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Flesherton Advance, 23 Jun 1921, p. 1

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Vol42, No. a Fleslierton, Ont., June U . ROCK MILLS Miss Str-ih White .-penl the week end a" her par.:; t il home here. Will Newell of Duili.iin is _'*in lnulin-4 loas for the Durham Furnrurc Company wuh their truck. Quite -a number of youim folks fr'-m heie attended the U.F O. picnic at Bunessnn last week and report a ^ood time Mrs Sam Croft and childien returned home Tuesday, after a week's visit with relatives in Toronto. Will Weir and Geo Newell of Durham visited oer Sunday with the tatter's brother, C Newell, and wife. - Thos Gamey and lady friend of T>ruulo are hoi dayu i/ with R Clark ar.d Uniily. Frank McMillan, who has been . K- ing on ths roads heie for the pail six weeks, has returned to his home at Scotclitnwn. Mr and Mrs Friiik Taylor spent .. J ty recently with th< l.tttei'n parents, Mr And Mrs I-A\C Smith. Robert C ir 1 T in <>r.-a S. uml last week acting as juryman. Eilwood Purvis wag around lust week L iiu-.e Suiith spent the ui.ek end wi.h. his friend U'refoni MjL'...i it Prx'eviilo. A Barbarous Outrage Fr in the S uth*nip',o;i Beacon There do noc eem to be my wonU in our UniiUiea adequate to chirtcterize the i u'ragecuj cruelty of th se ftnall boys in Fle-hertiB, who kno-jkrd a b. y, little more luh" th .1 .i^j, >ei - > and U: bin) to hi* f<i'e in a ticld, o he wjs found hours :fter with a Liai-. d face and broken jiw, still uncon<r. .-. To say that it was brutal is to li' <'< . 1 but the iiic.~! sivajie of Vru'e bcf- i: their mos'. s-ivajju moods. I' isdouhtful indeed w tie her th barbarity of il;i:r ctue'.ty cv uld be paialUlcd I y anytiiii ii on reci rd of ftninia' life. anin-a tight forcc'cus'y wuh ant!Zt>i.i>tr, but who ever saw a half grown doe do .1 i i p to death / The OII'MC*.' wnt iint' v fiendishly inhuji.ui. The n cidetit fur- nishts a problem for a pnych. 1 g^'. It is altogether beyond and outiulu ^11 y ordiiury ui:dertandin^ of iMturr. The news story of the occurrence iy < : " The parents of the vi:luu 1: ;\ I a go J iJt'n who the perpetratori of tho di>t- rdly .ic' were, so iluvt an action m.iy follow." What about tk* eriniioal aspect of the case .' U iii't ihe C.o*-n Attorney for the c. uury re-ip. n-il 1>! f.-r n;v. tion .md prosecution in *uch : ci<o ' If the child htil been found i ; end tlu-ro would h ) bt-en *u : . - Are c .rouers u-jponsible for u:\i-v': ' only in of demh ( Shou'J 'h. : ".- i of tha victim be ci mp.-lled ti> mriitu kagai pcootwdiog*, aa in a civil -i ! n f r dilutees ? If tha chiid wvro 'i orph n or ward the mjont of the Ch lim.'s Aiu Soc : ity would be npecttil to take- 8 >ie legal steps t.t protect othei MI, ill Children from sitiu'.ir cruelty . ^ i:i-.r'.u:i.: should be do: e, and lha ooe or ..ire guilty of such an ou'rage should I < . with in a way tluxt woula bo a les...u th i- jrould not be fonjotun nd ih-t oulJ tench *!! ' y< lu> hf:iril of it to i . s t oot llu- rights of t ven th ^:;lllest nd nn>-.t defenct'Usf. \Vh%t should bi dune is hud t.