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Flesherton Advance, 21 Jul 1921, p. 1

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VoU2, No. 7 Flesherton, Out., July "J I PRICEVILLE A fine aliower of rain foil on Thursday of last week, whiah will do a giatt arabULt of good. $10 reward fur a g.'ictury si^u'i n of the problem of keeping; the open church sheda clean and tidy and at the Biine time alloii><; livs st. c!t of all kinds to run at large, so '.hue p?ace and harmony may prevail in" a Christian congregation. MemiiEiM >.f the family of the late .}ohu Dand Mrs Siaipsuo h.tre given orders f r ;ha reui- v.ii of their <run te monu- ment frcui r e old cemetery io i< wn and to be erected in the new public cemetery Tlie reirunis < f their psrruts i 1 be remove j later thia season. Two a'one cutrers hive been at work for sever .il .lays Uit week cutting m- ecrptious en monuments in the K>cal ccoie'erif. ind persons who have been ami* us to hue such woik done, can Itwe the:r orders wi:h the caretaker of th new public cen-ttery here and cutters will be secured. Geo A Watson i% SUDS are pittic^ lu t ':.. foundation for a new I:- use I.M ollinjwu-fcl street. The \\Vinen .< tiHlitu'e h^ e uinde mngumen's far a i f hjoje Butting, commencing on Monday, July IS, ,u.d li.-rui.; during the evu-iikS ftenoiy* in tho Meth.<dit Cbun-h ere. FEVERSHAM Mi \V ltor ; in this village at pre>ent . Mr- '*\ :\, Hi i' i cr ai;..i -i f.. AILUU.'. .ii-.i Mr Ctia* Wico ut 1'ur u'.o, *rt gees'' it tht Temperance liutel. Mia l::c:i:i-r Is Mrs 1'hoi: ' 'j:\ - -:-ter. Mr Hurold IVid^ham, 'v-l'er in the bins h. to, '-. i- 4 tic to bib home in l>n:e fur his holiday*. Fine tains have (ilivu and ^rosfects ate i;u<>d I. r a buuu'.u'ul harvest. Misa Qjeonit Thurubuty of Tor U ;id*y:ni: ;it her h.<me hen-. Chas Horui T of the lUnk .!" T> ., C'.icIiraDO, Out , m reovwing i<M cqaaiakutMi >u ihis villa^^ sud i.i< uui.y friei'.J wre & 'Ud to see biui auaiii. Mr Flotnby .-pent cuine mnuths in this village as tiller in the Bank of Tor. nr .. ani when ho wen: away ha sure was missed in the social life of tile I . he's a jolly good fellow. Mrs K Fludly, and little dau^h'jr, of Toronto, is visiting with her brother, Will ILeitmiu. Miss Currirt Kernahn uf T r. t.'o hii been holidsyuu with her fi'lur. Mi~.-t r - it Ptud of Toronto is viM-icg with her uraiulparerrs, Mr ml ilr^. U J C When .ittempting to cross tho railway cruising below L'jmperduwr, on Saturday t, .Mr AiUn M.-Docald, uf )i.t:iwa- , ws struck by the 10 o'clock tmin. He vi*s taken io Colliniiwo .id h - where he del lu-il moruinj The horse Sherwin Williams Paints The o!J roli.ilile, most durable :inJ econuniicil I'.iint, that costs I.. is per job ami woa's louder. Made in one iiimlily ouly the very best. Flat Tone for artistic decorations of interior walls, ceilnii.:* and woodwork, uives a soft, vol\oiy Hat eflfect. Inside Floor l*aiiit a sp'crdid [unit for insid* floors made to walk on. Sher-Wil! I.ic -'TiSa combination of tran.>[>wi'iit stain and varuish for tiuishiiis; Hiul rest. >i inn iu one tH>rntiop '.lio Miitioea of furnitur-;, !!ObrS ftud all interior woodwork. Auto Iv.siuv! A vsrnish .{loss euamel especially dn| ltd for oui- i1o expcttur^ ; and many . tl'.er tinishets Mm-iu.;, Ki pt\l and I. .| jid Urauite Vitrniht'?'