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Flesherton Advance, 16 Jun 1921, p. 1

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: Vol 42, No. 2 Flestierton, Out., June*L 1921 - . N FEVERSHAM A car load pf our younn people to Port McNichul and spun* the holiday, June 3rd, at Will Colqueite'u. Mrs Harold Ujborne visited with her sister, Mrs Ed Croft, at Rock Mills. Mrs R J Colquette h returned home after a visit with her daughters nd otbtr friend* in Toronto. TrK.s Conron has secured Miss M Fenwick of Eugenia as assistant operator in the telephone central here. John Stcutenburg, wifa and family, visited with Jito Davidson last week. Mra Chas Perigo and liltle daughter, Betty, of D'Arcy, Bask., ere visiting at I. H, Perigo's. The Fevershara baseball and football teams have been reorganized with R P Bellamy as Sec -Treas. and Ferg Somerg aa manager. They are ready tn heir from neighboring teams re matches for either port*. Apply to the manager. Our teachers purpose having a ichoo' picnic on the agricultural ground* her* on J Jne 30. K", aura and ke.-u that date open. There will be game?, baseball and football. Come and enjoy yourselves and bring a bttket. Died On Wednesday, June 8, Juiia> beloved daughter of Mr and Mrs John Winters, of Hitherton, sued 18 years. Tht sincere sympathy of 'he community is mended to t!u bareaved family. Miss Hosie McGirr has g^ne to F^sh- ertnn to try her -nd form iztms. We understand that our teachern, Miss Jolley and Mr Morrin, hare been engaged by oir ichotl board r. r another year. The coining year wil! bo the tifth year t i Miss Jolley tn wield tlie birch iii our chool, a * "! evidence of her abih'y as teacher. A bad smnihup of car wak averted in this village on Wednesday evening. Dougie Hockley, of Gibialter, ran into town and left hi* Chevrolet facing down the hill at the butcher ihop leaving tl.e engine running while he went into Robinson's store. The car started doivn the grade i: d befora u cuuld: be stopped struck the limbers of th temp- orary biirfge wuh ^:e.t force damaging the front of the car considerably. Had it run to the other side of the bridge it ivi iiM hivi 1 plunged over the reck 30 feet down. They .y a mias ia a* good a a mile, but pee to your breaks, ye car drivers. A Close Call One s'rangi 1 freak of the electric during Sunday's Bturtn, was played a* the farm uf Win. C. Chambers, just outside the town. It entered "the ixtensive stablna by the litter cairier. All thu horses and cattle in the stalKs aro secured tontancluons by some patent device and the lightning Itt loose every nninm! and never so much as scorched a hair < n any of them. When the atteudanls enu-red the building tlv beasts were all jumbled together, and it took some time to restore order out of comparative chaos. Hurt-is- t:m Review bhemn Williams Paints The old reli'i'.le, most durable and economical I'nint, that costs less per job sucl wea's longer. Made in on ipjahly only the very best. Klat Tone for artistic decorations of interior walls, ceilings aud woodwork, gives a soft, velvety Hat erl'ect. Inside Floor r'nint a sp'endid pikiut for inside lloors mailo to walk on. Sher- Will-Lac 'Tis a C' nnbinat ii n of transparent stain and varnish for tinishini; and resioring in one operation '.he surfaces of furniture. Hours and all interior woodwork. Auto Knatuel A varnish gloss 1'iiauiel especially d| ted for out- sHe exposure ; and many other finishers Mar-not. Knpnl and Liquid (Jninite Vatoisln's. All sizes of brushes and oilier requisites for spring c'eaning up. Call and get a color card. Any information rogardins pain ing gladly siven. Highest Prices 1'aid Koi i'roJuce. F. W. DUNCAN Hardware and Paints Phone 30 r 1 1 Flesherton, Ontario VANDELEUR Win Gilbart of Wiarton spent a week with Mr aud Mi - Waning and other friends. Miss Delia Migrf* is visiting with her aunt, Mra Munshav, at Eugenia. Messrs Rty Devins and Will Hutchio- aon motored from Toronto to visit with friends over the week end. Messrs Lundy Johnston, Gtorge Bu- chanan and Miss Julia Davis motored to Paisley and spent the week with the lat- ter's sister, Mrs M Davidioo. Mr Walker of Riverdale flsited with her brother, J I Graham, recently. Quite a number from here attended tha annual nn-.