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Flesherton Advance, 4 Aug 1921, p. 5

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August 7 1921 THIS FLESH EKTON To Everywoman JLIANY women lack savings accounts, thinking their surplus too trifling to bank. Small amounts, accumulated gradually, are your strength in an emergency. Standard Service welcomes small as well as large accounts. THE STANDARD BANK Qf CANADA 378 TOTAL ASSETS OVER NINETY MILLIONS Flesherton Branch : - > . Gen. Mitchell, Manager. CANADIAN PACIFIC C. P. R. Time Table. 7 rain* leave Fleaherton Station ollows : Going South 7.55 a. m. 4.30 p.m. The mails are Di. Murray and family left Monday to upend a fortnight at Waaa^a Beach. Mrs. (Rev.) Oke has joined her family at I.IIH Methodiat ptrsonage in town. W. H. Wright and C. 8. Cameron of Owen Sound hava each been appointed , i King's Councillor. Going North 11.52 p.m.! Mimes Agnes Henderson and Hita 9.30p. in. , Bellamy are camping nt Wasga Beach at Flesherton 1*1 wth Dr, and Mrs Murrny, Herb Smith and family and Joe follows : For the north at 10.40 a.m.aud I p,m. ; and the afternoon mail south at I 3.40 o'clock. For morning train south ' Alexander of Owen bound spent oivic mail close at 9 p. m. the previouw evg. ; holiday with friend* in town. Mr. and Mrs. (J J. Crossley of To- ronto nre hulidaying with their parents here for a couple of weeks Mr. and Mrs. li. M. Hyland and chil- dren spent civic holiday with the latter'* parents here. Born In Ohawa on Sunday, July 31, VICINITY CHIPS Fred Bunt of Toronto, accompanied by IIJN mother, are visiting friends here. A number from here attended tbe races at Walkt;rton on Friday atieinoon. Jim Stafford was home from Toronto over the week end. Mr. F. W. Nicholson of Toronto has joined his wife here for a twu weeks' vacation. Doc Fairey, wife and little daughter of Toronto vi- ii i'ii the former's mother, Mrs. Joseph Clinton, for <t couple of duyi. Born In Artemeaia, on July 18, to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kimse'l, :i daughter Alina Bessie. Miss Mamie Sullivan of Montreal is vi-u iui{ her mother hern for a couple of weuk.i. to Mr. and Mrs. Charles McTavish, daughter. Horn-On Tuesday, July 12, to Mr. and Mrs. J. Ernest Dobson, 10th line, Osprey, a daughter Florence Elsie Mr. and .M: -. D. ItiUy and Mr. and Mrs. W. Riley of Alliston spent the week end at the home of the lalter's siste<*, Mrs. W. J. Caswell. Mr. .ii<! Mrs. Miller spent the holiday at Honeywood and Thorn bury. Mr. Miller d mother returned with them for a week'a visit. Church of England Divine service will (D.V.) be held every Sunday evening intho towi hall at ~ p.m. Rev. George Crop Competition Following are the prza winners in the n'eld crop competition with oats in Ratt Grey Agricultural Society, judging of which was completed last week : 1st Hubert Swanton 87* 2nd Charles Buddy 8i Srd J W Davis 86 4th Wm McLoughry 8f) 5th Alex D Irwin 88 6ih L A Fisher 81 7th Robert Chard ... 80 -HC Walah, Judge. Small Ads. Try Fevershn.Ti Pastry flour, the best or your cook. All Ontario wheat Singer sewing machine fur aale, noarly new John Dand, Foversham. Chopping dune on Saturdays only Graham Bros. Kugenta Ootl9 Reduced prices on all suits and suitioxs H.- Alexander, Fevprsham. 20 I 21 Old tires made like new. Try Chag Coulson, vulcanizer, Dundalk. laug. Wanted Roomers wanted, also plain sewing. Apply to Mrs. Fied Plewne, Flealierton. Panama Hats Greatly Reduced Our entire stock of Men's genuine Toyo Panama Hats, this season's styles in Boater, Sailor, Fedora and Standard shapes, some black bands, some fancy bands. Full range of sizes all perfect goods, none soiled or shop worn. Regular $2.50 to $3.50 values, all at.. $1.98 Wanted A 'juanti'y of wheat, oats and barley. We will [my the highes 1 market price. W. J. Stewart & Son. I Mi Kthel Gilchrict returned Monday j Vroomiin, 13.A. L Th , Reciur. Uy from a fortnight's visit with friends in The chimney un Mr. Georue Mitchell's Mukuka. i residence 'a decapitated by a L>lt of l)r. aud Mis. Thus. Henderson aud lightning in the bii; storm of Saturday from daughter, Helen, are up fur a c.'Uple of weeks. Mr. and Mrs. John MacDonald of M \ . called on relatives here thia wtR-k while on ttnnr way to the Pacific coast for 11 holiday trip. MI^H DAI Tlmraton lelt ou NVedncsduy of ! liia we '. to aiiund tlrj balunctt of her holidays in Chicago and nu a inutar trip ; through Wisconsin. A little boy visitor at J.. Levee's wus| knocked down by an auto one ilay last ] week. 1'ho nmchiue niu over him but! he came out totally utiecathed. Married At the niauHi 1 , Uundulk, by | Toron o avening. No other damage wss done. Misses Li' ura and Lena Myers and Mr. Walton of Shelburne and Mr. E. Dvie of Thurnloe, wero visitors at ), home of Mr. W. J. Caawe.ll on Sundiiy The Advance had u call 'one day latt week from Arnel Love, who was visiting friends in Pri-ton and Osprey. Arnel iu learning the Vilncksinithing business ,' Ni!