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Flesherton Advance, 14 Jul 1921, p. 8

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July 14 1921 THE FLESHBKTCN ADVANCE Feversham Garage We have opened up a garage in Feversham and will undertake all classes of Automobile and Gas Engine repair work. Satis- faction guaranteed. Be an Irish- man try it once. Yon will come again ! Thornbury & Son FEVERSHAM ONTARIO Promotion Results I BUSINESSCARDS promotion examuutioni for SS No 7, Arteinesia. Jr 4 lo Sr 4 p M MlcDoukld, J*>n Meads. Kr ,'t to Jr -1-h A Mu r, p M Walters, Jt 1'nri.liiw, I Turner. .In :; i . Sr 3 p A h l> mi, S Muir. N L' in Jr '.' pSOI.vri I..H.I H Tur ntr n|iial. .Ir L' to Sr '-' I. !; Hini-ks, i. S Vausu I) T.iyli'i, i M ( > Mi .mil r. K I'.u Ion . .Ir I'r I,. IV A A lln ,^-, \\ Tiyl. r, M Malt..i>i!J, K It ll Su.ii,d>T. I'rimiT 1!- J Mai-Mill n. .1 T..y!..r. I'riuicr C' - M Wil.Mii.-i.u. C Mc- Kuinnii. Ii honuuis. p |..s*. i ncmii- ' mti Jed. M. I: M. |. .c.-hrr SOCIETIES JiliSCK AKTHUIt l.ODUK, No. XI8.A.F.A A SI. iaot in tlit Slnsonic hall. Am * rot>K'H Hlock KlHbertOM, *very l-'rifjuv o: in In fnre tli full ujDCii. IV.ur Muir. W. -M It. O. liollaiiil, SutrutHry. DENTISTRY , h C MURRAY U D. 8 , rteutal nurRuuu IK uor Rrtulimtu of Toronto L'uiyrflity au<l \^ya*i;.. r>f I>i>utal SIII^I-OUB of Ontario. la idmtolulilared tor ti.tii i \traution 'j 1 1- i.ti.r . ii.if 'loiouto btrt-ct. Klesliurtou. LEGAL . LC^S, A- hKNUV-liuii-mti-is. Ho!icilor. I. II. LUCBH, K. C. : \\. I>. llr in; ' It. A. UffloM, -A. nkucli ttteti . l.HL.m Dlock, I'll.,',;, Onndtlk od iim-ua . II HKIIiT. * TKUOICI),HarrIt<.r. Bolici. toi, ic. <)Uic.. c,ii. v , ;;i ii-i. iilock, l)wi':i hoiiinl. btunilani Bulk .^K.i-l'.i ttturc:a>b,. W.H. Wii^lit. '-V. K I'ulloij J UUSINKSS CARDS !: pi U i.i S 8 N'u lii, Kii|ihi-.i- .1, f. r June. '. .Ir 4 to Si I II II in Kin-, in, ii Wil- cock. Sr :; lo .h 1 I. \V.y. K S',|ii;i,, 11 Fawcett (fC'L-j Sr _' to .h :; K \\..,,,i, n u ii. y . .Ii 2 to Si '.' A TI...M |, u.i, V \\il.-y, i iett, H Wo,,,i. ttt I'r to Ji I V lii .vu-, S liiown. Jr I'rt . Si I'r- I Wil.y. \' A I. ! I, Tr.n-ln-1. On ,y Forenoon Mil 1 ' n liili ei ..' i he I- Ii Con., I'ri'toi', inoi wilh a n'ii- can luiiH K hull hit ilwi'lliiiir wns il t . In,; , .1 liy lire Mi|i|nti>l In h-iir s'mlr'l l>y a s^nik In. in ihi' i lummy \\ !. n iln bla/.e HIIH In"! ii-.fri-il Inn n u. I. In .n! .1 iy had lii'rn iiiiidc In s'lVi- III" I nil lint;. Tim mi' downitkiri was mfi-ly THE Flesherton Advance An inlspfindent newnpiper publish' every Thursday at tho otliee, Collingwood Stieot, Flenherton. Subscription price 81 50 per annum whan pui 1 in ad vane.; ; $2.00 wlion not so paid. 2.00 to United States. Advert sill)" rates on application. Circulation ovur 1100 weekly. W. H. THUKSTON KUITOK CEYLOiN Mr Jas Sn-(;eiU and mother spant a duple of days in Owen Sjui.d Ui> week. Mr anJ Mrs A SiuuUir <nd children mid Mr and MM W Fswcett and bal. pent the 1st of ihe week at Wafiagt Beach. Mi I) umld McLiod isspenuing a wetk wi'li li's daughters in Turon'.u. Mi nd Mrs L-Hlie MHI shall returne.l Saturday to their h une ii: Turonlo afh r sp-nJint; A vm.-k i'h the U'.1*t'a parentl, Mr and Mrs Wilson McVIullau. Mis llnrbie F.sher ai.rt balie of Tunm to tisiteil beriiU'tlier, Mrs A McLeod, hens Mrs I W Ciishnie f T n-oii'ii is h ill dayin:; ht Mr I^Cunk'n. I) .