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Flesherton Advance, 23 Jun 1921, p. 5

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June 23 1921 F L E S II K K T O N ADVANCE More Cattle IF your progressive ideas for cattle raising * are beyond the financial resources at your command, talk the matter over with the local Manager of this Bank. STANDARD SERVICE aid, PrtJuctivi frtgrtii THE STANDARD BANK or TOTAL ASSETS OVER NINETY MILLIONS Flesherton Branch : . Geo. Mitchell, Manager. ANADIAN PAOIFIC C. P. R. Time Table. leave Fleaherton Station as Mr. and Mis. Regan and son, Toronto, are visiting friends here. few 7 rains oliows : Going South 7.55 a. in. 4.30 p.m. The mail* are fining North 11.52 p.m. 9.:jOp. m. (sun at Flesherton II Mrs. \Vm. Meads is spending a days in Owen Sound. CUrence Fiaher is spending a coupU weeks at his home here. Mr S. Paul, wife and f.iur chileren, of Lnng, Sask , are visiting relatives heie . _' and at Eugenia. follows : For the north at 10.40 a. in. and' 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail ,,uil, at; Dr Tur bu11 " 11 be aUent for a "^ 3.40 o'clock. For morning train south and will return about June JO, when he mail close at p. in. the previous evg. ' will open his office in Sproule's old office, , . - next door ncith of the Mitchell bkck. On and after July 1st, all railway passenger rates will be reduced 10 per j-.-n. . This second act brings rates bask to where they were in Sept. 1920. Mr. John Cairns of McAteer is at present visiting his parents here. He Promotion Results FLESHEHTON PUBLIC SCHOOL In Older nf Merit To 4th Class G Pindei*, L Boyd*, H Patton*, L Lever*, V ThUtlihaite, H Richardson, E Bucking, C Belts reco- mended. To8r3-M Sle<.*, J Nuhn. E Me- Callum, M Inkster and L Sewell reco- mended. * Is for Honors. VICINiY CHIPS Bas*bi!I Friday afierm on. Maxwell Presbyterian Ladle*' Aid willi h(la "ceutly had an attack of the tiu and h )ld a garJen paity on Ju'y 5. See bills. Old tires made like new. Try Chs. Coulson, vulcanizer, Dundalk. laug ft. Meads of Toronto is holidaying at his home here. Miss Aleda Mitche'l spent the week end with fi lends at Seaforth. The school clones this week and most of the students are leaung for their homes. The Presbyterian Sabbath lohool held its anuuil picnic in Lever's grove on Saturday afternoon lair, when the IMUJI good time was experienced. Reeve McTavi.-h il in Owen Sound this week attending County Council, al is here to Church of England Divine service will (D . V.) be held every Sunday evening in the town liall at 7 p.m. Rev. George H. Vrooman, B A , LTn., Hector. Uuly tf Miss Maud Richardson, who is em- [i >-->l in Kingston hospital, is spending holidays with triends here and at Mark- dale. Dr. Burl, eye. ear, nose and throat spee alist, of Offn Sound, will be at the Munshaw House, Fleiherton, on Wed- nesday, .June '".), from 9 to 2 o'lock foi consultation. Glasses supplied. Hugh McLean, ex Deputy Kfeve of Township, changed with ith intent to Guilty Without Intent Mr. D. Weber of Kimberley, who was doing cemunt woik last .summer on ihe fiouu'y rodd*, w:is up at th>t June Sessions in ')wen Sound last wetk charged with pay sheets and obtaining money under falsa pretence?. The sum involved waa $202 50, The evidence went lo prove tllat Mr. Weber retained certain names on the pay lite and col in"il | ay in iheir names which he hand ni over to (heir euccepsors. The jury hn uu'hl in a verdict of " guilty obtaining money under false pretenci s w.lhi.ut intent to dffraua." The (). S. Advertiser calU this " one of the oddest verdicts rendered iu a good many years perhaps in all the history of Courts in Owen Suund We undera'and that the verdict li.s been appealed. Gli-ni'li; play* Flesherton mi the loca' grounds this Frid;iy uftornoun G'>"d gune assured. G-inm cllr) at 6 p in HEN'S SUnnER FURNISHINGS Men's Merino Uund.erwear Men's Balbriggan Underwear Men's Nainsook Underwear Men's Mesh Underwear These come in two-piece garments and combinations short sleeves, 'long sleeves or sleeveless knee length or ankle length styles. Sizes from 34 to 44. Prices from ... . 