July 14 1921 THE FLESHEKTON ADVANCE Your Harvest Expenses J-JAVE you sufficient ready money with which to meet the expense of harvesting your crop ? If not you are cordially invited to discuss your posi- tion with our local Manager. Standard Service always affords practical and help, nil accommodation. THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA. 4jj TOTAL ASSETS OVER NINETY MILLIONS Flesheiton Branch : , . Geo. Mitchell, Manager. ANADIAN P/&OLFIC C. P. R. Time Table. 1 rains leave allows : Going South 7.55 a. m. Mr. and Mrs. Lowndes ere the guests [ i of iheir HauShter, Mrs (Dr.) Murray Xo I B C Shingles at $4 50, also I homemade Watson & SOD, Priceville. j Misa Minerva Stafford of Mootreal ia j Flesherton Station aa | the guest of her aunt, Mrs. J. P. Ottewell. j ! fining North ! M ' 8S Hazel Shunk . t*cher in Toronto, j 11.52 o.m. is visiting friend; here and at Portlaw. Mrs. J. C. Scott and children are ,-: in,- her father at Elora. 4.30 p.m. 9.30|). m. The mails are osea at Flesherton ei follows : For the north at 10.40 a.ui.andj 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south at ' Hiss Florence Bunt uf Toronto ii !>.40 o'clock. For morning train south ( 8pen a ing couple weeks t her home here. mail close at 9 p. m. the previous -vg. ' VICINIY CHIPS R. J. Blackburn and little son of Toronto are guests of relatives herd this Mr. Andrew Sharp of Cryltal City, Man., ii s)pendii;g a month or eo with relatives and friends here. Mrs. J. Mills ii.d little daughter .. t Montreal are holidaying with the for- mer's mother, Mr*. Sullivan. Mr. Charley McTavish of Oshawa p\iJ to his paren s here last week, F"Und Between Fevershsm and fur toe pus* fortnight, returned to their home en Wednesday of this week. Miss El zibetb Bentham is visiting her grandparent* at Eugenia. Mrs. A. Stillwell and two children of Verom, X. J , are spending tht summer with the former's mother, Mrs. S. Roy. ' a 8 {, ort v j s it Misi Shirley Murray was home over . the week er.d from Toronto. Dr. and Mrs. E C. Murray returned to the city with her on Sunday by motor. Mrs. Ma'k Wilson Sr. and daushter, Mis Irene, aceimpinied by Nurse H- ron . of (.> wen Sound are spending a couple' weeks *t Wasi^a Beach. A Flesherton citizen wai recently fined $1 for usinj a cancelled stamp. He claimed th i- he was innocent but p i:d the one and cost*. Messrs. Jack Clarke and Citrl Matthews of B3*tou and Pmf. and Mrs. Dynes of Kuoxvillf, Tennessee, were visitors at F. H. \V. Bidding's last week. Pictures of Flesliert'Tj bill team taken list week are ood. Any.ir.o wantlni, a copy should leave their names with the secretary. S. E dtCndmnitf. Misses E'sie Ciswell, Uacher at Thorn- loe, and Edna Caswell, nurse iu training :i' Kucheuer, aru home for holiday?. The latter will re-uain for three months. n Died At the residence of Mr. Henry Ch.irch of England Divine service Wilson, Flesherton, on Friday morning wi.l (D V.) beiield every Sunday evening July Sih, John Henry LeCard, aged M in the town hall at 7 p.m. Rev. George year*. The funeral took place on Satur- day afternoon to Fleshrrtou. cemetery. Osprey Council A i the members were preient at the regular meeting of Osprey Council held ae Siughtmpton on Saturday, July 2od. After readio? and adoption of minu'es of last meeting the foLnwing accounts ier passed : Municipal World $27 64 for supplies for Clerk, C M Field $55.00 sheep claim, Wn> P Dey $5 \)o repairing grader, vVtn L McKinnr.n 8'JOO repairing grader H W Keruahnn 82.50 stamp*. The following eravel nccounU were ordered to be paid : Wm McCutchecn |15.12,v7m Knight $.1'2,T H Welherall $21.50, John Seeley $29 12, J Thompson $50.62, James Hudson 8, (Jeo Whiteoak 16 75, II Mclnnes $1'J 62. L Kertou $26 L> McMillan 87.50. McKenzie Poole That this C uncil p^y John Miller 3 l,r the use of h:a house for poiling bth for the municipal election held in January, 1021. McKenzie E'lwrds That this Coun- cil take no action this yew in opening tha townline between Artemesia aud Jsprey opposite concessions 1 and 2, S D R, and that the Clerk notify the Clerk of Artemesia to that effect. Poole Eiwards - That the Clerk wnte to Mr Hanucn ins'rurtina him i.j rtfuni the atrount i f ihree dollars pa:d him in error for use ;f polling booth in subdivision NJ 7 for the a.unicipal elec;ion of January, 1'Jil MeKe; zie Edwards That the Clerk notify Aibett Arnott to se't!