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Flesherton Advance, 8 Sep 1921, p. 1

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VoU2, No. 14 Flestierton, Ont, September 13 1921 Holdups at Shelburne The people of Shelburne and surroun- ding tenitory have been terribly worked up diirinn III* past week as a reiult of the depredations of a holdup party of three men who have bean terrorizing motorists for tha past six dayi, says the Fre Press. On Thursday evening laet i lire* robbers held up a Shelburne young man t Shepherd's p :nd, north of Primrose, and made their i/elaw*y with- out being apprehended. On Sunday evening while James Berry of Melanc- r him waa returning from Laurel, up the third line. Amaranth, he was commanded to slop, throw up his hands or take the alternative of a pistol shot. Mr. Berry speeded up his aai and escaped from the gang, but he wag further handicapptjd by the blocking of ihe narrow road with v the automobile belonging to the bandits. Knowing that he had to aot quickly he took to the ditch and made a successful escape from his pursuers. He reported the holdup to Constable Whitehead upon his arrival in town. The sam gang was on the gravel road, on Sunday evening, A party of several cars left town in pursuit of Ihe bandits and gave them a merry chase in the neighborhood of Corbelton, but lost thelc ni.irry in a kuoklcberry marsh on one of the sideroads of that township. It is believed the same party motored through town shortly after '' o'clock Monday morning. They motored through here at more than twenty miles per hour A futile effort was made to stop them at Primrose but they continued on their mad rush, turning onto the Prince of Wales road on two'wheela. Hvidunlly* more thin one gang is bngaged lu lUo unlawful practice, for report haa it thai a Collingwood man evaded holdup on the Fifth L : ne, Me- lanothoo, on Sunday ertning, while 12 miles east of Sholburna, at Rosemon', another report ol a burglary has reached us. The car driven by ike bandits who have been operating locally is a Ford with but one headlight, the license No. it attached to the bumper bar in such a m timer aa to obscure fiir view the full number of the lioanse. When necessity demands it both lights and number tire discarded. The occupants are all men of good size, onu reported to be oi dark complexion, resembling very much a mulatto. Toronto Line North E Wickens and wife are visiting aud Mrs Ws Breeu near Brantford. T Sled, wife and family spent a few days with Nottawa and Batteau friends. Chas Stewart and wife are visiting the ormer's brother at St Paul'fl. Lillian Lever left this week for her at Mooretield. Mr and Mrs Fred Brown and daughter are visiting Toronto friends. Jacob Uulli-y of Markdale it visiting rienda <>n this line. Picnic at Eugenia Sef*tary Murriaon of '.he L* F W aud W. H. Casselman, M. ?. V., and suvera 1 too'.! speaker! addreitted H picnic at Bugonia one aftcruoon laut weuk, which wa attended by several hundred people, although i' bad not buen extcnsivoly advertised. Mr. Caaselman discusaed hydro olfotric MI itlt'iK and ariticizud the failure . I the CommiKtiuii to givt more power to the farnii, as well u aa the xe8ivu rate chaiged. Mr. Morriiuu diHcuHiod U. F. O. principles, advi. eating a rate for hydro service ; the recall aud group government ; mid criticized lliosu who favored a "broaduung i lit" policy for the U.F. 0. It was Mr. Marrwoii'ii tirat vi.iit, to ttu.|;eiiia and ho was warm'y received. l\i: \ ,n. . M.I!:..; gave a spirited .