June 2 1921 THE FLESHEKTON ADVANCE . . To Everyman T*HE first and most important aim of Everyman who desires to succeed should be the same as that of successful business and financial houses the formation of a Reserve Fund. A reserve is not only invaluable when reverses or emergencies arise, but it is a guarantee of strength and promotes self-confidence. THE MoHtkly Report Flesherton P. S. STANDARD BANK OF CANADA. TOTAL ASSETS OVER NINETY MILLIONS 373 Flesherton Branch : Geo. Mitchell, Manager. ANADIAN ' PAOI-FIO C. P. R. Time Table. 1 tains leave Flesherton Station as allows : doing South Going North &55 a. m. 11.52 p.m. 4.30 p.m. 9.30p. m. The !-. HW are osen at Flesherton as follows :' For the north at 10.40 a. in. and 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south at 3.4Q o'clock. For morning train south mail close at !> p. m. the previous evg. VICINIY CHIPS Flesherton celebrates on Juae 3rd Mrs. McKinley, of Torontc, ia visiting hei friend, Mrs. Mark Wilson Sr. Mr. Bert Etnke, of Elmwood, visited over Sunday at F. G. Karstedt's. Mrs. Bates of Toronto was a pleasant caller oa .Monday. Clarence Fisher was Uonie from Toronto for a few days the past week. The regular meeting of the Ceylon U. F.O. will be held in the Orange Hall, Ceylon, on Friday eve. June 3 at 8 p.m. Roy Piper, Secretary. Miss Marguerite ! ., i : . r is spend* ing the summer with her parents her*, after finishing her year iu the Toronto I niversity. "~ | Mr. and Mrs. WBI. Stewart, son Jin>, Come to Flesherton on June 3rd. Mr " Albert Slewart nd Albert S P rks *made a trip to St. Paul for the 24ih, Bead Becker's ad. on page 4. < returning by way of Hamilton and Mr. John Gerow, of Brougham, is the ; Toronto, guest of relatives. Strayed From the 4th Line, Osprer, Mrs. (Dr.) Henry is .pending a few i ( aear Mcl.tyre) black yearling steer days with her husband and friends here. Miss Florence Lever is visiting friends In Hamilton. Sug'ir St Lawrence granulated 91bg for S, this weekonly,t Becker's, Proton, j Thig wi]1 De one uf the best concetts ever Mr. Ernie McKillop, of SpencetUle. ia | held" in Flesherton. Plan of hall at visiting hie father, Mr. D. MoKillop. ' Richardson's Drug Store. Mrs. L. W. Thora, of Barrie, has been j Lost-Small ooat with small black visiting friends here for some time. ! covered book of church accounts, retail Mri. W. J. Bellamy is on an extended price list of T.H.C. machinery and some Tiiit with relatives at Batteau. other books and paper* in pocket. Mr. and Mrt. King and little .on, of *" inder P 1 " 8 * lesve at thU utlice - Toronto, are visiting Mrs. King's aunt, Cl 4 E Ferria, E Benthain, J Colgai-^ i EThempson, B Stewart. R Smith, T Wilson, T McDonald, F White, E Me. Mullen, A Hogarth. Sr 3 G Finder, L Lever, V Thistle-' thwaite, L Boyd, H Richardson, C Belt?, M Patton, E Hacking. Jr 3 M Sled, J Nuhn, E McCallum, M Inkster. Cl 2 M Stuart, J Cargoe and H Heard equal, H Chapman, F White, J Stuart, B MaKee, H Welcnn, E Fenwick, L Carrington, P Bellamy. Sr 1L Ferris, BPatton. Jr 1 A Heard nnd G Sled equal, B Fenwick, B Phillips. Primer A Chapman, G Stuart, A Lever, W Colgan, M Bibby and G Mc- Master equal, B Pattern, B White and F Wflton equal, M Fenwick, E Brown. Small Ads. Try Feversha.-n Paatry Flour, the best or your conk. All Ontario wheac Chopping done on Saturdays only Graham Bros. Eusenta Reduced pi ices on ill suits and suitings H. Alexander. Fevvrsham 20 1-21 >" le y) and wh * e and red heifer. Please notify \V;ilter Seeley, A grand concert nil! be held in the ( hii{h schoo| Fnday eveamr> Jlme 3rd . On account of ill health Mr. Mark Wilson, jr., has been forced to give up his butcher business in Durham and is now baek in town with his uncle in the meat business here. House and Lot For Sale at Ceylon- One acre of laud, a larize frame house, 9 spending a fortnight visiting with hit ! r m ". ' bedrooms, dining room, parlor, mother here good halls, kitchen, pantry and cellar, all well furnished and in sood condition. Woodshed attached. Also good stable and well. Near the C. P. R. station. Apply to Mrs. R. P. Legate, Ceylon. The engagement is announced of J iiu-t At Becker'., Proton-D A A Supreme Hgmi j ton> e | Jer dau S hter of Mrs. Sinclair Corset special this w.ek at ?4, will more and lhe 1(tte Dulicsn Sinclair, of 5th St. than compete with the more expensive. E) , Mr s H Buchanan, younger son Spirella also an