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Flesherton Advance, 23 Jun 1921, p. 8

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June 23 19'Jl THE F L E S H E K 1' C N AD V AN C K I * ) r? '. L New Tailor Shop 1 wish to nnnounoc to the people of Flosherton and surrounding country that 1 have opened a Tailoring Establishment in the old Armstrong Block, Flesher- ton, and am now in a position to supply your wants in either Pants, I'oaN, Suits or Overcoats. Come in and see our line of samples. They are complete, Overcoats turned to look like new. Cleaning, and Repairing done on shortest notice. B5 Armstrong Block, ^ T. C. BLAKELY, Flesherton ^ I I I! I i I i iHi : IM: I 11 Flesherton Tin Shop I h;ive jiist placed on the shelves a full line of Tinware, Nickelwaro and Agateware fur domestic use. Call on me and get your .supplies. Eavetroughing, Stovepipes and Stove Furnish K('|);tiring ufall kinds promptly attended to. Pipefittinjj, incliuling [)iiiii]) work. KuriiiUM's installed. Agent for Clare P Pnrnaces. I I D, 'VlcKILLOP CHRISTOK BLOCK FLESHERTON & ONTARIO. !! : j! i'<i i I JI II " t"j Boar For Service Artemesia Council Para bred Uegmterra for MTVIC.' M i\cll . V..r !.' in- l'o.-t; -uk r,-_".in;; nn lot 11)7. SW. T. AS K. Ai'.-mfiiiH. Terms fl.Tii) S.i*-, n i nliiini'.l will I.e cllkriV'l ..tirii' -is lii -.- in |ii-_' 10,4. lit T. J. STIN^tN Bull For 1'iiro Service hull. N 1 i::n|;; f,,, KIT vice ..n |.,t JC.'J, S \V 'I' .V.- S I:. A,!,. nil-Mil' I Suns $'J (or fi-i'lr.. s.'i f n r thriiiii:^!r-i C. AKiNS, | r , p IIIH)- 1 Boar For Service Artetnmia Council mot t ll.n town hall on Saturday, June 4, as ,-i I'mni i( I'l-Vlliilll (.f I hi* niSI'NHlm'Ilt lull . f I'.l.'l. I .1 i,. Ii. .UK mi .i|i|i.'.'il>., ii W;IN n.i-vi'il liy Mi. Rurnett. secondrd by Mr Al.tli.v- Mm, Tlml the roll us lin-ily ii-viinl by '> < :ut I .- tin- :i*s. '-mi-lit r..|l i I '!i f"t I'.i-'l Curried. T.I.- ( 'iilllH-il lla-M III. I ll.lsn.i s-, '!,,. Kf<-U- m t|,,. iiinnli : i l,i.-t iiir.'iinii w f.T L; Hi-ill , ; li. r. Tl.i> j i, i,i ,n i Fun- lirid Ym kf-lun' Il'i.i ! i i > ire (III lot .'<7, CHI). <i, \lltlll. II. I, III $1(10. JOHN HAItt.llU I , I',,,,.. For Service OMC pure l>rl SI), itli' t n I i.l! MI l.< t Itil, Cooceanion IH, Ait<-m^ >. T.IIH- 81. .Ml for uiiulfs if p.'inl in il" i.f !l in nil it iii.l {_'. 1'iin- Li. i,tt L'l i:i)l!i-;ur osiioKN K Boar tor Service Th* Bndenigned hM n Lhon>iii(h.)ied Buarfor lervioe on lui II, ei.n. T,T ins $1.5O. 8. BUSINESSCARDS l.i l.lluWll^. i-i ni' ill. I." iTi- " '-' i-l ll r ,111 n s,, ,1.1-1 >' ii.ji ,1's fi y } . Mi . A', v Hi. l, I,.,,, I... f >r I i MI.-I lie iniil^n HI lor :i, s .ml. I. in- . .1..!. i I'.u.I, Inn 1*1 t-.xpiM,si-4 if M .' 1. WMHI I!. .Till I 1 |, ,1 .(. A I i II'H l,'|.i.rl fin- .Mny l,o i, , ( ,. | , il >'_".) .'ill, .,11 ! l.r I,. |,.,|,1 >_' ',.;, :'i!iiiin-<-i .', ui.,1 jflH f,.r fuiir mi I I'tys , ,\ , i ri"in_j i \ji..|iili uii' ul ^'.1 Cm ..- I. I. ill. in i II ..MI- 'h Thl .1. K. i "A* n . i. port f .r Miiy In- ivitt'ixi In- bo pini ij'.'lL' nvi'i-iiviiii; |.\|,,-nl|. 'ilir nl .--|.',() .'ill, ,,, | fS f ,| | W i, ,|,,y,' ,,| "iii-iii! 1 1- win k ( ' u n, il. I', 'inn.'! '|..j-irlh Tin- .1 I " p .il Im \l,.y ti,. i. ui.,vuil nn I !i pud f^ <.! i',..i,oi-.s..,.i. up $_'_';, 1 1 ill l ,,IH| EUGENIA Although tliero was no account of *t hn gardim party Mid cuncuit <>u llio -lib of J*ny, rivitlu'Usi the (lay provud n gi ft success The baseball in the uftr- MI " MI j/Uyi-il lie'woen l'Ji_-"ii , < and Ceylon WAS very exciting A (jn'iil clean uaim- HTM pkyed, the score being 19 to !"