August 11 1921 THE FLESHEKTON ADVANCE .. .- Bonds THIS bank provides special facilities for the sale and purchase of Government and other bonds. Investors are invited to consult our local manager, who will be pleased to arrange any such transactions. THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA. 136 TOTAL ASSETS OVER NINETY MILLIONS Flesherton Branch: > - Geo. Mitchell, Manager. ANADIAN C. P. R. Time Table. 1 raiu.s leave Flesherton Station aa allows : Going Soath Going North 7.55 a. m. 11.52 p. in. 4.30 p.m. 9.:(0p. m. : The mails are osea at Flesherton aa follows : For the north at 10.40 a.m. and j f p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south at Ba'ehall on Friday, Yandeleur and Flesheiton on the local grounds. Artemeiia Council met on Saturday. The minutes will appear next week. Frank Bunt is home ?rm Toronto (or a week's holidny. Miss Lillian Dudgeon of Pott Credit is the gueit of Mrs. R Bentham. Percy LeGard of Toronto is tpending a couple of weeks at the parental home. Mr?. Wright of Toronto is the auest of A disastrous fire occurred in Arthur one morning recently when the lai frame liuildiug belonging to A. Chambers! Mturi-d close to ih town hall, was ! struck during a severe electrical storm, and burned to the ground. Th'iDias Sptncer, Parry S 'Uiid's chief of p'.lice, hiving failtd to rtturu from a vacation, the town coui.cil has dismissed him fiom < dice and appointed another chief lemporarilv. The chief had been entrusted with a commission to ' buy " hootch " while h was tending tht police convcntiui. in Montreal, but neither the chief, the money nor tht booze put in an appearance when Ontario became bone dry. 3.40 o'clock. For morning train south - Mrs. Alber; Stewart. mail close at 9 p. m. the previous evg. Small Ads. Try Feersha.n P.ntty Flour, tha besi or your cook, All Ontario wheat Siuger sewing machine l>r sale, nearly new John Dund, Feveraham. VICINITY CHIPS Mr. and Mrs. Elwyn Jamiesoo of Owen S'iund ware visitors in town on Sunday. I Mrs. Bowes cfEuphrasia is the guest ' i.f k?r daughter. Mrs. J. Heard. Mrs Hrb LeGard and little daughter of Toronto are hr.liilajing a'. H. LeGard's Mr. and Mra Txld and two children of Chopping don r.n Saturdays only Graham Bros. Eugenta OctlS Reduced price* on all euits and suiting** H. Alexander. Fevt>rshani 20 1 21 Wanted Roomerb wanted, also plain sewing. Apply to Mrs. Fred Pie.-s. Flesherton. oalt Miss Perle Rowe of Barrie is the of her aunt, Mri. H. D-..UI. Mi Eb-e Ball c-f Toronto i, the k ucst | Toronto visited at Mi** Nicholson's Scott. Wednesday for week. Mr. and Mrs. A. Harpell uf Toronto sre visiting the ratter's parents, Mr. and Mra J. Bel'.amy. Mr. anil Mrs Sir.cUir and children <i ! Mrv .J Will Fairey left Hawarden, Sask. IIir:i>n Hales id home from Lucknow for a few hoiidiys. .Mr. aud Mra. II Down vUited frien.N CMlingwood are visitir- the at Birrie last w.ek. 1 mother, Mrs. \Vm. Sh*rpe. Miss Howard of ToronM i> vi-itiHK with her brother here. Mrs. Ge ri;e McTiviah and babe are pending .1 week at Southampton l>eirh Wes Arinstr. nt; returned h< ma last week ft r sponding the pist e-iylit i it in '.iV' rnia. Miss Elliot Field and friend. Miss p.