VoU2, No. 5 Flestiertcm, Ont., July 7 19'21 I CEYLON II. Haney of the bank is i.n a two weeks' holiday and Wiil Stewart in reliuvin^ in hin al Kenee. Mi-a Brawn of Toronto, is a visitor .1 S Hem ph ill's. Muriel Spiosr <.f Toronto is on :i tbeo weeks' holiday with her pirente. Mrs Coleinan of Owi'ii Smiiiil is vif.ii- ing Lor dabbler, Mrs V (.1 CrTnnsmi. Miss Rnl>y Stone of Toronto spoil'- Hie week eiid with her parents. Mr nd Mrs Fred Chislett and sou, Claude, of Li.itowell, spent tns Wtek end wilh ihe former'* parents, \V;n \Mi:te spent tho week end in Owen Suunil. Mngtfi' K.rl White is visjiiti^' his (<r'iiidp:.reuts in Duud.uk. Mr and Mrs N Archibald and Bon, Lldjrd, U Cook and Miss Mi lie, up. ul tho Fint ;it Mii|l- Hill, Bru :; County. S Heniph II and family s^ui' ihe FilSt tat C'-illillJ '.V.M.I! lli.l \Vas;i< <:l B 'ilcll. Born July 2, to Mr Hill .Mrs KranK Colliusor, a daughter. CongrstulitiniW. J McMilioti, wife ;ii."l iluiijii! r.Annii', left mi Moi.ii.iy to c.uni> at ^ Bo ich . Mr. N :'*on, win. li.-is ci, ir<;a of tho HUIV'C ill.;. : "or iho Miimn.'r, will s ' :kl< to thu Or,;;.-, :r,m .>!! Sab .1 h "f '''" " at a p 111. St. N. i!*<>n i- .1 pi- speaker. Tli.j.-o i ot .licuinn k'.m uil' mis-" a treai. Mr ,ind MH -^z I'' 1 ' 1 '- lli:i1 '^ lr ""^ Mrs Cluiil-jt KISII-I i 'I '"' ' s ! ' firirt of l.!ie uv 1: N \- : '''* Mi.iH Gladyi Cif-hiue of T HOII'.O I 'is arriv.'i! '" *po"'l MIIIHII -r h IMays with her auut, Millie Cook. Leslie M.u-sliaiUiid w.fj "f T'i un re spendinn a week with th- Uti r' pan-Hiss Sir and .Mrs \Vi's >n .MoM S\m Chi- '.-:: of Ti I'onto is viii : r. father. Victoria Corners . Mr nnd M.- XJcC.un; and I mi'.ly of Toronto visiti-d Mr A SIIIIKOII uiitl ''tln-i 1 friei'ds over the 1st of July. School elortid " Wednesday i.u. n . Miss Pctduo has resigned. On iiccount of !!)>- very Int wwiilu-r and bu'-y time tho chcuit picnie :,t Eugenia on Friday w.is rut lar;:e!y attended from Iii'8tioj;u liut ;ill win vn.i.t report a > i linu. Our iH-w iiiimsl.-!, U -v Ki|'p< l n, lieint; *inaWo .o hi; p?^j|i-ir < n accou f ill - ness, Hi-- - >'' d.iy I'y Mr M.i: tin. Mibs Vi : " T :<'>i' r i i* ^nadin. i mouth at liomc. DR. F. C. NIXON Optometrist and Optical Specialist Huiontati" Mitel MM 'Ib id Su ', i ' '.lin;!od, Oiiltrii' Appointments : Daily 'J a. in. t" p. m. Evenings :inJ Hnlidiiys nrr ringed. TclophonuOll-W. 13..X 1000 Jly 20 bherwiu Williams Paints The old rulinUe, mot dunkblu nn-1 rconoinic'il P.iiilt, that costs li'SS per job anil wea'-s lotiior. Rliiile in oue qunlity only. tliu very host. Flat T<ino for artistic decorfttions o! interior walls, ceiling" nnd woodwork, K' V 6 S * 8 f'i velvety lint elfect. Inside Floor