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Flesherton Advance, 30 Jun 1921, p. 8

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Juno 30 1921 THE F L E S II K K r C N A J > V AN C E ^r,t,,c:.:, i, .rrr.M.r., ,::.,.., .,..,,>, New Tailor Shop L wish t<> announce to the people of Flcshorton and surrounding country tlutt I have opened a Tailoring KstjiWislimiMit in the old Armstrong Block, Hcsher- ton, and am now in a position to supply your wants in cither Pants, Coat-*, Suits or Overcoats. Conic in and sec our lino of simples. They are complete. Overcoats turned to look like new. Cleaning, Pressing and llrp;iinn< <lone on shortest notice, T. C. BLAKELY, Armstrong Block, Flesherton We've Get 'Em Here Here comes un nlderrnun Windsor who WHiit.s Uw |WBed to |ji-evant the use of mo'or curs far -;i nnn.; purposes because he claims that in one in -lit no f .VHI than M vrnt. rii i--.i . bc'iiig usud fur the iiurpjse. The very nlon! V\'lnt'n the inattc-r with tlie alderniiin anyway? 'A 'i. ' i !i i-n any monopoly of the spooning in (MIS liuiiiiena. TluTj iuu'i a cross mads h mil. t or a LIJL' city with nil t'.. other ' i\ i |il;irts beiwei-n them t ii..t nusn't its fair xhre. Hut nlion tie \Vni.i- ic alderman ;!''.< into itMfeiatioB II is c'eur I hut ho has bean snunrmiK if I e knows just linw much spooning is going on. A'i'l tiiir remind* me tint only a fuw ditys ago ii citizen cainu in uid with a similar si. Ty. IJ.jt I would liku tu know what's wroni; *ith young folks epooning in c>tr4 if they want tu? (4 spiriiiin^ in an automobile- any worse than duiug il in MM AGRICULTURI oys' and Girls' , iv.> Stock Cfii'; Work. e ! I I i i ;MI ! i Flesherton I have jtist placed mi the shdv.'s a full lino of Tinware, Nickclware and A^atewaie for domestic u ->p. Call on me and ^ct your supplies. Eayetroufth)ng, Sinvepipcs and Stove Furnish- ings. Repairing of all kinds promptly a! tended to. ! i 1 1 .11 ! I i! 1(1 ' I ! 1'jpi fin in es r insUillfd. Furnace including pinup work. A> r ent lor Clare Bros. D. McKILLOP 1 \\\\ I iS; IMI ft | < I IM! I* i IWI lit! i tin: d irkeued recesses ui a sent in tlio 'f ft vui-'indth or Spoi)nirii{ w* invented hi-foru oara were, yvs, even Ijrluiii lut of people ivere l)uni, and will he af'ur tlu-y uru de;id aud yoiie. Let t'-ie youoy fulks f|Mii)n if ttiey wnnt to. Oosidai its n an: k. MUD^ of electric li^l.t iiill8.--l'urt K'yin Tunes. The shire iu iho trout in in ui Rowr bottom's Iv-'o t iir .it' ihu litn S. iJfll i>-<. i. . .1 jini; t tie \vis K..II! <>b ui. t ,u in Shulljnrno. l>ninli!k to U. W. I'lt-tt of IIMIKEII carefully lintier Corrected Eoli Wi !; CHRI5TOE BLOCK FLESHERTON j ONTARIO, g r i 5 r.^^.w. S * ^^^^^^^^^J^ Boar For Service Boar tor Service 'I'll niuli'TM. in il Ii is ii thiiriiii ;l, .mid Y.iil- iliirc I'.infi.i -i-i vn-e mi lot II, ci.n. 1 I I r--y. Ti-r ins gl.r>n. VM'.li Sl'nKKM.-IJ i ; or Service nri-d Sli.iiih.iui Bull For I'm.- l nd Unit am i nil. Nn I ;."."i. i HOrVlce ''I' l"l !(!'_'. S \\ 'I A '- I'. tf, inrxiii- I ' .1- fj ttiol" :.-,!. i <i^ C /KiN.^, l'i |i . rwyl Ji oar For Service Pine imd Voikhhire I'.imi f.,i ,iv,i,-, ill lut :17, dill. C>, \il. hii'-U. 