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Flesherton Advance, 26 May 1921, p. 1

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*_ : Vol4i, No. 50 EAST MOUNTAIN Flestierton, Ont., May Jti 1921 Lait Week's Items House cleaning and seeding are the daily ocupt : .o&s here. Pleased to eeetbe gimlinx face of Hi- frank Grry Uck ou tha creiui route again. GUd to say tint Mr Wm O Brien is somewhat improved iu health. There was .juite *n attendance at the prayer meetinc at Mr T Hall.'s last week. Mr snd Mrs Sam Smart attended the funeril of the latter's brother. Mr Din Lie itch, of Flesherton- \Ve extend our sym;lhj to them. Mrs Geo Harbottle and SOD, James, vm:ted with Mr and Mis Cha.-i Martin, Eugenia, Sorry to report that Mrs Geo Allen has gone o Collingwoed to undergo an operation. Hope that it will be success- ful. Her daughter, Mrs Coiuford Thompson, accompanied her. We also extend our aympall.y to Mr Dave Gunoe in the low of his uncle, Mr James Genof, near FUshenoo. Mr Uobt HcMulIen disposed of a tine Lunch of fat cattle on Tuesday. Master Freddie Sn-p!e, son of Mr and Mia Wm Seinple. was te'zed with apueii- dicitis and an operation was pei formed by three doctors on Mondiy. H-r>a to hear of his recovery as he is in a serious condition at time of writing. The Late Jas. Genoe On May 14ih there died at his home on the C'ollioi;wood gravel, one of the (i:m>crs of Artetntgm iowr>h'p, iu the person t-f Jlr. Jamen Genoe. D-- was born at Poft Hope in K)l, and ten years of age came with the rest of the family to Artemesia township, wher<* he had re-iiJed ntt sine*. He leaves l<> mourn bin less his widow, three oiu and adopted daughter : Albert of PL-nn ylratiia ; Htny, who remains on the Iionie5le:ul ; EHwood, of Toronto ; m d KUa, at h me. For mauy years he had been a member of Flesherton IJiptist Church ami thx funeral ceremony was conducted l>y Uov. Mr. Ford, of Toronto, to Flasherton ce;ne(ery, on Tu-'-'l .y. May 17th. Tho deceased, who was of a bright nature and cheerful dfepnUiMi wax univei?* 'y wall UkeJ Vy 1 h knew him, and a larsju number r>f <orn-w ing friends and relatives followed ike remains to its last resting p i.v 1 of the men on the bvuro eang that is building a telephone service between heie and the power house at Eugenia was injured Tuesday when thrown fn>in a wagon in which ha was riding when the horses n i le a bolt to got away. The 4ian wis sitiing at the back of the WMUOU and the sudden jeik threw hiru uu on bis head rendering him unconsci< us. He was brought in to Durham, I ut it was found that his injuries wero not espi-cully serious ami he wi.l be around again in a few days. Durham Chronicle. Anglican chuich, Seivice as usua nTown Hall every Sunday at 7 p m. Uev. 0. Blackwell, Pastor. Sherwin Williams Paints The old relial.le, most durable aud economicil Paint, that costs It s* per job and wears longer. Made in one qutility only tho very l>ea'. v Flat Tone for art istkf' decorations of interior walls, ceilings and woodwork, tines a soft, velvety Hat efl'ect. Inside Floor Paint a splendid paint for inside lloors made to walk ou. Sher- Wilt-Lie Tis a combination of transparent sUm and varni>h for finishing snd restoring iu one opiiation 'be surfaces of furniture, floors and all interior woodwork. Auto Enamel A varnish ^loss i n iiin-1 especially adaj ted for out- fide exposure ; and many other Gmshera Mar-iu.t. Kopal and Liquid Granite