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Flesherton Advance, 4 Aug 1921, p. 1

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.-. -^. . Vol4i, No. 9 Fresher-ton, Ont., August 7 1921 PRICEVILLE Dutin a thutTdir storm on Tuesday night of last week lightning passed down the chimney on the Methodist church and then along the trek wall, throwing fragaien's of biick a considerable distance into the street, and also ripping some plaster off the wall inside, but no fire occurred. On Saturday evening last the lightning peeled one side of a fill Lombardy poplar in front of G W Tryon's The Mi K n. n Bros , threshers, and cousin, Chailes McKinnon, of the Suuth Line, have purchased * new, up to dale threshing oullit and will run both ma chinea thi* season. Mr and Mrs Fred Karstedt received {our littie girls through the Social Work ers in Toronto and gave them a tine two weeks' holiday during the hot spell in the earlier part of July. Regular hours, proper food and lots of fresh air, motor trips to Euaenia and other placvs of intereil in the pure, brining uir of Grey count;, will no doubt do the little ones a lot uf good. John L McDonald of the Ottawa public school staff, accompanied by his wife and little son, nave been spending part of his holidays with his parents, Mr and Mr- A B McDonald of town. J L has a god position in the Capitol City and it) becuming a tuece^ful education alUt. Mri Ali M McDonald visittd friends in Durham hut week. Mrs C A McLean, south of the village, visited in VV.ilUerton last week. Rev Conn of Mitkdaie conduced services in tiie Prenhyterian church K- ; Sunday. Mr A D Irwm of the South .Line conducted service in lhn Methodist church hist Sunday morning in abi-encu of the pas'.or Frd and Mrs Pmkertc n have rented K-hi-y Anderson's co'.tagu east cf thu rivr with the exception cf one room. Some of the u> i_-h.i.>,s wer Huecululiii"; that Essay and " seme one " would occupy thu cottage themselves the coining season. KIMBERLEY Wedding bells are faintly ringing. Will Hammond hut been spending a few days in Toronto. Rachel Uutchinscn haa returned lumie after spendirg a few weeks at Prod o aud Thamesville. S. S. Burritc is nursing a pair of crushed fingers. Mrs G A Uutchineon and daughter, Tena, are spending a few dtys with friends near Dundalk. F A liutchlnson and little son, Alhert, apent a cuuple of days last week with Mrs Harry Guy of Maxwell. New Perfection Oil Cook Stove IS THE BKST Simple Al- ways Ueady Satisfies every Requirement. It has the high- est range of efficiency, with low, medium and high ll mi" provides any degree of hunt required . When the N,P. oven is used all other means of baking will be giv<>n up in preference to this device. Just tho thing for these hot days. Get one a.t ouce. Tim best all around Oil Slovo thaD lii- ever appeared. Frank W. Duncan Hardware, Etc. FLESHERTON Phone 24 VANDELEUR Mrs Sinclair of Owen Sound visited with S H Buchantn and wife. S O.sborne and wife and Miss Rose D iwsdii OT Maxwell, and Mrs I: .- -il of Caledonia, spent a day recently with J J McGee and family. Mrs Wilson and son, Clarence, of ToCOOto, vinited at Jos Buchanan's. Mel Davidson aud wife cf Paisley visited the tatter's sister, Mrs Luiniy Juhnston, and other friends. Ed warling, wife and three children, of Toronto, visited with relatives here. Jos Buchanan aud wife visited friends at Bobcayge-m and also attendf-d the funeral of their nephew, Percy Veutress, who wan drowned while bathing in the Pieenn river. Will Hu'cliui-. i: had a very successful turn raising recently. W Harris of Kimberley did the framing. When the work is completed Will will hava a tine btrn A very interesting uarue of baseball wns played on the grounds herf piuce my ldl budget when the two leading teams f the Centre Grey Baseball League. Dundalk and Vandeleur, played. The n> interesting