July 7 11)21 THE FIESHEKTON ADVANCE ,HEAD OFFICE HAMILTON ESTABLISHED 1872 !:,-ii iiil of caiT}in<; t lie proceeds finm tirain Tickets, Kale of dale, Produce, etc., in your ();cla-t, di'pisit lln-in in the li.ink of Iliiiniltoii, when they will be safe. Y.iu cm th<!ii issm- cliciiups to |i;iv iiccotiiitH, uncl \oiir pafcB book will aflbrdayou a complete record of all your transactions. BANK OF HAMILTON DUNDALK BRANCH-A. M. Carthew, Manager SI K-IH,' vNUI PROTON 1. J. I orstcr, Sub-Manager CREAM TESTING DAYS Tuesdays and Thursdays We have decided to have decided to have two days a week for testing cream Tuesdays and Thursdays. Bring your creatn to the store. We test and pay at onie the highest market price. EARLY CLOSING The store will be closed every -Thursday evening at ii p.m. until the end of the mason. ww^^^^^^^^WiS^r^* JAMES McLEAN, Pattison's Old Stand. CEYLON \&&OW&^^ TWINE! TWINE! TWINE! Jt'hT A1UUVLD A large quantity ol Binder Twine. Come at once and leavo your oader. COAL OIL STOVES \Vc handle "The New Perfection" oil Pto\ea. One, two and three burners, complete with ovens. Haying time will soon be here so you will need the following necessities : Hay Fork Rope, Pulleys, Hakes, Fork^. PAINTS and OILS Boiled Oil, Haw Oil, Separator Oil, Turpentine Machine Oil, Automobile Oil, (Steam Engine Oil PARIS OHHEN Spray your potatoes early. F. G. KARSTEDT, Flesherton, - Ontario FLESH ERTON BAKERY IT'S WORTH V- Til K HIIRAI) WITH A PURPOSE, Yes, our Puro Food Bread lias ;t worthy purpose. It limits health ami st length and a meal time sntisfact ion to tlit> folks who partake of it regular- ly. ( )in: slice calls lor a loaf, one loif forms the habit. Urca-l is ymir lf>f food cat more of it. i-iioNi; g FRED FINDER, Flesherton i- ' -f- -f- ' + f + t f-..+ v 4- -f- 4- W. A. HAWKEN dealer for MENDELSSOHN PIANOS and PLAYER PIANOS, PHONO- GRAPHS and RECORDS, and SHEET MUSIC. Call and see these high grade instruments , : mm AT mm? Hawkdn's Plioto Oallory and Music Htor FLESH ERTON Sporting News of the district. BASEBALL HKCUHII UK CKIITHK (iiu:v Li: MM i: O'lioial standing of dio tennis, July i W>n Lost P.O. Viinddeur. 5 1000 Ceylon (i 1 . 85() Oundalk 4 1 .800 Kieshertiiii 5 2 .714 IWk'yn 2 It .400 Kline-ilia 2 fi .285 Glenelg Contre 12 .000 LEA<:I P K GAMES THIS WKKK : Kugeuia at Flcslftrton FriJay Ceylon at Vandelenr - Saturd iy FleshertoQ a. Dundalk Tues.. July 12 Ceylon in, Dundalk 8 Vandeleur 24, Korklyn 5 Ceylcn 13, ! i . n. i Ceylon trimmed Dundallc on the latter'* ! niii-N on Thursday of last week to the tune of 16-8 Gibion had every- thing on tha bill and had (he Dundalk batters eating out of hi* hand from the beginning ii> the end of the game. It was the best game that he has pitched this year. Tli. luck in bisoball dot* change some- times as will bu seen whun Dundalk beat Fleslmrlon, Flrfcherton triiiinied Ceylon and now Ceylon turns around and over- !. -!NI- li.L;nli!k. Strange things do lll|> '.! -<HI|. tilin .-. m IWklyn couldn't get a 001114 buck when they played Vandcleur on FriJay it ill" latter'n grounds and lost 24 tu *>. It wan Storey 'H fourth gitnc during the week m 1 iliu strain pruvi-il too much fo him nnd they went ili.ni to (Meat. H let thirteen runs in during the thir inninit nnd WHS relieved by Abercrombit Itussell Graham pitched for Vandeleu and WAS reliuvej hy Buchanan. Kugenia play at Fleshetton this Frida kttumoon at 5 o'clock. Be ture :n <1 l> there t-i cheer li>ng your team. Flisherton hive lo-.t Wilton, tflei catcher and manager, NO Dow trill tnki the J>!BCU licliind the hat on Frid'iy wi'l II Jtton in his p'uca at shortstop. K'iy Piper, the Ceylon left tiuldvr, lmd a nasty acculi IP at Dundulk when hit run adjust u Ford car wln-n hi- was .ifter a My lull ami badly punctured his hand 01 a curtain button on tin* -i ! of the car. Ceylon has another win to its credit when they defeated Eugmiia in a home guine by the score uf 13 0. Eugenia were handicapped by only having eight pluyuiH mi the line-up but put up a good IIIH. Ceylon made one run in the first, live in the third and four and ihree in the fourth and fifth. C Purls and DFuwcctt pitched for Kut,'cnn. Ku^enia mide three in ench the fourth and fifth. J. A. !.