Vatuishef . All sizes of brushes and other requisites for spring cleaning up. Call and get a color card. Any information regarding pain ing gladly ttiven. Highest Prices P:*id For Product-. f. W. DUNCAN Hardware and Paints Phone 30 r 1 1 Flesherton. Ontario Had Leg Broken A most regretful accident occurred t the opening league baseball gime played hers on Friday aft ernoon. In the second ii'U^ Preston Beattie, after i;etlin(? a if,! hit, was sliding into second base hen he broke his right Wg four inches above the ankle. He was taken to the home of Mr. A. Liilchrist aad Drs. Henry of Flesherti.n and Leitch of Rocklyn set the limb and Nurse Irene Wilson U attendiun ihe patient. Pieston's parents iive in Toronto but has been here fo: some time and w*s fiin'4 to pUy ball wi'h the Fleshertou team this eummer. Be w is about to write on hU university exaius, hen he w*s taking n c-uise preparatory for dentiitry, being in his second year. These exams take place in about two weeks and it is Imped that they can be written If here, lor which application has been seut in. Much sympuhy i* expressed for the young mun. who is a general favorite among. hU acquaintances Reeve Honored A rather rrmarkablo gathering look p'.acd at the home ol Reeve Meads and his g 'id wife, O.D.R,, on Monday even- ing, when gome 200 friend* aud neighbors gathered to do honor to that worthy couple^iid incidentally to present th<ru with a h u es' me electric lamp to light their wny in Flsli*rt"'n when they arrive here. Mr. at.d Mrs. Meads expect to take up (heir residence h<re in a few day). T*o vfiy d stin^ui-hed gcesn were promt in the prons of Hon. John and II. > O.ivr of British Coluuibit. The premier uf the coa^t pr> vnce is aC p!e>fir on a visit to his aged father, Mr. 1; irl ' >.ier, and during the course of t!i.- eveniii^delighted those pruseiit with A veiy in erelong adilress oeili'g with t:;e wuuJers if his province- The priiuier i n llueut speaker snti his euad lady a dunning personage. la speaking to ard listening in him oue can well uude staud why he his been called to thu high poll' i >n ihat he has attained by the pe pie of the Pac-fic Province H.- p;dd a high tribute to Ontaiio, sayi:.^ tint i n his visit he hid notictii 'St ithprovg- mnt in the general condition of (he aountty. , Rev. Mr. Juiss of Pticdille read the address aiul Mr. Archie McDuiitld maJe tho presentation. The addriSl will appear i.ext week: Hydro Pond A Fish Hatchery The Toronto Daily S'.ar tty* : ' Th Ontario Government has t,ikfQ) over an artificial lake at E.igen.4 V*\'.~, ere. ted by hydro puwer development, .s ; trout butchery, bringing oe to multitudes of anj/Itrs and nettert in that diitrict. The hydro dim, ixu-e thin a hulf mile wide, rra;,-d a lake of 1.500<acrer, with a 00 acre iaUncl in the centre. It formed a splendid hatchery and (rout by the uuiands cuuld easily be caught there. 'eople cirue in motors and rig* for acjres of mile* about, tenting privilege* wjie old alon the shore*, and canot-s ind aft.s went cut after dark to catch .the fi my beau'ie*. It was clear thit unless eouirthin;; was done the buries uf tUhermeu would clean out tba lake and the hydro put on a rchmin for th-? protection uf the n*h. Bui he h id a hard lime rf it, and so had the hydra commission, what with re- questa of members of parliament, friends aid relative*, that thuy L> a. lowed j.