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Flesherton Advance, 28 Jul 1921, p. 8

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July 28 1921 THJB ELESHJ5M TON A D V AK C E The Farmer's First Step in Business System THE first step in putting a farm on a business basis is to open a bank account. By this means you can keep accurate account of all moneys re- ceived, and by paying accounts and bills by cheque, you have a record of all moneys paid out. If you open a savings account in The Bank of Toronto your banking service will not only cost you nothing, but you will receive interest on your balances. Talk the matter over with our local Manager. His experience in financial matters should be useful to you. "BANK-TORONTO Capital $5,000,000 Reserves $6,986,354 BRANCHES : aid MAltKDALK i Feversham Garage We have opened up a garage in Feversham and will undertake all classes of Automobile and Gas Engine repair work. Satis- faction guaranteed. Be an Irish- try it once. You will come again! Thornbury & Son FEVERSHAM ONTARIO Cheapest Car Transportation on Earth THE FORD CAR A Dumber of good Mieond-liiirid cars on hand. A 'full line of accessories for Fords and irjiaiis for I. II. C. Kami Implements. Agents for all varieties of I. H C. FARM IMPLEMENTS A complete line of eveniliiri.g louoiktlie fann. Call and talk it over. H. DOWN & SONS, PHONE 36 FLESHERTON Boar For Service Pure bied UogiHtcrea,- lion for service Maxwell Jack <i2!)0;< on lot 167, S. W. T. & 8. R., Anomesm. 'JCerms -$1.60. Soira not returned will he charged sitiiie us tlione in pig. 10,4,19 T. J. STINSOSr Boar For Service Pure bred Vorkiihire Hoar for lervice <ni lot .'17, con. , Ait, ,. ,i , Tcrma 1.00. -JOHN IIAUURAYK, Prop. BOAR fo c SERVICE : Piireliri-d THinwurlh Hoir for s, r.ico i mi lot 1V, H W T and S K., Arleinaiia,. Terms 91. AO. -Sows not returneil will 1 lie <!,,-, ,i HHine an l !i. - i in |>it. 1 Fob 15 -T. J .ST1NSUN, Prop I For Service Olio pure i.i i'il Mmr I'.. i n Hull on Kit Hfi, con, !), Artemcsia. Terms 81.f>0 for .'i i, 1 , t- Must be puid within !l months ii'Di dftlo nf service. II). Jan. G -H. O. TURNUP. Wo I B ( ' Shinglea at SI 50, alio homemade Wntnon A Son, Pricevillc. Yorkshires, Tamworths Young Stock For Sale For Breeding Purposes Phone or write GEO. W. HOS8 Opprey Tel. system Maxwell P. O Bull For Service I'm. lui-ii Shorthorn Bull of the ilUei! Kmiiily service on lot 10, con. ! 10, Osjiioy. Feiins |2.r.O for Brides, 96 j (or pure hreilx. ,)nly IS Mori. Snyer.s, Pi op. Boar tor Service The ndenlgntd IIHH a i li'.ini. - 1 . ,i -,i Yorkahirr Knitrfor service on lot 11, oon. 8, Ogprey. Tcr inn |1.60. KUKDSI'OFFAUD CEYLON A.Muir Spent the jut week in Ottawa HS a delegate to Muaonic Grand Lodge. Diuotliy McLuoil is lieme on summer vacation and ii accompanied liy her cousin, Mi.-.-, i Ii i-i:-ui,i Mitchell, Toronto. \Vm \Vhito and son, Karl, sp,.nt a few dnys in Owen Sejund last week. I ' v Hcinphill and Misses Mud nntl Myrtle llvnipliill and Mr Catcer spent llio lirnl of tliu \M i I. < \\ . .. i B^ttch. Mary Mcl^iuohlan has returned home In, m a vUit at C'lU-Joii. U Cuok spent the past week visiii'jg fkifiicla at Otteivillo. M Cawar ii rflicviii" A Sinclair, who Is on holidays with his wife uiul to uhilcireu. They will visit friends at Harrialon, mil Quebec. Mrs Knuik Swift of Toronto is a of Jlrs Arcliio Stewart. Mi.sJ W Cusiinie, whu haa spent ttie |Hst luo noekfi at 11 Cook's, left ou Tiitu-iliiy to visit friends ut Durham. Mrs Archie McPhatter, Owen 811111:1!, is visiting her