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Flesherton Advance, 7 Jul 1921, p. 5

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July 7 192? THE FLESHEKTON ADVANCE - ' - . ... ' i : ' >4 M4 ,v Your Harvest Expenses J-JAVE you sufficient ready money with which to meet the expense of harvesting your crop ? If not you are cordially invited to discuss your posi- tion with our local Manager. Standard Service always affords practical and help- ful accommodation. THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA. 4JJ TOTAL ASSETS OVER NINETY MILLIONS Flesherton Branch: - > . Geo. Mitchell, Manager. ANADIAN PACIFIC No I B C Shingles at 84.50, also homemade Watson & Son, Priceville. Harry Legard is home from Toronto for two weeks holidays. Charles Phillips of the Toronto police force is holidaying with friends here. Thomas Chard, who hai been teaching 11.52 p.m. ' n Toronto, is here for the holidays. 9.30p. m. j E D< Rentham is home from Hsmil- osea at Flesherton as ton for few wee k 8 > holidays. r. mill Mrs. J. D. Clark of Ottawa C. P. R. Time Table. leave Flesherton Station j Going North 1 rains allows : Going South 7. 55 a. m. 4.30p.m. The mails are follows : For the north at 10.40 a. in. and i 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south at 3.40 o'clock. For morning train south ! are visiting relative* here. mail close at 9 p. in. the previous evg. \ * VICINIY CHIPS W. J Jatmeson and family of Toronto visited friends here over the weeK end.' Mr. Fred Mathewson hua started the erection of u new residence on his lot, Sydenham street. MI..H Lilian Bunt, who has been f(jr ^ ho ,.- day9- Miss Dell Thurston of CooksvLte | public ichool i.s hmne fur holidays. Mrs Andrew Benthaui of West Turon- ] ^ to is voting friends here. 'J children and Mr. Palter of Toronto The Methodist Sabbath school picnic , weru v i s itj,, K j n town over the First at was held in Lever's grove ou Monday. j,;j Best's. Mr. Jack McCowell of Toronto spent tho past week with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. A. Reid of Guelph and Misses May and Marejnret Hold and Dr. Will Wilson, wife and two little sons, i s tat)ley spl;nt Friday last with friends of St Catherines, is visiting his mother bere. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bellamy of Culling- wood are holidaying wiih the former's parents here. Barn On t'une 2(!th to Mr. and Mrs. Howard Sun. li of Rob Roy a daughter Doiia Arlene. Mr A . S. Thurston of the Farmer's heii>, having motored up the day before. Mesdamts Dan and Georgo MuTavish and Mr. Fred McTavish motored to St. Pauls on S-if unlay. Miss Mamie Mc- Tavisli, who has been visiting at Windsor for a couple of months, returned wfth them. I have an excellent line of lino rubber goods on hand aprons, working glover, Sun start' is spending a fortnight with his ! etc. I alno take otders for Spirella family here. I corsets and have a f >v samp'ies which I Dra. Bob and Tom Henderson and Dr. | wil1 s-' 1 ' ereatly reduced Miss V. A. Murray and families of TurontJ spent tho Nicholson, Flesherton. w.ek end with friends here. For Sale-Two M U Binders, one 6ft Miss Reno Cargoe is home from Tor- 1 cut and one 7ft cut, in good working onto to spend a coup'a weeks at her order, second hand- John Wright, home here. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Howard, Miss Bunt and Mr. Jack Bunt motored from second Flesherton. Church of England Divine service will (D. V.) be held every Sunday evening Tor <nto^ and spent the week end with j in the town ha n at 7 p . m . R ev . George H. Vrooman, B.A , LTh., Hector. Uuly tf Mr. Haviland, high school principal, W. U. Buuc here. Doc Fairey, wife and littlu daughter, and Mr. and Mrs. Perrin and little son, of Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. Joseph left on 'I'h in si iny for Toronto, wheie Clinton last week . lie will George Brackeubury of McTavish's 1 Schoo! garage is on a week's motoring trip to St. Mary's, London and Fines*. Ho n ccompit) ied by his mother and sister. Mr. Harmon Radley is holding an auction sale of farm stock, implements, grain, hay, etc., on Saturday, July 9, at his farm, 1 4 miles east of Fleiherton on the Collingwood gravel. Sale at 1 o'clock. See advertisement in this issue and bills. nrirk papers for tho Lower Miss Holmes, also of the high school atalf, ia also marking. Mr. Haviland and Miss Leslie are marking the Entrance papers. About 30 pupil 1 * wrote off their erams here. The sun has been giving us a tasts of tropical heat during the past week. Thn thermomete* for several days flirted around 90 to 95. The weather was ideal for hatching potato bugs, also