Paint a splendid paint for inside floors made to walk on. Sher- Will-Lac TiS a combiimtii n of transparent stain and varnish for finishing nnd restoring in one operation >.he surfaces of furniture, floors and all interior woodwork. Auto Enumcl A varnish gloss enamel especially ada] led for out- side exposure ; and many ether finishers - Mar-not., Kopal and Liquid Granite V*nmhet>. All sizetXof biushes and oilier n i|iiiMtcs for spring c'eaniiiK up. Call and (jet a color card. Any information regarding painung gladly given. Highest Prices Paid, Vat Produce. F. W. DUNCAN Hardware and Paints Phone 30 r 1 1 Flesherton, Ontario EUGENIA '" these parts ia almost coinpleti-d The sympathy of 'hi' % ttholo community go out to Mrs Huuh Hammond and family of Kunburluy in thoir recent sad hi'i'i'avenient. Ruth aud Hazel Stewart of Kimbtrley M<: visiting friends. Mr Sun i'aiil and family of Sank , aro llie former's pirents hero ar, preswnf. Rusaell P.irk and Kru Mui-^itn have treated themselves t.j touring cars. Capt .Jackson and fuiuily of Toronto molcred up from Toron'o on Saturday and are visit;;':; .-it K Morgan's. i u i Lirmi is vicitiuij frioisds in .Mi s.i K iis l,.i., ; : iiii.i to ln.r home in inu'eviilo f. n the holidays. 'i - I.iiin..'!' ai.d Dell Wilson and Wt -. Li! : : ,i-r in. homo fiom their .Vis* I Men \Vrit , M ,,f rVU^lK-rton is itiiii; .Mrs L.r^i- it pii-sciit. Mi Th ..iiijis :ii of Onulph, who is a 4iie:-t 'it tl.e M'.m.iliatv House, lud tin- nrstorfjni: In l>reak hn urni while in ug a block uf ice. 11,- w-ii.s ihivi-n to Lshurioii. '.\hi.n; \Ji Bibliy set tha a: :n Mrs Jacob Williams has returned home alt r a months' vi.sit wi'h her daughter, .V .1,- of Toronto. x ' IV- llai . May Dueki-ll, .i'i McKivr, f,- OIK' ti.iril. u and Krcd . i lie Entrain-. liiM wi-eli . 1 .Kul ! w iy for the of 'lie i;>-:nori-d NVa.ull for .' e in iif PRICEVILLE Hot wntlier! 'Jl de ; i-t;i'8 in :ho -hudu i ! I. - ell'l i f hl.st WC'.'i. 'I v i i-f nur village yi un^ u-on, Alln-rt II :...: nd und D C ML o in, H ii i j'.un'il tho (Jiey Itf^iini'iit :ml uc.nl tn ciiinp nj. ui(Hri mid ivpiHi fnvuriil Iy <ui (bill, : , while it ciiini). Wo understand tlui Albi'ii ia nuw Corporal liuzzird, .Mi- ! nil Mrs Mivid FIi>:i i l,i'niiL' l 'iii .IKC) htlle sun of Sliclljuinr uloiori'il up IUTJ on tliu uftfrnuun nf July 1st ami u.ade a Kiinrt cull oit fi Owners i'f sucut clover (K-lds : ire IJiiL-liiiiL 1 up their em.-* at the impinvi'il inuhoi r:'|inrt. J:1IIK\S Di.XOII, lllU hi.lll SIllililT fVllll-- and his i! iii^lit*. r, Ko .iMiii, f T'iri.ut", c'Diiuuctoil Ino si'i-vicfs in tho : i chuicli liuiu lust Sunday -/ Mr. |)x,.n i; i [.'.vusniit but 'l.il ' ,'l- :l!'