. All "sixes . f blushes and t<il<or ruiiiisitos fur ---piiDn c'oanina up. Cill ami not a color card. Any information regarding p.-in ini{ gladly i(ivon. Highest I'iicos Paid. Fur PruJucf. F. W. DUNCAN Hardware and Paints Phone 30 r 1 1 Fiesherton, Ontario Toronto Line North Born Un Sa'urday, July 9th, to Mr ..nd Mrs Will Divi>, a daughter- Matter Jack CuDnio<;harn of Palmer- aton is h 'lidaymg wilh his cou*in, Mr Wilfred Lever. Mrs W Reid and two ions of Oxford, Mijli., visited at Richardson's. Mrs Aiberl Stewart spent part of toe pa't wt jk w:ih h^-r paren:<i ac Fever- sham. llr* (Di/ U szell cf Caledonia visited frieuds in this locality Mr in i Mrs Th.s S d and fm:!y UD'oretl to C iliogwocd and spent a day vuitio^ friends. Mr and M:i E Wioieos r.d Mr Chw Stewart and d,u /.-,. in Cored to Dun- dalk on the Ii h. Mr Jam:s Stewart visited C-jlafij-wood recently. Mr and Mrs R. >bt McFadd^n of Mom* Centre >; n.ahe Vcek end with Mr and Mrs Sled. EAST MOUNTAIN \ Mn Ah Hal! and ch Uir*n of K ; uiy vitiuil with Ah- L J > .9 pareut.-. Mr in i Mc< Geo H*rLottle. The r. cunt raiu was needed 1:1 this y. Mr Ai..i Mr* I>.v d Gen. e and daugh- ter, D^r.'tliy. ^ -.'oil ;it Mr. Adam -, M.- 1:. : ;. r. .-eu;ly. Mrs U-o Al'e'i hs returned lii'iue '. lu.gpitkl. 1 . -Tm|.athy H^aiu i;"CS nu; I'.i .i u?r.'0 in the ' : , >(r . -in. ThU make* :he Bflh de.tb of reUnves.-tbree aunts aoid two u^'.-los l:n irg J:ed during (he i:k Ted of L-;ypt is i f:e.(afct t la .r l-?%lic; Sth Line, Osprey (List Wi = k's I HiyvOk- is tl: i flhed.y in tins pirt. " *v.;licr Lai U-cu i:reinely h..t The shower wo ti ui l.i.*t Frdty grp;i: help bur uu>rs> wis needc i. Mark Murphy had a tucressfu! .-. d bee l*t Fndiy, i.oasiderinj I'M., h, t we.ithi r. A pnrty i5 given nt ir^hi which waa weil attended. An erjoyahle oven n< iv^s s( out and all returned to their !i' me* iu tlie wee suul! hours of the in TH.HH. Mr* Hrnckenbury imi son, I. returnea huiioj list SV.v'n .'-, : ,\-. liter . \i-it with friends In F. :.-; .-v: d ^t M ;.: > - Mrau.j Mrs AilUirf H.ion of \V, y- burn, ^sk., ire v:>:rmg with fdends m tins vic:mty. Miss iS.iui.- IlkHkinr. who li;i 1 ei ii tetchmg, is hi'ine i n her holidays. Miss Bertie Hinkins is home now, afti-r tryii'g lur Entrance exs:ns in Fi'VLrsli 1:11 \\'e wish her su.x--.-- Mn Will lr \\\u mid Kibe of A'mdsir visitid the foruier'd sister, Mrs \\ i.t r i'oole. Mrs Sam Hmk'.iis and sot', Keuda), returutd home last wttlv ui'tit a months' trip in M.i-kok*. Tho ra.'pberry cr. p will soon lie rije now. In Memoriam In '.>vin^ ni'-in >ry of my do.r fthr, \ViUi.nn D.ivis. who diid July 1^, I'J-.'l. I'pright and just in a'l his ways, Honeft and faitkful till the end of hi ^ diys. done and ioiLt-'tten by tlu> world he may be, Buc the m'avo that 'enshrouJs him is sacred to mo, Daughter Winnio. CEYLON Mr Peter, Miss Lufie Muir and Mr \ViU~r f Toronto are holidaying at Mr A Muir's. Mrs L-.I..;:,! :i . f Fe\vr<li.iai was a weeJJ nd visitor w:th her sen ru-re. Mr Irish i.f Pn.ton spent the week eud at Mr S H,raphill'. i Sirs Rcbeit S^fictr and two riuUrtn of Breektilh u.ot r d up acd visited the r'oruie: The Mis.---* U s: u :' 1 vUred :"ueir stint, Mrs B> h . week. .Mi: A lieu- him of Toroa'o sp-ut p.^t week wuh M.s J Gil.