> in favor of the homo teiun Tho Ivlios provided a splendid *upp9t and in Mm ovuiiin.!{ ,tlio Yiiudi-lour Di.unilic Club ^,-ive thriv jiliy until led " 'L'lio Spinster's (-'onvetitiuu " It was willr* groat ilifli- oully tlint tht) ladii.-H vrmt nlilo I > <l" thuuii'.'lvoM jusiii'i-, IIOLII cramped for room, nevertliflMN they di<l tiler |i:irls exceptionally well aud we hope tu li.-iv tin-Hi with us a^nin WIIKII tlioy hnv their iu-\v play in i-eadiiU'.Mi, " Tli Sjiinsli-r's ret urn," wliun we also li'ip MIC ucfolinin/daliim Will lie In-ller. The |in>cui'ds of tin; day woro .something over 3 !"'i). Our is buini; brought in from the sUlion this wui-lc and with great difficulty, owing to the ^r.-nt weight of I lie st'Hiu and the mad bring badly lorn u|i. Those who have, volunteered t< <lo the IrmliiiM; deserve jjrost i-iv.lit The iiKinuiiioni "ill wei^li over ten tons. .Mr. liorliind of C ( UintfWood is doing I '. work, and names will liu received \<j lii Seeml uy. Airs L.ir_;o, during tin; nc.v ten days, for iu.smpliun A bee it i-alled for Thursil'iy of thi-< <-.-k for putting in c.-nient li.-i- and walks, rtu. Everyone turn out, as this will I r ihe last eh-m to do our liit for the uoye who made the up)v.uo saeri 'id' UrittU along }'"".' tennis, w.i<;i>n>, picks aud bhovebi. and th; 1 i'li<"i wi. bring li.isket*. \V;,!U'i' sl MM and S-nliy .; T..IM'II urn yiii-aia '. lit' iMun-li HI I . A'rhiu C/'iirns nf Minor, S^k , pi'l i'i lends it >i!n>it visit during I h p weuk. T.I-: Slnvp Rrci'dcrx' picnic <-n ill 1" li Wai well attended ai"l n! ^re i" inter -st io I" irmcrs. O*niiT 'o tliu -ii.niii M.c .1. in i:i-ili. i!..|* wen- ini'.li! i i uivt; 'l.r linteru hltdt-s III ill- e.viuni; Im' t u- ill "iii' mi pro,'i-im \v i-> v.'iy interi-itin '. I' "I IVM.I1S, (i 'I .1(1 1,11-L,", I- ' '' MeVIiillen ami Cul M in i . -'on,' lofl for Ni'ijj 'ii C mi]) on I'riJiy I i.s . Mi ..n I M.s I, K \liMi-h.-v, Alii,t ,, visit.'.l llin f jrniHr's p I'c.ii-* licre during ill.' pl-tweeli. AI.H 1' .\luil-ll4rt IVIU'II I mtli Ih. -in t" Aliiit .n "ii .M i.iliy. .\lri Tu >!iy an I M i; i ll.n.ll . i-kfir.i usue I nJ. fnoudii duruijj lu i-' -.\ n U. Mr Kirnes', Morgan h i< Ijtfon spin il . ) I he (in- it \\' IT \' Ir, llli A -, i > ' u y on i Ii" e\ uutivtf ii ' u<l .' l I > iilllill in. I ' iiu >' " lvl;;-n . I. ii I) -til wrll il> ll^li*. f' r i . r .1 .k'o.vnij io i Ii'! 1 1 i-i ' i i 'ie n^ n.i nf u mini's- 0:1, \\ .: .'I 'I' i.'iHpsim who vviy , ion i the HoitVc and rme ! inre > h ive Mr< Leonard Lltimei h.s L'< T.ironlito visit fricndi. Air r. 'I l,yi'n-, M--i I'li-li itir-i bill thinks -i, >n ; I Mi - l.y.-i.- S -. in in. 1114 li p . ' U.T -v:. i i-rtii M-.' -i I .1:1.' 1 in, -n I.,. Boar For Servicj i li-lin,- I! iir !' r S ! vicv 'II. I Al li'llll'.M I. V \!/,\ 'K I'M < I,-: I. I 1 Bull For Service I'm.- l.i,.-il . s !i ' ' ii"iti liu I ..( \'ill IL'" h'.uiiily f if -01 v.i'o i n lut I 1 ', for |.tnv In i .In'y l.'i M l I',. l' BOAR for SERVICE I'..-. Ini'il T iniw.ii'ili linr fur s.-rviuo ,11 !..! HiV. S \V T i i.l S K , A-!i"iio-, i. I'.-i 'ii- *l .i'ii). S,ms i. it ..-linn.' I !' In 1 rl. irunl s ii.i.j us tl.n-i- in in . l'\'l, I.'