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Flesherton Advance, 30 Jun 1921, p. 1

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Vol42, No. 4 Fleslierton, Ont., June 3O 1921 , . ! i DURHAM Tho blacksmithiiig business on Lamb- ton street, conducted here for the past thirty two years by Mr. R. Aljoe, Jr., has been disposed of by him Jo P. J. McLean of Palmerston, who took posa- eis'on last week. Dr. Jamieaon's uew motor boat has amvd and is now resting on Wilder's Like, where it ba beej given a try out and we believe found 11 that was to be deairad. \Ye have not seen it yet, nor had a ride in it, but still have hopes. The recently purchased property at the Like acquired by the doctor acme BkOBHU ago, is at present underhung extensive renovation and will make au ideal summer camp for the doctor and his friends Fencts are being put up, a residence and b iat house constructed, aud other im- provements made. Mr. Alex. Morton of the Rocky had a narrow escape from aerioua loss duiii _' one of the recent heavy electric bt.'ima that IM.MI d over this section of country. His barn w.ia struck, the bolt hittinj; a ventilator at the top am' passing down through the building in front of his horses. A Urge atone near the stable door wis split in two, anc 1 the bolt went out a window, taking the sash it. None of ihc stock was iiijuicd- Chronicle- Up To Date Hunting While George Smith was motnrtag home from Greenock one ninht last weck he run foul of a wildcat which lud come out of the swile at Wm McNtil'u, near Glin'z'a Corner, and as the pussy seemed dazzled by the lights it stood menacingly on the road and disputed tha highway wuh George. 1'aitiiiK on ilie gib the Wlkertonin ch^^i;td it in tti.k fa-hum and for a few minutes the fur '. * i. tlv Durham Road. Th offensive was auc- c.Msful, snd as the tin Li/./. : o rattled ovir it, the si|Ueal froiii the cat made George's h nr nsi> like waves on tho S.iuucn. Aa a wounded wildcat is nothing to be toyed with, Geoi<;e walked back as cautiously 3 one fearful <>f *akinj: the twins in the radle. But there was no waking ol that c^, for the Ford had done its w.<rk. aim a member of the family that h id terror- ized the neii;hbnihuod and fattened en stolen fowl was as lifeless \* -\ last year's bird's nest, bringing it into town, he exhibited it to tha loc-il exports, all of whom pronounced it a pu-sy of the wildcat typo. Although a comparatively >'''!!-; animal, it h-id claws HKe a ;irilun rake, 'uid as it tipped the scalps at but eighs pounds it looked us if it could h^ve chased anything its weight oil the map. While rj')icini{ iu its death, 'he neighborhood fuars that the rest i'f the family are still doir:^ bu-sinrss at the old stand Bui -e Herald and A young son of James HoliowKj cf Arthur w;\s struck over the heart nhile I i\ i:,' baseball and died wuhmafcw minutes. Hydro cocts got too high to suit a flour miller at Alliaton, so he installed -mnect current power, r.ilicd the level of his fifteen inches, nud now supplies his own power. Sherwin Williams Paints The old rcli ililo, most durable and economical Faint, that costs less per job and wea^s longer. Made in one ((ualily only the very liest. Flat Tone for artistic decorations of interior walls, ceilings and woodwork, nive.s a soft, velvety Hat effect. 4 Inside Floor Faint a splendid paint for inside floors made to walk on. Sher- Will- Lac -T.S a cnnibinatii n of transparent stain aud varniah for nuishiiiif and restniini; iu one operation '.he aurtacea of furniture, floors and all interior woodwork. Auto Enamel A varnish gloss enamel especially ad| ted for out- side exposure ; and many tther finishers Mar-not, Kupl and Liquid Granite Varnishef. AH sises of brushes and other requisites for spring cleaning up. Call and get a color cnrd. Any information regarding painiing gladly given. Highest Prices Paid. For Produce. F. W. DUNCAN Hardware and Paints Phone 30 r 1 1 Flesherton, Ontario VANDELEUR Miss Annie Graham visited over the week end with Miss Alma Johnston at B.igo. te number fn,m here accompanied the ball team to Roaklyn on Saturday erening, was to be played between Vandeleur and Rccklyn, but the latter did not put in aa appearance, so the umpire declared the game forfeited In faror of Vandeleur. On Wednesday evcning cf last week about 00 people gathervd at tha hm of Mr and Mrs Joa Euchaoa and spent a :.