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Flesherton Advance, 16 Jun 1921, p. 4

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June Iti 1 '.)_'! THE FiESHF.KTON ADVANCE ,HEAD OFFICE HAMILTON ESTABLISHED 1672 jgpBi of ourrjiug i In proceeds ficiiu liruin TicliftH, Ha!c of <'.i 'i '.e, riodii'v. <-to, in your deposit iliiui in thu I! ml; nf Hamilton, when they will bo safe. Sporting News of (he district THE Flesherton Advance, V Hi c.ui tlif-n iBsuu cli|iuti to |i-iv account?, and your pab8 book will afford you n complete rt'cord of all your transaction!?. BANK OF HAMILTON DUSDALK BRANCH -A. M. Carthew, Manager Sl'R-RRiNCH PROTON -C. J. Forster, Sub-Manager A Genuine Sale Having purchased the stock ul H. J. lA'(i,inl at flesbertOD at alow rate on thu $ \ve have decided to place thfi Pattison & Co. andtlie LcGard Stocks mi sale at prices never lieanl ut' in the ('t)iinty ol' drey. Sale starts Thursday, March 24 JAMES McLEAN, Pattison's Old Stand. CEYLON Ladies' and Men's Boots & Shoes liirls' white an 1 brown running; i-liMS l'."\- white and brown running shout Uoy.' brunii c*nvis Blucht-r cut shoe, a wondt-rfu! Mme for school (Jnl- white cinraii* pump with ieiither in rubber Hole. I. mi. N l.i'i c.tnvh tie pun-p very newest lit. in", hi^b bn its r li rubber or leather M>!<S - |iuni|>9 with tMn -': .j in kid or piiluut liM'tr/r iit-r-' brown .11 i iti.b<.j r y oxfnids [iii'diuin boul. h' lihicl> |i i:i,ji with one >ti >|> iitM iird Virniihet, CniBolfum Squares, Linoleum n.!cl. ih. Uuyt mid '' .1 i u , itll .' ru'lil.-eJ prices. F. G. KARSTEDT, Flesherton, - Ontario BASEBALL HI:I iii-.u OK CKIITRK GKKY LKACI-K 1 ii;< .1 < tii'lin.; of 'li" II-HIM ,, June 14 \Vjn L-mt i'.C. _' (, .1000 Vtmleleur 2 .JOOO Dundalk 2 .1000 K (^'icitdii 2 2 .500 Uoottyn 1 '2 .333 Kuijeim 2 .000 Glfnelg Centre 3 .000 RocUlyn 4, Ceylon 2 (not counted) Vandoleur 15, Eugenia 2 Dund ilk Id, Flcshorton 12 Iloiklyn 12. Olenelg 10 CVylon at Eugenia, postponed LKACI'K GAMKS Tins WKKK : Vandeleur at Glenelg Thursday Klesherton at Ceylon Thursday Rocklyn at Eugenia .Saturday Tln-y came, they played and they conquered, Such in the story of last Tbursdsjr'l base ha 1 Bailie when Dundalk ritini! up mid won fruin tho locals 19-12. Ri^ht fioin the first inning lo the futal ninth the ^>m was full of pep and everybody w*s working for a win, but ih'i n'l.l "f baseball were against the F.esherton nine. There were enough runs made . win :t couple of ball -'im n\il tlii* chances if the Plehherton Mjuad tti'iev-ry bright until the ninth inning when Duiidalk pushed OUT (i^htruns mid iheiet.y tewed the ^:iui for them- sclvi;!i. The locals vulitnily attempted u> overcome the b'g lend, but were only able to Kind across three runs in the ni'i h No blame can be attached to anyone as tho hits of thu Dundtllc ciew were placed just where it was impossible I for the fielders to h di_; onto them. In the tiist inning ihe side WHS retired Alcox pitching only four lulli), Dow getting the lant man by jumping for high drive. M -I.' '.l and I, _ u-1 got the moat run* in fur tho loc-il* hiving three eaeh to their credit, while for Dutidnlk M Thump son and Armstrong sh .;.. the brightest for the visitors (retting four each. Score by innings Dundalk - 1 2 o 1 2 9 8 19 Fleshorlon- 0330240 312 Hilltik'8, Armstrong and Uussell ; Alcox and Wilton. Dundalk -C Thompson, II Blackwell, M Thoiiipion, Armstrong, Ruisell, Mor- gin, d Bkck we.' I, Claridge, Carson. An independent newsp^pt-r -published every Thursday ut the ofliee, Collingwoi d Street, Flesherton. Subscription