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Flesherton Advance, 2 Jun 1921, p. 8

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June 2 1921 THE F L E S II E K T G N A 1.) V AN C E Address and Presentation Following iu a cii|.y of the prexunti'd tu Mr. ;IMI| Mr*. \V J. Mi u!- on Monday evening of i v-t week, as referred to in our lsr issue : Mr. and Mrs! \V. J . Meads : -\\V. yrur neighbors and fncndn, are (jutln i, il hero this evening IT the purpose of fX|iri'M,in ; i.ui ,!.- i i . .r. : ui tin- thought of losug >ou f". in oor n.i.i i 111 thn very Dear future. You havit umde one of our number on many i- , t-i n.- in the past when we have had, from lime to time, to bid Rod bye to others of our com- munity as they left u* ; and now \i . Are here in your home to bid goodbye ti^yoii as a neighbor among us. Our regret at losing you, Mr. Meads, is \ > i) ki'fn I>e<au8e nur !..- will be felt in no in .1.1, way*. Many of us wi.l miss you in the church. Since coming to u-, a/ou have been a great help in many way*. Always ready to upheld ymir part of lha financial bind -n, and making the church yout debtoi bec&us of thn wide counsel which you had to offer. In moral and social reform work, you have always been anxious tu aid try t" 'd cause. Your influence l,;n been felt in ths community life. And the loss heru will be heavy. Many men have good ideas nnd excellent plans, while but few nre at woik putting these into execution. Here pou have excelled. You have not laid, *' do this, and do thai.' but " come on boys, and let ui do it.'' Such it man is a tower of i. -i !. in a community, tierce,' as a community, . will be weaker when you leave us. And last, but col least, we will miss you as a neighbor. Winds fail us to adtrjuaiely express our appreciation of your neiuhborliness. You have learned the true meaning of the word neighbor, and we want you to understand from our presence here Ibis evening that we have appreciated this. In thin connection, ptriicularly, we wish to include your good wife. Further, we wish to n:y to you, Mr. Mead*, that ever since you c* r ne into this community you ha\e t>t-rn an ex- amp;., to the young men, in many ways. Thtre is one ray of lul.t, however, which conies to us out of the darkness, namely, the thought that you aru not entiicly lost to us. hi onu HCIIHG y< u will hu witk us in thi>si< >.-u are Ii.iun.- behind you. \nd Lr-.Mu*c they ure lien-, you will be with us orcaHiooally. When- ever you are, you will know that you arv felc 'in.- in the homes in thin c-;niniui:iiy. \Vhil.- s ii:.. f tin -i- words huv hvi to I e ad'JiHMd to Mr. Mad, ye-, wa waul you, Mi>., t , know that moHt i>f i In m .in' n!-,, addrnaed to you. We have iilio'idf said ili.t wm-ils fill us lo properly set fortli uur l.-rlm^s on uch im ovcaMiou. lint even il wo )> t.i a full C, -1)1111. II, (1 of WiUll-. I n. i .' -i |. ,. i f- 1 -' medium li.r rxpn . n- - nun nu. - feelmu'H. Si> in ciiln t - ^iv* mure weight to our wurdt>. wu ;i-k you. Mr and Mrt. Meadf, to kindly , , . |,' Him uliglit luki'u c f tin; e-ti-cm in winch you are held by UN ; xnd may nil tbu i^ood Itifta which the Gnri I .11 L;-- d 1. 1 in btatow upon HIM crmturm liu your portion. Hivneil nn l.i-l, nil of your ii**'tfhbnrp, South Line, Arteinefiin, M.y '.':i, I'.ilil. DURHAM Ye*terday inorniny Mr nnd Mrs James Harginvc uf l^innnnr i..\|. ( i ., i, . ,; u mil Minclt on finding tbeir little son, Alistor Lloyd, had IMSMI! aw*y during the ninht. He wai two ycatB HIM! f. ui looii'lis old lind so far n wn ale alilu lo I, no. n . cauHe of di'H'h Ins been :i .