Snf /or Rmtivt Boo*, FREE! Q Ot ld in sanitary, air-tight tins, the maker's package that guarantees purity. Packed at the factory, the contents keep indefinite- ly. Economical. The ideal sweetener for table use and cooking TUE CANADA STARCU CO., LIMITED, MONTREAL Crown Brand Syrup 'Che Great Sweetener" our supper oft* with,' I says, strivin' to Ret the pco<- soul's mind off herself. "She hold out her apron, an" I lifted tho lid off the pail and pours what's in it inty her lap. "An" what d'ye 'sp-ose was in that pall, Tom Wilson? Four garter sivakes and a lizard; that's what your precious son had gone out and (father- ed for our dessert. 1 spilled the whole caboodle of 'em into her apron afore I noticed, an' she (five one screech an' fainted dead away. While I was; busy bririKin' her around, that Williuml sneaked in and withered them squirm- i in' reptiles off tha floor. I couldn't' do more jest then than look him a| promise to settle with him ater, 'cause I had my han-!.i full as it was. I- found a pail of berries on the table when I got a change to look about me,: an' I ain't sayin' but that boy got them! pails mixed, but that don't excuse him | none." Wilson, striving to keep his face: An Antique Bazaar. A correspondent writes of a novel, i practicable and instructive entertain-: menl that those who originated it two women members of a church , organization introduced to their: town-peo7>le under the title of an' antique bazaar. The women visited everyone whom] they knew had old relics in their pos- : session household articles that had ! as herself tell the truth. She must be careful, cautious and accurate. The foundation of aJl happiness is honesty, and the cornerstor.e of all society is happiness. The woman who refuses to cheat herself is not so likely to be ch....xi by others. Used Autos Good Habits. "Whenever you see an adult who BKEAKKY BELLS car* of all type*; all cars cold Ject to delivery up to IbO <nlie. or ran ot came distance If you wish. In (Of/ order us purchased, or pnrctMM rrl.-e refunded. T> RING mechanic of yoar own chctesi JD to look them over or M!< " *Jj taite any cej* to city r*!i>rej>er tatlf* ! Inspection. Very large >:<icl Iay tt Breakey's Ussd Msrket <0fl Yonsre S'.rtc:, To be under water and no air allowed -to get in. Add a sliced onion to a cupful of vinegar, put lamp burners In it and boil them twenty minutes. They wilt come out clean and bright Wherj there are many chl'dten in the family a handy box for rubbers is made by taking up the boards in the A SON OFCOURAGE BY ARCHIE P Copyrighted by . McKISHNIE Thomas Allen. breathin'. But he don't mean any sma admission fee to the exhibition. I the vegetable habit when that harm. Billy don't." , Thc money was, of course, to go to was a child, ?ays h,lizabe<.n iownes. "That's neither here ner there," she further the particular church plan that "Children who 'do not like" the things , snapped. "He doesn't seem to care ' was on foot. Those called upon were , that are good for them, point straight what harm he does. An' the hard part giad to lend whatever desirable to the fact that the mother is either of it is," she burst out, "I can't take articles they had; and since they re- careless or stupid in regard to diet and no pleasure in whalin' him same as if I was his real mother; t, that's all. i' at me out'a eyes of .his'n v j s u or g other persons child phychology. in position. Under this lid put a box to hold the rubbers. Minard's Liniment used by Physicians who might like to contribute to the I "Little children's habits of eating; dead lion. The arrows of an enemy prove that you are alive. No one shoots at a "* bef " ~n- siderable number of antiques had been CHAI'TER I. Billy \Viis, ,.:'s Strategy. Mrs. Wilson lit the coal-oil lamp ami; plated it in the centre of the kitchen' table; then she turned toward thc door, her he.i.l l.alf bent in a listening atti-i tudc. A br iwn water-spaniel waddled from the woodshed into the room, four bright-eji-.l j/uppies at her lnuls, and Blood half in the glow, half in the shadow, short tail ingratiatingly Anson his evening chapter. Slowly j she mastered herself and sank backi her chair. Wilson came over and laid a work- The voice choked up and a tear collected, splashed down on the hand clenched! The admission fee was twenty-five i on her lap. j cents a sum that no one felt was I Comfortingly her husband's hand exorbitant. In addition to the