Vol42, No.tf Fleslierton, Ont., July 14 FEVERSHAM i The long looked for rain has come at last and the excesstv* heat has rnoderaUd. It waa 100 degrees one dy las* week in this blue mountain village. Mrs McDnrmid and children of Pen- delton, Oregon, are visiting with the funner s sister, Mrs Ern Hw'on. Mr and Mr Addy Henm of (Jabri, Saek., Hie renewing old acquaintances around hero this summer. Mf Heron moved out weit from here in 1013 and' Iccited near Cabri, 50 mile* north of Swift Current, Sisk. Mr and Mrs Henm'a many friends were glad to see thi ui once again. Miis Foster of Proton S'ation ia visit- ing at Mies K.la Alister's with her sisier, Miss Maiy Foster. A. large crowd of ou'aide people were in the village on Saturday uight and ice cream was in great demand at mine hosts Thornbury of the village inn and at ,'ulian's grocery across tha ndlr. \\e also noticed tht many of the farmer* brought in produce and l>u-iuess was brisk at our stores until rn'diiuht Mr and Mis R ' Go'que.ltB motorrd over to Port McNicoll on Wednesday last aud spent a few days with their son, Will, and wife. Oprey District L O L celebrated the glorious twelfth in FdVdrshaiu this ymr More anon. Good accommodation for all travellers at our temperance hotel now ai.d mine hokl Thornbury 19 paying stiict attention to traveller's accommodation. Mr and Mra Will Conn, jr., nd family spent Sundny with Mr i d Mrs Thos Lug'r}*nf R-ivenn*. Mr auc Mis A Mclntyro of Mclulji.-, and Mcsdaines Graham End MclUe and children of Wellwcod, M.ui , tpei.t Sunday w.th Mr and Mrs. T DtvrJsuii of Rob Roy. Mi=a Wheeler of Eiin spent a fow days with her friend, May Whiteoik, last week. Kav Jas Crown of Maxwell preached an excellent sermon to the Orange Brethren of L O L No 1085 uii Sunday evening. Mr and Mm Itell of North Dako's spent Sunday with Mr and MrsThoa Thornbury of th-j Temperance, Hotel. John Piper, a boy of 18 years of *>ue, living at (ilencaiin, in Simc >e C>uuty, has teen sentenced by His Honor .Indue Vance to one year at Buiw.t.sh for attempting to administer obnoxious or destructive material to Miss Flossie Daily of Brentwood. Mr. E. W. Beatty's special truin struck and killed two cows belonging to Wrn. vVheil.lon of R. R. No 1, C'h.iis- wot th . The accident occurred sb.-ut li M Wednesday morning as the, special train was nearing Chats worth. Tiie CM .is weio being driven across the track on the wi>y to the pasture by Mr. \Vluildon, who was not expect ing > train at that time of the morning, when the accident happened. Mr. Beatiy felt very badly about 'tlio unfortunate occurrence Sun Times. Sherwiu Williams Paints The old reliable, most durable and economical Paint, that costs less per job and wea*s longer. Made in one quality only the very best. Flat Tone for artistic decorations of interior walls, ceilings and woodwork, (fives a soft, velvety l! it ell'oct. Insido Floor Paint a splendid puiut for iiiMije) tloors made to walk on. Sher- Will-Lac T.S a combinatii of transparent stain and varnish for -finishim! and restoring in one operation 'he surfaces of furniture, Hoors nnd all interior woodwork. Auto Eiiiimol A vnrnish gloss enamel especially adaj ted for out- i'le exposure ; and many ether finishers Mar-not. Kopal and Liquid Granite Varnisbee. All sizes of brushes and other n quisites for spring