> sajr. Tiu wantonly pitilcus cruelty tint int.U' Ruch an outr.i!e po^sibU was not lion.;- oped in a moniont ct passion, nu! . s-. indceii, the gui.ty one is an ino^ioiiMti o defective The kind of thing that leads to such conduct i- fir too common, and far too commonly tolerated. The bigger (u '. jw i often t brag^irt bully tin! si to .'.fo ' '"i M i!:-.i iloluiit ill t.-ruo I. aud tnt:il-- tug and terrorizing all the little f!'o % .. T' uiy be seen almost anydiy in the rty^iound and <<u the utreot. Forti: m.elv i> m seldom serious /txcept in thf cde..!/ of \: *a the chirac- ter< of those who m<iui(. in it. From this clax are developed the bri^nd and desperadoes who are becoming intnaeo to society. There is surely something lacking in home aud school discipline. The kindly consideration for ihe smaller and weuker, the tense if fairtess and justice and the lf control, all of which ate essential to civil zttion aud culture, require tu b cultivated and developed fro.u the very beginning of persons! coiosciousn-fs. I'm. '-I. nu nt for crimes commuted are Bt reformatory. They may be necessary but such outrages as that at Fieshfiton. hi i"ly rare, should emphasize toiutrents and teavhers the rrsponsibility of thi> opportunities for traiuinjt the child in the w;iy it should go. PRICEVILLE A'.! vegt'Vvi H H looking remarkably well. The Home Giuru are inflic'insr heavy lo.*tv..s nu the a; my of Colorado beetles invading the country these days, but the auemy are receiving immense reinforce- ments daily. Hector McDonald, South Line, ha* bokC engird tanii<g t:.e census in the southeast ward of Gleneig. Alex. M.-Leau. returned gi.Mier, has been strut to Guelph to enter some mechanical tramiiy course. Mr and Mrs Fred KarvUdt motored d.iwu fu (Jr. MIS! y to spand ov.r the Week end i;h Mis K'= frienis. Rober Diujjwall, t youoit student fur :lit. ruu.i-.ry, c< r.Jucud the lervice tu '.he Methivlist c'.uroh Ust Sunday niurn- ing in the i ll:e p.-utor. Rev R J MeCarteo. The oongrattttion are in te:,CLd m Mr D aud wish him nuccest. U 1' I M Cirt.n. after at'. coding , . i inlliJ, nrmimd o<er at Ailans'wie t > take s- me uitd cal treai- men', and we uoderslnnd he n ii'iendy fcel'c si-me iu.prtvciuent Mr, the plstriig expcit cf F eslurtti.i. h* leeu working on Mi Junes' house md U no* at W G \\ i;- too'*. School Reports S S 5 17. Ar:eme*ia. for M iy E White-. .'r :' M H : . I. M no. F Hi B HiviUn,., T M K. .Ir'J K I! f, L I'.e tt, V White, K <r T, 11 MiK.e. Jr IV K Whit,-, D Euullu .1 Trdlir, L ^ii.i-r, J H.iwk-1 <. H >!| r. K I C.ttaron, Teao ber. - - N U. 0-pjey. for May Sr 4 K FindUy. Pedler. X Pedler, C (.'tineriMi. C ! IT ,1 iy . S. :5-Mi.:uy. I! Wilr. , M Fn d'.y. (.' '[".. inp* n. M M,. I i L - Jr :l t!P.d;*r. M K. n.lall Sr 2-L Cinietur, \> Fiiidl.- t v. k Thompeon. Jr 2 L'Sil'iviin.'i K 1'iiiiur ('< \\'-.\ ot>, M I'., tei s i ' H FiudUy, C Fh MII|.^,.:I. Aver:i_ ,.;oi' 'JO 'J7. \ . \\ iiitein, te.iv.-her. Centre Grey W. I. .1 in. Ctil)^ i f Vi.tie tiny V. , -HUMI'-. I ,t:tu e wus held at Ceylon June 8tb, !n'ii -tn ut 15U dele- ^1'i-iw-ii- prv.-v.-rt. Tho meeting WHS opri-i-.l -t I ::< with the P. 1' , Mr.. II. DIIWI-, in the tlwir. The I'li-sulvi t H. ko lnut'y. iv v vn -^ '.hi'V.i.'s woii,. Th,. iiiinuii's were lend by the t' S,"iv!:uy, MI-H. \\ . A. 'I.kwkvii. Ht'tfi which full rep.T: of tlie w ik of the District and the Blanches K*.