August 11 1921 THE F L E S H f 9 N A D V AN C E I YOUR money is hardly earned, and as proceeds are received from sales of crops, hogs and other live stock, the money should be deposited in the Bank, where it will be safe until again required for farm operations. There are always men to recommend schemes and invest- ments for your money, which may or may not be safe, but about which YOU know little or nothing. Let the man who gets money easily take the chances. BRANCHES Keep your money in The Bank FKVKUSII AM of Toronto, where you can get HII.I it when v/anted. MAUKUALK "BANMORONTO 74 Feversham Garage We have opened up a garage in Feversham and will undertake all classes of Automobile and Gas Engine repair work. Satis- faction guaranteed. Be an Irish- man try it once. You will come again ! Thornbury & Son FEVERSHAM - ONTARIO VANDELEUR Mr and \1 : - J Gilbert and daughter <-l Tnronto are visiting friend* here Mr \V I, Qulli*, wife and little daugh- ter of M|ni; ,:. are -| i n'l:t _. H few dys t Kdwin CiilHs'. Mr and Mis Will Alnx i ' n ,! \ alley (.pent n d.iy lecei.t'y wi'l* Mr uiul Mi Will llu.tchinsnu. (Jin \V,,i !n .-, wife ai,d IKII, }'ilmer, also Mr in.d Mis J Gilbert of Toronto nicruted 'o Wmilon mid Kpcut the week cud u ii ii li.. ; :-. The MIKHIS NeahiU if Cnlidjii are visiting t J J McCitc's aud other f Hunt's. Mrs Williams and daughter, Nrnin, of Toronto are visiting Ht Clus Willmms'. Mi J >s BucliniMii has U'Uiriud hone lifter ipendiog ;l couple wi-rkn with hi.- Lrnther rfiid <>l)ier Iriciul.s in Toronto. '1 he MtskCM Kdna and Annie Hunilt iind Dell Abi'icrombie of Kimiii rli-y spent a day lecuiily with Iklis Dve Grnhiim. Mi- Mi. Qnbtiri has returned h"iii.- .-if: i r s| i-niiii.i; ii couple of weeki with fiiendu in Toronto and I'ftri?. Mi Hi ks of Colliii)* \Yndd tpeiit a day n-i-i-nily wild Miss Julia Davis. Mr and Mrs Amoe .Smith and son of M- .1 Hi visittd Mr and Mi.-. SMI. Gilbcit recently, Mr ai.d Mis Kiauk Davis visitid with hi' i iK in Miiitoid li i a few days leci-nlly . Mt and Mic Win Reid and two children, who Imve been visiting at Geo 1'iili-hurd'N, have returned to their lu-me HI Oxbow, Mich. Ynndeleur baseball team attended the iluy Irm-biill louilHinent at Mv.-tford nn Mm <l<iy, August 1st and wnn tins ebampiooabip of tin; day, llu' prize hcin", ?1UO Yaiideli ur wan three UHIIK-S he;>(- mi; l\Kaford, ChirksbuiR and Rirmidr, Bull For Service For Service f Approved Business Training 'I'lie Miiiitvr i>f fur (iiitmio hti recognized the .-;.' i! work (luncly Klcinint' uf tbo Xoitlu-in College, Owm Suuud, in ti;iinini{ for tu.siut.sf HI .1 per.-.. n:ilny dtvtlupment f tlie individual stuiluit t>y apiifuvjng of Lu tobool ciui.s>s and metboda ol ina'ruotii'U fvr nt!olr-c nt iKleiitj>, in fct for all utudoulK. This IK 'ne lint acliojl, and at thii writing the inly bukinvu ichtol in Ontario, u> be ipproVi-J by the ^ovornmcnt. I'mn-ii'il Kleniini-'H >c!nn,l, his w,,iV, mid iplendid record in timlinn t-inp'ny. mem fur (UN ktudeii's is well knomi throughout (ha pinvim-o. Tin- Noitlicrn lltivn '-.1 Co'ley.' training is the best nny ynuii',' n ft n .! woman enn ^..'t to t ,n on Auction Sale OF Farm Stock, Implements, etc. i he property of the Utc> Daniel Leitch at hi* into i i ii n. ' . 1 M. i. E of Fleiherton. - ON TUES., AUGUST 23, 1921 when l h following will be told: M H. 4 yesra old, tthci p and )> laml'.<, A^. ilniarH |>ood woiker, Adams wa^on K<iil an new, ;....! box, >-t I...!.