-':. ielrii Gib*< n and t '!' T T'-rro are syendin;; '.he.: wi'.h Mr'tr.d Mrs 1 'i 1 . Mr tr. 1 Mt . ._ wtre . I - . . . -1 M JTi. Bduii-ntiir. ur.vei! <; \ . to VIMI their m'j'her here. Mrs A Muir is visiting IUT Durham. Mrs Mclnr. ^i n a '. .' : spoor the pst rk VIM' i . Mi - I 1 L> McL it Mr .],- M . ck in , f M iud ^ld IM-Liis ;.-: . i 1 ' - .nl. y McMn! en . i T iron t c -a. '.<; ' . .14}-. Ht week un-ier the pten i Miss Myrrle Hiaiuhill of T.-mnt - i *p u.'ir. . . , 1. ; h :i.t> here Mr A .- l"h >rn: m Mr A Keui-eii) '.> *-t er . The Late Mrs. Chislttt Th :.<? Vr. T death ' -'e>>k, w^s born iu :i>hip uf Xorri, 'i; i u. .icd to the T'>*njtnp of Attem-Mt >lien . n:y l'.\ years . f .1^ . S!u :iu- i..i 11 .-" her i.onr sorroniin; h;.- h. im ni four diil.lreu -M .; \l... U. H lint;*'. ',)*-!; ^ u.ui . V M M. . :i ,;FreJ of Lit . . A fr,.i whu d:i->) s.'ire v . - i,'. In-friiii-iit *s uiad<yri n tfiiict.:y f er jj in the JK" winch dcceisi .-n > an s.uci- >' - is 13 y 'I'!-.. > o M' i y Wttutif i . . ; - b wag a I wreitii fi-'in L ui She W"ji in .( *:tr!.ii|{ ,-i; a lovi-i wife i u in :ti,T. S>lie leav. 1 * C vo lin.'tli<fr*,Alftcd in ( Dow.>. Fiesljerti.n. M'.s. F. G. Ki.- : h'o'hetton is :!.. i, y ~'jrvi.\..i,; til . VANDELEUR i. Lur \^k's 1 Miss l'k<r of Toronto vi-it'iii; h. r friend, MissN.lIie lioiaud. Mrs 11 Ready mid to oliil.'rvn uf #'. H*nra *r spending a ccuu'e of weiks wt h il.e fi-ruitr's niuihtr, Mi> !'. -. Mr ar;d Mis ^.iin Huclianaii vii'ed wuh fiicnds in l>*i-n 5ound over the Wi'l'kflld. M^s Cotti nd> n . r Torui tj :s v -itn J i h Mis l>i\:s and f.mily. Mr> Will Inirr.llof SI... is - ^ tltr iiu'ther, Ms R Geuoe. The baseball -;iiue betwi'e.i (.'-y'on ini Vdudvleur, which was plxp^u .n t 1 *> loc-il -". 'ii dl . n Sx'.uidiy cviiiipii i f i week, result pd in a score . t 7 t > -' f.ivor i f Vandelt ur. The 15*111- was tl e best seen on the iii- ur.iis here ill's limd pitchiiiij and tie'dinu a,< PORT LAW The news uf : t R=v f.-ier C^rupbeii in T .royt.i a former ; h r-, -f .* received with i on y but : :. . w - !.- . . :-. - ] j , ,-., et ... j - a; a drve'rd friend Uu. - - . out ' - . sid b rea\ -. - - "-.. '< - . . - . .\;.- u . - Hi i BM engaged a pUt<; rifry feel l-iun. "L . bacon - it hi-ii', i . > . Sir U v - . rf n TIS thr'.^-.. . r - . :. . . ah ... 1 : Mr L - > . . i I 1 r : _ . . ' t:'\\ JI ^1 . ' V " The ' Th-.' . ' . a preaci:- M. . . Mr, J \V I ; , It is t . . When the sun >'. h w h:!(f i - \s Electrical Goods Bates BurialCo. And Appliances . ASI-SL-AL Funeral Directors acd EmbaJmers Phone Hillcrest 268 124 Avenue Toronto, Ont. MOTOR EQUIPMENT J. W. Bates, R Maddock*. President. Manager Now is the time to re - , your subscription to The Advance. - nd T ; -,- I . -. ( 'n: '. _ ' . - 1 H : 5. jes and Lights W. A. ARMSTRONG Jeweler, FLESHERTGN', - ONT. Do We Take Small Accounts? We do more than that. We invite them welcome them and take good tare cfthem. If you wish to open a Savings Account for any particular purpose or wih to teach the children to save by having an account rn each child's nam do not :e to c so because the anjoucta to b depc be small. 91. is MaEcier.t to open a Savings Aoccuat, acd dep<s:*i of Jl. ar always welcome. TH MR^HANTS BANK HeadOffco: Mont-ea'. OF CANADA Established J 364. FLESHERTON , ND CEYLON BRANCHES, i. C. SCOTT. Manage KIMBERLEY ' .nuch d. The 1- - f , . . .lohn v , N . v , 1 1 r - Or. \.s t^d .