May 26 15CJ1 THE FIESHEKTON ADVANCE ESTABLISHED 1872 inl nf can 'jing ibr proceeds . i . . i''i- , i , .' il iui i 'ft- .'HEAD OFFICE HAMILTON in y ''ll , . l iui in tlie I' ii.l; of II ti.iiltuii. \\ i,. si they will IK- s.ifv. tO 1 .:l CIM t'l-'ll ioStlO cllfll' :tlits, mtil \otu- pflSS . '.vill nfforJ you a complete record of all your transactions. BANK OF HAMILTON DUNDALK BRANCH-A. M. Carthew, Manager SUB-BIUNCH PROTON -C. J. Forster, Sub-Manager Small Ads. Try Ki/vfrnlra.n. I'iMlry P.nur, tho V-t fir your co.>k, All Outsrio wlh-it l!ros. , Jjnturdnyj only Oellii 4 I W. A. HAWKEN dealer for MENDELSSOHN PIANOS and PLAYER PIANOS, PHONO- GRAPHS and RECORDS, and SHEET MUSIC. and see th AT Hawk MI'* I'.nto Giil'TV n<-.\ Minn.- Stor Qj FLESHERTON- A Genuine Sale Having piircluist-d thcstotrk ot If. J. Lcfiard at Flesherton at alow r.itcoii tin- .$ \vc have doci<ic!l to place the Pattison <& Co. nml tin; Stocks mi s'llt- at prices novel' lii/ard of in lh(' t'ounty uf ( Jrey. Sale starts Thursday, March 24 JAMES McLEAN, Pattison's Old Stand. CEYLON < ' 'iik -ilnve fin- t-ale, (iriod FViuviuk, Kii!{>'iii4. and wind insui'ince in tho brHt i: unpaiites for tarn, and town property W. O. IMiwcett, Htfenr, Ceylon for Sale 4 bout three thousand feex of dry hemlock lumber, Matty Patton, Flesherton. For Sale*-Lot 11, Alice St., Flesher- ion, opposlts ! .i ;h lobool, Bontsioioi one acre. Apply to Mr. Ellen Purkur, FlssbertoD. Fur Sale ot Rsnt The e^i; wrehoube and premises in Flesherlon. Thid is a lar)>e iwo storey buildini;, hence could bs uied f'jr various purpu-oe. Anp'y to H. J. Sproule, Kleaherton Now is the tia>e to choose the wl UHper for that loom. I huve just receiv- ed n>y books of samples of wall paper* 1 , oilcloth, wuil covering!!, burUpH, etc., an>l am now ready to take your oiuer. H. Carnnnton, jninttr and liuCDi-iitor, Kle.-herto-i, Out. If you me planning to buy a sewiu machine buy the old ittluhle Singer. You may as will hive tin- best at ivis'inab'u price. Call and oca these mu-hiiics ul \V. A. Hawkun'a phuto M.illery .ii.l music Moie, Fi >ioriCK-l, iho uu''.-u, will not b.- lusp.uiMMc for;iuy dabu cuotv.ict- cd in my IIHIIIC by my wife, tin. John W . vViiyh', (o.'i- Sie.;i i Pedlar) after tblp Mte. Dited Mnyutli, l'.L'l. John \V. \\'i i_'h'. For y*le 4 Uryu i.h.iiide!iers coulain- ir.!; li lights e tch . Aj.ply to Pros. Ladies Aid, Flesherton, 01 Mrs. Clrts. Stewart, Se -let ny Ij. A. CHEAP SUITS 1 Joys' Sails, from % J I to *Js, for $^ .";() Hoys' Suits, si/rs trout 2* to '-\'2, for $!().;")(> Youths' Suits, ranging iit sixes from ''>- to :!.">, now soiling for $ir).(><). Men's Suite, all sizes being sold at ^F!HO(). DRESS GOODS Wo have in stock a bountiful lino of Voiles, tho pric(-s riin^in^ Irotn $1. '_';"> to $1.7;"). We liave '2 wonderful pieces of TrieolcMe in sand and navy bint! oolors, at $:{.."() per yard. Don't take our word for . ( all in and see these bnruains, F. G. KARSTEDT, Flesherton, - Ontario FLESHERTON BAKERY IT'S WORTHY Til K. IJRKAI) WITH A PURPOSE. Yes, OHJ- Pure Food Bread has a worthy purpose It brings health nud strength and a nioal time iatiafaction to tho folks who partake of it rtgnilar- ly. One fUee calls fora loaf, one loaf forms tho habit. Bi-ead is your bast feod eat more of it. PMONE 3 FRED FINDER, Feitilizur I am a^t-iit fi.r liuun'* Sure Ijaiu Fertilizer, tile best oti ihu mtrktt mid will till orders at Flvihertun Station at any tiniu, prefeiahly Tucsdaya I'houe Jl i L'l!, W. J. iVi-mln. IMceville P. O. Sale By Tender Of .