-ami Mrs Holm^ "i t),'ii SuUII 1 .mil Mr ami Mrs 1' n .1 Cliislwtt an. I - < nt L-.stowel wen- hurriedly callo'l to t!ic lied -I lent ihmr. ni'ilit-r, Mn 'I' CUiala", who is \ery ill. Liter- Mrs Clu.sUr t iik i stroke List week an-! pisse I iiw.r ni J u'olntk .1. in. on Tuesday at fie if (ill ye irs. Tin- dfcu iseii h.fy was sister of Mr.s Kirstedl HIU! Mil) irn i PUiherton. Much symj.aliy isex'eadc t,) ih f.miily. M - Mi !!' (.' i >< |>"i.i . ii u il iys ! i- wei-k in tl.u hip-p; il in O.VI-D >' u Mis K ;!} of S.>utl.iiii)|it<>ii iii:il M ami .Mi-. Ilii)*!! IS.vIi-y o: Sliiul-'y :n In. in! ij iii mi' I IT the i' 11 i-'.t il roof. Mr ' Ili'inpliill .tid Nun. JuliM, Mi M Hi I II el t' Mr Win tV I ).\ r I S.M|. ll Mr .1 is A -I Ivt W. ! V ,111. 1 MI-S . I! "W.i .u : .Ii 1 ' . f I!K- ee'<. p.'iit ilw i. hen 1 "* ii n. i- in t 'i w n | HI BOAR for SERVICE I'liri-lin-ii 'I'liiiwoitli Huir for h.r\h'- nil lot ICiV. S W T mid S K , Arlniin"ii:i. . TerniK fl.i'il). Sows ii'tt ii'liiiiu"! will be charged HKIIIO i> llio*o in |ii</. Fob 16 -T. J.sTlNsoN, I 1 , ,,,. O-i I'll Ml. In-. !'-'. I Anotloiii. lot tin ' omit j "I I i i i-\ . 'I . i Ir.t i atiit nclion 1:11111 tiilo."). Tim nrr ti.j o M n: ili'l'tftt- ' Oil t ' j i.i.i.. i\r ltil:AI)\ \N I.' I U-ti it. i.:.. 1 1 .(|.,( '<.) lull. T- . 1 1 1....: I tluu. ^ Mi A. II. I 'li.ini'iri liiin, piiiin itcr 'in 1 in n. Iger I'f tin.- I'linnlii-il.i'ii ( ' i.i], 1 1,! nnd Devolupiuent '"', I/mi'.'il, 'i S I' '! 'II' I.'', Il !( M'ld lllS lllllJlll|>S III t',1 iilnni. ii mi 'il iMinpiiiy t i S:n liniiiii jKiilii-. ind will ill v 'Ii' nil hn lini' n Future tu tl>e OrHiigevillfl <*.l .-m | lii. Sji il. !!. Mr (''.mill filhiii st.iUt. h, II.IK iiiMily all Irs Irii" .s l,!'.l tip u.m in MI !i slia H. l.i- will hi! n-.ily ii recuive uppiicationi I i .i:m . ,\ \\\, 1 >l " II * I I-' (M Ml ll <i'IH I), Vl'l l|""' II S)in:n <(, liy ll:,. lL' ll i'l .Ill'y. A ' ii-ll | ii'lc 1. 1 i mi i iiiiif ( r is i xpictid t.i iiialx k aurvey of iho holdingH thin nk nfiii which the report of Ur Muni"" w .il l.i r in,.!'' oil i ml ir nly for |.iili!inti n I', .in IT. LATE POTATQSPR.4YING Best Fungicides anil Insect!ciJe< For This Work. Bordeaux Mixture for. I.i:.' anil Itot llou and Vilicii Spray KITcrtltfly Him 1 in- reuse Crop Yield*. (Contrluntoil liy Onfiil Atrlcoltoru. T " r. i-miiu'tit Boar For Service "'.'. i n. -I Aitrmr>i.i . > i 'V\I,:,\CK KISIIKK. I', .;,. E Karly Later RURAL LEGISLATION Weil Worth a Second Glance From Farmers. F Insurance Is Good, But Insurance will, in n measure, repay you for loss from fire due to lightning. But it will not prevent the fire. It takes ihe DODD System of Lightning Pro- tection loclo that. In the past thirty years over 3()0,OOObuilJings have been roclclecl by the DODD System and in not a single instance is there a record of tho DODD Syslem properly installed, having fail- ed to prevertt dumayo by lightning. The fuel that you haven't yet stifTercd loss by lightning only means that you arc fortunate, not that you arc proof against it. Ask us today what it will cost you to have DODD protection. S. HEMPHILL Ontario^ Mtl.V spniyin^ v iiii llm iloaux mixture .uul Paril ; I ei II 01- iirseilillU of li'.lll protect potirto iiliin's from lllight and I'olato Iloetli's prayiiiKs are, i i . s ; :i against Lain lili^iii i.iul IXot of I'oliitoes. which is the inosi srrioiiB disease of potatoes in Ontario. This disease usually appears al>'it tho middle of July if the wi'itih. at all dump. Therefore, it is n- sary to begin BprayitiK for It about tlio 10th of July. llonUaux mixture ia tho only satisfactory fuiiKiriili- 101 the control of I.alo liliKhl mill Hot of 1'oiatoi-!). A poison should b ril when necessary for 1'oluto lU'i-- tles, arsenato of lead pa:;le, ::'_ Ibfl to eueh i.O gallons of Hie liquid spray, or Paris green _ lln to 4U gallons, or n mixture of '2 11. s. oi HI.