-irker returned to Toronto on Taylor, returnca to Toronto Siturdiy after visiting the p<st week Wanted A 'juantiry of whoar, and barley. We will pay the h: B . HI irket price. \V. J. S;ew.irt Son*. Came Astny One r-vt and two Iambs: John P.,ole, lo' 4, C..IK 10, Osprey.j K :_'-ir. i I'M Panama Hats Greatly Reduced Our entire stock of Men's genuine Toyo Panama Hats, this season's styles in Boater, Sailor, Fedora and Standard shapes, some black bands, some fancy bands. Full range of sizes all perfect goods, none soiled or shop worn. Regular $2.50 to m -j QQ $3.50 values, all at...., pl.;7O All Canvas Footwear at Special Prices Including all Rubber and Leather soled styles Men's Ladies', Boys' and Children's sizes Black, White and Tan. All substant- ially reduced. Everything Needed for Preserving or Pickling Gem Jars Cider V inegar Perfect Seal Jars Preserving Kettles Granulated Sugar Parowax Jar Rubbers Jar Rings Pickling Spices White Wine Vinegar F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON -- ONTARIO Fire and wind !n<ui-inoe in the bt s' ipanies for turn-, and tun pr-'perty Utter a i \V. (i F.-iweett, Misa Marjcrie Wright t f Dtmdalk spent the oast week with her coo-sir* bere. Mr-;. \V McPherson and little dau^h't-r nf Owen Sound ure the guests if Mis Irene \Vils> n. Miss Eva Spanner and Mrs. George Monday it Win . Found Grey niir.O' i-. ; i if 1 u f <>f H')br. Etichardt* 11 h id lit i his < tli -i'. ..'.'.'..'....',','..'.;.', ..i ,'..'.:^'. i;ii;;;si \F L TFKM i TENS SEl'TK.-MI'KI' .Vii' 'JIJSJI!JIJJJSJJ!ISJJJJJJ;1!SJSSS ' BOOTS & 5HOES I time. Mrs Penny (nee L.-r.A Duuein; of" v. sited her uiothi r here Ust week. Mrs I.'-,.. -i returud nith her for i~n Harvey Giitrin are visit- j n Owen S.mad and Tira pi. 4Ce ; 3 Mr. Crirfin's home after visiting tho t>a*t week here. 'Moore's. Mi'.if.i:-'! I'lii-l n-as successful in cair.,- jj r ln( j icg away first [-rize at Uirrie tournament j n ^ friends on Auut 3rd, the f.'Uiih successive j| ie ) al t; r ; town. Married At Tarontc MI \Vedne-diy. August '!, Harold D. Rrown of Bramptcn to Marguerite Lola W^iseU of Toronto. Mr. Brown was a teacher in Fltahert< n The A I vance has a good opeuing now ! high schuo' a few years i*.>. for ao ., i rentico to learn the newspaper Mr A Wetlie* of the Rural Service nd print-lie business. Special induce- Dep;lttmeDt of the Merchants Bank, ar* Bent to the right kind of a youth. Mr. Coins , f the Servic* Department. Church of England - Diviue service were in town last week. Bi th gen'lemen will (D.V ) be held every Sunday evening pronouace th ciops in this district the in the town ha!l at 7 p.m. Rev. George bos'; th*y have seen c,n their travels. Yruoman. B. A. L Th . Rector. Uy ! Mr John SIeJ who Vlsiting hjs fcD U. HcTtvish and wife and Stewart j here, is an o.d fisherman and delights a McTivish motoied to Osbawa on Sunday, the piscatorial tit. On Saturday l%it 1're returning .M nj.y. Miss Audmy Me- captured trout weighing 2i poin. '.i .n d Tavish .ice mipanying them back. measuring 17 inches in length. It was a u 1 . i- in' memory t take bark with him t. his western home. In tho hy.lro j.trx, K n -ir the f ilN, a ur^y w.:i.J <hiwl. please ltra it Graham'd -t r-.', E or The A-ivinci- 11 < and Lot F S -The prop- erty knovn an the Aibdown resilience at Ceylon, an eight n><, ne,l dwvl'in^, goi-d celhr, stible, etc : ab ut an acre of I >nd. would make ;i iiiH>d hLine f.