* elver, I:.".v :n 4 i ! iNiu-e mi h u)J if ; 1.''04 !!., Kich I'> incli re[ refuted gav<> :t i,| it .if th \ on 'n wo; k, nil h.iwin^ iuc: Officers era elected as follows : 1'ns. Mi- i . mp . > : I'.eik : lt Vive. llrs. \N . I!, Uv eiiun ; 2 id Vice, Mr". J. J. MV.IIIV, \ iiideirur : S>cc. . Treis. Mn. \\ . A rl.'iwken.Kie > itfiti>n ; l' p to hvdorr.i, >l;s. Th.-u-.p-or, \\tidf leui ; Sposket f. r tVi.tie Giey, Mrs \V llin^iv.Ul. Hnp.-vil\>. The Ho(.e- villa Ki IK-S extenUeJ 'iu invitation for tha n..*t O.str.c 1 Vni.uil to meet in Ho(.c- v IV. which wis Hccepied. The program :oiitis(ed of a leading Iy Mrs K.'wlsr of Kleshertun ; solo by Mis UockriJtie, Hpe\ille ; reading by Mis tlvich.ii. -m, Ixvvouii'i ; singipg by Ceylon girls. The Cjrluu Branch provided wholesome nvi attmclive munis at Mrs. McL.iughiiii't) !.. mi-, which were appreci- ated to the fullest extent by the vuiting Indies. At the cloe of the meeting i nearly vole of thDk was given to the rv i.uu president, Mrs. Down. The meeting closed wuh ihe Nttioual Antlum Property For 5>ale Ucod property for sale in Eugenia, containing li) icrvs. A i(oi>d comtc i table hi'iwe with woodshed ; good cellar and cistern ; good puir.p in .t drilled well li-ii'lv to il. or ; it |{ood barn and xtraw !.!.. '.1 on slutie i 'inui vti.'ii, and good ciMnent sUbic* uucvrne^ib, good land and well fenced. Apply to J v- < Waikei, Eugenia. EAST MOUNTAIN Ibe n.itiis aie being improved, bat not I before it was needed. A nuni'cr from here attended th* O*eu a Ulld S612 S. Mussrs Carrol Numbers' i ne, Earmst Thompson, Leslie McMuKen and Victor ford have none as volunteers to Niagara. Thomati Harriot tie is vi>itn < friends in 0*eii Si und and Heady. Juhu SiuKno if Duncan -. i?:teti friends here. Mr atd Airs Gen U.,rl:ott' visited witii ihrir am, Willut, s,d wife near Heathcu e. Un Jui.e lOidear iutle baty uirl, .Edna Be-etiice, arrived ^t ihe home f Mi acd Mrs \V,:::e Hrbo't!e. NX'e i if r our heartiest o. r^rs.tu:.ti us. THE LATK \VM. I'BHIEN Another i t out h.jh y r-.-pi it ii e/-- z:u ai aw*rd the death cull on Thur-diy of lut week aiif vita jrfit ihrck to ti.o community and all who knew him. * _!i he tad been mlmy f tiuie e did i.ot ilimk lus time on eaitb was no lui. f . Ir is only i per'od of leven months since Im b;o'!iT, Edward, paasej avv.y. \\iilwaia ycncrnl fav, ri:eith ail who knew Vtii, hiving H k. cheerful word f r o a nj y ui'n- Um presence wiil be u. . neighborhood. H < reunion were taken : to the l\ man Catholic cemetery, i:ien"!i:, auJ liid i.eiiiie t. se if hi* brother. R.-v Fnhvr M-'l . ;. rSijived at t':.e tfrave. \V e exiji.u ui *yn: j ithy to the t IJIT, J ,M e- "Another friend .- We ,l I..u-e 1 '. i friend ; ' I Mi; uur life il'.'h eij'i. ' FEVERSHAM Beautiful ran - . ' and days are caudate the nr st rapid i of grain, aud in fact the growl;! <A rvriy ENGAGE^IEXT RINGS 3St ' thiri; is ii.iiy ;i RI. :n savar.c I Uiuui conditions hrre. The very I. Qgi - ~ e _ ive iui ftreweli sd;iess in the a^r cultural hall here on Sunday evening ai >: the lu .dins' was ' jj.j] packed, ad it haa been every SunJiy III -e i lie meetings te^ii! fuur or live wei-h* O go Mr. ocuoii and cuLvinciog speaker, him a p!e>- : . d.