price $1.50 per annum when pml in itdvaiice ; 82.00 when not so paid. 82.00 to I'niteil States. Advertising rates on j application. Circulation over 1100 weekly. W. H. Tin'K.STON EDITOR Wiltoi., Sptrks, Jtoy.l, ..W, McLeod, I, Thiu-Hion, Buchanan Sinclair The homo ot Mrs. Duncan M. Sinclair, 6th bt. K, Owen Sound, was the scene of a very quiet but pretty wedding at ! high BOOU on Wednesday, Jnne 8th, when her elder daughter, Jnet Hanril- too, was united in mariiige to Mr. S. H. I : i inn. m, son of Mr. Wrn. Buchanan of Markdale, Rev. W. McDonald officiating. Tne bride, who wan unattended, was b .".iiiin-iy attired in a travelling uit of navy and henna georgettr, wi4h navy embroidered mohair hat. She carried a bouijUfct of Hoosier Beauty roses and Adiantum fern. The bride, who was given away by her mother, entered the drawing room lo the strains of Lohen- grin's wedding march played by her sii"er, Miss Jenn, After thu ceremony a dainty hreaUut was nerved in tha dioing room. The table wax prettily drcurattd with pink and mauvo sweet peas. Mr and Mr*. BiHianan left via C.I'.R. for Toronto. Ningira and Buffalo. The Kroom's gift to the bride w:is a cabinet of biker and ti) the pianist a gold brooch set with pearls. Among tho many othwr preity and useful gifts received by the bride a hunuVime cheque from lu-r mother and a beautful cedar ehest from KeenanBro*., *ith whoio hrm she has been associated for the pist year. DR. F. C. NIXON Optometritt and Optical Specialist Huroniario Street near Thud Sireer, Collingwood, Ontario Appointments : Daily ! a. m. to 5 p. m. Evenings and Holidays arranged. Telephone (ill- XV. Box 10C6 Jly 20 Farm Finances ARMERS who are working to get ahead are invited to make free use of our banking facilities for their business affairs. A deposit Account will enable you to pay accounts by cheque, avoiding the necessity of carry- ing large sums of money at the risk of loss or theft. The paid cheques also form valuable re- ceipts for payments made. Loans are freely made to respons- ible men to enable them to increase their production of crops and live stock. Talk over ycur plans with our local Manager. His experience in financial matters may be of value to you. ""BANMORONTO Capital $5.000,000. Reserves $5,794,000. BBANCHES: FEVERSHAM and MARKDALE 62 New Tailor Shop I wish to announce to the people of Flesherton and surround in-,' country that I have opened a Tailoring Establishment in the old Armstrong Block, Hcsher- ton, and am now in a position to supply your wants in either Pants, Coats, Suits or Overcoats. Come in and see our line of samples. They are complete. Overcoats turned to look like new. Cleaning, Pressing and .Repairing done on shortest notice. JWWWWK Dow McLod came togi-tluT near *> < 'ii'l li'i-i- ui tV.iy were K"'"K "flora lilt and 'he lait.T IMIIH out of the melee mill the ball held hih mill dry. li was a lovely cileb. \Vi!i(in, the Fiethei ton catcher, bad i [iiiifrr mi In* liuht hand injured und it "UK 11 great lundicMp for bun NOTICE Remember the Old Reliable Singtr Sewing Machine. You can buy on terms to *uit you at a very reasonable |!:.--. 10 yi-iir Ktinrantee. liriill KN'OJT, Agent, Mirkil.'llc, (Illl, T. C. BLAKELY, Armstrong Block, Flesherton ^WNWWWWWW?W.WW FLESHERTON BAKERY ITS WORTHY -THK BRKAI/ WITH A PURPOSE. Yes, our run; Food Micad has a Worthy purpose. It brings health and sticn^th and a meal time Mtiflfaotion to the folks who puitake of it regular- ly. One slice calls for a loaf, one forms the habit Bread is your hest food cat more of it. 1'IIONT, '; FRED FINDER, Flesherton Our ii 1 . 