-tin j of the Women's Institute in Ceylon on Wednesday of last week. A Iccil game of the Centre Grey Base- ball League was played on the grounds here on Wednesday evening of last week, between Eugenia and Vandeleur and re- sulted in a bucre of 15-2 in favor of the home te.-i:n. Two weddiugi of interest to residents of this neighborho jd took place on Wed- nesday ot lst week when Mr S Ii Bu- chanan aa married to Miss Janet sm- oUir uf Owen Sound, and Mr Frank Davis tj Miss Maude Plewea of K<ruber- ley. The latti-r eent took plaoe at Port Erie. Their many friends ez'eud hear- tiest conxraiulatioua. Mrs W Burnett uf Markdale spent a few days nei sister, Mrs J I Graham Mra D Blair of Toronto visited with l.-r son, Grant, for a few days recently. Mrs. Carr Dies at Calgary Mrs. F. T. Can, resident of Eugenia for many year*, ho has been visiting her children at Calgary, Alberta, during the |i:i>. winter, died on June 2nd after a brief ilhiesn and was interred iu the t'uiou cemetery, Calgary, on Juna 6th. The deceased was 73 years of age aud leaves six daughters and three sons to cherish her memory Minnie (Mrs. Ed. Rusnell) of Riverhurnt, Sask. ; Maud (Mrs. George Lawlor), Maxwell, Out ; Edith (Mrs. B. Sturgeon), and Ttna (Mrs. Gibson Biilty), Calgary, Alberta ; Flora (Mrs. Harvey Lun*m). and Maqel of Reginii, Sask.; Ed of Stoughion.Sssk , Will of Calgary and Weston of Denhnlm, Si^k. Mra. Lunam nnd Mabel, of Re- i>ioa, and Wtgton, were present at the funeral. Mrs. Rusucll had visited In r mother just a week previous to her death School Reports S S No S, Artemeai* Sr 4 Stanley Blackburn, V-, Taylor. .Ir 4 -Gladys Lyons. Mildred Pedlar. Sr :i--Kfii McKee, Ker. Badjjerow. Jr 3-HaZ'l Phillips. L ittie Hedgerow Sr 2 Lizzie Rlakvy, Ina McMullen. C Jr 2 Lewis Fisher. lt Warren Morrison. Punior Sr Henry BNkey, Lawrer.ce On ft. Percy McMullen. Primer Jr Gorley BUkey, Gearge Badgerow, lloy McMullen. Class A IVI'irguerUB Fiener, UubiTt Sheaid'iwn, Herbert Ulikey, VernaMc- Mulleti. Tenders Wanted Teiideri will be received by the under- signed up until 12 o'clock on SutOtdiy, June llth, 1021, for the erection of a wire fence around the Presbyterim! Cemetery on the T. & S. R., U miles Sou'h of Markdsie. .Specification can he seen at the undersigned : John Weber, R. R. No. 4, MarkiUle, W. R Burnett, Mrkdle. Fred Erown, R. R. No. li, Flesherton. PRICEVILLE Da Friday evening and Saturday morning of Ust week arout two it:ohes of rain fell in this vicii.ity. Rev R J McCarten waa a'tending the Methodist Conference at Onliia last week. Mrs McCarten also attended Conference as a delegate from Pricerille circuit. D McDougall, of tovn, has been in Toronto for several days having an operation performed to remove a growth from his lip. We understand the opera- tion was successful. Mies M McLean, who spent the winter with friends in othar parts of Ontario aud also the U.S., returned Ust week to her re:dence here. Postmaster Coukey has been busy for some daya taking the ce.niua in this vicinity. In Watson's H*ll on Friday night the Frankly n Stock Co. play "T.-n Nights in a Bar Rcom." Mra McKinnon, wife of the late John McKionou, passed away on Thursday night of last wetk at the home of her son, Archie D , a few miles south west of the village. The deceased lady had betn in feeble health for some time. She leaves two son?, Archie D at the old home and John L McKinnon B. A., of Saskatoon. The family's pattor, Kt-v C S Jones, ( Presbyterian) conducted the services on Saturday afternoon. The SODS intend iu the near future to remove the remaits o' their father from the cemetery at Smellies Comer, G.enelg, to be placed beside their mother in ihe beautiful plot they Sflected i i-; week in the new cemetery here. The Welton Case MAIL CONTRACT SKAI.KI> TKXDKKiS addressed to the 1'iMtiiiiuiter (jfueral will bi> receive! nti Ottawa until noon on Friday, the 24tli of .lime, 11I21, fr the conveyance ot His Majesty's Mails, on a proposed Contract for four years, six times :?r week on the route KLBaHEKTON ami K1MBKKLEY, via KfdENIA, from the Ixt of October, WiSl. Piiiiteil notices containing further informa- tion as tn conditions of projxwed contract may be si-en nnd blank forms cif Tender may bie i>'nt:iineil at the 1'ost Olh'cns of Flolwrton, Kimiierti'V, Kui;i'ni;i. HIM) at the office of the I'ostOftkv Ini>ector, Ti>rnnto, .