cleaning up. Cull and get a color card. Any information regarding pain irig _' mi\ niveii. Highest Prices Paid For Produce. F. W. DUNCAN Hardware and Paints Phone 30 r 1 1 Flesherton, Ontario KIMBERLEY Weather is still very hot and dry.) The berry pickers are out again. I th.nk evt-ry permn who owns a home should rnve a berry patch. I have often thought that every farmer should have a maple grove. We cannot hafe the grovn but we can have a btrry patch. I fancy I hear one woman say to another, what woe the matter / I f"id nod see you at church Sunday morning. Were you or any if the children sick ? No, I wan picking berries all week and when Sun- d-iy came I was just tow tired to go to church. Mr and Mrs Wilfred Plan't visited at Mr Saul Fawcett's recently. Sorry to hear ihat. Mr D Wallace is somewhat under the westlier. Hope oon to hesr of his recovery. The ii:t cut < f alfalfa and tweet clover ia about completed. The timothy ii light. Apparently the applet) in this vicinity will be as scarce th s year as they wttre plen iful ! i- 1 ye<>r. J >hii Mattt'o ha* purchased a Fwrd car. See the girls smile. The Late Hugh Hammond A very sail gloom was cast over Kim- berley on the -Urd June, when a 'plume mes-age reached litre tint Uu|>h Han.- aiond hi I died in Collingo<ja hnRpital f illuwing n i n.-i i i i, for appendicilit. Hiiuli had been much trnub'ed with appendicitis since he w-ts a lad of 17 He had nut bi-n well for some time, but did nut c >mp''n much until Tuesday, when ho was working around home ?c iiceiy able to ktep up. Wed- .i-.liy 'C.H kept h:s bed and towards evtfi.ii u 'I'nk much worio. ThursiUy he .v .- i tk. n to the hosi i'ltl and operated on. Ki i, i il-t had every hope for hi* safe i. ry uuti) the fi.IK.wing XVedaesdiiy noon, wlirn a great cliaugt! uim<9 over him ii.d he panged a*y liext morning about 4 30 His wife, who sUyeJ with him duiing all his ickna in hoKpita 1 , two daughter-, bmthcr John and <it!m friend.', were with him when he died. Lluiiri was in hi- 1 :'Tih je ; "'' tt| 'd was nnu of the best ill n/uivl fellows ind Otj');h- liors thv cou d l-e f..und Fourte-.n years ago IIH :iiuned Miss MoMullen i Kuiteiii-t. Theyf.innid near Kmiberley tor five yeiirs", when th^y moved to a farm near Priceville. About rive years ago. when Mr. H'lnimond, Sr, died, Hugh and f nn !y came to Kiinberley and look over tlio atorv and posti'lUcf, wherf he wag always bked. K'eryoiie, and o!d, will always miss Hugh's voice ard ,IIII|H. He leaves a not rowing *iTe n-l rive children- ILizel, Blanche. Mervyn, Russeil u d E>telK to mourn 'hi 1 ex'rem log* of a loving hujb.nid and fi li- r : also a dvi.|.>il mother, two brothers John E. of Mca f- r.l hi^h school, Wil'.t.'Rcher in Toruntu ri il i lie filter, !Mis Frurik Uutchin.soii (Edith) of Swift Current, -Sask., and who arrived In time f;<r the funeral. The remains of this loved one wern f akeii to Thornbury ceme ery on .luue 27 th and laid to rest. Bu-iunful wn-atlis, sprays and H iwera rested on and nor the cn.sket, from Mr. aud Mrs \Vm Lirye, Eugenia ; .Air. and Mrs. Well. Graham Kuijenift ; Mr. and Mrs. A'fx. ( imrhers, Eugenia ; Lemon Bcos., Owen Sound ; Mr and Mm. Oliver h-win, cross from thd Stewart Bros., Women's Institute and Lidies' Aid of Kiinberley. Rev. Mr. Veales took charge of the funeral "erviufe. The