. T. .1 Nl'INS >\. I 1 , ip For Service 11.10 pnro ored Sliorlhorn Hill on lit Hi, r ill, '.t, Ail.'i.i.'til. TI-IIIU >l .0 f.ll l>i! p Hi' (I in 'ii 'r ; ii n iiNKi 1 .. grM'llM. i fi mil il.i.t'i .1 1-,..; i,t n -I'M I I IN PUNCH A M, weeti lu tilt I.OUIIK, t-n m,A.p.a Hnoni,-l.,il .Mm rotiR H Klock Klnoliertou, ovory 1 ililnv mi or licforo tliu lull mnon. A. S. Mm \\' M i II. (i. llnllaiiil, Hi-c r.':i,iy iJKNTIHTKY Drib. C MI1RUAY L. I). K , denial mntin n. li. i >.i 1:1 .. inn- 1- uf Toronto Uitlri'mity anil H&ya Cplletfo of Doulal KurKoone of Ontario. OSJ adnililiuitvred fur teutl. aXtrautlon fllce Ii f 1 oioulu htn ut. Floliurlon. LKUAI. | UCAH, A hi . l!\ I ,,, . rioMoltnm *-' ic. J. li. Lncu, K. C, ; W. I). Henry It. A. Ollloni. Mirkil*!* I.II,'.H Klook, Phone HA. luncli ollloci) kt Hi, i,, i, i. and Durba r. oversee nn id. 07 llllillT * " torn, Ac. 'I ! I.I Olili. I .,....,,, HollRl OtllciM, drey t liriioa Illock ' wen oun. anan an , Kimlmr ton, (Hatiirifayi). W. II. Wrlgbt, W. I'. Telfor I Jr. BUSINESS CARDS nru. K the KAITTINU, A in Mi in. i foi of Urey and Hlniooe. oouDtle Karra and Rtock aalex a apeolaltr. Toiun moderate. Katlfaetlon guaranttml. Arranii"- uieiitu for ilatof may be n.ailu at tli Advnnco Ofloe, or Central tolerhoue office tevfrlim or by adilreiilng me at Kevei tianii nm. I ,, v ii'gn >i u newinn milt In- |,,. I {!_'.>;, ,. inims'-ioi) on JiJS JJ.'i KXpHiul. d HI.,! J4 f,,,. ,, no ij^y-,, w , !,._. Ca.rled. Mathewfon Litimer, tin- occ'. treasurer's oiish book In- paid C*>rird. Hogarth MathewionThtthi I; ,> 1.0 ('Hill J4 for OIK, ,J H y on Valley Iii, m\ (;,.; I.ntiincr Hot{iirl)i That J.ihn l^ul's Account lot burial of Miss Cooper 870, Im paid- Carried. Burnett Uathewson -Tht tendcnf A. 11.11 ,.f|a21ili.OO for constru.-hon of budge ovwr the Saumiun t lot !l, Smith Lino, I. u arceptv I . Mallicwson liurnett ipii'-t of T. Klliott II.IHU linn fiom lot 100 to lot 110, con. J!, N K T & S U, cl md, also sideroad In. twet'ii lots 10 and 11, con. 14, be enler- laini'd iiml the Clerk advortlrt) tho Hnaie and bylaw for the purpose bo prepir.-d and pnMed, Riving i IFact to the resolu- tion Currird. That the UoPHAIl. Mopuied Auotlnnee for tl.o ,a se.l at 29] mid nuasured 44 A Ittthsl in lung'li. h'U-win Willi'ims Paints Tliii nlil f,-li ii.l... must ,lu i'. 1 nn I ro >n'iinii!ii I'.iinl, lliv' r IS'N I si p.M- ju'i ui I wi'i'.s l,in.'-f I\lnli> ID one quality only ili.'Wfy ii.<i. .Tunn fur *r!ist i>: iKii!iiriilioiiN uf iiHnvi,.f wnlls, c Mliniji mill wiiolwork, L'IVII-I n M.ifi, volvoly Iht ell'.n't. 1 isiilo Kl.ii'r I'.iinl i rp'ruiliil punt fur iiiHulii ||,IDI'S m nlo. lo wulk nn. S!ir. Will I, ic "l'irt a onmblnsttlon of trMp*Mnt Itftin nnd vnrnivli BoishiDfl and rcsiDi nn; ir, nno opcrHtion 'ho mclAO^I "t iiifiiitiiri*, il mis nnd nil inii'fuu troad work, Auto Kimmel A viirnish ^IOHB rimmi'l I'spi'inlly ml i| ti'd for out - Ai'lti expimtiru ; mul mtiiy ..iln-r linishuiH MHI'-IK.I. Knpul HIH! I. i|i.iil i '.i iniii- Varnishef. All siz 11 of Hiid .illiiH' rri|lliHlli'H fin- Npi'lni; Cle niiim up. OM! and yet a c-ilor c-rd. Any infiiri.Hti.iii u ii. l n ' piin ing Kindly ivn, I '. i I'll Kor I'mdiice. F. W. DUNCAN Hardware anil Paints Phone 30 r 1 1 Flesherton, Ontario THE CONTROLOF WEEDS 9 Measures and Methods for Gel- ting Rid of Them. Ivlin ntlon Must Acconipiiny I/fgls- lalion Fiii-nii-rs Ukc to lie Shou-ii KfMilts of KxperiniPiits on Over Scxonlj l-'arms. . (Contributed by Ontario Department of Agriculture, Toronto.) N Ontario two imfhod.s have been tried for the control of noxious weeds, namely legislation and (.'duration. Under legislation there is "The