\ M'THKULAM). 1 'i t CMfice Itispictor i Post OTice Insi>ectorVOtlico, Tjruutc. Maj 13th, 1!I21. Little Billie \Velton Is not recovering from his late terrible experience as rapidly ax is hoped for. Two dental doctors were in consultation on his case Fridty and decided that it was necessary to return him to the Toronto hospital, which was dona on Saturday, for re- treatment of ihe broken i iw. B Hie has been able to explaioAhat <>ne of his boy companions struck him ,v. -'i a stone and knocked him senseless. Jlesiiies the broken jtw bunu IIIH boby was also blttck and b!ue. Billie wa taken to the place ai.d showed where it happened. It is a long tims since the village was so s'irred with indignation as it has bewn during this cae. I' looks as though the child h" did thu deed actudly tried to kill Uiilie aud leu him as he thought <'ead, for the fake of securing the pup. If this youngster is not taken in hand by someone capable rf training him he will probably tome day be brought up at the end of a rope like Norman GarbelJ Two more hours of exposure imild have timnhed Bitlie Wblton, according to the physicians, and with the bust of care it is nut ki .",\ii whether there will te a deformit^renulting. In conn.'C ii n with this case The Advance has received the f"l'owing note from Dr. Henry : ''I j'ist received The A-lvaMce and on reading the hccount of Billit) VVMton I notice it states that Dr. Guv nrt I could not arrive at thn extent of Billien injuries which ; ytther misleading. We made a correct digii'<sis of the broken jaw, but wo knew that special wire was needed to wire tlio teeth and this we did not have, nor Dr. Murray, so we decided t.i take hint to an export dentict in the Sick Children's Hospital. Evm under expert hands and with the hest of suuervision of nurses the wire broke on tl>3 3r>l dy and Billie had to be given ano'her iinsesthetic, hix teeth rewired aii'l a j 'istor cast npplied to avoid any disturbance or movement of the broken jaw." Road Closing Notice is hereby given that the Muni cipal Council of the Township of Arte mesia, will, after one in >nth from the tirM publication hereof in the Kleshei ton Advance newspupi-r ('ho rf.-ile ot' which is the 9th ilny of IUIIH, 1921) proceed to pass a by-law to up und tiimlly dispose of the undermentioned origin*! allowance for roads. 1st All that part of what is kiii.wn as the h^se line from lots 101 to 110 inclusive, in rear uf the Third Range, North East of the Toronto and Sydfnham Rond. 2nd All that part of sideroad lying between lots 10 and It, in the 14th Concession of the said Township. By order cf the Council. W. J. BELLAMY, Clerk Dated 9th June, 1!>21. CEYLON Mrs Juhu McLeud and litilo daughter, Jtrxnetta, lias returned from Massachu-', where they have been for a month at the bedside of their mother, who recently passed awiy. Ernie McMullen hit Saturday fur a fortnight's visit with his brothers in the Vuei-n City. Mrs Garritt uf Collingwcod if visiting her brother, J J Patterson. Mrs R P Leuato pent the week end with friends m Owen Sound. Mrs Archie Stewart spent the weak end with Harnstou friends. T Genoa, wife and f-truily spent the first of ihe week with Kimberley friends. Nornun Archibald motored tu Oen Suund Saturday. The Women's Institute held their district meeting h<TB in the church on Wadneic^iy afternoon, and **< well represented fiom the different Institutes. A mubt profitable *nd ei>j"Yah'e time wis spent. Mrs D D HcLachltn very kindly lent her am i 4 room for the occasion, here the ladies servid ten from well loaded tables. Word was receivad here last weak (hut Mr Abraham Gold had pained away at Knsan City May 10th. About 50 years Hgo Mr. Gold ran a pot and pearl aihery here at this village. The B.iker Co. W,,rla his the following to sny : A tf, useful life was ended when A. Gold passed to h!g reward May 10. Mr Gold was . -".I years uld that diy. His long life was full of the busy cares of the world. lie travelled much, lireil uuj learned. His knowledge is left r -r rela- tives and friends. For many mon'hs h N body suifered raragts of disease, but his mind was clear to the end. His remains were brought from Kansas City to his son Hurry's huine in Biker, accompanied by his only daughter, Mrs J Yates, of ToDgUloqil and T Liwrie of Kansas City. The funeral service was held Friday ufter n< on from Christian church. Baker, Rev Wilson, of Willip, conducting the service. Sinking was fan -' .