July i's THE FI ESHERTON ADVANCE m~ r ESTABLISHED 1672 of carrying tin- proceeds from (irain Tickets. Sale of CV. ili-. Produce, etc., in your pocket, deposit them in tbe Rink of Iliunilton, wliert they will be suf" . Yuii cm then ioPiif cinques to piv nucounts. und u>nr pass will afford yon a complete , 1 df ail your transactions. BANK OF HAMILTON DUMMLK BRANCH -A. M. Carthew, Manager StH-BU iNCH. PROTON --C. J. Forster, Sub-Manager CREA.M TESTING DAYS Tuesdays and Fridays \\\ ii.iva Jcui lod to h'lvr ilooidnd to have two day* B we-k fur t.-sUiig c cica Tuesday 3 and Friilaya. l'>rni' yon- ci-eim to tiie nl'jrc. We t'^t and [>\y it oasa the higliodt in itkut EARLY CLOSING Tho store will b.- closed ev..'i-y TiuiriJiy evatiiu^ at ii p.'ii. iinu! the cn;l of the reason . tJ^^^SSS^^S^S!^S3mf l *^^&&f* JAMES McLEAN, Pattison's Old Stand. CEYLON FLESHERTON BAKERY ir.s W.JKTHV THK P.UKAI* WITH PURPOSE. A Yes, our I'.it-i! Ko > I linvid litin ;i \vnrt hy piirj) IMV It Oring;} h-iftltj) in I -:t.nvr^ r; i ,111 1 ;i in : il tinh' S'lti-if i'ti i.i t > ill- t')'!cs \v!r p ifttike of it] regular- ly. Ooe slice calls fora loaf, on: loil t'onu-i ilic habit. Urea-! is yi ni r \>c<\ CII..M eal inori- of it. I'llDNK H FRED FINDER, Flesherton W. A. HAWKHN dealer for M2SDELSSOHN' PIANOS PLAYtR PIANOS. PHONO- GRAPHS and RECORDS, and SHFET MUSIC. \X\\ j.;ra<li' Ciill ;iml see !*>'-' mm AT Ha wk'in'.i l'ii i' i 'iill'-y :m 1 F L E 5 H \i R I O N Slur Sporting News of the diitrict. BASKHALL HKI'"| i OK CKIITKK C.KKY LKA;I:L OHi:il sUn.ling of the teams, July 1'J W>n Lost P.O. 1000 .778 .714 .(UK) .333 .'J8.< .000 Vtiiih'leur 7 'I CKJ.I.II 7 2 Uundalk it 2 F.enliurton f> 4 Uii-k'yn 2 4 nni iJ 5 Ci ntre \-> Yandeli'iir '2~, FK-shuilon .'5 LEAUI K OAMKS THIS WKI.K : Flesherton nl Kocklynr- Wednesday Dunditlk at Ctyloii- Thursday Vandcleur at Ceylon, Men., Aus. 1 Another vic-loijTlias come lo the cirdil of tlie Vandelrllt tc-un in their over- whelming viutuiy over tint local hall club on tin' former'n lield on SaUuday afternoon, the i-core being i!7-4. Il wai ; _"isis by !,,. ]ui.-f in charce. the worst x..me in* locals put up il.ll I year. The Flei-heit n (tain hi-, had l,.ad luck in losing i" } thniughout Carson Jonah A wedding of much interest to rent- dents of this locality look place ut Hol- land. MHH , on July llilh. when Frar.ces Anneiie, fouith daughiei of Jud^e uid Mis. W. B. Jonah of 8usx, N. B., ti.c-imu the brid* of Gecrge Malcolm Carton, one of Cyprtcs liiver'i nj'-s-t p.'puKr youuii men. Mies Jonah has been i n the Inching n'.ift of the locil public school fur the pant two years ai d will t.i- much tnivxed in th.