-i. . - - - Vol 42, No. 10 Fleslierton, Ont., Auoust tl 1921 PRICEVILLE Considerable rainfall on Saturday of last week and also Sunday and Monday. A great many fields of oaLs ore badly broken down by some of the late storms. The straw seems weuk and easily broken. A car of fuel supposed to be coal was being distributed in town ihe end of lust week. We would be inclined to call it a nmture of slate and coal, and 113 elate does not imke n good tire we will require a much larger supply to keep Jack Frost at Uy during winter months. Malco!ni McLean and A.uu- Kennedy threshed their sweet clover on the town line lot i.-i -i week. Wm Mather and John McE-iohem tinished .-i i-. :.n^ from the beaver creek south on the town line Artemesia and < ih'iii-1 , last week. D 6 McLean has been making some substantial improvements on hia dwellmu hoose, and McTaggart Bros are improv- ing their cottage on the hill opposite the pustuflioe. Mrs K Mcruniiou cf town underwent an operation i>n July 30. Her daughter, an experienced nurse, is in attendance, and we are pleased to - *y that the patient is improving nicely. Mrs T Conkey of Toronto and her duughtei, Mrs of Wilkertou, are irucsii of our postmaster and his mother. Mrs K J Cotikey. Rutivld and Mrs McCrae, who have been with friends here for a ft w weeks, intend retumini; to their h-mie at Black Ruck some day this week. Mr aud Mrs Fred Kais'.eut have received the second jroup of f ur little, girls from the city to ^ive them an uii'ir,^ nd fresh uir f": two wteiiH. t~uch kindness done gratis lo help > m n > of the poor little children nf (he city in tiuly commendable. Qt John Brown has added a b.ilc ny to his residence on Kinc.trdine street" SPRINGHILL eit Pest anil "if*- T and John Luucaii EUGENIA On Tuesday evening of last week a was held in the pavilion when a FEVERSHAM Miss Francie Alexander and Miss Eva Spencir aie visiting with friends in the financial statement was given of money g | ^ ueeu irth and wi/e, and John Luucaii motoied t Holitain t j attend the W I convention on Wednesday of last week.' Miss Kidna Ferris is spending a few weeks with htr uncle, James Ferris. Master Stunt Ellis of Kiinberley i p L 'ndit)K a week with his sister hue. Mr Ward Harrison of New York State is spending a month with A Harrison and family. Charles Best and wife spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Alex McKe.'hnie, Markdale. We are sorry to report Mrs (ji'o White ill, but hope for a speedy recovery. MissAUj Mclntyre of Singlntmpton in spending few weeks with Mrs John Parker. Mrs George Wilson of S ngh inptou spent few d:Us with relatives lu-re. New Perfection Oil Cook Stove IS THE BEST Simple - Al ways Heady - Satisfies every Requirement:. It has the high- est range of f fticieucy, with low, medium and high lUme provides any degree of heat required. When the N,P. oven is u.ed all other inuans of baking will be given up in preference lo this device. Just the thing for these h >t days. Get one t once. The best all ar.iund Oil S:ov that has over appeared. Frank W. Duncan Hardware, Etc. FLESHERTON Phone 24 received and paid out since the work Btaited and of which a statement will be given later when details are completed. The work has been a success from start to tinish mid we fee) a better choice could not have been made in the way of a memorial. Dick Howard, sou of Thomas Howard, bxd the misfortune to have his lea broken just above the ankle on Sunday last, wliile moun'.iug hia wheel on the way from Suuday school. He slipped in some way, aud as tho leu had just nicely healed after li-tvmg received a break some seven weeks _:>', the break this time proved to be almost u compound fracture. Dr Guy wns called aud soon had the lad fixed up, but it will be some two months before I ' > will be able to be around again. Harold Wallace and wife have returned to Toronto after visiting at the home of Jacob Williams. Robert Mas-ill, wite mid two children