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Flesherton Advance, 28 Jul 1921, p. 1

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Vol 42. No. Fleshier-ton, Ont.r July '^B 1921 KIMBERLEY Service in the Methodist church here on Sunday evening was conducted by the Circle '.'.'I - and Mission Band. Part of the delegate's report of the Branch meet- ing in Toronto waa splendidly read by L-'ii . Weber, and while the collection was being taken up by tbe little Missts Geraldine Weber and HI-Z' 1 Stuart, the mnmlif I-H uf ihe Miexioii Baud Eani> very nicely indeed, " Hear Ihe pennies drop- ping- " Mr Bail of Toronto and his niece are visiting at James Hill's. MrKtSS Burritl is spending a few j days with her daughter, Mrs D Graham of Vandeleur. Quite a number from here were up at Eupeaia en the -1st to lee the unveiling of the meaioriat muaauiunt, to show tbeii t-yrnpathy for the berett. The brick for tho n of the memorial Community II >.l has been drawn and we expect to see it completed before Inns'. While we do well to re- member the boys who will never return let us not forget to lend a helping bund to those who have returned, whenever an opportunity affords us. Thty were no less brave than the mi. s who are gone, some of them having been wounded several times. Memorial for Heroes Unveiled at Eugenia DUNDALK Chris Irw;n* bouse at the weal side of the village w*t itruak by lightning in Uonday'a storm. Tbe fisry QuU entered by the chmiuuy and tore the bottom out of th ki'ohoa raofte, ripped up * n.-- linoleum on the floor and splintered a screen door in making iti exit. Mr and Mrs Irwiu and Stanley had a iMirow escape *ud still feel Ihe effects f the hock. Cenviiierable damage wn done by hail un Saturday on Con 14, Preton. Some f the growing oropi will have to be cut freen for feed. Herald. Business Education A business education is admittedly the greatest Kitt a parent can ive a c'lild. For fifteen years the Orangeville Business College (us successfully trained young people fur the best situations in Uanuda and United States. "A position for every graduate" is our motto. This school isr.triluted with (he Canmlt Bus- iness College, Toronto, aud ten ether colleges iu various cities and tuwus of Ontario. Iu union there is strength. In a inn til' it lulu of counsellors there ia wisdom. The spotton Colleges ard the hrgest tru >ters of young people in Cat.- ada. iM.u courses in all sulg^cts fur those who cannot attend. Special course* in Farm Book Keeping. Write for particulars to C.-inada Business College, Onageville, 01 Toronto. New Perfection Oil Cook StoVe IS THE BEST- Simple Al- ways Hoady Satieties every Requirement. It has the high- est range of tfticiency, with low, medium and high flame provides any degree of heat required . When the N.I', oven is uted all other means of baking will be given up in preference to this device. Juit the thing for these ht day*. Get one afc ouce. Thf best all around Oil Slova that has ever appeared. Frank W. Duncan Hardware, Etc. FLESHERTON Phone 24 T.,in.-il .y of laat weuk was m joyful d.iy to the ladies f Eugenin, seeing aa it did the ouluiiua ion of more than two years of hard I i'..>r in raising funds tr, aud the unveiling of, H veiy beautiful moi.u- uii'iit to the Soldiers of Eugenia nnd viciniiy who fell in the <;rrat war. The motiument is no', only a memorial for the departed i <.; ". but n m>/nument aK well to thd great love of a graieful people <-iud the Ubora uf i faithful uiolher Mid vi-.terlni' d. The lunds for thin beautiful piece of art l:av b>eu raised by tbe tS'itt of wi-niauhot-d alone, and to them be all 'he hoimr. T..e piclui* at the head of thh aiticle ^ives DI. ly n ij.; i of this chaste piece of art. Mwuntcd ou cement base, the uiiniuiiic'iit pruprr U composed of three lecli'ius. The top section show* a .oldiur in Me siz*. The on re front ccutaiui) :.. names uf thu boys who fell, accomp- anied by i ho tuiiUu, "Until the dsy breaks and the shadows flee aw*y." The names on the -N no are : D-ivid Arni- itrong, Robert Uel', Fred Fisher, J. II iward, Robert L'-ppard, Earl Parlia- ment, Stanley Parli.iuicnt, Charles Roy, Emersun Smith, Fred auuth anu Wen. Wilaon. Ua ihe reverne aide of I be itouo all (he nanii-s uf the boys who returned from overseas. The com- plete iin. i ii. M. 