-it cpriry. After it nhort honeymoon spent at the H.aoli ilie young couplo will Inky uji the'.r i -' ! i MI' in Cyprus River. On (lie Monday preccedmg the cere- mony a variety nhower was given fur the li.iue elect on the 1-iw.i it' Mr. slid Mr.". J. K Ciirtuii. ftlnny valuable and ue- fu! gifts were prenuuced to thu guest of h' nor by two tiny tots--Georgin Carson i.i d Jean Sargent. Duriuif the eveiiii-g Boles were rendered by Mrs. VV. U. I tram and Mrs. Nellie Malcolm. Kt- were served to the many BACKED BY SIXTY YEARS' EXPERIENCEI DOMINANT IN DUAL- ITY AND SERVICE! Sixty year* of leadership of giving good value, heaping satisfaction and real .ervice! That 1 * why the GiUon name wins respect and confidence from coat to coat. That'* why we are proud to cell this dependable farm equipment. i and ou SatiuxUy the luck Kb8 Samuel Warling Dead THE GILSON ENGINE AUSlsei "THE WONDERFUL GILSON" The fa.nous Gilson "Go Like Siity" En- "The Wonderful Gi!m" stand* supreme. Moie Gilson Silo Fillers were 3 old in Canada last year than any other make. It U guar- anteed to be the lightest running blower - fine any size for any purpose can Dt pur- cutu , ma de. gine in Canada your farm. citpped when three of tbe bfst players , were unable to atteed. Trie Vandeleur '..in i* a nifty outfit and it would be a j recoid for Iliein to o throlijjh the itason uubtaten. The locals won in >!) exhibition cif baseball oil Tiu-mUy vvfiling ofUbt wet-k when they [ilnyed Kui>eniit it tl. Burden party l>*ld here, whuu In- re was 17-7, K Elli>, the p<rl tidtr of Kiinherlcy, Marled in the b x but w> relieved by William VI ,J L.irije in ordt-r. A picked team from Ceylon, Flosherlon at.d Vitiidelfiir will play in VVatkertou under the Klenheriou colors Friday a.m. I this week. The i..\- me sure of giving Walker ton t goud tun for thiir innney On Mon.l.ty the name' teimii ill pl.ty 1:1 u touri iiu.i-iit t.i be held in AKufurd, luNcbdll ill d ty .it the lull park. Klishi-it.in pl.ys Ht It icklyn today (Wsdnu*d*yj ii'ii il K -n: to be a ijoud guuie. DuniUlk ai ii t'ey^iiu mu Imvini; their '. 'tiyi', uli'cli U.IH In hitvo lirin pl.tyid'ii A IL'US' -I, Oil 'I 'lll'.s.|;iy ..III III.: .11 it til H *i-ik. Game called at 5 o'clock cbarp. DR. F. C. NIXON Opt^imetriat and Optical Specialiit II Uli lr;,l :.. Stnrt 1111 'll.iiii S'li'i'f, i 'n'.llii^itdiiil, < )ntHilo 1 1. ul) lv. i IIII '.I i. in. tu ,"i i'. in I:;K unil EJulidnyi ,' till \\. SALE of PROPERTY IN TIIK TOWVSHIPofARTEMESIA BY TENDER r- ','! tsndi i- ! ),c ri'0i'i\.il I y M ilio'iii 1,-T.ih. l''!i'-liri|,i|i, (M'l inii, nji i" S i! 'iiil.iy, ill" I wi'Mi- i Ii I ;y i.f Any u-t, I'.lJl. ul tli,' li.iiir til' II'|\K o'l'lork. ii m, in. 'Ii.- i ii'ilns" ..I' ili- fni'iiwuiir I- ' i i :. ul 1 1 , , . |i ,,, t ,| | ,., ,.