May 26 1921 THB FLESHEKTON ADVANCE Ready Money |F all your surplus funds are invested, you may * be embarrassed for ready money in an im- mediate emergency. Money in a Savings Account in this Bank, is always available to meet the unexpected need. THE STANDARD BANK or CANADA. w TOTAL ASSETS OVER NINETY MILLIONS Flesherton Branch: - \ Geo. Mitchell, Manager. ANADIAN C. P. R. Time Table. Trains leave Flesherton Station aa ollows : 1 kua- . South Going North T.O'J a. m. 11.52 p.m. 4.80 p.m. 9.3Up. m. The m nl.- aro osen at Flesherton ss follows : For flu- north at 10.40 a.m. and 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south at 3.4Q o'clock. For morning train south mail close at 9 p. m. the previous evg. VICINIY CHIPS Flesher'on celebrates en Jim ;>.il. Considerable correspondence ha l>ecn unavnida'ily held over this week. Mi8.i E V.' Hun'.ei, nf Torcnto, is spending i week with Miss Etta LegarJ. Mr. Jack Litimer, of Toronto, spent the fcu';d..y .vi'h friends here. Dr. at;d Mrs, C. Ottcweil, of Toronto, epect the past week with relatives here. Mr. Jim Wilson spent the past fetv days in Toronto. Mr. Holland s;;ent the 24 r h" with his wife at Woodbiidge. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Wilson and family of St. Citharines nre visiting rtlatives here. Reduced prices on all suits aud suiting* II. Alexander, Fever^haiu 20 1-21 Mr. J;iok McCowull, of Toronto, spent tn holiday with Mr. H. U. C. Legard, Miss Irene Bales, of West, w:is visitrr in town over the holiday. Mrs. D. Fnirey aud little daughter, of Toronto, are vis. ting relatives here. Mias Betiy Thurston, of Toronto, is visiting her grandparents here. M - - Mildred McCallum of Orangeville speut the pastTweek at her home kere. Il .1111 ,u H-ik-s, of Lucknow, is vijiting his father here. Mr vVill Ti. mil- in of Aurora called on his sister, Mrs. O. W. Phillips, last week. Mr. i . i.-- M MxKmnon, with the Bell Ti-leplione Co. at Georgetown, is visiting hid mother here. The Ladie' Aid of thu Methodist church held a successful sale of home- made coi/kiug ato on Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Crcssley, of Toroutj, visited relatives here over the holiday. Born In Markiiale, on Thursday, May, 19-21, to Mr. aud Mrs. F. W. d 1 ; i. _:, 11 daughter Duvontt Winuifred. Mrs. (Dr ) Little and In tie son of I igersoll visited aith frieuds here list week. Johu Oabmne, Mervyu, E eauor and May Qsboriie, <>[ Nxtawa, were visitors m town on the holiday. Mr. and Mis. Herb Smith and d.iuyh Bertha and Jean, of O TOU Sound, Mr. Armstrong, of Toronto, was in town the past week fitting up his cottgt; 8pl . nt the 24l i, wilh re | a tivea here for occupation in the summer months. MM p Ho , m , Di wno hi , ^ with Ceo. Mitchell and Ken B >yd, whs her J. <-. . Mrs, Stone, has returned have been attending tho University in Toronto, are home for tha holiday*. t her own residence in town. Ino extensive thunder tlormi ot Sun Mr. ani Mrs. Frank Duncan and th.| day Ul)t dld an imulense amollut of ' former's mother motored to Toronio on Sunday tw spent the hnlidsy with friends there. Mr. A. Culi/'i" of tha MarkdVe Standard and Mr. C. W. Rutleilge, late propriol" - of the Standard, made a s.hnrl cull CD Tho Advance one day last wek. Mr. James of ihe Hy.lrn :w in town on Thursday lal and tho troubles of our local system wic put up to him in no UiictT'ain terms. Alter an investigation he promised an adjustment of certain conditions. Mr. W. G. Thomis, of Flesherion, was in town on Wednesday of last week and piui-h ist'd (he dwullinu houee be- l.i" MM to Andy Untlith, on Inlay street. to the growing ciops and recently sown Dr. and Mrs. Fred Murray and little sou, Jmi, and Miss Shiiley Murray, of Toronto, motored up aud visi'ed Dr. and Mrs. E. C. Murray over tha holiday. Mrs. T. Brudy, of Toronto, atd Mies Add* Wrii-hr. of Unbletoii, were holiday visitors with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Wright. Eugenia basubiill Club play their first Ltigue ;'!>. at Euenia on Fifiday after- UK. m at 4 o'clock, when Fleshefton will be their opponent^. Remember tha Third of June celebra tion in Flenhertou on Juneli, Mttioabkl* res.dsuts. Standard. On 1'hursdny of last Mr. Thomas moved their household of which appear in. our advetifing effects to town on Tuesday and thy aie columns. Read, mark and inwardly now getting settled. Mr. and Mis. 