from start to fiuii-h. The locals had one bad tunings, the -4 !,, when Dunda:k scored ninu runs, but outside that Vandeleur had much the better of the play. When the giime was finished tha score stood lii to 14 in favor of Vandeleur, Vandeleur having still one inning to play., Will HulchiiiHim and wife motored to [' i -itu recently and spent it fuw days friends there. A K Mylf.'t> ud f miiiy of KimbeiK-y vnittU ul ! K Bulaud's. W J Blur and daughter, Mary, of Detroit, visited wi.h the furiuer's siB'er, Mrs J I Graham. Mrs Burritt uf Kunberley visited her d.iugliter, Mrs D Graham. The Epwurth Li'airue held their meeting n tliu Kbuutzer church Sunday evuning. S El Buchanan nd wife visited with 'rieuds in Oweu Sound over a week end. Mi-<s Eva Burritt of Markdale visited t J 1 Giahatn's recently. Congratulations are boing extinded to Juris McGet-, who passed her Entrance niinalioii with Imnors, and to Amoi lowfw, who was also successful. The baseball team played t league ilie on {Saturday tifteruocu, July 23, on the grounds here with FlesheitoD. The Kama was one sided, thu score at the end of thu !)th inning being 27 to 4 in lavor of thu home team. The Flesherton boya are a good bunch of sporU and the game was one of thu cleanest seen here this 1.1-11 CharUs Belaud aud Elmer Muir umpired the game and gtvu entire satisfaction. Butteries : Vandeleur Buohaiinn aud Bowler. Kletherlou Alcux, Cargou and Dow. Had Successful Year FEVERSHAM A very heavy electric t-toi m passed over here on Saturday evening ai.d ram fell torreuis, in tact it was heavy enough '.o spo'l Ihe small potatoes, 1 am sure. Mrs Robert Buchau of Uulfilo, N.Y., is visiting friends in this vicinity, and spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs R J CoKjuette. LI u .lii Pdduliani, teller m the bank here, nas returned to hit duties after a two weeks' holiday . his in Baine. Alex .M In.yu- wife and dautjliter, Jessie, Mios Cora Danii of M Ini y . uul Mrs John Mel! i,- of Welwuud, Man, were callers in our village ou .Sunday. A car load of i>ur sports motored over to Meaford to attend the baseball tour- nament on Moud.ty. The ramsioim Saturday evening pre- venteu the couipk tiou of the baseball game between the Eighth Line Whiga aud ! i in Rovers Too Laie For Lait Week Sheldon Her, on uf Toronto inouirrd up from the tjueen City and spe:it Usl week with friends in this vicinity. Wm Bivmer, wife and son, Arthur, are gufnts aw the Thorn bury House, in this viltftge. Mr Bryim>r is manager of the Canad-i Melitls Co., Toronto. A. Heron und wife of 'Jabri, Sask., who have been visiting friends in this part for a month, have started on the home j"ur- ney, motoring over to P.irt McN;coll ou Sunday, thencu via Toronto, M'lton nd Forest, wlici'i* they will spend a short time with Mrs Heron's father, Mr R.jljt. Brown, hefuru rtturuii.g to their hxiue in th West. Sheldon Uec-ui, Mr ai,d Mrs A Heron ar.d R J Co!<)uetlo and wito motored over t.) Port AlcNicoll on Sunday aud visited tvith W C ili|uette and family for a few jays Mr i mliuu' ni of Markdale is retiuving teller m '.he Bank here, while Hur-i d P>idgham is bolidnying at his home in Barriu. M.-tuui;er Be.laiiiy, Tu.K-r Tliibadoau and former Teller C llor.iby spent Suu- d.iy with friends in Markdale. Johiibton of Orans-evillu viaitid last week with Mrs R J Coli|U';lte. Clio iles Pnrii{oe, wifu and baby Betty, of D'Arcy, S>tsk, arc visiting with the fonnur's parun<s, Mr and Mrs I H A number of our citizens attended the unveiling of tb soldiers' monuinunt at Hydro Park, Euuenia, and report & larije crowd who gntheftd to do honor to he in, in. -i > of the fallen heroes. The season fur shipping wool closed nn Inly 15th. Grey County increased its shipments 100";,. Tin days previous to cloning 120 Grey County farmers deliver- ed 22,000 pounds of wocl. There were 80 more shippers who had received supplies, wool sacks and paper Iwine, who had not delivered their holdings. Undoubtedly many of these would ship their wool before July 15th. It is to bo i-pgretted however that so much wool is bein^ held in farmers hands. This is because of the low prices locally ottered has cfoutud a fucliug that Wool has no va'uo this year. It 1ms a v tlu and is i-.