-r a retired sentlfmni V r tenm and fur- tiinr uirticulurs apply tn \V. .J. nel'any, Flesherton. i\Iiy t f ' ' .v n S. i:-. J, Our . ?horthar,d ind Pivpari 1 :y tes. ' ' i' ili-iiue Fite. C. A. FLEMIXG, F. C. A . G. U. FLEMING. 5r - iry. Mrir. n this paper when writing) - .^~s : BOUM and Jjot Foi Sa . rVylon VTougc in-1 Charles Streets, Toront^ ' One acre of land, a larae fr:4m hous.-, !' s nole j through.-ut finada for h'jh jjSS rooma, 5 bedrooms, dinins room, parlor, ^i w.irk. \\ruo fur cwralogu" . i oodhrlls. kitchen, p^n'ry and cellar, arrange u. enur .j: -:.-K>^L'- \V,,..,Uhea at!oh-.-d. Also g. .id stable, re V per annum. iiH aud well. Xer,r the C. P. R. tatiu,i. \y J ELLIOTT. PRIX. n-AL App^y to Mrs. U P. l.r+s?, (\.yl,,n. ::*: In Ladies' \^ ear we have Kid, Dongola, Gun Metal and Box Calf. For Men's Wear we have a nice assortment of Mahogany and some good lines in Black. Also very serviceable Work Boots. Repairing promptly attended to. THOS. CLAYTON FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO Penetanguishene held a tercentenary at uhich wero enacted all the historic incidents that have taken place at thnl historical spt. Atcut tan thousand people attended. The en.: '< HI-, "i is announctd uf M tiy Orassick (Molly) Uoss of Toronto, l*te i.nir^ *E Flesherton Tailor Shop Mr. J. C. Scott, manager of the local branch of the Merchants Branch, ha* b-)en removed t the Orillu 1 and We on Wednesday. Mr. Ferritr of Beaohville has taken his pUce. Mr. Aberdeen. Scotland, to Dr. Alexander 8co " and f *' B '> w ' 11 be miwed from tl Turnbull of Flesherton, the marriago to towtl take place early it September. An auction stle of farm st< c* aid Mr. Fred McTavish, who hns betn i'uplenu'uts, the property of the U'e with the Chevrolet Motor Co. of Oshawa l>'ul Leitch, will be held at his late for several years, has resigned his position 'residence in Flesherton suburbs en and iil go into I usine.s here with his Tuesday. August 23. See list in this father' and brother, the orange to take issue of The Advance and bills. 1). Mc- place the lj;h of this month. j Phail auctionesr, Malcolm l.eitcb Ad- An Osprey young man was up befoi* ' nlmlstr tlir - the imnistraie here one evening last w, Mr John Brown who lives near town I chars{td with transgression of the lit,uoi suffered a painful accident on Thursday law by having swamp whiskey in his list. Ma wts leading a homo when possession and in an ihofjal place. The a-iother horse came up behind him. Ho ; ose was adj-mrned for a week after the shouted al it to get back, when it wheeled ; accused hid written down the mine and j and pliuled its feet iihhis side, brvaking I adilrt-ss uf Ilif party from whom he : two nb.. The victim is contiaeJ tu the claimed to have purchased the stuff, house at critical se i a > n Tho name created s'.nie nm What are you goint; to do about that new suit you are going to get this fall: There is nothing nicer than a mailc-to-order suit. Cull in and see my samples of suitings and overcoatings. Suits and Overcoats Turned to look like new. Oui 1 prices are rignt, and fit. style and workmanship the best. Pressing and Cleaning done on shortest notice. HHHHHK T. C. BLAKELY, Armstrong Block, Flesherton wiriwf^^ Music Store News Here's the latest record mule by Sir Lander, exclusive Victor Artist : Over the Hills to Ardenteny to Marrv C'arrie Harry I'm Going j 55139 By the original Aiul Here's a Fanny One It's Great (A'hen and the Hou^o Boat Fart I ) Cohen and the House Boat Parr -J I Cohen' The Latest Dance Hits Toddle i f ux Tra-s S .'P *'P 8i PPy Shore ) F*nl Whitfmana My Man I I oderaeath Hawaiian SKies I Orchestra \ Benson Chicago Chene ) Mello C-llo' I Orchestra Se*n>l tnavia Ain't \\e C, it Fun Make your .