-;. i/L uearly new, Lu^fy in nocd order, cutter iji.ijd as new, scl term liarness, set si nab hurneiK, Cockhhutt plow ood HS new, net iron harrowH, robe, disc harrow, sulky rake, 2 Rots spring tooth barrows, Cook htove, mi u tity of -i i :iw, .juantity of oats, tiideboartl, Inungi*. ti tiibltn, C or 7 tonnof (jood hay, 6 acres oats for yreen feed, wash s'nnd, ft kitchen chair*, rockinp chair, ijuHniity of dishei, nckyoke foikc, wli filelreeH, Hcytbef, chains and nhtr n nnerouR articles. SALE TO COMMKNCi; A'l 1 P.M. TKKMS C,ih. GvriythiDK has to be sold lo wird up the estate. D. McHHAlL, M. LKITUH. ii'tr. AdiuiuiKtrnt. r. Cheapest Car Transportation on Earth THE FORD CAR A number of good second-hand cars on band. A full line of accessories for Fords arid, icpairs for I. II. C. Farm Implements. BUSINESSCARDS I SOCIETIES OMINCE AHTHUtt LODGE, No. :3,A.F.A A M. meet! in the Masonic hall. Arm s routt'a Block Klesberton, very Friday on or lmfore tile full rnocti. Peter Mulr. VV. M It. U. Holland, Secretary. DENTISTRY I): 6. C MURRAY L. D. 8 . dental nuigeou * hcnoi graduate of Toronto Uuiveruity auri Koya College of Dent*] Surgeona of Ontario, aaadmialuiiteredfor teeth extraction U'co airauidecce Toronto Street, Flei^ertou. LEGAL , ri >h, & hUNKY ItarrUtera. tiollcitors, " Mc.l. II. Lucas, K. C.: \V. D. Henry, I:. A. OfficoH. Markdale I.ucis Hlock, Phono 2A. mancli cUicta at Dundalk aud Durlia II I'.IOMT. A TKLFOHD, Bail-Inter. Solid. torn. A--, 'in . .-. Grey i Hruco lilnck, i Owen Houud. Ktandard Hank ,'KlfMier- 1 ton, |Salurd>). W. H. Wright. W. p". Tullord ' Jr. Agents for all varieties ot I, H C. FARM IMPLEMENTS A complete line of ever} thing to work the farm. Call and talk it over. ' ^ H. DOWN & SONS, PHONE 36 * FLESHERTON '.,,. ii. J Iliirhuin Imll, So 143013 ^r "! . pm-- '"led ShUllhi in t-uii .n L t uco nn lot lli'J, S \V T A S 11, All.'- ;t!(, Conci-ssii'ii 13, Ailemi-tia. Tiini IllthW thorniii in i> 1 $2 fur (trmdei. $6 for I . <!. AKiNS, Prop For Service Jl.TiO fur uladus if |niiil :ni il" if!' miiithi- if tint -. I'ure bteds jflt Cn. of 'Jl UOIiKKT i Uo* pure ord Shorthorn Hull nn 1. 1 Bull For Service HU. coll, '.I, Aitor:i.-hii. TI-IMI- s l ">) f''t, K rade. Must l.r |,iJ .itl.iii 9 ."'liH. ^"^ bd 'Sh-rUjWO B'l .f U| from dat .f luni' . Villa!/.' I'.^iiiily f if MM vl.v n let I", c -n. IW.Jati.S It O.TIKNKr. , |(( , ( ,, oy |-,., ms *_'..-,(> fi>r mi.leH. $5 for pnni l teds. Yorkshires, Tamworths '"> ' M,..I H,J,K. p,,,,,. lui-ii.i *s c, tlij" Ji'.r ' ii ' in I 1 '' v ' "ji' '"' l' v try. In Memoriam BUSINESS CARD? IUM. KAITTINO, icouaod Auctioneer foi ' the coumlra of Urey and bimcov. 'arm aud Stock lalea a specialty. Toruu ii .-Unite. patisfactioD guarantied. Arraautr "tiM fni dates may be ui&de at tbo Advnncu I':.-", vi- C'cutrnl tolpflione oflloe hevemhun ! ,; t yaJUienBiuK Die at Kcv.'l >iq;. Oat. | n Mcl'llAll , Ijccmod Auction.-B fo tho v ' Ciiunty of Grey. Terms luaik-iale an I <t aciioD Kuarite t -rt. Tbe arrapge:n,-nts i iiiddattii of gale* cm lio iiia.le at TliR Al)\ AN ! ..'Jcc. HI-FI IcucokUd I'.O-.l'ejI'JO, Toroi'hotio oObtoUou. Canadian National Exhibition, Toronto AUG. 27 Inclusive SEPT. 10 To be opened by Lord Byng of Vimy. Canada's new Governor-General Color of the Orient Gaiety of a Mardi Gras TJIf. A. Tl liNDL'LI.. n.A.. tm.lnatu ^ Inn tba Faculty of Uediclue, t'nlvi oIjToronto. Olficc hlclir<rton ll'ock, l-'lc ..I." rrtOH, TfU'l'llOUl!.,.. Complete exposition of Canada's resources. skill of men, wealth of material. "OVER HERE"-Super Pageant of Regal Magnificence dramatizing vividly Canada's Origin. Growth and Achievements. Color Symbol Allegory Hundreds of Performers Music Fine Arts World's Largest Collection of War Photographs- Thrillers