^ - 'd recent 'y ill i eie i M M '!> Mis Alld:c>v \\ , ' :y .;' ' '. . . lie ,*re \ i-il. _ i A. \ ~ M -< ^1 ni.-n Ftw.-ef f Toi visi'iiii- lur pu-iiv, Mr >i: 1 '! I l;n Fawoitt. F rl'iiiu "' '.-\-i-a ed w!nlt n >:)!.iri.e o: i u:i-'oi C'ir A. G I/ . HUT-!, n ivtv! seven dys in h" (-' ii ty Jai t by totli toi!u<. Thf heavy liittiiijj .. m* ^ amleiiMir i .'. UK was ihi- feature uf tl. i-inii- - lU'tt ries: Viindt'leur Buchanan and B..ler. Cey'on Gibson and Muir. I'mp.res- J Legaid and t.' Ho!nnd. Farm For Sale L ! 27. Con. 1."-. Aremesin, c.-iisiotii g of UK) acrts, all cleared, and on the prein ises is ;i ;; o 1 tii^k venei-ri-d 11 room .Iwell'HK wit!> go,..i cellar and woodshed, 75 actes nrdi-r cultivation, halance in in* 1 tin- wi h >{i.iiil tever tailing uprinc, two MII ll oiclnrds, n ell close to house ; bank barn 40} 00 on stone found it'on and cvmi'iit otablinti, lit'i-r cinior instibU also a cood well, dnveshfd mid Kurane, a i : i r y t 'il li.iin 4f\^.">, i;o! d hen h -i-i-. h i particulars ici'ly to 1 K\\l> GKNOK. U. R. No. 1 DUNDALK Alex LIKV .if V.ii couvi-r, ex-nuinter of the Briti<h Columbia l.t'syslfu i-, is ajienciiiijj a fi-w tnyg in i.-ivn with his liother. E d. J -hn liiltiuf, South of H.'pevilio * <s i fortunate enouii'i to strike a (lowing well at depth of U';i feet on his farm. Tiie water reaches a height of i<\er ti uet i above rhe sutfacv. For tho nest eight Sundays tho Pres- NOTICE lit number the Old Keli.ibV ? iu> r S'*ii'^ M 'ch ;i -o. You o.n I uy >u terms to uit you :it s very r. i-ouable ji-Ci-. 10 ytar ){uar- tue. HUGH KN'rT. \ f Markii.ile. ' "r.t, VOTERS' LIST 1921 House of Quality Now is tho time .:r Beet and Tur;iip Seed. \X'e handle Rennie's one of the best on the market. FLOL'R-Roval Household. \Ve also handle Ladies' Favorite. H Sovereign, and Perfection : also Hill's Pastry Flour. \\ e handle Rennie's Seed Corn including : Compton's Early, \\isconsin No. 7, North Dakota. Longfellow Improved Leamington. W. J. STEWART & SONS Flour, Feed, Seeds, Groceries and Confectionery Fiesherton, - Ontario byterian nut Methodist will join in uuion services. -Herald. VILLAGr. t'F KI i,SUl.KT(>X > tici 1 1 f: \ .MM tht I liave ti:ii:Mni'.tid -r .!'. vt'ie-! 'o 'lu- 11. isons men ioi'eil in 'ffi- n< S and '.' uf tli-? l>..l.ifo\ ' - i - \- '. 17 -l:d the mei-rfmeiits ll-.ereio, lh<- I - nod to tu> tr .i , f tlu- 1. >t. made pursuani to UK- i '. i.i I'orsom ni'^i'-trini; ! v < Ii 1 i-t ' > i^ i' A^i>Mii>ir. K i.l of tlo <>! inunic ; i,. be iMititlcd to vote in the muirc pt .-<.>( ii-n for mt niWis "f '1-e I.i-.i*- l-j-.m. .\~- > "! Mumcip.l 1' e.- M. us. ird ' %' vt'il lit w.s R^t jv. .- ) i!|- in my < i'.vi' a* Fleslu-rtoB on tlie lt':h ii .y of .hs'y. I'.'-l. nd reiiMins there f -r >itpectioi . K!eclor are ca'led ii;>on to i-\,inr.: f >a!il list, ami if HI v . :o W ' oilier euors :ire pe'Cfived theroin. to lane iiiunedi.t:? proct-vdii'i;* Io hive t h errors corrected aooordinuc to law. \V. .1 HELI.AM\, Clerk of Ui'. Ju'y U'-, 1021. Prices Cut to Pieces \\ o have reduced our entire stock of Ladies' Hats. Veils, Trimmings one third. Our hats are all this season's stock in the very latest styles. Don't miss getting one at a -way below cost. Big Reductiors in all other Goods W. L. WRIGHT, o rner Store, Fiesherton

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