'l.'in,-. $1 (M). .loll.s IL\I,'I;I:\VI-;, i',..,.. . \itiv. ..;! i. .M '1 ' I- |l IIC , ( ,,-i \ i , . Hill. i :.ll; . -, |, I n . ^ ! ' ll '.' li:"H'l:S ix i K--.S ::-.', \\1,,M Uh,,-,t | ;, , ^prin^ 'Ah,' it I ,si) r. 40 I. (-M u 1 .'i' i , 1 . 1 S!l /""a Tl u ,. i :n t,, i i ,-, i,, i oo ' ' " .............. I ill) d. t UO i^ropertyFor J>ale l i I |M"ii-riy for ill.- in 1) i.;cni.i, ei .1 liiiny I.I ,'u-r,'<. A _"i "1 i mil. i ' ,'i . h ' " 'i -.v i -'. .1 ; y i .1 i -,l ,r ,iuil ri-i.-'-i . .^.i.i,| |nur.|i in :i ilrilli-'l vv,-ll h in ly In il'.nT ; i ; > , 1 I, ,.. n .n I .'i -, v fh d mi SIMM . foiiiidili ui, mil ^ . .'I ui I i '.'. fi-ni .'.I A; ;i'y I , .1 uni-s \V:i'ki-i, I! AUCTION SALE i If Knrin st ick, Inipltiiiiput.". -'to., will bo hi-;. I nil Lot 27, Con- 10, Osprey TUESDAY, JULY 5, 1921 Sonic S|><-<'ialiy.e In Calves, Sliwp o. i'ins, Others (.'cinvali/i- IJnii 1 -.: Accept Notes of Juniors In Koflu- Inr Itiisim-ss \Viiy. (Contributed by Ontario Uepnrtment r' Agriculture, Torunto.) II K Hoys' and Girls' move- ment bids fair lo rivi-i i i-iioid fair work ::s the most popular feature of iiKiic'il- tunU extension woik. IVi-haps t! .;. Is due to the fact that boys nnd KH i ; liii-rally love animal pets -- lliiii;.:.: that are alive and re^iond to care and kind treatment. .Moreover, be- raune they can call the- ealf. pig, or sKc^p tin ir very own, aud In-'. roine day th-.-y hope to sell llifir a:,l- m;'l a; a pi'tilit and spend the IIIOIH y as they, H sustain.; ; .>..! jfriiiiuit- : their interest. \\'h. i-t-vrr Hi. MI- live :'oei< Hill,? . b< en orxani/.'-d the repn Ql - i \\-cf have tin- .... - - rt and CO i '" -ration ol' the lnv ;-,iivk men it; ;he community. Tii g :tj.s well for il-.f fiiiui -.- of On 1 arii vi s. Tin- boys nn early ill lifri !) :<! into ' : ; llVfl slock business and it Impi-d thai, they will |. .-- ive encour.i:;. 'i;!i nl Ironi ;! . ; . and mllels. TU" tii.M livi- : ' ,. !: c l,;l.l' and girls canu- , i early months of I'.i 1 i Coiini ' whii-li wei e ti.-i I'.itjd ; Hit- period i-i>\ i -;! iiy ill . ! those thill were orj-v.iii/' .1 ,;: i : :'-; e are \J i alf '-li.ii.-, 10 pi:- <: \ I . , '2 sli'"'|i c li:!::; ;itid 2 liv . u, '. or a lot;-. I <>i I'M l.ovs' and ml ' I 1 *-- .-'iii-k clubs with ;i nn ' rf I >'. Tin., is a siniill in pinnl , . ' :i niinil) r art- now in i! process m' formal i .n ,ii:<! (,':. \.',ri; will .-.. - spread to i".vry courr.v 1:1 n.-- |i^,- vlnce. In i!u- piireli, ol an : . arrangements are usually i .;i|e v,-;:"n local li.iaks to nth nace > ; M ' ' i v I 'ini! nn lh . >:.-ei:r|'y not from (lie hoy or nirl fur a d( - pel iod at a n.vd rat.- of inter- Tiii-se notes mil t In- ondors d I > Mic sal isfarliori nl iLi' luuik l.v their ents or guardian I. / s a r-:!t- bill pii'--'-lirt-d : . ' - . and I lie-;e a re red in ll uf the buy or ; .. ] iiv. m i . A.- a i ti'i'l ion, tin- ; !m:i;:N such lime ;.< (he ihi- bank. Until Hi-r-f a:id I -. Iry Calf 01 hax > ln"'n I'M- || County SliiiMhrjj-ji C:iH Cl'iii 1 regulations ;-iii!ilm ealf elulj;! formed i:i tl:> i lh re .. mi gpecl l . la] for cllsirihiit ion of i In iillier Slio: : t ' f I 'In! n organized. In -ill '--i ' sir, muM'l.