Act to prevent the spread of Noxious Weeds." The main clauses of this act are as follows: "Every occupant of land, or if the land Is unoccupied, tin; owner, shall cut down or destroy all Canada Thistle, Ox-eye Daisy, Wild Oats, Ragweed, and Burdock growing thereon and all other noxious weeds growing thereon to which this act may be extended by bylaw as hereinafter provided, so often in every year as is sufficient to prevent the ripening of their ni-ed, if such cutting or destruction does not in- volve the destruction of growing grain. "The council of any local munici- pality may, and upon a petition of fifty or more rate-payers shall, appoint at least one inspector to enforce the provisions of ihi:; act in the niunii-i- pality, and lix the amount of remun- eration, fees, or clu'i-gs he is to receive for the performance of his I duties; and- if a vacancy occurs in ; the office the council shall fill the same forthwith. | "Any person who knowingly M-lls or offers to sell any grass, clover or ; other seed, or any seed grain anioir, 1 which there is the Heed of <';tnnd,i Thistles, Ox-Eyo Daisy. Wild Oats, Itagwecd, Burdock, or Wild Mustard shall for every sueh offence incur a penalty of not less Hum $5 and not more than $20. "Any person who :;o\\s any wheat or other grain knowing it to he in- fested by the diseas'- known as smut without first using some proper and available remedy to <!r:'trny the germs of such disease, :0i;\ll incur a penalty of not Irs; than $5 and not more than $20." A few years as.o an in\'( sturation was made into Mn- c rf- 1 1 .. in . s of this act and it w:i> !.. :r.l that out of the six hundred tovnsiiips of On- , tatio, only ninety-t v. .> were making any effort to enforc" It. In 1'oriy- nine only had iiispc'-;. t .n ap- pointed. In regard to i!:.- v, otk of inspector*?, seventeen lo,. i- liips re- ported the work of tlr- ora as satisfactory; fonrloi n i-|."!-ied that the work was partially : atisfactory. Out of the six hundrcilStownshlpa of the province, fifteen only reported that this act w;c. fully en- forced; Bevenly-t^rf) il. t n was par- tially enforced; ancVlli-.- . < ma hide r ro- poru-d that it was pr;.i". ic.illy a dead letter. It wmdd i-eeni frm i this in- vest ic-at ion that l.v-i l/iimi is having but Hi lie effect in the control of weeds In Ontario. Legislation wit bom rdiu-alion i -, in the opinion of the v. liter. nsel< ^ . It is only when the s^nt inient 't Ihoso concerned is behind an act thai is can be KUIT.- -;si ulh riiinrceil and inch sentiiucni can lie created only hy proper educat Ion. In regard to t-.:i:caiion. cou-id''i-- able has lir-n done by Mie Ontario Agricultural and Kxperinu-nial Union. This organization in co-opei- ation with the Dt parlineiit of Hntaiiy at the Ont:!rio A -Jiicull ural CoJIoge hat; carried on, dm in.; the p,i.;t eight years, rn-npcrati . c experiments in v.i. .I eradication. Over seventy fanners have conducted ; --.iccessfiil expei iiiu-nl.--.. Tli.- weeds cxporl- ineliled v. il!i ttert- - IVt.nnial S'iv. Thistle, Twitch QraSB, Illadder Caiu- pion in Cow Hell, \\ild Mustard. O\- Kyo Daisy, l-'iel<l Hnulwt-ed, Wild Oats and I'besjj. 'Hi.' objects of these expel iincnls is to gel Jala from which definite Klaleiiienl.-! may be made regarding the best ine(hoii:i of com rolling tho various bad weeds. It Is hoped to include moro xvccil;-, e.icb year until exact inform. itioti has been obtained cone riiiiiK the i ti>m of most of ihe bad \\ in I he pi\inco, Th.