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Flesherton Advance, 26 May 1921, p. 8

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May _><> litiM THK FLESHEM 1'CN ADVANCE ,.<;: BB ' 98% Metal AMAXWF.LL is 98% metal, and the very best metal that metallurgists can specify. Pound for pound it equals the metal in any car built. The Maxwell is made of light-weight but strong metals. They had to be light because the mission of the Maxwell is economical transportation. They had to be strong because the Maxwell is built to carry just as heavy a passenger load over the same roads and at the same speed as any car, despite its price or size. Any engineer will tell you that in getting that rare combination of strength with lightness high prices must be paid for the metals. Their use, however, repays the maker;, of the Maxwell in 'uany ways because each car each day is winning friends. ^ To-day these friendships, expressed in terms of cars, are well on the road to 400,000. You cannot go back of these numbers any more than you can go back of the fact that the sun rises in the morning. They tell the story; and it's largely a story of what the Maxwell is made of tine metals. The Maxwell is waiting for you in our show- rooms. Come round and get behind the wheel. To-day. Feversham Garage E. E. WATSON, Agent, Tonsorial Parlors SKilisiHctii>n Wo Ann to (Jive Entire LAUNUIIY H.i8kot Finmy -v FEVERSHAN Rod and Gun Ainonif tlio cil.. i interesting HI. i;i' and aiticlea of outdoor Inn in Canada that K| pear in Rod and Gun in Canada for My, Is one entitled " A Wonderful S, n;..ii Ejpeditidii." This de.vcribeH anl ox;i;'ditiu:i fler the " bi<> fellown " in, Nvwfoundluud. F r the tUturman tluio are two other stoiit's : " Fallii g FromGiaca" and " The Heart Curo " in ;hi Uauo of Canada's i utdooi- IIKI,'I- z 'in 1 . " Ilnntii -.,' I lie Uiack Duck " and " The PitfKon Goes Hunting " m the ti r !i-s indicate, are limiting stories thut will appeal to the dtvo'eo of rifle and shot gun. Giuat interest in being shown in the tiij, gHine limning ar'iclos witt'en by A, brymi Williams ; one installment of hi splendid terii-8 of artichs appears! lu this issup. Fifhii .; N'l-es and Guns u'd Ammunition DtpartineDr, as well in (lie o lior dep.iitnipn , are. UJP to tlieir usual Irgh s'andnrd. Kod and (Jun in Canada ii |>utiljhed monthly by \V .' Taylor, Limited, Out. Woodstock, DR. F. C. NIXON Optometrist and Optical Special!*: llnrnn'ario Street near Thud S'r->>t Collingirood, Ontario Appointments : Daily y n. in. to f> p. tn. Evenings and Holidays arranged. IVlophnui- CI1-W. Uox lOtitj Ulf20 Fire At Desboro The viilag,! of Dishorn, situ i*td six - miles f t of here was visited l.y a disH.sui/us liie on SunJay when the \v and i-iKr null of 1! Milliirn. iindtliei Louse of \Vm. Gohert.were toiully de- stroyed. The fire w*ft first discovered ID (he nils-mill and qu ckly tprs-ad to lhe| "awmill mid clv-thinit mill, all under one! rocf. In a very short lime the building j was a mass of flume?, as it was of frame constiuciiun. M in) (<atliorecl to rende r id, hut nothinit could be done, as there l no tire protection in (he village. A shed near the mill was also dttn>yed. Mr. Milt.'urn run >1 no injurance and his IOSN will be over $7,000. Mr. Gobert had $800 insurance. The cause if the tire is a mystery, but it is thought lint a spark full in the sawdust. Tara Leader. Kui'i'son Libliy, agn IS, whose patents live at Clinton, was electrocuted in Oen > Sound last wr'iik. Tlie Jyoung man was on a scaffolding about ei^ht feet above the sidewalk mid