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Flesherton Advance, 19 May 1921, p. 8

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May 10 THE FLESHB-KTON ADVANCE I Two Kinds of Economy in the Post-War Maxwell THE Post-War Maxwell inherited from its 300,000 predecessors two traits that captivate the person who likes continuous, uninterrupted, comfort- able and low-cost mileage. One is its freedom from repairs. It runs on and on. Give it gas, oil, grease and water and it will deliver an amazing amount of mileage. The second is the low price you pay per mile. Its thrifty engine with Hot Spot and Ram's- Horn, makes gas po a long way. Its 2,000 pounds of weight assures long tire wear. Such k'indr, of economy came from years of study and the experience which 300,000 previous Maxwells have taught. The notable improvements and refinements to be found in this car have caught the attention of many who figured that high efficiency meant high price. A demonstration of the Maxwell will convince you that a fine motor need not involve an ex- travagant outlay. Call at our showrooms, or let us know you are interested, and we will call at your home with a Maxwell. E. E. WATSON, Agent, Priceville, Ontario tin milei fnria!! Mn milt i on lirn Artemesia Council Art.omesia, Township Council met at the Town Hall on Saturday, May 4th, ii.i membem all prment, the Reeve in i li" chair. The minutes of l.-m meeting Wi-re it-id '.! > .nil in I . The followmfi account* wwre ordered to be paid : F Mathewaon. removing stone from Volley Head, ?! . F Duncan, tup- phei for Town Hall, $ ID ; Mi Hogarth p.. -> M ' il In- repiirt for April showing expenditure of $78.50 and was paid $7.80 cunmii- MM on tame ; Mr Litimer'n rjport for April ihnwa ... expenditure of |4G and lie was paid $2 30 commission i il $11 for 1 * days overseeing work ; Bylaw Appointing n\ . i -, i \ was umunded tiy n ;.|, ii.i i.. : J K Jiimieion overseer *t Eugenia in-ttead of J L^timtr. Burnett Hogarth That Mr Mailiew- HUH examine old grader to see what repairs aro needed aud hive it repured Carried Burnett Mathewson That A Mo- Donald tiu paid 95 for taking inmate to II. of R. from Pricevillo.-- Carried. Litimer Hogarth That Miss Addie Wil.tnii be refunded 98 cents, on aceount uf difference in lax bill and Bfe*melit notice. Carried, Burnett Maihowion That $1800 i hereby appropriate.! to be expended on i i,..s uud I.M.IHI--I .iiis yuar, VIB fc4'JU in each division and $200 on Valley (load, and In i i . cot-ting up to 25. In case of bridge coating over tha! amount, the Reeve and cmmi*niont;r fur the diviiiou : ii .11 be u committee to at'eud lo the smite, and no new bridge shall bu built, ! I'.- on resolution f ihe Council. Burnett Latimer That in reference to the petition of Thos Elliott et all io regard to cloving base line from lot 100 to ! 110, 3N.B. Mr Mathewson is appointed to examine the id road and report [ upon the lame at an early dte. Carried. Burnett Mathewsou That the first : Hitting of the Court of Ruviaion on ' \ . ,H. i.- of 1921 be held at the Town ! Hull OD Suturdny the 4th day f June, * 1921, at two o'clock p.m. C.irried. The Council adjourned . DR. F. C. NIXON Optometrist and Optical Specialist finrciniaiio Strt't-t mar 1 liird >' ivet Ciillin ;"""', Ontario Appointments : Daily II a. in. to 5 p. m. and Holidays arranged. . Box lOfiO 1 Jly 20 Yonge unJ Cliarkis Struetn, Toronto AccountHncy, atcnograpliy, typewriting and general improvement courses ; u|>--' or itiHfci H- i .'in i iily ; i i.d.