(l Mi-is U^'ill is i-i'l'- 1-llJlly :i s'.M-i i gin |(l I Ol ' I- " '|h'i S i". i.-.. i i ','IL- Mi-l'-i.ii:M. church hi-it! \vi-li-!i-.iw:i li. :;' ^.iiniliy. .In - I 1 '. i i !.i i i!:ir.;;li:i r w|] CDI.dllCt HU'VICll 111 .li.lii'lll .Ml lllDill.il oiullljl, lll.L Illnl-liil)::, n;il ut I'. '. i"/.T IllirrilUtlll :tl.ll UVlDUiJ' :I|MI i'i.i-li t'vunii)i{ liming IIL-.-.I wouk *\ > ;ii Si:unliy.- \\V i'X|i. r' Ui'v C S ,1,'Mi.s ID le-.vc Iioiim si i nit' d-iy ihiN vvi'i-k lo l;lko :i i<: v w.i-lis' holidiij"*, but wo expt'Ct ihi! I'li'shy .inn i ulpit -iil lie I'iii-d s.ich wi-uk liy i'ii;siil.> lii-iji -i.s iiMJiil durin ilio pastor'a ivtwanoa. KIMBERLEY ROCK MILLS is tho order -jf tho day here. It. has hei-n L'X'rcniely dry nnd hot here for uvei two weoks, A jjnnd rain wuuld do much lioi'd tu thu cropn. Those home for thu holidays are : Ji-lin and Will Iliiminond, llaohel Hutchinaon an.j Elvio Kiahop Mrs Hammond, sr , ha returned from the \Vtst, where, she has beeu spending a couple of in. mi Ji< with her daughter, .Mrs Frunk A rlu'ohinaon. and is accompanied by her daughter and little grandpon. Mr and Mrs R G Acheson of Proton and Mr aud Mrs H J Cornell of Dundalk visited at G A Uutohinson's lately. Born On June 12ih, to Mr and -Mr Saul Fawcelr, a daughter, Kathleen Lillian. Born On Juno 26th, to Mr ai.d Mr D L Weber, a son. K ib Fuwceit (.f Toronto is spending a few dnys with his rather, Mr J K i Fwcelt. j Mis (Rev) \ . ,il.-. has leturned huir.e aff.er H moniha' visit with fiiendv in the I city. > (Lt Wtek'B Itciili') Mr and MIH Henry Osbornu and family of Oiven Soubd are visi'inu' vviili the f.iiniet'a ri.-.ter, Mrs Waitir Itussill. Mia Ilerli Beits and hal.e .-jient a .vot-k with her parent!) at Markdale. MiHn CanieiMii vi-itid m jr ihe week end at Tryon . A number of yi ung folks took in ihe uircus at Owen Sound last 'w,ek and report a ^ond time. Mr and Mrs Chniie Hoy and family of Toronto are holidaying willi the formor'a parents, Mr and ilr.s R Hoy, ileie. Mr and Mia John Poi'.'i us iv ; , In-i'ed t.heir --'Ivi-r weddlnu on Kniiuy. .Iiinn -'4, were presei.t. A Juinty tea w .^ erved on llii' la. vn, after \vliic.h i-vi-iy'tioiiy s|i'-iit a in-. si , npiy.o'i' 'vi'iiini' !: .. and dancing. Mr and Mrs I'mti-ous I'ived inany bi"IUit'U! :'i:s :n ! , ;- ami siivrr.vHre. Mi 1 . -ind Mr; Ci'ci! -Moniqli.iii \i inil ivi i- Siimiay with tlio lallei ; ji.neiils here. Chas Nen'i'll i-p t 'iit tlie week end wilh hiii patHiitM ut Diirlniin Mes-is K;,,,: .ml A 1 eil Si.'-iid.-ut of Markilale \i^i!ed o\ t -r Mimiay at 1' , Mr .Jae 1. U illi-y i f Y .i.d, le.ur ; ;,i-n! a d,iy -.rilli Ins .si.sli-r, Mix Sum Clot' 1 . Mr Niuln-l, road fuienian, h Inn t!' us 'o huiiil llie r-nd one an 1 a urier m !: east ( H ,ek Miil.