-* pleasant hours ia games aud mufic. Dunn,; the evening an itddreHS was given 10 Rov C A Belfry, who leavea thia week lor Huntbville. Aiidresaca were alao presented U. Mr Wm Buchanan, who hus been a l.f If'Uii resident of this oornmun- i:y aud to Mies Tilli* Buchanan, both of whom left tha following morninir for Toronto. The Farmers dub held u special meeting on Krid.iy evening when ad- drecges were given by. Dr Gen M L CK.III M.P.T. for South Grey und T H Binni>, county director. The C.inadian Order of Foresters are making ureat preparation for a monster on July 1st. EAST MOUNTAIN Htytng haa commenced here. We extend r.ur sympathy to Mra Uui(h Hininii.ini and family of Kimberby iu the IHM of husband and father. ll.irbottle l.a^ returned home fr. in ' i A t n i,-uud. MIHS Armstrong and Mi.-s Ea ATleu visited wuh Mrs C Maitm, Eugenia. Mian Kite Orr is humo from Fldhi- t n high scnool. Kuseil aiid Horrid Welsh am the utilv c pupil* from here. We w'ah them MK"---S SVe again syuipathme with Mr Dave Oi-uoe, m tho loss of hi* aunt, Mrs F T Cirr, who died iu Caluary. Mr aud Mrs Alex Maxwell of Lady bank are the p ( -i>ud posaussors sf twin i(ir!a. Coni;r:ttul tiioux Mis Maxwell (ute SiJie Bravender) is wall known here. School closes FiiJuy nnd the teachar, Miss A niistroinr, i(oe to her humu in for h >lidayi. Alliston and Hydro When Alliston nride its contract with Hydro t r power the price was to ba in the neighborhood if ?40 per horse. Now it i.s beinu raised to 00 Tho reason Kiven is i.. Liiir^ iu< ru or less than :i llnii^y excu;. We ar* geltinif our current at c 'St. we are told, and incii.i- iug cos's of production make it necessary (o increase thu price to consumers. The iiici'ivisiiii; costs are iiioru than probably the growth of salary cheques. Sir Adam litck is now getting '' ' per day. Do the people of Allistou think h is worth it! Tin 1 adininictnitiou of Hydro is a complex system about which nobody nu'- s;df the otliciaU knows anythiag. Hydr is not reopousible to a ^ovurnnieutal Jepartment, nor is it responsible to tho legislature through a minister of power. Hydro actually runs its own show and Sir Adam l!.ck turns loose that abusive tongue of his on anyone who dares to r;i ,..-.. his methuds. This is how he comes to have been invested wiih the title if ''it. His system ia a sti-aiitfliiig process for the sniill town iiud a nursing but<le for big cities. That is why ths simll town is crying out for a rise in Toronto's rate so that relief way ho secured to tho -iilli'in n small (own. That in why Hot rate advocates will continue to advocate i (Ut rata for Hydro till sum-, thing breaks. The movement is gntheriog sfrengh rapid'y just now. Alhston Ili-r .:.i In Memoriam lt> loviag uifmory of our dear son and I brother, Cbarlia Smith, who was drowned ! at Eugenia Juno 23rd, 1910. . Do v forget ? Oh, no, : Fov MI .1. : v golden chain shall bind ' Our hearts t<> tho hearts abore 'Till they iDtet and touch Hgalu. Father. Moiher and listers. Miss McComb, sratiou agent t Mrl 'in. -Mi. n'. died suddenly while at Sunday School Sunday week. PORT LAW Haying commenced lat week and the sic is ti:!ed with the aroma of swenl clover. Mrs R CumtieiU and Mr and Mia Thornton of Brampton me Tithing %t Jaoics CoruGtld'e. Rulit Uniiuah raised a barn lately aud hai it pretty we?l on townrd cnnpleiimr Mr A Cairni of Manor, Sank., and Mr F Cairna of Flesherton were visitors lateiy with old frieuji. . M:a N'eabit* g&vt a very in'.aresliog address at League Itat Thunduy nmlu on the subject of "Citizenship." Miss Fiurence White, who h:i Ixen attending Normal School in Toronto, is h ime for the holidays. Rov Mr Rumble proacbed h;s farewell sermon lait Sunday, ut'icr a y.