-i have been (listrihrii'"* > ;!:i- i;. hers. Th" initial en-i <i, i|,j^ c; not so 1:1 l_^ ..i I . BOAR for SERVICE ;li It,, ic In; nils K , Ai l , in,- i, VS II ! I . I .|| ii,., | it ill ; u-,1' III |il.'. . For Service O'li) |JUra lueil Slii.i I h, i n lui! , ,, |,, | 39, Concession II!, Aileiin ' i. 'I' 1111 SI. Till t.,r Ki.uUM if |,m,l i, ,4 ,| . ,,( ij Hunths If ii,,t ^. I'nre IM..: . -.;in. Dt'H-'l IIOP.KUT OM;I|;M; I'lre' ! T.IIIIWI.I 'II li I Hi', . S \V T n '1'iMin . I .' : ') cli i' ' ' 1.1 .1 . Bull For Service , I i. .I M nil. .MI i:,i 1 " I . ily f i| i-M i. u . n 1,,| |..--y. r.'iins ..'.:>( i r,n- ui .. l"i (| f| l .1 i u .In'v I M -i 1 Svywi , I Boar For Service Y'lrksliu.' Itn ,r l-'.ii S i v.c . ' n !, Ai 'in,- .| i . i ' \ !.:. \- i; i ISIIKI:, I. t WE SELL G1LSON JARM EQUIPMENT , BACKCO RY SIXTY YtAH:.' CXI'LIIICNOEI ITV IN <!":<, >,v,i;i i Sixty yean of leadership of giving good value, heaping Katisfnction and real tervice! Tlmt's why the Gilicm name wins respect ami confidence from coast lo coat. That's why we are proud to ocll thin dependable farm THE GILSON ENGINE All SUci f.itmii. OluoB "diif. I. ike Sutv" i KIIK .uiv iff lor uny IMII |M> . m In- i cb^cil on the easy payment plmi i it pay for it-cK. IU ccomiiuy .ml ilcpcn.l ability have made It Ihc liitt 'rlhiu; in (Uc in Caaikd* Let u* demonstrate an your farm. HYLO SYLO Mo U'lliil^on" slamli mi|irrnir Siln PlltVi wi-ri-tnlil in i l.i-it year Hum uiiv other muki-. It i-i nu.u unli'i'il to be tilt- n. in i niniiing bluwcr- tnllw m.ulc. Hi- inilrin-iiili'iit-Ki't . .il,,,,, Siio I'illrr nnd hll yoin ...MI siln with >,,ur own ..HIM 4 lip. IT larK'i nl Ihc |>ro|iiT liinr, when your com the i; (ceiling vlue. THE GILSON SPREADER Tbc Hvlo Sylo iniurci Wt(t. frcsll. tin -i nlent rn- siUnr dnwa to Hit- lut . forkful It u i,,n i.. i , .1 Inrli-ftniicly Ecluilvc patfuicil Iratiirrs ,( <lc- Ign unit i oust rui linn cipl.iiu why the llyln Is cboien by the iliacnuiin- ga in^r fl J''- !:;; V^^,^^ v ,^ %s.i w-arjar'saps ftMRii^'.SStw yonVrU? C " SSSfSySSP ^^ Cell and M* our nearest -l nearest -l.jl. , . name below. He will >ave and make vou K^^^ \Sade in Canada dud Gutirtinteed by CllON MFG. CO., Limited - - CUELPH, ONT. Call and Sue Nearest Dialer R. J. COLQUETljE, Feveraham, Ont. ' :' I. i i \ , n . , II,. nv 1,,1,-s. . | Ili-i.y i i.i _' j..,u , . ,| .,.,. i | I' ; " '' '> * 7 }V'lr-, l-'l'".h ,' y 'H~. l n li <" :: VI-H-N, ',,* d u ,- ;,, r ii .III v 10 n({ I) yenr, < ',nv r, y,. lr , lii ' ' ' , . .V "i > '_' \. 'i - , 1 1 ,i',.| _' yi'. _ > vi- irliiii; --I N, I .prim; i- tlv-, K-d.i,. I, ' . 'i )'i-, .-i u , . k- . I, I. l!i ., i,| ,-, | |{) II . - I'.i :*-. - ' , , '. 7 si,..,.,,, - i -. l , -1:111: ''in i, i i; i- Illll*',-! .'' fllt I'U \.itnr in' .1 1) iii-H , .1, liii I )! i H"*, l/nid ii-lli f IK 'w, l> - liinin- I'., mi v. iji-n mid linx, A. I mi- -li-i.di m .:.rl MI-K-. I- luiii in n ii-iii ,.',-, ! l, v i i!,,-. >^ i '. 'i ' I , ' . -. ' ' ' i ui j i, , '.\ .. ( !' inin ii mill, lluj'jv |> I -, II iri-est i.u-k ,i,|,( t ( , c l ruck i nib n, 'd, s,-- ,,f ;: I. . ... ..v,.,,, V\ llll i I,..-'., -i.1,1,' .. ! ... I) mi. - . "'. liiirni"*-, ' iiin.l,-,, new .Si,Lr,,l.ii,i Si''i \,i. I, t' In. i', .