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Flesherton Advance, 23 Jun 1921, p. 4

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Juno 2:5 THE FIESHRRTON ADVANCK ESTABLISHED 1872 r EG liZ> - | <$f- 5S^' 5 | .'NEAD OFFICE 8^^ HAMILTON Itistend ofcurrjiiiK tlic proceeds fion) (iiain Tickt-ts, Sale of Cittli'. Produce, etc., in your p-jcki:t, deposit tlu-in in the li.uili of Hamilton, when they will be safe. Y.III mi llicii issue cliriinen to pa aecountH, mid your paf-8 book will iiflord you a complete record of all your transactions. BANK OF HAMILTON DUMULK BKANCH-A. M. Carthew, Manager SI 'R-RRtNCII PROTON -C. J. Forster, Sub-ManajJer A Genuine Sale Having purrha-ii 1 *! tlic stoi-k of II. J. ]..( i;inl at Hcsli'.M'toii at a low r.itc on the $ we have dcriili'il to place the Pattison & ('o. and tlid I.iii.ti-il Stocks on sale a I prices never heard of in tlic ( 'mint v of (Jrcv. Sale starts Thursday, March 24 JAMES McLEAN, Pattison's Old Stand. CEYLON Ladies' and Men's Boots & Shoes (in!-, *ln'r in 1 I IOAII iiinnin^ -Ii .> - l>'>\ - luti' iiiid I i. H n in MI. ML; Ii > BcVt' IMO.MI e-tiiv IM Blu.-hri cut .-I, . > w! -Int [or school Oirli' whit' 1 c m\ i- | -I; nip with ,i'i'l i i in nililiur soli'. L nil -' r !::. c .in HI tie [Ulll]l vrty ln'W i-il I. , ' . : . , i i |. .r 1.. l ^ol, K I. ivitll t no MH] ill k'l! or |iV "ni Ii i ln'f i . 1 1 ii ii ;ii i , in (i.'i.'.i- y ...\! ' .nl- [ 'n ciiuui ln-i-1 ] pit 111 Jl W ! ll 1:1 l',i ; ,' ii \';ui,i-l.i -, I' i j ] i:;n S'l'iin -, I. M.!-H'II i Ullclol Ii, ltn.;i .11. 'i ( ' : ' . 'i . >' i ' i U.'uJ .,,,* F. G. KARSTEDT, Flesherton, - Ontario FLESHERTON BAKERY irs WORTH v TIIK UI.'KAI* WITH A PURPOSE. Yes, our Pun; Food JJrcail lias a worthy purpost;. It brings health and .sticn^ih and a meal time satisfaction t.o thu folks ul;o partaUe of it I't^nlar- ly. One slice calls for a loaf, one lo.if (onus tin: habit. Bread is your best IViod cat more of it. I'HONK FRED FINDER, Flesherton + + 4- *- Sporting News of the district HASKHALL III' "l ! OK t'enTKK OllEY LKA<;rK < Mli Ntiiiiding of thu teaniH, June 21 XV jn LriKt P.O. Vnndeleur 3 . 1010 Oundalk SJ .1(100 Cuylim 2 1 .007 K.eslmrton :t 2 .600 R.ckyn 1 2 .SIW KiiKi'ina 2 .000 Glenelg Centre 4 .000 Flesherton 10, Cfylon 10 \ .!!'. i;i 21, Glenelii 1 LKAUI-K GAMK.S THIS \\KKK. : K . . ; i Dundttlk Ihura., postpn'd (ilenelg at Kleshetton Friday. Viodelxil at Kocklyn Saturday It was l'nij;i'ther H different lirand of bill played on Thurmlay afternoon lai-t 00 the Geylnn groqpda, when Fieshertou trimmed Ceylon 10-10, t, played on the opening day in Klu.sherton, May 20, when Ceylon bent FU'tiherton 22 to !(. Tin 1 boys Imvu gor, down MI playing bull now anJ if tiny keen the iod woik up the tup will lie tlit-iis fur num. Tlio i; HIM' wa.i I. \ .1 i.,i . H light i mi !h it dim-.' i ft' '.ml on an 1 ll.ade . n't'eld especially h:ird to phy on. Th-- first 1 wo mini;* tin- K..-.U wi : :e li|:,nkpd while Ji'jlon |nr i VIT fmir l nun and in 1 1. thud tliH I. .M'> sUunmd in seven oil (jibs 11. i \ i. liud ri the 5th, but it 11 unly Hilh hud |ili_\ iilj fur Mi' in and Ii.