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Flesherton Advance, 2 Jun 1921, p. 1

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nitre. V*UI, No. 51 Flesherton, Ont., June _' 1921 VANDELEUR (Held Over L-t \Veek; Come Flesherton on June 3rd. Mi-,.- DeH McGee is visitii g with friends in Eugooia. Mr nd Mrs Jacob Holley pnt a dy with the f.irmer's lister >; Rock Mills. Mr and Mrs Will Buchanan visited friend* In Mirkda'e over the week end. Miss M Bowman of Toronto is vui ing her friend Misi Julia Dis. Miss Jen VTri(jh of E'mvale vmied with her parents, Mr and Mr: George Wf ijjht, a short time ago. Mr and Mrs L Johnston ipenk a day recently with friends in Markdale. Mr Sim Buchinan *pent a few dys with f'iei. J - in Owen Sound. Mr Rubt Richardson, wife tu i son, Harold, of FleihertD, visited at Geo Pritchard't recently. Mr and Mrs Bert Gilbert of Markdile ipeut th week end with Geo Warliag and other friends. Mrs Gordon McGee and little daughter Ir*ne, Toronto, are visiting at R Genoe'i. ROCK MILLS We extend oui dec-peit sympathy to the Gi'Bi-c family in their recent >ad beretveDit.t. Messrs Fraii k and Nornrin McMillan visited over the week end a; tbrir h.a e lit Scotch l\wn. Qui^e a number frrru here took ID the sport* t Eupenia ou the 24th and report a good time. Mi<s Irme l v ark, of Parrrm. Uh.-, i* on an extended viat wilh relatives io this vicinity. Mr John Newell, wife and fitnn'y, Mi-s Mirgiret Kcwxll ai,.l Xlr \\ W, it motored over from Duihaui and ipeot the holiday -tii the former's brother her*. Mr Hiinley of Oringevii;* spent a few days with hU cousin, M:< \V Akitt. Keith Kolitfitsi'ii iK-nt a frw Utys at hit home near Maxwell. Vliss Alice Mklntyitf if 1 > is spending a couple of weeks with Mrs Lavi Ben*. M*r8 Frul and Albert Sloudard of Markdale ipcnl a day with their sister, Mit. H. 15t:?, Mr aud Mrs Chm He*t visiu-d icceutly tilth Mr mul Mrs C .Mcbachire. Chss Newell ind wife viiitfJ o\t?r Kit, day with tbe tocuier'" paronts at Durham. Miss Letta Pirtridii*-, who IMS i.u-iit the past t>\o luoiitli-* iu Tk'rotr.>>. his returned h --.i*. Mr C Mmi'shan. w:fo itrd ^.r t -, visit- ed wi'.h Mr nd Mrs J. hn l'ur>- u-i NOTICE Kenictuber the Oi>l KeliiWo ^inij' r Sowing MHchine. \\>u cn I uy i-n terms to suit yuu at a very rcasouiMe price. 10 ytar guaratitee. Hl'OlI KNOTT, A^enr, Markdale, Imr, MAXWELL (Held Over List Week) Cooie to Flesbetton on Juje 3rd. Af'er a protracted spell of dry weV.her this vicintty was visited om Sunday by heavy showers, which will ttod to pro mote rapid growth. Quite a number ir> '.ryiog their luck at angling for the speckled beauties these days. B S Field and wiie, of Rock Mills were callers al the home of S M Osborne on Sundty. Mr and Mrs A N Brownridge, of S'ayner, called on old friends in this 'village recently,. Some i f the re&idtnU are adding to the comfort and appearance cf their homes. Messrs Geo Smith and Kennedy and Miss Joy Allison motored from Toronto ind spent 'hd week end with frieods in this vicinity. The former took advantage of the opportunity to try their luck at tithing. The Women's Institute of this place is taking an active interrst in promoting the extension of tidewalka ia our village. Mr and Mr W J Guy. of Kanorm, are visiting with friends In this vicinity. Jlr and Mrs Adtm Kinner, of Tor IH,\ formerly residents of this place arc calling on old friends. Mrs W H Guy is vary ill at present. - Mus Alice, wh-> recently ,"^iua'ict, m now nursing in this vicinity. Miss Thtlma Brown, who is teachinx ueir Daatrooo, spent (he we.-k end with Rev J.i and Mrs Brown at trie parsonage. Iii-l-it-'r tfuff visited the scnc<'l beie recently and '"eported sausracloiy pro- Kress which spak w^l for our teacher. Sherwia Williams Paints The old rwli il.'