stim- ulus in helping a worth while cause, h rtl f nc(i haml shoulder. y on her heaving not " M there was the personal stimulus der- to achebvnere words ived from the naturc of the exhibition, formed in childhood in such a way that f eV^th'quic'ly'and 1 Those who had lent relics were proud a boy loves to eat only the things that That is the time to appeal to the child's are wholly made by their mothers or ethers who have charge of their diet. Tomatoes have a good effect on pco- Tactful suggestions and a little imag- ; pie inclined to irascibility due to liv=r ination will create the right habits in troubles, any child. There is not one on earth j but is amenable to this sort of loving '. Seventy-five per cent, of the nickel suggestion. 1 of the world comes from Canadian "Habits of right eating should be , mines. a flush stole up beneath the sun and to have their heirlooms on exhibition, will make him strong and healthy. "M-.rv"liP I " li -t-> wrv, wind stain on her cheek. There was and those who had nothing to lend Naturally a child has the milk habit ha-e I don"-?'' , that in the pressure of thc hand on j were eager to see the interesting col- j and is naturally prejudiced against "Oh" she'crierl misprahk- "wh*t ' hers> stror ' >' et tender, which swept lection of their neighbors' cherished vegetables, because they are different, t Vu done, Tom Wilson ?? , C .J eelin * f l*liness from "", possessions. The exhibition was held in the town you!" commanded the wo- man, and with a wild scurry mother dog and puppies turned and fled to the friendly darkness of their retreat. Mrs. Wilson stood with frowning {raze fastened on the door. She was a tall, angular wonvan of some forty years, heavy of features, as she was, when occasion demanded it, heavy of hand. Tiny fret-lines marred a face which under less trying conditions of hfe might have been winsome, but to- night the lips of the generou* mouth were tightly compressed and thc rise and fall of thc bosom beneath the low cut llaiim-l gown hinted of a volcano that would ere long erupt to the con- fusion of Komtlwdy. As a quick step sounded outside, she lowered herself slowly to a high- backed chair and waited, hands locked closely upon her lap. The door opened and her husband altered. He cast a quick, apprehen- sive glance at his wife, and the low over to the lon- roller towel hanging bove the wash-bench and proceeded to dry hi* hands. He was medium sized man with brown wavy hair and a beard which failed to conceal thc glud boyishness of a fa^e that would never quite be imagination and to make use of tact- were arranged to!*"' suggestions, advantage; a card on which | " Y u can never get the right re- Didn't you bring me here to this lone- 1 ^ w' arv .!, man T _., some spot when I was happy with' ne : tn er f ' lln i rs . n l' Billv nd my son happy an' contented ?' maybe we never will, quite. I've often -- -, . .. ... 3 , But I told you youd like find it trie ' ( , to te ,, vou h ' ^ much your; were clearly printed the age of the action from the child's mind by play- some^ lonesome, Mary, you remem- wi iii n - ne , s to face this life here meant article and the name of its owner was i"? "P 'duty.' You should idealize the , to him and me but I'm no good at thatj tied to every contribution. At each I process of right-doiivg until the child es, DUI i >oi lucn as mnt| gort , a , hj I just hoped you'd table some one who had made himself naturally wants to follow it." '"ll me that an old miser 'ud d e and I L , w , ,; ' , ,' TL, - vr iT Vo'you both, allars," Mrs. Wilson h ' s . Rhost hant this neighborhood ? , ^ matu , r ^ f . fact ' one as ghe r thing. I just hoped you'd i table some one who had made himself that .' s , U -' , 'familiar with the history of the vari- "V, K '" ^ do w m , y duty l y \ ous articles answered the many ques- " 1 tl . . . . that were asked. matu , rf . fact one as ghe mc that blindness ud for her Rcwin p.b as ket. "When I feel The >"ection contained old rugs . uae " you need checkin' up, Tom Wilson, an< J tapestries, spinning wheels, samp- e " me - J checked you're goin' to be, an' when'lers, silver, brass, copper and pewter weetest, uriii;,, T,O/,^= n Ki.ii^ 1 >'<, ^,;r,' i.. vi-.r,. nntta on /M ...t 1 ,,..,. ?