-iii - tMJatad to position*. Upun all ycnr. NViite lor j>i o[M c' us. Kntur now. W. J. ELLIOTT. PRINCIPAL Court of Revision TOWKHHIP OK AHTKMKSI.V Notice ia hitraliy given that the first ittingH of the Cnuri of Uuvini<>n of the Ansphimrnt for tile year 1921, will i> hld at the Town Hall, l< Ivxlirr'on, on S.i'iip.l-i) , thu 4th day cf Jnni>, l''::l, at tiro o'clock in tlie afternoon. All partii'H Bppi'Hling ate n i|in- t.-i! to 'rci-l the said Court. - \V J. HKLI-AMY. Cork. Dited Mi.y 18 h, 1921. FlesHeirton I Tonsorial Parlors We Aim to Give Entire &>ntihfHction I LAUNDRY Banket cK.sea, Mnnda) i ni^lit, deliwry Fminy cv iul DYElNtJ - W t . !ir aj-onls for Pttrkivr'a Dye Wur1<H Clollii** i i mi- 1 Hill] ily-'l. li- I'll, i . i VI "H >'! T USHER- -I'UOI'RIETOK W. A. ARMSTRONG DEALFR FLESHERTON The Farmer's First Step in Business System THE first step in putting a farm on a business basis is to open a bank account. By this means you can keep accurate account of all moneys re- ceived, and by paying accounts and bills by cheque, you have a record of all moneys paid out. If you open a savings account in The Bank of Toronto your banking service will not only cost you nothing, but you will receive interest on your balances. Talk the matter over with our local Manager. His experience in financial matters should be useful to you. "BANMORONTO Capital $5,000,000 Reserves $6,986,354 BRANCHES: FEVERSHAM and MARKDALE GrvV SATISFIED ! THAT Is what over IOC useis say about 1900 Gravity washers supplied by S. HEMPHILL, Agent For 1900 Gravity washers and wringers Elect! ic and gasoline power washers . ALSO for McCorjmick Binders. Mowers, Hay Rakes, Hy Loader*, Drillc, Cultivator, 1'! *-, Steel S-'.ilN. Harrows, Gasoline Kngineo, BrHiitford doable eeart'd and auto uiled airmotor Wind MUIi, I:, i- Hay Carriers, Hay Fork*, Slings, Manure Carriers, Water ItowN, Wu'erTauks, Pump arid Piping. SOMETHING NEW IN BUZZ SAWS One third more wood cut with 8me power when titled with my patent. S. HEMPHILL Agent, - Ceylon, Ont. ^ BOAR for SERVICE Bull For Service 1 pii ; e 1 ) ;. r ; d JCv I T ortl i ^ r lr 8tfr?ice ! Pure brtd Durha ' bun, N 143013 f, on lot It,, S \\ 1 nd S t., Artemas.a HervJC(J ,, ,, )t ,., s W t & S H Arte- lenns-11.50. bows not returned will mBMi .. Tgrms-rJ for grade.. ' $5 for C. AKtNS, Prop . charged dnine Feb 15 - . Prop Court of Revision VILLAOK OK KLKSIIEUTON Notice in hureby given thtt he b'rit ' of llio Txuit of Kcvinion of 'he hui'l <i the Town II. i Klmheiton. on Monday, the 7<h d-y of June, 1021, at 7.30 p.m. All partif* ij.|. .1 i art- n-.i i r,-d to attend : I.-- raid Court. -W. J. HKLLAMV. Clerk. Dattd May IHth, 1021. Court of Revision TOWNSHIP OK OSIIIEY Nut n it Imrehy given tlmt the fir*' titling of the Court of Hnvition of ihn A-"" ' -ii.i'i.i i. i ii. \.-iii 1021, will le li.-l'l at i li- iiiiui:."' Hall, Maxwell, on Svurday, the 4ih duy of June, r.f.'l, at t -n o'clock in the forenoon. All paitim Hppfalinu are rrquHnled lo at i-iul the nni<l Couil. -H. W KKKNAUAN, Clerk. D>Ud May Klili, 1021. Built in Canada by skilled Canadian Workers and Canadian Capital Uncommonly Good Investment To-day, with many good curs on the market, the Gray-Dort -stands out as an exceptional car and an uncommonly desirable investment for you. You can buy all the good qualities of the Gray-Dort in other cars if you arc willing to' pay the price. Bui in no other car at anywhere near the Gray-Dort price can you secure the complete Combination of desirable features which makes the Gray-Dort the biggest bargain in the motor car field. Gray-Dort value has created a wide 4j$mand for this car. But Gray-Dort dealers are able to make almost immediate deliveries to a few owners. See your dealer to-day. H. DOWN & SONS, - FLESHERTON, ONT. GRAY-tJORT MOTORS, LIMITED Chatham. Oat.

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