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Flesherton Advance, 23 Jun 1921, p. 7

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JUNE, THE BEST MONTH OFTHE YEAR SUPERSTITIONS HOARY WITH AGE. Curious, Quaint and Beautiful Customs of Various Lands Are Here Described. Why are May weddings regarded as unlucky? Why are June weddings specially propitious? And why, oh, why, should old shoes be flung after and, indeed, at the bride? What say the poets? Marry in May. And rue the day. But, on the other haud: Marry in June, All life be in tune. All three of these superstitions are hoary with age. They were already antiquated when the legend about St. Swithin's Day was invented. It nr.ght be too much to say that they are as old as marriage itself. But they cer- tainly antedate the classic age. Thus Ovid, in h',3 "Fasti,'' refers to what he describes as the familiar belief that May is a bad month in which to marry. And the same pcet. after careful In- vestigation of the various months of the year, selected June for the time of his own daughter's wedding, be- cause, as he said, it was "good to the man and happy to the maid." That June should be a favorite month for weddings is explicable from Its character as the month of roses and other flowers; although the be- ginning of May was the time of the Floralia festival of the old Romans. Still the partially for June has never been as marked or as general as the avoidance of May. While the Romans preferred June, the Greek.? greatly in- clined to January. The Russians have long had a belief, said to have come down from the early Eastern Church, that weddings at Easter bring wealth, at Ascension Day health, at Whitsun- tide domestic felicity and at Trinity Sunday many offspring. Shoes Take Prominent Part. The custom of throwing old shoes after the bride Is of comparable an- tiquity, though it has assumed many different forms. Among the Jews, probably before our era, it was cus- tomary to carry a slipper., preferably one well worn, at the head of a wed- ding procession, in token of the com- plete submission of the bride to her husband: though it is not known that It was indicative of his use of it after the orthodox manner of inflicting chas- tisement. The same custom of carry-* ing a slipper or sandal has prevailed j from ancient times among other Or!- ; | ental peoples, and is still familiar. Among the Nestorians it was once the custcm for the groom to kick the bride ;md for her then to remove from his foot the sandal with which he had kicked her. Some Jews struck their brides light blows with a slipper, as a token that they must thereafter be submVssive to their will. In Russia it was an ancient custom for the 'groom en the wedding night to require the bride to kneel before him and pull off his boots. In one of the boots was a s:nall whip, and '.n the other a purse of money. If she pulled off first the | boot containing the whip, he struck 'her with the 'ash, as a token that she j might thereafter expect frequent flog- ; Igings; while if she first disclosed the ! purse, he would lavish gifts upon her ' and their domestic life would be hap- py. A variant of this was practiced by Martin Luther, who, after perform- ing the wedding ceremony, took off a shoe of the bridegroom and placed it upca the bride's pillow, as a remind- er that she must always be subser- ; vient to her husband. History of Wedding Ring. The wedding ring, now so essential a part of the service and so indispens- iable an object, seems to have come in- ! to use at a comparatively recent date, ! and to have had at firs* less eignifi- j cance than now. It war, given as only j one among various presents and, as an emblem of eternity, was meant to i indicate the lasting nature of the mari- tal vows. Among our Anglo-Saxon an- cestors !t was the custom for the pros- pective bridegroom, on becoming be- trothed to his intended bride, to give her certain presents called a "wed," or pledge; from which word the word i "wedding" is derived. An essential part of this "wed" was a ring, which was placed upon the girl's right hand; in brief, an engagement ring, as we | now know it. That ring was never re- j moved, under pain of breaking the