^o you strike one f ul young men low ? she ran wildly on, "that the sweete. E^n^L^f^nM lln feii d ^' ^L, a iK ct a hi(Iin> - An -" she added," as her; bucket, a yellowed, hand-made dress 'my next trip to town bought a piece "" ""*" husband got up from his chair, saying i n " ium needs a Household Hints. You have no idea how useful a piece j of rubber tubing or hose is in the kit- | chen. I measured the distance from the faucets over the sink in my kit- chen to the back of the range, and on . he's goin' to! ware, pottery, an old leather fire <et, a yello . _ , _ . _ which some one's great-grand- ] of rubber hose ten feet long and three- folks to:t mC thln K a ? x)ut having to turn the mother had been christencd and a ' quarters of an inch in diameter. That i?5! "H ...S? s l u . re V__?? u " e !l* an's high hat that was two hundred is the size which would fit over my y j and fifty years old. One table carried ' faucets. Mary," he agreed, his' D "''t* r y relics of every Canadian | The first use to which I put it was ' | struggle from the Indian wars to the, in filling my large clothes boiler. This i ^.n /v> . ^ 6 ... out to the Great War. had always been too heavy to lift when ' so n ' aro -- barn do try'nd not carry any more of j At the end of the evening girls 'full, and necessitated numerous trips the barn-yard in on your big feet than dressed in historical costumes served I back and forth from sink to atove work for you and your son, should a'j lrv ' to Wilson eighed. "How was I to!" 6 !^"' ' know these things would happen, hand m the door .) atc h. Mary; It s been hard haulm , I know,! "An 1 if ' ; - but some day it won't be so Y now, you'd find it easier if shoulder everybody !" flhc flared, "I'm a you kin help, the floors." I jest finished moppin' and doughnuts. The unpreten- tious refreshments tasted the better carrying water in a Then I found that smaller vessel, it alao saved "Snui rign: up:' filie nared, I'm Wilnn atpnnp.l nut into the <inirv "wiou wic uciwri iu. t iwuuu uwi ii isu savCTj Christian woman, Tom Wilson. Do sJSSTdarSS and went lowlv for being offore<1 by Waitr e3ses in the strength and time to use my rubber you think I could face God on my j f,^ the ^h to the" barn L S2 Picturesque dresses of the French re-' luieos if I failed in niy duty to the' cnuU rca( , n . th roueh the nartiallv, R""c, the flowered muslins and fnlly .ickascallsferme? Why, f awMn't Lfin^i fort , st ,' tiny clearing u? 1 ', i 4 ?' "u <lo . wna . t , 1 ' t I Ie 1 . Inl glowed up through thc darkness, able to do fer them in trial: I'd hear : i.,_ ,;.u K; i/ hon^ir,,. !J2fi r *2Ji. fe LliS '" tla1; IM ak ' "" 11 '" mi> - Ing to vie with big low hanging stars.) later rime. pungent smoke of burning log and I fires; kerchdefs of early Colonial da>*s, or seem- ' the quaint, high-waisted frocks of a man when sho sharply i-poke his name wore blue and tranquil. "Yes. Mary?" he responded gently. "I .. :in'.';i tell you that I'm tired of bein' the slave of you an' your son," he burst out. "One of these days I'll be packin' up and goin' to my home folk* in Nova Scotia." WiUon averted his face and pro- ceeded to straighten the towel on the roller. His action Deemed to infur- iate the wonyan. Her lips tightened. Her hands un- denrhcd and gi ippt-d tire table as she. slowly arose. "You '' he ccmmenced, her voice tense with passion, "you " sho checked herself. Unconsciously one of the gropinjj bands had come in contact with the soft leather cover of a hook whicb lay on tho table. It was tho family Bible. She had placed it there after reading her son do-tor at . "i sccnt ot fern all ,i Honesty. ent of fern and wilu blossoms. , Wilson lit his pipe ;: nd with arms! The chief l^jeed of to-day is mtellec- folded on the top rail of the barnyard 1 "" honesty, fence, gazed down across the partial-! It is as essential to women as to into Mary, there's a rr and> '" ihe cried "Little enough they know the needs f " Wom ,'l n . at , f u . ch 'i'' 10 - A .tocto'|inUe dittimt, rio"iiB,"denMly''timbr. 