brother, Fred-Wii(>ht. Mr and Mrs Will McNra and daughter Mrs Cole ot C^evclund ate holidaying ;<t J M.lia's. Win Gibson *il bnue returned Sa'- urday. We extend c >ngrutui.ithi>s. Mr and Mrs Alex UichnrdsoD of S.ilcm spent the first of His week ut .1 McLeans Victoria Corners Miss Gertie iSliiitoii of Toronto i homo for holidays. Vrs Clayton ami MISK Aileen Claylon I Toronto and Jack U'lbinsuti of I'.iri visited at Milton liannon's a few days lust week. Itorn July 'i, to Mr and Mra Kdward Slinson, daughter- Mury K'i/.itioth. Mr and Mrs Kirch and two childrvu, Mrs Canihbell, Mr ami Mra '1 uckur <f ToraDto, and the MisntH r-t <i- .<: JliiUm-orth, und Mr McNab if M.nk- 1'ilu vi.-i;cd at J Luckh-ui'd. (Lt Week's Iti-ui.-) M ;.'.'! ,! Stinsou i - > :-; :i;_- niih her >tnr, Mrs Uort liadgttow, at H.tugren Junction. -M in-ill Acheron ii visitioj her aunr, Mrs Dave Wiltshire, Veutry. Mr and M L F I. ' , and s m, 1 i i : ii. <.f Sniithville, fitited Mrs K . H filer, Mrs (-'has Moore. We &r pltwtd to-fast e with ut Rev and Mrs Kippiu. They will reside in p^rt of Mr linlii I., . ' , house. Mis Kvelyn > Btker, of Toronto is vi'itini; with her friend, Miss ' Miss Mary and Mr R >y L'lwrente viaitid ut Mr W GtlUghcrV An Orillii oitiicn MW ^p-uks c.miinj-; from a ronetto on hm electric wiring. He I'liniifd the Iljilio people, who tolil him U win iii-i'il" work mid t- >( an i'xpr(. Thu expert was bri.ii^lit in and fiuitul the cpirlctDK Kt tin-' all ri(iht. Oliinlt ing a l.iililcr ho found liylitiuiii; liuy perclinl on lh rimuitn. Tho pour little bui-; had created a lot uf anxiety, trouble Farm For Sale Lot 36, Don ti, ArltMncau, c 84 iicri'i 1 , yood lnnldinitr, well ,it n-il anil fenced nnd ("niilniiiN a |>od orchard. Tins fiirm in in n nond locality on the OoliiBgWOud uravul iinri h nhout 46 ACITH undor cull ivnt ion. Apply i-' Jamei Milne, I 1 1 i, . P. (). Property For Sale Ocnd property for sale in : . ,<-iii i c>>r.Uiiiing 1!) ncrrs. A .<.... I conif( i t;ili'i- hiiuue with woodshed ; nond cellar and cistern ; good pump in a drilled wpll h'indy to door , a ^ood lun in I Ktr>iw Klll'd Ol) M. in- tiiii<l-il I.-H, -:: I .- i il criiipn! st ih 1 - iinderiie.ilh, ynod liind and wtll I'l'iic-fd. Apply to I in,. . Walker, BUSINESSCARDS SOCIETIES OUINOK AKTflUK I.ODOE. No. <S3;i,A.KA ^ AM, ineeta iu tin Maeoutc liftll. Arm d ronii'h Ulook Mwliertou, "very Krii)i>v nu or before the tull raoon. IVter Muir. W. M K. U. Holland, Hecretar;. DENTISTRY I. I C MURRAY U O. H , dental (Hirgeou -' In ii"i Kiaduatn of Toronto Unlvemity ami i/y i ,,i !<-,;.. o( Dental HUVHBOIIH of Ontario, in,' silniieliiifltureil for tenth eXtriutloo i- . i' t I i-BKH'UCB Toronto Htrcet. Klrahertou. LEGAL i UCAH, * liKNUT-ItarrinteM. Solicitors, " eic.-I. II. LHCIIR, K. C. ; W. 1). Henry, K. A. MIII, , ... M,,,I i,,i,- LuciO lllock, I'lione 3A, -., ni.. i. Offletl at Uuiulalk aud Uurlia > . iTT K1OHT, ft TIOLFOIiD.narribter, Kollol. torn, Ai 1 . OfflOM, (irey t liruoa Hlock, Uwun Bouud. KUndard Hank r. "KlnBlinr- tou,(Haturday(i). W.H. Wright, W. P'. 1'olfojd Jr. BUSINESS v\ i KA1TTINO, i.-..h,,,.,i \n, ti. i,., i foi '' iiii. couutlei ol i.i,-v and Hiiucoe. *trn> aud Ntock aalen a BpeGtnlty. TarlUB iiD.lernte. Batififactlou fuacanUed. \rnin :,, iientu for datoH may be madea'f the Admooo ifftce, cr C'eutral telerhone ollioe Kevorahaui ir byadilrugglnn me at Kevei haiu, Ont. OMol'tlAU , I*u:cuflo<1 Auotionee fot tint County of (ii-i-v. Tnmio inoiluratu iin.l -jaMa in-, n, M -:u.ii'uili<i, I. Tho ai-raiiti, n.'iiiK mil 'inn-, nf naleapau bn tnadd at The AUVAN otfii'.a. KoBidunovMid !'