was apparently ho'dingj on to an iron pipe-in which wro a nuni- j l>er i'f tl-c'rc wires, with his riftht hiu.d J anJ in retching to pa ; nt, a spot to the j life his left hand toichfd an unprotected end of wire sevi-rttl feet a\ny. The iron p'[je was gn U'idid and 500 volts went through hin. Financial Strength support of a strong, well estab- lished Canadian Bank is a strength to any community. The Bank of Toronto, incorporated in 1855 (twelve years before the Canadian Confedera- tion), offers the people of this Town and District the full service of a care- fully managed institution, with every facility for meeting the banking needs of its customers. Savings, household and business accounts invited. MAN CUES: w e w ;n be pleased to have you call FKVEKSHAM ^ an y t j me y OU have business to knd ' transact in which we can be of service MAHKDALE ^ANMORONTO Incorporated 1855 Boar lor Service The undernij;iii'd has a thoronahorod i Yorkshire Boarfur service <m lot 11, con. j 8, Osprey. Ter ins Jl.Sifl. FUEDSPOFFAKD A drtiiilrh fr. in CUrMjurc -iya : While n, M., nut; id uiuui t.nii .' Kukvilh', n fev mi rs !:nin IM-IC, 'II Niluid.y, ftfuksri. Chirliolrn mid I'.i; v. n. High Solimil l'iii,ci|nl mill A..itnl TlnTiibury, lud vi-iy inrn>. from iK'Hlh. Tln-y wrr' 'i.-tvellhiK, liny ay, HI liii'.sl li'J in !.-- ni h. in, ^ h.-ii l ihu|i Inni HI il,,, r.,,,1. i| u . hiuknH refumd to Tlieir tir loft the roml, jump d u d,c;i i.,v n,. un 1 crislird thriiuuh Un luisli, s ,iii.| ^liiiiti, and <o wire funcua, struck and ii|ir.i>liM| rnml trrc. nnd oviTlnilifil. ( 'h f h ilin, l.o wan ihi \iiii-, W;IH llir. -v,i\ ,:lr,.r i,f U,i' . > , while liiown WHH piniiril ii!>rn->.it|i . I)iWii is Indly Inn K,I| mid >.|i'ikon Lilt lid llllllfH HID l.lnkfll, Wl.llj (,'l,|.s| til only nurHiii^' n faw Inn: ,.H cp, Mki MP> whan a Hydro p<>lu ..n lrh hit WM i rkui'.', fn!| OV.T H c ill Hi N. ,. . r KnllH, in hoiin; in lnii(i|ilk nn u VIN tt Mm unlit hnnd ,...! wii,l ,..,. l,,nl y I torn ni|uifiii|> llriljr ftiidirs. 'Hot WOUIld IK Il'-Hluil lilt lllrlrilll ,,,,1 .'Il are very htitl' yet. II. mid mid for l'arki/4 1 * D;, o Wurl.8 cknnotl und dyml. li<,ithiv T We have opened up a garage in Feversham and will undertake all classes of Automobile and Gas Engine repair work. Satis- faction guaranteed. Be an Irish- man try it once. Yon will come again ! Thornbury & Son ONTARIO SATISFIED ! THAT Is what over !OC useis say about 1600 Gravity washers supplied by S. HEMPHILL, Agent For 1 000 Gravity waaken and wringers hleetiic and gasoline power washers. ALSO for McCormick Binders. MOWHIH, H-y lUk>'s, II iv Lou'lerf, Drill*, Cultivutor, Plows, Steel Stalls, Harrow*, Gowline Ea^invs, Brnntfr-rd il nli i- tienrtil and aulo oiled %-iriiioinr Wind MUls, ISeaC IUy Carriers, Hay Forks, Slings, Manuru Carriers, Water , Wn!ur Tanks, PlMBp ailt Piping, SOMETHING NEW IN BUZZ SAWS OIIL' thirri more wood cut with sinie power when to-fed with my patent. S. HEMPHILL Agent, Ceylon, Ont. BOAR for SERVICE Bull For Service Piifflirud T'imi<r'li liotv fur siTviti 1 'n lul lu',, S \\ T uml S K , Aili-mes'H,. 'lVrin< Sl.l'. Si. AS nut irUnnctl w 11 I'- oliniftd -.i., . - I!..-.- in ;>ii!. i 15 - T. J. S>T1NSON. 1'rop II \ 1 bikil Diirhuiii lull, Xo l:iOU! f,, mi !..t ID:!, s W l\t s !:, Arte- -r^rint -' for -r.n!i>.. ?,') for K hUeus. - C. AKtNS, lVor> Bull For Service I'm IT. d Mi. .|lln. in I'.n I i.f lli,- ilhiui- h'.m ily f IIM'M i. r i.n lc.( It', cuii. 10, ('<|iu'y. fur pur.' iiif In'y 1." IVinm J'.'.i'iU for Mini. Siy,ih, j;,"i For Service < >-ii' pure lui'd Sht.rthmn hull "il L. t I!'