-.i.ii-y iti.1 in uc' is on.t'l.e speak, rs we ruve ever li-'cnni to. He v i Ight l.etr 1 y -h ' i -; e. W ikers | aud w,? hi ue :iuch gouil .uy resu '.: from . . rvraolltni;. Mrs Walter Sjittjevfi .f W, \ is v iji in.' tir. i. V . - ' . : _- M i in poi r health, . ; : ' !:: i- wiifii vi>u place r!; litrl ircl I forever i.s tlif - in! <>! D! mm- i- 1 iih''.' affection. . _ 'lie . c S| W. A. ARMSTRONG Jeweler, FLESH ERTON, - ONT. BatesBurialCo. tit." SINK.- a .i.-; l~S.UAL Funeral Directors and Embaimers Phone Hillcrest 268 1 24 Avenue Road, Toronto, Ont. MOTOR EQUIPMENT J. W. Bates, R Maddocks, President. Manager Now is the time to re- new your subscription to The Advance. VANDELEUR ..-i-ily r. c v . t / . > , Mts A D-i ".a M s- I ' .. a- : ' : with .:ui, J is \ i D. n ' f i;:-! :'.:? :. .-I f.'cirj '. Juae30<b. C>.iiie Ami en; v } in a . :ti iy l\ Brown oceujH'-d the [)u!,.i - in the d tfereut churi'hen . n this ciirur - and will remain on 'hn .\U\*,': lier year. Hu . i . re i td t.. it Mr n. : Mi- 1; * :; i- reiiiiiin wuh the:n . Do You Use This Bank to deposit your money where it wiil be safe from fire and theft, and earn interest? to cash Cheese Cheques ? to collect Sales to issue Bank Money Oruers instead of sending actual cash in a 1 ?tter ? to help you increase your acrea -e and improve your Live Stock ? to c'ltain sound advice on invest- ments in Stoc !cs, Bonds and Farm Toronto Line North M - i-! ini Bnrritt of K <i,' : ey -; . ut the wu.'k end with her f.rtui \ Mr-, D . . an. Mrs H Baker i* spendtJIJ.'va h ! i. me it H n t t < ir W Mis L Juhniion has refium..! h. n e af'er -p-t: i i:^ i j . wcvkl > :I. her ?iMcr a; F*.slcy. : Uurnett i f M-II !, the c k end with Mr nud .Mrs J I ' aud family. : l"ai: .lie II i\ ii:j u n,e t- i , 11 Kr diy evening, ohm A A P.WVIS , i'lfsivient of me I' K L'. e i ' , will be present. The Yiruielui.- 1 .neball went to li'ji !i.iii on KruNy. Juiio 17. n ii ^il.iyoii i gillie wi ' i \-i ire wiii.h resulted in a win f r ! ir boys . . - -1 ' 1. The I . : - were : Y'lmlelt-ur Iv Graium. H Bowler. Glenelg .\Ltie Mel' n ild. i:. i l'.,;i , Mr iiul MIH K n. i- n *>\ X1 M . - 1; II i - n :in 1 so!', I i -. Id, ~; - i ' i -' iy .v '!. \.\ . ! M:s '-eo Tiriii ___ CEYLON Mrs .loo Ulivtr art ived un ~-i .. .\ k - v.,it Mr .u it Mi ).>* |.h I' iv, r. Dr l> II Fletcher of th,. n,. -, cnl >ttT of Toronto univtr- . . . . . his bride, VIMIKI! ft-w c iyn U.-t week with h: uncli) and HUM!, Mr i; d Mrs U Winf-iiier. imi i tii i fneiidii in this ' Mti I 'rice i I" Duiu'h 't v s.tiii^ l.rr ', brother and si^t. r. .1 I n siul Mn^vjie Don-. I- is -Jl y,"t^ .-* i !-. ,\:i-^ i*ru-e left here nud her 111.11 y o'd ftiemU ar pi- i-e.t to see her. F ','ollinsoii MteudeJ 11 .IMIIHII at 1 I.VLII Si unu Ust week. \Ve are sorry tu report Mr Jos Oliver ill, beusi; uuder tlii- cuv of Di Sne;h and McKarLine. At time of wit 104 h<> U sv uirvthtt better. Mis* Ktlie Muir, who h n been v:*it- \DH Collmswo. d rtlativct for ge*er>vl wek., returned bom > Saturday, accoin- panieit by Mri Baxter and son. The public ichonl intend holuini; a piruic Krui ty f'vrn< oo, June 24, . n Ihe school gn uiuls, when Durham K id wiil piny baseball with the school here. Mr 4nd Mis James Aihdowu of Oiren Sound are in town thU week. % Mr nd Mrs A Murro of Owen Sound : were in town callmx'on friends. 