-,ll,i\i-ls lii-.'S, t'.nks, i-ll.tllll n num.T'.iH- ,ii|,,'|- .-iinrli-M. i.i uiilii y li's Bntwonll .'ill .ind lill HITI'S nl ci 111 . ,M ,. M .y I I ,,11; I 'liltl lliso , I Will li lil I i, i,.. Kvoi V'lli' !' inn- I I e snlil .{ I , (UN -. i , n ij. i ir i.n. _. - ,\;i < r lh it ; \V mis nl >.> an. I u iilof i. ,11111 !l in. iil'i, ,-r, i|i .i|'i'i,'i.'d | mi- 111. e-i leu oi ll'i'i-s. K. M rri:it\\, I'rnjMii I'.i BUSINESSCARDS SOCIETIES AKTIH:K I.OPIIK. NO. M.A.. A M, iiii-i'tn in ttit Mnnonlc ball. Ann ' ronit'H Hl.u K KlHHliorton, vory Krlilav on or twfnmtbH lull ,.-.. i.. r. , M,m W M li. (I. llollainl. Hi'tnitmy. DENTISTRY iltib. t; MUKHAY I,. O. K , rlental iiiiKeo hi. uoi Ki-iiiliinti. i>f Toronto Univurutv ikin i .y IJoilMI ut linnlal Knronoiia of Ontario, ins svdmlllnwtvnd for ttii,t,h uXtractlon ft-r i.t < i-ui, i i .< 1 in onto Hti ct. Klutitiurtou LEGAL . l'( AH, A liKNKY -Hairieter*. riolicitora '' eio.-l. II, l.iH'iirt, K. o.; \V. I), lli'iiry ' M. A. Olbeim, Utrkdlal* I.ucjs lllook, I'liom JA. in ai, cli (illk'iB at Dvrtdalk mnl Hurl, a. r. II H10I1T, 4 TKI.KOIiD,liarrit*r, Holioi. torn, fto, Ollluen, tirev * Kruco Hliick Owon Hound. BttadWM llmih . 'Kloilier' ton,(Hatiir.iy>. W. II. Wright. SV. I'". I'ollor I CARDS (If (inn- v.'.t . In 'fii re ;iny 'i are -'\ o ne n: n s'n i i'uirii nnd llolsiein 1:1 H clubs, ;ni,'i ion i v. re In id in orih-r I li;ii HIP inei.,, liilKill "i'i lire liimii v ,o |,..y off their nut. .;. T'I, 1'i'u il.-e of Mddliin : i,--, 11 .itiiiiials if they \\ ishnl. All an el'ili wink 111 ; If the ani- inuls turn otll ily. iliey !.| I." k, |>l ' i ilu. hands. Il dd- . . i \ ndjei-l fur wln.-h il ft'ftH oi ;:. Milled, ;uid i III. si- now living riiiini'd nri mi! i ntl- 'idrriiig lh<- i, ... .iin-t iur. i. ThiM-f i L polni in favi riiirtiii-i nli . and > It sivea t'i'- i-liil> a (.-real de:il of imliliriij. Ill Mie llalton ("muiiv ('.ill' Club. the 27 heifi-rs disi ril'-iieil in l-'i-l)- mary .-old at uiielion nn Ai.^- ' I. A fair was lu-lil pi'cviiuis lo the K;ili at \\-liicli s|>, rial |in.:<:i wi-ro awarded. Tin I'.el County r.ilf Clilli held ii '-how and ^;il- juu om- year afl.-r lln- dairy hi'ifer:: Weir i!i.-;i : ihnin! In HIP iiii-iubi-r.-:. \\ln-n $sf, v\.ii- .iTi-u.d in prize uiDiiey hv |.iildir-splritt-d per- . oils. All iiii-nilK-rs in (he Peel Uairy Calf Club had lo Mihmii r.-eiirds of It-id t ctid (o.m' wi'li a linaiii'lal Blillenieiil ll;i- |.ri)lit on Ilieir entprprlse, 'I'lit n Ima I n Hilly one sin-op rluli fiiri'ied din-ins the past year and that *vas ili.' Alliion Sheep Club in the County of I't't-l. In Hie prt'-vioiiM slu-i-p elub fdrined in Peel a year ao, two Oxfoi il Down ewes in lain h wen- ilisl rllii i led In laeh liienitier. Unfortunately some ol Hie ewoa proved not to lie' in lamb and olhers laiulied llllexpeel i-dly in the middle of winter. This proved a hardship to some of the Hub mem- bers though tli,- breeders from whom the ewes luul heen luiiu'tit very kind- ly e.xeliaiined those without lambs for i two sln-arliliK ewes eaeli with a ewe i lamb. The 14 ineinbi-is each with 2 ; (ilitvp biul '2', lambs and after the : transfers luul been made the average was just over 1 lamb per ewe. In an endeavor to avoid