95c. to $2.50 he >' -H IlEIIUfli 9 MEN'S STRAW HATS Sennitt straws in English Boat- er styles; Toyo panamas in Boater Fedora or Outing shapes ; Italian straws in Fedora or Outing shapes Prices from $1.25 to $3.75 Coatless Suspenders Bow ties Sleeve Holders Hose .Supporters Leather belts Soft collars Bathing Suits Outing shirts Specials from the Grocery Department TEA -A special blend of Indian and Ceylon Teas, good flavor and an excellent drawer. Regular 55c. quality Special 3 Ibs. for $1.00 Satisfaction guaranteed with this tea, purchase price refunded if not to your liking. SALMON A good pink Salmon, one pound tins, every one guaranteed. Regular 25c. quality Special 19 cents RICE A good clean Siam Rice, a good cooker, just righ for pudTdings 5c. lb. All Spring Millinery at Reduced Prices F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON - ONTARIO i Reeve Meads and Depu.-y Reeve Math- j burning uuiomob'les with intent ewaon of Artemesia. i defraud, was found " Not Guilty " by a ! jury in Owen Sound last week. James \V hite of S jimd Et and ! Wes.of Toronto, visited their father. 1 The Normal Ei.tranc. who lives his son, Ben, on the Jarefully Bmter... Corrected Winter Wheat .......... Spring Wheat Oats Barley Peas Biickwliea: ............. Potato* s ..... ............ 7."> t,, 1 HO Apples ................ 4 00 to 4 00 Enoh Week IS >., -_>u 32 "xiO 39 1 5 to *., 1 80 to 1 SO 40 to 42 S. r > to 85 1 f>0 to 1 'Hi 1 00 to 1 05 *i indard Imte! at Maxwell F. r Salt ; snap for somebody. Apply to W . H. Guy, Maxwell, Out. l sow and fight rave \V. .) . Me- H R ">, Markdale, tfl. 3", :!. Fir S-ile A br youilii pigs rend}' to Fadden bick line, over SuiuUy. Walkerton will put on an Old Boys' reunion for July I'D to ;>0, fr which a i;tv!it prr^rani has been prepared. Write C. F. Nil tins;, Secretary. Mr. John Boyd of North Battlefocd is at hia home in Mackdale fora couple of weeks anil gavi. Tlu> Advance n friendly call MI Friday. Tho pastor, Rev. Mr. Nelson, Mrs. W. P. Crossley, Missi-s Jean Reid and Sarah \Vyatt uiotorad to Port E'/in on Thurs day last to Attend the Baptist Atnocutiun etc. I also lake oiders there. corse's and ha\u a fe* are being held in the high school tl is week with nine writing and Mr. Holland presiding. Four are wrniug the Malcic- ulatiou. The Eut ranee e\ams ciminietice next Tuesday. R. J. Sptoule, insurance, convi-yan- o'liu 'ind tii'inny lending, lias inovvd h:s . tlic-i.- from the M'.-Bntialri Buildmn back] lo thd old Drugstore luiii>;.nj he uccilpir 1 mi l"iiu, before inoviuK from the M. K. Kuildins, whura ho wi^l b<) pleaieil tu nieet his old friends and .-n many n-^w ones us feel like patiomzing linn. I havo an excellent line of lino rubber goods on baud apron*, working .gloves, i for Spirella i which I Small Ads. For. Sili' A i|iianMty tim..lhy hay. .r PP iy to U U No. J, 1'.' ! m. Duudalk Lost Last VVi'fk Pur tan uN> cur-' tains in Imu-k eanvisi, cie,iikely between Shelburne and Flesherimi. Finder leive at Down's i;:irak:e. Rewnru. of well Tl, s. T.y'i.r, 'lioLu 71 i :!-!. Lost New S|>r,nu' mil Mile I'lirt.iins nf ! Chevrolet 4'.H) 3ar, 'n-tween 1'". short n and Markdale. Finder pten-i: 1-iav.- i: ,Th* Ailv i?ic.> i tri_v. XDW ;< tin' tin i !;, i-li OBO t!n- wa' Try Pastry flour, tho besl . '[" r f"f iii: r"in. I hive jns' ri-ceiv- or ynur fin k. All OiiM.rici vrhi n i"j bi k of smnplea f w .11 |':i;-r", Chiippn i !i ihain H d yie ' Reduced 11 All'X Hill- 1 w.ll oilcloth, wail I'M \vnii <_';, burlm-. el . ii S.l'Ultltya ,.nly .ni.l am iiu-.v rondy to IIIKI- your Older. 