> n <' actid as umpire. Chftriil Howard his nno'lit'r home run to his credit when he hit to deep centre in the gime on Mordiy, the ball being loat in the grans. This is Charlie's I'nd of the si'aMui. Small Ads. .L'me For S*le Win lilakry, I'ortlaw Try Ktfvt.raha.il Pastry Klour, the best i.r jin.r conk, AH Onturio wheat Car.nf oi'tf co;l to arrive in a !<tw days, 814 Tit off (lie car. F. G Karstedt. Clinppii > dune 1,11 Saturdays only (irahum I'.KIS. Kugenta Octlfl Ui'duceil piicos on all imiHand siiitinit* II. Alexander. FeviTshani. 20 1-21 Firo and wind insurance in the, best companies for tarir. and town properly SV. (> Kiiwi'ett, njjenr, Ceylon *i'indard lintel at. Maxwell For Sale a snap for Ri.nieli'iily. Apply to vV . II liny, Miixwull, Out. (>:d t ros in i io liku n . Try Oh is C >II|HIIII, viiloaniz.'r, Diunl t'.k. l;ui^'. llmuf n ml I, >t Fin 1 Sale T.ic prep urty known a the Asl.duwii lusiilonce at (J.ylon, nn ei^ht ronuitd dwelling, yootl crllti, bt.ktile, it, ; about nn acre of hi ml, would inaku >\ u'oiul liciiia for a retired gODtltrOftn. For lerma and fur- ther iwrticulnr9 apply to \V. ,1. l!l!a'ny, . l.Vlay t f If you am planniiiK In liuy ( sewing michina liny ihu old r^linhlu Hinder. You may as wrll have the best at reasonable price. Call nnd lee these uiirlm .-, at W. A. Hawken's photo gallery and music store, Flefhertor. and Lot For Sale at Ceylon One acre of lnd, a larun friimn house, O rooms, - r ' I'edi'oOins, dinini; rontrt, parlor, good hallw, kitchen, p.'in'iy and collar, nil wi'll fni'ni-hoil and in cond cond'tion, \Vc> isl.eil at'nclivd. Also gooil stalile and Widl. Ni-ir iho C. I'. K. station. App'y to Mis. K 1*. LffjKte, Cyln. CUKUl'l AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock, 1 'iipUmenta, (irnni, Hiy, Kti:. An Auction Sale of Farm Stock , Imple- ment", (ir.iin. Hay, K'o., will be held on tlie farm of H. C. RADLEY & SON I, ni'lua 1-. nt of Kletiherton on the Cidliiigwood Gravel onj Saturday, July 9th, 1921 When the following will be offered for Bale : UVK ;.STOCK Mare years old, horse "> y<-ar i.ld, niare l.'i years old, colt VJyeiin old, HoUtein >. ir.n. heifer, Hutatuin cow, I In! - . i . bull calf, Durha:ii bull 1 year old, ,'i2 Oiford Down e*. -. I > ipring lamb*, Berkshire brood >ow, 2 (tort) pigs, .: Tim A..I i li prini< pig, 40 White Wyandolte buna, 7 creese and a pnir of ducks. IMPLEMENTS, ETC. Cultivator. " 1 IIM-V Harrii 7 ft cut hinder ued .; *Hons, Frost & Wood mower ti ft cut used 2 leaaons, Massey Harris seed drill. land roller, 12 bull iron harrows, new -i'l.ill -i , -it pea harvesters, new Adaini lumber wtgon, new Adami airglu or double wagon, Fleury plow, hay rack, Maisey Harris manure vpreader, wagon box. set 2000 Ib icalei. set bobsleighs, -f. .in 1 1 Hi, light i u ii.i-i tir Dixon bug^y, cutter, net heavy team harness, set rope plow harnens, set hevy single harnoss, U cords split wood, set wire fence itreich- era, -i "in household furniiure, American army tent llixlt! wiih lifoot wall, cottJge lent 24x12 with f) foot wall. FIELD CROPS -25 acres timothy and clover, 5 m r aUike, 9 acrei alfalfa, iti acres oats, 1 acre wheat, 4 acres bnrley, 1 acre buckwheat, 7 t:ms of old h iy in barn. Sale to commence at ONE o'clock iharp. TERMS All sums of $10.00 and under, cash ; otvr that umciiut 12 uionthV credit will hit given on approvril joint note?", with (Jprrcint. iff for cah in lieu of notes, l> M I II \il Auutioneer. The Bank For The FARMER We Give Service The Bank of Toronto places farm production and crop finan- cing among the first calls upon its resources. A large number of the branches of this bank are situated in rural sections and in villages and towns which are supported by the farm- ing community. We understand the farmer's requirements and are prepared to assist him. When your crop is sold this Fall, deposit the proceeds with us '. and cheque against it. Money paid out of the pocket is hard to account for a cheque is a receipt. "BAHMDROHIO ' Capital $5,000.000 R...I-... 