extrs special, non- of Mr Wm Buchanan, of Markdale, rus'.able, at $0. !Out., the marriage re take place quietly A frame barn belonging to Thos Millf, jirly in June, a mile and a quarter this, side of Dund&lk, ; are Urs. Bulmer, in town. Mii. Welton and daughUr of Maun' Fornat, are visitors at tha Munshaw House. Mr. Will Wilcock, mining engineer with the Hollinger Co. at Porcupine, is Mr, Pieston Beattie, who broke his la. while playing ball two week) ago, was removed to his h*me in Toiouto Tuesday moraing. For Sale Younr cabbaue plants for 'jft siita. T. Bulmer, Flesherton. p.m. Fire and wind insurance in the best companies for tarn-, aud town property W. O Fiiwcett, a^enr, Ceylon Alula-aii church, Service n Town Hall every Sunday -it Rev. G. Blackwel), Pastor. Now is the time to chuoso lhe wal oaper fur that room. I have just receiv- ed n>y books of samples of wall paporp, oilcloth, wall coverings, burlaps, etc,, ami am now ready to take your order. H. Carriniiton, painter and decorator, Flesherton, Ont. HOUSE FURNISHINGS Now is the time for house cleaning, and after that is done your attention will naturally turn to your house furnishing needs. We can help you both in house cleaning and house furnishing as our stock is more complete than ever. Brandram-Henderson Paints in 36 shades ; China Lac, a varnish stain for wood ; Fresconette, a flat finish for all surfaces ; Frescota an- improved wall finish ; Floor and Linoleum Varnishes ; Floor Paints ; Porch Floor Paints ; Crack and Seam Filler ; Stove Pipe Enamel ; Raw and Boiled Oil ; Turpentine ; Paint, Varnish and Kalsomine Brushes. Linoleum, 4 yards wide, block or floral patterns ; Linoleum and Congoleum Art Squares ; Floor Oilcloth in one and two yard widths ; Stair Oilcloth in different widths ; Grass Verandah Mats, 3 sizes ; Seamless Tapestry Carpet Squares, 3x4, 3x3 1-2, 3x3, 2 l-2x 3, Scrim Curtains, ready to hang, new designs ; Bungalow Nets, white, cream and ecru ; Cretonnes ; Chintzes ; Art Sateens ; Tapestry Coverings ; Couch Covers ; Curtain Poles ; Curtain Rods ; Window Shades, plain and combination colors ; New Wall Papers with Ready Cut Borders. F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON -- ONTARIO TV" If you are planuini; to buy a sewing machine buy the old reliable Singer. You may as well have the best at raaaouable price. Call and see these machines at W. A. Hawken's photo gallery and music store, Fleshertun. NOTICE 1, tho uudersiiznsd, wi\ not he responsible for any debta contract rd in my name by my wife, Mrs. John W. Wright, (nee Stella Pedlar) if ter thi* date. DitedMayDth, 1921. John W Wright. The District Annual Meeting of th Board of Agriculture and Women's Institute will be. held at Ceylon, Wed., June 8th. Basket picnic 11.30 a.m. Mrs. W. \. Hawken. Sec. of W. I. Fertilizer I am itteat fur Gunn's I For Sale A quantity of well saved G ail , Fertilizer, the best on the rairkeb | timothy hay. Apply to Thos. Taylor, and will fill orders at Flesherton Station, R R. No. 2, Proton. Phone 71 r 3-1, ac any time, preferably Tuesdays. Phone ' 21 r 23, W. J. Meads. Priceville P. 0. Jaw Broken was burneu by lightning Friday evening ,- , . i ^ One horse, a cow, a litter of pigs KnOCKeG UOWfl and 90 heus were consumed. A barn belonging to a man named Davi*, A mile and a quartel east of Durham, was also burned lo the ground by the same storm, which was a particularly leveie on*. A mysterious and painful accident occurred 00 Wednsday evening last and An accidinU on the square one evening in which created considerabie eicito- lasb week, when one car rn Into another i m for a few hours. Little Billie right under the electric light, empha*iee ! Welton. the five year old son of Mr. and the necessity of placing a silent policeman i Mrs. B. Welton, disappeared iu the after- there. It I.H a dangerous location and ! noon, and whei he did not come hn ra should be guardnd. I for supper his mother beoame worried, ,. _ , _ ., but nothing was done uutil the father, Mr. Ed. Beats residence m town waa truck by lightning on Friday evening aud roof and chimney damaged. Mrs. Best was upstairs at the time but beyond a bad fright he wai cat injured. JOB. Clark of the Toronto Star, ac- companied by hia son, Gregory, and Mr. Colquhoun, Deputy Minister of F.duca- tion, spent Sunday in town. They spent Saturday nshing.ua the reserve in tl.a valley. A show troupe g-ve a