.o. most durable and economic-*! I'aint, that costs !< per job anil wt-,*rs lnUijer. Made in one ijuality only the very Wst. Flat Tone for artistic decorations o! interior walls, ceiling* rd woodwork, ne a soft, velxety tl*t effect. Inside Floor I'^inr a sp'eiulid p^iut fur insidf rtoors made to walk on. Sher- Will- Lac Tis a combination of transparent stum aud varnish for rutUbiuK and vestoiing ir. one operation 'be surtao** of furniture, floors and all interior woodwork .- Auto Knamel A varnish siloss enamel especially adarted for out- tide exposure ; aud ninny ether finishers Mar-not, Kopal and Liquid Granite Varnishee. All siiei of brushea and other renuisito* for spring cleaning up Call and get a color card. _ Auy iuforuiation regaalmi; -, liiriug gladly liiren. Ili^heat Prices Paid For Produce. F. W. DUNCAN Hardware and Paints Phone 30 r 1 1 Flesherton, Ontario PROTON ("Held i Ivor List \V r ,k) f Mi* WI.SOD. Toronto, is vuit-ng her partn'-s Mr and Mrs Coosley. Inspector Huff mad his Spring vii* to our schcol on Friday last. Mr K :>l t Nti:->-:, wife ard fajiily viaited with lh f nmei's parents here. Tr-. i Wvville spent li.-t wtelt wi'b his U.-i-uliurs m T>rotito. LloyJ Wnuchop*. Durham, ipent the week end with his ptrenC! iu the vilK^e. Mr Moody visited with friends at Ovreo Sound. Misits CUra iti d >V<!uml Binnii-. of T.-ronto, are hMidtyiri; w;tb their p*r- en's ht re. Ait W.i'n >n Kiid wife are viaitii'g the tpireuta MrauJ Mrs W Bltckburo. ^l: v_'ir-ir<gti-n his been; paper at sevciil homes in the Tillage. Mr and Mrs \V Backer, Torouto, are v. siting :he former's bro her H G I'ecker. Mis Gueer. ToriMiti'. U the sujt of !HT f trtuts he'e. Card Of Thank* Mr and Mrs -' ^eph Pui cm &h lo t!-. ink their fni'ruU aud neighbors f->r their uiMiy ,c * ' f kindness dur iu the illness and death of their daughter. le helps to lift the tuirden Tenders Wanted Tender* "ill bo received by ihe uuder signed up> UIIM! U n'clock >.-n i^.tjidiy June lllh. li'l'l, for the erectioo of a wire fei e amiml tho t*ie*t>yf run Cemetery -u 'the T. * S. K., S miles Souih ' t Markdxie. Speciticatiou can be seen t the undersigned : John Weber, R. R. No. 4. Mark.iaV, W. R Burnett. Murkdale, Fret! Brown, U. R.'No. :*, Flesherton. FEVERSHAM Held Over Last Week Come to Flesherton on June 3rd. One of <;ur younir vil'axer*. Mr H^rry Thorobury, was presented wth. the U j . Humane Society's Life Saving Medal in the Presbyterian church in FleshtrtoD on Sunday '.is?. At the risk cf his own life Hirry ttopped a runaway horse on the trett iu Flesherton thereby saving 'he la'e of two of Rev Fowler'* ch.'dren who were in the buggy. Miss Mry Whiteoak. of Turooto, is holidayini; at her parenul h :n= btre. Mrs J A Kerniban and daughter. Mrs Jis Legate, are visiting friends in Toronto Mrs Thos Cooper cf the town line is visiting with her daughter, Mrs Albert Hka'.ey. in Oraniievi'io. Miss Lulu Jolley and friend viiited with th former's parer.ts i:ear Meaford over the week <sd. Mr Wood of Collingwood has opened up a barber shop in Chard t old stand iu this village. RJ Colojuette accouipan ed * M.f Will Col.juete aud babe of Port McSichol motoied over to the Port on Thursday laat, the former returning Sunday. Mr Morris, our high schcol teacher, hai purchased a Ford roadster and now perhaps we had better warn more thaa telephone poles and rail piles on the roadside. W w 11 take back "what we advised regarding f he coal oil heater, aa it would not be .-ate in a _ ir But then summer weather ' here and artiucial heal will not be needed. :This Week's Item*) Bouotifdl rums have fallen ;u. 1 e'ery- ii d is growing very tut. l~i uc: the aeason is nearly a iiiooth eulier tl ao u.