'I'll-.- real milrond problem is mere ' fiel^ht. BailU .!._ ' . i.Jll '('lite i : : tiis IIUL'. E Wicken hi e'tcttvl i ilnvr . n. . ^ . - . . . -i wtll uiii?i hi* C S - t-u'lo.n i Fred Brown is I uilc . _ . - ':e wall irn Hi.d ' windtnli. ereciv AL.-US ;invl > ' . . Chaa Stewart and wil .s, ,11110 i . i day* '.'. - Iboie. i . f; on F ... N.I. ir i. Archie I'.nrtia ' I i, > i- , v mo'tr la th - ilier mil wife f Stayi er, Mr Cepliii Bail . . - .'ul wif- of Du . .> i I' ~- The I'rcsbyur m Sutul.iy held in I A Lev i - . v i: d .y n t II i" ti . ie t me Mr ml Mr^ t'i rntc'iarvl, Vvt \ . . ' Sheep Breeders' Pi cnic ( in Kr diy J :>!i. ep I'.n '.'ieir tirr K . i > : \ . r IMS i in. n' ui tjKViij be< n !-.eid in '.;..* t-ri-Mii- uiis- mucii is r w not mi.'y * *. i. , I - , . - ui :n ri.c'i-i' institutu M T! i , d i<y i he D Jtuii .'. 1' ; ii'.ineirs of A^' i. uliure. nutritions were g van i:i 1> ekii ^ , ^ . .on, S,.ui_' . . T 1 '.- !> * ra n ::- e.! I y Mvs-is J , Tt liv r. >.iteu pro'i',.-er in THMR:HANT5BANK Hesd Otflce : Montreal. OF CANADA Estaclished 1864. FLESHERTON .'vND CEYLON BRANCHES, J. C. SCOTT, - . . Manner. aturti Ootaiio, and ^ J. II ward House of Quality Now is the time to sow your Beet and Turnip Seed. \Ve handle Ronnie s one of the best on the market. FLOUR Royal Household. \Ve also handle Ladies' Favorite. Hill's Sovereign, and Perfection ; also Hill's Pastry Flour. \\ e handle Rennie's Seed Corn including : Compton's Early, Wisconsin No. 7. North Dakota. Longfellow Improved Leamington. W. J. STEWART & SONS Flour. Feed, Seeds, Grcccrle^and Confectionery Flcsherton, - Ontario - : ond leal . . . i ' .\ < and J jii - I , . " ; . :-.u'r t tlo-:e u, re :' >Or en'.: ''s ouch whl'e Ml '!l,. !ui:e,. there were leu c 'nti..tnns. K> lowing ire tl\e wi:it;er : Jiitii^r ^it>H i:y con- test. Nt Hoiiion Shu*, 'Jiui ti v .*'.- !te. .'ird I.eny' n, -it.i t'. : >< ni. r siifninj c.'ine*- 1>: \V. \V. tlr.!: in. -Jud SL-ti-e. 8 ,i V G BlaT. 4'h Josith Hiii'h tiltn The pi'i'.rs were f ">. t"' ai.d $J. Jm'g'iiu contest 'Jnd Goiui n Shaiv, For tlie e.i-er'a i in.ii 1 . f ihe Mus Cvn -vtr. Deinonstnit .r in l>.m -: -c Soience. nave instruction in the cooking of unit I'll dihe. Over '.'."'0 fitnu-rs and farmers' wive* *penl the afternoon at the park. Miny expressed their deliaht pr->nved a i[f* er ciowd another yer ihou'd such a picnic be held. f _^_ - -- ^.. ^ ^ . The funeral rf the late George eld, whose uiitimely death as recorded in our last ig*u>\ took placx on T'.i ,!iy afternoon of last week 'o Shelburne ceroetmy. Ofer 130 O.-ante- men were present to patticipate in the !&*t sad rite*, nud the funeral, which Was by motor, n estimated to have been attended hy about 4'.X) mo'or vehicles. It was the largest funentl cortege ever secu in tiicse patts Free Press. : I I Prices Cut to Pieces We have reduced our entire stock of Ladies' Hats, Veils, Trimmings one third. Our hats are all this season's stock in the very latest styles. Don't miss getting one at away below cost. Big Reductions in all other Goods ia W. L. WRIGHT, Corner Store, Flesherton -<

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