en- | gagement. until the wedding, when the bridegroom himself removed it and placed it upon the left hand, to serve as the wedding ring. Then he placed it upon each of the four lingers in suc- cession, sayiug at the first "In the name of the Father," at the second "In the name of the Son." at the third "And in the name of the Holy Ghost." and at the fourth "Amen." An old Scottish custom, now prac- tically if not entirely extinct, was that of "creeling" the bridegroom. It was practiced on the day afer he wedding. Eariy in the morning, often before the newly married couple had arisen, the neighbors flocked to the door, and summoned the bridegroom to appear. Then they seized him. bound upon his back a large creel, or basket, and j filled it with stones. Thus laden he :'.: compelled to run. or at least to DESIRE TO EAT WHAT YOU WANT walk, abcut the town until his wife ! saw tit to run after overtake him, j and kiss him; when ha was relieved of his burden. The distance which his wife let Irm run before releasing him . was variously intarpreted as in- dicative cf the strength of her affec- tion for him, of her bashfulnesfl, and Stomachs Can be Restored to a of her sense of humor. This custom . Healtxhy Condition. was strictly enforced, the man who \ was last "creeled" having charge of Not to be limited in diet, hut to eat ; directing and superintending its inflic- : whatever he pleases is the dream of ; tion upon the next who was married. i every dyspeptic. No one can honestly Burdensome and even painful as ' promise to restore any stomach to some of these ancient customs were, this happy condition, because all it may be that some couples of the People cannot eat the same thinga : present day wculd flnd them less w 'th equally satisfactory results. But ; grievous and embarrassing than some i jt ia possible to so tone up the dlges- j of the more sophisticated practices of tive organs that a pleasing diet may 'AFRAID TO GO OUT ON STREET ALONE Good Joke; Few Clothes. He "Will you marry me?" She "Do you think you could keep me in clothes?" He "Well, partly in. You wouldn't want to dress out of style, would you?" MRS. BEVERAGE LIVED IN FEAR CF ATTACKS. the twentieth century. Age Shown by the Hand. It is only within very recent years Dizzy Spells Overcome After Talcing Tanlac and Doesn't Feel Lika Same Person. "Tanlac has relieved me of my suf- I'n the Good Old Summer Time. fering and I just can't praisa it "How's this back to the farm move- enough," said Mrs. Margaret Beverage, ment progressing?" *""* Hughson St. North, Hamilton, Ont. "Fine right now," said Mr. Cobbles. I " For two " ears ^ aPPetUe was "Yea'" very poor and I suffered u great deal When the stomach lacks tone there , > from fornlation of gas on my stO raach. no quicker way to restore it than m x " e * k ' ' ot ,, want ' , i was also troubled with frequent at- Good digestion c rt ''" P^y me a ,',sit. selected from articles of food that cause no discomfort. up the that v.omen have thought it worth withcut rich red b ,. )0 ,, is inlpossib le, while ta give proper care to their aud Dr Winiams . Pink P , ; ;, s offer tne hands. Nowadays the average shop- best wav t) enHch t , )e Wood For ; girl bestows more attention upon her this reasou these pn!B are especially ain't so fast as I was supposiuV nails than did the "fine lady" of a good , n stumaeh trouble attended by! Aunt Furby: "How's that. John?" Not So Fast. Uncle Hayseed: -"Then city folks generation or two ago. There is much other care given to the hands, including massage the lat- ter of special importance because it tacks of dizziness and was actually afraid to go out or even get away from something to hold ou to. One of ihese dizzy spells came on while I was calling on one cf my grandchiid- ren one day and I just fell right down tends to keep the flesh plump and dis- thin blood, and in attacks of nervous L'acle Hayseed: "I went to one of Qn the ,. iwn Last spring when ^ dyspepsia. Proof of the value of Dr. them thaatrea aud they were still a- stane(1 taklllg Tanlac, I had been con- Williams' Pink Pills in cases of indi- Piaym' 'Hamlif that I seed ten years ; flned , o my bed fcr a month and wag gestion Is given by Mr. John A. Me- a so." Donald, Tarbot. N.S., who