of Many Kinds Fireworks on a larger scale than ever before -Scores of Features only to be seen at Toronto. Canada's Greatest Lice Stoc^ and Farm Display Machinery and Equipment of Endless Design for increasing the Efficiency f iht Farrr^ and the Comfort of the Home. Reduced Fares o. n A!! Lines of Travel JOHN C. KENT. RObT- FV EM ' NC :. Manning Dir.ctor - _ P""n Young Stock For Sale For Breeding Purpose* I'urcbri'i! Tunivnrili llmi fnr s r.iee nn lot ItiV. S \V T uiul S K , Aili'inos-n,. ,., .., Teruix- tl n() Bowl not returned will Phone or write <'L<>. \V . HOBS ,,.. , | , ir( , ( ,, Hh||ie ,,,. , , 1Ji; BOAR for SERVICE Mnxwclir.O !K.-i. 1.) T. .1 .J.TISSON, I'ro WE SELL G| LSON i FARM EQUIPMENT I'll I l.l.ll'S lii loving nieiimry ol ' II. 1'ii' i |r, kiliuil in action in 'runce, August 8ih, 1H1S. NO! iK :i I Ii) ilirso H|III Inytd him, N 't lust, l>ut gone bi f re ; \\a lives with us in m> m >ry si ill, A'nl Will for evini'iire. - -Thi' V'.iiii-ly. U M> "Q"^ , Fl.^ / V M % tj.< IT, H VOTERS' LIST 1921 BACKED OY 8IXTT YEMIS' EXHEHItNCEl DOMINANT IN QUAL- ITY ANDHEHVIUEI Siity year* of leaderahlp of giving ROCK! value, hcnpinR aatiafaction and real aervicel That' why the Cilnon name wina respect oncl conHdence from coatt to coat. That'* why we are proud to noil thia dependable farm equipment. THE GILSON ENGINR "THE WONDERFUL GILSON" The fatmni' (Vil -on glnt any ! 'ur u lllll^t'l oil tlir *** \ "Ooti l.ikr Siilv" En- ly tint po-.c --fun lie pnr >m- in your fariu. HYLO SYLO The llvlo ' vl.i intiirM tmrcrl, h csli. nurnilt- nt rn ullaitr down IM thr hut foiklnl It I* luiilt lolait llld.linilrly I'.n I II II i V C pnlnitdt friiltllrs f>( (Ir- MI:U inul . iir. 1 1 u i i Ion e-xp'nii %vliy the llyl'i I* i-liiKcu liv Hie illii ilnllll- Atinu f'ifnit-r. I'nyi foi itself In 1 1" In ' ' I "ii Tln-ii vi-ar ullcryfiir, | 1IKI |iri ..ul I'l'illl mi your iiiyritinciit. Cuu you brut it' "Tlir Wiinilrtful Ollmiii" atiiiiiln duprtiuc. Muic Silu I'illrri wric.uM in l iiii.idu laat yrur llniii iiny nthrr nuikr. It IK iiiinr- .mi.'il in hr the lii;liU t iiiiuiiim hluwcr- intu-r in. nil- llr init'-priidrill Bi't n (lilsiili Slio l-'nlrr nnil All yntii " 11 'il'' with your own i-nuinc. THE GILSON SPRLADI.R Miiuuici-i tin- ln-.t fcittllzcr. Ymi tmvr it Uacitl The lii-it M.iiMiit- ;-|iu-.nlii i, .i.U- i. Mo * .ilMni \Vliv.' Il In' a wiiU- ftpmul II I I..1V .I..XM1 II II , I, ..'lit lll.ltl II il. ttlki- u l loitil. It U ii'' h in . 'nt li KT..U uiul all rutnpllcutnl purti. TOWNSHIP I>K osi'UKY Niitictt in Ill-ruby fiveii lint 1 have tl insin it ted or (leliviTed In 'In* pi'isons nu l n'i"iieil in neclutH K and '.I nf th O.itarin Volrrn' l.ihl Act, 1HS7, mid the aiiii'iiilinciiN theii'io, the cnpins ri'<|iiiieil tn lie transmuted oi tleliveied ol the, inailo ptirtiii.'int In tho smd Act, uf .'ill i>eiM>ns apiienrini; bv lln> hist reiis-td Anst'SNinrnt l!<ill nf ihe said iiuinieip.'ility In I"' entitled In voti> in thn inullii-'iuilil p ill . eli'i-l ions fur inriiiliciB (if :he Li'nin liitive As^i'inl'ly mnl al I 1 ', oi. 1 - lions, and i hat Mtitl list was fitst pmtetl ip in my nllii'R nt MnxAi-ll (in the lit!) day if Au.'iist, I'.l'-'l, mid lemaiiiH them fur n-p'-cl mo. Kleclnr nro cn'leil upon to i'X nun e *aid list, nnd if Any otnmsi m or other ei min nro potci'iveil tbi'U'in, In (ant* iinuiiMliMc prnceedir^n to havo the sutil rrrorn cnrti'ded ari'onlinu to law. II. W. IvKKNAIIAN, O.i'tk of ( ispii-y , Maxwell, AUKII-.I 10, I'.t'.M. Horses for Sale I'ivo li'nti.n nf mar.'s mid |/u!diiin.s from I lo 8 juti'A del, W(i^hinn fiom l! "it'll In IIOUO Hit- i -u h tpuin, nil in xraii'l eondi- n.