for curirg sweet clover, which is on tho tame plane b'lenhertou was deserted on Friday j this year with the farmers. last. Aidoaen car loads went down to Rey j fi _ (he new of _ Wasaga Beach for the d.y and a number ( MethodJ8t churnhi ocoupied hw pulpit here gunday n)orni||g> Tha eveniDg service w*s withdrawn on account of of celebrators aUo attended the garden party at Vandeleur. The carrying of mail from the station, I anriivnrsary services in the Presbyterian which has been faithfully sonducted hy i Church, where ULV. Pilkey jf Owen W.Moore for several years past, has i Sound preached morning and evening to been taken over4>y Bert Fawcett of the largo congregations. Flesherton livery. Mr. Moore still ! London has sidewalk artists who make continues his express and passenger , prelty pictures on the sidewalks f<r business. tuppence ha'penny. Flesherton has The following item appeared in The sidewalk artists, too, who maku pictures Globe of June 30, 1871, just 50 yeai-i free. The London artists are humans, ag", which goes to prove thut Flesnertrn | Ours are cows. Our citizens appear to is exactly 50 years behind the timep. i bj satish'ed with the difference. "Three rlower beds were destroyed on j R, J. Sproule, insurance, conveyan- Pembroke street last night. Depreda- ; o ng :>nd money lending, has moved his tions of this sort are numerous and will j o frine from the McDonald Building back be aa long as cows arc allowed to wnnder , to the old DrUyStore building he occupied where they please through the streets so long, before moving from the M. K, 1 Ruildiuir, where he will bd pleased to the road ! nieet his old fi lends and us many new of Toronlo." A change lias been made in building ni this section of the 'county ' onea as fuel like pationizing him. highway by the manager, Mr. Nichol. The ciushed stone has been discarded and replaced by gravel watered and rolled. The village gave (he mad makers a demonstration (his spring on the axcelUnce of a rolled gravel mad and the demonstration has evidently borne fruit. The rolled gravnl appears to be fully s satisfactory as the crushed stone and comes considerably cheaper. At tho last regular meeting of Piinca Arthur Lodge 333 A.F.&A.M. the foilow- ing dllicois were installed : W M , P Muir; S W, A Sinclair; J W , G K Banks; Chap., Rev C S Jonas ; Treas , Joseph Blackburn; Sec., RG Holland; S D , T W Phillips; .f D, R H Me Donkey; D of C, C N Richardson; 1 G, R Down; S S. LI B Mclntoth; J S, A B Me Arthur; Tyler, W J Meads. A njr fatality occurred at Wnsaga [ Excessive heat drove the editor to the Beach on Friday list when Oeo. Stewart, I millpond this week where he drank of the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Will Stewart ! fountain of youth again (no reference the of Flesherton, experienced nil the na'is- ; essence of the millpond.) Water ru^ts eous thrills of going through a drowning ! iron, but ho took a chance, and diecivorcd experience to the unconscious stage, that, hot as the day was, the water was when he was pulled out by Mr. Royal of j oool if you went deep enough, and it was Creemore, a fellow bather. George got j as wet as of yore. All ye who iwelter in beyond his depth nd went under, the heat oin reduce your temperature if He WHS unconscious when pulled out and you but "go and jump in the lke," and was brought home, and was confined to ! your temper will also be vastly improved, his bed for a couple of days. It wns an ai winess yo editor who knows nothing exceedingly close call and George is to bo of the writing of this bit of history, and -congratulated that he escaped with his will not till the paper is ou', if the staff lifciwhedid. I can ivoid it. Address and Presentation Mr and Mrs Norman Coulter paid a visit to the latter'H old home, C M Fields', Maxwell, on Thursday of lust week and just before leaving for their own home the choir of the Methodist church gave them ;\ surprise by calling and presenting Mrs C( ulter with a beautiful china tea sett and the following address : To Mrs Norman Coulter, Dear Pearl We. the members of the choir of the Maxwell Mmhodist church, j felt that we could not let the occasion of! your leaving us for your own home past without expressing to you our jincere wiities for your prosperity and happiness in all your future life. Wa shall mils you in all the activities of the church and especially in the choir where your willing helpfal service has been freely given The service of prtite is its own reward and we do not think of attempting to ompeniate you, but we ask you to accept this little gift as a token of our abiding friendship. Wa hope you will think of us lometimes