^t one day's ti-ha _'. And sc, in dcspera- ti in, the Ontario goverautcat was aske-1 to dee'are the lakd to be a government intchery. This lia* been done, notices are now prominent'y di*plyd Wlcla Mr. Ed Johnston was :t".-iiii{ near (iiefii Like. Caledon, on Mc- Liughjiu side, he accidentally struck his toe on a strain* olject which he exauiin el and C:inie to the conclusion it was lh e h. 'Mi if m animal. Mr. Johnston d cided to make further iuveitization and supplied himself hvmstlf with In-'s and reputed ti> the spot where he had tirst uivJe the discovery and started ti dig and s'Mvi collie to the conclusion it WHS the antlers of a dier but later was c n vinced ihat thes* specimens were too Uige to bdlot'g to any cf the deer family and after tiuia uuearthed a tot ul ntleis that wi.u'd measure 1 1 feet from tip to tip when carried by this mighty monarch of the primeval forest. Mr. Johnston has now f und the whol skeleton ind thinks i' is that of an elk. He is iu cL'iiiiiiunic it^on with tho museum .''. lit < in Toronto, and toon the very rare specimen wll be ou exhibition in the Uoyal Ontario Museum and will doubtless be viewed by thousands cf interested visitors--, who will thank Mr. Johnston for making such a find. Banner. Frank Shaert'er of Mildmay captured a 1, or of six young foxes after dialing for n ve hours the public that li-lun',- is prohi:.i - ed and be anglers will have to :_<> up or down stream hereafter. Ac th confluence >f the Beaver and Boyn river, a lit' If b* low the dam, two 11 pound beauties recenUy were caught. But hereafter the multitude uf can .iiid (but suggested that a baseball uame was in progress, will not ba found at i i rV. s. Ai.d Mr. Pope, the -olicitor, wh,i iovts to tih, and !:> his shown remaik.tble self restraint, will hitre tempta'. 1-n) removed fir from inn. PORT LAW Se.-dintt is about completed nu I the recent copious showers buve promoted rapid voi;eUtion. Mrs. James Hopps met wuh a very ptiuful accident inwiiay -i-t <.*. Her Husband was driving h fei>:e >ta!ie willi a heavy hammer and th'.i:i:'u th'it lie hid finished she pUod Her n_v h inJ on top of th: stake and Mr Uopps, not noticing this in time, liou^ht the iuuiuier down on lur hand lurnf.p.,' two of her tingeis open aa.l n juring another. The wounds are healing but atil, o.iuae much sutTeiinj. Mrs. U T, White and son, Roy, and Mi \\ illiam and Eohert Taylor motoreU to Toronto 1-1. d visited with nu uibers of famuies and also attended the meet inns. 8PRINGHILL Florence Kee is sp^mlieiz the holiday at lur In in- in I>ritiu[)*nu. t?unuy :ti]il Ross Biiniy ire visiting Hi their aunt,- Mis ll"y Tnistlei Mrs Wui 5> his returi.etl Iu after spending H foidiiiiht w.-h her t]iiugb.ter at Colliniidol. Mr John Whitten of Torontn is speiul int{ a few diiys itli Mr itud Mis Alfred HarrUou. Mr \Vili Hol>son mid s : s'er and Mr Jck Pii.;e of Toniuo me si.-en.iiui; th ho!iJ..y with Mr und Mrs K-M lV~t. Mr and &Jr W J Mocre visited with Mr niui Mis Semplf of Fe\ershin one day I i-t week. C ARD~O F THANKS Mrs. Jdiiies liemv mui fami'y wih ti their neighbor! ani friends their kiuJness and >yinpalhy ehon during their ieeein nd bereavFinetit. AUo the I'.ii t :>! Cnurch for the beau'i- fill wreth o< fl.iwwrs. MAIL CONTRACT Sealeil TcnJ'rsaililr>*ed|to the Pratinaster lieneral, will bt- ri'c*ivl at (Ottawa until n<x>n on KrUay.the 17th of Jiuie, tl'Sl. forth* oun- vfvanrt- of His Mnjestv'.