlie JAMES McLEAN, Pattison's Old Stand. CEYLON Boar For Service Pure bred I! V slum It M lor mT vice- -Mxwnll .lick fi'.tio:! <>< lot 107. M W T A. S. It.. Ar'1'in.-..i, IVrillH f I f.'l SilUS i, i. ' .: ' Mill l,f lutrgd -inn- i in pitf. Ut)4,l T. .. STI N si IN For Service lin'il S|:.rilliurn bull n |.,,t JttJ, Ctrnci's-sn.n I.'!, Aiti'ini'sia. Tfrnu 91. M) fi.T t'M'lcs if pid inside (/f m nllis - if ii' t $-'. 1'uio l>u',li (.') 00. oct 21 UOUKHT osjtOUNK. DR. F. C. NIXON Optjmstri.t and Oplic.l SpciaiJ Hih. Sl u .,'t i.cni 1|, ,i,l Suvet, OolUD|JrOod, Ontario Appoiutments : - D'Hiy-!) ;i m t(, ft p m K-I-IIIIILJS ,! Uulidijs m-ranuuil. |VI<y!,,,m.r,ll.\V. Bo* lOBfl Bull or S >:v.c j Purohi ul S,' iWh S 1 , ,||.II,MI Vnli, A'<li'< I'll.!.- I. ..ill :, i MCIVIUC i'ii l,,t 81, Con. H. A ilfin .- i 'IVrnn *l ;,!', pun. brodt*. , VV. (Nmloniil frop linproviiifiit Strvlc-.) "In the Pjicltlc- Northwest, wheat smut spores live over winter In the soil and the ordinary treatment with formaldehyde Is not effective unlesa there has been a rotation of crops which Cannes the smut spores to die. "As a consequence, dense clouda of smut HporeB. which may be seen for miles, arise from the threshers and spread wheat contagion over the en- tire country," says Mr. P. Schleuss- ner. Perth Amboy Chemical Com- pany. "Sometimes when this smut cloud Is properly mixed with ulr, a piece of wire or nail will strike a spark in the separator and the result Is an explosion worse than a thlrteen-lnch gun, blowing machines to pieces and often killing and injuring the crew. "The wheat smut tax amounts to millions of dollars. It is in most In- stances entirely preventable by treat- ment of the seed, but so serious has It become that the American Depart- ment of Agriculture has a separate grade for smutted wheat. "It will be well for the Canadian farmers to prevent smut from ever getting entrenched while It In com- paratively easy." Safeguarding Inspection^ (National I'rop Jiii t St-rvice.) "Orain Insjicfi ion li^x boen reduced lo a lino art. In order to avoid dis- pute, a .sample is t.ikt'n from the car of gruin at the tfitninal nintki-t nnd Is divided into iwo homoKfiKnis halves by means of an Inp-nious separator into which Ihe Fampl" is poured. "This divider :uid mixes the grain o fvenly that t'ae two portions may b- weighed wiilioul I ho varlanco of inoi-' Hum a few trains." fays Chief C'ulvi'i. of th' Toledo Produce Exchange. "The object of thift is that when the main arrives at Its destination and the buyer should complain of Its (|iialit.v, a re-inspection can always be demanded fiom Ihe Ulenliiul sam- ple from which the first Inspection was made. "TliPBe I'servo portions are kept for several nioiiUis and in case of ex- port. I hey prove invaluable In .sell ling nil complaints as to quality. "Inspection nowadays Is all offi- cial and Hit- inspector cannot be tam- pered with because he has no idea whose grain he is inspecting, drain Inspection is as reliable as Ihe roln- atc'' of silver." ut the Stumps THE Flc slier ton Advance An independent newipper puliliahed every Tburadfcy it the uth'e, Colliogwoud Street, KltHheAnn. Subscription price 91.60 jiar urn. inn when piid in advnnce ; 92.00 when not & paid. 92.00 to United Staten. Advurtning rates on application. Circulation ovur HOC weekly. W. a. THUKSTON Kmw,R FAIRS ADVERTISE YOU Both the Cormunity and the Exhibitor Get Publicity. It Pays to Lrt Others Kiiow That Yon Have the Qooda Fighting the HesHian Fly The Silo Proven Utility. (Contributed by Ontario Department ol Agriculture, Toronto.) To the general farmer who grows I IKI.I grain for seed, to the specialist in garden and truck crops, and par- ticularly to the live itoek man, tbe Fall Fair offers an opportunity. It pays to advertise; tbe Fair Is the place where the people see the goods produced, and seeing Is believing;. Moreover, the paperu report the win- nings, aud through these the exhibi- tion gets a large amount of adver- tising free which would otherwise cost him a considerable amount of money. Winning in close competi tlons under a competent judge adds dollars to the value of stock shown and Increases the market price of any commodity, as well as giving the ex- hibitor a standing not only In his own community but over a section of country corresponding to the size aud Influence of the show at which prizes are won. The Fair is a good place to make sales. Prospective buyers see the good exhibits made and en- quire about the breeding stock at home. Stockmen show at 'Fairs largely to make sales rather than to win prixes. although the latter is a factor In the sales and they are not disappointed ac evidenced by the growing Interest in the Full Kair. Showing at the Fair, coupled with a judicious newupapcr advertising pol- icy, which