'lit is hewn ir in white m ut'l. , nnd -t.ii. .< about seventeen foet high. We feel we can aay without contradiction lint It in tho baudeomest ni'iiiuuieut ertctvd iu my rural munici- pality since the w . : A prominoiit Uwen Sound citizen told Tho Advance that his hoinu town hid nreoted a atone which cost rive h a--in.i dollars and it was "A :n >i:f : .."y compared with the Eugenia ctnne." A mim uf dowers surrounded the uiuiiuini lit. A i-quad of soldiers, led by Capt. J. A Legard 'in. I LjAgB. I'll-.!,, and Ed^ertoD, marched to tho ground, presented anna and stood aitvntiun during the unveiling, which was executed by Col. >K K irl.uul of Toronto, accompanied by i m-nt peich. Tne ceremouy which followed wits very impressive. Rev. Fowler of b'luahertou acted a chairman and a number of clurvymeu took part in the proceedings, including Revs. Madden, Eagle and Cmi. The Last Pott was sounded by Jack Perkins. The short addresses were all . t an excellent nature, all eulogistic cf lhe?rent work performed by those who btd given their lives for tbe world's freedom. The Benediction brought this part of the program to an end. An adjournment was then made to thu pavilion where Rev. Conn acted as chair" man. ExeelUut peeohe!> were ihen delivered by Mr. Bill, M. P. for South Grey, Mr. Leewn M.PP. for Souih Grey, Col. Fleming of Owen bound, Uou. Col. Crm:chael U.P.P , and Col. Chibbolm of Uwm Sound. Mrs. Kuch- anan of Rveuu read two poems suitable to I ho occasion. This completed the afternoon prugram. A baseball match waa on the bill, but Dundalk defaultrd and it was impoisible to secure a substitute.. A team picked up, however, aud played the l'i vl- n club nod weie vain|uii-hed by the l.ii'ci the s.-.'ii< being 27-!). In tie eveuiog a lucowtfttl conctrt was held in ! the pavilmu, which ended a succeaxful day. Financially the affair was also very successful and KUttkient funds were raised 10 place the Indies out of debt. Some g-ading and beautifying of the park I:a 4 1 been done, and there will bo more to follow. It, can be m<ide a very beautiful spot, and the graceful just erected PROTON (Last Week's Items) L L No 241 and their many frienti spent the Glorious Twelfth iu Dundelk. We were de+tghled t.) see Miss Con- sley's nme among the list of successful Normal student*. Congratulations, Edith ! Mian Ad Acheson has returned from an tnj.iynble trip (o Mukuk:i. Miss Mary Wyvill is holidaying in Ottawa and Northbrook. Mrs S Badgti-ow lelC on S^'urday tu attend the funeral of her father at Holland Centre. We extend our sym- pathy tc thu bereaved family. Mr and Mrs Becker aud son, Jtck, motored to Turouto last week. Misses Clara and Mildred Biunie hoii- dayaa at their haiue here. Mrs Cade spent a wt ek uli friends in Sheiburne. Mr and Mrs Duncan McNichul uf Toronto visited the latter's parents. Mr and Mrs Jag Burton and little Tommy have returned lo lhair Home in Toruolo. Matter Clark vVyvilie accompanied them. A numbei of our youths had an in- terestins; motor trip to Banie ind Toron to over die week end. What's tiie attraction, boys I On Thursday Uit Ji. ,.. . Mis R (i Achesun, Mr aud Mrs Jauics Achcson and Mr and Mri George Uutchiasou celebrated the silver anniversary uf iheu marriages by a motor trip to Stayner ard Wuam Beach. On their return to Proton they enjoyed a wedding lepast and spei t the evening in pleasant ic'uiin- isceAces. ROCK MILLS Haying is completed iu this vicinity, Cecil Monagtian, wit'n and babe visited over Sunday wi<h John P i>,- i- and ftuiily. Quite a number Irom here took in the unveiling of the memorial at Eugenia 1 1 ' Thuisday aud report a </uod lime Mr* Jim Dargavel of this pi-toe aa the lucky Udy in the contest an i received the gold watch . Mrs John Phillips and Mrs T G.iit'ey of Toronto are veiling their brother. Hobt Clark, and other friends in this vicinity. Miss Karl) Robertson ,f Mxiwo'l spent a week with Mrs. Walter Akltt. Mits Jeau Milne spent thu week end at her parental borne. Alice Hclntye in npendinc a fortnight with Mrs Ueo >uhnatoo. Miss Margaret Holly of Turouto .