-ar -i zealous Ubor OD tins circuit Mra I,uwi Sfieurduwn alld two child ren Iff- no Monday to vi;t the foi uiei parents HI Huitun. \lna-t Violet Tajlur and Stanley B nek- burn me writing this we*k < n their entrance nauimatioo. WK *>li them succebs. County Assessment The Finance Committee uf the County made the fallowing county t last week, which wi ,i.i. pled : 2,000,000 Bontiuck Collmgwood Derby ....... ......... l.'J.lo.i'iiO reniont .............. . L', 100.000 Kuuhnmia ............... l.MHi.Ol'O Glenlg.. ............... 1,100,000 Holland .................. l,:5i>i>,000 Keppel ......... ......... l,li >.-:-:. Noruianby .... ........... 2,501',. "mO Oaprey ................... 1,IU>O.OCO Proton St. Vincent Sr:iwak Sullivan Sydunhmn Muafurd Durham . ^ ^ ) Chatawnrth.. Duudalk Nvu.-udi Shallow Lika 1.ST0.800 L',000.000 "* 281/.IOO .',013.500 L', 04^,500 700,000 400,000 7 I >". 1 '> JOO.OlO 1 !."', (CO Jlil.M'U :J7.\>!rii IHU.OOO 141,113 l.V>,ul $'J9,3M,90 Monster Celebration July 1 at Vandeleui I' nder auspices of 'Vnide'enr Canadian Order of foresters Calithuiupimi procession at .< ii clock. Baseball iiriti.1', UiiL-klyn v. V.mui'leur. in, itch, Kniihi'ilry v \Vi di 1 - Fust claws music ftenmmi and Supper served fn in ,"> to 7 ai;d ^5c Concert in tho eveniiiB M Ulip^'it L- ii^rnte, tiitiiMiiuT. i.i O.ven Sound ; Kev. ,J . Thin burn Ci'un of Marhdaie ; Mr. K. K Do>r,ii:-, C. > K l)r((aiii/,L'r, and ;>lher !:ilent . co Concert, 2"> and !."> oents. And We Thought We Had Prohibition Considerable excitement, sayt he Tara Loader, has been crenleil by the appearance "fa hug sonkc in tho CDUII try near O'lervtlle. The reptile is reported to be more tlnn t'velvs fett iu length and liiglit inches acros; tie head. Lt. WHS last at en on lht> fai in of Uoderiok V, i '._,: on the 8th on. of Norwich, about two miles (>ttrr- villn. It cauiefroin K aamp and ziu z^Kgcd its way across a cornfield, leaving a tin r.n> . :i,ht ii'flii-i wide to mark its sours*. Neighbors) of Mr. M. I' ;: .1 ii Joined him iu trying to capture the snake but so far it has eluded ihcm. It was las' seen on Saturday by his son, win n it WHS making its wny in tho direction of the *waip. Nearing a rail fence U lifted its head up over the third rail and then raised frr>m the ground and crawled over. The snake is inky blaok from head to tail. It is vxpeoted that the pusse in pursuit of t he dangerous intruder will capture it before many days. CEYLON Mr und Mrs Dava Adams and babe, who have l-ei n visiting .it Buffilo and i t in-r, have re'. urQrd home. Alia KefBick of Toron'n is visiting her daughter, Sirs R"yien Hibs^n. Mr and MM Fawootl and b\-. <? Mia Janice McLenii, daughter and two aona, tuok a I lie big circus at Owen Snund. T Genoe, Archie Stewart and wif, and M.-B, , Duns and May Stewart, motored to <Ji n Suucd lust week. \ i ; Stewart of < i.v.-n Suund renawed old acquaintances here Saturday . Mi <i;d Mrs < ij, 9 anti tw.i children of O on Sound puot the wetk end with the lattrr'a sister, Mrs R Gits-ui. Win White '.b t-|if miit'g <t few days iu nen Si ULd. Xn E R N.iwtiiiuer of Cantt>n, Ohir. who lui hern vihrirg her uarei ' V. J Mrs R Whit-akor, for the pi t*n momM, re ui-iied M ml iy tu her home, accompanied by nor umthi-r, wh<; will r :: mi an fX'er.d d vicit. Mr Archie 'Vunn .f Svk call ck on it luiin'i*. uf liia o!d friendi,who were delinhud I . see linn. The pubno ichin I hore hei<i th<>r ume .>n alter Ui-o'i ml the iclinl ut.ii*. when p.iivn'n and fneud.t met and hid an i-nj iy il>ie time witri h ill nu.i othr ttarni-M, after which lunch wan served. The teacher, M.S.I Mo Milieu, treated nil the nclio ars t: n-e jri-iiu IIH McMi'.mi has reigned arid tlie pupil* !ook this opp >rluny f present- her with i 1m f it. /.en tovt'ly silver lea- sp< ona aa a toko nf thier appreciation. Many friends hers Uarud wi-h dep repreC of the sudden death of Mr Hugn ] llimn.oi J aiul much *yui|'hv t-x- preaaed fur Mrs H-.n-ui. IM aud family. The Aniusemaiit Club which uav.' a play here s^me time a^o ; their pinv at Bethel laal week DIAMOND ENGAGEMENT RINGS There is ar 1,-ast one period in your life when nothing lut til' 1 li.'.