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Flesherton Advance, 30 Jun 1921, p. 4

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June 30 1921 THE FI ESHERTON ADVANCE |, .HEAD OFFICE HAMILTON ESTABLISHED 1872 Insto-ad of carrying the proceeds from (jrain Tickets, Sale of Cattle, Produce, etc., in your pocket, deposit tin-in in the Bunk <>f Hatuiltoii, where they will be safe. You cm then issue chequea to pav accounts, and your pass book will afford you u complete record of all your transactions. BANK OF HAMILTON DUNDALK IIRANCH-A. M. Carthew, Manager Sl'B-BRi.NCH PROTON-C. J. Forster, Sub-Manager A Genuine Sale purcliasril the stock ot II. J. Le(i;inl at Plesherton at alow rate on the $ we liavo decided to place tho Pattison & Co. and the Lr.danl Stocks on sale at prices never heard of in the County of (ires'. Sale starts ThursdaMf March 24 JAMES McLEAN, Pattison's Old Stand. CEYLON TWINE! TWINE! TWINE! Jl'hT A1!1!I\ KD A largo quantity ol Hinder Twine. Come at once anil Iravo your oivli-r . COAL OIL STOVES \Vc handle "Tlio Xiv> P.-il. ttion" oil Bto\e.s. One, two and three buruern, compld* \viiii ovens. tnno will >')(JM In: hiTt !-') y:jii will nurd the following ntcepsilicH :- Iby Foil; R-jpi', I'ullrys, Hake*, Fork<. PAINTS and OILS Boiled Oil, liuw Oil, S. (Janitor Oil, Turpentine Machine Oil, Automobile Oil, M< .mi r.n^inc 'Ml PAULS (illKKN Spray your poUUrs fitrly. X HaH saw* BBBBBi i 1 *-*!''! F. G. KARSTEDT, Flesherton, - Ontario W. A. HAWKKN dealer for MENDELSSOHN PIANOS and PLAYER PIANOS, PHONO- GRAPHS and RECORDS, and SHEET MUSIC. Call and see these high K'nulo instruments ,,-mm AT mm" Uavkon'd Plioto Onlh-ry "Mil Mimic Slor FLESHERTON Sporting News of the district. BASEBALL RKCJOKII OK CunTRH GKEV LBAOUK Official standing of the teams, June 28 Lost P.O. Vandeleur 3 . 1000 Uundalk 2 .1(100 Ceylon 3 1 .750 Fiesherttiii 4 2 .667 Rock'yn 1 2 .333 Ku!.'iiia :i .000 Glenelg Centre 5 .000 Flesherton W, Glenelg Coyhm 18, Eugenia 8 L-KAiii'B GAMES Tins \\~KKK : Ceylon at Dundalk Thursday It icklyn at Vnndoleur Friday Eugeuu at Kocklyn Monday, .July 4 The next game the local have will be on July 8, wneu Eugenia plays here. \Ve are sorry that Glenolg have been obliged lo give up their end of the hchecl- ule in the Ca.itre Grey League, but hope they will como in Hgnin next yetr with us and have better success. They were a tine bunch of fe'loss both on and oli'ihe hald. Ceylon journeyed to Eus(nnia on Sat- urday to pl.iy their postponed gam-, mid when the Mii'ike clea:eil it way were St Hie huad of an 18- 8 (Cora. I. was anexciiig yitiiif. A sninll fi^iit titaijud when it E J^enit player puked a CVylun p'ayur ill the n ck, claiiotng hu had boon spiked. A homo run w-i mucie wlun a Eugenia man hit a bll over third buse and losing it iu the lull grans. I Vmule'eur went to Rooklyn on Sutur- dny to pl.iy their scheduled ganio, tu'. as Rock !yo had n iti'iad them \>j registered mull that the i^ime \v<ts to be pocp mod, til's na:no nil! t>tand *a uot bmiig plnyvd, i r ' uy to the umpir'a ru'ing, who dwaided iho gamo to Viiudelcur. It will be brc'Uijht up at the nexe Kxccutivo mveting. Small Ads. Lime For Sale \Vm lilakey, 1'ortlaw, Try KenT.slm.n I'intry b'li.ur, tho best nr yoi.r cii"k. All Otiinrio wlu-nc Chopping done M Suturdays uiily r.iliitin liicis. KiiLj-nta Octl!) Reduced \<i iocs nn 'ill funs iind suit inns 11 AUx'iiklt r, FfViT-h'im L'O \.'>\ For S;ilu--Y mill pigs crtli-.