-s for the cement he purchased from this C.'Ui.cil in February, 1021. ROES Poole -Th it the Reeve and Deputy Reeve rrc ne S3 each for meet- ing Commi^si.-ner Uusseil of Melanc'hoo town;h p regarding expenditure on the townline, M and O, 192*3. A^so the Summer Specials White Canvas Footwear, Silk and Lisle Hosiery, New Pumps and Oxfords, Negligee Shirts, Soft Collars, Straw Hats, Bathing Suits Light Weight Underwear, Coatless Suspenders, Wash Dresses and Skirts, Whitewear, Muslin and Wash Goods, Dress Ginghams, Rain Coats. Every Requisite for Preserving Granulated Sugar in 10, 20 and 100 pound bags. Jem Jars half gallons, quarts and pints. Perfect Seal Jars quarts and pints Jar Rubbers, Metal Jar Rings, Parowax, Preserving Kettles big range of sizes, Jar Fillers, Jelly Strainers, Cullen- ders, Long Spoons, Fruit Presses, Measures. F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON ONTARIO 1 < Flesherton on Sunday, July 10, bruwn > Hteve ud Mr Edwards $3 each for c*p. Owner please communictta with ' investigating drain acrcsi from 40th The Advance and pay expense*. Mr. and Mrs. Fred McTavish i f Oshaw*. who have beeti holidaying here siueroad eul between concessions 1 and - > D K, al*o the Reeve and Deputy I'-ve SO each for services re l-ridge on 20th sideroad. Kjwitds Pocle That Mr. Ross proceed to have ihe machine gun pre- Died-Suddeoly, at his home in Arte- | stlred to Feversh-.ro sutibly mounted mesu. on Tuesday, July 12. William ; ou . CODcrete base OD the mi; , rMerve . Heasiip, aged 03 yearj. Funeral in Thursday it 2 o'clock to Salem cemetery Fcveishiui. U'.ss Poole That I : nil to an Heavy rains the latter pirt of tat I appropriation of 9200 be gnnUH t.ieuh week did a It of good to surrounding ' commissioner to ce "pei.r, if nect<i:y. sections, but Flesherion was omitted j un the roid* ;n l;n d:vis : i..i). fro.n the f ivor. Hoot and other crops are tatiering. List between Durham and Price- ville on Wednesday, July tt, a han i grip containing butter tester and jthjr small articles. Finder kindly leave at this i ffice. Sf.MMKK TERM i"iPEN* H'LY V.h a 1 , the Owen Sound, Ont. Individual Ir.siriiction in all Commercial, >u''j-cH. Catalogue Free. C A. FLEMING, F. C. A., Princi|a G. D. FLEMIN'.. S?cr?Ury. Mention this paper when writing) The Council then adjourned >^ITI ;n Feveranam iu i h. t'.'-.'l. meet Aug. Bull For Service t'uro bri-d DurVam bull. Nn 1-4. 1 service nn I, t !*;_'. S \V T A S 1'. Arte- iii-^ii' fSini' 5'- for cradei". ?.') f'<r thorou s hbreU*. C AKiNS, Pn p i^e und Charles Streets. Toronto I i:.ited throughout ('inada f'>r ^ri.ie work. Hri'e for C'ltnlOijue n.i nirinjet' enter at our Fill T"rm "p % i ing August 29ih. We have filled p sri' i < recyLtiy at 1.")0 > m -nth ud J270* 1 t or annum. \V. J. ELLIOTT. H. Vrooman, B.A LTh., Uec'.-ir. Uulytf Mi-s -Sparks of Hamilton is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Fisher, she favored the congregations of bolh the Presbyterian and Metbodut Churches here on Sanday with well rendered sulos. Mr. J. Rtdley, accompanied by hi* mother, Mrs. H. U-tdley, and two sislers, Misses Pnarl and liuby B idley. motored up from Toronto and are enjoying a holi- diy at Shadowbr^oK Farm Mrs. Kd B^st visited with friend:, in Toronto last week and n is accouipmied home by her mother, Mis. H. C. Le-- Gard, who has spent the past month with her daughters there. The U. F. O clubs of Proton held theii picnic t Hopeville on Wednesday afternoon of ! i,: week when a Urge crowd wis present. Mr. !. -,-, occupied the chair. Tho principal speakers were Miss A^nes McPhail. Mr. Siacey of KrjglatiJ, and S -cre;ry J. J. Morrison of T- roulo. Dandtlk bind rendered music throughout the :ifternoon. The commitc>e in charga of cleaning up the Memorial t' irk will hold a bee on Fridiy afternoon, July 15th, at one o'clock. The fence for th* Park has been received and the cxnmittez is Mr. W. Inkster hands in some stalks of timothy measuring "> feet 7 inches atd rtd clover 4 feet 8 iuches in height. Tiiia is ,t phenauenul growth for th s season. - . . , BOOTS & SHOES I In Ladies' Wear we have Kid, Dongola, Gun Metal and Box Call. For Men's Wear \ve have a nice assortment of Mahogany and some good lines in Black. Also very serviceable Work Boots. Repairing promptly attended to. THOS. CLAYTON FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO New Tailor Shop * . * ' Myr'Je and Evelina Hacking, : who