-ulilii- ... ..M thu political situation, fore- seeing a ilr. ...i i . defuat fur the Alui^heu adniinistratioii when it8naliy goon to the people. Mr. McFutldcn, Maikdalu, made ar appeal for .sympathetic consideration o T.F.O. aims and principlea. Bon. D. OHrniichaol discufJi>a britrtly hydro Hervico on furm.s, and in answer to a question safd Hint fishing and shooting at the hydro d<un waa prohibited because ,t had been made gime preaervt-, which he thought would be acceptable to all. Dr, Leeson, M.L.A. for South Grey, extended !.. tingn mid promised lo como buck whenever requested. Ueiian' piper? and drummers made the raffcern shake and thu toes flutter. Farm For Sale Lot U, con. 4, Artemeai.i, coutaininr 100 acres, 75 acres cleared and nude: cultivation, 17 acres hardwood bush tirst clans spring, also good well ; clay and sandy soil ; sjlid brick house, ten rooms, furnace heated ; bank barn 62 by 45 feet ; sheep house, hog pen. This farm is 2A miles north of Priceville on a go ul road. Apply to D- HARROW, Ceylon P O. Albert Stewart aud wife week end with the latter's Teversham. apent the parenti at Mr FEVERSHAM Cooler weather has come again and it H much nicer than the great heat of last week. Geo Hunter and wife and Dow David, son, of Toronto, were visitors in our illage on Sunday. Mr and Mrs Fred Brown and family oi forest, and Mr* John Brown and family of St Marya, are viaitiug friends in this ocality. nsign Holway, in charge Collinjwood rps of the S A, Mrs John Bicknell and Miss Price, soldiers of thu above Corps, held meetings in the S A barracks here oil Saturday and Sunday and had good crowd* at the mratings. The Knmnn is a very earnest, fluent speaker, and his discourse was listened to with much i." by young and old. U Cameron ind wife of Fleiherton spent Sunday with the latter'a patent*, Mr and Mn Win Smith, 10' h linn. Andrew Fawcett and wife, Wilbert and John Poole and thtir wives, Ruhart Bellnmy^ard R J Colquette were in Toronto laai week attending the Ex and report Xt ra uood Xlnbits in mostly ail inea thin year. Mrs CharleH Tuplinn spent Sunday with her brother, Chris Thompson, hero. Mies yueenie Kailting of Toronto is visiting her parents here and renewing Id acquaintances generally. W J Conn, jr, has gono weat to Saska- toon to see his brother Bert, who mi;t with bad accideur, out there two weeka ago, while operating a thrwihing oullit. ID some way one of tha belts ruuuiiiK over tho cylinder pulley caught him and drew him up against it with suh force as ta take uff his log just below tho knee and break his thigh bone. He is reported to be doing as well as could be oxpectcd, but - suffering badly yet. 11 ia in the hospital at Saskatoon. R J Col<|uettB haa received word th*t h's nephew, Sherman Coquette, who is well known here, is seriously ill in hoKpi'al near Edmonton, Alta. PROTON STATION School reopened on Thursday with Miss Ada Achesun agaip in ehaige. The following teachers have gone to their respective* duties : Miss Clara Binni'e to Toronto, Miss Emily Acheson to Sudbury, Marjorio Acheron to Shel biirne, Mary \Vy\ille to Voutry and Edith Cunsley to S S No 2, Probon. Lloyd Wauchopa, Duiham, ia visiting with bis parents here. Jack llanley, Fergus, spent Ihe week end with his aunt, Mrs A Sherson. Mr and Mrs U G Aoheson, Russell and Gordon and Mr and Mrs Elmo Stevens motored to Toronto ono day lust week to attend the Exhibition. Art Badgerow is visibing with friends in Toronto. Marian :inc' Jack Wright aro attending high schorl at Dundalk ; Misses Maud and H'ibeiiii Achesun (o Flcshcrlon. Mr. J Wright, Jack, Florence and Betty, attended the exhibition lust week. Mr and Mi. Woods and family of @lmt*wort!i visitud at the home of Mr Uergott. Mr Conn, Miirkdiile, will conduct aiiiilveiaary services in the Presbyterian church on Sunday next. Service will le held <n the morning ,.11 o'clock, in the afternoon .it ii.UO and in the evening at 7.30. Peter Pickett aud sou, John, of Boltoti vifcited with Mrs Win Park. M ISM Alice Moody viailed with her grandmother, Mrs Moody. Messrs Jack Wilson and Lloyd Wau- ' I chope arc attending the Exhibition at Toronto. EUGENIA The harvest being over, threshing is Ihe order of the day, and Williams Biot. are <|uite busy. We are glad to report Mrs J Parlia' ruei.t doing nicely after hav'ing undergone an operation in Collingwood hospital a few days ago. Little Cecil Tuohy had Ihe mitfortune to break his arm Sunday afternoon while driving a horse belung'Ug to Sandy Hoy. The animal took fright and ran away, jumping the park gate and throwing little Cecil over the smaller ii'ii -. with the result thai the little chap had his arm broken and a bad cut under his chin. The crowds of sightseers do