-Hii-,' fir" rs that |>ut o\er the i. .11. In the i> ii ihieu more runs wcie 81 nt acinus, while in ihe next fiaine tl < locals cired the tmt'8 for six more, xnd during thin ttuio CVyhii scored four. (iiliMiu K'lirrd at thi* period to lecood and C. Muir I. .ok up I lie I wlrling dutie* an<l held ll," Ii cals doWD after giving two baeei >.|| KI-. The ^mne was called in the eighth n account nf -itCfiS by I 'mimt.t .Viriiwsuiith and &lc Donald < f (ilenelg. Flpheiton - D.iw, McLaod, L'?aid, \\iltoii, .Vox, Uutiiin, Thurst'.n, .''purlin ; ,Sirt, Urr, Mci'uvi>h. Ceylon- J McLeod, E Vuii, K G.l-on l'.|. i. I ' :>! I.- .. IVdlur ; McMillan, spate. S-c .fu Ly Inning* Kii'sin-iion it i' 7 o ii :s i; 0- li cYjioii ;; i o .' i 2 i oio THE Flesherton Advance An independent newspuper published eveiy Thursday at the ottiee, Collingwoud Stiei't, l c 'i. lin i"ii. Subscription price Si. 50 per annum when paid in iidvance ; 8200 when not so paid. $2.00 to I'nit.'d States. Advertising rates on application. Circulation over 1100 weekly. W. II. THUKSTON KI.ITOK Extend your farm operations N Leaves The Guide Alcjx ftiuck i ut nix A'hile Gil, son fanned suven \\ In'y nio.r "f t l,e tune- Ii could Ii .(1 ill.- li.mli d.nii i' w;.g in the third nuj Mi-ran: h that wc'ilci nt'tl Hial i-i th"e two ; Ion . iliirii'Lii in ;.i t" ci i'H tin- plat.-. k ; ! i) nn vxbibltiun ^inn- with i T i..iiln i'n . i.ii '1 Inn ii) n.l the u'Mn' vtitli I'll*. 'iiiri n (< t e p ifltpniu'd mi Hint, ftrcoiini. XV ii nip; u- I lie 1 1> ,-iie "til' I I ^'.i -In lirvd -t tint. \ ,r. !!' in wiui ill (IS'iie'i! on Friday | Vt-i at i/icni liy lli> one sidrd score of ' -1 I Ku hi-ll Crtham pitched the ;\w.v fur Vaiideleur. Tlii'le in i> lii'int; too in my gnnit'S p islponed in the Ltnuuc aud if the schedule 11 to In* tim-hi d on 1 100 thi'so | Ktini's will liiivu to tn> played hetwei'ii the I icheduled : on, - If it IH t H!| [. '--.ili'i. ' tlif iines ihoiild l>e pluyed on schedule. W. A, HAWKHN dealer for MENDELSSOHN PIANOS and PLAYER PIANOS, PHONO- GRAPHS and RECORDS, and SHEET MUSIC. Call and sec these high gnule instruments Hftvkeii'a Photo Qallory and Music Slot- FLESHERTON Murk'litlu : rounding out K l,,in*l)all so ns to Invo n fnw ^nineii lifter the Ci-ntru (.iii-y l,ii;u<> hua tinislifd. AUCTION SALE (If I 1 ' nun Stock, linp|.'iiin:s, cte., .will l:o held on Lot 27, Con. 10, Osprey on TUESDAY, JULY 5, 1921 l)rivii u lioiHi- T> ye.'ivi ; ll<;i\v horn 4 yen IN ; llravy eolt Ii y.ais ; Horse I I yi'im ; I'n^h cow 7 yens, Kresh cow T> \(iii'<, 1' ri sli I'ow ;i yi'iirv, Cow dllu tn ln'lien iln'v 10 iiye (lyeiM, I'ow li^i'iri iiu().:i 7. i> sieein '2 yi'iiri Heifer x yr*, Ii vi'Hi'lin^' MriM'H, I spring eilvM, 8 isto I I'iK", '> 1'iK* H *' ti' 1 * ' Id, Brood HOW, 1 10 lli'iiw, It Duc'k", L! GeeKf, 7 Sheep, 7 I .no ; Dvcriiii; hindei I! ft rut, I '. . :o inovror 5 foot in', M nanny I Inn is Culti- I \ator nct;rly new, John l>ere disc drill IIKW, Ij'ind I'olli-r ntjw, !