saya: courages wrinkles. Wrinkles common- -. Every sufferer from Indigestion has ly appear on the hands before the <o weak I could not walk. "Tanlac helped me from the very Parting For ,-ver. Btart _ ag j nave not hal , a W(jak spe]1 my heartfelt sympathy, as I was once He (tremblingly): "I have one 3 jnce I started taking it and I feel so hus a woman's mvself a bond slavo to lt Eating at last wl . wish to ask vcu be-befora we good I can hardly realize that I'm the s may betray her a , all became a trial, and as time went part in anger for ever." ; same woman. The dizzy spells are One might even say that the hands on [ beca me a mere skeleton of my, She (sobbiaglyi: "Wha-what is it, gone, my appetite is fine and every- row old sooner than the face. The former , elf , took all aorts of re- Geo-George?" thing I eat agrees with me perfectly. I issue that lies immediately be- ; commended medicines, doctors' and ; He: "Wi-will you me-meet me next have recommended Taiilac to any neath the skin gradually shrinks with advertised, but to no avail. Then a Th-Thursduy as us-usuair number of my friends and, I am glad the skin be- f r ( e nd said to try Dr. Williams' Pink | She: "I wi-will. George." Pills. I got a box and I thought be- ! The skin on the back of your hand fore they were done I could feel a , shows how old you are. Pinch it and change. Then I got six boxes more, you will see. If you are young the and by the time they were used I skin will almost instantly become was eating my meals with regularity smooth again Later in life if pinched and enjoyment. My general health is nomei tne mln .; ster o{ a cUurch to , up, it will retain the crinkle for some . now good, and it is no wonder that I wh;dl 30me uf the emigrants Uad be . am an enthusiastic advocate of Dr. In youth the nails are smooth and ' Williams' Pink Pills." usually have a slight rosy tint. As : You can procure Dr. Williams' Pink . the passage of years; conies loose and falls into folds. Definitely Located. An emigrant ship was wrecked, and many survivors landed on the Falk- land Islands. When the news reached to say, it has benentted them all. I just wish I could tell everybody who suffers ae I did what Tanlac did for Tanlac is sold by leading druggists everywhere. Adv. * years go on they lose their color and somewhat of their delicate texture, or they will be sent you by mail at 50 often exhibiting in later life minute Pills through any dealer in medicine wor(1ed nis pnl yer in this wa\ New French Stamps. longed included in the service a The French recently held a com- prayer for the victims of the wreck. petition for designs intended for a Being a very cautious man, he new i8SUe of postage stamps. Nearly corrugations lengthwise. Careful manicuring will do much to obviate i Medicine Co., Brockville. Ont. any such appearance of change. all of the designs submitted were sug- "Be with our brethren stranded ia ,r, ._,,,( i,., .i, ,,.,,. cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 by [he Falkland ,,, aud3| whk . u are ,.,. a b > the war - A SMILE IN EVERY DOSE OF BABY'S OWN TABLETS writing direct to The Dr. Williams' ated [n the Soulu Atlam!c ocean/ . Following Advice. Old Man. Old man, old man. sitting in the sun, What was t!:e struggle worth now the race is run? How does life look to you now its all behind? joy giver to the little ones they Under your bald pate what lingers in never fail to make the cross baby your mind? happy. When baby is cross and fret- ' ful the mother may be sure something r wonder if you cherish still is the matter for It is not baby's na- The blue da - v on the windy hill Baby's Own Tablets are a regular danger." ture to be cross unless he is ailing. wllen nr st your eyes met hers, and horse's tail, so tbero Mothers, if ycur baby is cross; if he: things cries a great deal and needs your con- Bright as a pigeon's sheeny wings staut attention day and night, give Flashed through you, and delight him a dose of Baby's Own Tablets. They i Bllrned - vou witl1 kisses white. are a mild but thorough laxative which best ones :i splendid Gallic cock irowing in triumph, the head of a poilu in a steel helmet and a head representing France in a winged cap. None