- holidaying w; h her auut, Mrs S Croft. We are pleased to see Mrs Win Hawkins able to be home main after taking treatment iu Collingwood hospital. Mabel Belts visited wiih her friend. Marguerite Ptdlar, at Eugenia. Wreford McClean spent the week end at his home in Priceville. Miss Wilkinson of Dun. in is visiting her sister, Mrs Krn Russell Miss Irene Clark of Parma, Idaho. vtMi.d recently with friends around Maxwell. will prove an attraction lo paople from long distances away who wi.ih to see just what a soldiers monument should be and what a body ot women with a single mind and determined hunds can ichieve. The proceeds of the day amounted to gGu'4.79, and the lauiei havj $400 to the good. After everything is paid for the ladies still have $300 to further improve the ground*. Mr. BorUnd of C*>lling*o<td, the con- tractor, delivered a beautiful piece of work at an extremely moderate price, for which ;mvic the people of Eugenia aie grateful. Farm For Sale Lot 87, Con. 13, Artemetia, consisting of 1UO acres, all cleared, and on the pt em- is** is a gnod brick veneered It room dwelling with good cellar and woodshed, 75 acres under cultivation, balance In pasture with gnod never failing upririr, two smtll orchards, well close to hnuae ; bank barn 40x60 on stone foundation and c iiK-iit stabling, litter carrier in stab'* also a good well, drivcshed and garagf , a second fairly gnod barn 40x45, gocd hen house. For particulars apply to -LEWIS GENOE. Bugenia, R. R. No. 1 EUGENIA Although L'.uxi>nia has been a place uf interest l<i sight seers fur mniiy yeary, I Joubt whether there bas ever been %s many people at one lime to visit this picturesque spot aa on ihe occasion uf .lia unveiling . i i.ur memorial, wbich took place here on Thursday, July -1st, in the Uydio Park. Some two ynns ago the village and cou.niunity, wh:ch is nothing lart<e at best, undertook to raise funds to erect some kind of a memorial, and aa it was scon decided to euct so:uethinn in the wuy of a monument the design was cht>u and to that end il:a committee has woiked with thu help i the people and now have one uf the tiuesfe in> m..n.Hla in this part of the country. The monument, which -- .; ,N seventeen ftetormure in height, graced with a life sized soldier, r da in h.n-.d, standing at attention, IB a splendid piec* of art, and a falling tribute to tln-se who in;ide thd supreme aic.-ifiod. The set;irg uf the inonuuijiit >a iiust bum iful, having a naturil backgumi d of urn; I* trees aud au apprnai-ii : ..- of '. .er beds, and redacts citdit n thobu who worked faithfully lo make it 60. The day aa uuclouded and beau ift'l and the unveiling ot the uioi.umei.t *.-> au uccabiou li"i'4 tu be remembered by t!.. M' forluu^td in b-iiu^ present. Well might we bu prcud of the sold'ers .ir.d men aud vuluiitevJa uho, headed by Markdale bund, uiarelu d in a body lo the spot of interest mid to<-k up their positi- n in front of (he dig draped monument. Had it not been fur the boys, who donned the khaki once again, in cider (hat tL.y wight in a titling way ibow their routed fur fallen comrades, thu day would not hare be>a complete Under the supervision of Rev. Mr. Fowler, t'he program was named out :n u moat io'presBive m inner. Cul'iuel U. I 1 '. McFarlaud, who wag head of the Giey battalion, had the honor of unveiling the monument, and delivered an appropriate address which will