-uil. (.'I. Ilir-^raveuf Hamilton will peak in the S. A. bariicks bete < u Saturday euitu *t - o' ai.d thtee> times on Sunday. Come and hear him. Married On Wednesday. May iicb. at the hi ui jf Mr. Js. Si-r-ult, C i iu^- wood, Mr. Freil H*lo '.o Miss*.'*-- . DaviiscD. both if B'eve'f ^a::!. The cereiiirny was performed ' . the Rev. Mr Farley, of Coihr^w;^l L teabyttruia church. The yiung couple are ou a wedding trip to Chicago, Buffalo and other points and on thair return will .in the arooiu's farm west t this vilUge The estiuiible y un^ C"U( le' many friend:! wish them bvu voyage through life. Ev.tngeltst Rev. J hn Scobie and mini- sters of the Gospel W otkers are holding revival srv ; >-t-s iu the Agricultural Hall here ajid a oun'ter aitf le;r:t ctnvertfil. Come and hear Kev. Skviw or you will i irc^t. .11 On WeJ., Miv IS h. to Mr and MM M HUT*-, i son. Mr and Mrs K J O Juliette spent last week with their diuv; 1 ! ers iu Ti> onto. RJ r turned ln-me on Ktid*y, l>u:Wr- C i'qu-'tf renn ued foraionjvr v'st. ELLIOTT Charts Streeu. Toront Accountancy, itid ienernl improvement cuurse* ; super- or iustruction only ; studeu'.s assijti'd to pvaitious. Open all year. Write tor pioeprc'u. Enter uow. W. J. ELLIOTT, PRINCIPAL MAIL CONTRACT Sealed IV"-!' 1 !- i. ! ln-.-u.i-il to the Pmtniastei- i l.-nvr^l. will U- rceive<{ at Ottawa until noon on FrUay.tht- 17ti> "t Jutm, nJl. Kvilie ooo- \ His MajtMty s Maibs i a i<c<-i- w ;d Ci-ntr*-t fi.r four vc urs. sax Cini pr wwk, ou the rv>ute I CEYLON K. K. No. 1 j horn the 1st of October, l'J31. Printed uotk-f* c-nttaiuinir. further informa- tion as to o-mlition* >!' pn'V>o>e<.l Contract may I It- *eeu aud forms of Tender may be obtainnl at the l\wt (Hticw. of OyKm ' ami at theolK w i>< the Tost Office Iu*i<*clor, Toronto. A. SI THKKI.AN1>. I'.-t i)ttk-<.- Iii-HH-ctor's I Toronto. May C>th, IVS\. CEYLON MAIL CONTRACT SKALKD TKXOKfcU* aildr*iii to the Pintua*Ur <.;nral will be rivi 1 at OtMwa until mvn uu KriJay, the ilth of .lime. U'Jl. for the onimyauc* of His Majesty's Mails, ou a propowd Contract t"-r four vran. ii tiiii per wjek on the rute KLESHEKTON aud KlMUKKl.KY. > .. Kl'UKSl.V, from h 1st of October, tftjl. PtintJ aiirien containing f'ltther informa- tion aa t<< conditions .>f j>rvpsd contract uiy b Men a*i blaek fvruit uf Tomier may W ofeiaiMd at the Ptwt Ort- .-c KUslwrti-si. rCiniberlvy, Kutcenia. an J at the ofiico of th* PoMOAce liitfDr. Toronto. A. SVTiULRLAXP. Fo4 C>Sc lnpctor it,- lofvliir'*Otltot, V Toronto. Max I3:r>. 1921. Yorkshires, Tamwortks Young Stock'For Sl For Breeding Purposes Puone cr write GEO. W. KOS Osprey Tel. Mstim VaxwellF. O Held Over Last W.ek Come to Flesherton on June 3-d. Mr George Deadman of Toron to sr. *n the past wclc with his un-:!e. Mr ileor^' UcKeaz;e. Mrs Uurdock of Caledon is visiting her sisters, Mrs J and Mrs Siudy Mc- F*dden. MracdMrs Xoiman Archibald atd two children and Mrs Archibald, sr.. apent this week er.d with their friends a: HMHMK *lr Stanley White of -Toronto 'pent the past eek yisitinj bis parents. MLJS Myr le Hemphill cf Toronto spent the holiday under the parental roof . Mr u.d Mr Jackton of Tiircn'o were wet* end isi;on with the Utter s par- ent. Mr and Mrs D McLod. Mrs Duncnn Muir, ho ha for the p*t eighteen n.i nth* ben nsitirg with friantik here, leaves this week : . her home in Port Arthur. Miss Springer rnd Miss du;pbll of Toronto were week end quests at Mrs John Gibson's. Mrs F G Coilinson and two little daughter! visited Uwen Sound fr.en^i* over, the week end. Mr S Hemphill and *ou have trea'ed themselves to a new Chevr -let Tar. M w>ur E idie Gciioe happened with an accident Saturday wh !e ruum: .: open a gate, fell, injuring his arm. The Dr has not been able- to say whether there is a wuall lone broken cr t t ' u accuutr of the arm b*int{ badly sw We re i.rry < ur baseball boys bate Dot been able to secu-e grt unds suirnb.e for pru-tue games in ur village but h jo for better luck anther season. - Weeks Items' The W, men luatitute wi.l h 'd their Auiui l> ..!.:: >fte :uj in town ou June >:h. Provision will be made for all deleave* attending from a d^unoe. A ieruiin \\.lioughby acU .fe put tin 24th W J Met ..