of Toronto are guests ut the Mudnliaw House. Ernest Morgan motored up from the Toronto on Sa'urday and spent the week end with his family here. J E I u . has gona to the city to superinte-id ihe erection of a bungtlow fir Mr Hyland at West Toronto. Jonathan Latimer has moved to the power hoase, where he has been givvn a good position. We wish the family well in their new home. Mrs Mt (.'ilium of Elmonton is th juest of Mrs Large. Mis Jenkins and daughter of Toionto hv returned home after visiting the foini-i'ii aunt fora few days. \Ves C.ioey has gone to Toronto to assist Mr Large in building operations. We aie glad tn report Mrs Sid Turner, Mrs Munshaw and Miaa Kate Jamieson able .to be "-nj, an"'" after being con K ned to bed ihe psc week. Leonard Latimer has returned frum l'o;uU'Y sttor. it U'"0t!i3 visit, much unproved in health. Toronto Line North Albti't S'.uwari iiud wife spent a few d;tys with friends at St Marys and Stratford. John Sled, wife and gianddnughter, of Lumsden, S:tsk , are vuiting the former's son Jhere. M:s J A Lever and dmi;htcr, Alma, live returned hf me after spending a month with fiit-ud-> t Brussels and other uKces. Mis W ll<tnley of California is visiting ner sister, Mrs Will Stewart. Among the wpfk's visitors at T S!ed's were Kuv and Mrs Hewson i>f St Paul, Minn, Mrs (Uev) Htrris of ftladiaon, Wis, Edmund Hewson of Delta, Alta, James Hewson aud James Vai.ciso of C'lliiugwood, D A Viuiciav, wife and son nf Uaileau. Heiti Cunningham, vfifeauJ daughter of Palmers' on motoied ovir and spent a d.iy at J A Lever's. Miss Be as 10 Stewart is holidaying in Owen Sound. I PeriRoe and wifa of Feversham visited their daughter, Mrs \V Stewart. Luella Blakely of Twrnnto is her ci usin, Ida L^vcr. Robert Swnnton is to be congratulated on having won first prize in the held crop competition the past three years in succession. Plenty of rain now to keep up the pastures and ruot cropp. Mr Mills ai.d wife nf Meaford are visiting will) their son, Albert, here. Mrs Win Wallers and three chi drtm of Toronto are visiting w.th tne former's sister, Mrs Oliris Tii-jnpeon. Mrs U D C .'n'i.-ne and two children of Chicago and the former's sister, Miss Minnio Dougherty of Guelph, aie uuests of Mrs U J Co!<iue'te. Mr Tower of Monkton, N 15, who has been a visitor at the Thornbury House for a couple of weeks, has returned, to his home. Well, even the Dews of the civtuimj, or rather the e s.nn' hourr, are ntlecting the staniuit pr>>penai;ies of Home of the Ford c;rs now, ebpecially of the roadster class, and, do you know, it is very whfn the wires yut wet and Lizzie won't start. Say, L-iddie, either come home before the dew bexios to fall, or else get in a hot nhot battery to make the Lizzie (jet down to bizzy and don't spoilu g the villagers' pluam.nt, dretius about daybreak i the mornin'. The Egg Question Just a word concerning yuur ecgs this season of the yenr, since durii g all ihio extrtn-e heat the loss-oft for rates has been UMOOpuabta to i hat of any one of ihe thirty six years I have Leen in bushier-*. This is all due to the f.inner or producer ho'ding bin efig^ too long. Why not market your egus i-very week while they are fic-ii and the meiuluuta can piy ynu iii n 1 money for ihein' The ow price t'X'sting at prexent is due to aour ijuality ard "held" egn-t. Thpy are not retained by the merchants or by the dealer. If the farmer wi uld maik^t hiri every wctk there Tould be no "rots" us t'Kgs will not n bad in oue neek if i ii y et a fuir chance and are kept in a cool, dry place. If ihoy be marketed every wek they pass ritht along and go into cunsuiiipti"n in lens thiin tw.i weeU.s fruni time laid- I have gtfi'ii tweiityeight d(-zju"i'oU"in one thirty six dozen caae, and frt C|iiL'iitlv ten to fifteen doz'ii. It is rugrettabla that a iiierchauc nhouid luse frum tifteen to twenty dollars on a Mnall shipment, all cue to faimera holding their egg* too lung. Ouo case hs been resumed fiom Tor- onto all rotten, n.'ld to i merchant by one farmer. Thm > a i;ross injustice to the man who buys these !