pall bearnrs were the brothers, John aud XVill : two brothers in-law. Jasper Stuart and Russell McMullen ; and two cousins, Sandfoid Knott at d Rob Stuart). A very lars;e number of people were pres- ent tn s-how their sympa'hy for a loved one CARD OF THANKS I desire to thank the friends for many kindnesses shown during the extended illness of J. II. LeG ard. Henry Wilsor, Farm For Sale Lot 27, Con. 1H. Arlemesia, C')i>8itii g ' of KM) acres, all cleared, and nil th prem ] ises is a good brick veneered 11 room dwelling with aood cellar aud *oo<isheJ, "5 acres under cultivation, buhnce in pasture with stoil i.ever failina spring, l two snull orchards, well close to house ; bank barn 40x00 on stone foundation and comi'iit .^tablinsr, litter currier in stable i nlso a unod well, ilriveslied and pirage, a si'C"iid fairly ir>od barn 40x43, gord hen , house. For panicu'ars apply to -LEWIS GENOE. I Eugenia, R. R. No. 1 EAST MOUNTAIN Berry picking! School closed on June 30 with a picnic in ihe afternoon and a party at ni^ht. T.ie picnic pioved a success i< theie was a large, crowd in attendance. An inter- eatiut; game of baseball was played between the Euphrusia Lumber C". aud our tiast Mountaineprs which ended in the score of 13-12 in favor of the Mount- aineers. Our boys ah iuld join the League and try their athletic strength there. The party, wh'ch was held at the homo of Mr Thompson Allen, broke up in the wee nn.-t hours o iiiornia 1 , each one, ttu 1114)1 tired, felt quite pleased after their day's (port. The teacher, Miss Armstrong, returned nexc mmniiig to bet hoi.-e at Huutsvilie for the ho'itlajN. The .Misses Annie and Pearl Allen fr nn their school nc'ir DuiuUlk aud Mis Alma lIum^erHtoiie from IHT i-chou! at Killari.ey HI-J home for the ho!id>ys. &lra Clarencu Thompson (nee Miss Eva Jiiinesi.il) of C.iyley, Susk , i home on a visit. Basil Carruther.s and John Urr have each bom working wiih their toauis on the grader near Eugenia The roads are being unproved and they need it. A number attended the party g'vtn at M 1 1. i f, Dunc'tn, Wedniisdty e^ei,ing. J,i.s llarboltle has been hclpina his brother, Will, near Hea:hcote for a fe'V days, We are planned to report Mrs G Allen, who ia in Collingwood hospital, c mtiu- ually lecuvcih from her recent opetatinn. The Glorious Twelfth was here and is gona attain. S m attended the cclebi-i- tion at Fcveieli mi ai.d Dunualk . PORT LAW John Mclntyre ot VberU \a v with his sister, Mrs Albert Thompson. Cunurutulitions to Master Ubert Morton in Imvinu suecesfu'ly vaed his third year exuniuition if hn ineilic.il course \V,i i.iiii T.iy'.i 'i , ''I and dHUgliter,and M..--.S Lizzi Tiiouip'on und Fred Taylor n: ' .'t- d to Toronto ri'Cfii'ly. ^li.-s Violet rni lined for a mote ext -ndcd visit ai.d Mis* H >/. 1 Sliunk rt-iurned wiih the pnrty and is visiting frieuds in this ptit. Mrs (Jeo C"i)il!e at'd two children <! Torootr are visiting the former'* filter, Mis McLennan. MM Williams of Toronto with two children is vtsiiiiig at XV H McNailyV Rev Mr Kippen preached in Muun: Xion chuich en Sunday for the first time and I>U di.sn.m>e <va.s much appreciated. A Mn.vi"-ful pistira:e is predicted. Thu men of the cou^re^ntion 'urui'd out some iiino HUD and trimmcil up the rlnir-h ^riin.is and uoiiiplettcl tin* erection of a nent mid subH'aiitial