should never be neglected, is good business. Tin 1 two no together and work liand in hand. It pays to let others know of your good slock. Use printers' ink and show at the Fall Fair. Wade Toole, O. A. Col- lege, (ilh'lph. Cargoe's Grocery If you want good, clean, fresh Groceries or Con- fectionery give us a call. We carry nothing but the best. All kinds of fruits in season. TOMATOES 7 We keep fresh Tomatoes on hand at all times. Phone us your order right now and we will deliver to any part of the town. ICE CREAM Come in and visit our Ice Cream parlor. All kinds of cool drinks served. W. E. CARGOE Groceries, FruiU and Confectionery FLESHERTON, Phone 30J - ONT. What ar you worth to yout commun- iiy Give the n^tUr a little wiout 11 flu-! i. n. Wonld you be mined if you died or moved ut 1 Do you priatently reluce wfcin asked tuiwist ur "throw cold water " on interpriiri designated for the public food I la your whole apire time taken up witb sporting, or are you turning rtapoDiibilitiea IB bettering eunditioui right in your own neighbor- hood ? Thete queitiona are put forward beciitue uf the prevailing btckwardn(>i of 10 many to buiy them<*elvet fur the iii.iii i ii'i-iit if piacttcnl ttturts tu inipire and cairy to a sueeaisful Uaue matteis uf iutereit to '.he UM, . y Exchange. HE II I H II Oarefnlly Corrected Butter . FALL TERM OPBNS SEPTEMBER lt at the Owen Suuud, Ont. BuineB, Shorthand and Preparatory Courses. Catalogue Free. C. A. FLEMING, F. C. A., Principal since 1881 . 0. D. FLEMING, Secratary. Mention this paper when writing) Flesirer-ton Tonsorial Parlors We Aim -to Give Entire Satisfaction LAUNDRY Basket cl >se Monday night, delivery Fnany ev Esc I. Week . 30 to 30 . . 37 -o :<7 Winter Wheat '. . . 1 5 lo 86 Spring \S heat 1 80 to 1 80 OaU 40 to 42 B*rley STi to 85 Pe 1 :- to 1 . Huckwliei, 1 <H) to 1 05 ' e l-iu-<l and dyed, feathers rejuvenated CLKASIKG and DYEING- vVe are yents f.n- Parker's Dye Works- Clothes FISHER -PROPRIETOR The Tractor With The (Nullunul Crtiji lini'ruwmviil Service.) "Our tillable limdH have gou' ami with a furl her growth and develop- ment of th world, we miiHl utilize t-vory waste acre. Stump pulling is a . prolili'iu to (lit- in. HI who IH (urnilng In a cut-over country, to the man who is payiiiK tuxes on nil. stump html nnd to the man who IB a<-ekliiK u rich i. i in at n i. i om|>uru- livt'ly low price. "The nttuletit, quickest and most eronomirul way of cli-artnu out luinpH and routn, is with a i uinp- puller ,in. I who rope," HuyH Mr. II. S. linli'i. in i-i iciriii Canadian Steel & Wire Co. "The nee of a pulley block so de- Higned that any number of them ran be used lo double, triple, or quad- ruple i lift power of tho machine, will conquer the most stubborn stumps without fall. "When dynamite In used, tho roots are left to be grubbed out or pulled (int. by team, all of which la slow, hard work. With the Httimp-lMillor and a wire ropi-, tho job Is clean nnd rOlllpletP. "A Kooil Niiunp [iiillei will pny for ilsolf in th.' savuiK of luxnil labor on 11 few iicri-H of Kiound. lo HH.V nolh- IIIK of tin- im-rivs" of crop values. You can use It In llu; wet HCUHOII ulu-n you cm work iii nothing olse. In fi.iit. tli niiu-liiiif woikri (\\-M-"!' whori UIH c.roiiiul hi wet. Steady Stream Of Power | THE SAMSON TRACTOR is just tbe Tractor you have been looking for. Strong ami powerful, compact, and built right as all SAMSON TRACTORS are built, it sells at a price low enough tor the most conservative farmer. For such work aw plowing, discing, harrowing, spreading manure, cultivating and other field work it is an ideal Tractor. You oan also do all kinds of belt work with it such as running a thresher (and we positively guarantee the Samson to run a 28" Thri'fhinfc Separator satisfactorily) operating a silo tiller, grinding grain, sawing wood. The SAMSON TRACTOR being a General Motors product, is up to the usual lii^h class (Ic.neral Motors standard as regards design, workmanship and materials. The 'xiwerful motor used in this Tractor in especially built tor tractor work, and the entire Tractor- motor, transmission, etc., is built complete in the Samson factories. Platform, fenders, magneto, governor, air cleaner, Impulse starter, etc., are regular equipment .with the SAMSON TRACTOR. The SAMSON TRACTOR has won out in many competitive tests with other Tractors. It wins because of its surplus power and its high etticisncy for belt and draw-bar work. Come in and see this SAMSON TRACTOR, or we would be glad to give a demonjtraotion on your own farm on either belt or draw-bar work. We oarry a complete stock ot parts, always ready to keep the Samson power continuous. D. McTAVISH & SON Chevrolet Car and Samson Tractor Dealers Phone 9w - FLESHERTON

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