-d by the McCrerey Bros, ([unrtett*. i''ie ahurnh was beautifully decorated by I v riij haodv and the casket was covartii with a pro- fusion of flowers from relatives nd friends. Tha Knights Trmp'ar had charge (if the burial which was very impressive, the body being lain to rest in the family plot Hiawa'ha. He leaves tu mourn Ins Ions one daughter, tin Jot Yates, of Tonganoxie, and Uir ij e snot, Ollie, of Horton. Ha'ry, of Biker, and Frank, barrister at William*, Arizona. A few y^ars ago he vibitrd friends heie. PORT LAW The Cervices ;it Mount Xicn cKurch 0:1 Sunday iast wus conducted by InietloRu choir. Four young men acquili' <1 them- eclvcti very creditably in dealmi! .Mih the luhject of the "Pruilica! Sn :n-h tht-y divided intu four parts. Several approp. ri.ite selections \vre given by tl.e viaiti.r and .iltogether thu serv^ca ffis ii.tercsiii ^ 411J helpful. Dr Fletcher, of Toronto, visited week wiih his uucle, Thos Flotcln r. Born On Wed., June.-'. In Mr and Sirs W H BUki'v, auauglitfr- MtK Lillian. Miss N debit t has relumed from lie hoiui* in L'aledon to her nclio here. K D Mrlilrum nnd wife of T^njito are visiting at the old home with IKM .*"i>, Cecil, and his wifo J A Lenanl wnt, around here Ust week collecting "senses." This (.oiiiiiiunit.y Ins a ie( utHticn ,il 'in; ilut lino HIH! Mr. Legaid stemed to do quite a nucufsful busitifss aud left with a good deal more th in when he arrived. Wilfred McNally and Mies Iva Mc- Nally spent a few days visiting fuenda in Toronto. SUMMER TERM OPENS Jl'LY 4th at the Owen Sound, One. Individual Instruction in all CorumeicU subjects. Catalogue Free. C A. FLEMING, V.,C. A., Prinoipa G. D. FLEMlS't?. Sccratary. Mention this paper when writing) DIAMOND ENGAGED! RINGS There i- uf l,M>r lit' juried' in yi'tn- lii'.j when nutliiti^ liur. the U'-t nan I'lily t- our iWlii)^.- ul ] ive am! |)i \ olion. That nn..i';r i- when y;,u place rhar littl-' circlet dut forever is the >vmlio! ot mut- ual confide!!"' and deoin-.-.r affection. Th -i 1 vvhn iii-o M-I-K:I]_: !.< be-t in Diainund fc-'v.'ili-iy are cordially iiu'iu-il in in- spect our cnlii-!- ii ii Bates BurialCo. AS I'aUAL Funeral Directors and EmbaSmers Phone Hillcrest 268 1 24 Avenue Road, Toronto, Ont. MOTOR EQUIPMENT J. W. Bates, R. Maddocks, President. Manager W. A. ARMSTRONG Jeweler, FLESHERTON, - ONT. Now is the time to re- new your subscription to The Advance. WE Sell Foreign Drafts and Money Orders payable in all parts of the frorhl. issue Letters of Credit. nuke Remittances by Telegraph. TM AVRCHANTS BANK Head Office : Montreal. OF CANADA Established 1864, FLESHERTON AND CEYLON BRANCHES, J. C. SCOTT, . Manager. House of Quality Now is the time to sow your Beet and Turnip Seed. We handle Rennie's one of the best on the market. FLOUR Royal Household. We also handle Ladies' Favorite, Hill's Sovereign, and Perfection ; also Hill's Pastry Flour. We handle Rennie's Seed Corn including : Compton's Early, Wisconsin No. 7, North Dakota, Longfellow Improved Leamington. W. J. STEWART & SONS Flour, Feed, Seeds, Groceries and Confectionery Flcshcrton, - Ontario . --V-V-*- r ' r ^w-v -^ " ^r ir *+> v -^ ^- V -^. , .,. .^ ._-. ^.~._*_-. _____ , > ^ .,>_>_ Prices Cut to Pieces We have reduced our entke stock of Ladies' Hats, Veils, Trimmings one third. Our hats are all this season's stock in the very latest styles. Don't miss getting one at away below cost. Big Reductions in all other Goods W. L. WRIGHT, Corner Store, Flesherton N

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