fence in f>ont if the church property. Miss Vina and Mr CUrince W.itson mo'oiul to Torniito last week in company will Rev ,ii. .1 Mrs Kat(le ft Holland Centre and enjoje'l a visit with relatives iu the city . SPRINGHILL Miis Stella On of M irkham returned home fur the >uiiinicr holidays. Mr and Mrs Alex Stewrt of Owen Sound spent a few days at Alf Harrison's and other relatives here. Stuart Ellis of riimburley lias returned home after spending a wetk witb his sister, Mrs K Chard. Mis Brown and son of Brighton spent a few diiys wiih her brother, Roy ThmiUihwaite. Mr Jack Page and wife of Toronto ate visiting at Kobt Best'?. Mi.s Klo:enco Ree has gone to her home in Brampton. .Mi Irving aud wife nf Toionlo, who have been visiting with the latter's preu:s heie, returned to their hoiiie in Toront/3. Mr stid Mis W T K'lis of K.imberley spent Suuilay at II Chard's. Robert Best and wife nd Mr and Mrs Pago \isited relatives in Owen Sound on Fii(.'ay hv Mr A Reid, wife and daughters, May and Margaret, spent a liny u-t wtek at Claude Akiua 1 . Miss Klioda Hest has rututned home after spending a fortnight ia Toronto. MAXWELL Kec.ei.t showers have helped the crops and garden srulf, which they were ill bad need of. The Pretbyteriao garden p-irty heH at Angus Morrison's w.is a hu^e suece"s, they realizing $1>07 :JO. Born To Mr and Mis J L Morrison on Friday, July 8U), a daughter. Flora Donalda. \\V lire pleased to report the sick of our burg progressing f.ivorably. Mrs W K Irwin and baby Ruth, <,f Windsor, are viniiing with the, formers parei.ts, llr and Mrs Liwler. Mr Yrooman, pastor of St. Maiy's cliurch, preached to tha Orangemen on Sunday Ut. Johnny Parker wis t ilci'ii to Colling- '" i hospj.al Mid oppritad oa for appen' dieitis and ia doing M well us cu he eifeoled. Mr Chaa Haron nd dnuijhi.r. M,- ir - Karef, visited with fm ivis in Bull'. In mid Victoria Corners Crowded Out Last \\ '. . k Mr Rumble preached his fdu-H-i-K ini >n lust Sui.d.iy. Mr and Mrs Ucyiu mid babe, Jack, of Toronto, visited at Milton Bun: couple nf days ln-t wv.-k. Mrs Ni;>-ti n Binnuii . ^i>.l l lI)^ <\ f, d.iys .-it l:er home near Bethel. Win Ljpifo ot O*eD Snuiid h s Jirntl.ur, Gen Muiiio. M M Marshall i f Toronto JK the m>'.-r of friends here. .MiH Moir^onifry u" Dund i k VIM',-,! ' few diiyg with her suter, ftlis XV M, ,m- I; 4 Stevens reiurned from c-iinp .it Niagara on Saturday is . appointment* conference Suuil y. The theme of their service was the Prodiu-il S in, iliviiied into four luads I The boy's home und hi early lifo. L> T!.c boy's di'~ire to ICHVH, und his . ,li-iini;s. 3 Tim l.oy's wrctcheuiir 4 Mis df*iru to rcttun and hin re'.i.ii The rhnir aUo rei .di-n d music i('|/r |niute to the ihnno. VV L ' an- pn ud nt >u.-h oli-ver young people and i.shtliey mmlil ^:vc un the |jri'urmn r: i u Minn Laiillaw of O imilton ai.d Mi.-s Liidltnv ol Sheiburne visiteii their brother lust week. Mr :i;.d Mrs L ( rtl r of F.iri -> ', (Causal, viai^ed the lalter'a l<u:!.,r, Mr Thnm is Bannon. (This Week's Item*) Miss Anderson of Berkeley is \i her cousin, Mis Milton Binn<>n. Mr 4iid Mrs K I b'riscranl tw t,ins of Bmnpton visited his cc'usin, .Mr .) i> Lock hart. The younu people of Inistioge ^ .- Mr itnl Mr* Oliver Coruett a showi . last Friday evening. M >ses O and L Gallagher of Oi.