out aoou b* forgotten, paying a grand tribute ic the boys who sleep in Flanders and also to those ho returned, nol forgetting :li dear mathcrs who so nobly dd their part iu the great war. Jack Perkins, one ui .ho young volunteert, suuurled tne Last 1' v. and miaisters acquainted with the tys who went oversea* assisted Rev. F.iwler and beautiful wer: the prayers i It'ored by these men. The ceremony thfuughout was a most beautiful and impressive one. The flowers which were placed on the base uf the monument by loviug hands were but another 'ribute of Ijve to Ihe dear boys who sleep in t'Un *' tields. The coucert in the evening was uf the highest urder aud enjoyed by all. Proceeds lor the day, f*G4 79 Many visitors nere in town an \ visited friends over the 21t. The Memorial Cominiltte ih to thank all those who helped in uiaUiog the day a success. Mis J Cooey of O*eu Suunti is the guest of friends here at present. Rev. Mr Fowler's pulpit here will bu filled next Sunday by Mr K IK, Paton uf Fleshertcu. Eugenia intends hoK'intc a t'udioatlou day each year on July -' for niaintrnance of monument and grounds surrounding. Mits Geurjtina Smith u h in<) fiom Turouto on her holidays. Mr Spencer ami ftinily of Toronto are visiting at R Purvis'*. Mis LUC.S of Guelph is Ihe guett of her k bister, Mrs Kllwoid Purvis. Killed At Nottawa J. A. Brack en bruise, it prominent arizau uf Nottawa Village, and for over Mi.T V.MII proprietor of the K'' st """ there, was inilantly killed un Saturday laat Him lie fell from tho r.-< i of hie mill a ,1 is; 11 iv of over forty fett into the rocky bottom of the Pretty River. He had ascended to Ihe rt>of > f his mill for the purpose of making noine rrpiire, unknown to any of his employes. He' 1 MY* i an invalid wife at.u two ad 'Uted children. Arthur is about equally distant from Grand Valley and Kui u-. Arthur ie tied up, In v. ever, to the Orand Val.'ey end i the Hydro lystem, where M elrctiicity is 185 per horsepower. A- d if it were tied up to the Fergus end in- stead, ihe rate per horsepower wou!d be $41 less Ai,.l Arthur scratches itn head end wonders. But then the Hydro makes lots of us wonder. Sbelbun.e Economist. Electrical Goods Bates Burial Co. And Appliances Domestic and Traveler's Irons, Toasters, (inlis, Percolators, ( 'nr ling Toni; lloaters, Immersion , . J B Heaters an 1 Polar Bear Fa - . A full line of ! rse* ;in<l Lights carried in stock. W. A. ARMSTRONG Jeweler, FLESHERTON, - ONT. BUSINESS AS USUAL Funeral Directors and Embalmer* Phone Hillcrest 268 124 Avenue Road, Toronto, Ont MOTOR EQUIPMENT J. W. Bates, R Maddocks, President. Manager Now is the time to re- new your subscription to The Advance. No Man Ever Retired on the Money He Spent If you continue to spend all that you earn, what will your financial position be when you are fifty? Build a pros- perous future by saving regularly while you are young. The advancing years are viewed complacently by the man who kis a comfortable sum in a Savings Ace. ant. TH AVCRCHANTS BANK 108 Head Office : Montreal. C F CANADA Established 1264. FLESHERTOI; AND CEYLON BRANCHES, J. C SCOTT, . . . .',< Manager. House of Quality Now is the time to sow your Beet and Turnip Seed. We handle Rennie's one of the best on the market. FLOUR Royal Household. We also handle Ladies' Favorite, Hill's Sovereign, and Perfection ; also Hill's Pastry Flour. We handle Rennie's Seed Corn including : Compton's Early, Wisconsin No. 7, North Dakota, Longfellow Improved Leamington. W. J. STEWART & SONS Flour, Feed, Seeds, Grocerie* and Confectionery Flcshcrton, - Ontario fc&C .V Prices Cut to Pieces We have reduced our entire stock of Ladies' Hats, Veils, Trimmings one third. Our hats are all this season's stock in the very latest styles. Don't miss getting one at away below cost. Big Reductions in all other Goods W. L. WRIGHT, Corner Store, Flesherton

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