-r caii t'nlly (>\|in->x \ i, up ti-riin_'- n! 1 ve ;ii!'i I levotii . Thar moment i.s \\hen you place that little circle rhit t'jrever is tin- -vniliol o! im:r- ual conhden ;ui<l affection. " lj"-r in 1 >M:! and .1, !!,M y are unrJut'iy mvn i-'i -o in- spirt >ur I'nllt :-!'. n W. A. ARMSTRONG Jeweler, FLESHERTON, - ONT. BatesBurialCo . BUSINESS AS USUAL Funeral Directors and Embaimers Phone Hillcrest 268 124 Avenue Road, Toronto, Ont. MOTOR EQUIPMENT J. W. Bates, R Maddocks, President. Manager Now is the time to re- new your subscription to The Advance. Let the Bank Help You The Merchants Bank is a successful Bank because it helps its customers to achieve success. Some of the most prosperous Farmers in this community have won their way with the helpful assistance and sound advice of this Bar.k. They realize that The Merchants Bank is IM ready to ad ise its customers on all financial matte - s. TH AVCROHANTS BANK Head Office : Montreal. OF CANADA Established 1864. FLESHERTON AND CEYLON BRANCHES, J. C SCOTT, - - . Manager. Expose of Hydro \V. H Cuifc'linan. M.P I' f r Diiud.s County, tfivr s an ustinindin . imaure of Hydro iiuihi da as affecting I . u persou- illy, in lust Sa'urilay's is-i-e <>f the Facmet'i .Sun. Thiiso chamc* utujht to itir the dry buiiis and lead to ^(.ine ort .if .1 ri-iiiiiiBiaticin. when hydm will oeae to ba a p cnic ^P uiul for In lily paid overseers tnd gnvernori. \Vhy tin- hydro -h< u!d dlaoriruinate betwei'ii tlio iirmiiiK community and bu^iiujsi? h usus. M: . i.^neiinan point* out in h:s irtiulo, is uune than any honet man can \;i!in. Did apace permit we would liku to I'rinr the whci|0 li-ttvr, fu' !; :i c | y t The Sun :nd n;ia it for yuraulf. \\ i', however, oinno: nfi-i'-i from |Ui>tiiix one small purai-r-ipli. Si-.-diiinj of the alleged sacntices .f thv tlyiliu K'ni; Mr. C.issclni;in snys :- Hut IIIH Adim Beck sacr tic.-. ' Lt us SL-J. He :s getting StiUOO p i yeir as cluiriiun ol the HEP. C. fci m cm.- levenus, 8<)''HIO per yem- fioni the Uydio murrcipa;:fe.-. ;uid Si'^00 n.> pn-sidcnt i f the Uotaiio Towxr ^'.> , now I'l-ovii cially irivnod und [jiut ut the hyuiu sytitein, and 1 dun'l kn.<w how much more on bccojut uf li ^ lijiifi ni>ii;il iicli\":Us-*l^,U(jO at lea.- , y, t In ' tho early days of thia Ouvernmeiit iirop- iiiiin.U uas er .itoi)! t.- umlie it SvS.i'i I 1 . with a pci in ini'i.t apptiiiitrnxht ^ (,'lmir- inau uf ths C^iuiiiisMoii ! S. uu> > -loriliue ' County Council Notes The ma' ler of laki: >< over ih V,ilVv R 'in! through Ailiin^tia to Kiim erlcy us :i ; Hi. held 01 IT. The '.uuty pioposes lo no >n for re- f Tcstahon ii ii A ioinini'. tee .- . ; n:!- el to 1 . k into iir inattvi. A. warm discussion toi k place over rhe expenditino on county rondM. 1-. was finally left at 4i mills, the same as In^t year. The country tressurir favoii'd an iacruaaa to cover indebtedness sl Inclined. Many members cf C appeared to think tun much money wus boint; spent on conrtructioa and not enough ou maiulenance House of Quality Now is the time to so\v your Beet and Turnip Seed. We handle Rennie's one of the best on the market. FLOUR Royal Household. \Ve also handle Ladies' Favorite, Hill's Sovereign, and Perfection ; also Hill's Pastry Flour. We handle Rennie's Seed Corn including : Compton's Early. Wisconsin No. 7, North Dakota, Longfellow Improved Leamington. W. J. STEWART & SONS Flour, Feed, Seeds, Groceries and Confectionery Flesherton. - Ontario . . ..i^ . . .^, . . ..'- ; K '. 1 K Colliugwood had official fi.its from ! three government inspectors this week. I rme inspected butter, another lard, vrhi'e a third had anothur produot. I >n of ' tham was asked why one man could ,'nol inika all the inspection*, and with a ' surprised IOOK he replied, " What would ih other two do ? " Entarprisa. a ?i ^ M Prices Cut to Pieces We have reduced our entire stock of Ladies' Hats, Veils, Trimmings one third. Our hats are all this season's stock in the very latest styles. Don't miss getting one at away below cost. Big Reductions in all other Goods W. L. WRIGHT, Corner Store, Flesherton

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