not seem to be growing much less in number, livury fine day is taken advantage i. unl the cars seem to pour in from overy direction. Mr and Mis James Purvis of Toronto were guests of Hubert Purris over the lioliday and gave Ewjenia fiiemi* a call before returning home. Will Carruthers and daughter of To- ronto were guests of Alox Garrulhurs. Mrs Large visited her friend, Mrs II tiii.ii mi, of Kimherley, dining the past week, A number from here are attending the Toronto exhibition. RST F W Madden of Avuning visited Ills aunt, Mm A Smith, over the week end. Gerald L-irgo and Wesley Cooey mot- ored up troin Toronto and spent the holiday here. Etta, Latimer is vinting friends in Sarnia and Toronto. Miss K tie JMnieiOD, accompiu cd by her] sister, Mrs ' Thompson, liaa gone to Rochester, Wig, to *.ake treatment for her throat by ihe Mayo brother*. We hope to hear of good lesultg. Kenneth Large has returned from Toronto to resume his studies at th* high school. Special Correspondence G Deadmau aud W Graham, accompa- nied by the Misses Adlurn, of Toronto, also Mr Waters of Orangcvtllu vibited with Mr and M J Campbell over the week ond and also were callers at Wilfred Magee'a. Mrs W Hiilop visited the fore part of liio wk with her sinter at Ceylon. ^_ ROCK MILLS Mr and Mrs McDonald of Orilha visited at W T Pedlar g. Mrs II Hoy and daughter, Mrs Phill'pg, of Toronto spent u few days with the farmer'* sister and mother in Durham. Mis Ed Oioit and babe spent the past three weeks with her pan nte in Fevuifshani. MIHS Ncllia K.iburlann Bpuit a few days with Mrs W Russell. Quito a number attended the U F.O. pienic at JiiiKfiiia last Tuesday and report a good time. \Veaan4LaurieSinilli are in Toronto attending the Exhibition this week. Mr and Mrs Brownlce of Collingwood visitffl recontly with thuir cousin, Mrs Lawls I'odlar. L Nwell of Durham npent Sundny with his brother here. Mibs Sumo Chard spent a day the pust week with licr sister, Mrs G Johnson. Herb Fiehor of Toronto vimled with relatives in this vicinity. Mrs Dick tVdlar of Winnipeg visited recent'y wuh W T 1'cillar and family. U Monidian, wife and babe spent. Sunday with John 1'orteuun, wife and fuiiiily. CEYLON Mr and Mrs Jardine and daughter of Ste M.UH-, Mr and Mrs Soobie, Mr and Mrs BeJl and son, and R Baxter of Co)linwooil, and Mr and Mrs McKen- zie of Toronto, were visitors at M Feign- son's last week. Mrs Barker and two children of Dur- ham visited Mr. J Melia last week. Miss Sybil Collinson, who lias spent a month's vacation with her mother here, returned Thursday to Rigina and was ace vnpauied to Toronto liy her siter> Miss Jean, and F D Cairns. Mrs D McLtod and Mrs vV McMullen are visiting thuir daughters in Toronto. Mr and Mrs John Stewart are visiting Toronto friends. N Archibald, wife and two children and Mrs Archibald Sr. motored t'j Toronto the tirst of the week. duck White is spending a few dn\s with IIIK l)i oilier in Turontn. Mr mid Mrs J .J Patters*. m haxe reluinrd from viiiiiug Turi.iitu friends. Mr mid Mrs W Fawcrtt and littlu son, accompanied hy Mrs Fawcelt t.f Wucle- louso mutornd last week to Toronto. Mrs W Hislopof Eugenia visited her ibter, Miss B McKonxie, ovor the week end. Mr and Mrs A Mitchell rind lino* chililren of H<imillon spent the week end with Mi* X' D Cairns. Mr Proud, wife and son, of Humilinn, Mrs Dunuet, wife aud daughter, Mr L forrey, wife aud son, of Lnuriston, were week ei.d visitors at H Piper's. Miss Irene Stewart, whci has been visiting Toronto friends, has returned Much sympathy is extended to Mrs Sinolair, whose father died nuddenly at Brampton on Mondn/. Miss Helen Oibson, who has pnnt her vacation in Toronto, ha* returned home. Mr ,md Mm I'll ten, who (.pent a fort- night visiting her u*rents, Mr .mil Mm I Melin, have returned to Iheir home in Cleveland. Members of the club here l.ave pur- chased i uev threshing mac ... o and it did ita drat work at Roy Pipei Frida,. We believe the machine gives the best of MtilfaOtiOB. PRICEVILLE We understand that about S400 has been subscribed toward fore ng and otuurwise improving the old Presbyterian cemetery on Kincardine