- result.-; of this woVk are pi-.-- seiited eacb ytar at the annual meet- ing of the Kxperimental Union at (iiiolph and the more important re- snlls are published in the annual report, Six of these experiments have now In en carried on lor eight successive years, and some very valuable infor- mation obtained i t'&nrUini; the con- trol of such weeds as Perennial Sow Thistle. Twitch tlrass, LSUulder Cam- pion, and Wild Mnsianl. This infor- mal ion may be briefly suiiiniariKed as follows; 1. That Kood cultivation followed by rape sown in drills provides a means of eradicating both Perennial .Sow Thistle and Twitch Grass. 2. That rape is a more satisfactory crop to USD in the destruetio'i of Twitch Grass (hail buckwheat. 3. That rape gives much better results in (he eradication of Twitch Grass and I'erennial Sow Thistlti when sown in drills and cultivated I han it does when sown broadcast. 4. That thorough deep cultivation in fall and sprint; followed by a well cared for hoed crop will destroy Illadder Campion. 5. That mustard may be prevented from seeding in oats, wheat or barley by spraying with a twenty per cent, solution of iron sulphate without any t-crious injury lo I be standing crop or to fresh s.eedings of clover. In addition to this expei imental and educational work of the Agricul- tural and Kxperinu-uial Union, the Department of lielaiiy has carried on vuriouH experiments in tho eradica- tion of many of tho worst weeds of the provlpce. Prof. J. E. llowitt, O. A. College, Uut-lpli. Cheapest Car Transportation on Earth THE FORD CAR A number of good second-hand cars on hand. A' full line of accessories for Fords and repairs for I. II. C. Faun Implements. Agents for all varieties ot I, H C, FARM IMPLEMENTS A complete line of everything to work the farm. Call and talk it over. H. DOWN & SONS, PHONE 36 FLESHERTON < Feversham Garage We have opened up a garage in Feversham^and will undertake all classes of Automobile" and Gas Engine_repair work. Satis- faction r guaranteed. r v Be an Irish- man try it j_ once. HYon will come again ! 5K Thornbury & Son FEVERSHAM ONTARIO Insurance Is Good, But Insurance will, in a measure, repay you for loss from fire due to lightning. But it will not prevent the fire. It takes the DODD System of Lightning Pro- tection to do that. In the past thirty years over300,000buildings have been redded by the DODD System and in not a single instance is there a record of the DODD System properly installed, having fail- ed to prevent damage by lightning. The fact that you haven't yet suffered lo^s by lightning only means that you are fortunate, not that you arc proof against it. Ask us today what it will cost you to have DODD protection. S. HEMPHILL Ontario. 1 - - Flesh oi' ton Tonsorial Parlors We Aim to Give Entire LAUNDRY Basket closes. Monday niijht, delivery Pnaity ev CLKANING and DYEING- We are agents for Parker's Dye Works Clothes cleaned and dyed, feathers rejuvenated T FISHER- -PROPRIETOR BulI"For Service l'iirbrnd Scotch Shorthorn l-ull. A'lli's Pride 13644 for service "n lot III, Con. S. ArteuH'iin. Turin* 1 50, Yorkshires, Tamworths Young Stock For Sale For Breeding Purposes Phone or write GEO. W. UOSS . system Maxsvell P. O pure trcds W. \MAUKK. NOTICE ll.'iiii int'i-r the Old K.-li.ilili- Singet Sewing Machine. You can buy on I<i4uit ;nu at a very reasonable 10 yei- (junraiitee. HUGH KNOTT, Agent. Markdale, Ont,

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