1 o u ,,, c , may be a I right in his plare, but his C( j 1>oint of lan<1 at0 od darkly silhouet- ! without i place ain't here among us woods folk I teil ' a Rain|;t ^e 8nen of \ rtotog Z^i ^ know my duty an ,, ' can - It is easy to be truthful and fair to ly-cleared, firc-dotud sweep to where, men. Some men can judge themselves ; thc scales, but few tube for filling the water kettle or my wash tubs. It is easy to siphon the water out of the boiler or tubs by filling the tube, with water and holding a thumb over each end until one end can be placed in the boiler ami the other end in a small vesstjl of water in the sink, which must of course be lower than the boiler. Both ends of the tube must From the bay-waters came the lonc- YEAS1| CAKES RICH IN VITAJMINES M ADr IN CANADA , Tho importance of Vlt&mines in food being recognized at he procent time to a "greater oxteni than over before. It has been con- clusively demonstrated that yeast is rich in this all important element. Many people have re- ceived great bonofit physica!ty simply by tak- ing one. two or throe Royal Yoast Cakes day. Send name and address for free copy "RoysJ Ye*st Cakes for Belter B. W. GILLETT COMPANY LIMITED TonONTO. CANADA Wlhiurr * ~. OHTIUAL ISSUE No. 24 '21. white ^ She looked at him, Usars filming thc fnra ^i n g f ox drifted " through the, home-makers they must tell them- nx? f ,?"! er ln , e r T*' nijrhfn stillness from the uplands. selves tho truth ' "No," he sa.,1 , ] ow tense tones, A lon K time Wilson h tood pondering. T * ,", S-. too earnestly upon ' "your son don't need mo I'm nuthin' W hcn at length he bestirred himself a ! , [ ^," .V, ' * i o7be nVhon ' to him. Somet.mes I think-I tWnk full moon swam alm . e t ra nsf, ff ured . " r f 1 "^ u ^ , I-MI ?hin hi- cares-- cause I'm lon^n' fer it. I world . A silvery sheen swept softly j * toward ^emselves in little the open space*; throutrh the trees the as wo11 as bl onoa - If y u S P U * bay-waters ehimraerwl; the, cake in the cooking don t say, 'I ; fires had receded to mere ' didn't mean to do it that way" or with silvery smoke trails > "Somethliigf went wrong with it." In- Rtretohjnir st might np towanls a star-] stead, say to yourself: "I made a fail- to back at thc cottage, resting in the hardwood grove. It looked very hom- ey, very restful to him, beneath its But somehow he seems to be lookin' beyond mc to someone else." Wilson sighed and sank into a chair. "I guess nuiybc it's your fancy playin' pranks " ' got on your nerves." "Nerves!" she cried indignantly, sittinpr bolt upriRht. "Don't you 'or snyb ,ily else accuse mo of bavin' Tom Wilson. , vines of ohiBtorinjf wrild-Rrape nnd ..... ^ ______ ..... n nerves, Tom Wilson. K I wasn't the' honeysuVkYe" " It" wan hom^-nonw it most Rensil>le-ni i nilwl person alive I'd mus t bo always. And Mury Wed be throwin fits er Roin' off into al- it j l!S t ; ,a he loved it; this he success of the next Who.ii a garment you havo mado lopm hsterics every hour, with t/he, she was a fim- vroman. ami miither. She was fair-minded too Khe loved Hilly quite ns much as slie loved her own son, Anson. Billy imisl her comfort. He would havo a henrt to heart talk with hta son, ho toUl himself as he went on txi the luirn. (To be continued.) Keep Minard's Liniment In the house. things that Willitim does to scare thc n erea t helpmate, a wonderful wife life out of a body. "What's Hilly 'been doin' now?" askod Wilson anxiously. Whc shivered. "Nothin' out'a the ordinary. What'x that fimh allars doin' to scare tho daylights clean oiitn m an' tho neighbors? If you'd sp<']iil a little* more of your spare time in the houMp with your wife an' less in tho barn with your precious stock you wouldn't need to bn ankin' wnnt he's been a.!, in'. Hut I'll tell you what ho diid only his ovenin' afore you come homo from olmnjrin' words \vith ('obin Keener. "MiasiiK Seraff you know what a ftdgoty fly-off-tbe-handlt' she Is, an' how she uffcrs from the nadhmn-- well, eHn'd come over an' wns st.-iyin' t suppor. I sent lliat Willium 'out on the back ridgo to giithor some wild thimble-lK-vriiis fer dessert. Ho comes in ju.sL is 1 had the table nil sot, that wicked old <xx>n he's made a pet of at his het'ls jiu' thnt eviKcyed i-now, Oroakor, on hia Bnoulder. Afore 1 could <rct luild of ho broom, he put. the eovnrc<f_pa11 on the table an' went out ajr'in. ^The cxion. Jo1.U-rfil Ijim. but '.hue rrow jumped rl({ht onto the tftble an' gnilubcd a piece nf cake. I mu<k\ a dnsh at him an' hsflopIMd In Missus Seraff 's sliouldcr. She was chew in' n pie.