.(., Ceylon, Tol*i>lioiin oooutiction. Rattlesnake Kills Babies A letter from 1'uint Au Baril says : AiHuriK the minierous visitor* to I' <n.<f Au I'm ,1 I..M wck was a lady with a [>iii uf twius, who, during the intense hcnt laid the httlo toU 011 a blanket dur- in ; ili.- evenii'g and at dusk juil them to bed. During thu fore )>att of the night the babies were very rietltBi and when m-'i n'li,; came both weie fuand dead with kbugobjg ittlo Eiinku between them. The mother has aincu %<>ao out of her mil d iitid is de.-cribed ai a maniac. No niiiiK's were given in the letter and our .;.!' i M i. i>ii comes from a reliable Miurco. Menfi rd Expiem. Potato Hot Krc/n Spreading. When harvesting roialoci., r.ioi*. 1 especially in dam LI st> i. ons, it 1:'. s- aential to pick iln-m o.rr and discard uny specimens that at" disca: -i'. par- ifub.rly tiio:--- II ;: ^I'.tr.v at.v iruli'-'a- lion or lot. II' (hi.-- -s run io.'].-, (lie .ii.-ii use is liable to spread thr ; the v hole mii-is during storug' 1 . If wilt or dry rot (l-'iuuriiini) or I.;: k leg and wet rot (i; _ )lanisapni:') or lato blight (PhytoL'hThora ir.ks'u...:.) has been noticed ii) ,iio growing - rop, it may be taken fur granted thai a percentage of the tubers will bo in- fected. These disc.iu.cs may bo found in s.11 stages of 'Jevclopuient in I^H tubers produced by an affected plant. Thrse are the diseases most liable to spread to a greater or less exteut through a pile ot bag of stored tuberi if any of them are affected at the cirae they are fctored away. Conse- quently, the greatest care should Lo taken \, hen harvesting a crop thai has shown diseases when growing in the field. These diaoues show themselves ou the tubers, tther at; a dry moldy rot or a wet allmy rot, or as brown or blackish decolorations. On some tubers Ihe diseased condition may b fairly well advanced and conse- quently easily noticed. On other tubers the disease may be of recent development and not easily seen. Where practicable it is desirable to pick oat all tubers in which the disease in readily seen and then to wash th<% remainder either in a tub ot water or by turning a hose on to them. This washing not only re- moves any soil that may bo sticking on. but it intensifies the^ discolora- tion* produced by the disease, and so makes it a comparatively easy mat- ter to pick out those tubers which are mil.) lightly affected. Al t-r wash- ing, the undesirable specimens should be rnornoved and the remainder thrown out in a thin layer to dry beforw being stored away. Prof. L. }).. Jones, Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph. When You're Away From Home Can you leave your home with the assurance that a sudden thunder-storm will not destroy it before you return> The man whose home and barns are protected against damage by lightning by the DODD System of Lightning Protection enjoys absolute freedom from worry. He stands no possible chance of loss thru lightning. For thirty years the DODD System has stood guard. It is guaranteed absolutely. The dreaded season of disastrous storms is here. Ash us today what it will cost to put your property in the "safe" class by installing the DODD System. S. HEMPHILL Ceylon, Ont. [THE SYSTEM HE.HUEU Carefully Corrected Eaoh Week Bntter 24 ro 24 Bjigs .'0 28 'o 28 Winter Wheat 1 5 to 86 Spring \\ heat 1 80 to 1 80 Outs 40 to 42 lUrley 85 to 85 IVas 1 60 to 1 50 Buckwheat 1 00 to 1 05 Potatoes 75 to 1 00 Apples '. 