'nt. i i )c' I'l H. C.irriimton, painter and ">' r r. Kl.^ll.T'o'!, I lilt . . sinls ami rViT-ll llll jn !-'! Lost-At the picnic at LeveiV Grove, I wil1 8 --" a rcatl y reduced-Miss V. A. on Saturday, June 18th, g.,Ul wa:ch .uJ , Xhol.ou, bVshert,,!,. chain with loeket attached. Finder' The local squad of volunteers, about leave at The Advance office and receive 23 strong left here for Cauip Niagara in reward. ' ' pouring rain Friday morning last. Th . i c-Jiiipany wis in the charge ot Capt. J. The anniversary services will be held I . . in the Presbyterian Church on Sunday, July 3rd. Morning at 11 and evening at 7 o'clock. The Rev. P. T. IMkey, M. A , of Kuox church, 0*en Sound, will be tl' speaker. The Methodist conference at Oiillia ' made the followiut; changes in the lint draft of stations iu the Owen Sound District : Markilale, Frank N. Bows* ; Flesherton, John H, Oak ; Chatswor'h, Howard 11. Eiton. Married The marriage of William Maycock of HanovBr and Mrs. Olivs Maiilda IJuirk cf Artemesia was solem- nized at the Presbytemn nianae-'i n Wednesday, June loth, by Rev. F. 0. Fowler. An event of interest to the people of this community took place in Toronto on Wednesday, Jiine lar, when Miss Eileen B. Scnotiele', daughter of Capt. A. .1. Schi'tield, Beliast, Ireland. ws united in marriaga to Dr. D. H. Fletcher nf ihe Out'ino Government Hospital, Toronto, and formerly correspondent of The Advance for Stone's Settlement. A local fisherman is wondering what he had on his hook the olhur day, and it ts keeping him nwake nights dreaming about whales and pot poise* with rd spots on them. It *iH nerer lie settled definitely and we would advise fcim to , . . , . s ;,,i; aetits uer head fur ewes, cease thinking about it before he ciitche" ...n.-. Mho. ^A n.r.o be dipped free of charge as Fur Si JI.u. V un.: \i''j.'~ fur -:i'.-'. >. For Siile A few ton^ of "od hay f'<r salu. M. G. t)rr. Pmton U.K.. If yi'U -Me planninu Lo buy -i iirii-hiiii! buy ihi! old n-li'ihli- You in. iv HS will biivu tlio ln->' it reasonable price. i.'.iil inJ sie these machines at \V. A. HawktMi's phuto ^a'li-ry and music store, Flefheit r. :?* BOOTS & SHOES I In Ladies' Wear we have Kid, Dongola, Gun Metal and Box Calf. For Men's Wear we have a nice assortment of Mahogany and some good lines in Black. Also very serviceable Work Boots. Repairing promptly attended to. THOS. CLAYTON FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO LeCard, Lieut. W. Cargo and Sergt . Major E, Bellamy. Tho camp will I break up Monday of next week. Arnnnir the new arrivals to our town. w welcome the Rev. Geo. H. Vrooman, the rector of the Anglican ohu r ch, here. Mr. Vronraan also has charge of St Mary's church. Maxwell, tha two ap- pointments now being mane in'o one parish. Thit, we undersiand, is to be a permanent arrangement. Thu the Anglic ins will now have the larvicts of a minister of their own communion. A horse belongihg to Fawcett's liveiy dropped backwards through a covered well on the livery property early Satur- diy morning ind went down up to its ears. Fuitunately there wa a block and tncltle on the premises and with the assistance of eight or ten men the animal was hoisted from iis very uncomfortable position and is apparently none thewcise for its drop. Dudug the past week ihe Department of Agriculture has commenced its woik iu sheep dipping. Tho average thus far has bssii approximately I!00 sheep M d Itmbs per day. The ouitit will be work- ing every d*y until the !