'litest it, then coin* along. Themus ara welcomed back to town a, j Mr Md Mri . Ruckle and drtughtar . [Evelyn, nf Hamilton, also Fred Mathew- week Mr. andj g( ,|j f jf Toronto, ar guests of Mr. and Mr". W. CUswell and daughter, Mildred, i M rs . Frd Mathewson in town, and and Mr. and Mrs. Nat Citswell and other frieuds 111 thu vicinity. Master B.trro motored to Kitchener t attend the nurses' graduation at ths As we go to press we learn that Clara Duucan, only daughter aud child uf Mr aud Mrs. Jos. Duncan, died at the- houie ot her parents in town Tuesday Big illness. For Sale Young heifer calf, apply to John Wright, Plesheitnn. The Women's Institute will moat at the home of MM. C. Akins OB Wed., June 1st nt 2.:)0. Baking Com., Mrs Hloklin?, Mrs Armstroi jf, Mrs W. I. Ilenry, Mrs. G. McTavish. Conveyance will leave post (.rlice at 2 'clock slurp. The District Annual Meeting of the Board of Agricuburu mid Women's,) Institute will be hold at Ceylon, Wed,, June 8th. Basket picnic ll.i'.O a in. Mrs. W. A. Haw ken, Sec. of W. I. | jjj For Sale A Pure Bred Moisten d ' > Shorthorn Bull, " Young Hero" 13 moj old, lit for service, bred by F. J. Curry, breeder and importer of Shorthorns, Markdale. Apply to W. J. Meadf, Priceville P. U. House and Lot For Sale at Ceylon- One acre of land, a larue frame house, 9 rooms, 5 bedrooms, diumu room, parlor, goad halln. kitchen, pantry and C3llar, all well furnished aud in aood condition. Woodshed attached. Also good stable and well. Near the 0. P. R. station. Apply to Mrs. R. P. Li-gite. Ceyln. In Memoriam In loving memcny of So'omon Tutuer, who died May 25th, 1919. v\'e mi3n your kind and nilling hand, Your fond and earnest care. Our b.'-'ine is durk withrut you We mi os you every where. Wife and Fnuily. House Furnishings Now is the time for house cleaning, and after that is done your attention will naturally turn to your house furnishing needs. We can help you both in house cleaning and house furnishing as our stock is more complete than ever. Brandram-Henderson Paints in 36 shades ; China Lac, a varnish stain for wood ; Fresconette, a flat finish for all surfaces ; Frescota an improved wall finish ; Floor and Linoleum Varnishes ; Floor Paints ; Porch Floor Paints ; Crack and Seam Filler ; Stove Pipe Enamel ; Raw and Boiled Oil ; Turpentine ; Paint, Varnish and Kalsomine Brushes. Of Interest to Farmers market for a - <p:iu'ily (f spring arid wintorwheat for their mill for present ' deliviy. [f you have any to sell coll phone 7, Mr.rkdale .Ju^Otf : Linoleum and and two yard Linoleum, 4 yards wide, block or floral patterns Congoleum Art Squares ; Floor Oilcloth in one widths ; Stair Oilcloth in different widths ; Grass Verandah Mats, 3 sizes ; Seamless Tapestry Carpet Squares, 3x4, 3x3 1-2, 3x3, 2 l-2x 3, Scrim Curtains, ready to hang, new designs ; Bungalow Nets, white, cream and ecru ; Cretonnes ; Chintzes ; Art Sateens ; Tapestry Coverings ; Couch Covers ; Curtain Poles; Curtain Rods; Window Shades, plain and combination colors ; New Wall Papers with Ready Cut Borders. F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON - ONTARIO USED TIRES, all sizes, $5, $10, $15 AUTO BED-S Sl.". 00. All kinds of Auto Accessories. Cut F.ate Vulcanizing. Express charges prepaid butb ways on tires we vulcanize- We sell new Goodyear, Dotuiniop, Dtiulop and Bnvul Oak Tires. We prcpiy charges on all orders of S10 and upwards to auy point in Ontario. YOUR MAIL ORDERS will receive as prompt attention and pain- ri taking care as if you wero ordering in r-ersou. If you can't visit us yourself write your needs to Farmers' Auto Accessories Limited 477477 1-2 Yonge St., Toronto !^ ?*?*!*! ****** M *"* ***.*. 