- S. H. IVcl! ,r, (Vylon F>re and wind Insurance i'i tin- besi i:<'inp;inir- fur Urn. and town properly ^' I ' l''iiivci"t, M^rnr, i yrlon FLESHERTON BAKERY FRED FINDER, Flesherton Standard hotel at Mai well For Salt n simp l'i,r m.nH'li uly. Apply lo \V . II. (iuy, M t\*dl, (int. Kir Stli' A bi'oo I NOW and right I- |iiuo i, In l,..,v,. \V. .1 >K- F ,i.!. it-ii K It :i,-.M:irk.iii.., t,.| :;; :t. !', r S.iK Two M H ItindriH, one lift tvit and MI ti 7ft ml, in n >od wmUnj; o di'r, wiroiiil liKiul John \Vi ^ht, F. L'lkt LlSl Wt'i'k I'lir tun Hutu rur- iii bliii'l; Mnvau\Be,like]y Shell, uniii niid Flrsheilou. Finder l>"Wii'.s uainuo. Ui'Wiint. iisl N"tt sjii ;ni< itinl Mill- rill lailis t'f i'oli't I'.IO .MI', 'Iwi'im FliHht'it m HI. (I Markdalu. Fmdtn 1 phM-c l.uvo t Tho Atlv.iiu 1 .' c tli.-.v S'r.iyt'il From In! .'!. t-on. '_', Knphra- ! i. "ii "i ulmiii iM'iy l.-t, n'<l fiiw with win f in;ul>in-s, fHrititv, i|,-huriied mill piro< i.l Ir.tihiT in ri^lu ,.r. Findi-r plvaio onmmunioate wnli \\ m lluiuliri- Iloutf mid I. it Fi>r Sain The prop- oily known UN tilt) Anlulowu it'siilonco nt t\y Inn, an night roimitnl dwelling, gond cnllir, stiilih 1 , eto. ; nlumt tin aero of liind, woulil inUt< 11 Komi homo for a l't<tnt'tl . n. . i , ;n For n mi i and fur- llior iiartictiUva apply to W. ,1. Itolla.'.uy, FlrsliiMtnn. IVlay t f H you HIM planning to buy a Hewing nmuliinu buy tho old mlntblo Singer. You nnty wi-ll havo the bcHt at reammahlo prico. ('all and are tht>8e in ir'iin.... at W. A. Ilawken'a photd gallery and music store llonso ind Not Fur Sli> at Ceylon One acrt 1 vt luiul, a Jnriin ftanio houso, l> r .miiis, '< lu'ihudtns, iliinni; tiHim, parlor, J gond lialU. liitchon, puuiiy niul cellar, nil wi'll fimiMiod and in L-nml coiiilition, Wotvisl i'd aiiat-livd, Als.i gmi I .stable mid woll. iy'"' 'ho C. P. It. stutioii. Apply lo Mis. I! I'. Imgntp, (Vylon. THE Flesherton Advance An independent newspaper publixhed evciy Thursday at the ofliee, Collingwood Sliest, B'ltsherton. Subscription price $1.51) per annum when paid in advance ; 82.00 when not so paid. $2.00 to United Slates. Advertising rates on application. Circulation over 1100 weekly. W. H. THUKSTON EDITOR Fatal Accident In Proton lieorge H. Parslow, who live* on the 14-h concession of Proton, met with a t'4Ul accident on Tuesday of last week. While cutting wood with a gasoliiie outfit the belt came off the pulley. He put hig foot on it when it whipped around his legs aod drew him into the pulley, terribly mangling his limbs. Doctors were hastily summoned but were unable to save hig life, h pastirg away the following morning. The deceased gentleman was 01 yeais of ae and leaves a wife but no family. Two brothers Robert and John live on the O.D.R, Artemeaia, and Mr*. Chas. Moore of tuwn is a sister-in law. The took pines to Swintnn Park on Friday aftornoou last. NO MATTER WHAT your financial problem may be, our local Manager will be found quite ready and willing to dis- cuss it with you, and to give you the benefit of his knowledge and experience. This Bank is in your District to give YOU such banking ser- vice as may be required, and whether you desire to open an account, arrange for a loan, remit BRANCHES: money or to obtain information FEVEKSHAVI or advice, our services are equal- and ly at your disposal. MARKDALE "BANMORONTO Assets over $100,000,000. 