August 11 THE PIESHERTON ADVANCE jBjjjjgL ESTABLISHED 1872 JSSfSS i i'l of (Mil nil:'.; llic proceeds (iinin Tie !:i-ts ^n'e cif . l'i-., ;lr, v, c ic., in your ; . (1, i>o=-it tin-in in the I! ink of II iimll'.in, \\lu-u '.Ley v, ii. i> <\(t- . Y i'l ( III tll< II ir-: HI' flu "lUl'S tO ] \ . account.", mid your puss will iiiTnil you a complete i. c .1 1 ni' ii'i your transactions. .HEAD OFFICE HAMILTON Fatal Accident BANK OF HAMILTON DUNDALK BRANCH -A. M. Carthew, Manager SUB-BRANCH PROTON C. J. Forster, Sub-Manager CREAM TESTING DAYS Tuesdays and Fridays We have dpci.K-l li hv.v doii'luil U h i\v two iUys a week for testing fiienu Tticsil iys and Pi-Hay*. Brins? Vii-u- cremn to tin- s'-rv. W-- t^t an 1 [>iy i 1 . on?s the highest inulict price. EARLY CLOSING The stir- will I)' >:'i"l - -' Tii'irdiy .>.'.-:r.' Ll ('> p. in until t!i'-> tn 1 of !:: i ill. JAMES Me LEAN, Pattison's Old Stand. CEYLON 4- 4- 4- FLESHERTON BAKERY ITS \V (IM'IIV TIIK I'.KKAl/ \\1TM A I'l'i.-rosK. \'i -. our I'mv Fun 1 lri-:id lias ;t worthy piir|i ise It briu.4-; li -ti!:! --i'i 1 sin-n^tli an 1 a in ll tiuu; s;ttHffti :i r. ) lii- IV.ks wh i pirnko of it. regular- ly. One slice calls for a loaf, on- l<iit lonm tin; habit. iJn-a ! is your best fond -cat more of it. I'lln.NK S FRED FINDER, Flesherton i W. A. HAWKEN dealer for MiN3LS53HN PIANOS and PLAYER PIANOS, PHOMO- GRAPHS and RECORDS, and SHEET MUSIC. Call and sen Hawken'.-< I'll ilill-ry tuvl Mn-it- Sun- FLESH E R T O N Very pad was lie acuideiit that befel Stanley Smit 1 ', the little fmir yer old .son of Mr, Mid Mis. R,hr.Sn>lth lit 14, (o-i. 7, S.W.T.AS.K , Melano llion, about m on Thursday of lust week. Mi-. Sini'li hnd been scrubbim: and had a pii! of boiling w.iter. When her 1) K k wits tinned trni|)i.rai ily, the unfoitunate litlle chap, who In i I i en playing about, acoidootally Imckul into the pail and sat ' down in ihe scalding hit wmer, ovor- loi-.nn ll I- i '. All l.liut wit!i poMiihle. was iluin' In Ki\e his life, tut his injuries were, ton severe, ind he passed away on Situidij. July .'Kith The funeral took place in Shelliurne Cemetery Monday Hfternoou. Kjonomist. The Late Wm. Hislop It wilh deep rearel thit we learned of thu divtt h 'if Win. Ill - v of Arlemesia on Wedm-.fdiy, .)uly 12 Although Mr. 1 1 '..;, hud linen in :.!..,_ hea'.lli for some time, hit death was a thoek to all. He n wrll as! upon retiring r.n Mond.iy ii'uht, hii 1 e n ly Tuesd ly morn- 111.4 he complaiiud ;.. lux wife of not feeling well, but la-fore anything could be he full Imck on the led and life w a." i;nne. Diceased w.m til! years of aue. Besidrg a lorrotfing wife he lea\es four children to ui >urn the lots of a 1 i :n_' husbind and fathvr The children are, Annie (Mis. .);i.k Campbell) of Arteme-ia, Stewart i'i All"-rn, George at home and L me C Mis. \\ i i'rl M i_i-> ), Art. ni"-M : l-ii nun >i> er, Mrs. Tins. " ! rii' i-.;i i nl one I n'.it her, Ad i in, Alt' me.- i. 1!;| j.m u Wood of I).vii;hl, (Jut., Was i'i ^llel lull lie l'i I' 'Ml! y III :ill e :.(!"' IV or to cine ll if l ii) a inn .1-- to i li ;. r. .