--. on wha'h w< ik luu .li.-n iy ..- n n.'need Mi s Nriiie i;.,'.,-r., n i.f M . i-llt i tttt' .lays la.-: '-, i ;. .\ilii h i atlnt ll ie. FBVERSHAM \ - hot! i-'iom 80 ' ; ui tin: Ain 1 . MaKes oiii- ivr-h for ^.-o il W.I'IMS and sli uly dells. Mr Neil Bush iiul w fe, Chas Hnsli 'ii,d wife, Tini.s Mi Ivimuni aii I wit'.-, i Bush Jr., and MIN Halt m 'iVilkiiison of LIILJ1IS 'll-al Nlth.lll Mli i'f 'Mill t''ll.~ mi r ii^' of (Joliingwiioil vitirud a p \ .1 nd Thomis Courou's f -r u oi.up'i: d.y.-. Usl week. Tin; MI>M-S Mi K- n,: e of Duncan visit- i'd with their cimn>, tliu .la Mooio faintly, last, wi'ei; and then m..toiid .vi r ti 1', n tain; an \ [Vn, i.-san !o vii t willi li u-n.i.s in thoiu to ms. St/ve Sirton ol \V,.iidforil vi^ired \vitli Miss lv'.''a S,.inp'e l.isr week and t-'a<-iiier !; in tin; circus ,il tlwei. S nnd on ilio lir.st. A niiinl HI- of inn v unjj p.' .( !o 'oolj in t'lo picnic at the nil M lim.l on die iliiid Im.' .'i Ejiiphrasia on June 30 and K-pmi is. Che ba be 1 we i M i .i y - and tlio ; ii-i i Liunlici C. i. Imys is i , | been i -. i'i> i r 1 r thu latter. 9 Tin- school pi.-uic in this Milage on June 30 dl . rind mil ihi'i-iis were n.', .il ami ;,!. n y of ih-in. Then llio n inii'. 1 men of the villami *aml vieni'y Iriiniii :i ' ,n^ln men : > a peak and oven cir tin- p,-ak ..ll'. Oui ii-aeliei'H, y.i-.< .J.iil,-y and M M"i'r s, Ii n-e ::..ni! '.i spoinl llieir hull. I i> s at their ivspeclive lumen, Meiford and Cobo.org. Il.rold i'..';;h mi and R .i Colquebta mo! MI e. 1 to li n rie on June U.") and spent a couple days wilh frienrJH iliero. Mis G J Shaw and daughters, Kmily and I'hyllis and Mis Will ColijUet'B and diii^hter, Betty, motnrud over fiom FI McNiuhol and spent Sunday with M C I'lnietle's parents and R J Co'i[Uel'e'<, relurninu to the Purl on Monday. Miss Emily Shaw was the clmnlli'in 1 and made the 70 mile tiip in reooid time. Mr and Mrs Dick Dewsbury of Toronto were callers in th s village on Sa'urday last. VANDELEUR Mrs CiilelliUII illld tivn c.lylilr.'ll 0* i : nito uru vibiiini; th.. funnel's drtiiL;ii- : :, Airs Will Buchanan. Air and Mrs Frcil .\liichnlhflf Toniiiin .spent a fi:w days wiili Mis Disis and fnnly. Mr hud Mrs T Broughton, llalmit .mil Lillian, ol Coihi'iton, visited itli Mr Cieii .Sliaiiiiim n cent 'y. Mr David >! i'iii..ii of M .ml u, M..II , is risilni!! wnh relatives IHT... Miss Alma Johnston of Sii.n i. u' ill., w.-ek and with her friend, M.-s Annie Graham. Mr and Mix ^'-111 I 'us n and ilirc.. . and .'.i; J in C ir-i<Ji of ' . llie V i-.|M:l ' il,- fi.llln r'l sl.Stfl, M . S .:ii I i . '. l> 1 1 , i , -uo'iiily. . I', ik I) ivi.