6,793,88S ' Yorkshires, Tamworths Young Stock For Sale For Breeding Purposes Phone or write GEO. W. ROSS spreyTe). system Maxwell P. We Ann to Give Entire Satisfaction LAUNDRY Basket closes. Monday delivery Funny ev Farm For Sale Lot 27, Con. 13, Ar'emesia, consisting of 1IX) acn H, all cleared, and on the prem ists is a gnod trick veneered 11 room dwelling with _M .i cellar and woodshed, 70 acres under cultivation, balance in pasture with good never failing iprinu, two -i n ill orchard*), well cloie to house ; hank harn 40i(iO on stone foundation and cement ..talilinu*, litter carrier in stable also a _...! I well, ! r. .-,ln il and .- n ,. a second fairly unnd liarn 40x49, got d hon ho Ufe. For particulars apply (o -LKWIS GENOE. ia, R. K. No. 1 NOTICE Remember the Old Reliable Singer Sewing Machine. Ymi cm buy on trrnn to uit ynu at a Vi ry NUODkbta price. 10 y*Mr gittnntM. HUGH KXMIT, Agent, M i - : .. Onr, CLEANING and DYEING- We are agents for Parker's Dye Works Clothes cloaned and dyed, feathers rejuvenated T FISHER- -PROPRIETOR Boar For Service Pure bied l(i>i;'8teri>n . Yorkshire Boa for servicH Maxwell Jack 62903 on lot 167. S W. T. & S. R., Arfemeaia. Terms $1.50. Sows n*>t returned will t,e charged same 18 those in pig. 10,4.1!l T. J. STINSON Property For 5>ale Gcod property for sale in Eugenia, containing; 1!) acres. A flood cnmtcrtablo housii with woodnhed ; good cellar and ; cistern ; good pump in a drilled well ; handy to door ; a good harn and Ktraw shed on stone foundation, and good |cemnt stables underneath, good land and well fenced. Apply to James Walker, Eugenia. Why He Bought a Chevrolet It cost him only 8945, F.O.B. Flesherton, Ontario, equipped with electric starter and lighting, one man top of genuine f .brikoid. ventilating windshield, demountable rims, non-glare head lights, Stewart transmission-driven speedometer, Willard rubber thread- ed battery, oil gauge, foui non-skid tires, tiio carrier, complete tojl equipment and valve-iu-bcad motor. The dealer proved to him its reading advantages over many cars of similar weight and ita ease of operation. He knew from experience of others that with proper adjustment and the famous valve-in-head motor, his gasoline mileage will be equalled by very few cirs. > A new tire would cost him only $16.50 and if he required parts for his motor at any time, he knew the- dealer could give him direct service with the factory within twenty-four hours, should the necessary parts be out of stock. He knew the dealer in a town of the size of Fleshertou had to carry a stock of parts at all times invoiced at approximately $:2000, which would remedy 95 per cent, of his unavoidable- replacements. He knew his entire car, including the motor, was mado in Canada, and in buying one of Canada's Standard cars he was aiding in re-establishing the exchange rate. Should an accident occur to his car, he knew that Chevrolet service could be had anywheie, because iu the season of 11)20, the Chevrolet car had come to the fore so fast as to eclipse the record of any other firm on the point of production in Canada, and that dehind this car was the strongest organization in the motor world, "General Motors." lie had only to look at the car to realize its beauty o/ constru- ction and its sturdiucss Us baked enamel finish precluded any possibility of hi* car becoming shabby within a few weeks. He knew he was buying something "a little better" at the REMARK- ABLY LOW PK1CE OF > i V i i . . $945. oo Ile knew that at this price lie was bnyiiig a car unequalled m povvcr, conatruction, tlcpcndftbility, comfort design and endurance, by few cars anywhere near the price. A car altsr design of the larger models, not built down to a price, sacrificing quality, and therefore durability. For these and many other reasons he bought a Chevrolet. D. McTAVISH & SON Chevrolet Dealers Phone 9w - FLESHERTON, ONT.