- >Ir and Mrs Mclnt h u-t T-.-ronf) eillevi "ii tr.ends in town list week. Mr and >!: R., Lo>!i-. f T >ront>\ spent a couple oys with the Iv.ers pirenti her*. Mrs .,' L W.-tiK , f Wust T. ronti\ wis , o!!er m tjn th* brat ci th werk. Mr X Archibald, wife and tw. a wrh Iltni v*r r'ner.ili r 'he weekend. Mrs Ai.-iub*Ki Sr , : beeu i>itin^ her daughter thetf, returned h-'ine with them. Mrs Urn in. if X>riV. i . - mother and *irer. Mr? 'i t - A: --,11 rh and M,s A McMuilon. Mr 11. J Mr> H Hi.-uaiond Jiu^fitir*, .-f Kluiberley, {vrt le Sft of the week *t Mr D-ie Hirow'-. M -- < M , , v sptnr th.> week end win M.-.iiiic triecuji. -Mr t:i<l Mr* H P.per <petit th- rtrst of h* week rh Lianston f:ien>is Mrs (.'.impboH. of Prot'iii, i. rtiitiuit herda<htei. Mrs l> Mcl'hai!. Oar b*sebH roy mute i be- M >!nn- d*y .irteni'i-u tud lev,-l,d the ^func'i 111 I Oe;K>- < tie!J, where th^-y ii;,i-iid play- iuj; thi-ir ;'ines in the future. PORT LAW Mull pJ our sc'i n.>l .n i>th.-i.i ,: *t ek. Miss MiCtill *{eut few dys a'. hr h ne in Enu. Mis J \V B.ties of Toronto is her mother, Mrs Ty!or, sr. Miss Pearl Watson nd her iiphews, Melv in and Garnet Watson, sp.-nl U.-l week at the 'vriuct's home. heir. Mis J L Woods. Mr Will TY!OC td Mr Steven* of Toronto were visi oil during last week wkih Mr *uj Mrs Wru Taylor. Mr t: J Ur* M Conron of Toronto lit visiting frivtid* in this part. Mr CUrce Wataoo visited with hit brothets In Torooto. Mr Thoni.\ Black has invtd iu a car. War Bond Coupons Cashed Free The Merchants Bank will cash, all War Loan coupons or interest cheques when due, on presentation, jrithout making any charge whatever for the service. If you have not a Saving's Account, why not use your interest money (o open__one with this Bank "! TH MCRCMANTS BANK Head O-?Bce: Montreal. OF CANADA Established 1864. FLESHERTON AND CEYLON BRANCHES, J. C. SCOTT, - - - a Manager. 1*1 DIAMOND ENGAGEMENT RINGS There is at Lnisr on^ period in ynur life when nnthini: '*ut the Ke^t r;iii fully express your, tVeliiii:;? t Luveiui'l Oevoiion. That moment is when you place that little ciickt p h tr f.T^ver i?; the symbol d! mut- ual ciinhilencts ;i;,'l 'Itepe^t afFecrion. - L !< - . - - . . - W. A. ARMSTRONG Jeweler, FLESHERTON, - CNT Bates BurialCo. L, T '-lNc>.< i> USUAL Funeral Directors and Embalmen Phone Hillcrest 268 124 Avenue Road, Toronto, Ont. MOTOR EQUIPMENT J. W. Bates, R Maddocks. President Manager Now is the time to re- new your subscription to The Advance. House of Quality Now is the time to so\v your Beet and Turnip Seed. \Ve handle Rennie's one of the best on the market. FLOL'R Royal Household. \Ve also handle Ladies' Favorite, Hill's Sovereign, and Perfection ; also Hill's Pastry Flour. \\ e handle Rennie's Seed Corn including : Compton's Early, \Visconsin No. 7. North Dakota. Longfellow Improved Leamington. W. J. STEWART & SONS Flour. Feed, Seeds. Groceries and Confectionery Flesherton, - Ontario I t 4k i f 1 Boar lor Service The undersigned has a thorough oied Yorkshire ft'rfor servicuon lot 11, con. 8, 0pry. Ter ms $l.5<). FREDSPtlKFARD Prices Cut to Pieces \\ e have reduced our entire stock of Ladies' Hats. \ eils. Trimmings one third. Our hats are all this season's stock in the very latest styles. Don't miss getting one at awav below cost. - Big Reductions in all other Goods W. L. WRIGHT, Corner Store, Flesherton

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