-in ; disposed of to Canadian nulls when graded. Why not ship it. then, hnvo it graund and put up for msrket? V\ 'huii thu demand warrants it will be so M to the highest bidder. Large aoft&M^M alwuys commands attention lieueo ii'ore chance for sale pitsiuts itself if all tho wool he'd in individual hitndu were gathered into uue win-house. There il woulO be pradud and on short noticB cuu!d and would be ship- ped to the buyer without delay. The Cmiadinu Co uperativa Wool Grow- ers' whin lii->t organized in 1917 found that Canadian wools could not bu sold to ; Canadian wo.ilien manufacturers. By | i- in till Knidini; this organization of Can- afli-tn funnels hut been nble 10 sell the I'.I'JO clip to our oivn nuniif.icturerH. Tins budy has created a market for Canadian farmers' wool. Every f armor should therufore p'UMU'zo them. Died Of Injuries John Tsylor, of Own Sound, died in the General and Marine hospital on Friday morning last from it fractured akull. He was ridinu in the ruar seat < f the car with his step-daughter, Mrs Jm. Johnson, and Mrs. Jas. Smith, and ii. the front seal were Mr. Smith and the driver, Andrew Mark'u. The c'tr was proceeding at a good speed when a front tire blow out. The driver lust control of the car, which turned crosswise on thu road and upset. Mr. Taylor was thrown head lirst to ihe road, sustaining a frac- tured skull and other injiiriuN. Hu was taken to tho hottiitul, but never reclined c miatammi. The driver hnd his collar bonu broken and Mr. Smiih was rundurud iiiicniiscioiis for a time. The two tinmen (Heupcil practically unhurt. The accident occurr ed about 8.;!0 ThursiUy night itnd tho party was on iis way to attend a meeting of tiic Loyal Tiuu Ulnes. MAIL CONTRACT Sealed Tenders addrrskecl to the PmtinaKtrr Uenern!, will lw receivuil nt(Ul:iwa until noun on 1'ri.liiy, llir L'litb nl August, 1H21. for the i-oiu i-yaiH-e uf Mis Mnj, -sty's Mnils, on :t |ii-n|iiis?il('i.ntrat:t for t'mir years, six times per wei-k, mi the route : KLKSHKKTON K. It. No. 3 from thi' I'ostniiistoi (lencrttl's Pleasure. Printed nutio'-s o'int.tiniiii; further inlrmn- tiuii ns to conditions of prbpOMd Contract may be seen and blank forms of Tender may be obtained ;tt tin- Post. Offices of and at thefnHi :r of the Pot Ottiui! hiRpoetor, Toronto. A. Sl'THKRLANM, Post Office Inspctor. Punt Ollieu liiHUt-utiir'K (JflieP, Toronto-, -Tiny lltli, 1!1. ROCK MILLS Mr and Mrs Will Hargrnve of Ware- ham visited with the former's brollu-r. John Harqiuve, and family. Pliillips o f Palmerslun IK holiday- ing at Sam Phillips'. .Mis Dick CUrk is, spending a fortnight with her parents and other friends in Owen Sound. J H Holley and wife of Vaudeleur and Mi it Holley of Toronto spent a day last week with the former's sistor, Mrs Sinn Croft. Wreford McLean, Herb belts and Sam Fisher took in the races at Walker- ton on f'riduy, Mrs Hfiny Phillips of Toronto is visiting vith htr brother, Lsanc Smith, and family. Misses Ivy and Gladys Wickens of Eugenia are holidaying with their grand , W T Pedlar and wife. (iladys Lyons visited recently with lier siti-er. Mm Sum Fisher. W J Ghard fell recently :n.d broke a rib. Frank Dunliar, \V Keaiiug and F Shi'ppard spen' the week end at their home at Scolchtown. CEYLON Austin McMulleii of Tiii-niiiii is ho.i- d-iyiiii< under thu parental roof. Lottie Muir, who luui been vuitiiitf her brother, hap returned to Toronto. Mr JayiiRs and son, (jeurgo of I,t-lh- bridtje, visited Mrs A RutU-due 1,1.