|i. '. -i .1, imni'ly : I'iM'i-l NIL 1 I'., r.. iif l.r.N Niunlicvs Mil In-. I mo ( i|y ,. i/l,'. nut, him ilr. d -iinl fmty nine .nil one hundvi-d mill I'liv in i In. -. i- iii.l ciiiirosiii.il not 'h ins' .1! til.' Toiontn ..nil Syili-nlmin HOI\I| in Ih* Tuwimhip of ArtcntMii, containing ilnrlj livr rii-n- < be th! n.iiiui inorn or li'i-, .nil b.-iiii; tlin.si" j.nrtii-im i.f sud lot . nni'd by tlm I .r,. Donald I,, -itch, do- Flesherton Tin Shop ~ ^^ I liavi! jii.sl placed <ui tlic shelves ii lull line ol 'I'iuwiirc, N icki'hviire and A^aleWiiie Cur doincstii' usi 1 . ('all m mo and ^ci, your snpplii'.s. Kavct niu;liiii^, Stdvcpipcs and Stove Furni.sli logi. W Kiiniaces Krpairiiif of nil Uinch promptly I'ipt-lit t.in^, including pump work. Agent, installed. for D. WcKILLOP CHRISTOK BLOCK FLESHERTON I'nn-el N.i '.' I'.ii-i of I. it nn hltn.lii'il nrlil tiny un, -in i'.. Si r.niil r, ., i,-, n.irtli i-rt^t of tll6 Toronto Htld Syili'n'i:ini I! ! I i i tin 'l',.i.!n|, . Ai'i-nn.s: t m ill.' r..inily i.i' Ilivy, I'l.iitii liu. t* iii'i-i'K le i In- -in ii.ii,. ni li'ax and bi'in^ I | lli-ti |ioiii"ii ut MJ.I bit .iwii'il by ||u> If Oi'imld h.'Hi-h, ilii-.'i I',!. I'M |i.in-i>l iiiiinln r one UIIMII is sitld to j ! ninnm'.; i'i-i-nk on Ilie preniism. In parrel iiiiinbi'i- two llii'ie IK HH| to 1^1 I btf n fiaine lu u.- mid n Ninill iin-hiul. JH Tboso piopritit'H ltd) mi tlm viHti^e of A niarki'd rhii|in> f.ir tin pi>r crnt. of i"u'b tomb v lon-i afvuiiniiny sitine mnl if t-ii l.-i- is n. | u-'.-jiu-il (lie n'vtiii' will i u tmin-il. Tluue will bo it rmnrvv bid on e.u-h of t In' i-iiil |i;tn-i''.i. I Tim hi|>lio4* or any Jemlei nut nrci's itanly HOi'i'ptt-d KOI- luitli -i pii; rn: ,i- iiml . n.li.ii.. H of Hitlo i|.|. y t.i M tli't'hn l."i i h. Mi'vh;-, ion, (in i . Ailniii.istfttor, -, to \\ itiiiirr, rKi.Kni(i)\ HI UNI K, ( t*l'll Soiliul, Out ii ,, i'ois fm ihe II 8 1 Tonsoria! Parlors !> (!ivo Kntiro s -iiixi iqt) : l.\CNl'i:v i ;,,..!; t , i ,.| ,,.., M..-I-: - nih'. di bvi-i-v l''ini.tv . v fl.r \MNt1 ,11,1 1'VriNt; \ for P vi ki'i 1 ':. l>yt' V\ un-1 ilyoil, fi-nlbi'i-i to; T FISI1I-R. -rHOl'KllsTOK Dtath CHIIIB suddenly to Mr. .Suniuel Warling of Ho' . Geutre on Friday evening 1 ' in the l>2nd year of his HUP, n:iy th<j Chiimvorth News, lliliougli the ilt-j.-sfil 1, i,i nut been Ktell for several month*, he ruiilinued In work a laborer ;.'.ii mtde a -i-i . ,n coiupla'iit until Friday not. n, when he decided lo lake a rest for the unmiader of (he day, as he f*lt Kicut!y f>tii;uad from che efl c's <-f tin- hot wrath- r. . Towards eveniinj, hnwevpr, h took a turn for the wni ni- MI a little liter he suffered a stroke of ptra'ysia. ifu to !m>h blood premire, and died without rc^tihinj OuaMtOOMirM. The deceased waa horn in thu tunuilnp of Atttiinciia nd bud been a resident of Holland C.mre for HYLO SYLO THE GILSON SPREADER The Hylo Sylo insure* sweet, fresh, succulent en- silage down to the last forkful. It is built to !ast indefinitely . Exclusive patented features of de- sign and construction exp'.iin why the Hylo is chosen by tbe discrimin- ating farmer. Pays for Manute is the best fertilizer. You have it. itself in the first setuon. Use it! The best Manure Spreader made is Then year after year, pays the Gilson. Why? it IMS a wide spread. 