July 2 1 IU21 THE FIESHEKTON ADVANCE ESTABLISHED 1872 :&* Mil) ,MEAD OFFICt HAMILTON li.sti-iid of carrying tln> proceeds from i !r:n Tickets", Bale of Cattle, Produce, ill- , in your picket, deposit tlu-in iu tlie 1'iitik (if Iliuuillon, where they will l)e safe. ^' in fuitlion isstif cinque!) to p-iv ncootintf, and your po&a lij.ik will afl'ord yon a complete record of 'ill your traOBftOtions. BANK OF HAMILTON DUNDALK BRANCH-A. M. Carthew, Manager SUB-BR*NCH ; .IROTON-C. J. Forster, Sub-Manajier CRE\M TESTING DAYS Tuesdays and^FriHays Wo havo di'-'i 1: i t-> liivc do3idel to lit\v twj d-.ty> it we k for t -s'-ina c euu Tuesdaya and Kiil-iys. Brin^ yo!ir cream to tin; .S'.KP. \V tent mil piy at 01133 the hi^lioat mirkct price. ** EARLY CLOSING T ire will b- closed evjry i' i r 1 iy v -aiu,' j ii p. MI, n i i! the end of the reason. ;-u--; , JAMES McLEAN, Pattison'sjOld Stand. CEYLON TWINE! TWINE! TWINE! .1 i .- r .\K1;I\'M1> -A Urj' quantity ol Bfnder Twine. C ,111 ill Miict anil Ic.iv.t yoni oader. COAL OIL STOVES \\, haiidli 'Tin.' N>w I'eilfctioiJ oil stoves. Out-, : ,.. 1 : ,i, Ii in,- : i, toinpli ti with ovens. limn- tun- will soon lj" IK i-(. HI you will need the fjllnwuii; neci'ssitifs / Hay Foik 1; ,11 . I'ii!l(V-\ KiiK.s. Folk.-;. PAINTS and OILS Boiled') Jl;i\v Oil, S- I'uiii'or (.III, Turpentine ii-u Oil, A:itoii)yl)ili- Oil. hti ;iin I'lii-'iiic Oil 1'AlllS ^iHK KS -Spray your p ' i' ) ^ onrlv. F. G. KARSTEDT, Flesherton, - Ontario FLESHERFON BAKERY 5 ITS XVtJlU'ILV -TlfK;j mMUI);j;\Vm_r*T Yes, u'.ir 1'mv Foil IJy.-t'l lin a worliy [mrp >si-, It brings hulth an J l^tren^tl) *!in I ;t murf!im>' satisf t'jlim ID t.ii IVks w!i >"(> iruki; ot'ii jv^ul ir lv. O.i : slii 1 ! 1 c ills I'm 1 ;i lo if, ' t (in ! 'lo if t'onn -i^tli ..; habit, MAKE COTTAGE CHEESE Farmers and Townsfolk May Easily Have lk.i.- Own. T s vim 1 I Co d tt IMIOXK nl' it. FRED FINDER, Flesherton W. A, HAVVKEN - - dealer for MilMDilLrOHM PIANOS and PLAYER PIANOS, PHONO- GRAPHS land RECORDS, and SHEET MUSIC. Oall and sec Aosc in 1 MiiJ'u- St-ir T lln v!t M'< I' i i < '' ! F L E S H I : R T O N - A Nutritive ami Inexpensive Fooil .May lie Made Krnm Sour or Skimmed Milk Method* of I'rvpa r:it ion Desc rilii-d. (Contributed by Ontario Department of Agriculture, Toronto.) HKUK arc ;i grout ni.'iny kinds or cliet-se made In the world, but i lie easiest to make i cottage ehetse. A person living on a faun where there is a supply of milk can make not only for their own table hut for market as well, while the town- dweller who buys milk by the quart can us* up small amounts left over in exactly the same way. There is no need of wasting milk in the ; just because it has be- i-oms sour. It is true that small amounts of sour milk are often used when baking, but a person may not wish to use all of It in that way. It Is not necessary to use milk for making cottage Skiiuuiilk is quite satisfactory, and a small amount of cream may be added to the curd at the lime of add- ing the Bull. There 'iiv two imthods used in making cottage clu-'.sc. the "rennet method" and Hit "ordinary" or "heal- ing method." V.V will speak of thu In;, ling method, as it is Hi; 1 one most commonly -.iseil in Ontario. To make good flavored cheese it is necessary to have good clean flav- ored milk free from taints or odors. Have I he fresh skicunilk at a temperature of C5 lo 75 d-i;. K. It can he allowed to sour naturally, or a small amount of fund flavored sour skimmifk or buttermilk may be added to hasten the souring and help con- trol the flavor. Allow the milk to stand undisturb- ed until it has nicely thickened when it will be ready for I lie next step of the process. Stir tli' 1 coagulated milk to break it up evenly, then carefully heal ii to separate Hie curd from Hie whey. If only a small amount is being healed it may be placed in a doulil- boiler. A larger ciiiantity may !> li.