<"> pnipi-tly in thi; Villagi 1 nf Fii'-hi ii.ui, and Totrnihip of ArtcoiMii Tuiili-is will ho receiwd ly the under. ligned addressed cure "f \V. J. l;,-liainv, l'Ni|:;iii'. Hinl iirn-lii 1 ' T. ti'ler fur KlcHlu-r Kst.-itc." up lii ,,f t| lt . tlnry liit-l ilty nf M iv, I'.L'l, fur tin- |, include of nil or toy of tho following pi,)|inly lirl.inmiii; tu tho I'sulit uf the 1 lit- \\'i In, ,1 Kiiigstui Flasher, tumoly : PAItCKL I A'.l ilicmf pHrcnlH of lots 14H, l.'.l,incl i;.il,^i>>,-.eil ami in ,,,. cion ol tin- Kl<>shi>r Ivtnte anil nut IIHP- inforu so. <| Mini ennn-ynil, piint.-iiiiing aliuiit iaventy-ftve aoni m> '> or IMS, and roughly dmoribrd a* nil tlmt prjt of lot UK lying S . mil. West ,,f iliaTonintii unil j Sydi nh nn It, UK! s.ivo nnd except tlm pint (iccui)i(d hy till) 1'iihlic Scluinl niul Intuit;, 17, 1H, 1!, itll that part of lot numl-itr 148 lying S,, u th WUHI of th Front Mill Property, nil lint purl uf lot numbiM l.'iH lying S.,ulli VV'tst of the UrUt Mil IVopi-riy. I'AKCia <_' Mill Plot IM hbiiiB a part of lot 14! Smith \Vsl of the Ton in In am! Syiluiilixin Kimd contaiiiiiig about K Acri>*. 1'AIU'KI, U-AII those pirts of lot mimlior K>1 Smith- \Vt>8t of the Toronto aid SyiVnh'tni Itoml unit O'un- | POMI-.I ,if village loll 8, 9, 10, 13, l-l l.'i I lo, 17, .'<>, Hi. :io, :io and iho 0*blnet | Kartury and until mill pniid ni t, its well i < ItlockN 1) K O nnd J in o.l lot, con- tainii g about .'10 acieH, mmo or lea. HLOCK 4 FlltsT, 5 itcret cutnpoHiul of thn North Ktut unit nf hit 150 in the HI conn Itiiiiuii South \\Vnt of tlio Torunto Sydenliain Koiitl ill t lio TowiiBlii'j of .Ari'ineMii, known MS iho Crown Unworn 1 . SrriiMi Thnl part of lot 150 in lh,> S foi.d KIMI;<> or ('i>m:>>si,,N Siiii'li-Wot nf I Im Toronto mid SyiliHiluin Ka'id in I thu Township .{ AitiMiiema eoiitnming two and one '|ti irti r ncri>s pnrr-liaxtd by lint Nittil VV K. Fle.shei from Win. Smith Tmnii-Tluil part of lot 150 in I ho S.viunl K uigi- South- Wont of the Tnront.ii and SydiMih nn Hn<l in I l.ti TuwiiNhip f ArtenieKi.i I'ontiiinir.g ten ncri'.H purulmsed by thi>naiil \V. K Klesbei frnm M:illli, It cl'iird-oii, snvu tlmt portion r .im veil for lliH pni|>i.M> of ihol>uiliniiiltoud,tbon| I wo and a i|ti 11 tor acres, mote or li-h,-.. t'oMiin ss -All (hi! iiliori) prope'lirs will In Holfl with nnd wubjict to nil I he flAIS, privilei'MS nnd en*uiniMitH a|>:>r. t lining Iboret.i Mid tu <vhirli lliuNaid (iecoi-ud WUH eil'lllrd to enjoy, or WHS Habit to niiiinhi'.n during hv lifetime in MI fir an his mrvivini( Kxrcutor c*n !: fully convey such light* or tratisfer iiu:h linbiliiit-H. TIIIMI.II TliH timber upmi the R>iid Proels No". I, 2, ,'t, 4 Im.s linen sold and ihu piii\:her has been ginnled I lie right and privilege tq removH Ihe muiin nt uny time within fiv yiiars from the Sixth day of Aiiiiiist, I'.MH. Tho Raid parcels art) A ibl milject to - ni'li |i! iv il,'i.;e TKNHKHM Tender H)I*)| be in wilting and 'lii' I specify the parct I and priut* oll.'i.'il for the anmi>, adilreHMrd, in (paled latur, and inniknd "Tender ro Fleithcr fclsl'ile to tllO llildersiL'lled ill i ill' of W. J. Bullamy, Ksi|., Flesherton. The or nny lender not neoestarily ancppted. If terms on ptirclmsos over 500 are desiied for a term of not ver two yearx, wiih iuterutt at O'V. per Sporting News of the district HASKIiAL-L OF CKIITOE QKKV LKM.I v. Ceylon Uundii k \Vjn Lost 1 1 1 ALL DAY CELEBRATION -AT P.O. .1000 .1000 . 