-i^iir.! |)i . Sin. i'li of Dromora was Ud : .n fur examin-iii. !!, and bU^veM.t :., rlnl.l may have fiutl'ocated in HHHHI w.iy, Curonrr HiiKnn was uoiili.'il, l,ir iliM in cd an iin|Ui8t uunroh- ny A sud lr vi nil,./ lociJent occuue.l l,eu <.ii .Saturday Hfii'rnoon a I mm ;; o'clock when \Vilfoid Witter, only s, m i,f Mr- Witter, in L'pper Town, B lad of lifiei n j -ars of a^jf. was drowned m the .SuiKern Hivor aliuut half way bet wei-n the U.,b Hoy and tho People n \l .1 'I'lui lad had i.'oiri'dnwi. tnwn bhoilly aflei ,| nn . i and apparently about two ri' went up the liver witlt come olhrr ln.ys lo bath*. With Harold .M. > , t,,, H IS n raft, and when in about einln f,.,.i ,,| vater, he in soiuu manner fell oil, nti.1, being unable to swim, he could not put out. Morton limned lately run up to the road and told John Mciiowan, Jr , (l f th ; accident, and Lu imiiiediali'ly ran down to the river, while Morton ran on to the llob U"y Mill* i . moie help Me Gowan could not locate tho Imdy, und lent for I >, [> U Jamit-son, and he, too Went into ilia water to search. After a hunt of half an hour, McGuwnn found |J>s) body in about eight feet of water ttl JTi, .i...|,' it ashore. Though ,. valiant itempt at resuscitation WHH madu, the body had been in the waler too long and it was found impossible to restore life. Chronicle. Boar For Service V .iik-lii.. Uuar Fur Service Lot ",'.), <:i 4, Artmeia. 2 f n -WALLACE FISHER, Prop. Totisorial Parlors We Aim to Qlve I&ittre aMfactinn I, Air.NJ > ItV HaHk.:l cluaea. Mninl..> night, delivery Knotty ev We are ago n Is for l*nrki'n Ityr Work SJnthes tlBwnod ai'l liyt'd. feather rkjuvanated T FWHlBl - -PROPRIETOR I r The New rrrr rrrr rrrr rrrr Seldom has a car won such immediate and widespread popularity as the Gray-Dort with its new and wonderfully beautiful bodies. "N ./ Everyone who has viewed this body design has spoken of the Gray-Dort as the unquestioned style leader of its field. !t has been instantly lifted into the class of cars costing at least $700 more. From a value standpoint, the new Gray-Dort has not a rival. It is the motor car sensation of 1 92 1 . The new model is now on view. You are urged to see t at once. H. DOWN & SONS Fleshertor, - Ontario ' jf&i&fK m i ' ' T GRAY-DORT MOTORS, LIMITED Chatham, Ontario BUSINESSCARDS SOCIETIES OKINC'K AHT11UK I.OIX1K, No. :t38,A.P. n hi, niuetH ill the Masonic hall, Ann 8 nn.i' n Block b'l'wherton, evry Friday on or i .(,.,. the full moou. A. H. M . . W. M II. (i. Holland. Secretary. Feversham Garage / I DENTISTRY |)n6. C MURRAY u. 0. fi , dental nnifiou " tii. DOI graduate of Toronto University ami v -uk ColtuAH of Deutal HurHoiiBof Ontario, )a*t adniUlnlitared for teeth eXtr&ction Otou nil . HI. in ii Toronto Utreet. Heetiortou. LEGAL i i AH, A hBNKT-Baplstan. rlolioltors, laa. K. 0.; W. U. Henry, I kdare I.IUM Hlocfc, i Phone , ^ , Belt uffictB at Diiinlklk and Durha L . i BA. 07 H10HT. * " lorn, An. OmtuB, Orey t Kruoa Hlook, 11*011 Hnuiiil. ritaridaj-il Bank <' .'Fleeter toD,($atur<U?s). W, n. Wright, W. P. I'eirord 1 OBD, Barrister, Hollo). I Jr, We h^ve opened up a garage in Feversham and will undertake all classes of Automobile and Gas Engine repair work. Satis- faction guaranteed. Be an Irish- man try it once. Yon will come again ! WM t K foi BUSINESS CARDS IJTINU. ictiiiiui.i Auctioneer tin- riiuu|,iiH of llray and . I and SLock aales a oueoiaHy. Torm< aunfactlon guauntedd. Amuuo- iu-nt fl for daiOR may bo nianti at trie XdVanco iirfcn, 111 i 'nut i Hi telerlione ofl'ioe FeVernbaui it liy a,,ii."Iiii; me al Fovei ham, Out. Thornbury & Son, i.i- i.-u.i Anotlonee fot the uoancy o( Orey. Turtun uoderatn m, I futin action n iiaiantee<l. The arrangements and -lull . of tales can*be made at Thn ADVAN iliiin. Hosldeuoeaud P.O.. Ceylon, Telrplioua oonuuctlou. FEVERSHAM ONTARIO SATISFIED ! THAT Is what over !0C useis say about 1900 Gravity washers supplied by S. HEMPHILL, Agent For 1900 Gravity washers and wringers Elect lie and gasoihie power washers . ALSO for McConnick Biudwa. MowaJCl, Hay Hay, Priilf, tJuUivabor, I'toin, Stella, Uarcowi, Qaioline laV|ina, Bmi _ double 8ared' and auto oiM wraoter Wind MHIs, Beat^ Hay Crri*8, Hay Forks, Sling*, Manuw artkr 8 , Watt* Bowla, Water Tiwks, Pump aad Pllg. SOMETHIN6 NEW IN BUZZ AWS One third more wood cut with aarne power whan nt,tad with my patent. S. HEMPHILL Agent, - Ceylon, Out.

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