-ated in a can nr pail, while a i !iees"V.it is suitable for large quan- tiiies. If the water in Ihe vessel sur- i-cMiiiding Hii- milk is kept between llu and l.'O (leg. F. ihere will not be i hi. 1 danger of t.vei beating or heal- iiiK too quickly, which is often the case when (he waler is hulling. There is usually a : >"<l : > |>j i :i li.n of curd and whey vheti it i.-; heated (o ; i< nip-rai IIP- li'iw.'n '.HI and lOrt dec. F. If I lie whey should not be clear when the ti-iMje'ralure reaches 100 deg. do not hut higher, hut al- low ihe can to stand. The whey v. ill liki ly bee me clear. iii a lew minute^. Avoid overheating the curd as it cause.-; ihe chees 1 - iu be dry ami crumbly. NVxi. drain Hi" curd. II may be hung up in cotloii bags or il mav b" drained :>i> che. serloi Ii placed over a rack or si rainer. When ihe free whey lias drained away lift Ihe cloth at one wide and allow (lie curd lo roll to the cenlr-', ilieri dn the ::ime wilh Ihe other side. This will hasten the drainage. Wlr-n siitlicienlly drained the curd should be salted, using about an ounce of salt lo four or live pounds of cheese. If the ehee~e were made from skim- milk it will be necessary to add a little cream. About an ounce of cream for each pound of cheese will he sufficient. Alter thoroughly mixing allow It In sianil a little while for the salt to dissolve befoi e putting It up in packages. If a person were making a quantity it might be put up in pound pack- ages by priming it with the butter- printer and wrapping in parchment paper. This is an inexpensive way of handling collage cheese, bill it is not as attractive as the little libre con- tainers coaled with paralliue. A person who is making butler on thu farm might increase the returns from Ihe dairy by making some col- lage chee.se each week, as there are many pi.iple who like collage cheese lull do not know where to gel il. I'oltage eheese is a food that is nutritious yet inexpensive and much more of it might be used. Like all ether foods, we find peo- ple who like it and those who do not, but in many cases the addition of some flavoring lias made it accepi- able. Cottage chfcsi may be used in many ways. It may lie eaten with cream and sugar, preserves or maple .-.ynin, or an attractive dish may be made by making a nest of cottage i lieese and placing a bit of jolly in the centre. Or it may be flavored by the addition of chopped mils, (dives or pimentos and moulded into any desired shape. If a person has not a mould, a small box may be lined with wax>d paper and the cheese packed in with it knife or spoon. When lilled, fold over the ends of the papers and shake Ihe cheese out of the box. Collage cheese naiads are popular. A very simple salad is made by plac- ing on a lei I lice leaf a small mould i>r a heaping lablespoonful of cottage .lieese then adding salad dn : -.- .in.- ; >r a more fancy salad may be made '.iy making the cheese into .small balls mi! rolling them in chopped inii:.. (.'ullage chfew may also be u .-.1 ,.-i a rtauifwtcli tilling by mixing it vitli chopped mils, celery or dales or nl her flavoring Ihnl inny be u ed, M.V recipes could h.> rheii fur 'ix 'his dairy by-pi oducl. hi;- hee ;e, but Hulli leDl ILLS liven suggeel It I Ifllo .Millar, O. A. : I'll. Sporting News of the district Artemesia Council P.O. 1000 .778 .714 .285 .000 BASEBALL BlCJbBD OK CEHTHK GKKY Lr.via K Ofli ial standing of the teams, July 1 Wjii Lost Vandeleur. 7 (> Ceylon 7 2 Duiulalk o '2 Flesh erton C :* Rock'yn 2 4 Glene!{; Centre IL' r.m. IE GAMES THIS WKKK : Flesherton at Vandeleur Vandeleur la, Dundalk 14 Oevlon 23, Hocklyn 12 Uund'ilk played tit Vundeleur on I nday afri'rnoon last find went down to d feat by a sm*ll margin o? one lun, the score being 15 -14, Armstrong and H BlHckwell pilchel for Dundalk, while ' Buchanan and K Graham twirled for Vanieleur. F.nch pitcher wa hit hard and made it an exciting game right up until the list man WDH out. Council mull on ihe 2nd July, 1921. The members were nil preient and the Reeve took ihe chair. The minutes of lust meeting wern read and confirmed and communications, etc., were present- ed : Levi Belli sheep killed ?'