-i.i^i-- ille visited at Mr Uallauher'i. Mrs W Qallkqhcr aprtined I><M ankle on Saturday. Miss Stella Aclicson ret in ii^il .,n Si-. urday evening after visiting fur :i c ii|'!e of weeks in Tor into. Mrs Welsh of Dund-t'iK is wail'ni; on .Mrs W Moore, wh is not impioMiij; as rapidiy as we would like to see her. Mr .Lts L'ickhart received a elegra.n that Rev rVler Carupbell of M iple i)ied this tnorning, Monday, July Il"i Mrs Look hart gois to Tot-on n ,md Maple toi,i"lu. DIAMOND ENGAGEMENT RINGS There is at h-ast ono period' in your life \vlien nothing Kiit the li;>st nan fiillv f\|ne>> your feelings of L< v-'iui'l Devotion. 1 h;U. nidii.i M , is when v<>u place rh;it link circle' th:! forever is the -yinlx'! ol mut- ual conri<!enr ai L affection. T:i- M' 1 .1 ill" -i .'- il_: r i." ln^l in Diamond .1 . ileiy arc uiirJiully invited ! o in- Spivt OUl' culll'l" i !1 W. A. ARMSTRONG Jeweler, FLESHERTON, - ONT. Bates Burial Co. BUSINESS ^S USUAL Funeral Directors and Embalmers Phone Hillcrest 268 124 Avenue Road, Toronto, Ont. MOTOR EQUIPMENT J. W. Bates, R Maddocks, President. Manager Now is the time to re- new your subscription to The Advance. 99 I If s Safe in this Bank Money out of Bank may be spent unwisely, lost, stolen or destroyed. But money deposited in The Mer- chants Bank is secure against extravagance, fire or theft. On pay-day, put all your money in a Savings Account and pay the necessary bills by cheque. Yc i will fir.d more money stays in the Bank your ivings are earning 1 interest and the cancelled cheqv 3 aru receipts for bills paid. Open a Savings Account U ;ay. TM MCRC HANTS BANK Head Office : Montreal. OF CANADA Established 1864. FLESHERTON A- JD CEYLON BRANCHES, J. C. SCOTT, - . ... Manager. House of Quality Now is the time to sow your Beet and Turnip Seed. We handle Rennie's one of the best on the market. FLOUR Royal Household. We also handle Ladies' Favorite, Hill's Sovereign, and Perfection ; also Hill's Pastry Flour. We handle Rennie's Seed Corn including : Compton's Early, Wisconsin No. 7, North Dakota, Longfellow Improved Leamington. W. J. STEWART & SONS Flour, Feed, Seeds, Groceries and Confectionery Fleshcrton, - Ontario Run Over By Tractor A severe iccident befel \V. H. Hunter of the 20th con. of Es/reiin.ni on Tuesday ui.'i in:' j. nhvn Iho front wheel f his tractor ran across his chest, causing painful injuries, tlx'tiuh as yet no boiien are known io have been brokt-n. lie was HIM: ii on tilt) Ira M or backing it nut of the shed. From the sill of the vlied to the jjri.uml alonusido there is a drop of nearly a f.'Ot, and there was a nut itlf the lop of the steeling wheel. In taking this ilrop with >i uood supply ot as mi, !(ie hi ixh jerked l)i>n off with the lo> sa steering wheel and he fell backwtro between the wheels. It ran over his ! dies', dragging him afoot or two, tearing i his .-hii', and badly scratching his back. It :. poesible his spine may be irjured. | He is suturing much, but Drs. Snenlh and Mair, who are in attendance, have groj hopes for hts recovery. Review. Prices Cut to Pieces We have reduced our entire stock of Ladies' Hats, Veils, Trimmings one third. Our hats are aM this season's stock in the very latest styles. Don't miss getting one at away below cost. Big Reductions in all other Goods fe W. L. WRIGHT, orner Store, Flcsherton "