> of Im I ii ' I"-' In. I'll. -r, Stip!ier Wtiml, who parted coinpii.y n'i im binihi-i, one. n. 7, Melancthon, over forty yp.-us SALE of PROPERTY ix THI-: TOWNSHIPofARTEMESIA BY TENDER .^ ;ili 1 i .'ii iii- i'l ! o ri'.'i'in il l.y M >!< -o'lii I,"i'oii, Pleilicrfn, ''i.tirui, up to Siiiinl ,y. ill,- tw,-nti.-i|i :l,iy nf Au^- !!-', lll'Jl, u! th" limn 1 i.f r|.K(i i,'c!ic. uonn, (or the purcham) uf ih- 1 fidiowlng prupiTiirs of tin- i-^i.i'i' . f ! ..iri'd I.i'iii'h, ill r, i r.l, n uiifly : I'uvil N.I. I I'.; ...i l.n's Xiiinliers one hundred anc^ t ity !.', <>nt< linn dm) niui lOrly nine -IIH! nuo Inuidnil -ml lilty in ih" sir MI 1 i''i^iiiii ninth ras' nf till- Toliinln "I'll Sjilrlil.ini Kol I Ml III"' TII|.: 'iiji I Al I" -Hit' -II, i -'III tllllllK lllirly- tiro ncrei !'" ilii- Mini" 1 inon- 01 IMC, ^nil bL'ii.t; t fw M- portii us of :iiil lot < unrd by tin' Lit.- Iiinialil Li-itch, de- I'.ui-i'l No L' I'm-' uf I, it oni'hniidi-i-d tod fifty one in tli<' Sici'iid Conci'HMnn innlli i'ii-<t of llu- Toroiitn mill Syilt'iiliiini Kul in i IIL Tuu i,lii[i nf AiiriiusU in ill" C./iiiily o| (Irey, cuniiiniiiii; two acres lie the ami- nmri' 01 less mill beiny ih.i' piii'iuii <if s.iid lot iiwnul by llir lati- I l.i'i'rli, ilece-Kiil. I III pnici'l iiiiiu'i. i onu llii'ii- ts said to be a Miri'l frinu luuii ni'd thi-ro ia a III'IIHIIL; rreek mi the prt'iniNrs. On purrel Dumber two there is suid to he it frame In ii<* and a sni'ill onliud. The*e propei tiee adjoin lha villii^i 1 of Sporting News of the district. BASEBALL Hi. i ;:n df CY.imtK <>HKY LK.VHI K Official sUni'in,' of ihe teams. Ana. '. Wm Lost I'.C. Vaiidclrnr Ceylon. Uundalk .. A iirirkrd rlnipii* fir tell per cent of each lender mil"! ui-.-iimt' my sune and if i". i I.M 11 lii t HITI pted thu Mine will he ret u i tied. There will lie a reeflrva bid ou (> ich of tlu> H*i'l puree's. The hii>lii>fl or any Vn.lei su ily aci-ep'ed Km- fm ther piit cii!ars and of mile .ipp'y to Male .'in l.ciich, Flesliei- | inn, llntiiiio, Adiini.isUalor, or to - -WIMiillT, TKI.KOIU) A- BIUNII.;, I )*eii Soiinil, ( >nt irio S,il|, i'l.'s fni llie A(lii>>in- >il'U not j| Flesherton Tin Shop (<l I have |iisl plact'il mi iln- shelves n full line of Tinware, Nickelware apd Agateware fi>i Illl M use. Call on me and get your supplies. Kiivct rou^hin^, Stovrpi|)es Mini Stove Fni ni^li ings. Ke[)airing of all kinds promptly nttemlcd to. Pipetitting, including pump work. Furnaces installed. A^ent for Clare Hros. Furnaces I ! i i !)'<l I li ; D. \\cKlLLOP CHRISTOE BLOCK FLESHERTON # ONIARIO. t I I ill For Sale Cheap -I uri'i nil rlenreil 'Hill ntrler rnllirn- tinii, with ^noil Ininie limiM' mil k lichen, K!KO fi ion IIKIII ItOx.'t:), I.IL iii- slal-lii-.u' under. l''irt olu.