have been atten Jing >jh -ol hare for 'hu past year, have returned to iheir home at Hope, B. C. They were accom- i piuied by their grandmother. Mra. Aif. : Thiillethwaite. Mr. and Mrs. Fred M. Breen anJ two children motored over from Cadilac, Michigan, last week. The latter has returned but Mrs Breeu and children will rennin for a time with her parents, Mr. and Mis W. W. Tumble. Mr. James McCiccklin of Moose Jaw, Sask., vi-ij'ea relatives here on Saturday auJ gave Tne Advance a friendly ctx'l. Ho was accompanied by hi? brothers, 1 1. and Arthur of Durham and Fred of I wu-h t' 1 unnounoe to the people of Flesherton anil surround hi country that 1 have opened a Tailoring Establishment in the old Armstrong Block, t'lesher- ton. and am now in a position.to supply your wants in either Pants. Coat*, Suits or Overcoats. Come in and see our line of samples. They are complete. Overcoats turned to look like new. Cleaninir. Pressing am' Repairing done on shortest notice. The Victrola T K. J. Sproule, insurance, conveysn and money lending, has moved h:s ottioe from tha McDonald Building back to the eld Drugstore buildiug he occupied so long, before moving from the M. K. Buildir.tr, where he wiil be pleased io meet his old friends and as many nw aniious to get the P,irk cleaned up before ! one , a8 ( ee \ iik e p, lionizing him. tho fonco. V.'U aro asked to be ; A girden party, under the tuspiees of tho Young People's Guild of the Presby- terian Church, will be held on Tuesdav, Mlir last \V,.dnc 8 day evening to pUy a Ju , y mb> ^ (he Agricultul|ll gau.e, for which they were to receive Fleshertoii. A tive dollars. After the game T. C. BLAKELY, Armstrong Block, Flesherton g M^WWWWwS on hand at 1.00 o'clock sharp. buscball club went to Gib- the c!ub was charged the five dollars for their supper. The, club also bad to pay for their own transportation. The- fun was a.M iu favor of Gibraltar. It isn't tl fust time Gibralter has been found i > be a bad thing for navigators to run up against. We notice by an Americiu paper that W. J. McAleer, an old Grey County boy and a successful Itwyer of Hammond, Indianna, won two damigd suits in one vook recently . One suit involved 3UOOO and the other a record sum of ?33.0uU. The gentleman referred to visited old Groundp, baseball match at 4.iO o'clock, (upper at o'clock, football match at 7 W) o'clock and. fireworks will be the chief features of the program. Vdmtcojon ^3 and 25c. The Eugenia soldiers' monument will be unveiled on Thursday of next week. July 21, when a great day is eipectrd with many prominent speakers, a parade of returned men, and a baseball mateh. Sea largo bills for full particulars. Ary person wishing to donate flowers kindly hand them in on the morning of the 2Ut Finest Groceries, Confectionery and Ice Cr$am scenes here last summer, and nnny fi'lends hare would like to see him return a;im this summer. Hit good nature is phenomenal and it is no d^ubt this i< what has nude him such a success in l ! nk Sam's Courts. Mr. McAlecr lived at Eucenia, Markdale nd Ceylon in his you-h. Ho is one cf our Grey ty\vs who ', Telephone t-ll-W has aisde gool, I j| y jo DR. F. C. NIXON Optumetriit and Optical Speciaiut Huronisrio Street tu-ar Tliiid Street, Colling wood, .Ontariii Appointments : Daily a. ui. to u p. m. Evenings and Holiday* mstigcd. Box 10i3G GROCERIES- All kind? of Groceries. We handle the best goods obtainable. A trial older will convince. CONFECTIONERY- * Neilsuu's and Willard's Chqcolates in boxes aud bulk. Christies' Fancy and Soda Biscuits. ICE CREAM- Our Ice Cream Parlours are running lull swing. Try City Dairy Dainties. EDISON PHONOGRAPHS Hear the Edison at our store. We also handle Edison Aniberola Records. Bellamy's Grocery, Telephone No. 37 Flesherlon, Ont. HE VICTROLA is the one in- strument to which the world .s greatest artists have intrusted their art an unanswerable acknowl- edgement of its artistic achieve- ment. Moreover The Victrola is the only instrument specially made to play the records which tli3.se 'A-orld-famed artists have made. Music is Co the mind what rain is to the soil an absolute necessity. You are cordially invited to inspect our musical master-pieces W. A. ARMSTRONG. Phones 13 and 28. Fleshertou, Ont. --.- :---.-.- .---^ FARM IMPLEMENTS WAGONS, HARROWS PLOWS flg* SPECIAL PRICES IN New Tubular Shnrples Separators JOHN HEARD, IM PLEMENT 4QENT. FLESHERTON.