\v Lowell. Junior P. S. Graduation Following are the results of thu exam. for Junior Public School Graduation th Uov. George Kendall, 01 July 20, ' Diplomas, In U at Kimberley, I'ricovillo Win. La*r3i;ce Flynu, Fleshcrtoii, to j n,,d Foventhim Fiances Mm ilua, daughter o Mr. and j Kunbarley - Lillian Abarurombic, Jean MIH. Thomas 1'ttrkur, Ui.h con. Piotjn. : L uw j 8i Bessie Slaffurd. Viola Fawcott Mi. A'is'in Shacklelord returned ua j ; md Leotm Weber Were awarded Jr H'h S-ilurdiiy niter week's motor trip to j School Entrance certificates on results oi Blind River with Mi.. Fred beagle. HeUhisexamipntion. Cttinu by way of S^ult Ste. Marie and the Pnceville -Mile McDonald, Alex Mac lake boats to Owen is.mnd. |L;an, Esther MacLean, Doneldu Nichol Mr m.d Mis Wsak-y Buskin and j Feversham Russell Citmuron. d'lUijh'er, Lilian (Mrs. Luwrence) of Toronto motored up Saturday. The latter returned Tuesday but Mr. and Mrs I Fusltiu will visit fru-nds here for two or | M Tho Inii'c framu linrn belmitmg to Mr Christophei Schopf nt Williamsford a A number of younn Indies of llm town struck by li|;htini; and consumed by tir Miss Mao Jnmieajii n miHcelliuieoue | about 11 o'clock Tuesdny niRht, during on Fiidty evening last. This j the severe electric storm which set in lady has been porsuaded little after 10 o'cluuU and continued (< several hours, says the Ch'tiswurlh News The burn with Ha annex was about 00 by 100 feet in six-J and stood r/u a uton foundition and was an up to date build iillj in every lespcct. The barn contained of fill wheat, aud six Big Barn Burned gave Fire and wind Insurance in the best companies for farm aud town property W. 0. Fawcett, ngent, Ceylon i Came Astray One heifer about July Oth. Owner prove properly, pay ex- penses and take mini) away Francis jenoe, Kugenia. All Canvas Footwear at Special Prices Including all Rubber and Leather soled styles Men's Ladies', Boys' and Children's sizes Black, White and Tan. All substant- ially reduced. Everything Needed for Preserving or Pickling Gem Jars Cider Vinegar Perfect Seal Jars Preserving Kettles Granulated Sugar Parowax Jar Rubbers Jar Rings Pickling Spices White Wine Vinegar F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON - ONTARIO Huiue and Lot For Sale The prop- erty known HH the Aslidonru residence at yl'in, ail eight runnied dwelling, (food :elUr, stable, etc. ; about an acre of uiii. would make a good home for * 'etired gentleman. For terms and fur- liur particulars apply to W. J. BellaTiy, Flesherton. IMay t f FALL TERM OPENS SEPTEMBER > ::: Ut at tln> I If you are planning to buy a sewing nacliine buy the old rttliuhlu Singer. You ni .v as well a. the best at easoimble price. Call and HUB these nuchines nl W. A. Hawkun's photo (Cillery and music Htore, Flesherton. Owen Sound, Out Biii-inosH, Shorthand and Preparatory (,'ourses. dialogue Free. C. A. FLEMING, F. C. A., Principal since 0. D. FLEMING, Secretary. Mention ibis paper w!in writing) ELLIOTT Houso and L it For Sale at Ceylon, One acre ciMaml, a lre frame house, 9. Youge and Charles Streets, Toronto,; rooms, 5 bedroom*, dinlnn room, ptrlur.'.Is noted throuRhnut Canada high | ; i grade work. Write for oatalogus andi; good balU. kitchen, pantry and cellar, , -^^ (( ^^ ^ ^ ^ rar ^ cipel , il)g . alt well furnished and in eood condition, ^n-.-nst 2i)th. We havo tilled posiiim.