of the "He's perfectly quiet, ladies." re- designs won the highest prize offered, marked tho muu to the two girls who for none was thought sufficiently orig- were about to hire a pony and trap inal or striking to merit it. It may be "Only you must take care to keep t>3 that none of the three prize-winning rein off his tail." designs will replace the present grace- "We won't forget." they said. ful design of the Sower, though the When they returned he asked t'.ieni matter has not yet been decided. how they got on. * "Splendidly," they explained. "W Minard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia had one sharp sliower. but we took it in turn to hold the umbrella over the It's good to have money, and the was no real thing's that money can buy, but it's good, too, to check up once in a while, and make sure that you haven't lost the things that money won't buy. Surnames and Their Origin will quickly regulate the bowels and _._ stomach and thus relieve constipa- I wonder do you dwell with pride On those rough tried Common Tatersl A country clergyman was preach lag on an obscure point of theology, There is one divorce for every seven marriages in Japan, one for every ten irt:;, ll S .' K^..:! fll * P * Your **#* ^nst y^r M^ men, ?*_"* "This is entirely my own view BENNETT Variations Bennis, Bennison, Benn, Benedetto, Di Benedetto. Bennewitz, Benedict, Benedict Racial Origin English, German, Itali- an, Slavic. Source A given name. Family names In this group are quite widespread, not only among Eng- lish-speaking peoples, but among vir- tually all the countries of Europe. So many variations are there, in fact, that It is not practicable to discuss them all in one article. The group, of course, Is the out- growth of the given name of Benedict, or, to give it the original Latin form, Benedictus. This given name has a meaning of "blessed," or more literal- ly, "well spoken of." It naturally rank- ed high in the Middle Ages as a given name, and quite logically there de- veloped from it a host of family names. Bennett is the survival as a sur- name of a Norman diminutive of the given name. Benuis represents a short- ening from Bennisou, which in turn was a development of "Bennettson." Benn is a still further shortened ex- ample. Benedetto and Di Benedetto are Italian forms, the latter being closer to the original, the "di" mean- ing "of" and standing for "son of." In this country there has been a strong tendency to drop the "di" from trans- planted family names. Benedict appears for tho most part to be a straight English development from the given name, while the "k" in Benedikt betrays German influence. Beuuewitz in its ending, which also indicates "son." comes from farther east. In view of which it is interesting to notice the similarity of this ending and the old Norman-French prefix "Fitz." with exactly the same mean- ing. SELLERS. Variations Seller. Seeler, Sadler. Racial Origin English. Source Occupation. It is not possible to tell with ac- curacy in the th individual case which of two sources these family _ names have come from, with the ex- , ception of the last named. It may bo taken for granted, how- ! ever, ihat, like Sadler, the rest of ! them in the vast majority of cases ! come from the occupation of making ! saddles. The assumption that t/ere is any connection with our modern word "seller." or salesman, is erron- i ecus, for the medieval English did not use this word to designate trades- men. Sadler is a form of the name trace- able to the Anglo-Saxon word. "Sell," however, was the word most often used by the Normans in the early ' i period to denote a saddle, and it en- j J dured for a long time. In fact, it did ' J not become obsolete until after Speu- ; cer wrote: "He left his lottey steed with golden sell, And goodly gorgeous barbes." The form Sellers. Seller and Seeler, however, may also be derived from the' old word "seler." which was the ap- , pellation of those craftsmen who manufactured seals. fevers and make daby happy there surely is a smile jn_ every dose of Jhe Tablets. Baby's Ovrt "Ablets are sold by medicine deaW ''Jby mail at 25 cents a box from "life Dr. Williams' ! Is gladness hid in moonlit eyes Medicine