> Inirio^VH, Imin wni.'on ui.d tiux, Adiuna nleiuh nearly in-w, 1'J hull iron harrown, Hay rake, U VYulkiiiK p'owii, - Giui|; plow, Fanning mill, HOL; \ pole, Harvest rack and stock rurk coinlnui'd, 8et nf .'! horso evenern, XVootl rack, : knolnn; lout; -, ' l ->f heavy Ii mo , Mil plow l.uir'. Grllulslollf, new Sim. il.ini Si-jnint. i No, 4, Cook stnve,>-. In . N, forkx, chains and nuineron-i other .-.rticle.s. (,)uintity of 'J*in. Between oO and 60 acres of crop will lie told If not Hold before. KVI-I v I.ii , iniiKt be sold os thu i r Ii IN "in' n up frming. Tl KM All -ion. ' i $.~> .11 il !::,,! r. eish ; ovi-i- i lint uini inn ' month*' eri'dil mil lin i;ivui on ftp|novi d j,iinl uolcr, r <" , nil' fur oh in lion of notes. \V KAITTINC, F. M ITIHUAN, Anotii'iuer. Pioprietor. , After four years oi The Grain Groweig (luiile, UN aesoci&'e tdltor, Mr. H D. ' in- ir. lian Beveied h's connection ai,d t-iktn a position with the United Stoics ; Grain Growers, Inc., at Chicago. While with The Glide, Mr. Colquette devoted oonsiderabla time tj the nlud/ of co- opt- rative enterprises, and travelled over the United States nd Canada investiga- ting them. He will be connfctcd with ths cducatioiiHl department of the (jrenl grain enterprise in the L". S., which is ttompliog to linndlc on a large !>c!i- the wheat grin pioduced in the U. S Mr. Co'i|iii-tte is aon of Mr. and Mi?. U. J. Colijiietto, of Fi-versham, uil w t for u time i-diti r of a farm paper publish- ed in this province, after graduating f r< in the O. A C. ut Guelph. Incorporated 1855 O progressive farmer needs to be urged to produce to the limit of his facilities. His problem is to find the means the capital. Is it more stock, more housing, feed, seed grain, implements or new land to be cleared or broken? The Bank of Toronto is ready to assist responsible farmers for these, or any purpose which will enable them to increase their production and profits. "BANMORONTO . Capital $5,000,000 Assets over $100,000,000 liilANCHES : FLVEHbHAil ;,d MARKDALK ELLIOTT Sl'MMER TERM OPENS JTLY 4th at tlu Road Closing ;o itii'l Charles Streets, Toronto noti'il f. .r hr^h v'r.ide traiiiin^. \XV lio-.ii ions U> til: iiniv at *."> m 8100 I per iionUi. XV o filled dne Utt ly at 815O p.-r mouth Hill another at S'2700 per ; lililiirn t (|)i-n all ye;n. K i'"r any time xv. .). HI.I.KJTT. ' . ' ' Tenders Wanted Notice is heri'Ky i;ivori Hint thr Muiii- cipul Cnunfiil of the Township of Ann- nii:-in, will, .if i t-r one in nth from r l.i firbi Dublic itinii hereof iu the ETIeiherton Advitiice newpptper (>bn date uf hirh is iho "Jih Any nf lun'-, lilJl) proceed to 1'iM it by law to close u|> niol I'm illy dinpine nf the undermentioned origin il llo*auco for roads. 1st All thit part of what i Un wn 'ts Tiiider< ill be recnived ly i In- under- thu hise line" from lots I'll t'> 110 lignad up until 1- ..'