-,' ii.itf of lead pasto ;::ui I II). ot I'ari.'i ^reen to -10 gallons. Tho nuiu- her of spraylnt;:! required will upon the season, I ho wetter 1 1 (her the larger the number. In wet weather sprayine should lu' uoiie at nm-f every lea ilay.i or two >M'I Us. Do iiut put off siu-iiyluB bi- raiise It looks like rain. If tho spray i.s uf\ tho plants half an hour b. lore tin- i. mi eonies it will be dry ami Mlllil-lellt of il Will Stick til pn-Vi'lll inlectiou which lakis plat- during or soon after rain. Must of the tail- tires to net results from sprii) IUK are duo to the fact that the .spraying is done after rather Mian before tain. Thorough spraying only in effec- tive, and this reunites siifneient Uor- iluuux mixture. For tho late spray- ings from 7f> to lUl) Kallons or t>ven more. nhuuld be applieil per aero at each Hpruylag. Thoroui;h sprayitig means Iho coverfnu of every portion of the potato pi. HUM with Itunlcaux mixture in the form of u lino mist. This can only be when the solu- tion Is applied \\ith a Kixnl pressuro no ns to insure covering every por- tion of llm plant. The hi ,( results nro obtained In i a pnt;:io sprayer la used lilted with a T-Joittt uttach- ment so as lu n. .,' ciixering both surfaces of tin 1 li\.i<;i at each spray- Ing. When Ihe pl.inis are large It has been louiiil llial it pajsi lo go over each row twice at each spray ing. Spraying must be continued through- out August and part of September, I'MMi though the plaula clomi in and cover Ihe groui\d between tho rows. Not as much harm us might ho cx- pccteil will bo iloao by llui wheels and the^ in yield uttd Miuiul- n. of tin? crop will more than com- pensate for whatever loss there may be. For eonrenienco in spray ing, i o\\ s of potatoes should be nt loast thirty inches apart. Siraj ing for iMio l)lih( and liot is an msurann which lew can afford lo neglect. I'rof. J. K. l^owltt, O. A. OollM . H Cream ind Milk i'urdiasiiiK Dog and Sheep Protection *ik- of FormuMehyile MurketiiK; I i.i Prevention of nee Diseases. (Contributed by Ontario Department of Agriculture, Toronto.) OI,LOWINU arc brief outlines of some of the provisions of certain bills pr.sscd at the last session of the Legislature, and which touch ver/ closely the Interests of farmers of the Province, furnished by the Agricultural Gazette of Canada: Cream and MiJk Pm-rlmse Act. This is a meaetTc designed to pro- tect the producers of cream In '.he matter of test. It provides that all cream purchased in a wholesale waV .shall be purchased on a basis of the butter-fat content, and that all milk that is paid for or. a buttev-fat bavis uhall he tested by th-j Uabcock method. At the present time, of course, practically all cream purchas- ed by wholesale 's bought on a basis of its butter-fat ccntent, so that the chief purpose is to standardize the test and see that the producer gets a fair lest. Tho Act and lleguliitlons prescribe the method of testinj and also provide thai the shipper shall be entitled to a .statement in detail of the quantities of cream i-eceiv^C and the amount which eacn tested. The inspectors are'given au:'.iority to enter factories at all hours and make tests, and also look over the books of the companion, and check up the quantities of cream received and the manner in which it is disposed of. Dog Tax HIU] Slierp Protection Amendment Act. The do? nuisance Is so general and so serious to owners of sheep that j there is an effprt almost every ses- sion to further ^trcngthen the 1< lation to protect sheep owners from losses by dogs. The net introduced nt the recent st.'sion provides tha' all doss in the province shall wear lags, to be secured from tho ofli TS of the munic.ipalily. A 'iiad Off the promises of iis <>v%ai'i and not under the control of ;;:iy p. r u;i aivl not wearing a tag i:ia; Ii" killed by any person, and tl.i re is ; i o a fine to tin- e.xionl of nt least $10 for ihosa who fail to secure tags. This section. liowev. r, doea not come into effect until April 1. 