4 00 to 4 00 Bull For Service Purehrnd Sootoh Shortlixrn lull, Aids's Pride 13544 for Horvice "ii lot 31, Con. 8, Artemetia. Turms 81.50, pure breds |. W. MAUKK. VULCANIZING We h.i'. i just installed vu'caaizing equip. i rrent and are in a position to dD all vulcinizing to blow-out nod rim cut tirei. We give urompt and 8atisfactoiy servicu, ind a uuod job is guaranteed. F. A. YORK & SON Mark-dale Ont. NOTICE Remember the Old Ueli<it>lt> Singer {Sewing Machine. You can buy un i terms to uit you ml. a very reasouabla prict<. 10 year guarantee. HUGH KNOTT, Ayent, Mark 'lair, Out, HERE are instaTioes of carclcsniicas such as the Fire Ran^rrs of Ontario arc necting 1 all the time. Each is an actual case, as ofh'cially reported in detail to the Forestry Branch. Until each individual realizes personal responsibility and co-operates to prevent forest fires, Government Fire Rangers can hope merely to lessen the tragic consequences of such human careless- ness and bad judgment. io's Forests They're Lumbermen's Fires May 2," th. 1920 A careless river driver, by leaving his Finudgc fire or throwing a cigarette into slash, burned over two town- ships, iiu-liidii.jT 7,000,000 feet of pine, a $5,000 mill, camp buildings anil equipment worth $7,000, sa\vn lumber worth $7,500, and killed several million young spruce and jack pine trees. May 25, 1920- Fire in a rubbish heap be- hind a lumlit-r company's hoarding house pot away nnd, despite prompt action, burned over 1,600 acres, including 2,000,000 feet of white pine, and a set of new camps worth $1,000. June 1, 1020 Two old men left to attend to the stop logs in a dam, let fire get away from either their Mtuidge or camp tire, and burned over !,000 acres, including 6,000,000 feet of pine, one mill, four camps, large quantities of supplier, and equipment to a total value of $40,000. May 4th, 1021 Lumbermen burning slash around their camps, lost control of their fire and 15,000 aorts were Burned before they regained it. Railway Fires June 5th, 1020 Engine No. 1368 started a forest fire which ran over 15,000 acres, burning one saw mill, three sets of lumber camps, ttahlcs, houces, and outfits, 5,000 cut logs and 1,400 piles, besides standing timber. firo which burned over 12,000 acres of tim- ber worth $20,000 on the stump, camps ami logs worth $5,750, and cost $1,000 to fight. June 2, 1920. A section crew left a pile of burning ties to go away to their regular work. The fire spread over 1,200 acres. Fires Set Out Under Permit June 10th, 1921 Parties burning slash under permit, lost control through bad JUU.JT- mcnt, and 1,050 acres were burned and forty buildings, including saw mill, were wiplil out. May 27th, 1920 A squatter, burning de- bris near his shack, fired 7,000 acres, 1,000 of which were virgin timber, and wiped out four sets of logging camps. Neglected Camp Fires July 4th, 1920 Tourists left camp fire on shore of Deer Lake. After six days' fight, rangers put lire out, but 550 acres of young pine were dead. May Hist, 1920 A neglected camp fire, despite efforts of Chief Kire Ranger and 42 men, burned 1,200 acres of young pine. May 7th, 1921 Indians left camp fire, which burned over 7,000 acres and took one week of fighting to control. Be careful nf fire in the forests. Be care- ful to put your camp firo out dead cut. Don't thraw away jjghted matches. c"i:raryttea or cigar ends. VVari'h~out, lest yo'iv fire gets May 25th, 1920 Engine No. 2509 set a -away from you. Ontario Forestry Branch Parliament Bldgs., Toronto, Ontario

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