* .Mails, on a |>roj>os- ed Ccntrai-t ft.rfour years, six Bines \vr week, on the P'utf rKVLON R. K. No. 1 timn the 1st of tK-tober, l!t>l. I'rinteil iiotio.'s i-'-iitaininit further informa- tion in t" o'liditions of |irn|iiril I'outractmay l: sfni anil blank !' vm cf Tender may be obtained at thf l'"st Olfices of Ceylon ami at thct-rti < f the Fost Orfioe IuK|H)rtT. ToroAlo, \ SI THKKI.ANU. l*o: Office lnsi<otr. T.wt Office Inspector'* Office, T..umt.., May ;.th. I'.'-'l. Medal For Bravery At the close of the ,if'etii.>i.-n service at the Preabyterian C'imr:\ Fteshertoo, Mr. Htrry E. Thoriibuiy, of Ftjvorsharn, wis presen'ej wi'li the R.<ja! L fa Saving , which was .! nuud by the Cana- dian Rnysl Humane Association, for '(cuing Nn ,-y Jau ai:d J. hu i om a runinay hmse one aflernooo last il Mr. D. McTvi,hmade thep'eiei.- ution with the following. (ddtOM : I"' Mr. Hirry K. Th .tnbury, Fevarsham, Ontario, To see, to decido, to dare, and to do without hesitation, constitute the Lack ;:ouud of all hero c deeds aud are ihere- the characteristics of a true Thise faculties you revealed one after- noon last October when * horse -tltached in i t;u.'L r y ran away through Fl. wi'h two little children, Nitrey J !. i. ' J In F..\v er, r^td four years and one year respi.-itivfty. You s;tw the terious *itii!'.i n in which they were placed, au.l with' ut utopj.iDg to think uf 'he dnnser r ui'-.r-clf, you ran ir .n-i .it.>i.;etl tl..- burse, and avtrttd wl. it nn^ht have been a setious, if not * fatil accident to the children. This net i.f yours w.-is Tcp' rUd to the IWJ-H! Humane S' c:t-'v of C iij;iJ i aiitl they hnve eoi sidere-.t it t" be ail act wrrthy ft their Lite ;, which I now present to you. Mr. .ir.u Jl:<. F. G. F.iwler -i!o ia!i to show their heart-felt tbanks. Tliey feel ihi-y can never adequately rt-p-iy y u for the service you rendered. li ask you to ic - '.eij'ie in tho n-nrie of their children. Wl.i e u nut signify til vViii- S the deeti. f. r humun live* '.-^ni o: be valutd in te: : Mid cent*, but they wish yen t.. accept it merely us :i tuken of their Miicere ^iuti- tuJe fjr the part y< u phiyeti. We, the oangregvtioD rf this Church aad citiz^cs of thia community, t'< to *hink yuu, anJ at '.he .-,m;e t'lue wish nijratuiari' y. 'i jp n l.e-.n,' t!ie of this li. \ . ! : Siviti' Medal. It i OD of the hifthrst h av.-ry unJ y. u have honourably it. VANDELE^R Miss Julia Davis motored t'i I\ . y one day last w;ek to visit wuh friends. Her mother. Sirs Dvi., who !>* been Tisi'ing with her dau;h'er, Sirs David- son, re'.urned home wuh her. >lesri EJ^ar and Jn-i \\ H'my aiiii Jack Ciibeit of Toronto . vi-ited with friends hero ud atlendcd 'he funer-iloi the ia'e Sid liillert > u Thui-Mii,* of lat week. Mr \Valtir L. ucks of S.,s'; visited a few days with his sister, Mrs Wyville. tjui'e a number of the youi n i r >|>Ii of the Epworth L-,uue here \ -,! it. a Fleaberton Yi-nnj People's Sn .ty Mondiy L-vtu iiss -f las: Wi-rk. A Very enjoyabk- evening was spent. i^!>me a number nf friends and . |iiai tanCM attended the funfral in Mukd on Thm^day )f last week uf ihf i.m Mi Siii Gilbert niC .lp.<y's li.y. lh d ce itti su n Vamleltur lioy ai U spent in >st cf his life in this part. A'vut lr> years H;II he was mimed to ^^is F.thii \Virini_' i.f ih is p'ace, who survives h.u> with (ive chiWren. MAIL CONTRACT SKA LEU TENDKJW addrewcd to the t\tmter Uenwrml wHI N- rewive 1 at Ottawa until noon on Friday, the 17th of .lime, 1*11, fur the cwnTeyanc* of His Majesty's Mails, on a pro|n>n>d Contract for four years, six liuiw pr week on the rute FLKSHKKTON R. R. Nc. 3 from the 1st of July, 1921. Printed noiicts containing further informa- tion as t" condition" of nropod contract niy ba Mn and black fornii of Tender may be .Htniii.