^ linvi- i a hoiii-yn tr'p t.i IJ. . in lie, I' ii. 'iiui .in. i oil:.'. M r a il Ai . A' in H i i and - o I l\t UK!. M ir:i , ,i ,' \-;< n ii' _^ u i' li M i- anil Mr- 1 1. . i I'. nl i.-^ .1. . - i ui- '. 'In Uolid.iyn with Inr |.,iieui-. .Mi- anil M . ' Ljht . > i . .in In i t!"' cpoci-'il i.iich ill >'l;ili:iy I'Vrl.ii:.; ' ' ; i : v . pending llio liolii i! ln-i 'IIII! Ill .' H 'V ('i,,-. l.."A JJIF :'l I'T 1 : Jvo all i \i i'!ii n' 91 limn in th il. li- i II S.ni,;;,j' ifl.ei lloi.ll. Mi aiid .Mrs 1' Heard url . !i ,,l:,!i .,' 'nil visiii-n witli Mi in i M,. i. LTiahain LIU- .lay . i-i-i-iit ly. !': !i.a I of \Yi.I; : . , Mr ami In: Prft li-ird. , -.- Ni-llii- I'. .!,n ,1 .<p>-iit -4 c nd in ',' ' mi- .I . Miss M Siniih .f 1 1 a-!;. \v iy '.vi< iho ,1-' i \ii ui'i Mis .1 .1 3 : ain : !y i : o :ii iy. Mm Jacob llo.'i y !i :< returi ! li-iin-.- tfler ipeili i i-"ii;>'i- ,( !: : willi . Mif-s E 1,-iwrenco of K il -pent i! \vi-uk riiJ i 1. Mi ,!... 'ilis D Graham. 1 I- il ii.'al lit-i nul i o' ivon d ui" ' m's ivIubrAtiim on -i.> iiiiinii'ii Dity. Ali.'Ut thre -i a ittliihumpian jiatmle ulrtli i i til.- spoi-t im: ovon . i-i'ii U". . i in il Vttiideleu', wheh .i^ ivon 1 ' me team l>y a M-. le ui L' I lu ii Hi UniliKii S-.iiL'y, Ali.'ier.iml i" I. -i''-h and Ay. K. Vandflt'ir u :n. Buchanin and lt>inli-r. In tin- mi...- .1 t" >' l'a!i in i .-ll lii'l >A i ' - ail.l \Voilclii, us. W.IS till! IllOSt liO-'ll'l . ^iiiie nf I lie i. ay. DII:M; llio lioki i^iinre in itlrer siiii-s werw nljlfi t" gOOra a ^o il. 'I'l'i' i-'Hi'. ' I't ill I 111- ' u nil':' Was n m lll.l Mlia 'I?-:. Mi->SIS I. jj illl I Dnnl'iir nf Owen S.-imd ^.i, ,, m -' excelli'iit numbers. The lliyhl.u ,i liimi from Marlid.il,. inovidrd niusn- ii'.'inooii aii.l i-ieni'i". 'Ill" |)rot:i'ils aiin.iiiiii'ii tc aini.i-l >ln". Toronto Line North Hi new Mi'Tiilyre of Tiiroiiio N vNil'iiLj llS COIIsill. II:ili'l.l K:i-!|-||'i!S.,M. Mr 1'aliick, wife and daiii>h: -fi . Ii-no. of Kitclu'iier, spell' ' week >' J A I'm' from ...n, K unknown origin t"UPy ddHlruyed thu store of C. J L'iut>het<i at Heatlicote un \\'. ilin- ilav nielli . Mr. Lougheed had been at the Ntore unlil 1U o'clock, and left fur Thornbury, and had only been on hi way home about fifteen minutes when he WHS stopped and in fjtmed that his store was ublazo. Mr. Luugheed imnied lately retraced his stepa and wilh a few volunteer* was able to i .-LI', ie a few groceries before the roof, fell in. A dwelling house belonging to Mr Swanly iv.a.