.', CollCi'SSIrll 1,'i, ArU>lllfKI4. Ti'MIH c'l.jn fur tiiiili^n if p^iil inn ilr of 9 in nlt.H - if not 4-L'. 1'ui-o l.r.'.N i.CO. .tii'l KOIiKUT OS Boar For Service kihiro IJuur K,,r S.TVKT ,!. 4, hut 2 in WALLACK KISIIKH. 1', -.,,. For Service Olie pnro tiri'd Kliorthnrn ISnll on lijt 36, cnn, '.i. Aiii'iui-.i.-i. 'l',-i n i $| r>0 fur grades. lHunf hfc pnit 1 9 inoiilliH from ilti> of ,rr> it , -H. Boar For Service Pure hr-d YorkMliirc Rum fur HI-I -i l.>t7, qon. (I, \ilcuit-ii. TI |.(W). -JOHN IIAIKJIUVK. l'i NOTICE Remember the (Mil Relinblo Sini r SewiiU Machine. Y"ii mi I uy on ternu lo -mi you nl n v>-ry reasoimlilii price. 10 yenr guarantee. HUGH KNOTT, ABI,I, Markitalr. Out, Yorkshires, Tamworths Young Stock For Sale For Breeding Purpose* Phone or write OE<>. W. UOB OspreyTel. system Maxwell P. O .ELLIOTT, Yonge niiti Charles Streets, Toronto Accountancy, steiiii)jr|ihr, typeniituifi nnd (eiieiul inipioveincnt r-nn . ; Htipi-r- or instruction ' nly ; Btudentx HMinted to poKitioni. ' i|i,. n nil ji-ii Wntu lor |>ionprctui. Knter now. W. J. ELLIOTT, PBINCIPAI, Ouf of the Present into the Past (ho picture' I 'I' is intercstiiiK to note the excellent preservation of some old family residences. So well do they "fit into that except for tlieir arclvitecture one * i_ i * nilgnt almost imagine them the product of the present age, yet in reality I hey Maud as .silent tributes to the wise precaution agftirfat decay and deterioration on the part of a former generation. Any house that is worth building should ulso be worthy of preser- vation by means of paint. The maximum of protection is found in BH ENGLISH EA1N i<nn iw r,. The formula (70'',', Hrandram's Genuine B.H. White Lead and 30% 1'ure White /.iiu ) produces a paint with a fine, smooth surface that does not crack, chip or peel and a surface protecting film that will defy the elements. Invcbtigate H-Il "Engliih" paint you'll find most Canadians use it because of its economy and lasting qualities. A trial will make you a convinced adherent to this brand that goes so far and lasts so long. > FOR SALE BY H. II. W. HICKUNU, Now Is The Time To Paint If you have delayed painting, your property has suffered. Do not put off any longer. Save the surface and you Save all. Look around and you will find many places, both inside and out that call for a coat of paint. Now is the time. Nature is re-decorating, get in line and do the same. The most economical method is to use \Ve guarantee the Mart In-Sonour 100' ; Pure Paint (except inside WUtC anil a few- dark shades that cannot lie prepared front It-ad and zinc), to be made (rom pure white lead, pure oxide of zinc, with coloring mat- ter in proportionate quantities neces- s.iry to make their respective shades ami lints, with pure linseed oil and tur- pentine dryer, and to be entirely FREE from water, bcrt 5 zine, whiting and other adulterations, and SOLD SUBJECT TO CHEMICAL AN- ALYSIS. G>w HARTIN-SENOUR 6 MARTIN -SENOUR 100% PURE PAINT AND VARNISHES Their covering power and lasting qualities are very great. It will pay you to insist on getting this popular brand. For whatever painting or varnishing yon do, there is a special M ART1N-SENOUR Product, each one guaranteed to best serve the purpose for w hich it is made Consult us as to your requirements. We have a full stock and complete information as to decorative scheme*, l.ct us advise you. F. G. KARSTEDT, Flesherton, Ont. I '1 I'LESHKUTON, ONTUUO RRANDRAM-HENDEPSON .'' TOWOWTO WINMIPCd VANCOUVin

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