lin- early lamb misfortune of last season, :he represeniative from Peel organ- ized a breeding flock in connection with the Albion Club. The shearlings were shipped in and flocked with a ' good pine- bred ram on Nov. 12 which resulleil in lambs beiiiK born ai u lime when Hie weather was more . KAfTTlNO, Icennert \-., i ..,,,., fo (be ooniitiiia of limy BUC| Hlmooe. iin> anil Sli.rk salon a Hpecialtv. Turun- nriittrato. Batinfaction t,'in.raiiUi!il. Anaiinc i'iit d.i ilatoa niiiv be made at the Advuncu illri', i.r Uaplral telerbooo office 1 u r by art'lroiiHlna inn ai Fovei bm, Out r Mcl'II.MI . i ir. :..!.. Miotlouee loi tlie (-oiuity of . Orey. Terrus iuoilrlo ainl u In- uiiiuoat TbB ADV \N il P.O., Cojloi mil dates of h ifflav, Kci-i'l UlDtlBCtiOII. There are l\vo live stoek cluliH oniied in UK- province, one in Waterloo County nnd the other In Ilia nl County. They are eoiillned o pure-bred animals, but they differ 'roni the calf, 'piss, or sheep clubo already mentioned in Uiat all clH.ssts of animals are Included. R. S. Dun- can, liireeiur Ag-rii-ulttiral Heiiresen- laliv- : It i:< estl:!i:itcd' lh::t cv iv yenr for- ts, thfr- in Aniei ii.i destroy'm'ore than $200,000,000 worth of slundinc Umber.. Cheapest Car Transportation on Earth THE FORD CAR A number of good second-hand cars on hand. A full Jine of accessories for Fords and repairs for I. II. ('. Faun Implements. Agents for all varieties ot I,;H C, FARM IMPLEMENTS A complete line of everything to work the farm. ^ L L all and talk it over. H. DOWN & SONS, PHONE 36 FLESHERTON Feversham Garage We have opened up a garage in Feversham and will undertake all classes of Automobile and Gas Engine repair work. Satis- faction guaranteed. Be an Irish- man try it once. Yon will come again ! Thornbury & Son FEVERSHAM ONTARIO TBAB ??T^>V Insurance Is Good, But Insurance will, in a measure, repay you for loss from fire due to lightning. But it will not prevent the fire. It takes the DODD System of Lightning Pro- tection to do that. In the past thirty years over 300,000 buildings have been roddcd by the DODD System and in not a single instance is there a record of the DODD System properly installed, having fail- ed to prevent damage by lightning. The fact that you hav^'t yet suffered Iocs by lightning only means that you are fortunate, not that you rre proof against it. Ask us today what it will cost you to have DODD protection, S. HEMPHILL Ceylon, - Ontario. t * i - d t c 1 m Fleslierton Tonsorial Parlors We Aim to Give Entire Satisfaction L A 1 T N DRY Basket closes. Monday ni^hl, clulivt-ry Fnny ev CLEANING and DYEINO- W e are geuts for 1'urker's Dye Works- Clothes i-loaned and ilyoil. fmthors rejuvenated T FISHBR- PROPRIBTQB Bull For Service I'urahriid Scotch Shoitliorti bull, Aldn'.s Pride- l;io44 for service on lot 31, Cun. 8, ArtemeM*. 'IWms 81.50, breds |. _\V. 'MAUKK. Yorkshires, Tamworths Young Stock For Sale For Breeding Purposes Phone or write OEO. W. KOS8 Osprey Tel. system Maxwell P. a NOTICE Remember the Old Reliable Singer- Machine. You cnn buy on to suit you at very re*sonible price. 10 yenr uti-ai'ti!e. IR'GH KNOTT, Agent, Mxrkdale, On'. *

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