100 per cent, profit on It ; low down. It ha; light draft. It will your investment. Can take a real load. It is free from clutches. you beat it? gears and all complicated parts. Call and **e our nearest d**l*r, name below. He will save and make you money on the equipment illustrated and on Giiion Threshers, Dixie-Ace Tractor*, Wood Saws, Grinder** Pump Jaclui Belting, etc. Write for Catalog* \' : i<- ir. Canada and Guorav/rrJ by GILSON MFC. CO., Limited - - GUELPH, ONT. Call and See Nearest Dealer R. J. COLQUETTE, Feversham, Ont. MAIL CONTRACT St-ali-i! 'IVmlci-.i.blr. -MI| t..ihe Pi">tiii;i.-tr will lie rrcvi\l at Ottawa until noun i. n l-'ri l.iv. th- IWth "t Auput. IH'.'I. fur th t'otiteyaii'-e nf Hi "Ms-.-ntv .-. Mail.", on ai ten yearn. IJo was twice married, hit prepoMdCcntnetforfourycftn, aix time* Mrl first wife dyme in 18!2. Thrte yearn WH< ' k ' "" ''" """ af eiwirils IHI wa married 10 Misx : FI.K*IIKKTON R. K. Xo. J Small Ads. L-iiie FrSle Wm Blakty, Por'Uw Try Kevenha.u Pastry Flour, the best or yuur cok, AH Ontrio wlioac Choppti R done n Saturdays only Grttham Rroe. Eui-eQta Octl9 Oflk- Kiihurine Horen. who survives him. In '"'' 'he I <tniatcr religion Mr. M'iv:-|:nu a iMctliodist, Ii- in.- an -..."- .-tiiH ronniateut life, in.) .. r -i\ i' _' MI lu - humble way lo be of u-i't'ii -rvii-i' I" !.in li-llow mm. l!-M'!.--> ilitfH. i 'i p.- widow deceased (am five daughter! ind . n ..n Mis fiiinuel It iduoro -f. Proton ; 5lr. .laui-x 'Jrowllu-i , Cob .urn ; M'n Mirion Cii.f', M-iXwell ; Amaii'lii n.J AI-CK lit hoinp, niul Gordon n! !' eilioiton. Two brothern :t!.d o'lesisttra'iK nirvive ^fleorg* HI il Jiilin of N'Minli-li'ur tiul Mrs Hiihh R'. ', ..nli. ni i f Cbtbwi'itli. 'I'll* funeral lit k Ii'nci' mi Mi'tiil iy iifu-in"oti tn tlit- ;Mi':tl ill Road Coutdl i-'V. Reduced price* nn all sues and suitings PhuMirr. _H. AlexanJer. Kevi'^hum 20 1-21 !'t-intl iii'tk--^ i-"utaiiiiii< further informa- i.niii.i t-'o.ii 'itii.ns ..f |ir..|io-'dContraciiiiay Fire and wind insurance in the best < .-<-u .itnl blank f..rin< "t Trmi'-r inav l-<- buinetl at the l'..t OHiivn ol Fl,hi-rt ,n companies for Urn. and town properly- ami at tbr|crtiM- i.f the l'it Uttiw Iuii:t..r, \V. O. Fawcett, agent, CVylun ' A. srrilKKI.ANl). PiwiOrfiii' ln| . : r. .liny 11th. l!.'l. For Service 1 ' ... | in-,' l.i'fd Sliurtln ni i til. .;i I.i '. ' I '..SM..I1 l.'i, Al'.l'lni-.l I'. Mil-- loi L-I uii'- if i-Hi,t itn-tl.- . : !