<!." -k on S.turdty. inclusive, in rear of the Third lUnije. J une n,),, p.Hi, f,,,. t)ie erection of a North of the Toronto nd Sydi obara Hond. wire fiMiC'< iU' nnil th I'rciiliyteriai) 2nd -All tl,,. part of d.r.d lying Cemetery, ,n i '. * 8, It.. '2 mil, s he> ween lota 10 and 11, in the Concession of the --.i I Township. By order i f the Counr'l. \V. J. BKLLAMY. Dated Uth June, I 'Jl. oouih of Mrledie. Specification can be at i'.i' undemigntd : John \Veber, R. |{. So. 4 Owen Sound, Ont. Indu-idiml Instruction in all Commercial utijccta. Catnloyue Free. C A FLEMING, F. C. A., Principa G. D. FLEMING, Secrstary. Mention this paper when writing) DR. F. C. NIXON Optometrist and Optical Specialiit Hun niiirio Street renr Thiid Street, Collingwood, Onturio Appointments : Daily !l :i. in. to 5 p. m. E*eniDg8M>d Holidnys arranged. \\'. II liiirn-'t. Mtrkdale, Telephone 611- W. -ii r.niwn. K. H. No. H. Flehhertuti. r J|y -Ji) Box 1006 CHEVROLET It cost him onlj 5? ,14."), F.tilJ. rioshcilon. Ontario, equipped with r-liT'i if stuvti-r .mil li^litins;, one- itittti top of genuine fjbriUoid> ventilating uiiulslaeKl, uViiiountablf uiiis, non-glare head lights' Stewart tranemissioii-driven speedometer, Willard rubber thread- ed liiiitery, oil g:niyi.', fotn non skid tires, tito carrier, complcto to i! i [111^1111.111 ami \.i!\c-:ii-li(.ail motor. Why He Bought a Chevrolet 1'lie dealer proved to him its rotuhng advantages over many cars of similar v.cis-lit and its ease of operation. He knew from experience of others that with proper adjustment and the famous valve- in-head motor, bis gasoline mileage will be equalled by very few c-rs. L new tire would cost him only $1C.50 and if he required parts for his motor at any time, he know the dealer could give him direct service with the factory within tweuty-faur hours, should the tKcessaiy parts be out ot stock. He knew the dealer io a town of the si/e of Flesliertoa had to carry a stock of parts at all times invoiced at approximately 8-000, which would remedy 95 per cent. of his unavoidable replacements. He knew Ins entire car, including the motor, was mado in Canada, and in buying one of Canada's Standard cars he was in re-eftlabltabing the- exchange rate. Should UM accident occur to his car, he kn n w that Chevrolet service could be had nnywhrie, because in the season of 1020, the Chevrolet ear had come to the fore so fast as to ellipse the record of any other linn on the point of production in Canada, and that dehiiul this \v is tin- strongest organization in the motor world, "(ienerul Motors." He had only to look at the car to realixe its beauty of constru- ction ami its sttiuiincss Its baked enamfl flniih precluded any possibility of IIH car becoming shabby within a few weeks. He knew ho was buying something "a little better" at the REMARK- ABLY LOW PKIC1-: OF S945. oo He kuc-w thai ut this price lie was buyiu^ a car unequalled in power, construction, dependability, comfort design and endurance, by fe\y cars anywhere near the price. A car after design of the larger models, not built down to a price, sacrificing quality, and therefore durability. For these and many other reasons he bought a Chevrolet. D. McTAVISH & SON Chevrolet Dealers Phone 9w - FLESHERTON, ONT.

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