-. nlxo totally dcntrnypd. Mr Lougheed had jtist opened up h s s'me. two months Rgo and was enjoying a prosperous trade. Review Herald. Mr.li.hn 15. ivrofl, wife and .I nu'htor, Arluni', ot Owen >toiiiiil, vis-idd 'il 10 Wickom' icoently. Mrs J A Levar HIU! daughter. Alni", lefi on Fiiliiy for >i visit with lu-r sisteia at I' iliiifi -i"n, HiiiHilti'ii and Kiiclii-iior. A iiuinher fiom horu p.ctiickoJ ut W^stagi Itoaoh of .Inly 1st. Miss LilP.vi Lever is spend. n her vacntiou under ilia parental roof. Mis* Flience Lever has returned homo aftri spending some Lime with H million friendp. Mrs ,) W Liiver spent a few dy< wit'i her dnuyhU'r, Mrs Brown. Mrs Lever inteuds mnviiiM! to Owen Sound anon. where she has bought, a htni.,e. Farm For Sale Lot 3t5, con 6, Ai i i-iui M.I. c <ntini-ii! S ! 'ii ii'-. good buildings, wull watored id fenced and contains n good orchiui', This firin is in good locality" on the Collinftwond ni avcl mil has about 45 ncres under cultivation. Apply to-Jas. Milne, Flesherton P. O. ENGAGEMENT RINGS Tliorc is at loast one period in your lift- when the I,,'-: , I.SM youi' 1 ' ft'i-iiiio. , , 1(H | llial. nil iiiii lit i.- v.licii von place l! r.M-i'vci 1 is t In' - v: i !;"! dl ir.nr u;il ci.'iiin lenc ami lec| aifectioa. ". hit-t in air r .1 ,i:a,ly im '. i 'n in- ; 'li W. A. ARMSTRONG Jeweler, FLESHERTON, - ONT. BatesBurialCo. BUSINESS AS USUAL' Funeral Directors and Ernbattners Phone Hillcrest 268 1 24 Avenue Road, ' o Toronto, Ont'. MOTOR EQUIPMENT J. W. Bates, R. Maddocks, President. Manage% New is the. time to re- new your subscription to The Advance. Everyman's Problem "If I save the same amount during: the next ton years of my life that I have saved during the past ten years, how much will I be worth?" What will be the answer in your ( \vn case ? Are you proud or ashamed f your Bank Account ? It is better to say 'I'm g!:td I saved" than "I wish I * had". No aia.. ever retired on the money he spent. TH MERCHANTS BANK Established 1304. Head Office : Montreal. OF CANADA FLESHERTON A N'D CEYLON BRANCHES, J. C. SCOTT, . . . Manager. House of Quality Now is the time to sow your Beet and Turnip Seed. We handle Rennie's one of the best on the market. FLOUR Royal Household. We also handle Ladies' Favorite, Hill's Sovereign, and Perfection ; also Hill's Pastry Flour. We handle Rennie's Seed Corn including : Compton's Early, Wisconsin. No. 7, North Dakota. Longfellow Improve'd Leamington. W. J. STEWART & SONS Flour, Feed, Seeds, Groceries and Confectionery Flesherton, - Ontario ^^^-~-'^'."^-~-~^-^-"-"-''-''-'^^'^^S..'' .!L Prices Cut to Pieces e We have reduced our entire stock Ladies' Hats, Veils, Trimmings one third, v, Our hats are all this season's stock in the very latest styles. Don't miss getting one at away below cost. Big Reductions in all other Goods W. L. WRIGHT, Corner Store, Flesherton S^^^