-. spring w.itei nhmit 10 rods Iroin lnui-e Niee never fiiiln u spijiii; i-ieelc ni'N-e I'm Ul e'o-e to 'inliU> unil clwelhni;. Will tail (took, OTOp Klld imp i im n'i wilh l-irin in se|im id'. Tlrw farm in lielrtren Kleslieiton aiil ('\lnii on one of Mii'lies' e'linly imiU in the priivini'i'. All in tuoii oiinliii,.M . ltnl> fL'IIHL' fin f u in liiit not including imp'e- iiu'ins. Apply 1 . IS .1. Split U'l.K, i!in ani, I I . Ii 1 1- ii Our. Boar For Service I'nie rtieil I! ii lol Vorlisliire Hoi .l.iel; lit lii?. s u I A l: , Ar'ctii . i 'IVrnr. ^1 ;'i"i S IWH n I reluiiu'.l ill In- : line ! t : i III ii' | T. .1. sriNs )> Itucklyn :; 4 Mu^enia 2 5 l-'iigenia at Uocklyn. postponed C; AM E.S Tins WEKK : Jt.jcklyn at Dundalk- Thursday Yandeleur at Flenlieron Friday Diindalk had a return exhibition Bailie of I ail with Ceylon on Thursday of last we k nd ceitainly niide Ceylon look ii. k. When the contest ended Dundalk were winners o ihe tune of 10-1. Ceylon weru irithout some of their best players. Durham have won Ihp laciosse champ- ionship uf the inlenni -diate group in this, district, when they vr in from Owen Sound 2 1 on Ihe latter'e field. Fear of Maikdale's best players are m the Durham line-up. The ixecntive meeting ( f (be Baseball I.-ajiu- was held in h'loheitcn on Sutur- day eiei. ina |,en the Dundilk protest w >- It WHS decu'ed to make both teams, D'lnd&lk urd Vandeleur, play ; h me ainl hnro>KaniR. these to be played I on Aii^'ist 18 h iii.l L'.'i;li. !"<. I (rounds tins' Ki day afternoon. I! line at 4 o'clock Tx i in it; .liv-J Notice to Creditor In the matter of l ll. rslato i f Wilru., Uivis, lute of the TowiiKhip of Arlein.'-ii in tin- County of Urey, Kurmer,deceiuid. Noiiei-i.s 'lereliy yivi-ti, |iiirsiinn' to "I'lle Tin-lee A,i and aini-iidnieiils theielo that all eieditorH and o-hiT-, Imvin-j eluin - auauivl tin. oslnle of the said William Davis, who died on <i lilout the ISih day i f .luly, A U. lilL'H, arc re,|iiired on or bufore the 12th day of SepHMiilier, A. D. I'J'.'I. ti> send by post prepaid ordeliier to The Toronto (Jenetal Trusts Corporntioii, of ihe City of Toron- to in the. County of York, the Admini- strator of ill- i>ui,. of the iiid de C"ikid, their CIn-iRtia'i and Snrnainei., iiddre-si-> and d.M-ii|.|i<in, i|, t . full P'lilii'iilai-- ..t ihcir r lims, the .statement of ihuir a. nutu, ai.d tin- nature of 'he seciirituH, if any, hold by them. And further take noliee tint aflei ucli lii-t inentii iii'il d id- the mid Kxniitorti will pioe.dio ilistrilute llu- -i-isots of the dece ised auioiiL; ihe p utiei entitled i herein, I avni..; ri'Kanl only I., tin- claiun of which they shall then have notice, .it .1 that tho mid Administrator will not In liable for tho s'lid anvts or inv part t liermf to nny perion or p irvons of whoso ( ''liin notice shall not hau> been received iiy tlu-m nt the time oi such distribution, Puled this H-h day of Ailsjust, wui'.UT. TF,[.FOI:DX- niuNi_E. SulicitoiH for lh Admin s'ralot. \ Corrected Kncli \Vi cl> . "0 M .'(I) K'ju- (i :;j 'o-u :!! v\ m; i r win-Hi i r> to K.I Sprir.; \\heal 1 NO n. I ^" Oals .JO to I'J'y M.'i toll IV is ,. 1 Ml to 1 i"0 Ulle).tth|-:l! 1 I'll In 1 I'.'. I'oi.ii .. s o T.'I 'o 1 no Appli'M . . 