-'i. Musi bo sn!d chi' ip . Apply to . DlllOAl/ MePIII'OALIj, 2 ins riii-i-\ill.\ Out. Property For Sale Call and MO our nnrt ilUr. nni l>lnw. IU will save uiul ninlte you inonoy on tin- <|ulpmut illu-i i n! .I und on Ollioti Thrvahnm, Dlila-Aco Tructort, Wood .Hjiwa l.nii.lrri, Pump . Ii n '..,-. etc. Write fur . i .1 ... M,iJr i>l i (iiiui/ii ii>a< Hu.itJnltrJ / v CILSON MFG. CO., Limited - - GUELPH, ONT. Cull and So N,-.,i. i Ucalir R. J. COLQUE ITE. Fevftrshnm, Ont. (Iiml p..pi'ily (v .!' in lii^rnm, C int'iiniiiii I' 1 ncret. A L'I n I I'oliiti I'uble hm-''iifi \vniiiNlii"l ; i'iiu.1 e,-llir iiiul ciitorn ; |uiiigi in i ill ll>'vl wdl h in ly tiijli'or ; n :: " ! burn uiul -' . i A ., lull nil sllilio fi'llllii'ltiiitl, hlld COOfl riMiii'llt H 1 ililes iini'i'iiM- uli. . .-1 1 mil uml wrll fi-iu-i .1 . Apply to .1 I'M'S Wnlkei, KM-.; 'i ii. Boar For Service I'lirobinl ^ '.'^liiii- I!.-*! 1 for -o-n'm 1 on Int .'IT. c.'i'i. i>, Vitiin-'i>. Ti'im- 'fl.(M). .lnll.N ll.\Kt:U\VK, ri-,.p. i(V*%' ia^; M f Sei Out Fire THE welfare of new aprricultural communities in this Province requires that land clearing be done with the cheapest apent at hand Fire. Therefore, restrictions must hamper settlers as little as is consistent with safety to lives and property. Dis- nstrous experience proves that in hot, dry weather unregulated uso of fire in thickly wooded Northern Ontario means a menace to the lives and property of settlers and destruction of the provincial forest resources upon which a larire part of Ontario's revenue and the livelihood of thousands of her citi- zens depend. That is why Ontario adopted a "Close Season" and the "Permit System" for setting out fire. But, remember, whether you have a permit or not, you are responsible for damages caused by any tire you light. B careful Save Ontario's Forests They're yours The "Close Season" for setting out lire in Northern Ontario is from April 15th to September 30th. Dorfaaf that time within the Per- mit Area no one may set out firo for rlearinR land, disposing of de- bris or other inflammable waste, or for any industrial purpose, without first obtaining a written tire permit from a Fire Ranger. This applies not only to settlers but to railway section crews, camp and mill crews, roail builders, iueludinir Govern- ment employees, and all other per- sons. When sUrtinp fire for cooking ami camping, the law requires that a place he selected free from in- flammable material, that every rea- sonable precaution be taken to pre- vent such lire spreading ami that it be thoroughly v'l'c quitting the place. The "Close Season" applies to all Ontario north uf Bobraygeon and Smith's Kails and west of the lin* from there. to Renfrew. The Permit Area includes thi>so parts of Nipissing, Sudbury, Temis- kuminp and Algoirm lying north of the C.P.K. between Mattawa and North liuy and north of the C. N. K. westward to a point some 35 miles beyond Hornepayne. Tin- remainder of the Province forms the Exempt Area. Within the sparsely peopled Exempt Area no permits are generally issued, but those setting out tires in the "Close Season" are- required to exercise every reasonable precau- tion and a Chief Fire Hanger, if lu' ilivms it wise, may serve a Pro- hibitory Notice ami require a per- son to take out a permit. The Fire Ranger does his nest to follow the happy medium be- tween the desire of the settler to "get a rood burn" and the require- ments >.>!' Public Safet;. . Help him all you can. Ontario Forestry Branch Parliament Blclgs., Toronto, Ontario !5