mid V'lei n sis. W G SVatsou, turnosBiiiaKer nnd fun- oral director, xpent last week in T ironto. Wm H'ro..k hat sold his house and lot ia town and will likely build again. Mirs Vio!i;i Watson took the tniin for London on Wednesday of last week, vfhere nh will take clmrgu of n public school ncur that city. Mies Mitrgarut Tryon, trachcr, w<nt to Toronto th hi ginning of this wi-ik. Miss Lcuiise Watson returns n/nin <<> take charge of her school in Bee'on.Ont . llev R J and Mrs McC.trten rutiunud on Saturday after camping duii g two weeks' holiday* at Wasaga Beach, Mr McAllister of Cullinuw ood has been viniting his daughter, Mrs T Niehol, and other friends. Gco A Watson of Ihe Price v ill mills, will ..epond a few days in Toronto tliip week. Tho Presbyterian Sunday njl.nnl p nicked 'in tliHean' bank of tho S.uigi' Saturday :ifterncon of last week. Sacramental services were In-id in tin I'rt^byterian church JSunclay timining. Thu Metbiidist OOBgregation hud Ihoii own paatur buck with lllem agi.'n IK Robert Herd, Allan Park, was caught in tlio large wheel of , I'asoline engine and waa tiling around llio wheel by his cl >Uios. One arm wan brokun and ha suffered other cuts and hruisufs. Farm For Sale Lot 27, Con. 13, Arlemesia, consisting of 100 acres, nil cleared, and on ilio prem- ises is a gnod in iik venoerud 11 room dwelling with good cellar and woodshed, 75 acres uncW cultivation, balance in pasture with good never failing spring, two 8111*11 orchards, wull clone to house : bank bain 40x00 on stonu foundation and cement stabling, litter carrier in stable alsoB good well, driveshed and garaue. a second fairly good barn 40x46, gord hen house. For particulars apply to - LEWIS GKNOE. Eugenia, R. R. No. 1 On the 20tb uf AagustT wa mi' Morrow up Klreot and wo ennnrt-d lu> uhuut thu crops, which ho reported yon Ho then i-i ineinlierod that Mrs Moiio Mfenl day* previous inimsurud n stalk corn and her tape line showrd it to bd II foot e\n\it indue. Wlit-re will it icncl now, with three weeks' more .suns-hiu DAMONDS Bates BurialCo. Our selection of Diamonds just now is at its best. Prices to suit everyone. Each stone is of excellent cut and i design and the the quality, absolutely faultless. Your inspection is invited. W. A. ARMSTRONG BUSINESS AS USUAL Funeral Directors and Embalmers Phone Hillcrest 268 1 24 Avenue Road, Toronto, Ont. MOTOR EQUIPMENT J. W. Bates, R. Maddocks, President. Manager. Jeweler, FLESHERTON, ONT Now is the time to re- new your subscription to The Advance. It's Safe in this Bank Money out of Bank may be spent unwisely, lost, stolen or destroyed. But money deposited in The Mer- chants Bank ia secure against extravagance, fire or theft. On pay-day, put all your money in a Savings Ace unt, and pay the necessary bill* by cheque, the Bank your savings are earning Interest and Y u will find more money stays in and Open TH the cancelled cheries are receipts for bills paid. a Savings Account i day. Head Office : Montreal. OF CANADA. DANK Established 1384. FLESHERTON AND CEYLON BRANCHES, H. P. FERRIER, ... Ma House of Quality TWINE! TWINE! We handle the best makes of twine, both the 600 and 650 fett. PRICES RIGHT. FLOUR Sovereign, Ladies' Favorite, Perfect and Pastry Flour milled by F. T. Hill & Co. We also handle Royal Household. GROCERIES We carry a full line of Groceries. Flour and Feed. W. J. STEWART & SONS Flour, Feed, Seeds, Groceries and Confectionery Flcshcrton, - Ontario AMen Townsen'l of K;ist Luther h both hours of hiii leg broken noitr tl hip by \\ load of grain pissing ovor liis body. He was riding on tho ladder in front of tho load when he slipped off, hitting tho horse*, which began kicking and ran away. The heavy load passed over his legs, breaking the bones of one and painfully bruising the other. Prices Cut to Pieces We have reduced our entire stock of Ladies' Hats, Veils, Trimmings one third. Our hats are all this season's stock in the 'very latest styles. Don't miss getting one at away below cost. Big Reductions in all other Goods W. L. WRIGHT, Corner Store, Flesherton - .

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