4 t'O to 4 00 When You're Away From Home Can you leave your home with the assurance that a sudden thunder-storm will not destroy it before you return? The man whose home and barns are protected against damage by lightning by the DODD System of Lightning Protection enjoys absolute freedom from worry. He stands no possible chance of loss thru lightning. For thirty years the DODD System has stood guard. It is guaranteed absolutely. The dreaded season of disastrous storms is here. Ask us today what it will cost to put your property in the "safe" class by installing the DODD System. S. HEMPHILL Ceylon, Ont. [THE SYSTEM OF CERTAINTY vVKA. chdinpiriinhip, defeating (Jilt "i tn .", mi ib,. roun.l DR. F. C. NIXON Opt /metrisl and Optical Specialiit Hun n mil. Sn,,' i,,i Uhil Street, (-'oilin.jrt nod, ()ut:irii. A|ipollltlli.-i l . ; ily- '-' a. 111. tn "i p in ,j^ and Holidays -^--".'...i . Cargoe's Grocery ll'you want ^ool. i-li-;in, 1'iv-li Clroeeries or Con- fectionery i;ivc us a call. \Vo carry nothing hut the licsl. All kinds of fruits in season TOMATOES \Vi- keep fresh Tomatoes on hand at all times. IMione us your order right now and we will deliver to any part of the town. ICE CREAM oini> in in?! \:-it our Id- <'! mi parlor. All kinds of con! ilrinks si-rved. W. E. CARGOE Groceries, Fruits and Confectionery FLESHERTON, - Phone 30J - ONT. Farm For Sale Lot 'M, con II, Aiii'ni'Mi. c >ntainiii! 84 acrer, good bui1diiii>>, well wittered and fenced and contains a :" ! (irohitid. Tins fnn is in n Hood locality on the CollingwOfd crnrel And has about 45 HcrvB under fiiltivttion. Apply to Mis. J.imai Milne, Fltsherton P O. Farm For Sale Lot 27, Cou. l:t, Artcmesia, consisting | of UK) acres, all cleared, and an the prem- ises is a gi <>d trick veneered 11 room dtrollinx with good cellar and ootishetl, Tr> acres undur cultivation, balance in pa- 1 ui" i li ){ood i ev.T failing spring, | two MII ill oichardD, well close to houae ; bank barn 40it>0 on stone fouoditioD and cement ;<tabling, litter carrier in stabla a Kiiod well, driveshed and NOTICE i Henumlier the Old Reliable Singer S->witi;> Machine. You can buy un terms to unit /ou at a very reasonable price . 10 year j;u>rantee. HTtiH KNOTT, Agent, M nk. i i!.-, OiU, , , \ second filrly unod bam 40x45, gocd hen house. For particulars apply to I.KWIS GEXOE. Eugenia. R. R. No. 1 Boar For Service Yorkshire Hoar Fur Service Lot 3t>, con. 4. Artemesia. 2 >n --WALLACE KISHKR. Prop. DOES YOUR CAR SQUEAK KNOCK THUMP RATTLE GRIND Tin so are signs of unnecessary woar, There arc two tliiugs that will enable yon to get the lust dollar's worth of wear from your car. One is a Periodical Inspection. Tlie other ,'s Correct Lubrication. Wo are Specialists in both. Lt us overhaul and adjust your car now, at a fair reasonable pi ice. \Ve will suve you more costly repairs later on . Let us supply you .with your next Tires. We handle only depend- able, tires and stand In-hind every tire we soil. Wt> do not gamble in tiros ul doubtful iitulity. When you buy cut-rate tins somebody must lose. M i\l e it will be jou, Why not call in and l.-t us save yon tire trouble. D. McTAVISH & SON Chevrolet Dealers Phone 9w - FLESHERTON, ONT.