>lh of July, going to 27 different places. The r^iuest that _'0l) mature-i shep be guaranteed has not been met, to that in fu.ure to pay expenses il miy be necessary lo charge Lambs will dipped frea of charge as per notice Stravfd - From ihe 4'h, <i-pn-v. Fire and wind Insurance in the best !^ n(far McTjnty| . e j b | ack V( .., ir |ii U .-ti-er en inpanii-s for dm. and town property (|noole;) ;iml whif( . , ind K>; , j.,..,^,,,,, huiter. Pluase notify Walter .Seelcy, ! Maxwell. W. O. Fawcett, ngenr. Ceylon . Strayed- -From lot .'!. con. 2, Euphra- sia. on or abi>ut May 1st, red cow with win e markings, farrow, dehorned and piece of leather in right ear. Finder please communicate with \\uiHumber- stone, Duncm. Lost Smiill i' nilh small black, covered book of church accounts, retail price list rf T.H.C. macbiuery and some ether books and papers in pocket. Finder please leave at thin ullice. House anu L )t For Sale The prop- j H ouse 4n d Lot For Sale at Ceylon erty known us the Asl.dowu residence at ,) ue acrp ,,f l an d, a larae framn house, 9 Ceylon, an eight toomeil dwelling, good roonl8i 5 bedrooms, dining room, purlor, celhr, stable, etc. ; about an ace of i ir 0u j halls, kitchen, pantry ami cellar, land, would make a uood home for * j all wall furnished and in vood condition. 1 1 retired gentleman. For terttis and fur- j Woodshed attached. g-iod stable ther particnlKrs apply to W. J. Bellamy, a ,,d well. Near the C. P. H. station. Flesherton. IMaytf JApp'ytoMis. R. P. Legate, Ceylon. The Victrola ;' i Finest Groce) ies, Confectiouery and Ico Cream ., u j e ippe ree o c as per nouraesthenia or some other bad nerre _,. , . TV, sent out to a sheop breeders, disease. The facts are theio : To begin with, he was fashing ir. the hydro pond, : Mr. Chamberlain of the Chamberlain when he felt two heavy tugs at bin line. ' Oil Company. Shelbuine, was in town on He tried to snag Mr. Fih but found his ! Friday and in company with his expert, line come away bearing it in | Mr. Monroe, of Toledo. Ohio, gave The the water for a few moments ha decided to examine his bait . Drawing it up, he found the hook caught in the tail of Advance a call. They were up on an investigating visit to the oil prospects here. The work here was shut down five inch catfish which wu dead and half j for a couple of day*, but considerable oil digested. The question which give j was brought up Ust wek by the sand him nightmare is, what sizs was the tish ] pump and tho operator! are quite sau t hat had th catfish coralled and whoso j guino that when the hole is cleared out breakfast was so ruthlessly pulled away oil will be found in considerable quantity ta.l from h<s interior. It would | --jus how mnch is the question to be by the be interesting lo know. decided. GROCERIES- All kinds of Groceries. We handle the best goods obtainable . A trial order will convince . CONFECTIONERY- Neilson's and Willard'a Chocolates in boxes and bulk. Christies' Fancy and Soda Biscuits. ICE CREAM Our Ice Cream Parlours are running full swing. Try City Dairy Dainties. EDISON PHONOGRAPHS THE VICTROLA is the one in- strument to which the world's greatest artists have intrusted their art an unanswerable acknowl- edgement of its artistic achieve- ment. .Moreover The Victrola is the only instrument specially made to play the records which thsse '.vorld-faiiicil artists have made. Music is to the mind what rain is to the soil an absolute necessity. You arc cordially invited to our musical master-pieces W. A. ARMSTRONG. Phones 13 and 28. Fleshertou, Ont. WE SELL Hear the Edison at our store. Edison Amberola Records. We also Laudlu TARM IMPLEMENTS WAGONS, PLOWS HARROWS Bellamy's Grocery, Telephone No. 37 Flesherton, Ont. SPECIAL PRICES IN New Pabular Sharpies Separators JOHN HEARD, IMPLEMENT AGENT. FLESHERTON.

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