and we trust that God's blessing aiay be upon you and your life partner. Sieued on behalf of ! the clioir Mary Guy, Mrs J Brown, i Beatrice Long, Willie Kerton, Robert j K Priestley, Mrs G Lawlsr, Alice Ross, i >* Rosa Dawson, Mrs Chas Brodie * I 4! " . fi 5 Will Be Missionaries ; i A farewell evening was given Tuesday night to Mr Robert Dingwall of the South Line, Artetnesia, who leaves this week end tD take charge of a mission hnld at Ahmic Harbor, Parry [Sound District. He has been an earnest chris- tian worker at Salem Methodist church for some years. The past year he has been president of the newly organized Gospel Band, which meets every Thurs-' SI' duy nigh', and lius also boar* Bible class teacher. An address most appreciative of his work in iliese organixations was rend Robert proposes later to I'litcr culli'go and take Ilia Arts couise, ulti- mately titling himself to tuku up mission- Owen Sound, Onf . ary work in China. Two other yourg Ind i v idual Instruction in all Commercial hearts from Priceville Methodist congre-j 8U l,j f cts. Catalogue Free. gation, Mimeo Willn Patterson and Allie' rt T^..T, r- . n D . C. A. FLEMING, F. C. A., Prmcipa Parslow, propose to equip themselvos for , work in the foreign field surely a grand renpuneu to their Master's last- larthly command, from Pricevilln circuit Dur- 1 ELLIOTT ham Review. ~ Summer Specials Granulated Sugar in 10, 20 and 100 pound bags. Jem Jars half gallons, quarts |mcl pints. Perfect Seal Jars quarts and pints Jar Rubbers, Metal Jar Rings, Parowax, Preserving Kettles big range of sizes, Jar Fillers, Jelly Strainers, Cullen- ders, Long Spoons, Fruit Presses, Measures. Every Requesite for Preserving White Canvas Footwear, Silk and Lisle Hosiery, New Pumps and Oxfords, Negligee Shirts, Soft Collars, Straw Hats, Bathing Suits Light Weight Underwear, oatless Suspenders, Wash Dresses and Skirts, Whitewear, Muslin and Wash Goods, Dress Ginghams, Rain Coats. F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON -- ONTARIO MMKR TERM OPENS jTLv 4th U:U:;i::uU:Hii::Uii:::u::i::::::::::::::i:i::::::""**^:*: j at thu \-N0ffTi ". G " D ' FLEMING, Secretary. Mention this paper when writing) There are rumors of fairly strong show- ings on thu the depth of about 450 feet. The Canadian ! August 2!Hh. We have filled positions Oil Fields hole west of town is undor-, [recently at $150 a month and $'J700 stood to be down in the neighborho .d of per annura - 1,000 feet. Sheiburne Economist, I I BOOTS & SHOES 1 : In Ladies' Wear we have Kid, Dongola, Gun Metal and Box Calf. For Men's Wear we have a nice assortment of Mahogany and some good lines in Black. Also very serviceable Work Boots. Repairing promptly attended to. W. J. ELLIOTT, PUINCIPAL :::: THOS. CLAYTON 1 FLESHERTON, ONTARIO ___ New Tailor Shop * * HF ::ii * I wish to announce to the people of Flesherton and surrounding country that I have opened a Tailoring Establiskuient in the old Armstrong Block, Flesher- ton, and am now in a position to supply your wants in either Pants, Coats, Suits or Overcoats. Come in and see our line of samples. They are complete. Overcoats turned to look like new. Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing done on shortest notice. T. C. BLAKELY, Armstrong Block, Flesherton "^" ~^ ~^ f ^ "^ "**" "^ "^ "^" "^ "^ "^^ "^" ^^ ^^ ^r "^r 1 ~if^ ~^r~~^P"^^r~~^r' ^i^T( The Victrola Finest Grocei'ics, Coufectiouery aud Ico Cream 1 GROCERIES- All kinds of Groceries. We liandlc the best oods obtainable. A trial-Older will convince. THE VICTROLA is the one in- strument to which the world's greatest artists have intrusted their artan unanswerable acknowl- edgement of its artistic achieve- ment. Moreover The Victrola is the only instrument specially made* to play the records which thase world-famed artists have made. Music is lo the mind what rain is to the soil - an absolute necessity. You are cordially invited to inspect our musical Ulster-pieces W. A. ARMSTRONG. Phones 13 and 28. Flcshertou, Ont. * ' * A. A A. A l j ^ '.".^rf .v * ' ' , ' ' . . . ' 'i . '- , / v'T^tn ^_ J - * -- *- -^ ^fc - -A.. ^. .X. it. A. A*. 4k JW. A. ^^- *-_ CONFECTIONERY- Ncilson's and Willard's Chocolates in boxes and bulk. Christies' Fancy and Soda Biscuits. ICE CREAM- Our Ice Cream Parlours are running lull swing. Try City Dairy Dainties. EDISON PHONOGRAPHS WE SELL Hear the Edison at onr store. Edison Amberola Becords. We also handle Bellamy's Grocery, Telephone No. 37 Flesherton, Ont. FARM IHf'LEMENTS WAGONS, HARROWS PLOWS SPECIAL PRICES IN New Tubular Sharpies Separators JOHN HEARD, IM PLEMENT AGENT. FLESHERTON.

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