couple of dremri j p resse d to show where he had last seen in the town hall Friday and Saturday ; i, t ii s yjiiie, but before he did so other evenings. The play on Saturday uigho , member* of the search party found the was fairly good, but only n smM crowd , little lad lying iu R. Bentham s pastuie was in attendance. One of the lady fold unconscious and moaning, uot fur performers took ill while here and is still ; f ron) ihe highway. He was picked up confined to her bed at Mr. McDonald's. ' sn d brought lo his home when Drs. Guy Cheapest Car Transportation on Earth THE FORD CAR A number of good secsnd-hand cars on hand. A full line of accessories for Fords aud repairs for I. H. C. Farm Implements. BOOTS & SHOES In Ladies' Wear we have Kid, Dongola, Gun Metal and Box Calf. For Men's Wear we have a nice assortment of Mahogany and some good lines in Black. Also very serviceable Work Boots. Repairing promptly attended to. THOS. CLAYTON FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO ?S?:?i?::i;jH??^nH^'?!? ! ^^StH-?H?HHv-??!??5H35?l?? who had been away, arrived home about U o'clock. Then a posae of citiicns aa organized and a search begun. It wat learned that he had been playing with two boys, one his own age and the other two year* older, sons of Wm. Brown, who j lives in the suburbs. Mrs. Brown says the buys came home and brought Billie'i pup with them, saying the latter had given it to them and had gone fishing. Th eldest Brown boy agrned when Agents for all varieties ol I. H C. FARM IMPLEMENTS A complete line of everything to work the farm. Call and talk it over. R DOWN & SONS, PHONE 36 FLESHERTON and Haury made an examination but c ml. I not arrive at th* extent if liii injuries, lie was placed in an auto and liuinml t.i Toronto hospital, where it was found that his jaw was broken, but the face was uot distigured. A plate had to b made lo kee P th- bone in P lace> Owen Sound htd the hon->r and plesn- Dre of having as its guest the Hon. John and Mrs. Oliver, of British Columbia, on Thursday afternoon and evening. He journeyed by motor aud was accompanied by his two brothers and brother-in-law, Reeve Meads. He was tendered a banquet in the Masonic Hall, which ww j nd he is .till in the hospital, attended by about 125 prominent citizens, I A mystery surrounds the accident, and delivered au ddre on the wealth ! The ldt boy claimed the nexfc day that of British Columbia. a horse kicked Billie, although he . ... nothing about it the night before, A The big event of the season, in this . , . .. . " , . . , si ck was lying a few feet away that wan d.stnct.-theR.C.Picn.catSco.htown, > ^ ^ o{ lh- . Glen.lg-w.lJb. h.U on W.dne.d.,, JJJJ theotie . M . . dT . nced . June 8th Addresses by Hon. Manning Doherly, 0. M. Leeson and Col. Car- There is much .ympathy expressed for Michael, M.P.P. Enlertaimnen* in thi ' > Mlo *< who ^ a sweet tempered, erening by the Cameron Lochiel High. *ly *'' W - "d a general faronl. landort Band. u orchestra and others. wlth mjboaj. Markdile Citizen's Band will be m | Mr. and Mrs. Welton wish the citizens of Fletherton and attendance. Supper terved. Refresh- ment booths. Admissioa 50o. Children 2Bc. You are invited. to thank surround- ing country for their assintanoa dunng the search for the little lad. Finest Groceries, Confectionery aud Ice Cream "The Victrola" GROCERIES- All kinds of Groceries. Wo handle the best goods obtainable. A trial older will couviuee. CONFECTIONERY Neilstm's and Willard's Chocolates in buiea and bulk. Christies' Fancy aud Soda Biscuits. ICE CREAM * Our Ice Oream Parlours are running lull swing. Try City Dairy Dainties. EDISON PHONOGRAPHS- Hear tbe Edison at our store. We also handle Edison Amberola Records. Bellamy's Grocery, Telephone No. 37 Flesherton. Ont. fi THE VICTROLA is the one in- strument to which the world's greatest artists have intrusted their art an unanswerable acknowl- edgement of its artistic achieve- ment, Moreover The Victrola is the only instrument specially made to play the records which tliase world-famed artists have made. Music is lo the mind what rain is to the soil an absolute necessity. You are cordially invited to inspect our musical master-pieces W: A. ARMSTRONG. Phones 13 and 28. FlesHertou, Ont. aag^ggagg^^ WE SELL ARM IMPLEMENTS WAGONS, HARROWS PLOWS SPECIAL PRICES IN New Tubular Sharpies Separators JOHN HEARD, !M PLEMENT AGENT FLESHRRTON.