.':'. Tj Phillips sheep killed $3180, reports from several commiti9ioner3 for Juno, Small Ads. L'ine ForSle Wrn. Blukey, PortUw. Try FVcrsha.il Pastry flour, the Lest or yonr co'dt. All Ontario wheat Car of esg coal to arrive in a fw days, 14 70 off the car F. G. Kurmedt. done on Saturdays only OcllB Uednced prices on all suits ;uid suiting- 1 * H. Alexander, Fevvrsham. 20-1-21 Win Burne't bill fol dtoug< to en, A 'Griham Bros. Ku^enta Jordon letter re she*?, R Park letter re streets in Eugenia, Thos Taylor filing culier'. Burnett - Matheweon That Mr Ho- \ F, re and wind Insurance in the b .st aanh'b rep -rt be received and he be paid | companies for tarrr. and town property $38 for 9J d.iys overseeing expenditure, j yv. 0. Fawcett, agent, Ceylon Carried. Miithewson Hogirth Tk*t Mr Hur- netl's report be received and he ba paid as fellows 830 for 7 A days orerseeing work and $5 80 commission ou expend!- IUI-L- of SOS.IiO, total expended f 201. WO. Cirritd. rJurnett Vlathewaon That the report of Mr Lutimer be received and he bfe paid 81t> for 4 days overseeinz work, and Standard hotel at Maxwell For Sale- it snap for somebody. Apply to W. H. Guy, Maxwell, Ont. j (i'd tires nude like n;w. Try Chas Conlson, vulcatiizer, Dund;tlk. laug. Ax-'iin Ceylon havo had a win wlun they defeated lijcklyn on the latter's l:-.-l'i 2.'t 12. This win |.u' Csylon ahcfcd of 1' mi! ilk and next to Vitndeleur, who lead the Another protest h.m omr.e to the secretary of the I,",ii;ue this lime from the Duudnlk team on their rscent g.unu with Vandeleur, <.n three grounds First lint it was * tie sc !<, st-c iod that the base lines were nt intrkeJ and thereby in (directing the lunner ml 1-tN'ly the umpire's decision on the h*l out. ?l(i 70 eommiwion on expenditure of f 167. Carried . Burnett Latjmer That ihe report o' Mr iMatht-ws in be received uud he ho p-iid $10 for 4 days oveiseeinc and $6 60 OOOIDI idiot) on n total Mpenditara of 1107.70. Carried. lloirth Burnett That ihe Reeve's repnrt on Valley lload expenditure be received and he be paid 8M for 4 days overseeing and 81 commission. Carried. Burnett- Mthesun Thutlhs follow- ing be paid (or gravel supplied overseers: House and Lot For Sale The prop- erly known as the Aahdown residence at Ci ylon, an eiht roomed dwelling, good celUr, stable, etc. land, would make a retired gentleman. For terms and fur- ther particulars apply to \V. J. Bella-ny, about an acre of aood home for a Flesherton. IMayt f If you are planning to buy a sewing machine l>uy the old reliable Singer. You may as well have the best at reasonable price. Call and see these machines at W. A. Hawken's photo gallery and music store, Flefherton. v Vandeleur hid the hugett gite receipts | of uny team ID the League thin year when th'ey took in nearly (280 on Friday- list. It was a tu nper crowd. I', is ure to be a g .eat inme at Vande- lent- ibis S.iturn ly afternoon when the loci's mi-el the former for the first game of r he season . The Pleahertnu boys nre on' 10 wie, so COUM along *nd sec them do-,ni the leaders. There i* i j;rct rice for second place in !)!> L'nuiie. us it looks so far that V iinli-letir will stay in first posiiion. They rrivi) a great record this year with seven wins and no IOHSUI, a record of which ury loam >hould be proud. House and Lot For Sale at Ceylon J Gibson ?12 ; W J McMillan $12 30, W j One acre of land, a large frame house, 9 Alcox 10.40. F T<tylui J6.0U, W l-'isher rooms, 5 bedruoms, dinmu room, parlor, f7 .".d, F Curns g. 1 ) 7u, KGra!nm?2- good halls, kitchen, puntiy and cellar, Carried. nil well furnished and in eood condition. H>if.rtri-Litinier~Thtthe c'aim . f Woodshed altaohsd. Also good stable Win Bur.iett of $21.45 f..r duamges to and well. Neir the C. P. R skatioo. bis car uu South Line b; notentertained. ' App'y to Mrs. R P. Legate, Ceylou. -Carried. Litimer Hogatth- That the following claims for rheep kilKd by d gs only proved be paid : Levi Belts 7 1 an' s killed 109 ."0 snd $:! f,.r 1 injured, Thus Phillips 2 Iambi killed ?!',>. 