-: toe k of Records up-t^-date l>y aiUlin some ef these tine selections. among the officers conducing tho case as it was tho nnine of a well kr.oin t'thcial cnnecttvl with the case, althouuh the owner of the written cognomen l.vod in orneur Orauiioville. Some of the workmen on the County road have a rich .joke chalked up as^iu.--t them. The pieco whert> ihey have recently teen working U tlaigrave's h:l has b.-on particularly bad aod many cirs EAST MOUNTAIN liarvestinu will soon be linishtd. R McMaster ife Sun uf Fk'sheitou \\n\t drilled wells for Ctmiford Thompson ai d Win Humbetsti'iie. S i^iuith aud Howard Smith with their wives uf Rob Hoy risitrd Mr <ii.d Mrr. have had to be pulled out ly the road Stanley Smith here recently, gang. Tl.o other d.iy a Ford gil The Mis-os Martha and Lena Wrigl stuck there and was pulled cut as usual have retuiiud lo their home in Detroit by one i f tlio teamttir-*. The owner i f jifteraa extended visit with tho .Mijse!" the car was profuse in his Uauks. The Walton aud Stafford, teamster snid thul, was all tight, but il no was a charge of one ilollar for the :ccon> moduli in. The car owner wanted to know by what authority ho ehirgida dollar. Not getting a snt i~ factory rxptin- son. :iliim ho iiit'ointfd. tho u-aiusier tl:a:he w M Mr. JohnstPD, the Moj'eri: set "out of coi struction. The jck-.i w-is i n the ir Mister, all riitht, but if Supcrinti ndonf {)oliiiMt.<n 1 iid been viood spurt he would , have paiO the ('ollar b*fcro expirxinii-i; C Mir 1 in ->n.l f-i.ii-ly of Kr, his identity. i diy wi'b Si i: ' v :,! '!> -ind wife. Mrs (.'ion llarbiittle aud visiteJ with Alex Maxwell near r'ev. rsham. Feig ?omeis hns ilio nuoV:ited Vy paint in;, etc has an A 1 rippi.-uaiuv now. havo bn n ijt'iio loiijj ag-i. J,iiue> %>'tyrt-i i f Tnb*Bl is .r _; Mr J.itrulhers' urn h'-ti-i-. schtol hei e Tt>o H'! i > 1 This should SPECIALS FBI. & SAT. of THIS WEEK Jars, lima;*, Suur, Vini'!j\r fur nd p:cUin|{ Choice Salmon Regular 3t)e. tin .................. 4 fur 7i!c lib tins P..IVUI-I-. . . ." Seedless Raisins 2l>o Any laundry Soap ...3 f.>r i."c Choicest Southern Uio:- '' H'-* for -So SoD Flakes by the Ib . . . -; SKI'. < Til 1IKVVY rli HITS- None better. alU reduced prices. TKNMS ell>KS iiirtin th:s wenk, any s ; x- ! ft k ......... ^f - OVEKAl.I.s Kxtitwoisht a' 31. w). WORK8B1RT8. .!*. Florence Automatio 3 burner Oil Stc*e .......... $17.95 Binder Twit.e, l^'i'ft at ..... L'Cc A Spco'al Price on Su K^gsanl Hotter hiahcr in pri>.v< f '-. t'ridav and Situruay. TOMATOES ,"ii r.i>'M-;- 1' .11 r . j. Sjj. oil piioo for Fiiday And Saturday. H. G. BECKER PROTON - Phone 44r22 W. A. ARMSTRONG. Phones 13 and 28. Flesherton, Ont. WE SELL FARM IMPLEMENTS CUT PRICES on MANURE SPREADER. 4 WALKING PLOWS, WAGON MOWER JOHN HEARD, IMPLEMENT AGENT. FLESHERTON.