Co.. Brockville, Out. And won and lost and won again- Happy to tcil and strive That you should be alive! von which he explained in an original and lOU striking manner He concluded bv marriages in the L nitcd SUtes, and one for every ten thousand in Eng- land. Commentators do not agrse with me." The next day he was informed that ; one of his parishioners w;shc 1 to see him. Going into his study lie was I greeted with cordiality by one of liis When love comes sighing through the sidesmen, who happened to be a mar- leaves? ket gardener. The Path of Labor. Or is it garish, stressful days "Morning, sir." beamed tho caller. Never in a costly palace did I rest on To wnicn >' our hungry fancy strays "Heard you say yesterday as common golden bed, ! Green seas, the busy mart. taters didn't agree wi' yer, so I've Never in n hermit's covern have I i \ v "ich wrote upon your heart? brought a sack of my best. Hope eaten idl*> hreid you'll get on better with them." eau ' 1 Have you regret for marriage ties? ... Born within a .jowly stable, where the Did chndren , m , ke , m] gad and wise? America'* Floorer Do* Book on COG DISEASES and Bow to Feed Mailed Fra to any A4 dross by th Autbor. K. Clay lriuvr Co., UUk 11] Weet 31st StrMt New York. TJ.S.A. cattle round me stood, Trained a carpenter in Nazareth. I have toiled and found it good. They who tread the path of labor fol- low where my feet have trod; They who work without complaining do the holy will of God. What mattered much? What not at Send all? And, prithee, what would you recall And leave undone, to reap Sounder and sweeter sleep? MONEY ORDERS, a Dominion Express Monuy Order. They are payable everywhere. Why He Was Late. Amongst the many stories that are Old man. old man. drawing near the current concerning the new Unionist n jl,t leader. Mr. Austin Chamberlain, is ASPIRIN "Bayer" is only Genuine Where the many toil together, there Speak wisely through your beard, an- one about an incident that happened am I among my own. Where the tired workman sleepeth, there am I with him alone, I, the peace that passeth knowledge, dwell amid the daily strife, I. the bread of heaven, am broken in the sacrament of life. Henry Van Dyke. Ask for Minard's and take no other. A Poem. Seeing,, it Is a gladdening thing; White birds against a morning sky. swer me aright at Highbury, his fathers sent near That I may have good dreamings when Birmingham. life is done Mr. Joseph Chamberlain had laid Leaving me to bide as you, cold in the ' out a Plantation of younger fir tree* in the grounds, of which he was exceed colling ln ly Proud, notwithstanding the fact Explorers Advance Toward Mt. Everest. Warning! Unless you see the name that the majority of the sapplings -Buyer" on package or on tablets you measured no more than two or three are not getting genuine Aspirin alL feet in height. In everv Bayer package are directions One evening It chanced that Mr. for Colllg! Headache. Neuralgia, Rheu- Souiewhere in the tangled maze of Austen Uirned up late at a dinner ln at:sm. Earache. Toothache, Lumbago the southern Himalayan Mountains I' art - v to which a number of notables Hud for Pnin. Handy tin boxes of three parties of British engineers are has been bidden. twelve tablets cost few cents. Drug- Saves Time - Saves Health Mere is a. table d.rinlc made as Quickly as you can pourliot water into the cup delights the taste, and causes none of the harm that often comes from tea and coffee. j working their way through unexplored Tne so " entered in fear and trem- gists also sell larger packages. Made Blowing poppies, nodding grasses, I gorges and passes toward the base of Wing. for "e kllew that unpunctuallty in Canada. Aspirin is the trade murk Light that grows and fades and Mount Everest, says a despatch from was the one '"'Pardonable sin in his (registered in Canada), of Bayer Manu- passes, | Darjeeling, Bengal. They are blazing father's eyes. facture of Monoaceticacidester of Sail- Young leaved poplars shining high. the way for the expedition that will at- " You are vpr - v late . Anste." said the cylicacid. . ,, , . ' tempt later this summer to scale the latter reprovingly. And Gd be thanked that gave us hear- granlte wM& Qf Eyerest and conquer "Yes, I'm sorry." replied the culprit, in K ' th e highest peak on the globe. ', at a loss for a moment for a suitable For children s laughter, sweet and, The b (irst |, urty to , eav * here Wa8 excuse. "" >.,.. jj >,.. ^ n <~- vr~__i 1 _u!