> in nlli..- if lut t-' IV'i- I i.. ; - $oCW. NEW BOOKS AT THE LIBRARY Til.- ii Hi. win'.' ii'- Tl fl.i: i-f Ik'tion hivfi been diided t< I. ' i.ity thi< week AUTHOR tlio Fli'lu-it n Free t'.d t i-o' uitde like new. Try Chaa Coulson, vulcanizer, Dundalk. laug. Car No. L*t Saturday uii'ht. some- where between Frank Chard s, Toronto l.itH', and tho Meafoid Road, VIA Flesh- it-i'ii. X,. :'.iHiOT. Kindor Uav at ih - tli .-. Reward. 11 o nnc! Lot For S*le The prop- i-ny kii'.'wn m tho A'ld.-wn residence at Ciylon, .n fi-^lu rooiifil dwelhng, R.i,-d cellir. s-uUe, etc ; a!;i ut an acre of 'a'ul, would make A U''od lu me for a rtirr4 gantltoamn For touns and fur- ll.er u:rtiouUrs apply lo W. J. Be!!a-ny, rVthorton. 1 \lnytf CATAl.UUl K XO. i nt Sul - i l> 'iig" F i>'' .McKowan .V 4'< m-ichii e> (': iy.', : of ill.- Win. I in- !, Hindi.- JenkniN K 4'."1 I'.. Cut iy B iwer K 4!iJ ' l<di!er K P. Oppi'r.heim I' 4'J.". , Sjiint i t til-' Tn n 1 1 ic ken* F 4!!4 It M V. :;.li I'll ,-1 M D.-ll K4!>:i Slu- in-. ii All in . il. I', ili-i- II -ny-ii'ii F 4'.H> Mil \Vn ;,. Holiiii-T K 4"7 iMa.it'iu -"il. "I Mom-' i ' ill... . . \\'ni. I. (,'u--ux I 1 ' 41>S 11. .us,- . i lte> t'lokev K 4!'!l \ ii II. u . f. N tod A. M. Williamion K fn)0 MuK'it'.i'i S,i V '.' i.'i k!na K ."iOl l'.irt M.n I'l.y l!i\t... V :.OJ T ist oo TriuU ( >--.'ii F .''0:t 1'ii-t inl Cup : ... .Li>in^siinif F Jt'4 Yellow ll.'i.b' . K>ars F ,">i'."i My S.i n II irnt V !>(M If y-'u ,110 plunniiii! to buy nueliiiH- I'tiy the old rnlitble Singer. You tusy s well hve tli host at r,';n,ii,-i'i'. price. 0*11 ;md ee t \V. A. gallery and miMia ^I'-L', F! s photo ' .ind I. t For StU> Ht Ceylon-- Hi act f Itiul. a l.trtfe frame house, 9 f n -, .'- loilivctns, iliii'ni: loom, parlor, U' -i hti't. kitchen, p.tntiy and cellar, nil wi-ll umii'lied and in tood condition. Wi> '.ishi-il aitufhed. Als.> ijood stable ami welt. Xiur the C. IV K. App'y t.i Mts U IV Leii*te, Ceylon. Boar For Service Y.'ikOnre Hoar F. r Seivioo Lot o'. 1 , ivn. 4. Arteiiiest.t. iiu \V.\U, ACK tl-WKR. IVop. S DOES YOUR CAR SQUEAK KNOCK RATTLE GRIND THUMP uf tiiiuei.'i'ss:uy wear, Tin so me These aro two tliino;) that will enable you to got tho last dollar'* ^ worth of \vimr from your car. Ono is a Periodical Inspection. The othor ' Corrtct LubricMtron. We are Specialists in both. L"t us overhaul and adjust your car now, at a fair reasonable price. \\\: will s;>.v you uunv costly ropairs later on. Let us supply you with your ui>\t Tires. \Vo handle only doueud. ttl'U' tiros tin it stand behind oveiy tiio we sell. Wo do not gamble in tires ol doubtful nunlity. When you buy cut-rate tins Homebody must iyje. M) be it will be yon, Why not deal iu and I -t us save yon tiro trouble. D. McTAVISH & SON Chevrolet Dealers Phone 9w - FLESHERTON, ONT. '