1000 : . 1000 i .100 .000 .000 -2 1 'i. ..... Vnndeluur. Klnshi-rtun i. Centre Dundalk 2 Kocklyn 5 Ceylon 22 Floshtrton 9 LKAM'K GAMKH THIS WKEK : Fleshertoii at Eugenia Friday <il*nelg t Vandeieur Salurdiy liocklyn at Ceylon .Saturday A good crowd turuuJ out on Fiiday ar'.trniiun to witness the first game of luiseUll in the Cuntre Grey Baaebull AMociation on the local grounds whm the locals wero b^dly defeated by Coylou by the score of 22-9. Tho opening cereuunics were conducted with Clerk Bellamy in th pitching box, Heeve McTnvish catching ti'id Counoilloi Wrl- ton at bat, at'tur winch the two teams toj)k the Keld for tho gtme. Carno started pitching for Flesheiton and ceiu- tuned with eriorg counted six runs for in the first iuning. Ho was relieved by A'cox in the 7tn Gibson pitched tlin eii'ire gnuo for Ceylon and wa ace irded good hupport. Muir and HeMullen were credited with two lucky h^inu runs, paitly durt to some alow and i igged lidding liy the r'.e.,hertori player*. Both Ie:i:ii8 did > .me heavy lutting, but local playi-ra ehi.-.veil lack of tin in woik itnii wi ! l have lo work haid if they intend to niuko a liuwing in t!ii Laaui. The following is the ncaro by nining-i Flesherton -2 1 1 1 1 u 1 29 Ceylon 2 U 4 :< ii 1 122 CEVI.ON I MiLeod, E Muir, K UiLsoii, A C. Muir, D Me Loud, R Piper, J MoMulUn, \V. Gibson, II. Pedlur. Fl.KSHKKTIiN J Dow, S .Ml';. J A LrGanl, N Wilton, P Heattie, (' McTnviih. L Alcox, U dparku ; M llutlon. KM .e ,i i won from Cnylon iu nn eilii- liitioti game ot (ho L'lili. Kcoie 1!' 14. An unfortjnate slide into grcond baie jniln- y .tin en FmUy resulted in the breaking of PieKtoii I:. , : i '- leg Dundalk and Ceylon look to us to be 1 1.-- leaiiii (hat will le at the heat! of ihe leaguo when the season close*, although ' V.ui lileur linvo not t-howed ut their wares yet. Flt.sheiton lent in Miirkdale on the t-'lih, by the KCOCC 4 .'t, when tHey pUynl V^ndelsbr, I'liere wore Keren iiiningR pi iyed antf each inning wai full FLESHERTON ON- JUNE 3RD, 1921 AT THE POND AT 10.00 A. M. Swimming Itnce, 100 y;\rd, open, $2, SI anrt 60c. Tub Race, oncf across pond, 98 and ?1 Walking Greasy Pole, open. $2 Catching the Duck, opeu, the duck Boys' Race, under 16 years. 50 yanls, $1, 75c . 50c. and S5e. An entrance fee of 25o- will be charged for ch f these events. Calithumpian and Automobile Parade at 11 '00 a. m. Best Citlithumpiitn Outfi', in parade. $10 nml $5 Best Decorated Cr in Parade, fo, ^3 and ?_' Catching the Ureagy Pig. Prize, the pirf. The winner mut catch and hold the pij- and ling " How Dry I Am. " AFTERNOON SPORTS LADIES' INDOOR BASEBALL MATCH- -Flesherton High School TS *|.rucednla Colored L.-idii-s. Game called at 1 00 o'clock. LEAGTE HASKBALL MATCH Rocklyn vs Flosherton . Thin U a League Fiitute. (Jatne called at 3 01) o'clock sharp. TH; ()'- WAR Open to any 10 men Pme $10 Slow Automobile Race, on high gear, once around track, 2 Dent Decorated Auto uii gruunda in the afternoon, f Men's H .'