1 BOOTS & SHOES *wm i:: In Ladies' Wear we have Kid, Dongola, Gun Metal and Box Calf. For Men's Wear we have a nice assortment of Mahogany and some good lines in BUck. Also very serviceable Work Boots. Repairing promptly attended to. Cheapest Car Transportation on Earth TftE FORD CAR A A number of good second-hand cars on hand, full line of accessories for Fords and repairs for 1. H. C. Farm Implements. THOS. CLAYTON FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO Kitchener- Waterloo hospital, whnre tho former's daughter, Miss Myrtle Caswell, WHS olio of ths graduates. Miss Myrtle who passed with high hor.ors, received a speciiil prize of a club bag aiid whit*.; A play entitled "The Minister'* Bride' Ivory set valued at 9150. Mrs. Caswell j ' u b R'"en in Watnon's Hall, Prioeville, and two daughters are now spending a j Tuesday eTening, May IU, under ills couple of wesks with Mrs. C's daughters ; auspices of fh i'noeville Yousg Man's at St. Thomas snd Drsbden. |0lub. Admission including tax, 50 and 130 cents. The Toronto Star fw dy? ago said : j An official of the Ontario Hydro a few J The members of L.O.L. 883 desire to days ago, caught near Eugenia Falls, hi I puUidy express their sympathy with the tail race of the hydro, two speckltd ! Bro - George Snell in tha death of his In.ul,oneov8r21 inch> long aud the 1 '""'""-. Mrs. J"hn Snell, who recently other a little over 23 inches in lonsjth. ip^sed away. Signed on behalf of tha The two weighed over 11 pounds, the j members- Emerson Bellamy and Thus. larger exceeding Ibs. in weight." Now isn't it nice to be a Hydro ollici^l and have such a tylendid, treut) reserve pro- vided at thu public expense / Oidiimiy p-ople who try t'i do uny fishing around tho Hydro sanctuary it Eugenia are soon told where they get off at. Shelhurne Economist. Fleshertoo is to have a new industry, Agents for all varieties ot I. H C, FARM IMPLEMENTS A complete liae of everything to work the farm. Call and talk it over. L Beulliam ; Com. Mr. Clitford Blakely, who has been in Toronto sirce coining home from tha war, bai decided to open up a tailuiiug business in Flesherton and expocts to arrive the Ktter part of next week. He will c,pi>n up a shop in the Armstrong Block, lately occupied by H. J. LsGard as a gents' furtiishing store. A MI! r here hus been long felt waut, and Clitl will recuive a hearty welcome. From present indiotions football will which, if things go satisfactorily, may mean a valuable acquisition to the village. Messrs. T. A. Blakely and W. Henry have joined forces in the manufacture of i be the chief sport in Markdale this auto truek bodies aud have already com- J season. Lacrosse wis talked of, but il pleted a sample. A truck titin in Toronto ; has be*n (Infinitely decided that a team has agreed to take quite :in cxtensirs j will not bo put in the field. An effort output of these bodies if tho sample is satisfactory. Provided these botiiefl can be profitably turned out here there is no rearou why a considerable induitry could uot be built up. At all even's we lite in hope that Messrs. BUkely and was m i<l to get into tha Centre Orey Baseball League, but opposition from outaide prevented i his and il now lookl as though tho kickers will tlav full swing during the (summer. Mesirs. J. C. and Barold Mercer and Lloyd Burn- Henry will be successful in establishing I side will play lacrosse wilh tha Durham what will be printable industry for thsmselve*, and 'town as well. incidentally for the team, who are in the League wilh Owen s, Hanover and Wiogham, Stand- ard. H. DOWN & SONS, PHONE 36 FLESHERTON IT BELONGS IN EVERY HOME Music turns a house into a home or makes a home more of a home. It brings to] your home that mental relaxation that J nothing else can bring. DIAMOND AMBEROLA THE NEW EDISON provides for your home,J music in the greatest! variety real, live, thrilling. Hear Edison's Amberola today at ft jj I i >: "The Victrola" THE VICTROLA is the one in- strument to which the world's greatest artists have intrusted their art an unanswerable aaknowl- dgement of its artistic achieve- ment. Moreover The Victrola is the only instrument specially tnado to play the records which thase - famed artists have- made. i Music is lo the mind what rain is to the soil an absolute necessity. You are cordially invited to inspect our musical master-pieces W. A. ARMSTRONG. Phones 13 and 28. Flcshertou, Ont - ^ * '. *? -^ ^ ARM WAGONS, IMPLEMENTS HARROWS PLOWS BELLAMY'S Fleshertotl, Ont. I SPECIAL PRICES FN New Tubular Sharpies Sejaajators JdHN HEARD, |M PL.EMENT AQENT. FL1SH1RTON.