1 fund !',,( M,, 1^ in was holding 'I'liui li I'uso and uonaiJering his present cmidition did fairly well. Fleiherton will turn tho tallies on Duadalk when thu return game <u played thcie ot the Twelfth nf July. W. A. HAVVKEN dealer for MENDELSSOHN PIANOS and PLAYER PIANOS, PHONO- GRAPHS and RECORDS, and SHEET MUSIC. Call and aeo these high grado instrumcuts -.^m AT MF-" Hawkcn's Pluito (} ill.u-y <\'\<\ Mn- 1 '*- 1 ^ l01 ' FLESH E R T N Armstrong and RniMll is tho batteiy for Duihain in the North Wellington l'ii.. but weie unablo to attend tho ' i ..,. I v.i ii .in game on Thursday. The i"io this week betwcsu Ceylon Hinl Kluitlieit'in will be played ThurHday Hfifi'iiooii in Ceylon iimtoac 1 of Kiiday aa icheduled. I.ut everybody be (hero BH a iXond H.HM.' la HMticipnit'd. \ indrli ur won frmii Kuijoiiia on Wodneodity by the ccoie of l"< 2. < 'bid. Howard bit it home inn dnvnii; in Ku- Hi'iii '< only runs. K.'cklyn won from IVylon in a p<.st- (oned K>ime nt Crylmi on 'I'lK^day of li(l week -I L 1 , I.) one of thu best (.IIIUH or i In- NOitsoii. It n-:ii a (lilclivrM' lulilo nil thn way, with It dibs, n [ii'iforiiiing for Ceylon with Storey fur Itocklyn. 'I'lu KHIII- u pi.'icslid dii ihe i;innii(N that Storey i* mi-b^ibld iknd he wan no reoittarod ut thu tune. TliH BltOttllvi mfetinu of the win lu'ld Snturtiity evening in thu Mull nhnw ll.iuip, Klcsherton, when L\>ylon'ii pi-ottHl un Storey ot Rocklyn was aired, bin ourtificatn wits not in the h tndii (if j tho pucrntary before Juno 1, All guinea tbitl Sturxy him pitfht'd will lmv to be : . (i 1 . \ , .1 inul bn curtiKoate will be ;,.\ m on June 30. Thu tie j,ame that WIIH pbtyvd in IhiiiiUlk with Vnuduluur will li counletl aa .t tie . um- now and will bu In. .11:;!. i tip at the next in. .-in. ; fur i iul ai-ttlt'iiunit. The rnlei ny that tho teHiim havo to have the consent of ttut umpire in : i '|.|'Ui.- a i; inn or elan it will bu oounted aH a lost for both toning. Bull For Service run- I ri-d Slioilhi'in Itn'l of ll.i- Villnuo K .n i'> f 'i M'lvirr i n I. 'I lc, > in. 10, l^npri'.v- 1'riin-. ;'-'.. 'i' in ri it'.i-s, $5 for pure bu'il.o. .'nly 10 Moil., Prop. Yongc and Charles Streets, Toronto Is noted fur hiiili <;ntde t r iiiui<^, \Vc have positions to till now at Sj to $100 per month. We filled one lately at Sl.'iO per month ami another at $''700 per annum. Open nil. year. Kilter any tioie. W. .1. ELLIJTT. PRINCIPAL Flesherton Tin Shop- I have just placet! on the shelves a full line ot Tinware, Nickelware and Agateware for domestic use. Call on me and get your supplies. Eavetroaghiog, Stovepipes and Stove Furnish- ings. Repairing of all kituls promptly attended to. 1'ipetitting, including pump work. Furnaces installed. Agent for Clare Bros. Furnaces. i m 11 11 c'arefully Corrected EHC!I Week Brrtter . . lit to 20 KKB 30 lo 30 Winter Wheat \ i< to 1 85 Spring XV heat 1 80 lo 1 80 ( >aU 40 to 42 Itarley 85 to fo Peas 1 50 to 1 50 Huoli wheat 1 tHIUil 05 Potatoes 75 to I 00 Apples 4 00 to 4 0' D. McKILLOP CHRISTOE BLOCK FLESHERTON & ONTARIO. I I I A REAL DEALER IS More Than A Salesman As soon as a salesman has made a sale, he is looking for a new prospect. When a real dealer makes a sale, he has mere- ly commenced his relationship with his customer. The salesman pockets his profit and looks for worlds to j ne rea j dealer acce p t s entire responsibility for the future satisfaction of the purchaser. We are automobile dealers. D, McTAVlSH & SON, CHEVROLET DEALERS, - FLESHERTON, ONT

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