_:-, Binci* he has no way of telling how long they hai'e been held. He simply has to take them in god faith. In one or two sections the loss has been tiBoed to the guilty pnily ai.d they were punished .to the extent of tifty and seventy live djl'ars undr ihe Pure Fooil Act. The time is not far distant when every Turner aud tgg producer will have to stamp Iheir eugs. 1 i this way t in- loss can be traced to wheru it belongs. Again I aak you to maiket your eijgs every week, and unless you en-operate with us i-i this wuy it is impossible to avoid the loss otf. Remvmber, tgds Hie a perishable product. Ycurs truly J. RfNSTADLEK \\ holesule Dealer Klesherlun, (>nf llarriiton (Kx uiilli were struck Huhtning mid bu-iu-d to the ground. by MAIL CONTRACT -Seal, ii Ti nil- i - lultlrossed tnthe Postmaster iM-ix'i-iil, will be mi-ivi-il at Dituwn imtihmoii on Friday, the 26th 4f August, IH21. fur tin.- i-niiM-yiiiirc of H|N M.ijcst,\'s Mails, mi a |iro|n. : . il('i ntrai't fur lour years, six times ]>er wivk, mi tin- mutt : I-'LK.SJIKKTON 1!. it. N... :( in tlic I'lictiiiiiKtcr t !cn Tal'* Vlensmv. riinti-'i until-' s f..|it.aiuini( further iiif"nna- ii..n ;t.s t" r-.m'itioiiN nf proposed (.Vntrari ma v [> M-I-II allii 1'lallk f'iruis nf T<-ll<l-T ln:iy In- i obtained at tin.- 1'u^i, oHitv* ti Hi-shci-i m I an-1 ill tlu-|i-lti ;r uf tile Pott Qfflee llls|.i i. ] 'r.'1-onto. \. SI TIIKKI, \M>. L'IIH'. Dtlkv Insputor. t'.-i t):ii.-- l:i-ii..i tor's ' i I. o, T..r .lit", -Mny lltli. 191M. I Business Education CEYLON Mrs 1 1 . . ton and two :..'.'. -is and s 'ii and son-in-law, of Cnwdenbeatli, S.'OtUiul, are ^utats of Mr. and Mis. G^mge Banks of the suburbs. Lici'iiM' Iin.|irctnr Kiibiii"on of Or nnyox illu .is in lo\vu on Tuusduy >.f lust week. raFioleyand two children <-f Tu ronto visited .it J J Patterson 's lust wrt-k Mi>-8 Kute BaxU-r of Detroit and Miss Eva Tco low of Toronto are spending a fortnight tit the former's home here \V J \V: l( ls,H. ith, wile and daughter, of West Toronto, were visitors at H Cook's Inst week. Mr \\ bite and family of ( hvcn Sound are holidaying at \Vm White' H lu-iv. Mrs Ilairisof Toronto visited h-r bri llu-r, M Ceascr, mie iliy last week. ft'is U \\ hiltakcr niiis^-etiirned from an extended visit with her daughters at Ackrou, Ohio, ami was iicconipaiiicil home by her daughter Eiimm -loe Hempllill, wifi- amltlm fi-hildivn, "I Toronto, aie visit di.-. at 8 lleinpliiil's. Jlrs HoMi I.i-s'ie, who hns been visitinu Il6r mother, retui Dud Salurduy tn To- ronto, accompanied by her Mster, VINB Margaret McMiillcn. Sidney \\Ylls, wife and diiuuliti-r Ann- lull, of Toronto, art' visit rs at M Ferguson -, and Saturday they moton d to CoUingvood, sccoinpanied by Mrs Ferguson and daughter Maggie. Stanley tt liitc. who has bi'i'ii holnlay- iuu .it his tiKine liciv, ivturiii'd Saturdnj' .J W Cuthnia of Toronto in visiting.it R Cook's. MiNedyand men are busy la\nr_' >lccl on ihe railway. Mrs Harrison of -Silver t'ri-ek. N V, <redut M Kuigusou's last week M CV-asiir, who has been relieving icnt here for a fortnight, lef^ Saturday foi Hanover, where hu wilf* relieve S |{au<ls for holidays Ui- and Mrs- H Holmes of Mw.-n Snind I' Clji-'i-it .-niil Mrs A McMill;ni motored to List,. noil the first of the - ck. Sybil Collinson of Uoi;u, 's mi a onth's visit at her h< me lie.o .1 Gibson and John Muir have raturuid from visiting friends at I'm! Ai'thur. A Binolair is back on duty aft-'i' .'