1921. ; ; o :>"o- p!f eiinci'i-ned proper notice. Another aniemim, ni gives the council! of counties power to take over all ilos tail'! 1 , collected and to p.iv out ihe losfes which tray be In- curred through damages to sheep. At the prt.-'tu time these losses are boriv intir-'ly by the township 1 ', which also receive nnd control the revenue iroiii the dog tax. The Sale of Formaldehyde. For .some years past the Depirt- rnenl of AKficnlture and many lead- ing farmers have been advocating the use of formaldehyde for the li'.it- ment of seed grain for smut. Fre- quent complainto were heard Mia' as formaldehyde w. only handle'! in drui; slon i, it v. i not convenient in ninny rural sections win re dm siiiiv.; wen' often lei; or twelve milfs apart. I: wa:; fouad that all that was needed was a slight change in the Pharmacy Act which would put for- maldehyde, in HIP same class as Paris green and other poisons that are handled by hard \vaiv stores or gen- eral stores. It is. of course.-providod that formaldehyde can only be said in sealed package:! carefully labelled "Poison" BO I hat the handling may be properly safeguarded. The Marketing Loan Act. This Is an important measure in- tended to grant tinancial assistance to organizuMons of producers Incor- porated under the Companies Act who ih sit o to construct and opetato seed centres or pciaio warehouses. A loan up to lil'ty pn- cent, of the value of the land, builitiim, and equipment may he made, provided that such \.r.\\\ doe. 1 , not o.veed the sum of $:!.< "> in any one case. This loan Is free of interest for a period of two years, hut lil'ty per cent, must be repaid in lu e years, and Ihe balance al Ihe end of a further period of live years. The act provides tho lu-ual machinery for tlie safeguarding of the Investmont. This measure is Introduced ia re- sponse to an indication that there is a real need in Ontario for encourag- ing the development of local seed centres whore modern equipment for cleaning seed grain can be estab- lished, and in this way u market secured for the good seed produced in many sections. Similarly, there are mdicaiions that several s-ctlons would like to erect potato warehouses n\ urder to carry their product for .1 longer period, instead of forcing il all on the mailie' in a shnxt ii ne. thereby plaeinj the stock under con- trol of the dea'er and speculator. Ili'tter Prevention of Disease. Among Cheapest Car Transportation on Earth THE FORD CAR A number, of good second-hand cars on band. A;full line of accessories for Fords and it- pairs for I. H. C. Farm Implements. ^ Agents for all varieties of I. H C, FARM IMPLEMENTS A complete line of everything to^woik the farm. Lall .and talk it over. - H. DOWN & SONS, PHONE 36 FLESHERTON ' i I I i I I Ifil I i i i i II Flesherton Tin Shop, I have just placed on the shelves a full line ot Tinware, Nickelware ami Agateware for domestic use. Call on me and get your supplies. Eavetrooghing, Stovepipes ami Stove Furnish- ings. Repairing of all kinds promptly attended to. Pipeftttiag, including pump work. Furnaces installed. Agent for Clare Bros. Furnaces. I II M D. McKILLOP CI-IRISTOE BLOCK FLESHERTON & ONTARIO. Ill i& li<! I 181 11 IH! ;LX as If I nil SON ACKEO BY SfXTY