-.l at the Font Ollc^e of Klesherti'ii, unJ at the office of rtie Ptwt Office lunpectur, Toronto. A. SVTK1SR1.AND. Pul OrtlCf l Poet Oflce Iusp*!tor'0ftc. Toronto, May 2nd, 1921. Profanity is terribly c. unit' n imi 'he evil is eUirg worse. Occ' the plea of ju-ititieidon uiy lie eiu. i<? ', but only fooU will ii.Ju't(e in it tu r little or u ; ciuse. Tosaythit lhe hi> t is such that a in in -wenrs wilh< nl km i"g it is true simietimtt?, I ut not often. It wil be noticed that the most, prof it c poison it able l.i bridle his tongue in tie pres- uf certain classes. \V ar u. t eiitt-iiug a p HA for nil to be D^eis, but we think tl) wiser and better elemiut should rrfrmu from a dis^ustit'i{ ludu!- gence in unprovoked prof^U'ly. Tt.e protMQCv ud ol scene pion always lnwe s hnucvlf in tie opiuinn i.f tlu'te wh'isc esuem is worth ba>ing. Duthnui Chronic'.e. Rural Service Department Special attention given to Farmers' problems. Use our Rural Exchange Service. If you have livestock, feed or seed grain to sell, or wish to purchase, list it on our Bulletin Board. Auction Sale Registers furnished free of charge. Have you received one of our Fanner's Account Books ? Have you been 123 supplied with a "Breeding and Feeding Chart"? Call in and tee at we are interested in your welfare. TH A\RCHANTS BANK Head Office : Montreal. OF CANADA Established 1364. FLESHERTON AND CEYLON BRANCHES, J. C SCOTT, - Manager. ENGAGEMENT RINGS There is at l.-ast om- period in VMiir life \vln_-n nothing l>ur the bf.t caii fully t-xji! > >.- yur feelings nt Lovi-.-int! l>evoiiuii. Thit moment i.s wh^n you place that liule tMreler rlut tVrever is the syni'ml ut mut- ual conhiioiice and <! affection. K ,nj ' '- . > v are c. .r" 1 . y il i ve<i 'o i - ?[>rt-t . W. A. ARMSTRONG ' Jeweler, FLESHERTON, - ONT. Bates BurialCo. BUSINESS 4S USUAL Funeral Directors and Embaimer* Phone Hillcrest 268 124 Avenue Road, Toronto, Ont. MOTOR EQUIPMENT J. W. Bates, R Maddocks, President. Manager Now is the time to re- new your subscription to The Advance. House of Quality Now is the time to sow your Beet and Turnip Seed. We handle Rennie's one of the best on the market. FLOUR Royal Household. We also handle Ladies' Favorite, Hill's Sovereign, and Perfection ; also Hill's Pastry Flour. We handle Rennie's Seed Corn including : Compton's Early, Wisconsin No. 7, North Dakota. Longfellow Improved Leamington. W. J. STEWART & SONS Flour, Feed, Seeds, Groceries and Confectionery Flesherton, - Ontario CANADA'S BKST Iu business training and improvement ID general education is had at the Owen Sound, Onr. Individual luslrviction Enir ny day. !'. IMIH- . Shorthand, Farmer'* nd Pr<?pr;toiy Courses. Catalogue Free. 1C. A. FLEMING. K.|C. A.. Principal 0. D. FLEMING, ScnUey. Mtntion this pnpvr when writiot;) n > & >l W 'f I (: :< >: i I i a Prices Cut to Pieces We have reduced our entire stock of Ladies' Hats, Veils, Trimmings one third. Our hats are all this season's stock in the very latest styles. Don't miss getting one at away below* cost. Big Reductions in all other Goods W. L. WRIGHT, Corner Store, Flesherton

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