_i. Then his face brightened and a ., ! commanded by Major Morshead, which -= For winds that whisper old hills j proceeded up the Teesta Valley aud twinkle came into his eyes. over what is known as the Kangrila I "Couldn't possibly get here before, route. The other two units, com- j fatl er," he said. "I lost my way in ! manded by Colonel Bury, intend to round For every intimate sweet sound The quiet golden evenings hold. But oh, 'tis scent that makes immortal nieet th _f. Morshead party at Khamba The little lives of mortal men! Roses with haunting sweetness riven, Incense, to your new forest." lift men's hearts Heaven, Lilacs, to draw them home again. to Jong. Then the combined expedition ! "Milk," manufactured from chop- will strike westward toward the vil- P e(l oats ' rolmd peanuts, and a little lage of Tengrl Jong, which is about water ' Is sald to resemble the cream- thirty miles north of the Everest iest P roduct - of th e cow - A permanent base will be se- , ^1 Rural Koute No. i, Dlaacoucha, oucbc lected near that village and from it Thf Minimi's Uniinvnt People. Margaret Adelaide WiKon ! wil1 start thft I' art - v which will trv to Sirs,- ; I i>el thut 1 should be .loinjt a -uaisaiLi. /vaeiaiue \V1ISOU., wrong ii 1 neglected to write you. 1 h.ivn fl, ; reach the summit of the dominating i,. u1 f l>U r ;! in B on my head for After Father Knew, correcting Tommy for peak of the range. the t hmi them cut HIT i>\ a S r>,,f,_ 41. about lit'tet-n yrars ago. but they Before tlle actual work of scaling ;!| ,.,j,, -m ;lh ,,m ti.reo months a K o thousandth timr. tnr tntfcinsr' ir, e ; Everest can begin, however, engineers O:H. as large ami shaped 111;., a lady s 101 talking in school, I , .... -" - - - thimble ..n the \ery plm-<- where mv hair his teacher decided to speak of this ' fault to the lad's father. She there- : niounlam an foro added this remark to her next 1>: ' :lctk '" ble route lo Ule tol) ' T!lis re report : "Tommy talks a great deal." "In two days the report came back, I thlrnble on itu- MTV piu.-,> wn<n> mv bait ail appioaclies to tUO ' should be partial, and ii WHS sti.ttliiR sii mountain and try to Hud the most sntfHurtujslng in iibli>- that it \v;is a con- stant worry to lilt;. About tlnvi> in,,nths an''> I K"t a botiU- ul your iiiiiMu-nt for anotbcr IHirniw ami saw cm tile label for tumors. Well. 1 tri.'il it and ccnnaissance work is the chief task Tommy's f:uhor, correctly .^gnpd by with the comment: "Vc-ii o;;;;ht to Iv'.ir his mother! iviirMi>cI Mm tnon nmu wnrbi?iv thai',. '">' ""' tumors, well, i triad it and 1 , k.-i't at it Tor oxa.-tly two months, xvitli way into the mountains. , the pi '.ilt that it Imu entirely removed all Iraee of the tumor, ami wore It not thai (hey ha/1 been cut tilteen y,>ais Communities of ants have their , ii;:ll ., ; - .,.,., l)( . S( .,.,,. , ,,ave not been, warrior class, and two Hunting ams ih:s te*;mm::hil ;m.i vi-u .\n o .iirrerent tribes will put up a |mt " " ^jff^&B C KoMXSoN. buttle, and with their powerful nip- r.s.- l un .1 t M-m.-r .m,t itit.nd bp.tue, ana with tneir poweriui nip- r.s. l am .1 t TIH.T and Intend usins , " JO 000 tin:e5 mora pers make short work of or.e another j teho$,?lEr U.'nl'o^.V. 1 ^ ' 1 -- | cnce they get to holds. { FHIJD c U. 1 cuncuM HEALS ECZEMA All over baby's face. Came hi water blisters and then formed a solid scale. Began to itch and burn so bad to bandage his hands as he wanted to scratch. Face was badly disfigured. Trouble lasted 4 months. BegnA vising Cutlt-vra Soap and Oint- ment. Used cue cake Soap and one box Ointment when he was bealed. From signed statement of Mrs. Albert Ellis, Wcttenberg, N. S. For every purpose of the toilet Cuticura Soap, Oinunjnt and Tal- cum are supreme. Soap 25c. Ointment 25 and 5Oe. Sold throujihout the Dominion. CanadianDepot; Ljrnvm. Limited, St. Paul St.. Montreal. SflciiiiF Cuticui'a Soap ahavet without mug. ISSUE N<-. 25 '21.

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