73 U.F.O. Picnic The Prut. m T . iMiifchip Farmers' Glut* are holding a picnic at Lfi.pav'llo nu July t>i\\ in the afterno. n. The following speakers will be prtseiit : Hon. H C. 2i'X"ii, Provincial Secretary. J. ,). Mor- rison, Secretary of tho I'.F.O. J. 0, Brown, M P. P. North Middlesex, nd -MUs A^nt* .McPbail. BebaU between Dundalk nd Liurel ; Football hecween Hopeville nud Piieeville The DunJalk brass band will be in attendai ce. A refreshment booth will be on the grounds. AH are requested to bring thtir own lunch. Admiiiion adulUSie, children 25 Geo. M. L.'fson, M.I'. R, chairman. Gcd S:IVI' till' Kllltf. Yougc and Charles Streets, Toronto Is noted for high grade training. We have positions to till now at $85 to S1CO per month. We filled one lately at ?150 per mouth n,l another lit S2700 per innum. Open all year. Enter any time. W. J. ELLIOTT. PRINCIPAL Tenders Wanted Tender* will bt> n-opired by tho under- signed up until 12 o'clock on S^lurdty, June llth, lO-.n, for the erection of a wire fuiica around the Prel>yterinn Cemetery on the T. A- S. K., 2 miles South i.f Markdme. Specification can he teen at the undersigned : John Weber, R. U. So. 4, Markilale, SV. R Burnett, Mirkdale, Fred Brown, R. R. No. H. Flesherton. SUMMER TERM OPENS JTLY 4th at the * Owen Sound, Ont. Individu-il Instruction iu all Commercial subjects. Citalogue Free. C. A. FLEMISH. F. C. A., Piincipa G. D. FLEMING, Secretary. Mention this paper when writing) DR. F. C. NIXON Optometrist and Optical Specialist Hururario Street iur Thud Collingwood, Ontario Appointments : Daily 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Evenings and Holidays arranged. Telephone Oil- \V. Box Jly 20 V Why He Bought a Chevrolet It cost liim only S945, F.O.15. Fleshorton. Outario, quipped with electric sttxrter and lighting, cue man top of genuine f .brikoid, ventilating windshield, demountable rims, non-glare head lights- Stewart transniissiou-driven speedometer. Willard rubber thread- ed buttery, oil g:uigo, fotu non-skid tires, the carrier, complete toil equipment iind valve in-head motor. Ihe dealer proved to him its reading advantages over many oars of similar wught and its ease of operation. He knew from experience of others that with prorer adjustment and the famous valve-iu-head motor, his gasoline mileage will be equalled by very few c-irs. .-'. new tire would cost him only Slti.50 and it he re-itiired parts for Ins motor at any time, he know the dealer could give him direct service with Hie factory within twenty fjur hours!' should th.' IK cessary parts be out of stock, lie kuew the dealer in a town uf the size of Fleshertou had to carrr a stock of parts at all times invoiced at approximately 2000, which would remedy l>5 per ocnt. of his unavoidable leplueenutits. He knew his entire ear, im-hiding tho motor, was madu "in Canada, and in buying one of Canada's Standard ears lie was miling in rc-CHtftblishing the i'xeluni;e rate. Should an accident occur to his ear, he ktu-w that Chevrolet service could be had anywheie. because in tho season ot 1'Ji'O, the Chevrolet ear had come to the fore so fast as to eclipse the record of any other firm on tlu point of production in Canada, and that (lehind this car was the strongest organization iu the motor world, "General Motors." He had ouly to look at tho car to realize its beauty of constru- ction and its slurdines* Its baked enamel finish precluded any possibility of his ear becoming shabby within a few weeks. He knew he was buying something "a little better ' at the KK\I \UK- .\1U.Y LOW THICK OF $945.22 U kuew that ut this pneo he was buymg a ear unequalled iu power, construction, dependability, comfort design and endurance, by few cars anywhere near the price. A oar altar design f the larger models, rot built down to a price, sacrificing quality, and therefore durability. For these and many other reasons he bought a Chevrolet. D. McTAVISH & SON Chevrolet Dealers Phone 9w - FLESHERTON, ONT. . . - v '. ^ M **> . . . . . \ - .

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