-,! week. Matter George will n-main ou an extended vnit with Ins gi anilnm. Tlirt \V I will hold their next regular HII-I-I .n on Friday afternoon at -..'!<! sharp at tlio home of Mrs G Snoll. Cecil Cuslime of Toronto is vi Hint! his grandpa, R Conk. MisbesKand M Coleridge if t hum Sound uro visiting their aunt, Mrs U V Lf.4te. Mrliislinf near \Varelr > and Mr Brown nf Toronto were week . n.l yuesto at S liemphiH'a. Mrs Charles Mt-lia and sou, Artie, of Toronto, visitors at J. Meliu's. Mrs A Muir lias returned from visiting lier parents at Durham. Misses Muriel and Luna Leg-tin and cousin, Miss E Coleridge of Owen Lound spent the week end with h.eiida in Toronto and Niagari. Dr Patterson of Toronto is n visitor ai D McLtod's. Edna McLeod and Ii Fisher of Toronto were week end visitors at Mis A Me Leod't) Mrs D Muir has gone to vi-it li> r later in Chicigo. D and R Coleman cf Owen Sound visited their sister, Mrs Ciillinai n, last week. aim H r'.iliur and Miss Chun in^tiiii favored the congregation ou Sunday wi'h a sweetly rendered duet. Mrs !;>.- Leslie of Toronto vi.Mted her mother here last week. A McPhatter and daughter a:u visaing at Fred Wright's. Mrs Clark and Hvu children of Sault Sle Marie are visiting her motlu r, Mrs H Stone. Mr Kawcett and wife and Mr tnd Mis J J I'attertiun visited Ciillu.gwo- ^ friends tlio Hist i'f the week. Edgur Wiring of Toronto c tiled on ftieuds nero I' week Mr and Mrs N Archibald, U Cuok and Miss Millie, Cecil and Gladys Cushnic, motored to Wasaga l>eacll and Miiiloid Ihe first cf the wiek. Master .) C and Margaret MuMulIun leave this weik. Stanley \\hiiu of Toronto is a \isi;ir utidi-r tile | mental roof. Miss ^ iii'H.-n McDonald jpeni the tirt in Meitfurd. Two Amaranlh young men were lined fur annoying *n elderly widower who Jiide liis tlmd iiiittriiiiuni >l venture a short time 'tsjo. The offenders stalled out to charivsii tlio couple, but foolibiily repeal td tlio performance for gevt-i 1 nights and aleo damaged tho house. Oi e was lined |3 and nn additional 8<i fur damage to tho house, and the other S2 and S4 for dainagu. In addition they will have to pay tho costs, estimated at SliO. Two others uf the party went fiee. Electrical Goods Bates Burial Co. Domestic and Travel. ci's Irons, Tinj-ters, drills, Pei'colatoi s, ( 'in ! i n <j And Appliances BU.SI.NKSS AS USUAL Funeral Directors and Embalmers Phone Hillcrest 268 124 Avenue Road, Toronto, Ont. MOTOR EQUIPMENT J. W. Bates, R Maddocks, President. Manager W. A. ARMSTRONG Now is the time to re- new your subscription to ONT. The Advance. HeatL-i'S ami Polar Bear Fans. A full lira' i/f l-'nsrs ami Lights carried in stock. Jeweler, FLESHERTON, 1M Helping the Farmer The Merchants Bank is of very practical assistance in helping the Fanner to obtain Tested Seed Grain to settle Harvest and Threshing Expenses to pay off Hired Help to order the winter's supply of Coal to purchase Pure Bred Cattle to realize n Grain Storage Tickets. Avail yourself 01 this complete Banking Service. TH MCHCHANTS BANK Head Office : Montreal. CF CANADA Established 1 364. FLESHERTOM AND CEYLON BRANCHES, J. C. SCOTT, Manager. House of Quality TWINE! TWINE! We handle the best makes of twine, both the 600 and 650 fett. PRICES RIGHT. FLOUR Sovereign, Ladies' Favorite, Perfect and Pastry Flour milled by F. T. Hill & Co. We also handle Royal Household. GROCERIES We carry a full line of Groceries. Flour and Feed. W. J. STEWART & SONS Flour, Feed, Seeds, Groceries and Confectionery Flesherton, - Ontario Prices Cut to Pieces We have reduced our entire stock of Ladies' Hats, Veils, Trimmings one third. Our hats are all this season's stock in the very latest styles. Don't miss getting one at away below cost. Big Reductions in all other Goods W. L, WRIGHT, Corner Store, Flesherton < ,

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