80 and injury F r S ile To M H Binders, one 6ft cut and ot;e 7ft cut, in good working order, second hand John Wright Flesherti.il . to 3 |12. Carried. I have an excellent line of fine rubber goods en hiind aprons, working gloves, Mntbew.il. n Burnett That a special i etc. I alo take orders for Spirella lam i-f ?40 be rnaje to improve 4'h line corsets and have a few samples which I at SO sidmoid corner to be expuuJiM by Mr L tinner Carried. will s.-ll ureatly reduced --Miss V. A Nicholson, Kli'sherton. Hogarth Burnett -That this Council - (irunt $f)il 'n improve tcwnline "f Ospu-y in Con 1 and 'J, " D. It , on conditii n j that o^pr^y c,..i., L -ii i,n.ni ; .nd pxnen.i (ffi^ Tnncnfi^il an iipi i' :>iii..-uiit .1! ihe MIIH' p!>- ' "IldUllttl C.MI-d. In Memoriam In loving nu moiy i f our deir s n and brother, l-'u-il S-niih. wlio di-.-l in Ssril/crlm d, .Inly '.2. l!>ls lli< nnmv niiall in VIT pas-s awiy, Mis noble deeds in sight of God. Accomplished in Cbe light of day i float not beneath tho toituied soJ. Father, mother mid nisteis. ! ail ; i -in i: Parlors In Memoriam A il< pn'^tu n from Ti-ciiinso-li towntliip w:ii'eil ( n HUM F C, 1'igRS nskinx that nid l.< vi>' it in I.MI.-' thu (Uinagu dune tu luiiijes and culvcitaintlierece.it -i i>h. utii In all, dtroige to ihi extent, of ftbout $IKI,00<( was (Line in tha town- ship, itiul the tlt>piitation nr ,-,' tin, th'8 mini ai >oo lnii;i> fur llu> rn'ep.'n ura lo rHl!te wit! out help from the Kovi'riitn-iiit. The depn utioii WHS toM tlmt thu province vvciuld lie'p with the rn.tilwiiys to i he ex- tent uf thu usual '_'() u'\r cent., HI i' ilint eug.iii'rrs Would he sent ou' to aMvsH the iluiniige done to the lamer sti I'cture;. Whin tit) survey VHI coinph-ied tha cltpHi tint tit would -tn IK mice assist ance wouM I > powible. In i.'i ie;: iivi'iuory of my dear hutbaud, William Davis, who died July 1H, 1U20. Not now but in tha c lining years, It may be in the better land, We 11 read the invaning of eur ' > And then, l)h then we'll uiiJerstand. Wif.- Lelitia. I'nder a nw act of the Dominion Pnrhiunrn', the couulies of Cirey and liroce have been united for judicial purniiarx. This means that Judge Sutherland of (irey and Judvn Klein and Jiulije OreiK "f Bruce will divide up the woik of ihe two counties evenly among them, and that the Walkertun Judges will xltt'iul court frequently at Owen Sound, while Juilgu Sulhvtlnnd will hnKl fittmi;8 at tinii'i at Walkertorr. This ulea is also to eventually reduce the number of Judges to one- for etch c \Ve A;m to Give Entire Satisfactii-n LAUNDRY-Basket closes. Monday night, delivery Fuuityev CLEANING and DYEING- We are agents for Parker's Dye Works Clothes cleaned and dyed, feathers rejuvenated T FISHER- -PROPRIETOB Boar For Service i Pure bled Uegisterea Yorkshire 13oa j for Kei vice Mas well Jack 62903 on i lot Iti7, S. W. T. & S. R., Ar'emesia. i Terms $1.50. Sows not returned will bo ' charged .same as those in pig. j 10,4. 11) T. J. STINSON. Boar tor Service The undersigned has a thorough orad Yorkshire Boarfor service ou lot 11, con. 8. Osprey. Terms $1.50. FRED SPOFFAUD I Boar For Service Puie bred Yorkshire Boar for service on lot 37, con. 0, ArtemesU. Terms 81.00. JOHN HAKGUAVK, Prop. DOES YOUR CAR SQUEAK KNOCK THUMP These are signs of unnecessary wear, RATTLE GRIND There are two things that will enable you to get the last dollar's worth of wear from your car. One is a Periodical luspection. The other is Correct Lubricatron. We are Specialists in both. Lt us overhaul and adjust your car now, at a fair rea3onable price. . We will save you more costly repairs later ou . Let us supply you with your next Tires. We handle only depeud< able tirca and stand behind every tire wo sell. We do not gamble iu tires ol doubtful quality. When you buy cut-rate lirts somebody must lose. M.iybc it will be you, Why not deal in and bt us save you Urc trouble. D. McTAVISH & SON 1 Chevrolet Dealers Phone 9w - FLESHERTON, ONT. . . ' ' '