-e of sllp^)er\-ellum Imrk fer her aslhmii, an' when his claws gripped her shoulder she shrlcKm! an' liki> to 'a' choked to death on it. "It took me all of huff an hour (> got her quieU'd., an' hen 1 made to show her whiit nil" berries we jr't from mir bark ridge. '.I-st, hold your npron, Mrs. Scrjiff, an' I'll give you a "'"-" of what we're in' to top for yourself does not fit you or look as nice as you -would Hke it, don't Wamo the material or the pattern or the Rcwinjj machine. Just confess that you made a poor job of it and try | to do bettor. Weiph yourself on the same scales,' y, that you would have COARSE SALT LAND SALT Balk Carlota TORONTO ftALT WORKS 0. j. otirr - TORONTO Merchants PHONE JTOUR RUSH ORDERS For anything In Fancy Gcxids, Cut Glass, Toys, Smallwares. Sporting Oood, Wine Ooods, Drugglsta 1 Sun- dries, Hardware Specialties, etc, to MAIN 6700 on a Reversed charge. Torcan Fancy Goods Co., Ltd. TORONTO Major Harry Cameron, Man. Dlr. To Buy or Not to Bay? There Can Be No Question ! EVERY time you spend dollar for advertised goods you create employment for somebody. Every time somebody else) spends a dollar for advertised goods they create employment for somebody maybe for you. That may sound far-fetched, but If you reason It out you will flnd thst It Is so. The world revolves upon Indus- try. That which creates Industry la the consumption or weiring out of goods, and the buying of other goods to replace them. Without Industry would stagnate. the world Without steady, persistent buy- Ing, industry would cease. Those who refuse to buy at the present time, because of a false Impression regarding values, cr for some frivolous reason, retard Industry, and by so doing Impair the prosperity of themselves, the community they live In and the countr> at large. The Important thing to remem- ber Is, to buy from those who advertise In this paper. These merchants and manufacturer* have faith and they are back- Ing their faith with money to stimulate industry and pros- perity. butcher weigh the meat you buy and , ir*i ill i i'vi ii WMS tnmsmmn -**n'j HMBVV 1*1 \ \ if more careful, more thoughtful of wllu ' h vou WI" *k the pains to look at while he is weighing it. Sec Shadows. A moslae iIimc-liiR nnd dartliiK Heforo !hi> brlRht rays of the/ sun, A isliromlcid, ilark flKuro linpai-tlng, What tho powers of aunllRht had done. A rainbow of sweet hidden shadows In tin 1 depths of a ileop, bluo lako! Tim tlllterliiK. KlIttorhiK, shftdiMVs That only tuo sunshlno can mnke! At llrst It seomod only a phantom, Of colors, deep ilowu In tho sea; And then a bright Japuuoso liinteru Of lltihts, that worn woiuhiius to 800. ARiiln, In the deptlw of the wator 1 ii ,!. .1 'twas a Bhudow, but fulnt, \Vhiii \\onilortiil vlsloiiH of rupture - The dreams of my fancy can paint! SONG WRITERS '">viae songs for imblir.i- tlon. Music not to molodlos. Mimic tniiisrii>M><l and orchtvitnitpd. JULES BRAZIL, Professional HOUR 41 Gormley Ave., Toronto, that you pet your money's worth out I of ponraetf. Tho worst cheated per- son ia tho self-cheated one. Woman is destined to become a far preator factor in our economic life than she ever has been. Rouge won't cover a defeat in character, nor will a wig keep hair from falling out or turning jrray. LifV is full of mistakes and those who mako thc fewest are those who realize and admit them as thoy make them. Tho person who won't admit a fault ia intelUvtunlly dishonest. Ho or she is ImmlienpiK'il t thc start. The kihhi'M is the first fundamental of the home. Tbe entire family uinmlly has to suffer for the mistakes mado l>y tho cook. That is tile reason why there is an increjifinn ilem:uul for in sviontilk housekeeping, especially. Infallible laws of nature punish | intellectual dishonesty in tho home, and, unfortunately, ns n rule, the inno- cent sutYcr along: with the piiliy. \\\ those trying times the house- wife has n most important purl. She should keep a budget. She should know exactly how much she hna to: cover every brunch of her housckrep inj; and she should M> conduct her af- fairs as to mnke her books balance. She should mnke her fitruri's ,i> \\eil Most Comfortable ] and L Economical of Summer Shoes ENJOY tho greatest foot comfort you h.u-c ever known in summer by wearing FLEET I : CX)T. Knjoy the economy of having several pairs of FLEET KlR VI" at the cost of one pair of good K'.ither shoes. \\\ ,.r Fl.FKT FOOT right through the summer. Put on KI.KET FOOT heavy shoe* for %-ork .vl'oiit thc t'u-Uls, {r.iritcn and Uirn. Have the FLEET FOOT white shots, uxfords ajij pumps to wear when wurk is done. There are FI.KKT FOOT styles for every summer need, for men, women and children. Put the whole family iu FLEET FOOT this summer. t'.ctuiine FLEET FOOT shoes have the name BBTaP" stampetl on them. Look for it. *^ * Ask your Shoe Dealer for Fket Foot and make sure you get Fleet Foot