-. Wooyskud annulled. Also good stable j recently at SliiO a nniiith and &J7UO , and well. Nor tho C. 1'. U. stntion.1 . por annum. Apply to Mis. R P. Logat^rCeylon. W. J. ELLIOTT, PawoiPW <fc _ New Tailor Shop I wish to announce to the people of Flosherton an<l smToun<lin<{ country that 1 have opened a Tailoring Establishment in ilio old Armstrong Block, fc'lesber ton, and am now in a position to supply your wants in riihcr 1'nnrs. Coats, Suits or Overcoats. .Conic in and see our lino of samples. Thoy are complete. Oven-nuts turned to look like new. aud Hepairingdone on shortest, notice. I BOOTS & SHOES In Ladies' Wear we have Kid, Dongola, Gun Metal and Box Calf. For Men's Wear we have a nice assortment of Mahogany and some good lines in Black. Also very serviceable Work Boots. Repairing promptly attended to. I THOS. CLAYTON FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO g .rv^wn ** ).* < tftftttf ?*' ?;?*?*'!!;*" ^L- __ -^ Iff f f tt M f f ? ttf ttf f tt t?fi|| ' Music Store News Hero's the luLest record made by Sir I Tarry Lander, exclusive Victor Artist : Over the Hills to Ardenteiiy ) I'm ( Soinjij ro .Marry C'arrie j is K)S to take up her residence at South Por upitie in tho nonr future. i , T r Mr. Harvey Grittin of roronto j lined bis wife here H t her ino.her'^ Mrs. W. | Wiloock Mr. Griffin is the p,pular priuci,l of Hi,,,,bercr,st school.Toron'O . . j hay, in addition to farm inipleinents and Ivis the distinction of having psstd i" r, , cumprmtug a mower, ouygy, a cream 100 per cent, of his Entrance clasn, one | 1 > "" k- k .f separator and other small arUclon. lr. taking the medal for passmg the highest , ^ ^^ g jvurftl 8e(8 of in that .u T. C. BLAKELY, Armstrong Block, Flesherton .MWKWflWWW^ Finest Groceries, Confectionery and Ice Cream At the recnt Entrance "="' atl " n | in 9iuokt ,. The drivintj shed was saved Misc Uarrow, principal of Priceville I U)roUK h thu efforts of the villagers in public school, had ten pupils write, nine app , ying plelUy cf water to the ,. oof . Mr. Sohopf only took possession of tliu farm thib spring and had not takun off his lirac cmp. He will be a heavy luser, as th bum ii Mill could not bo replaced todny for less than $5000. Hi IOSP, including the contents, will not be lets of whom wero successful, aud live took honors. We fancy ibis showing ia unique in the examinations this yoar. And Mies Hatrow aud the pupils are certainly worthy of congr'ulations. There was an error in the Entrance examination results published last week, ' than $80(K). He has ao insurance of Following is the corrected list of success- 822M 3n tl )B barn and a small insurance (ul candidates: Beatly John, Fenwick ; on content!, but just how much he is Daisy, Fletcher .Jean, Gordon Viola, : unable to say at present. Hawkeus Untie (h), HUwkens Isaac H, Hawton Francos R, Hudgkins O.iUlyn, l.oug Alice L, Morrison Angus, Uohinson Dorothy, Wright Mabel. Building is going on i|tiito extensively in town just now. Mr. Fred Moihowson : is erecting a residence on Ii M property in tho north ward. Dr. ]3ibby in a'so erect- ing a brick house <m Mary stie,' , and W. Armstrongs citiago c>n Durham street i Hearing completion. I' Air. Tavish & Son hate built n big uxiensinn and arc reunMlolling (heir uarnge. Tin y intend to biick the wholu building. Petur ' 15 y M * of n 8 e ' " f C Bil >> dr P H ' d dead in tl18 * Avu ' And Here's a Funny One It.'s (Ireat, Colieu iiml the House Bout Tart, 1 | By the original Cohen and the House Boat I'ari _' | Cohen The Latest Dance Hits My Mnn I ' Checie Mulhi Cell. Ti-o.s Underneath Hawaiian Skits j iil Wliitnnmns Orchestra ) CiiU'inan's .Sctndanavia ) Benson Chicago I Oichestru Ain't \Vo(i:it Fun |" Orchesti"* Farm For Sale Lot 'M, ivn ii, Aili'iiu'i-ii, c >ntnini!i(( 84 ncrec. ni,d binUliiit;', well watoroil and fenced and cvntaius a Roud orchard. Tins farm is in (food locality cm the OolliagWOud ruvol and linn about. -15 acres under cultimt .ion. Apply to Mis. James Milno, Flcsherlon H. O. GROCERIES- All liindB of goods obtainable Groceries. We liandlc the best A trial Older will convince. CONFECTIONERY Neilson's and WillarcVs Chocolates in boxis and bulk. Christies' Fancy and Soda BttomM. ICE CREAM K; Make your stock of Records up-to-date by .adding some of these line selections. W. A. ARMSTRONG. Phones 13 and 28. Fleshertou, Ont. SELL Our Ice Cream Parlours are running Try City Dairy Dainties. lull swing. EDISON PHONOGRAPHS- Hear the Edison at our store. Wo also ImmUr: Edison Amberola Records. Bellamy's Grocery, Telephone No. 37 Flesherton, Ont. FARM IMPLEMENTS WAGONS, HARROWS PLOWS +4 SPECIAL PRICES IN Now Tubular Sl);ir|-)les Separators JOHN HEARD, IMPLEMENT AGENT FLESHERTON. !

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