* most delightful trip with Mrs Smchiir to the Sagiienay. Mis Bryant and son. A Bryant, and Mr Bryant, all of Toronto, aie visit- n at N Archibald's. Mr RiPPi'Min mid Miss Ka'hlccn Hwift of Toronto are visiting at Archie Stewart's Mr and Mrs W McNi-a, \\1 .. have been vis ting ht'ie, have n-tuir.eil to their home in Clcvdnul Mi- I'lrich and wife of CI -velum! motored over and ni'd visiting at. John O'Melu's A tusiiusa educitini) is admittedly the itreittest tiitt a pamit cm ive a child. Knr fifteen years the Orniigeville Bus'ness College his suc-cestfully tniuieJ yuung people for the best situitiu"n in Caimla and I'nited States. ''A pnsiii, n for every gridiiate' is our moitn. This scln'.'l is alli'ii.ti-d will the Cnr.ail v Bus- iness I'ljlli'ge, Tomnti , and ten rther colleges in various cities and towns of Qnturio. In union there is stmi^th. I i > munltitudo of i-. mi -'. '!. ilicrc is wisd. 111. Tlio Spottut) Cnllc4i.s nr-il'i- l%cgest traintrs of young pBopla in Cun- adi. Mail courses in all sulj-cts for t'lusc who ciniiot aMend. Spi>ci\l couraes i i Kiu-m Book Keeping. Write for p'.rticulHrs tn C;tn:id Business C or Toronto. Electrical Goods Bates BurialCo. And Appliances BUSINESS USUAL Domestic ami Travr-lici's I n ns, To i.-tors. < inlis, Percolators, < 'in ling Ton;* Ueati'i's, Immersion Heaters and Polar iVar Fa . A full line of Fuse-: ;itnl carried in stock. W. A. ARMSTRONG Jeweler, FLESHERTON, - ONT. Funeral Directors and Embalmers Phone Hillcrest 268 124 Avenue Road, Toronto, Ont. MOTOR EQUIPMENT J. W. Bates, R Maddocks, President. Manager Now is the time to re- new your subscription to The Advance. 'I > Rural Service Department Special attention given to Farmers' problems. Use our Rural Exchange Service. If you have livestock, feed or seed grain to sell, or wish to purchase, list it on our Bulletin Board. Auction Sale Registers furnished free of cha -ge. Have you received one of our Farmer's Account Books ? Have you been supplied with a "Breeding and Feeding Chart" 7 Call in and tea u we are \nteretted in your welfare. IMC MERCHANTS BANK Established 1864. There will be over 150 exliibit-.Ta in the automotive display at the Uauodi: n Nation .1 Exhibition. PORT LAW Mrs W G.iudin and twn son?, Murray and Sttnley, if Toronto, ai<? viiidnu with rel.itivas here. Mi.ss Sn^nn Taylor of D*cn Sound is visiting Mrs Thomas Taylor. F W Nicholson iml w'fe of Toronto called on many friendi mound 'heir !d home, who were pleased to meet them after eleven years' absence. Mr and Mrs Rehill of Wmnipi".. visited at the hiii'u- of W H McN^lly. Ro'uMl Hniiiuili and *.:.. .1 u - and May O >iiinfhl and It.y White m-i-ored lo Clusley and visited will) Mr .mil Mis l< 11 Tliompsi n llicie. Mr! I Andersin of Huston visited with Mr and Mrs H'liutnh. Notice To Creditors Nolie is lii'ii'by ivi-n that any per- son nr i-ois His hnvini; any c'alin H',;iins! William U-iticrt Vnn .^ u.' ihe towi>li.p of Ospiey in i lie C"iinty of (!i ey, f IUUT, are ui|ii r. d t" sen I in a d.'i.vlc.l - it moi t ol Ibi! sum' t." (.ieoi;;-' Wilii.ini KIS-. M,I\M II ; i ; .|!i,'". < lufirii", >. hn h'8 b.'i 11 i|;> iii'i'd liy :!ii; si a Will 1111 lln'i.-rt YUIIIU' i' 1 TiU.-!iCi>f his prii|h'i-i\- All C'HMIIS iii-f i-iimtreil to be liid . '. tli Tun co on .11- before tlu- ii t t'.iy Si-p'eiii' -01, I'.iJl. After siirb hr.- tKi- T'Hstee will proceed to pny all CH-I! whose claims are in Iiis li.uuls. Dii'flnl.Mixw.ll this C5lh day if July, l!)il GEORGE W. HOSS, Tius-eo. Mnxn-ell Post (l|li;i-, l)ntarii>. Head Office : Montreal. OF CANADA FLESHERTON .\ND CEYLON BRANCHES, J. C. SCOTT, - - - - . Mana;>-r. House of Quality TWINE! TWINE! We handle the best makes of twine, both the 600 and 650 fett. PRICES RIGHT. FLOUR Sovereign, Ladies' Favorite, Perfect and Pastry Flour milled by F. T. Hill & Co." We also handle Royal Household. GROCERIES We carry a full line of Groceries. Flour and Feed. W. J. STEWART & SONS Flour, Feed, Seeds, Groceries and Confectionery Flcshcrton, - Ontario K I- - ' Prices Cut to Pieces We have reduced our entire stock of Ladies' Hats, Veils, Trimmmgs one third. Our hats are all this season's stock in the very latest styles. Don't miss getting one at away below cost. Big Reductions in all other Goods W. L. WRIGHT, Corner Store, Flesherton '\*-~r- -^ - - ^,, , , -w T. 4 1