/ \ \ mile, open, $14 and t2 Men's Race, 400 yanU, open, $'J and fl High Jump, open, 92 MU! 1 Knimiru Broad Jump, open, 92 and 91 Boy's Race under IB, 100 yirils, II and ~'K- Women's Race, 100 yanls, opci , 12 and f 1 Girl's Riice, 100 jard.s, under 115 81 and 70c Women Driving the Nuil, open, 92 and 91 There Will be a Good Band in Attendance Throughout the Entire Day GRAND CONCERT In the evening by Fred G. Perriu nnd Company uf Toronto. One of the best in the land, composed of Comedians, Soloists, Readers and Piaoiit. Tickets on sale at Rxhardson'i* Drug Store. F. J. Miithewson, President N. H Wilton, Manager. S E. deCudmore, Sec Treasurer. .1 , f*' |||j Flesherton Tin Shop- . f excitement a Vandeleur and good pitohing. 1 tin- .vaj-. Graham for Alcox for Flesh ! ton did I have just placed on the shelves a full line ot Tinware, Niekelware and Agateware for domestic use. Call on me and get your supplies. IJEIIUEI! Jarcfully Corrected Ettoli Week BiHter 18 to 22 Kggs -JO -. 20 Winter Whiiit..". 1 5 lo 1 86 Spring \\htnt 1 80 lo 1 80 Oats 40 i,i 42 Marloy 85io085 Poan '. 1 HO lo 1 fiO Huckwheai 1 00 to 1 05 Potatoes 7ft 'o 1 00 Apples 4 00 lo 4 00 Eavetroughing, Stovepipes and Stove Furnish- ings. Repairing of all kinds promptly attended to. Pipetitting, including pump work. Furnaces installed. Agent for Clare Bros. Furnaces. Boar For Service Pure bied I ;-,' m N ., i, , ' i, I'M i foj- HorvKM MXWH|| .lack 021>( 3 on loi 1(>7. S W. T. it 8. H., Artfinmia. i IVrniR $1.50 Sown not. returned will be charged sfiniu 'is. (host) in pig. 10,4. 1 T. J. STINS'N I D. McKILLOP CHRISTOE BLOCK FLESHiRTON & ONTARIO. annum, are desired such must be fully mentioned, with security, MII -I u-i..i v. For further parliciiUrn apply lo W, J. I! lliinv KSIJ , Kli-sherton or J. M. ANSLKY, Kxecutor R.R 4, Si Catharines, Out. Dated at Flesherton, May C, 1921. NOW $945.00 Chevrolet Four-Ninety WAS $1050.00 ^ Next Year's Prices Now ! Tlio Chevrolet " Font-Ninety " Tonring Car licncelortli will soil on tlic!922 price basis. TL is 89-15 Chevrolet) is tlio identical $1051) Chevrolet not a new model nor a lesser oar. There is not the slightest compromise in <iuility. The entire difference ia due to the times. Tina revision has hecn made at the earliest opportun- ity six months sooner than anticipated. One complete reduction lias been made instead of several steps downward. The new price is bawed on tho anticipated lowered production costs of the uext 18 months. The $915 Chevrolet is complete. It includes all its extra equipment and accessories. Nothing has been removed. Il is the finest Chevrolet ever bsilt a cai tlmt will give you constant prido of ownership. The Chevrolet Motfr Company 1ms now fulfilled its ambition to bring the Chevrolet Car within reach of thousands who havo / longcd for a do Inxe car. This Company has always stood for honourable manufacturing, for clean, fair dealing and fur business lair play. The bate announcement oi the new price is sufficient to attract thousands, so we recommsnd to make sure of your Chevrolet. instant) ordering All previous purchasers of 1'Jlil Chevrolets will receive tbe bonus of $70 as the 50,000 Chevroleti have already been sold. D. McTAVlSH d SON, CHEVROLET DEALERS, - FLESHERTON, ONT