EARS' EXPERIENCE! FARM EQUIPMENT DOMINANT IN QUAL- ITY ANOSERVICEI Sixty years of leadership of giving good value, heaping satisfaction and real service! That's why the Gilson name wins respect and confidence from coast to coast. That's why we are proud to tell thia dependable farm equipment. THE CILSON ENGINE "THE WONDERKUL CILSON" lioes. A mensiire passed having for Its object ihe pri'tvMioii of th" spread of diseases ;-iiiei)g hees provides for the enlarg'Miien' of the seinv of the act which mis ITCH on the statute hook;! lor -.nine time. The old net, however, is* routined to foul brood. While this is one of ihe most serious disgusts of hees. there are olhei Ihut havB developed later tlu: lYijuire the nltrntttf) of the Inspeeto:-. The iimeudi'd ,ict al.v> pmvides thai hees or appliam-.s from apiaries where diseiim- has rxiti may he moved on i''i : ill, 'ale fro-. llic 1' Apiar- ist. Former!..- in re \\a pr'ihlhltlnn LkKiiiiml moving hers or ;ippliam.'es under any Th (ainoui C.ilsoa "Gos I. ike Siity" En- nine- .inv -tit (or uny purpose can be luir cha~cil on Iht easy puyincnt plan I.ct it puv fur it^c'.f. It'* ccouoniy ami ilcpcad- utiilitv huvc made it the bingest icliinic m- line in C*uikil>. Let lu itcuiuiirjitc ou your tarn. HYLO SYLO The Hvlo Sylo iniiure) sweet, itcsh. auccutcut en- 5l!.iv;c d.'tl to I tic lost furklul U is built to Ust inilftinitcly. Hxclii^ive putfi.l^l feiUwcs of de- sign uiul i-uustr 11 c t ion r\f>Ui why the ll\ ! is chosen by the discrimin- ating farmer. l'.i\ - u>i itsclt in the Knit M.I "ii Then year after year, pays 100 per cent, profit ^on your investment. Can yon beat n ' "The Wonderful Git>n" tml< supreme. Mote Oil>on Silo Fillers were sold in Canada List vi::ir tti.iii anv othiT moke. It is gunr- autecd to t the Iighte>t running b'jwcr- ttltter made, lie independent Ret a Oilsou Siio Filler nnd fill your own silo- with your own engine. 4 h.p. or larger at the proper lime, wlieu your cor u has the greatest t"eeilinj5 value. THE GILSON SPREADER Manure u the best feltilizeir. You have it. l r se ill The best Muuure Spreailer made is the C'.ilson. Why? It has a wide spreuil. It it low down. lth.iili>;ht driift. It will take a real load. It U ^Trec fruiu clutehes, gears aud all compliettted parts. Call and ee our nart .tc.ilrr. name below. He will save and make you money on the equipment illustrated and on Uilton Threihers, Dixia-Ace Tractov, Wood Saw>, Grinders, Pump Jacks, Beltinf, etc. Write for Catalof . .!/.;./.- in Cjnadti jJ Guaranteed by GILSON MFG. CO., Limited - - GUELPH, ONT. Call and See Nearest Dealer R. J. COLQUE1TE, Feversham, Ont. VULCANIZING Corrected W.ek HntU'1- Windr Whet .......... Sprini- \^ lient CulH ................ 40 U. 42 Barley .................. So to 85 l'ivi ................ 1 tO In 1 ."if Hii,'UvM,v: ............. l roiol 05 I'olatoes ................. TO Hi 1 00 A|>i-i'!t ................. 4 00 to 4 W V\ o li.ur just iiistalltd vu'can:/. ; ug equip- IS to 20 "'''"t "'id are in a position to dj all 'JS 'o'u "8 v uleniznij{ lo bluw-out n ml run cut tires. 1 D to Mo ^ e L '' vo t'f"" 1 ! 1 ' Htu ' satisfactory eervice, 1 SO to 1 SO ""d " l)d J ob ' 8 guaranteed. F. A. YORK & SON Markdale Ont* Bull For Service For Service ruiel-rnil Sonlcli VI'I'N l'i tie I.'!."i44 k'l serviiv LII lot HI, i', .n. 8, Attuiiuii T. !,. $1 50. |irt> trul-i *. - \V. MAU UK. ue l'i-ovl f>lii'Hhi 'in lull on Lot ."'.', (.'niici'Ssieii K', AiU-inism. Tvims lull, ,'*' l " ((l I"' 1 kirwiles if paiil iiiu'do of 9 in ntlis-if inn $2. 1'uio brtds f.S.C'i. Lot II ROliJJUT OSUOKNK. - .

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